{"features": [{"burials": [{"finds": [{"id": 118125, "properties": {"description": "An iron object of unknown function. Lost without a trace.\r\n\r\n", "maintype": {"id": 26506, "name": "Varia", "parent_id": 205561, "path": "Artifact > Cultural Object > Varia", "systemtype": "artifact"}, "name": "Cen_AS1F01", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "269", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}}}], "id": 118123, "properties": {"description": "No burial. Grave pit oriented: approx. E-W respectively W-E.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "283.0"}], "maintype": {"id": 26512, "name": "Interface", "parent_id": 13365, "path": "Stratigraphic unit > Interface", "systemtype": "stratigraphic_unit"}, "name": "Cen_AS1", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "269", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}}}], "files": [{"file_name": "42746.jpg", "id": 42746, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_38567", "reference": "Taf. 42", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "geometry": {"coordinates": [[[15.643287795, 48.586697653], [15.643288423, 48.586697487], [15.643290016, 48.586697182], [15.643291399, 48.586696489], [15.643293536, 48.586696156], [15.643296009, 48.586696101], [15.643298733, 48.586695768], [15.643301792, 48.586695408], [15.643304349, 48.586694825], [15.643307324, 48.586694576], [15.64330854, 48.586694271], [15.643309504, 48.586693883], [15.643309881, 48.586692996], [15.643309755, 48.58669222], [15.643309169, 48.586691776], [15.643308875, 48.586691027], [15.643308582, 48.586690196], [15.643307995, 48.586688754], [15.643307827, 48.586688033], [15.643307576, 48.586686952], [15.643306822, 48.586686065], [15.643306151, 48.586685483], [15.643304726, 48.586685594], [15.643303762, 48.586686037], [15.643303175, 48.586686426], [15.643302337, 48.586686509], [15.643301415, 48.586686259], [15.643300912, 48.586686869], [15.643301248, 48.586687451], [15.643301415, 48.586688061], [15.643300409, 48.586688366], [15.643299068, 48.586688283], [15.643297979, 48.586688061], [15.643297224, 48.586687701], [15.643296554, 48.586687756], [15.643296554, 48.586688366], [15.643296051, 48.586689115], [15.643294877, 48.586689641], [15.643292782, 48.586690085], [15.643291441, 48.586690224], [15.643290309, 48.586689974], [15.643288926, 48.586690113], [15.643288046, 48.586690279], [15.643286621, 48.586690307], [15.643285154, 48.58669039], [15.643284777, 48.586691027], [15.643284777, 48.586691859], [15.643284987, 48.586693107], [15.643285657, 48.58669416], [15.643286328, 48.586695297], [15.643286789, 48.586696489], [15.643286831, 48.586697321], [15.643287795, 48.586697653]]], "type": "Polygon"}, "id": 57167, "parent": 50505, "properties": {"description": "Irregular rectangular grave pit, mostly cut into the rock. Completely filled up and covered with stones.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "283.0"}, {"id": 15679, "name": "Height", "path": "Dimensions > Height", "unit": "cm", "value": "30.0"}, {"id": 26189, "name": "Length", "path": "Dimensions > Length", "unit": "cm", "value": "182.0"}, {"id": 26188, "name": "Width", "path": "Dimensions > Width", "unit": "cm", "value": "82.0"}, {"id": 118730, "name": "Azimuth", "path": "Dimensions > Azimuth", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "99"}, {"id": 148713, "name": "Nearest Neighbour", "path": "Dimensions > Distance > Nearest Neighbour", "unit": "m", "value": "1.54"}], "maintype": {"id": 26205, "name": "Single Grave", "parent_id": 26204, "path": "Feature > Grave > Single Grave", "systemtype": "feature"}, "name": "Cenotaph_A", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "269", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"id": 22299, "name": "Cut in rock", "path": "Grave Characteristics > Grave Construction > Cut in rock"}, {"id": 22300, "name": "Earth pit", "path": "Grave Characteristics > Grave Construction > Earth pit"}, {"id": 22309, "name": "Flat grave", "path": "Grave Characteristics > Grave Construction > Flat grave"}]}, "type": "Feature"}, {"burials": [{"id": 75357, "properties": {"description": "Early adult male. Oriented: NW-SO. Skull found laying on its right side, slightly turned back. Hand bones not in situ. No grave goods.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "310.0"}], "maintype": {"id": 26519, "name": "Skeleton", "parent_id": 26516, "path": "Stratigraphic unit > Burial (strat Unit) > Skeleton", "systemtype": "stratigraphic_unit"}, "name": "G001S1", "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"description": "years", "id": 117200, "name": "maximum age", "path": "Absolute Age > maximum age", "value": "22.0"}, {"description": "years", "id": 117199, "name": "minimum age", "path": "Absolute Age > minimum age", "value": "18.0"}, {"description": "[20,39.9]", "id": 22284, "name": "Adult", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Age > Grown up > Adult"}, {"id": 128067, "name": "Left arm stretched", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Arms > Left arm stretched"}, {"id": 128068, "name": "Right arm stretched", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Arms > Right arm stretched"}, {"id": 128052, "name": "Supine position", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > General > Supine position"}, {"id": 128060, "name": "On the right side", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Head > On the right side"}, {"id": 128062, "name": "Left leg stretched", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Legs > Left leg stretched"}, {"id": 128103, "name": "Right leg stretched", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Legs > Right leg stretched"}, {"id": 25, "name": "Male", "path": "Sex and Gender > Sex > Male"}]}}], "files": [{"file_name": "42407.jpg", "id": 42407, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_37356", "reference": "Taf. 1", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "geometry": {"coordinates": [[[15.643300032, 48.58659641], [15.643305355, 48.586597464], [15.643306822, 48.586595773], [15.643307031, 48.586595218], [15.643307366, 48.586594442], [15.643307827, 48.586593998], [15.643308037, 48.586593693], [15.643308749, 48.586593389], [15.643310049, 48.586592612], [15.643310174, 48.586591975], [15.643310007, 48.586591448], [15.6433103, 48.586590866], [15.643310384, 48.586590228], [15.643310342, 48.586589729], [15.643309671, 48.586589341], [15.643308875, 48.586589286], [15.643307869, 48.586589286], [15.643306822, 48.586589369], [15.643305564, 48.586589424], [15.643304768, 48.586589563], [15.643304139, 48.586589674], [15.643303511, 48.586589923], [15.643302882, 48.586590589], [15.643301415, 48.586593416], [15.643301415, 48.586593416], [15.643300032, 48.58659641]]], "type": "Polygon"}, "id": 58775, "parent": 50505, "properties": {"description": "Oval shaped grave pit. Only the lower part was documented. In the area of the left shoulder as well as the right armpit a stone was placed. The southeastern part of the grave was disturbed by the trench's profile. \r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 148713, "name": "Nearest Neighbour", "path": "Dimensions > Distance > Nearest Neighbour", "unit": "m", "value": "4.57"}, {"id": 118730, "name": "Azimuth", "path": "Dimensions > Azimuth", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "136"}, {"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "310.0"}, {"id": 26189, "name": "Length", "path": "Dimensions > Length", "unit": "cm", "value": "183.0"}, {"id": 26188, "name": "Width", "path": "Dimensions > Width", "unit": "cm", "value": "59.0"}], "maintype": {"id": 26205, "name": "Single Grave", "parent_id": 26204, "path": "Feature > Grave > Single Grave", "systemtype": "feature"}, "name": "Grave 001", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "228", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"id": 22309, "name": "Flat grave", "path": "Grave Characteristics > Grave Construction > Flat grave"}, {"id": 22302, "name": "Stone placement", "path": "Grave Characteristics > Grave Construction > Stone placement"}]}, "type": "Feature"}, {"burials": [{"finds": [{"files": [{"file_name": "42408.jpg", "id": 42408, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_37381", "reference": "Taf. 1/1", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "id": 101561, "properties": {"description": "Copper alloy pin; one end truncated; tapered on both ends; profile: oval-shaped.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26189, "name": "Length", "path": "Dimensions > Length", "unit": "cm", "value": "9.0"}, {"id": 26190, "name": "Thickness", "path": "Dimensions > Thickness", "unit": "cm", "value": "0.45"}, {"id": 26188, "name": "Width", "path": "Dimensions > Width", "unit": "cm", "value": "0.7"}], "maintype": {"id": 26506, "name": "Varia", "parent_id": 205561, "path": "Artifact > Cultural Object > Varia", "systemtype": "artifact"}, "material": [{"id": 26546, "name": "Copper Alloy", "path": "Material > Metal > Non-Ferrous Metal > Copper Alloy", "value": "0.0"}], "name": "G002F01", "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"id": 23470, "name": "Abdomen", "path": "Position of Find in Grave > Upper Body > Abdomen"}]}}, {"id": 101567, "properties": {"description": "Animal bone\r\n\r\n", "maintype": {"id": 26507, "name": "Animal Remains", "parent_id": 26506, "path": "Artifact > Cultural Object > Varia > Animal Remains", "systemtype": "artifact"}, "name": "G002F02", "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"id": 23455, "name": "Lower leg right", "path": "Position of Find in Grave > Lower Body > Leg right > Lower leg right"}]}}], "id": 74939, "properties": {"description": "Mature male. Oriented: NW-SE. Head and upper body not entirely in situ.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "301.0"}], "maintype": {"id": 26519, "name": "Skeleton", "parent_id": 26516, "path": "Stratigraphic unit > Burial (strat Unit) > Skeleton", "systemtype": "stratigraphic_unit"}, "name": "G002S1", "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"description": "years", "id": 117200, "name": "maximum age", "path": "Absolute Age > maximum age", "value": "60.0"}, {"description": "years", "id": 117199, "name": "minimum age", "path": "Absolute Age > minimum age", "value": "40.0"}, {"description": "[40,59.9]", "id": 22286, "name": "Matur", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Age > Grown up > Matur"}, {"id": 128067, "name": "Left arm stretched", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Arms > Left arm stretched"}, {"id": 128080, "name": "Right arm slightly bent", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Arms > Right arm slightly bent"}, {"id": 128052, "name": "Supine position", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > General > Supine position"}, {"id": 128084, "name": "Left hand next to the body", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Hands > Left hand next to the body"}, {"id": 128086, "name": "Right hand on the pelvis", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Hands > Right hand on the pelvis"}, {"id": 128060, "name": "On the right side", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Head > On the right side"}, {"id": 128062, "name": "Left leg stretched", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Legs > Left leg stretched"}, {"id": 128103, "name": "Right leg stretched", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Legs > Right leg stretched"}, {"id": 25, "name": "Male", "path": "Sex and Gender > Sex > Male"}]}}], "files": [{"file_name": "42404.jpg", "id": 42404, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_37359", "reference": "Taf. 1", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "geometry": {"coordinates": [[[15.643260931, 48.5866322], [15.643261727, 48.586633143], [15.643263487, 48.586634113], [15.643264451, 48.586635111], [15.643264954, 48.58663561], [15.643265708, 48.586635749], [15.643266421, 48.586635416], [15.643268349, 48.586635194], [15.643269145, 48.586634446], [15.643270109, 48.586633864], [15.643270989, 48.586633586], [15.643271618, 48.586633753], [15.643271157, 48.586633143], [15.643272791, 48.586633032], [15.643275431, 48.586631951], [15.643275767, 48.586631368], [15.643279455, 48.586629622], [15.643282849, 48.586627931], [15.643285615, 48.586626711], [15.643288423, 48.586624632], [15.643289052, 48.58662344], [15.643288381, 48.586621832], [15.643287208, 48.586620751], [15.643285657, 48.586620889], [15.643283059, 48.586622359], [15.643281802, 48.586623301], [15.643278575, 48.586624188], [15.643274677, 48.586625935], [15.643266672, 48.586629594], [15.643260931, 48.5866322]]], "type": "Polygon"}, "id": 58763, "parent": 50505, "properties": {"description": "Rectangular shaped grave pit partly cut into the rock. Partly surrounded by standing stones (some of them granulit).\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 118730, "name": "Azimuth", "path": "Dimensions > Azimuth", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "115"}, {"id": 148713, "name": "Nearest Neighbour", "path": "Dimensions > Distance > Nearest Neighbour", "unit": "m", "value": "2.84"}, {"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "301.0"}, {"id": 15679, "name": "Height", "path": "Dimensions > Height", "unit": "cm", "value": "33.0"}, {"id": 26189, "name": "Length", "path": "Dimensions > Length", "unit": "cm", "value": "254.0"}, {"id": 26188, "name": "Width", "path": "Dimensions > Width", "unit": "cm", "value": "55.0"}], "maintype": {"id": 26205, "name": "Single Grave", "parent_id": 26204, "path": "Feature > Grave > Single Grave", "systemtype": "feature"}, "name": "Grave 002", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "228", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"id": 22309, "name": "Flat grave", "path": "Grave Characteristics > Grave Construction > Flat grave"}, {"id": 22302, "name": "Stone placement", "path": "Grave Characteristics > Grave Construction > Stone placement"}]}, "type": "Feature"}, {"burials": [{"finds": [{"files": [{"file_name": "117210.jpg", "id": 117210, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_38561", "reference": "Taf. 1/2", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "id": 117208, "properties": {"description": "Needle fragment found in the backfilling of grave 003. Made out of an unknown metal. Lost without trace\r\n\r\n", "maintype": {"id": 26250, "name": "Needle", "parent_id": 26223, "path": "Artifact > Cultural Object > Equipment > Needle", "systemtype": "artifact"}, "name": "G003SU2F01", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "228", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}]}}], "id": 117203, "properties": {"description": "Backfilling of grave 003.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "82.0"}], "maintype": {"id": 117202, "name": "Backfilling", "parent_id": 26514, "path": "Stratigraphic unit > Deposit > Backfilling", "systemtype": "stratigraphic_unit"}, "name": "G003SU2", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "228", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}]}}, {"finds": [{"files": [{"file_name": "45096.jpg", "id": 45096, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_37387", "reference": "Taf. 1/3", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "id": 101573, "properties": {"description": "Pot; slightly fragmented rim; rim dia.: 10.1 cm; max. dia.: 12.9 cm; bottom dia.: 7.0 cm; height: 12.3 cm; heavily enriched with gold mica (grain size up to 0.5 mm, evenly distributed), enriched with small stones; ceramic group B; slowly turned, turning grooves, traces of a smoothening bar on inside of the neck recess; protruding, almost vertically cut off rim; on the shoulder and lower part two circumferential, horizontal linear ornaments and wave bands; colour dark grey and red-brown, mixed fire.\r\n\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26191, "name": "Diameter", "path": "Dimensions > Diameter", "unit": "cm", "value": "12.9"}, {"id": 15679, "name": "Height", "path": "Dimensions > Height", "unit": "cm", "value": "12.3"}], "maintype": {"id": 26301, "name": "Pot", "parent_id": 26294, "path": "Artifact > Cultural Object > Container > Pottery > Pot", "systemtype": "artifact"}, "material": [{"id": 26561, "name": "Ceramic", "path": "Material > Geological > Clay > Ceramic", "value": "0.0"}], "name": "G003F01", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "228", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}}}], "id": 74945, "properties": {"description": "No human remains preserved. ESE-WNW oriented.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "82.0"}], "maintype": {"id": 26516, "name": "Burial (strat Unit)", "parent_id": 13365, "path": "Stratigraphic unit > Burial (strat Unit)", "systemtype": "stratigraphic_unit"}, "name": "G003SU1", "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}}}], "files": [{"file_name": "42409.jpg", "id": 42409, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_37383", "reference": "Taf. 1", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "geometry": {"coordinates": [[[15.643203326, 48.58668443], [15.64320209, 48.586683847], [15.643201231, 48.586683085], [15.643200874, 48.586682378], [15.643200518, 48.586681768], [15.643200581, 48.58668102], [15.643201608, 48.586680327], [15.643204018, 48.58667962], [15.643206029, 48.586679093], [15.64320758, 48.586678885], [15.643209529, 48.586678552], [15.643210786, 48.586678511], [15.643212358, 48.5866784], [15.643213112, 48.586678635], [15.643213908, 48.586679051], [15.64321416, 48.586679841], [15.643214264, 48.58668059], [15.643214076, 48.586681269], [15.643212756, 48.586681907], [15.643211037, 48.586682572], [15.643210073, 48.586682932], [15.643207517, 48.586683639], [15.643205002, 48.586684208], [15.643203326, 48.58668443]]], "type": "Polygon"}, "id": 58799, "parent": 50505, "properties": {"description": "Almost rectangular grave pit. Partly surrounded by stones and stone plates (some of them granulit).\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 148713, "name": "Nearest Neighbour", "path": "Dimensions > Distance > Nearest Neighbour", "unit": "m", "value": "0.7"}, {"id": 118730, "name": "Azimuth", "path": "Dimensions > Azimuth", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "103"}, {"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "82.0"}, {"id": 15679, "name": "Height", "path": "Dimensions > Height", "unit": "cm", "value": "23.0"}, {"id": 26189, "name": "Length", "path": "Dimensions > Length", "unit": "cm", "value": "104.0"}, {"id": 26188, "name": "Width", "path": "Dimensions > Width", "unit": "cm", "value": "52.0"}], "maintype": {"id": 26204, "name": "Grave", "parent_id": 13362, "path": "Feature > Grave", "systemtype": "feature"}, "name": "Grave 003", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "228", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"id": 22309, "name": "Flat grave", "path": "Grave Characteristics > Grave Construction > Flat grave"}, {"id": 22302, "name": "Stone placement", "path": "Grave Characteristics > Grave Construction > Stone placement"}]}, "type": "Feature"}, {"burials": [{"finds": [{"files": [{"file_name": "42412.jpg", "id": 42412, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_37394", "reference": "Taf. 1/5", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "id": 95583, "properties": {"description": "Pot; slightly fragmented rim; rim dia.: 8.0 cm; dia.: 10.8 cm; bottom dia.: 7.1 cm; Height: 9.7 cm; heavily enriched with silver mica (grain size up to 2 mm, evenly distributed); ceramic group D; slowly turned, bottom mark in the shape of a half, irregularly-shaped star, on the inside horizontal smoothening traces and a step close above the bottom, protruding, diagonally cut off rim with circumferential groove, pronounced belly break; on the shoulder ornamented with multiple wave lines, the lower part of the vessel exhibits several circumferential linear ornaments; colour dark grey and brown-grey, miyed fire.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26191, "name": "Diameter", "path": "Dimensions > Diameter", "unit": "cm", "value": "10.8"}, {"id": 15679, "name": "Height", "path": "Dimensions > Height", "unit": "cm", "value": "9.7"}], "maintype": {"id": 26301, "name": "Pot", "parent_id": 26294, "path": "Artifact > Cultural Object > Container > Pottery > Pot", "systemtype": "artifact"}, "material": [{"id": 26561, "name": "Ceramic", "path": "Material > Geological > Clay > Ceramic", "value": "0.0"}], "name": "G004F01", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "228-229", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"id": 23453, "name": "Foot right", "path": "Position of Find in Grave > Lower Body > Leg right > Foot right"}]}}, {"files": [{"file_name": "42413.jpg", "id": 42413, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_37396", "reference": "Taf. 1/4", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "id": 101585, "properties": {"description": "Copper alloy wire bent into a loop; potentially a plain temple ring; L.: 1.45 cm, wire thickness: 0.1 cm; profile: round-shaped.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26191, "name": "Diameter", "path": "Dimensions > Diameter", "unit": "cm", "value": "0.1"}, {"id": 26189, "name": "Length", "path": "Dimensions > Length", "unit": "cm", "value": "1.45"}], "maintype": {"id": 26420, "name": "Open Wire Ring", "parent_id": 26408, "path": "Artifact > Cultural Object > Accessories > Jewellery > EarringsTemple Rings > Wire Rings > Open Wire Ring", "systemtype": "artifact"}, "material": [{"id": 26546, "name": "Copper Alloy", "path": "Material > Metal > Non-Ferrous Metal > Copper Alloy", "value": "0.0"}], "name": "G004F02", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "229", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}}}], "id": 77241, "properties": {"description": "Child aged between 12 and 18 months (infans 1). Oriented: SE-NW. Besides the skull, the whole skeleton is not in situ. Only a few long bones and ribs preserved.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "121.0"}], "maintype": {"id": 26519, "name": "Skeleton", "parent_id": 26516, "path": "Stratigraphic unit > Burial (strat Unit) > Skeleton", "systemtype": "stratigraphic_unit"}, "name": "G004S1", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "228", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"description": "years", "id": 117200, "name": "maximum age", "path": "Absolute Age > maximum age", "value": "1.5"}, {"description": "years", "id": 117199, "name": "minimum age", "path": "Absolute Age > minimum age", "value": "1.0"}, {"description": "[0,6.9]", "id": 22279, "name": "Infans I", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Age > Child > Infans I-II > Infans I"}, {"id": 128052, "name": "Supine position", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > General > Supine position"}, {"id": 128059, "name": "Head straight", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Head > Head straight"}, {"id": 128062, "name": "Left leg stretched", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Legs > Left leg stretched"}, {"id": 128103, "name": "Right leg stretched", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Legs > Right leg stretched"}, {"description": "Possible result of anthropological sex determination. In this context, undetermined means that not enough bone material or specific features were preserved to carry out a sex determination (unlike indifferent, where the preserved features were neither clearly male nor female).", "id": 22375, "name": "undetermined", "path": "Sex and Gender > Sex > undetermined"}]}}], "files": [{"file_name": "42411.jpg", "id": 42411, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_37391", "reference": "Taf. 1", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "geometry": {"coordinates": [[[15.643215962, 48.586694881], [15.643216884, 48.586694493], [15.643218476, 48.586693495], [15.64322053, 48.586692275], [15.643221787, 48.586691665], [15.643222625, 48.586691277], [15.643223925, 48.586690418], [15.643225349, 48.586689725], [15.643226104, 48.586689281], [15.643226607, 48.586688532], [15.643226062, 48.586687562], [15.643225308, 48.586686897], [15.64322338, 48.586687035], [15.643221242, 48.586687285], [15.643219482, 48.58668795], [15.643217806, 48.586688616], [15.643216171, 48.58668917], [15.643214872, 48.586690085], [15.643213531, 48.586690861], [15.643212651, 48.586691416], [15.643212777, 48.586692109], [15.643213489, 48.586692913], [15.643214202, 48.586693855], [15.643214956, 48.586694354], [15.643215962, 48.586694881]]], "type": "Polygon"}, "id": 58811, "parent": 50505, "properties": {"description": "Rectangular shaped grave pit, slightly cut into the rock. Surrounded by stones and standing stones on three sides (long sides and lower end).\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 148713, "name": "Nearest Neighbour", "path": "Dimensions > Distance > Nearest Neighbour", "unit": "m", "value": "1.34"}, {"id": 118730, "name": "Azimuth", "path": "Dimensions > Azimuth", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "119"}, {"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "121.0"}, {"id": 15679, "name": "Height", "path": "Dimensions > Height", "unit": "cm", "value": "16.0"}, {"id": 26189, "name": "Length", "path": "Dimensions > Length", "unit": "cm", "value": "99.0"}, {"id": 26188, "name": "Width", "path": "Dimensions > Width", "unit": "cm", "value": "53.0"}], "maintype": {"id": 26205, "name": "Single Grave", "parent_id": 26204, "path": "Feature > Grave > Single Grave", "systemtype": "feature"}, "name": "Grave 004", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "228", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"id": 22309, "name": "Flat grave", "path": "Grave Characteristics > Grave Construction > Flat grave"}, {"id": 22302, "name": "Stone placement", "path": "Grave Characteristics > Grave Construction > Stone placement"}]}, "type": "Feature"}, {"burials": [{"finds": [{"id": 117211, "properties": {"description": "Nearby the skull botanical remains were found.\r\n\r\n", "maintype": {"id": 26506, "name": "Varia", "parent_id": 205561, "path": "Artifact > Cultural Object > Varia", "systemtype": "artifact"}, "name": "G005S1F01", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "229", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "types": [{"id": 23441, "name": "Head", "path": "Position of Find in Grave > Head"}]}}], "id": 77247, "properties": {"description": "Early adult male. Oriented: WNW-ESE. Skull found laying on its left side, not in situ. Few of the other bones are dislocated slightly. Lower limbs not documented.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "286.0"}], "maintype": {"id": 26519, "name": "Skeleton", "parent_id": 26516, "path": "Stratigraphic unit > Burial (strat Unit) > Skeleton", "systemtype": "stratigraphic_unit"}, "name": "G005S1", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "229", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"description": "years", "id": 117200, "name": "maximum age", "path": "Absolute Age > maximum age", "value": "25.0"}, {"description": "years", "id": 117199, "name": "minimum age", "path": "Absolute Age > minimum age", "value": "20.0"}, {"description": "[20,39.9]", "id": 22284, "name": "Adult", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Age > Grown up > Adult"}, {"id": 128072, "name": "Left arm not in situ", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Arms > Left arm not in situ"}, {"id": 128068, "name": "Right arm stretched", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Arms > Right arm stretched"}, {"id": 128052, "name": "Supine position", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > General > Supine position"}, {"id": 128061, "name": "On the left side", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Head > On the left side"}, {"id": 25, "name": "Male", "path": "Sex and Gender > Sex > Male"}]}}], "files": [{"file_name": "42414.jpg", "id": 42414, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_37398", "reference": "Taf. 1", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "geometry": {"coordinates": [[[15.643224092, 48.586737629], [15.643229163, 48.586727289], [15.643227277, 48.586727205], [15.64322623, 48.586727427], [15.643225014, 48.586727732], [15.643223505, 48.586728425], [15.64322162, 48.586729229], [15.643220153, 48.5867297], [15.643219189, 48.58672995], [15.64321856, 48.586730172], [15.643217932, 48.586730698], [15.643217764, 48.586731253], [15.643217219, 48.586731669], [15.643215794, 48.586731974], [15.64321483, 48.586732362], [15.643213573, 48.586732639], [15.64321286, 48.586732778], [15.643212106, 48.586732944], [15.643211938, 48.586733554], [15.643212232, 48.586734081], [15.643213154, 48.586734857], [15.64321416, 48.586735578], [15.643215375, 48.586736215], [15.643216381, 48.58673677], [15.643217261, 48.586736908], [15.643218309, 48.586736631], [15.643219273, 48.586736631], [15.643219734, 48.586737269], [15.643220488, 48.586737629], [15.64322162, 48.586737601], [15.643224092, 48.586737629]]], "type": "Polygon"}, "id": 58817, "parent": 50505, "properties": {"description": "Rectangular shaped grave pit cut into the rock. Partly surrounded by rocks. Only the Western part is documented due to a disturbance of the trench\u2018s profile.\r\nIn the Western corner of the grave, a post-hole was found. It was cut in the rock as well. Stratigraphical relations to the grave are unknown\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "286.0"}, {"id": 15679, "name": "Height", "path": "Dimensions > Height", "unit": "cm", "value": "26.0"}, {"id": 26189, "name": "Length", "path": "Dimensions > Length", "unit": "cm", "value": "112.0"}, {"id": 26188, "name": "Width", "path": "Dimensions > Width", "unit": "cm", "value": "65.0"}, {"id": 148713, "name": "Nearest Neighbour", "path": "Dimensions > Distance > Nearest Neighbour", "unit": "m", "value": "2.02"}, {"id": 118730, "name": "Azimuth", "path": "Dimensions > Azimuth", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "111"}], "maintype": {"id": 26205, "name": "Single Grave", "parent_id": 26204, "path": "Feature > Grave > Single Grave", "systemtype": "feature"}, "name": "Grave 005", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "229", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"id": 22309, "name": "Flat grave", "path": "Grave Characteristics > Grave Construction > Flat grave"}, {"id": 22302, "name": "Stone placement", "path": "Grave Characteristics > Grave Construction > Stone placement"}]}, "type": "Feature"}, {"burials": [{"id": 76547, "properties": {"description": "Child aged 12 to 18 months (infans 1) found in the trench\u2018s profile. It is possible that the child was buried together with G006S1 (grave with multiple burials?). Only a few bones preserved. No grave goods.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "327.0"}], "maintype": {"id": 26519, "name": "Skeleton", "parent_id": 26516, "path": "Stratigraphic unit > Burial (strat Unit) > Skeleton", "systemtype": "stratigraphic_unit"}, "name": "G006S2", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "229", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"description": "years", "id": 117200, "name": "maximum age", "path": "Absolute Age > maximum age", "value": "1.5"}, {"description": "years", "id": 117199, "name": "minimum age", "path": "Absolute Age > minimum age", "value": "1.0"}, {"description": "[0,6.9]", "id": 22279, "name": "Infans I", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Age > Child > Infans I-II > Infans I"}, {"description": "Possible result of anthropological sex determination. In this context, undetermined means that not enough bone material or specific features were preserved to carry out a sex determination (unlike indifferent, where the preserved features were neither clearly male nor female).", "id": 22375, "name": "undetermined", "path": "Sex and Gender > Sex > undetermined"}]}}, {"id": 74963, "properties": {"description": "Child aged 3 to 4 years (infans 1) as one of possibly two burials. Oriented: SE-NW. Only the lower limbs were documented. Found with bones of another child (12 to 18 months, G006S2, trench\u2018s profile). No grave goods.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "327.0"}], "maintype": {"id": 26519, "name": "Skeleton", "parent_id": 26516, "path": "Stratigraphic unit > Burial (strat Unit) > Skeleton", "systemtype": "stratigraphic_unit"}, "name": "G006S1", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "229", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"description": "years", "id": 117200, "name": "maximum age", "path": "Absolute Age > maximum age", "value": "4.0"}, {"description": "years", "id": 117199, "name": "minimum age", "path": "Absolute Age > minimum age", "value": "3.0"}, {"description": "[0,6.9]", "id": 22279, "name": "Infans I", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Age > Child > Infans I-II > Infans I"}, {"id": 128052, "name": "Supine position", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > General > Supine position"}, {"description": "Possible result of anthropological sex determination. In this context, undetermined means that not enough bone material or specific features were preserved to carry out a sex determination (unlike indifferent, where the preserved features were neither clearly male nor female).", "id": 22375, "name": "undetermined", "path": "Sex and Gender > Sex > undetermined"}]}}], "files": [{"file_name": "42417.jpg", "id": 42417, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_37418", "reference": "Taf. 1", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "geometry": {"coordinates": [[[15.643382468, 48.586622705], [15.643382594, 48.586623842], [15.643382405, 48.586624521], [15.643381462, 48.586625062], [15.643380478, 48.586625699], [15.643379535, 48.586626171], [15.643378759, 48.586626434], [15.643378173, 48.58662642], [15.643377712, 48.586626226], [15.643377313, 48.586625699], [15.64337723, 48.586625297], [15.643377439, 48.586624729], [15.643377879, 48.586624077], [15.643378696, 48.586623357], [15.643379639, 48.586622664], [15.643380247, 48.586622289], [15.643381274, 48.586622483], [15.643382468, 48.586622705]]], "type": "Polygon"}, "id": 58823, "parent": 50505, "properties": {"description": "No visible grave pit preserved. Burial was found in unregular squared pit filling. South-Eastern part undocumented due to trench's profile.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 118730, "name": "Azimuth", "path": "Dimensions > Azimuth", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "121"}, {"id": 148713, "name": "Nearest Neighbour", "path": "Dimensions > Distance > Nearest Neighbour", "unit": "m", "value": "7.02"}, {"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "327.0"}, {"id": 26189, "name": "Length", "path": "Dimensions > Length", "unit": "cm", "value": "114.0"}, {"id": 26188, "name": "Width", "path": "Dimensions > Width", "unit": "cm", "value": "94.0"}], "maintype": {"id": 26206, "name": "Grave with multiple burials", "parent_id": 26204, "path": "Feature > Grave > Grave with multiple burials", "systemtype": "feature"}, "name": "Grave 006", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "229", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"id": 22309, "name": "Flat grave", "path": "Grave Characteristics > Grave Construction > Flat grave"}]}, "type": "Feature"}, {"burials": [{"finds": [{"files": [{"file_name": "42415.jpg", "id": 42415, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_37416", "reference": "Taf. 2/2", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "id": 101591, "properties": {"description": "Socketed arrowhead with rhombic leaf; iron; slightly fragmented; preserved L.: 6.9 cm; W.: 2.2 cm; socket dia.: 1.2 cm; in a piece of the socket wood was preserved.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26191, "name": "Diameter", "path": "Dimensions > Diameter", "unit": "cm", "value": "1.2"}, {"id": 26189, "name": "Length", "path": "Dimensions > Length", "unit": "cm", "value": "6.9"}, {"id": 26188, "name": "Width", "path": "Dimensions > Width", "unit": "cm", "value": "2.2"}], "maintype": {"id": 26460, "name": "Arrowhead", "parent_id": 26450, "path": "Artifact > Cultural Object > WeaponsArmourRiding > Attack Weapons > Arrowhead", "systemtype": "artifact"}, "material": [{"id": 26540, "name": "Iron", "path": "Material > Metal > Iron", "value": "0.0"}], "name": "G007F01", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "229", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"id": 23479, "name": "Chest left", "path": "Position of Find in Grave > Upper Body > Chest > Chest left"}]}}, {"files": [{"file_name": "117213.jpg", "id": 117213, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "NB_Thunau_G007S1F02", "reference": "Taf. 2/4", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "id": 102187, "properties": {"description": "Iron knife with handle prong; point and end of handle prong are missing; preserved L.: 20.4 cm; of that 4.9 cm are attributed to the length of the handle prong; width of the blade: 1.9 cm; width of the back: 0.3 cm; profile of the blade: triangular-shaped; profile of the handle prong: rectangular-shaped. Back set off in a steeply oblique manner, slightly bent downwards to the point after 11.3 cm, edge set off obliquely.\r\n\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26189, "name": "Length", "path": "Dimensions > Length", "unit": "cm", "value": "20.4"}, {"id": 26188, "name": "Width", "path": "Dimensions > Width", "unit": "cm", "value": "1.9"}], "maintype": {"id": 26245, "name": "Rod-Tanged Knife", "parent_id": 26244, "path": "Artifact > Cultural Object > Equipment > Knife > Rod-Tanged Knife", "systemtype": "artifact"}, "material": [{"id": 26540, "name": "Iron", "path": "Material > Metal > Iron", "value": "0.0"}], "name": "G007F02", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "229", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"id": 23451, "name": "Thigh left", "path": "Position of Find in Grave > Lower Body > Leg Left > Thigh left"}]}}], "id": 77841, "properties": {"description": "Mature male. Oriented: NE-SW. Skull crushed, thoracic region disturbed. Only long bones, vertebrae, and parts of the pelvis are preserved. Arms were originally outstretched. But due to the disturbance, the left arm is angled, the hand would be laying in the pelvis area.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "308.0"}], "maintype": {"id": 26519, "name": "Skeleton", "parent_id": 26516, "path": "Stratigraphic unit > Burial (strat Unit) > Skeleton", "systemtype": "stratigraphic_unit"}, "name": "G007S1", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "229", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"description": "years", "id": 117200, "name": "maximum age", "path": "Absolute Age > maximum age", "value": "60.0"}, {"description": "years", "id": 117199, "name": "minimum age", "path": "Absolute Age > minimum age", "value": "40.0"}, {"description": "[40,59.9]", "id": 22286, "name": "Matur", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Age > Grown up > Matur"}, {"id": 128069, "name": "Left arm slightly bent", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Arms > Left arm slightly bent"}, {"id": 128068, "name": "Right arm stretched", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Arms > Right arm stretched"}, {"id": 128052, "name": "Supine position", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > General > Supine position"}, {"id": 128059, "name": "Head straight", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Head > Head straight"}, {"id": 128062, "name": "Left leg stretched", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Legs > Left leg stretched"}, {"id": 128103, "name": "Right leg stretched", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Legs > Right leg stretched"}, {"id": 25, "name": "Male", "path": "Sex and Gender > Sex > Male"}]}}], "files": [{"file_name": "44039.jpg", "id": 44039, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_37408", "reference": "Taf. 2", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "geometry": {"coordinates": [[[15.643363609, 48.586693523], [15.643362603, 48.586693107], [15.643361514, 48.586692303], [15.643360843, 48.586691388], [15.643359921, 48.586690584], [15.643359586, 48.58668978], [15.643359167, 48.586689198], [15.643360047, 48.586688338], [15.643361681, 48.586687368], [15.643362813, 48.586686287], [15.643364154, 48.586685289], [15.643365998, 48.586684485], [15.6433678, 48.586683903], [15.643369895, 48.586683071], [15.643371698, 48.586682517], [15.643374338, 48.58668174], [15.643375553, 48.586681602], [15.643377104, 48.586680964], [15.643378613, 48.586680548], [15.643380624, 48.586680382], [15.643381504, 48.586680382], [15.643382636, 48.586681047], [15.643383432, 48.586681768], [15.643384312, 48.586682711], [15.643384312, 48.586683515], [15.643383893, 48.586683986], [15.64338272, 48.586684319], [15.643381421, 48.586684707], [15.643380289, 48.586685289], [15.643379199, 48.586685788], [15.643378068, 48.586686259], [15.643376643, 48.58668662], [15.643376056, 48.586687396], [15.643374338, 48.5866882], [15.643372703, 48.586689031], [15.643369979, 48.586690362], [15.643368387, 48.586691166], [15.643366459, 48.586692247], [15.643364866, 48.586692996], [15.643363609, 48.586693523]]], "type": "Polygon"}, "id": 59201, "parent": 50505, "properties": {"description": "Rectangular grave pit, cut into the rock. Surrounded by stones. Eastern end of the pit is slightly disturbed by the trench\u2018s profile.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "308.0"}, {"id": 15679, "name": "Height", "path": "Dimensions > Height", "unit": "cm", "value": "27.0"}, {"id": 26189, "name": "Length", "path": "Dimensions > Length", "unit": "cm", "value": "209.0"}, {"id": 26188, "name": "Width", "path": "Dimensions > Width", "unit": "cm", "value": "148.0"}, {"id": 148713, "name": "Nearest Neighbour", "path": "Dimensions > Distance > Nearest Neighbour", "unit": "m", "value": "0.85"}, {"id": 118730, "name": "Azimuth", "path": "Dimensions > Azimuth", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "115"}], "maintype": {"id": 26205, "name": "Single Grave", "parent_id": 26204, "path": "Feature > Grave > Single Grave", "systemtype": "feature"}, "name": "Grave 007", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "229", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"id": 22309, "name": "Flat grave", "path": "Grave Characteristics > Grave Construction > Flat grave"}, {"id": 22302, "name": "Stone placement", "path": "Grave Characteristics > Grave Construction > Stone placement"}]}, "type": "Feature"}, {"burials": [{"finds": [{"files": [{"file_name": "42416.jpg", "id": 42416, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_37425", "reference": "Taf. 2/3", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "id": 102193, "properties": {"description": "Fragment of a pot, missing. Lower part of the vessel and belly preserved; max. diameter: 12 cm, bottom dia.: 80 cm, preserved height: 82 cm; enriched with mica, ceramic group B/D; turning grooves; on the shoulder and lower part respectively two horizontal, circumferential linear ornaments, on the belly multiple wave bands.\r\n\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26191, "name": "Diameter", "path": "Dimensions > Diameter", "unit": "cm", "value": "12.0"}], "maintype": {"id": 26301, "name": "Pot", "parent_id": 26294, "path": "Artifact > Cultural Object > Container > Pottery > Pot", "systemtype": "artifact"}, "material": [{"id": 26561, "name": "Ceramic", "path": "Material > Geological > Clay > Ceramic", "value": "0.0"}], "name": "G008F01", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "229", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"id": 23446, "name": "Lower Body", "path": "Position of Find in Grave > Lower Body"}]}}], "id": 77811, "properties": {"description": "Child aged 3 to 5 years (infans 1), burial position unknown. Oriented: NE-SW. Skull and upper body not in situ.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "289.0"}], "maintype": {"id": 26519, "name": "Skeleton", "parent_id": 26516, "path": "Stratigraphic unit > Burial (strat Unit) > Skeleton", "systemtype": "stratigraphic_unit"}, "name": "G008S1", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "229", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"description": "years", "id": 117200, "name": "maximum age", "path": "Absolute Age > maximum age", "value": "5.0"}, {"description": "years", "id": 117199, "name": "minimum age", "path": "Absolute Age > minimum age", "value": "3.0"}, {"description": "[0,6.9]", "id": 22279, "name": "Infans I", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Age > Child > Infans I-II > Infans I"}, {"description": "Possible result of anthropological sex determination. In this context, undetermined means that not enough bone material or specific features were preserved to carry out a sex determination (unlike indifferent, where the preserved features were neither clearly male nor female).", "id": 22375, "name": "undetermined", "path": "Sex and Gender > Sex > undetermined"}]}}], "files": [{"file_name": "42418.jpg", "id": 42418, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_37422", "reference": "229", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "geometry": {"coordinates": [[[15.643365139, 48.586693384], [15.643365181, 48.586694396], [15.643365139, 48.586695172], [15.643364992, 48.586696225], [15.643364971, 48.586697237], [15.643365243, 48.586697778], [15.643365872, 48.586698027], [15.643366647, 48.586698111], [15.643367486, 48.586698277], [15.643368617, 48.58669836], [15.64336933, 48.586698291], [15.643370377, 48.586698152], [15.643371341, 48.586697806], [15.643371614, 48.58669714], [15.643372159, 48.586696101], [15.643372766, 48.586694936], [15.643373416, 48.586693536], [15.643374044, 48.586692358], [15.643374505, 48.586691402], [15.643374736, 48.586690806], [15.643374044, 48.586690723], [15.643373395, 48.586690806], [15.643372557, 48.586691388], [15.643370776, 48.586691776], [15.643368554, 48.586692358], [15.643366312, 48.586692857], [15.643365139, 48.586693384]]], "type": "Polygon"}, "id": 59207, "parent": 50505, "properties": {"description": "Rectangular shaped grave pit partly cut into the rock. Stone placements on the long sides. Eastern part undocumented due to the trench\u2018s profile.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 118730, "name": "Azimuth", "path": "Dimensions > Azimuth", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "106"}, {"id": 148713, "name": "Nearest Neighbour", "path": "Dimensions > Distance > Nearest Neighbour", "unit": "m", "value": "0.85"}, {"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "289.0"}, {"id": 15679, "name": "Height", "path": "Dimensions > Height", "unit": "cm", "value": "17.0"}, {"id": 26189, "name": "Length", "path": "Dimensions > Length", "unit": "cm", "value": "55.0"}, {"id": 26188, "name": "Width", "path": "Dimensions > Width", "unit": "cm", "value": "148.0"}], "maintype": {"id": 26205, "name": "Single Grave", "parent_id": 26204, "path": "Feature > Grave > Single Grave", "systemtype": "feature"}, "name": "Grave 008", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "229", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"id": 22309, "name": "Flat grave", "path": "Grave Characteristics > Grave Construction > Flat grave"}, {"id": 22302, "name": "Stone placement", "path": "Grave Characteristics > Grave Construction > Stone placement"}]}, "type": "Feature"}, {"burials": [{"finds": [{"files": [{"file_name": "42420.jpg", "id": 42420, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_37430", "reference": "Taf. 2/5", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "id": 102199, "properties": {"description": "Earring made of copper alloy wire; open ends, dia.: 1.8 cm, wire thickness: 0.1 cm.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26191, "name": "Diameter", "path": "Dimensions > Diameter", "unit": "cm", "value": "1.8"}, {"id": 26190, "name": "Thickness", "path": "Dimensions > Thickness", "unit": "cm", "value": "0.1"}], "maintype": {"id": 26420, "name": "Open Wire Ring", "parent_id": 26408, "path": "Artifact > Cultural Object > Accessories > Jewellery > EarringsTemple Rings > Wire Rings > Open Wire Ring", "systemtype": "artifact"}, "material": [{"id": 26546, "name": "Copper Alloy", "path": "Material > Metal > Non-Ferrous Metal > Copper Alloy", "value": "0.0"}], "name": "G009F01", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "229", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"id": 23442, "name": "Head left side", "path": "Position of Find in Grave > Head > Head left side"}]}}], "id": 77835, "properties": {"description": "Senile female (60-80 years). Oriented: NE-SW. Neck and upper body not in situ.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "315.0"}], "maintype": {"id": 26519, "name": "Skeleton", "parent_id": 26516, "path": "Stratigraphic unit > Burial (strat Unit) > Skeleton", "systemtype": "stratigraphic_unit"}, "name": "G009S1", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "229", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"description": "years", "id": 117200, "name": "maximum age", "path": "Absolute Age > maximum age", "value": "80.0"}, {"description": "years", "id": 117199, "name": "minimum age", "path": "Absolute Age > minimum age", "value": "60.0"}, {"description": "[60,100]", "id": 22288, "name": "Senil", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Age > Grown up > Senil"}, {"id": 128067, "name": "Left arm stretched", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Arms > Left arm stretched"}, {"id": 128068, "name": "Right arm stretched", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Arms > Right arm stretched"}, {"id": 128052, "name": "Supine position", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > General > Supine position"}, {"id": 128087, "name": "Left hand on the pelvis", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Hands > Left hand on the pelvis"}, {"id": 128060, "name": "On the right side", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Head > On the right side"}, {"id": 128062, "name": "Left leg stretched", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Legs > Left leg stretched"}, {"id": 128103, "name": "Right leg stretched", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Legs > Right leg stretched"}, {"id": 24, "name": "Female", "path": "Sex and Gender > Sex > Female"}]}}], "files": [{"file_name": "42419.jpg", "id": 42419, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_37427", "reference": "Taf. 2", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "geometry": {"coordinates": [[[15.643317886, 48.586701645], [15.643317844, 48.586702532], [15.643317844, 48.586703447], [15.643318095, 48.586704251], [15.643319101, 48.586705111], [15.643320191, 48.586705942], [15.643321322, 48.586706247], [15.643322035, 48.586706718], [15.64332258, 48.586707301], [15.643323082, 48.586707689], [15.643324004, 48.586707633], [15.643324885, 48.58670719], [15.643325639, 48.586706885], [15.643326854, 48.586706746], [15.643327399, 48.586706247], [15.643327986, 48.586705554], [15.643328489, 48.586704722], [15.643329159, 48.586704445], [15.643330207, 48.58670414], [15.643331087, 48.586703697], [15.643331171, 48.586703087], [15.64333159, 48.586702643], [15.643332596, 48.586702255], [15.643334021, 48.586701701], [15.643334985, 48.586701229], [15.643336242, 48.586700509], [15.643337248, 48.586699178], [15.643337751, 48.586698485], [15.643338547, 48.586697792], [15.643340643, 48.586697126], [15.643342445, 48.586696239], [15.643343995, 48.58669502], [15.643345211, 48.586694604], [15.643346845, 48.586693772], [15.6433476, 48.586692774], [15.643347851, 48.586691804], [15.643347432, 48.586690723], [15.643346468, 48.586690029], [15.643345672, 48.586689558], [15.643345336, 48.58668881], [15.64334475, 48.586688338], [15.643343157, 48.5866882], [15.643341606, 48.586688366], [15.643339553, 48.586688255], [15.643337835, 48.586687923], [15.643337206, 48.586688283], [15.643336829, 48.586689087], [15.643335152, 48.586689725], [15.643333979, 48.586690418], [15.643332889, 48.586690473], [15.643331255, 48.586691915], [15.643330207, 48.586692608], [15.643328782, 48.586693356], [15.643328154, 48.586693994], [15.643327525, 48.586694631], [15.643326351, 48.586695435], [15.643325178, 48.58669635], [15.643323753, 48.586696822], [15.643322873, 48.586697348], [15.643321909, 48.586697404], [15.643321029, 48.586697431], [15.643320526, 48.586698041], [15.643320442, 48.586698901], [15.643320107, 48.586699677], [15.643319101, 48.586700619], [15.643317886, 48.586701645]]], "type": "Polygon"}, "id": 59189, "parent": 50505, "properties": {"description": "Almost rectangular grave pit, cut into the rock. Stone placements.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "315.0"}, {"id": 15679, "name": "Height", "path": "Dimensions > Height", "unit": "cm", "value": "20.0"}, {"id": 26189, "name": "Length", "path": "Dimensions > Length", "unit": "cm", "value": "225.0"}, {"id": 26188, "name": "Width", "path": "Dimensions > Width", "unit": "cm", "value": "79.0"}, {"id": 118730, "name": "Azimuth", "path": "Dimensions > Azimuth", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "120"}, {"id": 148713, "name": "Nearest Neighbour", "path": "Dimensions > Distance > Nearest Neighbour", "unit": "m", "value": "1.58"}], "maintype": {"id": 26205, "name": "Single Grave", "parent_id": 26204, "path": "Feature > Grave > Single Grave", "systemtype": "feature"}, "name": "Grave 009", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "229", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"id": 22309, "name": "Flat grave", "path": "Grave Characteristics > Grave Construction > Flat grave"}, {"id": 22302, "name": "Stone placement", "path": "Grave Characteristics > Grave Construction > Stone placement"}]}, "type": "Feature"}, {"burials": [{"id": 78693, "properties": {"description": "Mature male (40-60 years). Oriented: almost W-E. Left forearm beneath the pelvis. Rib cage not in situ. Skull on its right side, mandible fell down. Possible grave good found in the trench's profile.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "301.0"}], "maintype": {"id": 26519, "name": "Skeleton", "parent_id": 26516, "path": "Stratigraphic unit > Burial (strat Unit) > Skeleton", "systemtype": "stratigraphic_unit"}, "name": "G010S1", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "229-230", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"description": "years", "id": 117200, "name": "maximum age", "path": "Absolute Age > maximum age", "value": "60.0"}, {"description": "years", "id": 117199, "name": "minimum age", "path": "Absolute Age > minimum age", "value": "40.0"}, {"description": "[40,59.9]", "id": 22286, "name": "Matur", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Age > Grown up > Matur"}, {"id": 128067, "name": "Left arm stretched", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Arms > Left arm stretched"}, {"id": 128068, "name": "Right arm stretched", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Arms > Right arm stretched"}, {"id": 128052, "name": "Supine position", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > General > Supine position"}, {"id": 128084, "name": "Left hand next to the body", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Hands > Left hand next to the body"}, {"id": 128085, "name": "Right hand next to the body", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Hands > Right hand next to the body"}, {"id": 128060, "name": "On the right side", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Head > On the right side"}, {"id": 128062, "name": "Left leg stretched", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Legs > Left leg stretched"}, {"id": 128103, "name": "Right leg stretched", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Legs > Right leg stretched"}, {"id": 25, "name": "Male", "path": "Sex and Gender > Sex > Male"}]}}, {"finds": [{"files": [{"file_name": "117218.jpg", "id": 117218, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "NB_33658", "reference": "Taf. 2/1", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "id": 117216, "properties": {"description": "Handle made out of bone. Probably part of a metal tool (graver?). Shaped like a truncated cone, decorated with round drillings and radial eye-pattern. Found during the excavation of the trench\u2018s profile. Coordinates suggest: possibly grave good belonging to grave 10.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26191, "name": "Diameter", "path": "Dimensions > Diameter", "unit": "cm", "value": "1.5"}, {"id": 26189, "name": "Length", "path": "Dimensions > Length", "unit": "cm", "value": "6.3"}], "maintype": {"id": 26223, "name": "Equipment", "parent_id": 205561, "path": "Artifact > Cultural Object > Equipment", "systemtype": "artifact"}, "material": [{"id": 26529, "name": "Bone", "path": "Material > Organic > Animal > Bone", "value": "0.0"}], "name": "G010S2F01", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "230", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}}}], "id": 117214, "properties": {"description": "Trench's profile.", "dimensions": [{"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "301.0"}], "maintype": {"id": 26513, "name": "None/Unknown/Strayfind", "parent_id": 13365, "path": "Stratigraphic unit > None/Unknown/Strayfind", "systemtype": "stratigraphic_unit"}, "name": "G010S2", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "230", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "types": [{"description": "Possible result of anthropological sex determination. In this context, undetermined means that not enough bone material or specific features were preserved to carry out a sex determination (unlike indifferent, where the preserved features were neither clearly male nor female).", "id": 22375, "name": "undetermined", "path": "Sex and Gender > Sex > undetermined"}]}}], "files": [{"file_name": "42421.jpg", "id": 42421, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_37432", "reference": "Taf. 2", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "geometry": {"coordinates": [[[15.643285364, 48.586750797], [15.643286621, 48.586750742], [15.643287962, 48.586750714], [15.643289932, 48.586750381], [15.643292069, 48.58674991], [15.643294919, 48.586749273], [15.643297518, 48.586748579], [15.643300493, 48.586747831], [15.643302756, 48.586747249], [15.64330481, 48.586746334], [15.643307115, 48.586745419], [15.64330942, 48.58674431], [15.643310719, 48.586743673], [15.643311138, 48.586742758], [15.643311096, 48.586741787], [15.643310468, 48.586740706], [15.64330921, 48.586739764], [15.643307241, 48.586739542], [15.643303678, 48.586739681], [15.64330217, 48.58673993], [15.643300116, 48.586740928], [15.643298146, 48.586741621], [15.643296302, 48.586742231], [15.643294668, 48.58674273], [15.643293285, 48.586743201], [15.643291818, 48.586743589], [15.643289848, 48.586744199], [15.64328813, 48.58674456], [15.643286747, 48.586744782], [15.643285322, 48.586745142], [15.643284023, 48.586745835], [15.643283352, 48.586746389], [15.64328243, 48.586746999], [15.64328176, 48.586747831], [15.643281466, 48.586748524], [15.643281802, 48.586749134], [15.643282472, 48.586749688], [15.643283478, 48.586750215], [15.643284274, 48.586750686], [15.643285364, 48.586750797]]], "type": "Polygon"}, "id": 59195, "parent": 50505, "properties": {"description": "Almost rectangular grave pit. Few stones situated along the pit's right long side. North-western part undocumented due to trench\u2018s profile.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 148713, "name": "Nearest Neighbour", "path": "Dimensions > Distance > Nearest Neighbour", "unit": "m", "value": "1.3"}, {"id": 118730, "name": "Azimuth", "path": "Dimensions > Azimuth", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "107"}, {"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "301.0"}, {"id": 15679, "name": "Height", "path": "Dimensions > Height", "unit": "cm", "value": "20.0"}, {"id": 26189, "name": "Length", "path": "Dimensions > Length", "unit": "cm", "value": "193.0"}, {"id": 26188, "name": "Width", "path": "Dimensions > Width", "unit": "cm", "value": "60.0"}], "maintype": {"id": 26205, "name": "Single Grave", "parent_id": 26204, "path": "Feature > Grave > Single Grave", "systemtype": "feature"}, "name": "Grave 010", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "229", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"id": 22309, "name": "Flat grave", "path": "Grave Characteristics > Grave Construction > Flat grave"}, {"id": 22302, "name": "Stone placement", "path": "Grave Characteristics > Grave Construction > Stone placement"}]}, "type": "Feature"}, {"burials": [{"id": 77277, "properties": {"description": "Mature or senile female (50-70 years). Oriented: NW-SE. Skull partly placed on stones. Skull, upper body, and part of the long bones not in situ. Only a couple of teeth preserved. Os sacrum badly preserved.\r\nNo grave goods.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "296.0"}], "maintype": {"id": 26519, "name": "Skeleton", "parent_id": 26516, "path": "Stratigraphic unit > Burial (strat Unit) > Skeleton", "systemtype": "stratigraphic_unit"}, "name": "G011S1", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "230", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"description": "years", "id": 117200, "name": "maximum age", "path": "Absolute Age > maximum age", "value": "70.0"}, {"description": "years", "id": 117199, "name": "minimum age", "path": "Absolute Age > minimum age", "value": "50.0"}, {"description": "[40,59.9]", "id": 22286, "name": "Matur", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Age > Grown up > Matur"}, {"id": 128052, "name": "Supine position", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > General > Supine position"}, {"id": 128059, "name": "Head straight", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Head > Head straight"}, {"id": 128062, "name": "Left leg stretched", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Legs > Left leg stretched"}, {"id": 128103, "name": "Right leg stretched", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Legs > Right leg stretched"}, {"id": 24, "name": "Female", "path": "Sex and Gender > Sex > Female"}]}}], "files": [{"file_name": "42422.jpg", "id": 42422, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_37437", "reference": "Taf. 3", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "geometry": {"coordinates": [[[15.64333532, 48.586763439], [15.643332973, 48.586764104], [15.643330878, 48.58676488], [15.643327651, 48.586766128], [15.64332522, 48.586767043], [15.643323879, 48.586767791], [15.643321909, 48.586768373], [15.643319604, 48.586769011], [15.643317592, 48.586769621], [15.643315245, 48.586770286], [15.643313946, 48.586770508], [15.643312773, 48.586770591], [15.643311809, 48.586770148], [15.643311432, 48.586769593], [15.643311222, 48.586768956], [15.643310929, 48.586768429], [15.643310845, 48.586767763], [15.643311725, 48.586767292], [15.643313569, 48.586766266], [15.643316209, 48.58676549], [15.643318724, 48.586764548], [15.643320777, 48.586763827], [15.643322957, 48.586763162], [15.643324926, 48.586762635], [15.643326393, 48.586762053], [15.643327651, 48.58676172], [15.643328489, 48.58676172], [15.643329369, 48.586762136], [15.643330123, 48.586762524], [15.643331297, 48.586762136], [15.643332805, 48.586761637], [15.643333518, 48.58676136], [15.643334566, 48.586762385], [15.64333532, 48.586763439]]], "type": "Polygon"}, "id": 56623, "parent": 50505, "properties": {"description": "Almost rectangular grave pit. Pile of stones in the head region of the pit, head is positioned on them. Stones and some standing stones at the lower end of the pit.\r\nSituated app. 10 cm above Grave 12 and app. 25 cm further to the NE. Secondary burial.\r\nUnregular shaped rectangle-oval deepening in the pelvis area.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "296.0"}, {"id": 15679, "name": "Height", "path": "Dimensions > Height", "unit": "cm", "value": "45.0"}, {"id": 26189, "name": "Length", "path": "Dimensions > Length", "unit": "cm", "value": "203.0"}, {"id": 26188, "name": "Width", "path": "Dimensions > Width", "unit": "cm", "value": "45.0"}, {"id": 118730, "name": "Azimuth", "path": "Dimensions > Azimuth", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "108"}, {"id": 148713, "name": "Nearest Neighbour", "path": "Dimensions > Distance > Nearest Neighbour", "unit": "m", "value": "0.3"}], "maintype": {"id": 26205, "name": "Single Grave", "parent_id": 26204, "path": "Feature > Grave > Single Grave", "systemtype": "feature"}, "name": "Grave 011", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "230", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"id": 22309, "name": "Flat grave", "path": "Grave Characteristics > Grave Construction > Flat grave"}, {"id": 22302, "name": "Stone placement", "path": "Grave Characteristics > Grave Construction > Stone placement"}]}, "type": "Feature"}, {"burials": [{"finds": [{"files": [{"file_name": "42424.jpg", "id": 42424, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_37443", "reference": "Taf. 3/1", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "id": 101609, "properties": {"description": "Small metal sphere, dia.: 4 cm.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26191, "name": "Diameter", "path": "Dimensions > Diameter", "unit": "cm", "value": "4.0"}], "maintype": {"id": 26506, "name": "Varia", "parent_id": 205561, "path": "Artifact > Cultural Object > Varia", "systemtype": "artifact"}, "name": "G012F01", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "230", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}}}, {"id": 117219, "properties": {"description": "A piece of quartz. Lost without trace.", "maintype": {"id": 26506, "name": "Varia", "parent_id": 205561, "path": "Artifact > Cultural Object > Varia", "systemtype": "artifact"}, "material": [{"id": 26556, "name": "Quartz", "path": "Material > Geological > Stone > Quartz", "value": "100.0"}], "name": "G012S1F02", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "230", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}]}}], "id": 77283, "properties": {"description": "Adult-mature male (35-50 years). Oriented: W-E. Lower yaw fell down. Two bones, likely phalanges (?) found in oral cavity. Upper body (from skull to pelvis) not in situ. Left arm situated under the pelvis. Dislocation of bones partly due to standing stones of grave 11, which is situated directly above grave 12.\r\n\r\n", "maintype": {"id": 26519, "name": "Skeleton", "parent_id": 26516, "path": "Stratigraphic unit > Burial (strat Unit) > Skeleton", "systemtype": "stratigraphic_unit"}, "name": "G012S1", "radiocarbon": {"sample": "VERA4609 : 1196 \u00b1 37"}, "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "230", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"description": "years", "id": 117200, "name": "maximum age", "path": "Absolute Age > maximum age", "value": "50.0"}, {"description": "years", "id": 117199, "name": "minimum age", "path": "Absolute Age > minimum age", "value": "35.0"}, {"description": "[20,59.9]", "id": 22285, "name": "Adult-Matur", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Age > Grown up > Adult-Matur"}, {"id": 128067, "name": "Left arm stretched", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Arms > Left arm stretched"}, {"id": 128068, "name": "Right arm stretched", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Arms > Right arm stretched"}, {"id": 128052, "name": "Supine position", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > General > Supine position"}, {"id": 128084, "name": "Left hand next to the body", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Hands > Left hand next to the body"}, {"id": 128085, "name": "Right hand next to the body", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Hands > Right hand next to the body"}, {"id": 128061, "name": "On the left side", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Head > On the left side"}, {"id": 128062, "name": "Left leg stretched", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Legs > Left leg stretched"}, {"id": 128103, "name": "Right leg stretched", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Legs > Right leg stretched"}, {"id": 25, "name": "Male", "path": "Sex and Gender > Sex > Male"}]}}], "files": [{"file_name": "42423.jpg", "id": 42423, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_37440", "reference": "Taf. 3", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "geometry": {"coordinates": [[[15.643334733, 48.58676014], [15.643335404, 48.586760722], [15.643336033, 48.586761387], [15.643336368, 48.586762053], [15.643336242, 48.586763051], [15.643335697, 48.586764021], [15.643334859, 48.586764769], [15.64333356, 48.586765601], [15.643331883, 48.586766239], [15.643329411, 48.586767098], [15.643327357, 48.586767791], [15.643325471, 48.586768567], [15.643324256, 48.586769066], [15.643321616, 48.586769787], [15.643319897, 48.586770563], [15.643318347, 48.586771229], [15.643316628, 48.586771561], [15.643314868, 48.58677195], [15.643313862, 48.586772005], [15.643313066, 48.586772005], [15.643311935, 48.586772005], [15.643310929, 48.5867717], [15.64330963, 48.586770896], [15.643309001, 48.586769898], [15.643308749, 48.58676915], [15.643309127, 48.586768235], [15.643310468, 48.58676707], [15.643311725, 48.586766322], [15.643313108, 48.586765712], [15.643313988, 48.586765296], [15.643314868, 48.586765268], [15.643315413, 48.586765684], [15.643322789, 48.586762579], [15.643322873, 48.586761997], [15.64332258, 48.586761609], [15.643323418, 48.586761304], [15.64332501, 48.586761027], [15.643326435, 48.586760944], [15.643327315, 48.586760472], [15.643329285, 48.586759447], [15.643330542, 48.586758726], [15.643332009, 48.586758199], [15.643332805, 48.58675831], [15.643333644, 48.586758476], [15.643334733, 48.58676014]]], "type": "Polygon"}, "id": 58835, "parent": 50505, "properties": {"description": "Rectangular grave pit. Surrounded by some stones. Situated under grave 011.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 118730, "name": "Azimuth", "path": "Dimensions > Azimuth", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "110"}, {"id": 148713, "name": "Nearest Neighbour", "path": "Dimensions > Distance > Nearest Neighbour", "unit": "m", "value": "0.3"}, {"id": 15679, "name": "Height", "path": "Dimensions > Height", "unit": "cm", "value": "19.0"}, {"id": 26189, "name": "Length", "path": "Dimensions > Length", "unit": "cm", "value": "221.0"}, {"id": 26188, "name": "Width", "path": "Dimensions > Width", "unit": "cm", "value": "80.0"}], "maintype": {"id": 26205, "name": "Single Grave", "parent_id": 26204, "path": "Feature > Grave > Single Grave", "systemtype": "feature"}, "name": "Grave 012", "radiocarbon": {"child_sample": ["VERA4609 : 1196 \u00b1 37"]}, "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "230", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"id": 22309, "name": "Flat grave", "path": "Grave Characteristics > Grave Construction > Flat grave"}, {"id": 22302, "name": "Stone placement", "path": "Grave Characteristics > Grave Construction > Stone placement"}]}, "type": "Feature"}, {"burials": [{"finds": [{"id": 98931, "properties": {"description": "Several ceramic sherds found nearby the skeleton. Dating: prehistoric. Two rim sherds and 10 body sherds.\r\nLost without trace.\r\n\r\n", "maintype": {"id": 26506, "name": "Varia", "parent_id": 205561, "path": "Artifact > Cultural Object > Varia", "systemtype": "artifact"}, "name": "G013F01", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "230", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}}}], "id": 75451, "properties": {"description": "Child, aged between 7 and 8 years (infans 2). Oriented: W-E. Severely disturbed, skull crushed, only a few long bones preserved.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "285.0"}], "maintype": {"id": 26519, "name": "Skeleton", "parent_id": 26516, "path": "Stratigraphic unit > Burial (strat Unit) > Skeleton", "systemtype": "stratigraphic_unit"}, "name": "G013S1", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "230", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"description": "years", "id": 117200, "name": "maximum age", "path": "Absolute Age > maximum age", "value": "8.0"}, {"description": "years", "id": 117199, "name": "minimum age", "path": "Absolute Age > minimum age", "value": "7.0"}, {"description": "[7,13.9]", "id": 22280, "name": "Infans II", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Age > Child > Infans I-II > Infans II"}, {"description": "Possible result of anthropological sex determination. In this context, undetermined means that not enough bone material or specific features were preserved to carry out a sex determination (unlike indifferent, where the preserved features were neither clearly male nor female).", "id": 22375, "name": "undetermined", "path": "Sex and Gender > Sex > undetermined"}]}}], "files": [{"file_name": "38896.jpg", "id": 38896, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_37447", "reference": "Taf. 2", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}, {"file_name": "38928.jpg", "id": 38928, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_37448", "reference": "Taf. 2", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "geometry": {"coordinates": [[[15.643279874, 48.586768013], [15.643281257, 48.586768457], [15.643282933, 48.586768678], [15.643284568, 48.586768484], [15.643286495, 48.586768373], [15.643287962, 48.586768262], [15.643290142, 48.586768096], [15.643291567, 48.586767958], [15.643292991, 48.58676768], [15.643294458, 48.586767348], [15.643296093, 48.586767126], [15.643297476, 48.586767043], [15.643299697, 48.586766738], [15.643300703, 48.586766461], [15.643301709, 48.586766156], [15.643302463, 48.586765823], [15.643302505, 48.586765185], [15.643302505, 48.586764354], [15.643302337, 48.586763134], [15.64330217, 48.586761997], [15.643301792, 48.586761221], [15.643300954, 48.586760916], [15.643299529, 48.586760861], [15.64329647, 48.586761332], [15.643294794, 48.586761554], [15.64329362, 48.586761748], [15.643291692, 48.586761969], [15.643290184, 48.586761969], [15.643288004, 48.586762136], [15.643286076, 48.586762413], [15.643283981, 48.586762718], [15.643281969, 48.586763078], [15.643279874, 48.586768013]]], "type": "Polygon"}, "id": 56629, "parent": 50505, "properties": {"description": "Rectangular grave pit. Only planum 1 was documented. Planum 1 shows stone placement as well as several bigger stones in the middle of the grave pit.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 148713, "name": "Nearest Neighbour", "path": "Dimensions > Distance > Nearest Neighbour", "unit": "m", "value": "2.19"}, {"id": 118730, "name": "Azimuth", "path": "Dimensions > Azimuth", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "96"}, {"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "285.0"}, {"id": 15679, "name": "Height", "path": "Dimensions > Height", "unit": "cm", "value": "18.0"}, {"id": 26189, "name": "Length", "path": "Dimensions > Length", "unit": "cm", "value": "176.0"}, {"id": 26188, "name": "Width", "path": "Dimensions > Width", "unit": "cm", "value": "66.0"}], "maintype": {"id": 26205, "name": "Single Grave", "parent_id": 26204, "path": "Feature > Grave > Single Grave", "systemtype": "feature"}, "name": "Grave 013", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "230", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"id": 22309, "name": "Flat grave", "path": "Grave Characteristics > Grave Construction > Flat grave"}, {"id": 22302, "name": "Stone placement", "path": "Grave Characteristics > Grave Construction > Stone placement"}]}, "type": "Feature"}, {"burials": [{"finds": [{"files": [{"file_name": "42426.jpg", "id": 42426, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_37456", "reference": "Taf. 3/5", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "id": 101627, "properties": {"description": "Pendant, probably part of an earring; slightly fragmented; light-green translucent glass sphere assembled of at least two parts, framed by two half spheres made of sheet copper alloy, at the lower end wire loop, at the upper end only remnants of wire; L.: 2.35 cm, pom-pom length: 1.6 cm; dia.: 1 cm; wire thickness: 0.1 cm; profile: round. \r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26191, "name": "Diameter", "path": "Dimensions > Diameter", "unit": "cm", "value": "1.0"}, {"id": 26189, "name": "Length", "path": "Dimensions > Length", "unit": "cm", "value": "2.35"}], "maintype": {"id": 26327, "name": "Pendant", "parent_id": 112815, "path": "Artifact > Cultural Object > Accessories > Jewellery > Pendant", "systemtype": "artifact"}, "name": "G014F01", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "230", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"id": 25070, "name": "Neck/Throat", "path": "Position of Find in Grave > Head > Neck/Throat"}]}}, {"files": [{"file_name": "42427.jpg", "id": 42427, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_37458", "reference": "Taf. 3/6", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "id": 102871, "properties": {"description": "Pot; almost fully preserved; rim dia.: 8.1 cm; max. dia.: 10.3 cm, bottom dia.: 5.5 cm; height: 10.8 cm; enriched with gold mica (grain size under 1 mm, evenly distributed); ceramic group B; slowly turned, bottom mark: four-spoke wheel cross 1473, on the inside horizontal traces of the smoothening, feebly pronounced funnel-shaped protruding, vertically cut off rim, slight lid fold, ornamented on the shoulder and the belly with a circumferential, multiple-rowed, horizontal linear ornament; colour: grey-brown, mixed fire.\r\n\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26191, "name": "Diameter", "path": "Dimensions > Diameter", "unit": "cm", "value": "10.3"}, {"id": 15679, "name": "Height", "path": "Dimensions > Height", "unit": "cm", "value": "10.8"}], "maintype": {"id": 26301, "name": "Pot", "parent_id": 26294, "path": "Artifact > Cultural Object > Container > Pottery > Pot", "systemtype": "artifact"}, "material": [{"id": 26561, "name": "Ceramic", "path": "Material > Geological > Clay > Ceramic", "value": "0.0"}], "name": "G014F02", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "230", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"id": 23448, "name": "Foot left", "path": "Position of Find in Grave > Lower Body > Leg Left > Foot left"}]}}], "id": 77301, "properties": {"description": "Child aged between 12 and 18 months (infans 1). Oriented: W-E. Facial skull and body\u2018s core badly preserved.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "271.0"}], "maintype": {"id": 26519, "name": "Skeleton", "parent_id": 26516, "path": "Stratigraphic unit > Burial (strat Unit) > Skeleton", "systemtype": "stratigraphic_unit"}, "name": "G014S1", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "230", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"description": "years", "id": 117200, "name": "maximum age", "path": "Absolute Age > maximum age", "value": "1.5"}, {"description": "years", "id": 117199, "name": "minimum age", "path": "Absolute Age > minimum age", "value": "1.0"}, {"description": "[0,6.9]", "id": 22279, "name": "Infans I", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Age > Child > Infans I-II > Infans I"}, {"id": 128067, "name": "Left arm stretched", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Arms > Left arm stretched"}, {"id": 128068, "name": "Right arm stretched", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Arms > Right arm stretched"}, {"id": 128052, "name": "Supine position", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > General > Supine position"}, {"id": 128062, "name": "Left leg stretched", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Legs > Left leg stretched"}, {"id": 128103, "name": "Right leg stretched", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Legs > Right leg stretched"}, {"description": "Possible result of anthropological sex determination. In this context, undetermined means that not enough bone material or specific features were preserved to carry out a sex determination (unlike indifferent, where the preserved features were neither clearly male nor female).", "id": 22375, "name": "undetermined", "path": "Sex and Gender > Sex > undetermined"}]}}], "files": [{"file_name": "39032.jpg", "id": 39032, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_37453", "reference": "Taf. 3", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "geometry": {"coordinates": [[[15.643223422, 48.586751712], [15.643223778, 48.586750964], [15.643224092, 48.586750257], [15.643224448, 48.586749564], [15.643224763, 48.586748912], [15.643224972, 48.586748469], [15.643225622, 48.586748233], [15.643226774, 48.586747928], [15.643227717, 48.586747734], [15.643228744, 48.586747595], [15.643229792, 48.586747457], [15.643230714, 48.58674736], [15.643231531, 48.586747346], [15.643232097, 48.586747415], [15.6432326, 48.58674772], [15.643232726, 48.586748219], [15.643233103, 48.586748732], [15.643233459, 48.586749286], [15.643233459, 48.58674991], [15.64323327, 48.586750589], [15.64323283, 48.586750922], [15.643232139, 48.586751158], [15.643231217, 48.586751324], [15.643230001, 48.586751421], [15.643228912, 48.586751643], [15.643227717, 48.586751865], [15.643226774, 48.586752114], [15.643225706, 48.58675217], [15.64322449, 48.586752073], [15.643223422, 48.586751712]]], "type": "Polygon"}, "id": 58841, "parent": 50505, "properties": {"description": "Almost rectangular grave pit, cut into the rock. Stone and standing stones along the pit sides. Western part undocumented due to trench\u2018s profile.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "271.0"}, {"id": 15679, "name": "Height", "path": "Dimensions > Height", "unit": "cm", "value": "5.0"}, {"id": 26189, "name": "Length", "path": "Dimensions > Length", "unit": "cm", "value": "78.0"}, {"id": 26188, "name": "Width", "path": "Dimensions > Width", "unit": "cm", "value": "60.0"}, {"id": 148713, "name": "Nearest Neighbour", "path": "Dimensions > Distance > Nearest Neighbour", "unit": "m", "value": "2.02"}, {"id": 118730, "name": "Azimuth", "path": "Dimensions > Azimuth", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "100"}], "maintype": {"id": 26205, "name": "Single Grave", "parent_id": 26204, "path": "Feature > Grave > Single Grave", "systemtype": "feature"}, "name": "Grave 014", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "230", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"id": 22309, "name": "Flat grave", "path": "Grave Characteristics > Grave Construction > Flat grave"}, {"id": 22302, "name": "Stone placement", "path": "Grave Characteristics > Grave Construction > Stone placement"}]}, "type": "Feature"}, {"burials": [{"finds": [{"files": [{"file_name": "117226.jpg", "id": 117226, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_37502", "reference": "Taf. 3/7", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "id": 117224, "properties": {"description": "Flint, blade fragment. Jasper, dark brown. Truncation.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26189, "name": "Length", "path": "Dimensions > Length", "unit": "cm", "value": "1.3"}, {"id": 26190, "name": "Thickness", "path": "Dimensions > Thickness", "unit": "cm", "value": "0.3"}, {"id": 26188, "name": "Width", "path": "Dimensions > Width", "unit": "cm", "value": "1.1"}], "maintype": {"id": 26223, "name": "Equipment", "parent_id": 205561, "path": "Artifact > Cultural Object > Equipment", "systemtype": "artifact"}, "material": [{"id": 26553, "name": "Stone", "path": "Material > Geological > Stone", "value": "100.0"}], "name": "G015S2F01", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "231", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}]}}], "id": 117222, "properties": {"description": "Backfilling of grave 15.", "dimensions": [{"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "299.0"}], "maintype": {"id": 117202, "name": "Backfilling", "parent_id": 26514, "path": "Stratigraphic unit > Deposit > Backfilling", "systemtype": "stratigraphic_unit"}, "name": "G015S2", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "231", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}]}}, {"finds": [{"files": [{"file_name": "42430.jpg", "id": 42430, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_37500", "reference": "Taf. 3/8", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "id": 102217, "properties": {"description": "Pot, preserved almost entirely. Rim dia. ( = max. dia.): 9,8 cm, body dia.: 9,7 cm, bottom dia.: 5,9 cm, height: 8,3 cm. Enriched with golden mica (grain size up to 1,5 mm, evenly distributed). Ceramic group B. Slowly turned. On the inside horizontal traces of the smoothening. Vertically cut off rim. Decorated on shoulder and body with a belly with a circumferential, horizontal linear ornament as well as multiple wavebands on the body. Spatula notch decoration on the shoulder. Color: red-brown, sparsely grey. Mixed fire.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26191, "name": "Diameter", "path": "Dimensions > Diameter", "unit": "cm", "value": "9.8"}, {"id": 15679, "name": "Height", "path": "Dimensions > Height", "unit": "cm", "value": "8.3"}], "maintype": {"id": 26301, "name": "Pot", "parent_id": 26294, "path": "Artifact > Cultural Object > Container > Pottery > Pot", "systemtype": "artifact"}, "material": [{"id": 26561, "name": "Ceramic", "path": "Material > Geological > Clay > Ceramic", "value": "0.0"}], "name": "G015F01", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "231", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"id": 23441, "name": "Head", "path": "Position of Find in Grave > Head"}]}}, {"id": 102223, "properties": {"description": "Botanical remains. Found in the earth around the skeleton.\r\n\r\n", "maintype": {"id": 26506, "name": "Varia", "parent_id": 205561, "path": "Artifact > Cultural Object > Varia", "systemtype": "artifact"}, "material": [{"id": 26553, "name": "Stone", "path": "Material > Geological > Stone", "value": "0.0"}, {"id": 26521, "name": "Organic", "path": "Material > Organic", "value": "100.0"}], "name": "G015F02", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "231", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}}}], "id": 77709, "properties": {"description": "Child aged between 18 and 24 months (infans 1). Oriented: NW-SE. Disturbed severely. Lower limbs in situ. Lower yaw displaced.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "299.0"}], "maintype": {"id": 26519, "name": "Skeleton", "parent_id": 26516, "path": "Stratigraphic unit > Burial (strat Unit) > Skeleton", "systemtype": "stratigraphic_unit"}, "name": "G015S1", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "230", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"description": "years", "id": 117200, "name": "maximum age", "path": "Absolute Age > maximum age", "value": "2.0"}, {"description": "years", "id": 117199, "name": "minimum age", "path": "Absolute Age > minimum age", "value": "1.5"}, {"description": "[0,6.9]", "id": 22279, "name": "Infans I", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Age > Child > Infans I-II > Infans I"}, {"id": 128052, "name": "Supine position", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > General > Supine position"}, {"id": 128062, "name": "Left leg stretched", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Legs > Left leg stretched"}, {"id": 128103, "name": "Right leg stretched", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Legs > Right leg stretched"}, {"description": "Possible result of anthropological sex determination. In this context, undetermined means that not enough bone material or specific features were preserved to carry out a sex determination (unlike indifferent, where the preserved features were neither clearly male nor female).", "id": 22375, "name": "undetermined", "path": "Sex and Gender > Sex > undetermined"}]}}], "files": [{"file_name": "43785.jpg", "id": 43785, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JBX_41546", "reference": "Taf. 3", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}, {"file_name": "42428.jpg", "id": 42428, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_37497", "reference": "Taf. 3", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "geometry": {"coordinates": [[[15.643247436, 48.586703891], [15.6432484, 48.586703752], [15.643249908, 48.586703392], [15.643251752, 48.586702449], [15.643253303, 48.586701867], [15.643254686, 48.586701423], [15.643255818, 48.586701063], [15.643257243, 48.586700619], [15.643259003, 48.586700204], [15.643260092, 48.586699871], [15.643260679, 48.586699594], [15.643260679, 48.586699122], [15.643260134, 48.586698485], [15.643259757, 48.586697625], [15.643258877, 48.586696738], [15.643257913, 48.58669635], [15.643256865, 48.586696544], [15.643255357, 48.586696877], [15.643254644, 48.586697182], [15.643254058, 48.586697487], [15.643252884, 48.586697404], [15.643251794, 48.586697348], [15.643251124, 48.586697515], [15.643250872, 48.586698069], [15.643250202, 48.586698429], [15.643249657, 48.586699012], [15.643247687, 48.586702366], [15.643247436, 48.586703891]]], "type": "Polygon"}, "id": 59213, "parent": 50505, "properties": {"description": "Irregular rectangular shaped grave pit, cut into the rock. Standing stones along the northern long side. Western part undocumented due to trench\u2018s profile.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "299.0"}, {"id": 15679, "name": "Height", "path": "Dimensions > Height", "unit": "cm", "value": "16.0"}, {"id": 26189, "name": "Length", "path": "Dimensions > Length", "unit": "cm", "value": "110.0"}, {"id": 26188, "name": "Width", "path": "Dimensions > Width", "unit": "cm", "value": "60.0"}, {"id": 118730, "name": "Azimuth", "path": "Dimensions > Azimuth", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "109"}, {"id": 148713, "name": "Nearest Neighbour", "path": "Dimensions > Distance > Nearest Neighbour", "unit": "m", "value": "1.68"}], "maintype": {"id": 26205, "name": "Single Grave", "parent_id": 26204, "path": "Feature > Grave > Single Grave", "systemtype": "feature"}, "name": "Grave 015", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "230", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"id": 22309, "name": "Flat grave", "path": "Grave Characteristics > Grave Construction > Flat grave"}, {"id": 22302, "name": "Stone placement", "path": "Grave Characteristics > Grave Construction > Stone placement"}]}, "type": "Feature"}, {"burials": [{"finds": [{"files": [{"file_name": "42433.jpg", "id": 42433, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_37507", "reference": "Taf. 3/2", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "id": 102235, "properties": {"description": "Rod-tanged knife made out of iron. Blade badly preserved. Transverse section of tang rectangular. Back of knife detached from the tang, slightly rounded. Not buckled, but back of knife is slightly drawn to the tip after 3,4 cm. Superior tip. Found next to the right thigh.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26189, "name": "Length", "path": "Dimensions > Length", "unit": "cm", "value": "13.7"}, {"id": 26188, "name": "Width", "path": "Dimensions > Width", "unit": "cm", "value": "1.35"}], "maintype": {"id": 26245, "name": "Rod-Tanged Knife", "parent_id": 26244, "path": "Artifact > Cultural Object > Equipment > Knife > Rod-Tanged Knife", "systemtype": "artifact"}, "material": [{"id": 26540, "name": "Iron", "path": "Material > Metal > Iron", "value": "0.0"}], "name": "G016F01", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "231", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"id": 23456, "name": "Thigh right", "path": "Position of Find in Grave > Lower Body > Leg right > Thigh right"}]}}, {"files": [{"file_name": "42434.jpg", "id": 42434, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_37509", "reference": "Taf. 3/3", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "id": 102229, "properties": {"description": "Wire made out of copper alloy. Round cross-section. Found in one of the eye sockets.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26191, "name": "Diameter", "path": "Dimensions > Diameter", "unit": "cm", "value": "0.3"}, {"id": 26189, "name": "Length", "path": "Dimensions > Length", "unit": "cm", "value": "1.7"}], "maintype": {"id": 26506, "name": "Varia", "parent_id": 205561, "path": "Artifact > Cultural Object > Varia", "systemtype": "artifact"}, "material": [{"id": 26546, "name": "Copper Alloy", "path": "Material > Metal > Non-Ferrous Metal > Copper Alloy", "value": "0.0"}], "name": "G016F02", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "231", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"id": 23441, "name": "Head", "path": "Position of Find in Grave > Head"}]}}], "id": 77853, "properties": {"description": "Child aged between 13 and 14 years (infans II). Oriented: W-E. Preserved poorly. Skull placed on an earthing pedestal. Lower yaw lays on top of cervical spine, pelvis not in situ.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "309.0"}], "maintype": {"id": 26519, "name": "Skeleton", "parent_id": 26516, "path": "Stratigraphic unit > Burial (strat Unit) > Skeleton", "systemtype": "stratigraphic_unit"}, "name": "G016S1", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "231", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"description": "years", "id": 117200, "name": "maximum age", "path": "Absolute Age > maximum age", "value": "14.0"}, {"description": "years", "id": 117199, "name": "minimum age", "path": "Absolute Age > minimum age", "value": "13.0"}, {"description": "[7,13.9]", "id": 22280, "name": "Infans II", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Age > Child > Infans I-II > Infans II"}, {"id": 128067, "name": "Left arm stretched", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Arms > Left arm stretched"}, {"id": 128068, "name": "Right arm stretched", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Arms > Right arm stretched"}, {"id": 128052, "name": "Supine position", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > General > Supine position"}, {"id": 128060, "name": "On the right side", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Head > On the right side"}, {"id": 128062, "name": "Left leg stretched", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Legs > Left leg stretched"}, {"id": 128103, "name": "Right leg stretched", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Legs > Right leg stretched"}, {"description": "Possible result of anthropological sex determination. In this context, undetermined means that not enough bone material or specific features were preserved to carry out a sex determination (unlike indifferent, where the preserved features were neither clearly male nor female).", "id": 22375, "name": "undetermined", "path": "Sex and Gender > Sex > undetermined"}]}}, {"finds": [{"files": [{"file_name": "117231.jpg", "id": 117231, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_37511", "reference": "Taf. 3/4", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "id": 117229, "properties": {"description": "Lyre-shaped fire steel. Fragmented. Diam. triangular shaped. Four pieces of fabric affixed to the metal (size: p to 1 x 0,9 cm). Found app. 10 cm above the skeleton. Positioned between right elbow and ribcage. \r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26189, "name": "Length", "path": "Dimensions > Length", "unit": "cm", "value": "4.8"}, {"id": 26190, "name": "Thickness", "path": "Dimensions > Thickness", "unit": "cm", "value": "0.2"}, {"id": 26188, "name": "Width", "path": "Dimensions > Width", "unit": "cm", "value": "1.95"}], "maintype": {"id": 26236, "name": "Fire Steel", "parent_id": 26235, "path": "Artifact > Cultural Object > Equipment > Firemaking Equipment > Fire Steel", "systemtype": "artifact"}, "material": [{"id": 26540, "name": "Iron", "path": "Material > Metal > Iron", "value": "0.0"}], "name": "G016S2F01", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "231", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}]}}], "id": 117227, "properties": {"description": "Backfilling of grave 16.", "dimensions": [{"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "309.0"}], "maintype": {"id": 117202, "name": "Backfilling", "parent_id": 26514, "path": "Stratigraphic unit > Deposit > Backfilling", "systemtype": "stratigraphic_unit"}, "name": "G016S2", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "231", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}]}}], "files": [{"file_name": "42432.jpg", "id": 42432, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_37504", "reference": "Taf. 3", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "geometry": {"coordinates": [[[15.643319751, 48.586739736], [15.64331929, 48.586739389], [15.643319059, 48.586738627], [15.643318577, 48.586737892], [15.643318137, 48.586737089], [15.643317949, 48.586736645], [15.643317634, 48.586735938], [15.643317173, 48.586735148], [15.64331711, 48.586734691], [15.643317404, 48.586734455], [15.643318431, 48.586734178], [15.643319311, 48.586734039], [15.643320295, 48.586733651], [15.643321029, 48.58673318], [15.643322621, 48.586732778], [15.643324193, 48.586732306], [15.643325911, 48.586731835], [15.64332742, 48.586731197], [15.643328929, 48.586730712], [15.643330375, 48.586730213], [15.643331716, 48.586729756], [15.643332638, 48.586729645], [15.643333811, 48.586729437], [15.643335006, 48.586729201], [15.643336033, 48.586729146], [15.643336137, 48.586729423], [15.643336955, 48.586729493], [15.643337395, 48.586729548], [15.64333752, 48.586729867], [15.643338128, 48.58672995], [15.643339343, 48.586729714], [15.643340182, 48.586729548], [15.643340684, 48.586729659], [15.64334213, 48.586731877], [15.643342298, 48.586732431], [15.643341984, 48.586732764], [15.643340936, 48.58673293], [15.6433397, 48.586733207], [15.643338002, 48.586733748], [15.643336347, 48.586734358], [15.643334964, 48.586734871], [15.643333266, 48.586735397], [15.64333224, 48.586735508], [15.643331129, 48.586735619], [15.643329285, 48.586736174], [15.643328342, 48.586736617], [15.64332742, 48.586737005], [15.643326498, 48.586737283], [15.643325199, 48.58673756], [15.643324319, 48.586737865], [15.643323523, 48.586738544], [15.643322286, 48.586739126], [15.643321029, 48.586739445], [15.643319751, 48.586739736]]], "type": "Polygon"}, "id": 59219, "parent": 50505, "properties": {"description": "Rectangular grave pit. Some stones placed on the edge.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 118730, "name": "Azimuth", "path": "Dimensions > Azimuth", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "108"}, {"id": 148713, "name": "Nearest Neighbour", "path": "Dimensions > Distance > Nearest Neighbour", "unit": "m", "value": "1.04"}, {"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "309.0"}, {"id": 15679, "name": "Height", "path": "Dimensions > Height", "unit": "cm", "value": "23.0"}, {"id": 26189, "name": "Length", "path": "Dimensions > Length", "unit": "cm", "value": "193.0"}, {"id": 26188, "name": "Width", "path": "Dimensions > Width", "unit": "cm", "value": "70.0"}], "maintype": {"id": 26205, "name": "Single Grave", "parent_id": 26204, "path": "Feature > Grave > Single Grave", "systemtype": "feature"}, "name": "Grave 016", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "231", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"id": 22309, "name": "Flat grave", "path": "Grave Characteristics > Grave Construction > Flat grave"}, {"id": 22302, "name": "Stone placement", "path": "Grave Characteristics > Grave Construction > Stone placement"}]}, "type": "Feature"}, {"burials": [{"finds": [{"files": [{"file_name": "117236.jpg", "id": 117236, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_37525", "reference": "Taf. 4/3", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "id": 117234, "properties": {"description": "Bell made out of copper alloy. Well preserved. Shape: round. Made of two halves assembled vertically. Eyelet was cast along with each half. Ball is preserved in the bell. Bottom incised cruciformly. Found in the backfilling of the grave. Might belong to grave 18 as well. \r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26191, "name": "Diameter", "path": "Dimensions > Diameter", "unit": "cm", "value": "1.3"}, {"id": 26189, "name": "Length", "path": "Dimensions > Length", "unit": "cm", "value": "2.1"}], "maintype": {"id": 26443, "name": "Bells", "parent_id": 26324, "path": "Artifact > Cultural Object > Accessories > Bells", "systemtype": "artifact"}, "material": [{"id": 26546, "name": "Copper Alloy", "path": "Material > Metal > Non-Ferrous Metal > Copper Alloy", "value": "0.0"}], "name": "G017S2F01", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "231", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}]}}], "id": 117232, "properties": {"description": "Backfilling of grave 17.", "dimensions": [{"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "292.0"}], "maintype": {"id": 117202, "name": "Backfilling", "parent_id": 26514, "path": "Stratigraphic unit > Deposit > Backfilling", "systemtype": "stratigraphic_unit"}, "name": "G017S2", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "231", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}]}}, {"finds": [{"files": [{"file_name": "42441.jpg", "id": 42441, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_37521", "reference": "Taf. 4/2", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "id": 101695, "properties": {"description": "Ring with open ends made out of copper alloy. Cross-section: round. Bent out of shape. Found next to the skull fragments.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26191, "name": "Diameter", "path": "Dimensions > Diameter", "unit": "cm", "value": "0.1"}, {"id": 26189, "name": "Length", "path": "Dimensions > Length", "unit": "cm", "value": "1.5"}, {"id": 26188, "name": "Width", "path": "Dimensions > Width", "unit": "cm", "value": "1.3"}], "maintype": {"id": 26420, "name": "Open Wire Ring", "parent_id": 26408, "path": "Artifact > Cultural Object > Accessories > Jewellery > EarringsTemple Rings > Wire Rings > Open Wire Ring", "systemtype": "artifact"}, "material": [{"id": 26546, "name": "Copper Alloy", "path": "Material > Metal > Non-Ferrous Metal > Copper Alloy", "value": "0.0"}], "name": "G017F01", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "231", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"id": 23441, "name": "Head", "path": "Position of Find in Grave > Head"}]}}, {"files": [{"file_name": "42442.jpg", "id": 42442, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_37523", "reference": "Taf. 4/1", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "id": 102265, "properties": {"description": "Pot, preserved almost entirely. Rim dia. (reconstructed): 12,5 cm, body dia.: 13,6 cm, bottom dia.: 7,5 cm, height: 11,4 cm. Enriched with golden mica (grain size up to 1 mm, evenly distributed) and stones. Ceramic group B. Slowly turned. On the inside horizontal traces of the smoothening. Vertically cut off rim. Decorated with multiple wavebands on shoulder and body. On the lower half several circumferential, horizontal linear ornaments. Color: red-brown and sparsely grey on the outside, mostly grey on the inside. Mixed fire.\r\nFound in the southern part of the grave pit, standing on top of the flagstones. Probably position nearby the feet of the burial. Standing upright.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26191, "name": "Diameter", "path": "Dimensions > Diameter", "unit": "cm", "value": "13.6"}, {"id": 15679, "name": "Height", "path": "Dimensions > Height", "unit": "cm", "value": "11.4"}], "maintype": {"id": 26301, "name": "Pot", "parent_id": 26294, "path": "Artifact > Cultural Object > Container > Pottery > Pot", "systemtype": "artifact"}, "material": [{"id": 26561, "name": "Ceramic", "path": "Material > Geological > Clay > Ceramic", "value": "0.0"}], "name": "G017F02", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "231", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"id": 23446, "name": "Lower Body", "path": "Position of Find in Grave > Lower Body"}]}}], "id": 77361, "properties": {"description": "Child's burial. According to archaeologists: infans 1. Bones lost without a trace. Only a few skull fragments were documented.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "292.0"}], "maintype": {"id": 26519, "name": "Skeleton", "parent_id": 26516, "path": "Stratigraphic unit > Burial (strat Unit) > Skeleton", "systemtype": "stratigraphic_unit"}, "name": "G017S1", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "231", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"description": "years", "id": 117200, "name": "maximum age", "path": "Absolute Age > maximum age", "value": "7.0"}, {"description": "years", "id": 117199, "name": "minimum age", "path": "Absolute Age > minimum age", "value": "0.0"}, {"description": "[0,13.9]", "id": 22278, "name": "Child", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Age > Child"}, {"description": "Possible result of anthropological sex determination. In this context, undetermined means that not enough bone material or specific features were preserved to carry out a sex determination (unlike indifferent, where the preserved features were neither clearly male nor female).", "id": 22375, "name": "undetermined", "path": "Sex and Gender > Sex > undetermined"}]}}], "files": [{"file_name": "42444.bmp", "id": 42444, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_37526", "reference": "Taf. 3", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}, {"file_name": "42436.jpg", "id": 42436, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_37513", "reference": "Taf. 4", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}, {"file_name": "39257.bmp", "id": 39257, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_37518", "reference": "Taf. 3", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "geometry": {"coordinates": [[[15.64333905, 48.58671218], [15.643338044, 48.586711681], [15.643337332, 48.586711348], [15.643336703, 48.586710988], [15.643335949, 48.58671035], [15.643335362, 48.58670974], [15.643335572, 48.586709324], [15.643336326, 48.586709103], [15.643336494, 48.586708604], [15.643336577, 48.586707938], [15.643336787, 48.586707328], [15.643337436, 48.586706857], [15.643337939, 48.586706718], [15.643338694, 48.586706705], [15.643339029, 48.586706538], [15.643339762, 48.586706275], [15.643340223, 48.586706109], [15.643340726, 48.586705901], [15.643341439, 48.586705901], [15.643342005, 48.586705928], [15.64334213, 48.586706316], [15.643342508, 48.586706483], [15.643343115, 48.586706483], [15.643343471, 48.586706344], [15.643343807, 48.586706524], [15.64334431, 48.586706926], [15.643344771, 48.586707148], [15.643345022, 48.586707453], [15.643345399, 48.586707606], [15.643345986, 48.586707633], [15.643346845, 48.586707606], [15.643347558, 48.586707689], [15.643348082, 48.586707869], [15.643348459, 48.586708132], [15.64334848, 48.586708451], [15.643348207, 48.586708631], [15.643347893, 48.586709006], [15.643347704, 48.586709602], [15.643347432, 48.586710031], [15.643347097, 48.586710544], [15.643346887, 48.586711002], [15.643347097, 48.586711362], [15.643347306, 48.586711903], [15.643347453, 48.586712402], [15.643347159, 48.586712873], [15.643346447, 48.586713261], [15.64334586, 48.586713413], [15.643345274, 48.586713386], [15.643344624, 48.586713164], [15.643343639, 48.586713067], [15.643342989, 48.586713136], [15.64334234, 48.586713261], [15.643342026, 48.586713427], [15.643341648, 48.586713413], [15.64334058, 48.586713427], [15.6433397, 48.5867134], [15.643339155, 48.586713261], [15.643339029, 48.586712942], [15.643339322, 48.586712665], [15.64333905, 48.58671218]]], "type": "Polygon"}, "id": 59231, "parent": 50505, "properties": {"description": "Almost rectangular grave pit. Only planum 1 was documented. On the burial level several laying flagstones and rubble stones in the southern corner of the pit. Oriented (pit): NW-SE (292\u00b0).\r\nPlanum 1 shows a rectangular discoloration, probably grave pit of grave 17 (contains the pot that is interpreted as grave good of grave 17). Partly situated above grave 18 (upper body of burial G018S1) - superposition.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 148713, "name": "Nearest Neighbour", "path": "Dimensions > Distance > Nearest Neighbour", "unit": "m", "value": "0.62"}, {"id": 118730, "name": "Azimuth", "path": "Dimensions > Azimuth", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "90"}, {"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "292.0"}, {"id": 26189, "name": "Length", "path": "Dimensions > Length", "unit": "cm", "value": "133.0"}, {"id": 26188, "name": "Width", "path": "Dimensions > Width", "unit": "cm", "value": "70.0"}], "maintype": {"id": 26205, "name": "Single Grave", "parent_id": 26204, "path": "Feature > Grave > Single Grave", "systemtype": "feature"}, "name": "Grave 017", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "231", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"id": 22309, "name": "Flat grave", "path": "Grave Characteristics > Grave Construction > Flat grave"}, {"id": 22302, "name": "Stone placement", "path": "Grave Characteristics > Grave Construction > Stone placement"}]}, "type": "Feature"}, {"burials": [{"finds": [{"files": [{"file_name": "42439.jpg", "id": 42439, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_37532", "reference": "Taf. 4/5", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "id": 102253, "properties": {"description": "Oval belt buckle with chape made out of iron. Spur wound around the web. Cross-section rectangular. Chape made out of sheet metal (iron). Heavily corroded. Few traces of organic anchorage. Found on top of the right pelvis.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26189, "name": "Length", "path": "Dimensions > Length", "unit": "cm", "value": "3.6"}, {"id": 26190, "name": "Thickness", "path": "Dimensions > Thickness", "unit": "cm", "value": "0.45"}, {"id": 26188, "name": "Width", "path": "Dimensions > Width", "unit": "cm", "value": "2.4"}], "maintype": {"id": 26384, "name": "Belt Buckle with Chape", "parent_id": 26383, "path": "Artifact > Cultural Object > Accessories > Belts > Belt Buckle > Belt Buckle with Chape", "systemtype": "artifact"}, "material": [{"id": 26540, "name": "Iron", "path": "Material > Metal > Iron", "value": "0.0"}], "name": "G018F01", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "231-232", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"id": 23463, "name": "Pelvis right", "path": "Position of Find in Grave > Pelvis > Pelvis right"}]}}, {"files": [{"file_name": "42440.jpg", "id": 42440, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_37534", "reference": "Taf. 4/4", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "id": 98937, "properties": {"description": "Finger ring made out of copper alloy. Grade on the inner rim. Possibly semi-finished product. Cross-section lenticular shaped.\r\nFound next to the left knee.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26191, "name": "Diameter", "path": "Dimensions > Diameter", "unit": "cm", "value": "1.7"}, {"id": 26190, "name": "Thickness", "path": "Dimensions > Thickness", "unit": "cm", "value": "0.3"}], "maintype": {"id": 26506, "name": "Varia", "parent_id": 205561, "path": "Artifact > Cultural Object > Varia", "systemtype": "artifact"}, "material": [{"id": 26546, "name": "Copper Alloy", "path": "Material > Metal > Non-Ferrous Metal > Copper Alloy", "value": "0.0"}], "name": "G018F02", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "231-232", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"id": 23449, "name": "Knee left", "path": "Position of Find in Grave > Lower Body > Leg Left > Knee left"}]}}], "id": 77859, "properties": {"description": "Adult-mature male (35-50 years). bend at the pelvis. Oriented: upper body WSW-NNE (244\u00b0) \u2013 lower body - W-E (267\u00b0). Well preserved. Left arm lays slightly under the left pelvis.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "267.0"}], "maintype": {"id": 26519, "name": "Skeleton", "parent_id": 26516, "path": "Stratigraphic unit > Burial (strat Unit) > Skeleton", "systemtype": "stratigraphic_unit"}, "name": "G018S1", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "231", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"description": "years", "id": 117200, "name": "maximum age", "path": "Absolute Age > maximum age", "value": "50.0"}, {"description": "years", "id": 117199, "name": "minimum age", "path": "Absolute Age > minimum age", "value": "35.0"}, {"description": "[20,59.9]", "id": 22285, "name": "Adult-Matur", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Age > Grown up > Adult-Matur"}, {"id": 128067, "name": "Left arm stretched", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Arms > Left arm stretched"}, {"id": 128068, "name": "Right arm stretched", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Arms > Right arm stretched"}, {"id": 128052, "name": "Supine position", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > General > Supine position"}, {"id": 128084, "name": "Left hand next to the body", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Hands > Left hand next to the body"}, {"id": 128085, "name": "Right hand next to the body", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Hands > Right hand next to the body"}, {"id": 128060, "name": "On the right side", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Head > On the right side"}, {"id": 128062, "name": "Left leg stretched", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Legs > Left leg stretched"}, {"id": 128103, "name": "Right leg stretched", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Legs > Right leg stretched"}, {"id": 25, "name": "Male", "path": "Sex and Gender > Sex > Male"}]}}], "files": [{"file_name": "42437.jpg", "id": 42437, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_37528", "reference": "Taf. 4", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}, {"file_name": "42438.bmp", "id": 42438, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_37529", "reference": "Taf. 4", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "geometry": {"coordinates": [[[15.64335837, 48.586717835], [15.643357071, 48.586718112], [15.643355185, 48.586718334], [15.643353425, 48.586718584], [15.643351288, 48.586718722], [15.643349695, 48.586718889], [15.643347893, 48.586719083], [15.643346426, 48.586719221], [15.643345756, 48.586719665], [15.643344792, 48.58671972], [15.643343492, 48.586719471], [15.643342026, 48.586719249], [15.643340433, 48.586719083], [15.643338505, 48.586719166], [15.643337541, 48.586718861], [15.643335949, 48.58671814], [15.643334147, 48.586717669], [15.643333225, 48.586716837], [15.643332554, 48.586716061], [15.643331632, 48.586715007], [15.643331213, 48.586714231], [15.643331129, 48.586713705], [15.64333159, 48.586713206], [15.643332093, 48.586712596], [15.643332177, 48.586711958], [15.643332344, 48.586711376], [15.643333225, 48.586711182], [15.643334272, 48.586710905], [15.643335613, 48.586710877], [15.643336955, 48.586711237], [15.643338338, 48.586711792], [15.643338966, 48.586712235], [15.643339301, 48.586712845], [15.64333905, 48.586713289], [15.643340643, 48.586713483], [15.643341816, 48.586713621], [15.643342822, 48.586713344], [15.643344037, 48.586713233], [15.643344959, 48.586713289], [15.643345881, 48.586713705], [15.643346761, 48.586713954], [15.643348689, 48.586713871], [15.643350575, 48.586713788], [15.643351832, 48.586714176], [15.643352964, 48.586714536], [15.643354137, 48.586715312], [15.643355353, 48.586715451], [15.643356652, 48.586715507], [15.643357658, 48.586715534], [15.643358203, 48.586715839], [15.643358286, 48.586716449], [15.643358412, 48.586717087], [15.64335837, 48.586717835]]], "type": "Polygon"}, "id": 57175, "parent": 50505, "properties": {"description": "Irregular rectangular shaped grave pit, partly cut slightly into the rock. Partly surrounded by stones. Probably superimposed by grave 17.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 118730, "name": "Azimuth", "path": "Dimensions > Azimuth", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "79"}, {"id": 148713, "name": "Nearest Neighbour", "path": "Dimensions > Distance > Nearest Neighbour", "unit": "m", "value": "0.62"}, {"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "267.0"}, {"id": 15679, "name": "Height", "path": "Dimensions > Height", "unit": "cm", "value": "16.0"}, {"id": 26189, "name": "Length", "path": "Dimensions > Length", "unit": "cm", "value": "195.0"}, {"id": 26188, "name": "Width", "path": "Dimensions > Width", "unit": "cm", "value": "80.0"}], "maintype": {"id": 26205, "name": "Single Grave", "parent_id": 26204, "path": "Feature > Grave > Single Grave", "systemtype": "feature"}, "name": "Grave 018", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "231", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"id": 22299, "name": "Cut in rock", "path": "Grave Characteristics > Grave Construction > Cut in rock"}, {"id": 22300, "name": "Earth pit", "path": "Grave Characteristics > Grave Construction > Earth pit"}, {"id": 22309, "name": "Flat grave", "path": "Grave Characteristics > Grave Construction > Flat grave"}, {"id": 22302, "name": "Stone placement", "path": "Grave Characteristics > Grave Construction > Stone placement"}]}, "type": "Feature"}, {"burials": [{"finds": [{"id": 117239, "properties": {"description": "Disc-shaped loom weight. Whole off-center. Preserved length: 8, width: 5 cm, reconstructed dia.: app. 10 cm, width: 2,3 cm.\r\nFound in the backfilling of grave 19.\r\n\r\nFragmentiertes, ann\u00e4hernd scheibenf\u00f6rmiges Webgewicht. Exzentrisch gelocht. Erhaltene L.: 8, B.: 5 cm, rek. Dm.: ca. 10 cm, Br.: 2,3 cm.\r\nIn der Grabverf\u00fcllung gefunden.", "dimensions": [{"id": 26191, "name": "Diameter", "path": "Dimensions > Diameter", "unit": "cm", "value": "10.0"}, {"id": 26189, "name": "Length", "path": "Dimensions > Length", "unit": "cm", "value": "8.0"}, {"id": 26190, "name": "Thickness", "path": "Dimensions > Thickness", "unit": "cm", "value": "2.3"}, {"id": 26188, "name": "Width", "path": "Dimensions > Width", "unit": "cm", "value": "5.0"}], "maintype": {"id": 26506, "name": "Varia", "parent_id": 205561, "path": "Artifact > Cultural Object > Varia", "systemtype": "artifact"}, "name": "G019S2F02", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "232", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}]}}], "id": 117237, "properties": {"description": "Backfilling of grave 19.", "dimensions": [{"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "302.0"}], "maintype": {"id": 117202, "name": "Backfilling", "parent_id": 26514, "path": "Stratigraphic unit > Deposit > Backfilling", "systemtype": "stratigraphic_unit"}, "name": "G019S2", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "232", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}}}, {"finds": [{"files": [{"file_name": "42447.jpg", "id": 42447, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_37540", "reference": "Taf. 5/1", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "id": 101719, "properties": {"description": "Rod-tangled knife made out of iron. Knife tip is missing. Cross-section of the blade is triangular, cross-section of the tang is rectangular. The shift from tang to blade is oblique. Straight back with marked buckling towards the tip. Blade straight and divergent to back. Found next to the left thigh.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26189, "name": "Length", "path": "Dimensions > Length", "unit": "cm", "value": "10.3"}, {"id": 26188, "name": "Width", "path": "Dimensions > Width", "unit": "cm", "value": "1.4"}], "maintype": {"id": 26245, "name": "Rod-Tanged Knife", "parent_id": 26244, "path": "Artifact > Cultural Object > Equipment > Knife > Rod-Tanged Knife", "systemtype": "artifact"}, "material": [{"id": 26540, "name": "Iron", "path": "Material > Metal > Iron", "value": "0.0"}], "name": "G019F01", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "232", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"id": 23451, "name": "Thigh left", "path": "Position of Find in Grave > Lower Body > Leg Left > Thigh left"}]}}, {"files": [{"file_name": "42449.jpg", "id": 42449, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_37542", "reference": "Taf. 5/2", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "id": 102289, "properties": {"description": "Pot, preserved almost entirely. Lower part and bottom partly heavily weathered. Rim dia.: 9,2 cm, max. dia.: 12,3 cm, bottom dia.: 6,6 cm, height: 12,1 cm. Ceramic group B (?). Slowly turned. On the inside horizontal traces of the smoothening. Vertically cut off rim. Slight top chime. Decorated with wavebands merging into horizontal linear ornaments. Color: grey, reduced firing.\r\nFound left to the feet (in trench's profile).\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26191, "name": "Diameter", "path": "Dimensions > Diameter", "unit": "cm", "value": "12.3"}, {"id": 15679, "name": "Height", "path": "Dimensions > Height", "unit": "cm", "value": "12.1"}], "maintype": {"id": 26301, "name": "Pot", "parent_id": 26294, "path": "Artifact > Cultural Object > Container > Pottery > Pot", "systemtype": "artifact"}, "material": [{"id": 26561, "name": "Ceramic", "path": "Material > Geological > Clay > Ceramic", "value": "0.0"}], "name": "G019F02", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "232", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"id": 23448, "name": "Foot left", "path": "Position of Find in Grave > Lower Body > Leg Left > Foot left"}]}}], "id": 77889, "properties": {"description": "Mature male (40-60 years). Oriented: W-E. Neck, ribcage, right forearm, and lower legs not in situ.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "302.0"}], "maintype": {"id": 26519, "name": "Skeleton", "parent_id": 26516, "path": "Stratigraphic unit > Burial (strat Unit) > Skeleton", "systemtype": "stratigraphic_unit"}, "name": "G019S1", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "232", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"description": "years", "id": 117200, "name": "maximum age", "path": "Absolute Age > maximum age", "value": "60.0"}, {"description": "years", "id": 117199, "name": "minimum age", "path": "Absolute Age > minimum age", "value": "40.0"}, {"description": "[40,59.9]", "id": 22286, "name": "Matur", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Age > Grown up > Matur"}, {"id": 128067, "name": "Left arm stretched", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Arms > Left arm stretched"}, {"id": 128068, "name": "Right arm stretched", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Arms > Right arm stretched"}, {"id": 128052, "name": "Supine position", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > General > Supine position"}, {"id": 128084, "name": "Left hand next to the body", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Hands > Left hand next to the body"}, {"id": 128085, "name": "Right hand next to the body", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Hands > Right hand next to the body"}, {"id": 128060, "name": "On the right side", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Head > On the right side"}, {"id": 128062, "name": "Left leg stretched", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Legs > Left leg stretched"}, {"id": 128103, "name": "Right leg stretched", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Legs > Right leg stretched"}, {"id": 25, "name": "Male", "path": "Sex and Gender > Sex > Male"}]}}], "files": [{"file_name": "42445.jpg", "id": 42445, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_37536", "reference": "Taf. 5", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}, {"file_name": "42446.jpg", "id": 42446, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_37537", "reference": "Taf. 5", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "geometry": {"coordinates": [[[15.643332177, 48.586775304], [15.643331087, 48.586776468], [15.643330417, 48.58677755], [15.643329746, 48.586778353], [15.643329117, 48.586778991], [15.64332874, 48.586779601], [15.643328028, 48.586780488], [15.643326645, 48.586781153], [15.643325807, 48.586781597], [15.643324382, 48.586782235], [15.643322454, 48.586782706], [15.643320987, 48.58678326], [15.643319939, 48.586783648], [15.643319143, 48.58678387], [15.643318472, 48.586784342], [15.643317718, 48.586785007], [15.643317425, 48.586785534], [15.643316503, 48.586785949], [15.643315916, 48.586786282], [15.643315036, 48.586786615], [15.643313695, 48.586786781], [15.643312731, 48.586786837], [15.643312018, 48.586786448], [15.64331139, 48.586785811], [15.643310929, 48.586785118], [15.643310677, 48.586784536], [15.643310216, 48.586783898], [15.643309504, 48.58678351], [15.643309588, 48.586782678], [15.64331118, 48.586781819], [15.643311599, 48.586781237], [15.643312479, 48.58678107], [15.643313276, 48.586780433], [15.643314742, 48.586779629], [15.643317048, 48.586779074], [15.643318975, 48.586778215], [15.643320987, 48.586777383], [15.643321909, 48.586777078], [15.643323041, 48.586776967], [15.643324088, 48.586777023], [15.643325262, 48.586776607], [15.643326351, 48.58677608], [15.643327651, 48.586775692], [15.643328908, 48.586775249], [15.643330291, 48.586774971], [15.643331213, 48.586774583], [15.643332177, 48.586775304]]], "type": "Polygon"}, "id": 56685, "parent": 50505, "properties": {"description": "Irregular rectangular shaped grave pit, cut into the stone. Some standing stones around the edges. Eastern part slightly disturbed due to trench\u2018s profile.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "302.0"}, {"id": 15679, "name": "Height", "path": "Dimensions > Height", "unit": "cm", "value": "27.0"}, {"id": 26189, "name": "Length", "path": "Dimensions > Length", "unit": "cm", "value": "201.0"}, {"id": 26188, "name": "Width", "path": "Dimensions > Width", "unit": "cm", "value": "67.0"}, {"id": 148713, "name": "Nearest Neighbour", "path": "Dimensions > Distance > Nearest Neighbour", "unit": "m", "value": "1.67"}, {"id": 118730, "name": "Azimuth", "path": "Dimensions > Azimuth", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "115"}], "maintype": {"id": 26205, "name": "Single Grave", "parent_id": 26204, "path": "Feature > Grave > Single Grave", "systemtype": "feature"}, "name": "Grave 019", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "232", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"id": 22309, "name": "Flat grave", "path": "Grave Characteristics > Grave Construction > Flat grave"}, {"id": 22302, "name": "Stone placement", "path": "Grave Characteristics > Grave Construction > Stone placement"}]}, "type": "Feature"}, {"burials": [{"finds": [{"id": 117241, "properties": {"description": "Botanical remains, found in the earth next to the skeleton.\r\n\r\n", "maintype": {"id": 26506, "name": "Varia", "parent_id": 205561, "path": "Artifact > Cultural Object > Varia", "systemtype": "artifact"}, "material": [{"id": 26522, "name": "Plant", "path": "Material > Organic > Plant", "value": "100.0"}], "name": "G020S1F01", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "232", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}]}}], "id": 77883, "properties": {"description": "Adult female (30-40 years). Oriented: W-E. Bones well preserved. Skull is laying on its right side, lower yaw straight and on top of the cervical vertebrae. Left forearm positioned slightly under the left pelvis. Ribcage slightly disturbed.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "304.0"}], "maintype": {"id": 26519, "name": "Skeleton", "parent_id": 26516, "path": "Stratigraphic unit > Burial (strat Unit) > Skeleton", "systemtype": "stratigraphic_unit"}, "name": "G020S1", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "232", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"description": "years", "id": 117200, "name": "maximum age", "path": "Absolute Age > maximum age", "value": "40.0"}, {"description": "years", "id": 117199, "name": "minimum age", "path": "Absolute Age > minimum age", "value": "30.0"}, {"description": "[20,39.9]", "id": 22284, "name": "Adult", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Age > Grown up > Adult"}, {"id": 128067, "name": "Left arm stretched", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Arms > Left arm stretched"}, {"id": 128068, "name": "Right arm stretched", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Arms > Right arm stretched"}, {"id": 128052, "name": "Supine position", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > General > Supine position"}, {"id": 128084, "name": "Left hand next to the body", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Hands > Left hand next to the body"}, {"id": 128085, "name": "Right hand next to the body", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Hands > Right hand next to the body"}, {"id": 128060, "name": "On the right side", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Head > On the right side"}, {"id": 128062, "name": "Left leg stretched", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Legs > Left leg stretched"}, {"id": 128103, "name": "Right leg stretched", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Legs > Right leg stretched"}, {"id": 24, "name": "Female", "path": "Sex and Gender > Sex > Female"}]}}], "files": [{"file_name": "42448.jpg", "id": 42448, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_37545", "reference": "Taf. 5", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "geometry": {"coordinates": [[[15.64332501, 48.586749106], [15.643322663, 48.586746473], [15.643320861, 48.586744005], [15.643323921, 48.586742647], [15.643327609, 48.586741399], [15.643332303, 48.586739597], [15.64333729, 48.586737906], [15.643339092, 48.586737213], [15.643341397, 48.586736465], [15.643343157, 48.586735883], [15.643344373, 48.586735855], [15.643345672, 48.586736188], [15.643347013, 48.586736991], [15.643347767, 48.586737851], [15.643348689, 48.586739015], [15.643349066, 48.586740069], [15.643348731, 48.586740568], [15.643346342, 48.586741455], [15.643339385, 48.586743728], [15.643332051, 48.5867465], [15.64332501, 48.586749106]]], "type": "Polygon"}, "id": 59237, "parent": 50505, "properties": {"description": "Almost rectangular grave pit. Cut slightly into the rock. Stone placement along one of the long side and along the lower end. In close relation to grave 21. A cliff-edge suggests that grave 21 was built sometime after grave 20.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "304.0"}, {"id": 15679, "name": "Height", "path": "Dimensions > Height", "unit": "cm", "value": "33.0"}, {"id": 26189, "name": "Length", "path": "Dimensions > Length", "unit": "cm", "value": "215.0"}, {"id": 26188, "name": "Width", "path": "Dimensions > Width", "unit": "cm", "value": "70.0"}, {"id": 118730, "name": "Azimuth", "path": "Dimensions > Azimuth", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "110"}, {"id": 148713, "name": "Nearest Neighbour", "path": "Dimensions > Distance > Nearest Neighbour", "unit": "m", "value": "0.78"}], "maintype": {"id": 26205, "name": "Single Grave", "parent_id": 26204, "path": "Feature > Grave > Single Grave", "systemtype": "feature"}, "name": "Grave 020", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "232", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"id": 22309, "name": "Flat grave", "path": "Grave Characteristics > Grave Construction > Flat grave"}, {"id": 22302, "name": "Stone placement", "path": "Grave Characteristics > Grave Construction > Stone placement"}]}, "type": "Feature"}, {"burials": [{"finds": [{"files": [{"file_name": "42451.jpg", "id": 42451, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_37551", "reference": "Taf. 5/3", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "id": 101731, "properties": {"description": "Rod-tanged Knife made out of iron. Tang fragmented. Cross-section of blade triangular. Cross-section of tang triangular to rectangular. Tang and blade divided by a step. Back of knife without buckling but after app. 7,4 cm slightly tilted towards the tip. Straight tip in a middle position. Found between right upper arm and ribcage.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26189, "name": "Length", "path": "Dimensions > Length", "unit": "cm", "value": "14.0"}, {"id": 26188, "name": "Width", "path": "Dimensions > Width", "unit": "cm", "value": "1.6"}], "maintype": {"id": 26245, "name": "Rod-Tanged Knife", "parent_id": 26244, "path": "Artifact > Cultural Object > Equipment > Knife > Rod-Tanged Knife", "systemtype": "artifact"}, "material": [{"id": 26540, "name": "Iron", "path": "Material > Metal > Iron", "value": "0.0"}], "name": "G021F01", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "232", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"id": 23477, "name": "Upper Arm right", "path": "Position of Find in Grave > Upper Body > Upper Extremities > Arm right > Upper Arm right"}]}}, {"id": 117243, "properties": {"description": "Wooden remains, found in the soil around the skeleton.\r\n\r\n", "maintype": {"id": 26506, "name": "Varia", "parent_id": 205561, "path": "Artifact > Cultural Object > Varia", "systemtype": "artifact"}, "name": "G021S1F02", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "232", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}}}], "id": 77877, "properties": {"description": "Adult female (35-40 years). Oriented: W-E. Bones well preserved. Skull tilted slightly down and to the right. Left forearm positioned partly under the pelvis. Phalanges not in situ.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "303.0"}], "maintype": {"id": 26519, "name": "Skeleton", "parent_id": 26516, "path": "Stratigraphic unit > Burial (strat Unit) > Skeleton", "systemtype": "stratigraphic_unit"}, "name": "G021S1", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "232", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"description": "years", "id": 117200, "name": "maximum age", "path": "Absolute Age > maximum age", "value": "40.0"}, {"description": "years", "id": 117199, "name": "minimum age", "path": "Absolute Age > minimum age", "value": "35.0"}, {"description": "[20,39.9]", "id": 22284, "name": "Adult", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Age > Grown up > Adult"}, {"id": 128067, "name": "Left arm stretched", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Arms > Left arm stretched"}, {"id": 128068, "name": "Right arm stretched", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Arms > Right arm stretched"}, {"id": 128052, "name": "Supine position", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > General > Supine position"}, {"id": 128084, "name": "Left hand next to the body", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Hands > Left hand next to the body"}, {"id": 128085, "name": "Right hand next to the body", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Hands > Right hand next to the body"}, {"id": 128059, "name": "Head straight", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Head > Head straight"}, {"id": 128062, "name": "Left leg stretched", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Legs > Left leg stretched"}, {"id": 128103, "name": "Right leg stretched", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Legs > Right leg stretched"}, {"id": 24, "name": "Female", "path": "Sex and Gender > Sex > Female"}]}}], "files": [{"file_name": "42450.jpg", "id": 42450, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_37548", "reference": "232", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "geometry": {"coordinates": [[[15.643324591, 48.586755261], [15.643323334, 48.586754069], [15.643322328, 48.586752876], [15.643321322, 48.586752045], [15.643320861, 48.586751407], [15.643321532, 48.586750853], [15.643324214, 48.586749578], [15.64332631, 48.586748857], [15.643328824, 48.586747859], [15.643331464, 48.586746833], [15.643333727, 48.586745974], [15.6433362, 48.586745003], [15.643338421, 48.586744172], [15.643340768, 48.586743423], [15.643342277, 48.586743035], [15.643343073, 48.586743589], [15.643344247, 48.586744587], [15.64334542, 48.58674614], [15.643345756, 48.586746972], [15.643345546, 48.586747526], [15.643343828, 48.586748413], [15.643341858, 48.586749162], [15.643339469, 48.586750021], [15.643336871, 48.586751019], [15.643332889, 48.586752655], [15.643330794, 48.58675368], [15.643327315, 48.58675454], [15.643324591, 48.586755261]]], "type": "Polygon"}, "id": 59267, "parent": 50505, "properties": {"description": "Rectangular grave pit, slightly cut into the rock. Few stones placed along the edges. Wooden remains in the earth suggest the presence of a coffin. \r\nIn close relation to grave 20. A cliff-edge suggests that grave 21 was built sometime after grave 20.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "303.0"}, {"id": 15679, "name": "Height", "path": "Dimensions > Height", "unit": "cm", "value": "43.0"}, {"id": 26189, "name": "Length", "path": "Dimensions > Length", "unit": "cm", "value": "195.0"}, {"id": 26188, "name": "Width", "path": "Dimensions > Width", "unit": "cm", "value": "65.0"}, {"id": 148713, "name": "Nearest Neighbour", "path": "Dimensions > Distance > Nearest Neighbour", "unit": "m", "value": "0.78"}, {"id": 118730, "name": "Azimuth", "path": "Dimensions > Azimuth", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "111"}], "maintype": {"id": 26205, "name": "Single Grave", "parent_id": 26204, "path": "Feature > Grave > Single Grave", "systemtype": "feature"}, "name": "Grave 021", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "232", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"id": 22309, "name": "Flat grave", "path": "Grave Characteristics > Grave Construction > Flat grave"}, {"id": 22304, "name": "Wood and Stone", "path": "Grave Characteristics > Grave Construction > Wood and Stone"}]}, "type": "Feature"}, {"burials": [{"finds": [{"files": [{"file_name": "39375.jpg", "id": 39375, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_37556", "reference": "Taf. 6/1", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "id": 102181, "properties": {"description": "Rod-tanged knife made out of iron. Cross-section of blade and tang triangular. Tang and blade divided by a slightly tilted step. Back of knife without buckling but after app. 7,2 cm slightly tilted towards the tip. Blade and tang devided by a slightly tilted step. Blade tilted towards the tip. Tip in a superior position.\r\nFound next to the femur.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26189, "name": "Length", "path": "Dimensions > Length", "unit": "cm", "value": "12.3"}, {"id": 26188, "name": "Width", "path": "Dimensions > Width", "unit": "cm", "value": "1.45"}], "maintype": {"id": 26245, "name": "Rod-Tanged Knife", "parent_id": 26244, "path": "Artifact > Cultural Object > Equipment > Knife > Rod-Tanged Knife", "systemtype": "artifact"}, "material": [{"id": 26540, "name": "Iron", "path": "Material > Metal > Iron", "value": "0.0"}], "name": "G022S1F01", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "233", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}}}, {"files": [{"file_name": "39378.jpg", "id": 39378, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_37558", "reference": "Taf. 6/2", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "id": 95511, "properties": {"description": "Rod-tanged knife made out of iron. Tang and tip fragmented. Cross-section of blade triangular, cross-section of tang rectangular. Tang and blade divided by a buckling. Blade divided by slightly tilted step. Tip in a middle or superior position. Found next to the femur.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26189, "name": "Length", "path": "Dimensions > Length", "unit": "cm", "value": "19.7"}, {"id": 26190, "name": "Thickness", "path": "Dimensions > Thickness", "unit": "cm", "value": "0.2"}, {"id": 26188, "name": "Width", "path": "Dimensions > Width", "unit": "cm", "value": "1.5"}], "maintype": {"id": 26245, "name": "Rod-Tanged Knife", "parent_id": 26244, "path": "Artifact > Cultural Object > Equipment > Knife > Rod-Tanged Knife", "systemtype": "artifact"}, "material": [{"id": 26540, "name": "Iron", "path": "Material > Metal > Iron", "value": "0.0"}], "name": "G022S1F02", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "233", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}}}, {"files": [{"file_name": "41169.jpg", "id": 41169, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_37560", "reference": "Taf. 6/3", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "id": 100289, "properties": {"description": "Fragmented lock made out of iron. Probably bar and spring. Found above the femur.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26189, "name": "Length", "path": "Dimensions > Length", "unit": "cm", "value": "10.1"}], "maintype": {"id": 26257, "name": "Lock", "parent_id": 26223, "path": "Artifact > Cultural Object > Equipment > Lock", "systemtype": "artifact"}, "material": [{"id": 26540, "name": "Iron", "path": "Material > Metal > Iron", "value": "0.0"}], "name": "G022S1F03", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "233", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}}}, {"files": [{"file_name": "41896.jpg", "id": 41896, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_37562", "reference": "Taf. 6/5", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "id": 102211, "properties": {"description": "Nail made out of iron. Cross-section rectangular. L.: 4,3 cm, width (head): 1,4 cm. Position in grave not certain, probably found next to the lock made out of iron (G022S1F03).\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26189, "name": "Length", "path": "Dimensions > Length", "unit": "cm", "value": "4.3"}, {"id": 26188, "name": "Width", "path": "Dimensions > Width", "unit": "cm", "value": "1.4"}], "maintype": {"id": 26219, "name": "Nail", "parent_id": 26212, "path": "Artifact > Cultural Object > Building Component > Nail", "systemtype": "artifact"}, "material": [{"id": 26540, "name": "Iron", "path": "Material > Metal > Iron", "value": "0.0"}], "name": "G022S1F04", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "233", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}}}, {"id": 117253, "properties": {"description": "Ceramic sherd, rim fragment. Prehistoric. Found underneath the pelvis.\r\n\r\n", "maintype": {"id": 26294, "name": "Pottery", "parent_id": 187110, "path": "Artifact > Cultural Object > Container > Pottery", "systemtype": "artifact"}, "material": [{"id": 26561, "name": "Ceramic", "path": "Material > Geological > Clay > Ceramic", "value": "100.0"}], "name": "G022S1F05", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "233", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}]}}], "id": 77379, "properties": {"description": "Secondary burial of an adult male (20-25 years). Oriented: long bones almost W-E. Long bones arranged next to each other on the bottom, right pelvis and scapulae on top. In the western end of the pit a skull without lower yaw, laying on its right side.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "257.0"}], "maintype": {"id": 26517, "name": "Bone deposition (strat. Unit)", "parent_id": 26516, "path": "Stratigraphic unit > Burial (strat Unit) > Bone deposition (strat. Unit)", "systemtype": "stratigraphic_unit"}, "name": "G022S1", "radiocarbon": {"sample": "VERA4481 : 1078 \u00b1 38"}, "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "232-233", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"description": "years", "id": 117200, "name": "maximum age", "path": "Absolute Age > maximum age", "value": "25.0"}, {"description": "years", "id": 117199, "name": "minimum age", "path": "Absolute Age > minimum age", "value": "20.0"}, {"description": "[18,25]", "id": 117201, "name": "Early adult", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Age > Grown up > Adult > Early adult"}, {"id": 128055, "name": "Other", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > General > Other"}, {"id": 25, "name": "Male", "path": "Sex and Gender > Sex > Male"}]}}, {"finds": [{"files": [{"file_name": "41896.jpg", "id": 41896, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_37562", "reference": "Taf. 6/5", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "id": 117247, "properties": {"description": "Nail made out of iron. Cross-section rectangular. L.: 3,1 cm, width (head): 1,3 cm. Found in the grave's backfilling and above the skeleton.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26189, "name": "Length", "path": "Dimensions > Length", "unit": "cm", "value": "3.1"}, {"id": 26188, "name": "Width", "path": "Dimensions > Width", "unit": "cm", "value": "1.3"}], "maintype": {"id": 26219, "name": "Nail", "parent_id": 26212, "path": "Artifact > Cultural Object > Building Component > Nail", "systemtype": "artifact"}, "material": [{"id": 26540, "name": "Iron", "path": "Material > Metal > Iron", "value": "0.0"}], "name": "G022S2F01", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "233", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}]}}, {"files": [{"file_name": "41896.jpg", "id": 41896, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_37562", "reference": "Taf. 6/5", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "id": 117249, "properties": {"description": "Nail made out of iron. Cross-section rectangular. L.: 3,4 cm, width (head): 0,9 cm. Found in the grave's backfilling and above the skeleton.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26189, "name": "Length", "path": "Dimensions > Length", "unit": "cm", "value": "3.4"}, {"id": 26188, "name": "Width", "path": "Dimensions > Width", "unit": "cm", "value": "0.9"}], "maintype": {"id": 26219, "name": "Nail", "parent_id": 26212, "path": "Artifact > Cultural Object > Building Component > Nail", "systemtype": "artifact"}, "material": [{"id": 26540, "name": "Iron", "path": "Material > Metal > Iron", "value": "0.0"}], "name": "G022S2F02", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "233", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}]}}, {"files": [{"file_name": "41897.jpg", "id": 41897, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_37564", "reference": "Taf. 6/4", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "id": 117251, "properties": {"description": "Lock's clasp made out of iron, heavily corroded. Both ends coiled, middle part band-like with two perforations. Found in the grave's backfilling and above the skeleton.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26189, "name": "Length", "path": "Dimensions > Length", "unit": "cm", "value": "10.7"}], "maintype": {"id": 26257, "name": "Lock", "parent_id": 26223, "path": "Artifact > Cultural Object > Equipment > Lock", "systemtype": "artifact"}, "material": [{"id": 26540, "name": "Iron", "path": "Material > Metal > Iron", "value": "0.0"}], "name": "G022S2F03", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "233", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}]}}], "id": 117245, "properties": {"description": "Backfilling of grave 22.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "257.0"}], "maintype": {"id": 117202, "name": "Backfilling", "parent_id": 26514, "path": "Stratigraphic unit > Deposit > Backfilling", "systemtype": "stratigraphic_unit"}, "name": "G022S2", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "232-233", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}]}}], "files": [{"file_name": "42455.jpg", "id": 42455, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_37553", "reference": "Taf. 6", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "geometry": {"coordinates": [[[15.64330481, 48.58675716], [15.64330437, 48.586756855], [15.643304056, 48.586756508], [15.643303636, 48.586755981], [15.643303196, 48.586755635], [15.643303113, 48.58675508], [15.643302987, 48.586754623], [15.643302756, 48.586754207], [15.643302484, 48.586753833], [15.643302128, 48.586753528], [15.643302295, 48.586752932], [15.64330261, 48.58675235], [15.643303134, 48.586751989], [15.643303951, 48.58675174], [15.64330504, 48.586751518], [15.643305921, 48.586751352], [15.64330678, 48.586751213], [15.643307869, 48.586751075], [15.643308812, 48.586750922], [15.643309818, 48.586750603], [15.643310572, 48.586750298], [15.643311348, 48.586750118], [15.643312081, 48.586749993], [15.643312752, 48.586750201], [15.643313129, 48.586750936], [15.643313548, 48.586751587], [15.643314072, 48.586752488], [15.643314449, 48.586753237], [15.643314763, 48.586753847], [15.643314973, 48.586754498], [15.643314994, 48.586754956], [15.643314722, 48.586755385], [15.64331403, 48.586755718], [15.643312563, 48.586756051], [15.643310845, 48.58675637], [15.643309294, 48.586756591], [15.643306926, 48.586756882], [15.64330481, 48.58675716]]], "type": "Polygon"}, "id": 56635, "parent": 50505, "properties": {"description": "Short rectangular pit, slightly cut into the stone. Few small stones along the shorter sides. Probably secondary burial deposited in a case.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "257.0"}, {"id": 15679, "name": "Height", "path": "Dimensions > Height", "unit": "cm", "value": "12.0"}, {"id": 26189, "name": "Length", "path": "Dimensions > Length", "unit": "cm", "value": "94.0"}, {"id": 26188, "name": "Width", "path": "Dimensions > Width", "unit": "cm", "value": "64.0"}, {"id": 118730, "name": "Azimuth", "path": "Dimensions > Azimuth", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "101"}, {"id": 148713, "name": "Nearest Neighbour", "path": "Dimensions > Distance > Nearest Neighbour", "unit": "m", "value": "1.3"}], "maintype": {"id": 26207, "name": "Bone deposition (feature)", "parent_id": 26204, "path": "Feature > Grave > Bone deposition (feature)", "systemtype": "feature"}, "name": "Grave 022", "radiocarbon": {"child_sample": ["VERA4481 : 1078 \u00b1 38"]}, "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "232", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"id": 22309, "name": "Flat grave", "path": "Grave Characteristics > Grave Construction > Flat grave"}, {"id": 22302, "name": "Stone placement", "path": "Grave Characteristics > Grave Construction > Stone placement"}]}, "type": "Feature"}, {"burials": [{"finds": [{"id": 117255, "properties": {"description": "Cinder, found in the soil next to the skeleton.\r\n\r\n", "maintype": {"id": 26506, "name": "Varia", "parent_id": 205561, "path": "Artifact > Cultural Object > Varia", "systemtype": "artifact"}, "name": "G023S1F03", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "233", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}]}}, {"files": [{"file_name": "34598.jpg", "id": 34598, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_37570", "reference": "Taf. 7/1", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "id": 102931, "properties": {"description": "Fragment with unknown function. Found in the soil next to the skeleton.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26189, "name": "Length", "path": "Dimensions > Length", "unit": "cm", "value": "0.95"}, {"id": 26190, "name": "Thickness", "path": "Dimensions > Thickness", "unit": "cm", "value": "0.7"}, {"id": 26188, "name": "Width", "path": "Dimensions > Width", "unit": "cm", "value": "0.7"}], "maintype": {"id": 26506, "name": "Varia", "parent_id": 205561, "path": "Artifact > Cultural Object > Varia", "systemtype": "artifact"}, "name": "G023S1F01", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "233", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}}}, {"files": [{"file_name": "33903.jpg", "id": 33903, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_37572", "reference": "Taf. 7/2", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "id": 102133, "properties": {"description": "(Scabbard) Mounting made out of iron. Four fragments, strab-shaped, partly decorated with fin ornament. Found next to the right upper femur. \r\n\r\n", "maintype": {"id": 26477, "name": "Weapon Accessories", "parent_id": 26450, "path": "Artifact > Cultural Object > WeaponsArmourRiding > Attack Weapons > Weapon Accessories", "systemtype": "artifact"}, "material": [{"id": 26540, "name": "Iron", "path": "Material > Metal > Iron", "value": "0.0"}], "name": "G023S1F02", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "233", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"id": 23456, "name": "Thigh right", "path": "Position of Find in Grave > Lower Body > Leg right > Thigh right"}]}}], "id": 77397, "properties": {"description": "Adult male (30-40 years). Prone position. Oriented: W-E. Skull tilted slightly downwards. Ribcage and pelvis disturbed and not in situ. Lower limbs slightly dislocated.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "312.0"}], "maintype": {"id": 26519, "name": "Skeleton", "parent_id": 26516, "path": "Stratigraphic unit > Burial (strat Unit) > Skeleton", "systemtype": "stratigraphic_unit"}, "name": "G023S1", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "233", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"description": "years", "id": 117200, "name": "maximum age", "path": "Absolute Age > maximum age", "value": "40.0"}, {"description": "years", "id": 117199, "name": "minimum age", "path": "Absolute Age > minimum age", "value": "30.0"}, {"description": "[20,39.9]", "id": 22284, "name": "Adult", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Age > Grown up > Adult"}, {"id": 25, "name": "Male", "path": "Sex and Gender > Sex > Male"}]}}], "files": [{"file_name": "42456.jpg", "id": 42456, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_37566", "reference": "Taf. 7", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "geometry": {"coordinates": [[[15.643296638, 48.586732306], [15.643297769, 48.586732112], [15.643299026, 48.586731891], [15.643300158, 48.586731669], [15.643301122, 48.586731225], [15.643302421, 48.586730837], [15.643303217, 48.586730338], [15.643304642, 48.586729922], [15.643305355, 48.586729368], [15.643306444, 48.586728786], [15.643307995, 48.586728037], [15.643309336, 48.58672751], [15.643310929, 48.5867269], [15.643313653, 48.586726207], [15.643315832, 48.586725376], [15.643318179, 48.586724766], [15.643319562, 48.58672435], [15.643320819, 48.586723823], [15.643321867, 48.586723546], [15.643322663, 48.586723269], [15.643323795, 48.586722714], [15.643324298, 48.5867218], [15.643324465, 48.586721134], [15.643324591, 48.586720303], [15.643325178, 48.586719665], [15.643324843, 48.586719166], [15.643323292, 48.58671875], [15.643321406, 48.586718528], [15.643320652, 48.586718528], [15.643320191, 48.586717974], [15.643319311, 48.58671778], [15.643318095, 48.586717392], [15.643316628, 48.58671717], [15.643314449, 48.586717752], [15.643312396, 48.586718196], [15.64331051, 48.586718916], [15.643309169, 48.586719665], [15.643308121, 48.586720164], [15.64330678, 48.586720829], [15.643305564, 48.586721578], [15.643304391, 48.586722188], [15.643303427, 48.586722659], [15.643302798, 48.586722881], [15.643301918, 48.586723158], [15.643300954, 48.586723297], [15.643300032, 48.586723463], [15.64329911, 48.586723574], [15.643298062, 48.586723851], [15.643297224, 48.586724239], [15.643296596, 48.586724932], [15.643296093, 48.586726097], [15.64329559, 48.586727095], [15.643295003, 48.586728148], [15.643294877, 48.586728896], [15.643294877, 48.586729645], [15.643295129, 48.586730754], [15.643295841, 48.586731558], [15.643296638, 48.586732306]]], "type": "Polygon"}, "id": 58895, "parent": 50505, "properties": {"description": "Irregular rectangular grave pit, slightly cut into the rock. Stones placed along one long side and the upper end.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 148713, "name": "Nearest Neighbour", "path": "Dimensions > Distance > Nearest Neighbour", "unit": "m", "value": "1.41"}, {"id": 118730, "name": "Azimuth", "path": "Dimensions > Azimuth", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "110"}, {"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "312.0"}, {"id": 15679, "name": "Height", "path": "Dimensions > Height", "unit": "cm", "value": "34.0"}, {"id": 26189, "name": "Length", "path": "Dimensions > Length", "unit": "cm", "value": "231.0"}, {"id": 26188, "name": "Width", "path": "Dimensions > Width", "unit": "cm", "value": "74.0"}], "maintype": {"id": 26205, "name": "Single Grave", "parent_id": 26204, "path": "Feature > Grave > Single Grave", "systemtype": "feature"}, "name": "Grave 023", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "233", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"id": 22309, "name": "Flat grave", "path": "Grave Characteristics > Grave Construction > Flat grave"}, {"id": 22302, "name": "Stone placement", "path": "Grave Characteristics > Grave Construction > Stone placement"}]}, "type": "Feature"}, {"burials": [{"finds": [{"id": 117259, "properties": {"description": "Botanical remains (\"grains\"), found in the soil around the skeleton.\r\n\r\n", "maintype": {"id": 26506, "name": "Varia", "parent_id": 205561, "path": "Artifact > Cultural Object > Varia", "systemtype": "artifact"}, "material": [{"id": 26522, "name": "Plant", "path": "Material > Organic > Plant", "value": "100.0"}], "name": "G024S1F08", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "234", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}}}, {"files": [{"file_name": "42457.jpg", "id": 42457, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_37577", "reference": "Taf. 6/9", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "id": 102109, "properties": {"description": "Metal object with unknown function. found underneath the lumbar vertebrae. Lost without a trace.\r\n\r\n", "maintype": {"id": 26506, "name": "Varia", "parent_id": 205561, "path": "Artifact > Cultural Object > Varia", "systemtype": "artifact"}, "name": "G024S1F01", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "233", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"id": 23461, "name": "Pelvis", "path": "Position of Find in Grave > Pelvis"}]}}, {"files": [{"file_name": "42458.jpg", "id": 42458, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_37579", "reference": "Taf. 6/6", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "id": 102307, "properties": {"description": "Rod-tanged knife made out of iron. Cross-section of blade triangular, cross-section of tang almost rectangular. Tang and blade divided from the tang by a tilted step. Knife\u2018s back without buckling, but after app. 8,6 cm slightly tilted towards the tip. Tip in a middle position. Found between left forearm and ribcage.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26189, "name": "Length", "path": "Dimensions > Length", "unit": "cm", "value": "20.0"}, {"id": 26190, "name": "Thickness", "path": "Dimensions > Thickness", "unit": "cm", "value": "0.4"}, {"id": 26188, "name": "Width", "path": "Dimensions > Width", "unit": "cm", "value": "1.9"}], "maintype": {"id": 26245, "name": "Rod-Tanged Knife", "parent_id": 26244, "path": "Artifact > Cultural Object > Equipment > Knife > Rod-Tanged Knife", "systemtype": "artifact"}, "material": [{"id": 26540, "name": "Iron", "path": "Material > Metal > Iron", "value": "0.0"}], "name": "G024S1F02", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "233", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"id": 23472, "name": "Forearm left", "path": "Position of Find in Grave > Upper Body > Upper Extremities > Arm left > Forearm left"}]}}, {"files": [{"file_name": "42459.jpg", "id": 42459, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_37581", "reference": "Taf. 6/7", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "id": 101737, "properties": {"description": "Awl made out of iron. Few wooden remains preserved on the tang due to corrosion. Cross-section squared, lower middle part round.\r\nFound between left forearm and ribcage, together with knife (G024S1F02).\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26189, "name": "Length", "path": "Dimensions > Length", "unit": "cm", "value": "7.5"}, {"id": 26190, "name": "Thickness", "path": "Dimensions > Thickness", "unit": "cm", "value": "0.4"}], "maintype": {"id": 26224, "name": "Awl", "parent_id": 26223, "path": "Artifact > Cultural Object > Equipment > Awl", "systemtype": "artifact"}, "material": [{"id": 26540, "name": "Iron", "path": "Material > Metal > Iron", "value": "0.0"}], "name": "G024S1F03", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "233", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"id": 23472, "name": "Forearm left", "path": "Position of Find in Grave > Upper Body > Upper Extremities > Arm left > Forearm left"}]}}, {"files": [{"file_name": "42460.jpg", "id": 42460, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_37583", "reference": "Taf. 6/8", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "id": 101743, "properties": {"description": "Rod-tanged knife made out of iron. Tang fragmented. Cross-section of blade triangular, cross-section of tang triangular to rectangular. Tang and blade divided from the tang by a tilted step. Knife\u2018s back without buckling, but after app. 6 cm slightly tilted towards the tip. Tip in a superior position and bent.\r\nFound next to the left femur.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26189, "name": "Length", "path": "Dimensions > Length", "unit": "cm", "value": "12.5"}, {"id": 26190, "name": "Thickness", "path": "Dimensions > Thickness", "unit": "cm", "value": "0.3"}, {"id": 26188, "name": "Width", "path": "Dimensions > Width", "unit": "cm", "value": "1.4"}], "maintype": {"id": 26245, "name": "Rod-Tanged Knife", "parent_id": 26244, "path": "Artifact > Cultural Object > Equipment > Knife > Rod-Tanged Knife", "systemtype": "artifact"}, "material": [{"id": 26540, "name": "Iron", "path": "Material > Metal > Iron", "value": "0.0"}], "name": "G024S1F04", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "233", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"id": 23451, "name": "Thigh left", "path": "Position of Find in Grave > Lower Body > Leg Left > Thigh left"}]}}, {"files": [{"file_name": "42461.jpg", "id": 42461, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_37585", "reference": "Taf. 6/10", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "id": 102313, "properties": {"description": "Iron pin. Lost without a trace. \r\nFound next to the lower leg.\r\n\r\n#", "maintype": {"id": 26506, "name": "Varia", "parent_id": 205561, "path": "Artifact > Cultural Object > Varia", "systemtype": "artifact"}, "material": [{"id": 26540, "name": "Iron", "path": "Material > Metal > Iron", "value": "0.0"}], "name": "G024S1F05", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "233", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"id": 23450, "name": "Lower leg left", "path": "Position of Find in Grave > Lower Body > Leg Left > Lower leg left"}]}}, {"files": [{"file_name": "42462.jpg", "id": 42462, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_37587", "reference": "Taf. 6/11", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "id": 102319, "properties": {"description": "Iron pin, fragmented. Maybe an awl. Cross-section squared.\r\nFound at the lower and of the grave pit.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26191, "name": "Diameter", "path": "Dimensions > Diameter", "unit": "cm", "value": "0.3"}, {"id": 26189, "name": "Length", "path": "Dimensions > Length", "unit": "cm", "value": "2.9"}], "maintype": {"id": 26506, "name": "Varia", "parent_id": 205561, "path": "Artifact > Cultural Object > Varia", "systemtype": "artifact"}, "material": [{"id": 26540, "name": "Iron", "path": "Material > Metal > Iron", "value": "0.0"}], "name": "G024S1F06", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "233", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"id": 23458, "name": "Feet", "path": "Position of Find in Grave > Lower Body > Legs - between > Feet"}]}}, {"id": 117257, "properties": {"description": "Cinder. Found in the soil next to the skeleton.\r\n\r\n", "maintype": {"id": 26506, "name": "Varia", "parent_id": 205561, "path": "Artifact > Cultural Object > Varia", "systemtype": "artifact"}, "name": "G024S1F07", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "234", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}}}], "id": 77907, "properties": {"description": "Adult male (30-40 years). Oriented: W-E. Skeleton slightly tilted from the hip. Skull lays on its right side. Right humerus underneath a stone, forearm underneath the pelvis. Whole skeleton slightly disturbed.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "285.0"}], "maintype": {"id": 26519, "name": "Skeleton", "parent_id": 26516, "path": "Stratigraphic unit > Burial (strat Unit) > Skeleton", "systemtype": "stratigraphic_unit"}, "name": "G024S1", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "233", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"description": "years", "id": 117200, "name": "maximum age", "path": "Absolute Age > maximum age", "value": "40.0"}, {"description": "years", "id": 117199, "name": "minimum age", "path": "Absolute Age > minimum age", "value": "30.0"}, {"description": "[20,39.9]", "id": 22284, "name": "Adult", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Age > Grown up > Adult"}, {"id": 128067, "name": "Left arm stretched", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Arms > Left arm stretched"}, {"id": 128068, "name": "Right arm stretched", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Arms > Right arm stretched"}, {"id": 128052, "name": "Supine position", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > General > Supine position"}, {"id": 128060, "name": "On the right side", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Head > On the right side"}, {"id": 128062, "name": "Left leg stretched", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Legs > Left leg stretched"}, {"id": 128103, "name": "Right leg stretched", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Legs > Right leg stretched"}, {"id": 25, "name": "Male", "path": "Sex and Gender > Sex > Male"}]}}], "files": [{"file_name": "33904.jpg", "id": 33904, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_37574", "reference": "Taf. 6", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "geometry": {"coordinates": [[[15.643288298, 48.586663222], [15.643288256, 48.586664053], [15.643288842, 48.586664746], [15.643289555, 48.586665384], [15.643290435, 48.586666077], [15.643291231, 48.586666493], [15.643292028, 48.586666604], [15.643292824, 48.586666521], [15.643293788, 48.58666641], [15.643294668, 48.586666327], [15.643295464, 48.586666077], [15.643296218, 48.586665883], [15.643296973, 48.586665689], [15.643297769, 48.586665301], [15.643298985, 48.586664968], [15.643299739, 48.586664913], [15.643300409, 48.586664913], [15.643300577, 48.586664497], [15.643301122, 48.586664109], [15.643302547, 48.586663582], [15.643303888, 48.586663471], [15.643304642, 48.586663333], [15.643305355, 48.586663055], [15.643306612, 48.586662861], [15.643307115, 48.586662529], [15.643306989, 48.586661891], [15.643307031, 48.586660838], [15.643307199, 48.586660283], [15.643308121, 48.586659756], [15.643309043, 48.586659507], [15.643308708, 48.58665898], [15.64330942, 48.586659063], [15.643310049, 48.586658952], [15.643310887, 48.586658648], [15.643311557, 48.586658093], [15.643312479, 48.586657622], [15.643313527, 48.586657677], [15.643314826, 48.586657206], [15.643316461, 48.586656485], [15.643317676, 48.586655737], [15.64331797, 48.586655127], [15.643317383, 48.586654212], [15.643317089, 48.586653491], [15.643316293, 48.586652687], [15.643315664, 48.586651994], [15.643314952, 48.586651329], [15.64331424, 48.58665058], [15.643313066, 48.586650331], [15.643312102, 48.586650386], [15.643310719, 48.586650719], [15.643309546, 48.586651246], [15.643308708, 48.586651883], [15.643307618, 48.586652687], [15.643305983, 48.58665363], [15.643305606, 48.586654073], [15.643304642, 48.586654461], [15.643302798, 48.586655127], [15.643301373, 48.58665582], [15.643300242, 48.586656208], [15.64329911, 48.586656596], [15.643298272, 48.586656846], [15.64329756, 48.586656984], [15.643296889, 48.586657123], [15.643296302, 48.586657428], [15.643295841, 48.586657982], [15.643295129, 48.586658481], [15.6432945, 48.586658786], [15.643293578, 48.586659036], [15.643293327, 48.586659535], [15.64329253, 48.586659562], [15.643291902, 48.586659756], [15.643291231, 48.586660089], [15.643290351, 48.586660533], [15.643289597, 48.586661032], [15.643289303, 48.586661891], [15.643288591, 48.586662473], [15.643288298, 48.586663222]]], "type": "Polygon"}, "id": 59249, "parent": 50505, "properties": {"description": "Almost rectangular grave pit, cut into the rock. Few stones placed along the edges.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "285.0"}, {"id": 15679, "name": "Height", "path": "Dimensions > Height", "unit": "cm", "value": "19.0"}, {"id": 26189, "name": "Length", "path": "Dimensions > Length", "unit": "cm", "value": "248.0"}, {"id": 26188, "name": "Width", "path": "Dimensions > Width", "unit": "cm", "value": "82.0"}, {"id": 148713, "name": "Nearest Neighbour", "path": "Dimensions > Distance > Nearest Neighbour", "unit": "m", "value": "1.62"}, {"id": 118730, "name": "Azimuth", "path": "Dimensions > Azimuth", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "115"}], "maintype": {"id": 26205, "name": "Single Grave", "parent_id": 26204, "path": "Feature > Grave > Single Grave", "systemtype": "feature"}, "name": "Grave 024", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "233", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"id": 22309, "name": "Flat grave", "path": "Grave Characteristics > Grave Construction > Flat grave"}, {"id": 22302, "name": "Stone placement", "path": "Grave Characteristics > Grave Construction > Stone placement"}]}, "type": "Feature"}, {"burials": [{"id": 77913, "properties": {"description": "Undocumented burial of a child aged 0 to 3 months (neonate). Skull fragments preserved.\r\nNo grave goods.\r\n\r\n", "maintype": {"id": 26519, "name": "Skeleton", "parent_id": 26516, "path": "Stratigraphic unit > Burial (strat Unit) > Skeleton", "systemtype": "stratigraphic_unit"}, "name": "G025S1", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "234", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"description": "years", "id": 117200, "name": "maximum age", "path": "Absolute Age > maximum age", "value": "0.25"}, {"description": "years", "id": 117199, "name": "minimum age", "path": "Absolute Age > minimum age", "value": "0.0"}, {"description": "[0,0.25]", "id": 22282, "name": "Neonatus", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Age > Child > Neonatus"}, {"id": 128055, "name": "Other", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > General > Other"}, {"description": "Possible result of anthropological sex determination. In this context, undetermined means that not enough bone material or specific features were preserved to carry out a sex determination (unlike indifferent, where the preserved features were neither clearly male nor female).", "id": 22375, "name": "undetermined", "path": "Sex and Gender > Sex > undetermined"}]}}], "geometry": {"coordinates": [[[15.643281927, 48.586654711], [15.643281466, 48.586654558], [15.643281152, 48.58665417], [15.643280942, 48.586653754], [15.643280963, 48.586653297], [15.643281194, 48.586652978], [15.643281718, 48.586652798], [15.643282284, 48.586652798], [15.643282975, 48.586652978], [15.643283415, 48.586653214], [15.643283625, 48.586653547], [15.643283688, 48.586653949], [15.643283604, 48.586654309], [15.643283185, 48.586654545], [15.643282577, 48.586654739], [15.643281927, 48.586654711]]], "type": "Polygon"}, "id": 59255, "parent": 50505, "properties": {"description": "No grave pit visible. Burial found in dark soil.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 118730, "name": "Azimuth", "path": "Dimensions > Azimuth", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "88"}, {"id": 148713, "name": "Nearest Neighbour", "path": "Dimensions > Distance > Nearest Neighbour", "unit": "m", "value": "1.62"}], "maintype": {"id": 26207, "name": "Bone deposition (feature)", "parent_id": 26204, "path": "Feature > Grave > Bone deposition (feature)", "systemtype": "feature"}, "name": "Grave 025", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "234", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"id": 22309, "name": "Flat grave", "path": "Grave Characteristics > Grave Construction > Flat grave"}]}, "type": "Feature"}, {"burials": [{"finds": [{"files": [{"file_name": "42469.jpg", "id": 42469, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_37605", "reference": "234", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "id": 101767, "properties": {"description": "Metall object, probably belt loop. Profiled surface. Lost without a trace. Position in grave unknown. \r\n\r\n", "maintype": {"id": 26381, "name": "Belt Loop", "parent_id": 26373, "path": "Artifact > Cultural Object > Accessories > Belts > Belt Loop", "systemtype": "artifact"}, "name": "G026S1F05", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "234", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"id": 23441, "name": "Head", "path": "Position of Find in Grave > Head"}]}}, {"files": [{"file_name": "42464.jpg", "id": 42464, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_37595", "reference": "Taf. 7/3", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "id": 102331, "properties": {"description": "Rod-tanged knife made out of iron. Fragmented. Cross-section of blade triangular, cross-section of tang rectangular. Back of knife with buckling. Tip in a middle position.\r\nFound next to the right pelvis.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26189, "name": "Length", "path": "Dimensions > Length", "unit": "cm", "value": "21.2"}, {"id": 26190, "name": "Thickness", "path": "Dimensions > Thickness", "unit": "cm", "value": "0.3"}, {"id": 26188, "name": "Width", "path": "Dimensions > Width", "unit": "cm", "value": "2.1"}], "maintype": {"id": 26245, "name": "Rod-Tanged Knife", "parent_id": 26244, "path": "Artifact > Cultural Object > Equipment > Knife > Rod-Tanged Knife", "systemtype": "artifact"}, "material": [{"id": 26540, "name": "Iron", "path": "Material > Metal > Iron", "value": "0.0"}], "name": "G026S1F01", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "234", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"id": 23463, "name": "Pelvis right", "path": "Position of Find in Grave > Pelvis > Pelvis right"}]}}, {"files": [{"file_name": "117261.jpg", "id": 117261, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "NB_11111", "reference": "Taf. 7/5", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "id": 102295, "properties": {"description": "Lyre shaped fire steel. Fragmented. Cross-section triangular, cross-sections of handles rectangular.\r\nFound on the right side of the pelvis.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26189, "name": "Length", "path": "Dimensions > Length", "unit": "cm", "value": "7.5"}, {"id": 26190, "name": "Thickness", "path": "Dimensions > Thickness", "unit": "cm", "value": "0.4"}, {"id": 26188, "name": "Width", "path": "Dimensions > Width", "unit": "cm", "value": "3.0"}], "maintype": {"id": 26236, "name": "Fire Steel", "parent_id": 26235, "path": "Artifact > Cultural Object > Equipment > Firemaking Equipment > Fire Steel", "systemtype": "artifact"}, "material": [{"id": 26540, "name": "Iron", "path": "Material > Metal > Iron", "value": "0.0"}], "name": "G026S1F02", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "234", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"id": 23463, "name": "Pelvis right", "path": "Position of Find in Grave > Pelvis > Pelvis right"}]}}, {"files": [{"file_name": "42466.jpg", "id": 42466, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_37599", "reference": "Taf. 7/6", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "id": 102067, "properties": {"description": "Flint flake, brown jasper, Traces of usage on the lateral side.\r\nFound on the right side of the pelvis.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26189, "name": "Length", "path": "Dimensions > Length", "unit": "cm", "value": "3.05"}, {"id": 26190, "name": "Thickness", "path": "Dimensions > Thickness", "unit": "cm", "value": "1.3"}, {"id": 26188, "name": "Width", "path": "Dimensions > Width", "unit": "cm", "value": "3.0"}], "maintype": {"id": 26237, "name": "Flint", "parent_id": 26235, "path": "Artifact > Cultural Object > Equipment > Firemaking Equipment > Flint", "systemtype": "artifact"}, "material": [{"id": 26553, "name": "Stone", "path": "Material > Geological > Stone", "value": "100.0"}], "name": "G026S1F03", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "234", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"id": 23463, "name": "Pelvis right", "path": "Position of Find in Grave > Pelvis > Pelvis right"}]}}, {"files": [{"file_name": "42468.jpg", "id": 42468, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_37603", "reference": "Taf. 7/7", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "id": 102325, "properties": {"description": "Three rimes, attaches and one handle made out of iron. Rime broken into eight fragments (width: 0,6 cm, dia.: 0,2 cm). Two attaches have a long trapezoid shape with holes for the handle as well as two rivet holes on the lower end (dia.: 2 cm). Three rivets are preserved (length: 6,7 and 6,3 cm, width: 2,0-3,2 cm, dia: 0,1-0,3 cm). The handle is strap-shaped flattened, the rest is bar-shaped and shows torsion. The ends are coiled in a s-shape (length: 20,9 cm, dia. (torsion): 0,5 cm). Found next to the feet, left side.\r\n\r\n", "maintype": {"id": 26229, "name": "Bucket", "parent_id": 187110, "path": "Artifact > Cultural Object > Container > Bucket", "systemtype": "artifact"}, "material": [{"id": 26540, "name": "Iron", "path": "Material > Metal > Iron", "value": "0.0"}, {"id": 26523, "name": "Wood", "path": "Material > Organic > Plant > Wood", "value": "0.0"}], "name": "G026S1F04", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "234", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"id": 23458, "name": "Feet", "path": "Position of Find in Grave > Lower Body > Legs - between > Feet"}]}}], "id": 77919, "properties": {"description": "Adult/mature male (35-50 years). Oriented: W-E. Lower yaw fell down. Left forearm is laying on the pelvis. Upper body disturbed.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "299.0"}], "maintype": {"id": 26519, "name": "Skeleton", "parent_id": 26516, "path": "Stratigraphic unit > Burial (strat Unit) > Skeleton", "systemtype": "stratigraphic_unit"}, "name": "G026S1", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "234", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"description": "years", "id": 117200, "name": "maximum age", "path": "Absolute Age > maximum age", "value": "50.0"}, {"description": "years", "id": 117199, "name": "minimum age", "path": "Absolute Age > minimum age", "value": "35.0"}, {"description": "[20,59.9]", "id": 22285, "name": "Adult-Matur", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Age > Grown up > Adult-Matur"}, {"id": 128069, "name": "Left arm slightly bent", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Arms > Left arm slightly bent"}, {"id": 128068, "name": "Right arm stretched", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Arms > Right arm stretched"}, {"id": 128052, "name": "Supine position", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > General > Supine position"}, {"id": 128059, "name": "Head straight", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Head > Head straight"}, {"id": 128062, "name": "Left leg stretched", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Legs > Left leg stretched"}, {"id": 25, "name": "Male", "path": "Sex and Gender > Sex > Male"}]}}], "files": [{"file_name": "42463.jpg", "id": 42463, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_37591", "reference": "Taf. 7", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "geometry": {"coordinates": [[[15.643269522, 48.586706802], [15.643270276, 48.586707522], [15.64327124, 48.586708299], [15.643271869, 48.586709241], [15.643272372, 48.586710156], [15.643272833, 48.586711293], [15.643273336, 48.586712263], [15.643273629, 48.586713316], [15.64327342, 48.58671412], [15.643272414, 48.586714952], [15.643270863, 48.586715534], [15.643269857, 48.586715839], [15.643268474, 48.586716283], [15.643267469, 48.586716615], [15.643266672, 48.586717114], [15.643265918, 48.586717447], [15.643264703, 48.586717918], [15.643263403, 48.586718085], [15.643262439, 48.586718057], [15.643261392, 48.586718306], [15.64326026, 48.586718722], [15.64325938, 48.586719055], [15.643257955, 48.586719443], [15.643257117, 48.586719887], [15.64325565, 48.586720358], [15.643254477, 48.586721023], [15.643253219, 48.586721578], [15.64325192, 48.586721994], [15.643250872, 48.586722271], [15.643249447, 48.586722132], [15.643248064, 48.586721578], [15.643247142, 48.586721106], [15.643245759, 48.586720386], [15.643245173, 48.586719388], [15.643244586, 48.58671875], [15.64324446, 48.586718306], [15.643244754, 48.586717586], [15.643245885, 48.586716754], [15.643246849, 48.586716172], [15.64324731, 48.586715867], [15.643247981, 48.586715229], [15.643248819, 48.586714647], [15.643249783, 48.586714259], [15.643250579, 48.586714093], [15.643251291, 48.58671412], [15.643252213, 48.586713538], [15.643253471, 48.586712734], [15.643254477, 48.58671193], [15.643256237, 48.586711182], [15.64325762, 48.58671035], [15.643258919, 48.586709962], [15.643260595, 48.586709712], [15.643260847, 48.586709019], [15.643262146, 48.586708631], [15.643263781, 48.586708188], [15.643265415, 48.586707689], [15.643266505, 48.586706968], [15.643268265, 48.58670658], [15.643269522, 48.586706802]]], "type": "Polygon"}, "id": 58907, "parent": 50505, "properties": {"description": "Unregular, rectangular grave pit, cut into the rock. Standing stones placed along the edges.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 148713, "name": "Nearest Neighbour", "path": "Dimensions > Distance > Nearest Neighbour", "unit": "m", "value": "1.12"}, {"id": 118730, "name": "Azimuth", "path": "Dimensions > Azimuth", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "110"}, {"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "299.0"}, {"id": 15679, "name": "Height", "path": "Dimensions > Height", "unit": "cm", "value": "30.0"}, {"id": 26189, "name": "Length", "path": "Dimensions > Length", "unit": "cm", "value": "229.0"}, {"id": 26188, "name": "Width", "path": "Dimensions > Width", "unit": "cm", "value": "99.0"}], "maintype": {"id": 26205, "name": "Single Grave", "parent_id": 26204, "path": "Feature > Grave > Single Grave", "systemtype": "feature"}, "name": "Grave 026", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "234", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"id": 22309, "name": "Flat grave", "path": "Grave Characteristics > Grave Construction > Flat grave"}, {"id": 22302, "name": "Stone placement", "path": "Grave Characteristics > Grave Construction > Stone placement"}]}, "type": "Feature"}, {"burials": [{"finds": [{"files": [{"file_name": "42470.jpg", "id": 42470, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_37610", "reference": "Taf. 4/6", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "id": 102337, "properties": {"description": "Pot, preserved almost entirely. Partly heavily weathered. Rim dia.: 9,8 cm, max. dia.: 11,3 cm, bottom dia.: 6,8 cm, height: 12,2 cm. Almost no mica. Enriched with stones (grain size up to 1,5 mm). Ceramic group C. Slowly turned. On the inside horizontal and vertical traces of the smoothening. Traces of food (?) on the inside. Protruding, vertically cut off rim. Decorated with two wavebands on shoulder and body as well as two circumferential, horizontal linear ornaments on the body. Color: shades of grey and brown. Mixed fire.\r\nFound on the right side of the lower pit end next to the feet.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26191, "name": "Diameter", "path": "Dimensions > Diameter", "unit": "cm", "value": "11.3"}, {"id": 15679, "name": "Height", "path": "Dimensions > Height", "unit": "cm", "value": "12.2"}], "maintype": {"id": 26301, "name": "Pot", "parent_id": 26294, "path": "Artifact > Cultural Object > Container > Pottery > Pot", "systemtype": "artifact"}, "material": [{"id": 26561, "name": "Ceramic", "path": "Material > Geological > Clay > Ceramic", "value": "0.0"}], "name": "G027S1F01", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "234", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"id": 23448, "name": "Foot left", "path": "Position of Find in Grave > Lower Body > Leg Left > Foot left"}]}}, {"id": 117262, "properties": {"description": "Botanical remains (\"cereals\"), found in the soil around the skeleton.\r\n\r\n", "maintype": {"id": 26506, "name": "Varia", "parent_id": 205561, "path": "Artifact > Cultural Object > Varia", "systemtype": "artifact"}, "material": [{"id": 26522, "name": "Plant", "path": "Material > Organic > Plant", "value": "100.0"}], "name": "G027S1F02", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "234", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750}}}], "id": 77925, "properties": {"description": "Child, aged app. 6 months (infans 1). Oriented: W-E. Skull laying on its right side, lower yaw straight and in situ. Cervical vertebrae, several other vertebrae, and a few long bones preserved.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "274.0"}], "maintype": {"id": 26519, "name": "Skeleton", "parent_id": 26516, "path": "Stratigraphic unit > Burial (strat Unit) > Skeleton", "systemtype": "stratigraphic_unit"}, "name": "G027S1", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "234", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"description": "years", "id": 117200, "name": "maximum age", "path": "Absolute Age > maximum age", "value": "0.5"}, {"description": "years", "id": 117199, "name": "minimum age", "path": "Absolute Age > minimum age", "value": "0.5"}, {"description": "[0,6.9]", "id": 22279, "name": "Infans I", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Age > Child > Infans I-II > Infans I"}, {"id": 128052, "name": "Supine position", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > General > Supine position"}, {"description": "Possible result of anthropological sex determination. In this context, undetermined means that not enough bone material or specific features were preserved to carry out a sex determination (unlike indifferent, where the preserved features were neither clearly male nor female).", "id": 22375, "name": "undetermined", "path": "Sex and Gender > Sex > undetermined"}]}}], "files": [{"file_name": "42467.jpg", "id": 42467, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_37607", "reference": "Taf. 4", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "geometry": {"coordinates": [[[15.643286956, 48.586707661], [15.64328616, 48.586707217], [15.643285699, 48.586706358], [15.64328549, 48.586705554], [15.643285573, 48.586704501], [15.643285615, 48.586703641], [15.643286202, 48.586703447], [15.643287669, 48.586703225], [15.643289261, 48.586703115], [15.643291189, 48.586702865], [15.643293285, 48.586702616], [15.643295255, 48.586702616], [15.643296554, 48.586702588], [15.64329756, 48.586702643], [15.643298398, 48.58670281], [15.643298691, 48.586703614], [15.643299068, 48.586704473], [15.643298817, 48.586705221], [15.643298649, 48.586705776], [15.643297853, 48.586706025], [15.643295925, 48.586706358], [15.643294374, 48.586706469], [15.643292447, 48.586706885], [15.643290812, 48.58670719], [15.643288884, 48.586707578], [15.643286956, 48.586707661]]], "type": "Polygon"}, "id": 59279, "parent": 50505, "properties": {"description": "Irregular, rectangular shaped grave pit, cut into the rock. Some standing stones are positioned along the edges.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "274.0"}, {"id": 15679, "name": "Height", "path": "Dimensions > Height", "unit": "cm", "value": "15.0"}, {"id": 26189, "name": "Length", "path": "Dimensions > Length", "unit": "cm", "value": "102.0"}, {"id": 26188, "name": "Width", "path": "Dimensions > Width", "unit": "cm", "value": "55.0"}, {"id": 148713, "name": "Nearest Neighbour", "path": "Dimensions > Distance > Nearest Neighbour", "unit": "m", "value": "1.17"}, {"id": 118730, "name": "Azimuth", "path": "Dimensions > Azimuth", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "96"}], "maintype": {"id": 26205, "name": "Single Grave", "parent_id": 26204, "path": "Feature > Grave > Single Grave", "systemtype": "feature"}, "name": "Grave 027", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "234", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"id": 22309, "name": "Flat grave", "path": "Grave Characteristics > Grave Construction > Flat grave"}, {"id": 22302, "name": "Stone placement", "path": "Grave Characteristics > Grave Construction > Stone placement"}]}, "type": "Feature"}, {"burials": [{"id": 77937, "properties": {"description": "Child aged 11 to 14 years (infans 2). Oriented W-E. Skull laying on its right side. Skeleton slightly disturbed entirely.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "278.0"}], "maintype": {"id": 26519, "name": "Skeleton", "parent_id": 26516, "path": "Stratigraphic unit > Burial (strat Unit) > Skeleton", "systemtype": "stratigraphic_unit"}, "name": "G028S1", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "234", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"description": "years", "id": 117200, "name": "maximum age", "path": "Absolute Age > maximum age", "value": "14.0"}, {"description": "years", "id": 117199, "name": "minimum age", "path": "Absolute Age > minimum age", "value": "11.0"}, {"description": "[7,13.9]", "id": 22280, "name": "Infans II", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Age > Child > Infans I-II > Infans II"}, {"id": 128067, "name": "Left arm stretched", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Arms > Left arm stretched"}, {"id": 128068, "name": "Right arm stretched", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Arms > Right arm stretched"}, {"id": 128052, "name": "Supine position", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > General > Supine position"}, {"id": 128060, "name": "On the right side", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Head > On the right side"}, {"description": "Possible result of anthropological sex determination. In this context, undetermined means that not enough bone material or specific features were preserved to carry out a sex determination (unlike indifferent, where the preserved features were neither clearly male nor female).", "id": 22375, "name": "undetermined", "path": "Sex and Gender > Sex > undetermined"}]}}, {"finds": [{"files": [{"file_name": "42472.jpg", "id": 42472, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_37615", "reference": "Taf. 6/12", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "id": 117266, "properties": {"description": "Knife's blade made out of iron. Fragmented and heavily corroded. Tip is missing. Cross-section of blade triangular.\r\nFound in the trench's profile. Might belong to grave 23 as well.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26189, "name": "Length", "path": "Dimensions > Length", "unit": "cm", "value": "6.2"}, {"id": 26188, "name": "Width", "path": "Dimensions > Width", "unit": "cm", "value": "1.1"}], "maintype": {"id": 26244, "name": "Knife", "parent_id": 26223, "path": "Artifact > Cultural Object > Equipment > Knife", "systemtype": "artifact"}, "material": [{"id": 26540, "name": "Iron", "path": "Material > Metal > Iron", "value": "0.0"}], "name": "G028S2F01", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "234", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}]}}], "id": 117264, "properties": {"description": "Trench's profile - grave 28.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "278.0"}], "maintype": {"id": 26513, "name": "None/Unknown/Strayfind", "parent_id": 13365, "path": "Stratigraphic unit > None/Unknown/Strayfind", "systemtype": "stratigraphic_unit"}, "name": "G028S2", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "234", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}}}], "files": [{"file_name": "42471.jpg", "id": 42471, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_37612", "reference": "Taf. 6", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "geometry": {"coordinates": [[[15.643292237, 48.586719249], [15.643291189, 48.586718556], [15.643290393, 48.586717613], [15.643289555, 48.586716754], [15.643288842, 48.586715867], [15.643288549, 48.586715312], [15.643289261, 48.586714897], [15.643290686, 48.586714425], [15.643291567, 48.586713926], [15.643292363, 48.586713344], [15.643293578, 48.586712817], [15.643294919, 48.58671218], [15.643296386, 48.586711903], [15.643298188, 48.586711653], [15.643299446, 48.586711431], [15.643300661, 48.586711293], [15.643301499, 48.586711293], [15.64330217, 48.586711736], [15.643302505, 48.586712346], [15.643302714, 48.586713095], [15.643302756, 48.58671376], [15.64330196, 48.586714398], [15.643301038, 48.586715202], [15.643299446, 48.586716061], [15.643296638, 48.586717558], [15.64329383, 48.586718833], [15.643292237, 48.586719249]]], "type": "Polygon"}, "id": 58913, "parent": 50505, "properties": {"description": "Almost rectangular grave pit, slightly cut into the stone. Eastern part undocumented due to trench\u2018s profile. Some standing stones placed along the edges.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "278.0"}, {"id": 15679, "name": "Height", "path": "Dimensions > Height", "unit": "cm", "value": "33.0"}, {"id": 26188, "name": "Width", "path": "Dimensions > Width", "unit": "cm", "value": "63.0"}, {"id": 148713, "name": "Nearest Neighbour", "path": "Dimensions > Distance > Nearest Neighbour", "unit": "m", "value": "1.17"}, {"id": 118730, "name": "Azimuth", "path": "Dimensions > Azimuth", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "114"}], "maintype": {"id": 26205, "name": "Single Grave", "parent_id": 26204, "path": "Feature > Grave > Single Grave", "systemtype": "feature"}, "name": "Grave 028", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "234", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"id": 22309, "name": "Flat grave", "path": "Grave Characteristics > Grave Construction > Flat grave"}, {"id": 22302, "name": "Stone placement", "path": "Grave Characteristics > Grave Construction > Stone placement"}]}, "type": "Feature"}, {"burials": [{"finds": [{"files": [{"file_name": "42477.jpg", "id": 42477, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_37624", "reference": "Taf. 8/5", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "id": 95619, "properties": {"description": "Belt buckle with chape made out of iron. Fragmented. Buckle with oval shape. Cross-section almost rectangular (length: 3,5, width: 1,75 cm, dia.: 0,4 x 0,25 cm). Chape made out of two layers of iron sheet. Fragmented and heavily corroded (length: 1,9 cm, width: 2,2 cm, dia.: 0,1-0,8 cm).\r\nFound between spine and right elbow.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 15679, "name": "Height", "path": "Dimensions > Height", "unit": "cm", "value": "0.4"}, {"id": 26189, "name": "Length", "path": "Dimensions > Length", "unit": "cm", "value": "3.5"}, {"id": 26188, "name": "Width", "path": "Dimensions > Width", "unit": "cm", "value": "1.75"}], "maintype": {"id": 26384, "name": "Belt Buckle with Chape", "parent_id": 26383, "path": "Artifact > Cultural Object > Accessories > Belts > Belt Buckle > Belt Buckle with Chape", "systemtype": "artifact"}, "material": [{"id": 26540, "name": "Iron", "path": "Material > Metal > Iron", "value": "0.0"}], "name": "G029S1F03", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "235", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}}}, {"files": [{"file_name": "42474.jpg", "id": 42474, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_37620", "reference": "Taf. 8/3", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "id": 95589, "properties": {"description": "A metal object, probably fitting. Made out of iron. Fragmented. \r\nFound between left humerus and ribcage.\r\n\r\n\r\nM\u00f6glicher Beschlag; Eisen, fragmentiert; L. 3,0 cm, B. 1,5 cm, D. 0,4 cm.\r\nGefunden zwischen linkem Oberarm und Rippenfragment.", "dimensions": [{"id": 26189, "name": "Length", "path": "Dimensions > Length", "unit": "cm", "value": "3.0"}, {"id": 26190, "name": "Thickness", "path": "Dimensions > Thickness", "unit": "cm", "value": "0.4"}, {"id": 26188, "name": "Width", "path": "Dimensions > Width", "unit": "cm", "value": "1.5"}], "maintype": {"id": 26506, "name": "Varia", "parent_id": 205561, "path": "Artifact > Cultural Object > Varia", "systemtype": "artifact"}, "material": [{"id": 26540, "name": "Iron", "path": "Material > Metal > Iron", "value": "0.0"}], "name": "G029S1F01", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "235", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"id": 23476, "name": "Upper Arm left", "path": "Position of Find in Grave > Upper Body > Upper Extremities > Arm left > Upper Arm left"}]}}, {"files": [{"file_name": "42476.jpg", "id": 42476, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_37622", "reference": "Taf. 8/4", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "id": 95613, "properties": {"description": "Fitting made out of iron sheet. One end rolled-up, the other trapezoid and with a rivet. A small piece of wood was found with it.\r\nFound close to the second iron fitting (G029S1F01) but closer to the elbow.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26189, "name": "Length", "path": "Dimensions > Length", "unit": "cm", "value": "2.35"}, {"id": 26190, "name": "Thickness", "path": "Dimensions > Thickness", "unit": "cm", "value": "0.1"}, {"id": 26188, "name": "Width", "path": "Dimensions > Width", "unit": "cm", "value": "2.0"}], "maintype": {"id": 26375, "name": "Belt Fitting", "parent_id": 26373, "path": "Artifact > Cultural Object > Accessories > Belts > Belt Fitting", "systemtype": "artifact"}, "material": [{"id": 26540, "name": "Iron", "path": "Material > Metal > Iron", "value": "0.0"}], "name": "G029S1F02", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "235", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"id": 23476, "name": "Upper Arm left", "path": "Position of Find in Grave > Upper Body > Upper Extremities > Arm left > Upper Arm left"}]}}, {"files": [{"file_name": "42475.jpg", "id": 42475, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_37626", "reference": "Taf. 8/1", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "id": 95625, "properties": {"description": "Rod-tanged knife made out of iron. Tip missing (length 11,8 cm, length tang 3,2 cm, width blade: 1,1 cm, width back 0,2 cm). Cross-section of blade triangular, cross-section of tang rectangular. Tang and back divided by a step. Back of knife is straight. Blade and tang divided by a tilted step. Tip in a superior position.\r\nFound next to the left forearm.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26189, "name": "Length", "path": "Dimensions > Length", "unit": "cm", "value": "11.8"}, {"id": 26190, "name": "Thickness", "path": "Dimensions > Thickness", "unit": "cm", "value": "0.2"}, {"id": 26188, "name": "Width", "path": "Dimensions > Width", "unit": "cm", "value": "1.1"}], "maintype": {"id": 26245, "name": "Rod-Tanged Knife", "parent_id": 26244, "path": "Artifact > Cultural Object > Equipment > Knife > Rod-Tanged Knife", "systemtype": "artifact"}, "material": [{"id": 26540, "name": "Iron", "path": "Material > Metal > Iron", "value": "0.0"}], "name": "G029S1F04", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "235", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"id": 23472, "name": "Forearm left", "path": "Position of Find in Grave > Upper Body > Upper Extremities > Arm left > Forearm left"}]}}, {"files": [{"file_name": "42478.jpg", "id": 42478, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_37628", "reference": "Taf. 8/2", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "id": 102361, "properties": {"description": "Fitting of a knife sheath made out of iron. Slightly fragmented. Band-like shaped, decorated with notched bundles of lines. On end shows a bent prolongation. Part of a possible counter fitting attached.\r\nFound between the legs, next to the right knee.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26189, "name": "Length", "path": "Dimensions > Length", "unit": "cm", "value": "9.7"}, {"id": 26190, "name": "Thickness", "path": "Dimensions > Thickness", "unit": "cm", "value": "0.15"}, {"id": 26188, "name": "Width", "path": "Dimensions > Width", "unit": "cm", "value": "0.7"}], "maintype": {"id": 26247, "name": "Knife Sheath", "parent_id": 26244, "path": "Artifact > Cultural Object > Equipment > Knife > Knife Sheath", "systemtype": "artifact"}, "material": [{"id": 26540, "name": "Iron", "path": "Material > Metal > Iron", "value": "0.0"}], "name": "G029S1F05", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "235", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"id": 23454, "name": "Knee right", "path": "Position of Find in Grave > Lower Body > Leg right > Knee right"}]}}, {"id": 101809, "properties": {"description": "Several sherds. Two body sherds, probably early medieval. One made out of graphite clay (1,4 x 1,2 cm), another one is enriched with silver mica (2,8 x 2,5 cm). Furthermore seven body sherds dating to the prehistory.\r\nFound in the oral cavity.\r\n\r\n", "maintype": {"id": 26294, "name": "Pottery", "parent_id": 187110, "path": "Artifact > Cultural Object > Container > Pottery", "systemtype": "artifact"}, "material": [{"id": 26561, "name": "Ceramic", "path": "Material > Geological > Clay > Ceramic", "value": "0.0"}], "name": "G029S1F06", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "235", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"id": 23441, "name": "Head", "path": "Position of Find in Grave > Head"}]}}, {"id": 117268, "properties": {"description": "Botanical remains found in the soil around the skeleton.\r\n\r\n", "maintype": {"id": 26506, "name": "Varia", "parent_id": 205561, "path": "Artifact > Cultural Object > Varia", "systemtype": "artifact"}, "material": [{"id": 26522, "name": "Plant", "path": "Material > Organic > Plant", "value": "100.0"}], "name": "G029S1F07", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "235", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}}}, {"id": 117270, "properties": {"description": "Cinder, found in the soil surrounding the skeleton.\r\n\r\n", "maintype": {"id": 26506, "name": "Varia", "parent_id": 205561, "path": "Artifact > Cultural Object > Varia", "systemtype": "artifact"}, "material": [{"id": 26564, "name": "Artificial", "path": "Material > Artificial", "value": "0.0"}], "name": "G029S1F08", "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}}}], "id": 77415, "properties": {"description": "Mature or senile male (50-70 years). Oriented: NW-SE. Skull is laying on its right side. Whole skeleton slightly disturbed.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "304.0"}], "maintype": {"id": 26519, "name": "Skeleton", "parent_id": 26516, "path": "Stratigraphic unit > Burial (strat Unit) > Skeleton", "systemtype": "stratigraphic_unit"}, "name": "G029S1", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "234", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"description": "years", "id": 117200, "name": "maximum age", "path": "Absolute Age > maximum age", "value": "70.0"}, {"description": "years", "id": 117199, "name": "minimum age", "path": "Absolute Age > minimum age", "value": "50.0"}, {"description": "[40,100]", "id": 22287, "name": "Matur-Senil", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Age > Grown up > Matur-Senil"}, {"id": 128069, "name": "Left arm slightly bent", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Arms > Left arm slightly bent"}, {"id": 128068, "name": "Right arm stretched", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Arms > Right arm stretched"}, {"id": 128052, "name": "Supine position", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > General > Supine position"}, {"id": 128060, "name": "On the right side", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Head > On the right side"}, {"id": 128062, "name": "Left leg stretched", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Legs > Left leg stretched"}, {"id": 128103, "name": "Right leg stretched", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Legs > Right leg stretched"}, {"id": 25, "name": "Male", "path": "Sex and Gender > Sex > Male"}]}}], "files": [{"file_name": "42473.jpg", "id": 42473, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_37617", "reference": "Taf. 8", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "geometry": {"coordinates": [[[15.64329186, 48.586723352], [15.643292572, 48.586724322], [15.643293117, 48.586725237], [15.643293411, 48.58672593], [15.64329362, 48.586726568], [15.643293788, 48.586727289], [15.64329383, 48.586727926], [15.643292991, 48.586728702], [15.643291022, 48.586729506], [15.643289387, 48.586730338], [15.643288214, 48.586731031], [15.64328704, 48.586731392], [15.643285657, 48.586731558], [15.643283897, 48.586732223], [15.643282472, 48.586732805], [15.643280963, 48.586733388], [15.64327958, 48.58673397], [15.643278533, 48.586734441], [15.643277317, 48.586735328], [15.64327606, 48.586736077], [15.643275515, 48.586736548], [15.643274593, 48.586736825], [15.643273462, 48.586736825], [15.64327254, 48.586736714], [15.643271827, 48.586736104], [15.643271031, 48.586735467], [15.643269732, 48.586734663], [15.643268893, 48.586734386], [15.643268139, 48.586734025], [15.643267762, 48.586733415], [15.643266924, 48.586732722], [15.643266547, 48.58673214], [15.643266421, 48.586731586], [15.643266337, 48.586730809], [15.643266672, 48.586730116], [15.643267427, 48.586729312], [15.643268642, 48.586729035], [15.64327036, 48.586728869], [15.643271743, 48.58672898], [15.643273671, 48.586728786], [15.643274677, 48.586728342], [15.64327606, 48.586728093], [15.643277233, 48.586727483], [15.643278239, 48.586726596], [15.643279455, 48.586726207], [15.643280838, 48.586726069], [15.643282137, 48.586725542], [15.643283646, 48.586725099], [15.643285741, 48.586724766], [15.643286789, 48.58672435], [15.643287837, 48.586723796], [15.64328922, 48.586723546], [15.643290309, 48.586723407], [15.643291064, 48.586723241], [15.64329186, 48.586723352]]], "type": "Polygon"}, "id": 56691, "parent": 50505, "properties": {"description": "Unregular, rectangular shaped grave pit, cut slightly into the rock. Few stones placed alongside the edges of the grave. Eastern corner undocumented due to trench\u2018s profile. \r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 118730, "name": "Azimuth", "path": "Dimensions > Azimuth", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "105"}, {"id": 148713, "name": "Nearest Neighbour", "path": "Dimensions > Distance > Nearest Neighbour", "unit": "m", "value": "1.07"}, {"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "304.0"}, {"id": 15679, "name": "Height", "path": "Dimensions > Height", "unit": "cm", "value": "30.0"}, {"id": 26189, "name": "Length", "path": "Dimensions > Length", "unit": "cm", "value": "211.0"}, {"id": 26188, "name": "Width", "path": "Dimensions > Width", "unit": "cm", "value": "98.0"}], "maintype": {"id": 26205, "name": "Single Grave", "parent_id": 26204, "path": "Feature > Grave > Single Grave", "systemtype": "feature"}, "name": "Grave 029", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "234", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"id": 22309, "name": "Flat grave", "path": "Grave Characteristics > Grave Construction > Flat grave"}, {"id": 22302, "name": "Stone placement", "path": "Grave Characteristics > Grave Construction > Stone placement"}]}, "type": "Feature"}, {"burials": [{"finds": [{"files": [{"file_name": "42480.jpg", "id": 42480, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_37634", "reference": "Taf. 8/6", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "id": 95517, "properties": {"description": "Hoop finger-ring made out of copper alloy sheet. Fragmented and bent. Decorated with chased boss and dot ornaments.\r\nFound between the legs, next to the right lower leg.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26191, "name": "Diameter", "path": "Dimensions > Diameter", "unit": "cm", "value": "2.3"}, {"id": 26190, "name": "Thickness", "path": "Dimensions > Thickness", "unit": "cm", "value": "0.05"}, {"id": 26188, "name": "Width", "path": "Dimensions > Width", "unit": "cm", "value": "0.8"}], "maintype": {"id": 26357, "name": "Hoop Finger-Ring", "parent_id": 26356, "path": "Artifact > Cultural Object > Accessories > Jewellery > Finger-Ring > Hoop Finger-Ring", "systemtype": "artifact"}, "material": [{"id": 26546, "name": "Copper Alloy", "path": "Material > Metal > Non-Ferrous Metal > Copper Alloy", "value": "0.0"}], "name": "G030F01", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "235", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"id": 23455, "name": "Lower leg right", "path": "Position of Find in Grave > Lower Body > Leg right > Lower leg right"}]}}, {"id": 101815, "properties": {"description": "Sherd, lost without a trace. Found next to the pelvis.\r\n\r\n", "maintype": {"id": 26294, "name": "Pottery", "parent_id": 187110, "path": "Artifact > Cultural Object > Container > Pottery", "systemtype": "artifact"}, "material": [{"id": 26561, "name": "Ceramic", "path": "Material > Geological > Clay > Ceramic", "value": "100.0"}], "name": "G030F02", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "235", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"id": 23461, "name": "Pelvis", "path": "Position of Find in Grave > Pelvis"}]}}], "id": 74885, "properties": {"description": "Adult male (25-30 years). Oriented: W-E. Skull is laying on its right side. Lower yaw fell down. Left arm lays slightly under the pelvis. Whole skeleton but especially the cervical spine slightly disturbed.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "275.0"}], "maintype": {"id": 26519, "name": "Skeleton", "parent_id": 26516, "path": "Stratigraphic unit > Burial (strat Unit) > Skeleton", "systemtype": "stratigraphic_unit"}, "name": "G030S1", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "235", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"description": "years", "id": 117200, "name": "maximum age", "path": "Absolute Age > maximum age", "value": "30.0"}, {"description": "years", "id": 117199, "name": "minimum age", "path": "Absolute Age > minimum age", "value": "25.0"}, {"description": "[20,39.9]", "id": 22284, "name": "Adult", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Age > Grown up > Adult"}, {"id": 128067, "name": "Left arm stretched", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Arms > Left arm stretched"}, {"id": 128068, "name": "Right arm stretched", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Arms > Right arm stretched"}, {"id": 128052, "name": "Supine position", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > General > Supine position"}, {"id": 128085, "name": "Right hand next to the body", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Hands > Right hand next to the body"}, {"id": 128060, "name": "On the right side", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Head > On the right side"}, {"id": 128062, "name": "Left leg stretched", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Legs > Left leg stretched"}, {"id": 128103, "name": "Right leg stretched", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Legs > Right leg stretched"}, {"id": 25, "name": "Male", "path": "Sex and Gender > Sex > Male"}]}}], "files": [{"file_name": "42479.jpg", "id": 42479, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_37631", "reference": "Taf. 8", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "geometry": {"coordinates": [[[15.643254267, 48.58673031], [15.643256195, 48.58673031], [15.643258626, 48.586729978], [15.64326114, 48.586729479], [15.643264493, 48.586728813], [15.643269187, 48.58672776], [15.643274132, 48.586726512], [15.643277024, 48.586726013], [15.643279371, 48.586725431], [15.643281257, 48.586725043], [15.643283017, 48.586724239], [15.643283185, 48.586723324], [15.64328264, 48.586722409], [15.643282724, 48.586721411], [15.643282179, 48.586720164], [15.643281718, 48.586719083], [15.643281047, 48.586718279], [15.643279958, 48.586717558], [15.643278449, 48.586717198], [15.643276563, 48.586717059], [15.643275431, 48.586717031], [15.643274174, 48.586717253], [15.643272288, 48.586717807], [15.643269941, 48.586718639], [15.643267636, 48.586719277], [15.643265625, 48.586719831], [15.643263487, 48.586720746], [15.643261853, 48.586721106], [15.643260805, 48.586721495], [15.643259464, 48.586721827], [15.643256572, 48.586722437], [15.643254435, 48.586722908], [15.643252633, 48.586723435], [15.643251585, 48.586723712], [15.643251124, 48.586724405], [15.643251794, 48.586725459], [15.643252423, 48.586726679], [15.643252842, 48.586728148], [15.643253261, 48.586729312], [15.643254267, 48.58673031]]], "type": "Polygon"}, "id": 58919, "parent": 50505, "properties": {"description": "Slightly trapezoid-shaped grave pit, cut into the rock. Standing stones are placed at the upper and lower end of the pit.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 118730, "name": "Azimuth", "path": "Dimensions > Azimuth", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "103"}, {"id": 148713, "name": "Nearest Neighbour", "path": "Dimensions > Distance > Nearest Neighbour", "unit": "m", "value": "1.12"}, {"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "275.0"}, {"id": 15679, "name": "Height", "path": "Dimensions > Height", "unit": "cm", "value": "41.0"}, {"id": 26189, "name": "Length", "path": "Dimensions > Length", "unit": "cm", "value": "237.0"}, {"id": 26188, "name": "Width", "path": "Dimensions > Width", "unit": "cm", "value": "99.0"}], "maintype": {"id": 26205, "name": "Single Grave", "parent_id": 26204, "path": "Feature > Grave > Single Grave", "systemtype": "feature"}, "name": "Grave 030", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "235", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"id": 22309, "name": "Flat grave", "path": "Grave Characteristics > Grave Construction > Flat grave"}, {"id": 22302, "name": "Stone placement", "path": "Grave Characteristics > Grave Construction > Stone placement"}]}, "type": "Feature"}, {"burials": [{"id": 77757, "properties": {"description": "Mature woman (40-60 years). Bones preserved badly. Only parts of the long bones, rib and pelvis fragments, and the clavicle preserved. Bones not in situ, intermingled respectively in between the stones. Underneath and between the bones dark brown, humic backfilling. No grave goods.\r\n\r\n", "maintype": {"id": 26519, "name": "Skeleton", "parent_id": 26516, "path": "Stratigraphic unit > Burial (strat Unit) > Skeleton", "systemtype": "stratigraphic_unit"}, "name": "G031S1", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "235", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"description": "years", "id": 117200, "name": "maximum age", "path": "Absolute Age > maximum age", "value": "60.0"}, {"description": "years", "id": 117199, "name": "minimum age", "path": "Absolute Age > minimum age", "value": "40.0"}, {"description": "[20,39.9]", "id": 22284, "name": "Adult", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Age > Grown up > Adult"}, {"id": 24, "name": "Female", "path": "Sex and Gender > Sex > Female"}]}}], "files": [{"file_name": "42481.jpg", "id": 42481, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_37637", "reference": "Taf. 8", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "geometry": {"coordinates": [[[15.643243622, 48.586750215], [15.643244209, 48.58675077], [15.643244754, 48.586751324], [15.643245634, 48.586752045], [15.643246095, 48.586752488], [15.643246975, 48.586752488], [15.643248693, 48.586752045], [15.643250579, 48.58675174], [15.64325213, 48.586751463], [15.643253471, 48.586751213], [15.64325498, 48.586750797], [15.643256404, 48.586750021], [15.643258374, 48.586749217], [15.643260847, 48.586748663], [15.643262439, 48.58674808], [15.643264367, 48.586747498], [15.643266295, 48.586746722], [15.643268055, 48.586746112], [15.643269732, 48.586745336], [15.643271282, 48.586744782], [15.643272204, 48.586744504], [15.64327321, 48.586744033], [15.643273923, 48.586743645], [15.643273713, 48.586743118], [15.643273378, 48.58674212], [15.643272582, 48.586741067], [15.64327124, 48.586740346], [15.643269857, 48.586739736], [15.643268726, 48.586739653], [15.643267008, 48.586740263], [15.643265583, 48.586740734], [15.643263697, 48.58674151], [15.643261308, 48.586742065], [15.643259548, 48.586742702], [15.643257285, 48.58674334], [15.643255063, 48.586743783], [15.64325368, 48.586744227], [15.643251711, 48.586744948], [15.643249531, 48.586745502], [15.64324819, 48.586745752], [15.643247352, 48.586746112], [15.643246514, 48.586746888], [15.643246011, 48.586747859], [15.643245005, 48.586749078], [15.643244502, 48.586749633], [15.643243622, 48.586750215]]], "type": "Polygon"}, "id": 56641, "parent": 50505, "properties": {"description": "Irregular, rectangular shaped grave pit, one end cut into the rock. Orientation of pit: NW-SE respectively SE-NW. Small stones placed along some of the sides. Bigger rocks along the middle axis of the pit.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 118730, "name": "Azimuth", "path": "Dimensions > Azimuth", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "107"}, {"id": 148713, "name": "Nearest Neighbour", "path": "Dimensions > Distance > Nearest Neighbour", "unit": "m", "value": "1.46"}, {"id": 15679, "name": "Height", "path": "Dimensions > Height", "unit": "cm", "value": "28.0"}, {"id": 26189, "name": "Length", "path": "Dimensions > Length", "unit": "cm", "value": "230.0"}, {"id": 26188, "name": "Width", "path": "Dimensions > Width", "unit": "cm", "value": "69.0"}], "maintype": {"id": 26205, "name": "Single Grave", "parent_id": 26204, "path": "Feature > Grave > Single Grave", "systemtype": "feature"}, "name": "Grave 031", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "235", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"id": 22309, "name": "Flat grave", "path": "Grave Characteristics > Grave Construction > Flat grave"}, {"id": 22302, "name": "Stone placement", "path": "Grave Characteristics > Grave Construction > Stone placement"}]}, "type": "Feature"}, {"burials": [{"id": 77775, "properties": {"description": "Adult individual (30-40 years). Oriented: W-E. Only partially and badly preserved bones. Heavily disturbed. Skull is laying on its right side. Limbs of the right side in situ. No grave goods.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "293.0"}], "maintype": {"id": 26519, "name": "Skeleton", "parent_id": 26516, "path": "Stratigraphic unit > Burial (strat Unit) > Skeleton", "systemtype": "stratigraphic_unit"}, "name": "G032S1", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "235", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"description": "years", "id": 117200, "name": "maximum age", "path": "Absolute Age > maximum age", "value": "40.0"}, {"description": "years", "id": 117199, "name": "minimum age", "path": "Absolute Age > minimum age", "value": "30.0"}, {"description": "[20,39.9]", "id": 22284, "name": "Adult", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Age > Grown up > Adult"}, {"id": 128080, "name": "Right arm slightly bent", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Arms > Right arm slightly bent"}, {"id": 128052, "name": "Supine position", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > General > Supine position"}, {"id": 128086, "name": "Right hand on the pelvis", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Hands > Right hand on the pelvis"}, {"id": 128060, "name": "On the right side", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Head > On the right side"}, {"id": 128062, "name": "Left leg stretched", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Legs > Left leg stretched"}, {"id": 128103, "name": "Right leg stretched", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Legs > Right leg stretched"}, {"description": "Possible result of anthropological sex determination. In this context, undetermined means that not enough bone material or specific features were preserved to carry out a sex determination (unlike indifferent, where the preserved features were neither clearly male nor female).", "id": 22375, "name": "undetermined", "path": "Sex and Gender > Sex > undetermined"}]}}], "files": [{"file_name": "33812.jpg", "id": 33812, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_37640", "reference": "Taf. 9", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "geometry": {"coordinates": [[[15.643396466, 48.586829806], [15.643397262, 48.586829612], [15.643398436, 48.586829252], [15.64339919, 48.586828698], [15.643400238, 48.586828199], [15.643400825, 48.586827616], [15.643401914, 48.586827145], [15.643402752, 48.586827145], [15.64340401, 48.586826812], [15.64340556, 48.586826147], [15.643407027, 48.586825593], [15.643407865, 48.586825454], [15.643409123, 48.586825454], [15.643410045, 48.586825454], [15.643410631, 48.586824983], [15.643411553, 48.586824262], [15.643412853, 48.586823458], [15.643413775, 48.58682307], [15.643414571, 48.58682246], [15.643415158, 48.586821739], [15.643415535, 48.586821268], [15.6434152, 48.586820797], [15.643413858, 48.586820104], [15.643412475, 48.586819216], [15.643411344, 48.586818551], [15.643410506, 48.586818052], [15.6434095, 48.586818108], [15.643408829, 48.58681905], [15.643408033, 48.586819688], [15.643407153, 48.586820131], [15.643406021, 48.586820409], [15.643405057, 48.586820686], [15.643404261, 48.586821296], [15.643403465, 48.586821989], [15.643402291, 48.586822709], [15.643400699, 48.586823014], [15.643399567, 48.586823375], [15.643398478, 48.586823902], [15.643397304, 48.586824567], [15.643396256, 48.586825426], [15.643394748, 48.586826119], [15.643393784, 48.586826951], [15.643393658, 48.586827616], [15.643393826, 48.586828282], [15.643394371, 48.586828975], [15.643395167, 48.586829446], [15.643396466, 48.586829806]]], "type": "Polygon"}, "id": 59165, "parent": 50505, "properties": {"description": "Irregular, rectangular grave pit, cut slightly into the rock.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "293.0"}, {"id": 15679, "name": "Height", "path": "Dimensions > Height", "unit": "cm", "value": "9.0"}, {"id": 26189, "name": "Length", "path": "Dimensions > Length", "unit": "cm", "value": "171.0"}, {"id": 26188, "name": "Width", "path": "Dimensions > Width", "unit": "cm", "value": "62.0"}, {"id": 118730, "name": "Azimuth", "path": "Dimensions > Azimuth", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "118"}, {"id": 148713, "name": "Nearest Neighbour", "path": "Dimensions > Distance > Nearest Neighbour", "unit": "m", "value": "1.37"}], "maintype": {"id": 26205, "name": "Single Grave", "parent_id": 26204, "path": "Feature > Grave > Single Grave", "systemtype": "feature"}, "name": "Grave 032", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "235", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"id": 22300, "name": "Earth pit", "path": "Grave Characteristics > Grave Construction > Earth pit"}, {"id": 22309, "name": "Flat grave", "path": "Grave Characteristics > Grave Construction > Flat grave"}]}, "type": "Feature"}, {"burials": [{"id": 77781, "properties": {"description": "Child, aged 2-3 years (infans 1). Oriented: NW-SE. The crushed skull is laying on its right side. Upper body in situ. Besides that, only a few of the long bones are preserved. No grave goods.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "315.0"}], "maintype": {"id": 26519, "name": "Skeleton", "parent_id": 26516, "path": "Stratigraphic unit > Burial (strat Unit) > Skeleton", "systemtype": "stratigraphic_unit"}, "name": "G033_036_038S2(Ind036)", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "235", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"description": "years", "id": 117200, "name": "maximum age", "path": "Absolute Age > maximum age", "value": "3.0"}, {"description": "years", "id": 117199, "name": "minimum age", "path": "Absolute Age > minimum age", "value": "2.0"}, {"description": "[0,6.9]", "id": 22279, "name": "Infans I", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Age > Child > Infans I-II > Infans I"}, {"id": 128052, "name": "Supine position", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > General > Supine position"}, {"id": 128060, "name": "On the right side", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Head > On the right side"}, {"description": "Possible result of anthropological sex determination. In this context, undetermined means that not enough bone material or specific features were preserved to carry out a sex determination (unlike indifferent, where the preserved features were neither clearly male nor female).", "id": 22375, "name": "undetermined", "path": "Sex and Gender > Sex > undetermined"}]}}, {"id": 78663, "properties": {"description": "Child aged 8 to 9 years (infans 2). Oriented: NW-SE. Skull, upper body, and pelvic region disturbed. Upper limbs are missing. No grave goods.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "314.0"}], "maintype": {"id": 26519, "name": "Skeleton", "parent_id": 26516, "path": "Stratigraphic unit > Burial (strat Unit) > Skeleton", "systemtype": "stratigraphic_unit"}, "name": "G033_036_038S1(Ind033)", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "235", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"description": "years", "id": 117200, "name": "maximum age", "path": "Absolute Age > maximum age", "value": "9.0"}, {"description": "years", "id": 117199, "name": "minimum age", "path": "Absolute Age > minimum age", "value": "8.0"}, {"description": "[7,13.9]", "id": 22280, "name": "Infans II", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Age > Child > Infans I-II > Infans II"}, {"id": 128052, "name": "Supine position", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > General > Supine position"}, {"id": 128060, "name": "On the right side", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Head > On the right side"}, {"id": 128062, "name": "Left leg stretched", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Legs > Left leg stretched"}, {"id": 128103, "name": "Right leg stretched", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Legs > Right leg stretched"}, {"description": "Possible result of anthropological sex determination. In this context, undetermined means that not enough bone material or specific features were preserved to carry out a sex determination (unlike indifferent, where the preserved features were neither clearly male nor female).", "id": 22375, "name": "undetermined", "path": "Sex and Gender > Sex > undetermined"}]}}, {"id": 77409, "properties": {"description": "Child, aged app. 1 year. Originally probably supine position. Oriented: NW-SE. Skull and long bones preserved as fragments, few ribs present. No grave goods.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "314.0"}], "maintype": {"id": 26519, "name": "Skeleton", "parent_id": 26516, "path": "Stratigraphic unit > Burial (strat Unit) > Skeleton", "systemtype": "stratigraphic_unit"}, "name": "G033_036_038S3(Ind038)", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "235", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"description": "years", "id": 117200, "name": "maximum age", "path": "Absolute Age > maximum age", "value": "1.0"}, {"description": "years", "id": 117199, "name": "minimum age", "path": "Absolute Age > minimum age", "value": "1.0"}, {"description": "[0,6.9]", "id": 22279, "name": "Infans I", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Age > Child > Infans I-II > Infans I"}, {"id": 128052, "name": "Supine position", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > General > Supine position"}, {"description": "Possible result of anthropological sex determination. In this context, undetermined means that not enough bone material or specific features were preserved to carry out a sex determination (unlike indifferent, where the preserved features were neither clearly male nor female).", "id": 22375, "name": "undetermined", "path": "Sex and Gender > Sex > undetermined"}]}}], "files": [{"file_name": "42482.jpg", "id": 42482, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_37643", "reference": "Taf. 9", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "geometry": {"coordinates": [[[15.643419558, 48.586804385], [15.64341851, 48.586803553], [15.643417211, 48.586802583], [15.64341587, 48.586801696], [15.643414906, 48.586800864], [15.643414487, 48.586800282], [15.643414236, 48.5867997], [15.643413523, 48.586799062], [15.643412475, 48.586798258], [15.643411889, 48.586797676], [15.643411344, 48.586797094], [15.643410883, 48.586796456], [15.64341038, 48.586795874], [15.643410212, 48.58679532], [15.643410631, 48.586794821], [15.643411637, 48.586794959], [15.643412685, 48.586794765], [15.643412936, 48.586794405], [15.643414026, 48.586793739], [15.643414739, 48.586793351], [15.643415996, 48.586792714], [15.643417295, 48.586791993], [15.643418804, 48.586791383], [15.643419726, 48.586790912], [15.643420732, 48.586790302], [15.643421989, 48.586790163], [15.643423162, 48.586790496], [15.643424378, 48.586791161], [15.643425593, 48.586792132], [15.64342706, 48.586792631], [15.643427856, 48.586793656], [15.643429281, 48.586793795], [15.643430832, 48.58679349], [15.643432718, 48.586793795], [15.64343364, 48.586794155], [15.643434771, 48.586795209], [15.6434354, 48.586795902], [15.643435526, 48.586796595], [15.643435149, 48.586797177], [15.643434185, 48.586797898], [15.643433137, 48.586798508], [15.643431544, 48.586799423], [15.643430413, 48.586800171], [15.643429616, 48.586800254], [15.643427689, 48.586800642], [15.643426557, 48.586801141], [15.643425509, 48.58680164], [15.643424462, 48.586802056], [15.643422701, 48.586802749], [15.643421151, 48.58680372], [15.643419558, 48.586804385]]], "type": "Polygon"}, "id": 58925, "parent": 50505, "properties": {"description": "Irregular squared grave pit, slightly cut into the rock with three burials (burial 33, 36 and 38). Cut further into the rock for burial 36. Stones placed along on of the long sides. Next to the feet of burial 33 a post-hole (32x38 cm, app. 19 cm deep).\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "315.0"}, {"id": 26189, "name": "Length", "path": "Dimensions > Length", "unit": "cm", "value": "125.0"}, {"id": 26188, "name": "Width", "path": "Dimensions > Width", "unit": "cm", "value": "150.0"}, {"id": 118730, "name": "Azimuth", "path": "Dimensions > Azimuth", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "111"}, {"id": 148713, "name": "Nearest Neighbour", "path": "Dimensions > Distance > Nearest Neighbour", "unit": "m", "value": "2.38"}], "maintype": {"id": 26206, "name": "Grave with multiple burials", "parent_id": 26204, "path": "Feature > Grave > Grave with multiple burials", "systemtype": "feature"}, "name": "Grave 033_036_038", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "235", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"id": 22309, "name": "Flat grave", "path": "Grave Characteristics > Grave Construction > Flat grave"}, {"id": 22302, "name": "Stone placement", "path": "Grave Characteristics > Grave Construction > Stone placement"}]}, "type": "Feature"}, {"burials": [{"id": 77457, "properties": {"description": "Child aged 18 to 24 months (infans 1). Probably suoine position. Oriented: SE-NW. Lower yaw found with pelvis bones. Few ribs and long bones present. No grave goods.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "134.0"}], "maintype": {"id": 26519, "name": "Skeleton", "parent_id": 26516, "path": "Stratigraphic unit > Burial (strat Unit) > Skeleton", "systemtype": "stratigraphic_unit"}, "name": "G034_S1", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "235", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"description": "years", "id": 117200, "name": "maximum age", "path": "Absolute Age > maximum age", "value": "2.0"}, {"description": "years", "id": 117199, "name": "minimum age", "path": "Absolute Age > minimum age", "value": "1.5"}, {"description": "[0,6.9]", "id": 22279, "name": "Infans I", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Age > Child > Infans I-II > Infans I"}, {"id": 128052, "name": "Supine position", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > General > Supine position"}, {"description": "Possible result of anthropological sex determination. In this context, undetermined means that not enough bone material or specific features were preserved to carry out a sex determination (unlike indifferent, where the preserved features were neither clearly male nor female).", "id": 22375, "name": "undetermined", "path": "Sex and Gender > Sex > undetermined"}]}}], "files": [{"file_name": "42483.jpg", "id": 42483, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_37648", "reference": "Taf. 9", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "geometry": {"coordinates": [[[15.643415116, 48.586681283], [15.643416855, 48.586681824], [15.643417526, 48.586681948], [15.643418364, 48.58668156], [15.643419202, 48.586680867], [15.643420103, 48.586680243], [15.643420648, 48.586679412], [15.64342136, 48.586678511], [15.643421297, 48.586678095], [15.64342069, 48.586677499], [15.643419789, 48.586677236], [15.643419013, 48.586677236], [15.643418343, 48.586677485], [15.643417274, 48.586678136], [15.643415996, 48.586679398], [15.64341543, 48.58668034], [15.643415116, 48.586681283]]], "type": "Polygon"}, "id": 58931, "parent": 50505, "properties": {"description": "No grave pit visible. Burial was placed slightly above the rock.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 118730, "name": "Azimuth", "path": "Dimensions > Azimuth", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "127"}, {"id": 148713, "name": "Nearest Neighbour", "path": "Dimensions > Distance > Nearest Neighbour", "unit": "m", "value": "4.31"}, {"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "134.0"}], "maintype": {"id": 26205, "name": "Single Grave", "parent_id": 26204, "path": "Feature > Grave > Single Grave", "systemtype": "feature"}, "name": "Grave 034", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "235", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"id": 22309, "name": "Flat grave", "path": "Grave Characteristics > Grave Construction > Flat grave"}]}, "type": "Feature"}, {"burials": [{"id": 77685, "properties": {"description": "Child aged 3 to 4 years (infans 1). Oriented: probably NW-SE. Skull badly preserved, calvarium upside down. Lower yaw straight. No grave goods.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "306.0"}], "maintype": {"id": 26519, "name": "Skeleton", "parent_id": 26516, "path": "Stratigraphic unit > Burial (strat Unit) > Skeleton", "systemtype": "stratigraphic_unit"}, "name": "G035_S1", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "236", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"description": "years", "id": 117200, "name": "maximum age", "path": "Absolute Age > maximum age", "value": "4.0"}, {"description": "years", "id": 117199, "name": "minimum age", "path": "Absolute Age > minimum age", "value": "3.0"}, {"description": "[0,6.9]", "id": 22279, "name": "Infans I", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Age > Child > Infans I-II > Infans I"}, {"id": 128055, "name": "Other", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > General > Other"}, {"description": "Possible result of anthropological sex determination. In this context, undetermined means that not enough bone material or specific features were preserved to carry out a sex determination (unlike indifferent, where the preserved features were neither clearly male nor female).", "id": 22375, "name": "undetermined", "path": "Sex and Gender > Sex > undetermined"}]}}], "files": [{"file_name": "44031.bmp", "id": 44031, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_37652", "reference": "Taf. 9", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "geometry": {"coordinates": [[[15.64334871, 48.586784702], [15.643347139, 48.586785326], [15.643346091, 48.586785742], [15.643345043, 48.58678606], [15.643343849, 48.586786379], [15.643343031, 48.586786587], [15.643342298, 48.586786601], [15.643341795, 48.586786601], [15.643341083, 48.586786518], [15.64334058, 48.586786074], [15.643339783, 48.586785187], [15.643339322, 48.586784383], [15.643338589, 48.586783149], [15.643338547, 48.586782262], [15.643338966, 48.58678186], [15.643340014, 48.586781514], [15.643340768, 48.586781223], [15.643341837, 48.586780793], [15.643342843, 48.586780488], [15.643343953, 48.586780266], [15.643344792, 48.586780114], [15.643345839, 48.586780003], [15.643346887, 48.586779878], [15.643347474, 48.586779975], [15.643347558, 48.586781043], [15.64334804, 48.586782179], [15.643348605, 48.586783732], [15.643348689, 48.586784563], [15.64334871, 48.586784702]]], "type": "Polygon"}, "id": 58937, "parent": 50505, "properties": {"description": "Where preserved almost rectangular grave pit. Stones placed directly behind the skull. Southeastern part cut of by grave 45.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "306.0"}, {"id": 15679, "name": "Height", "path": "Dimensions > Height", "unit": "cm", "value": "6.0"}, {"id": 26188, "name": "Width", "path": "Dimensions > Width", "unit": "cm", "value": "60.0"}, {"id": 118730, "name": "Azimuth", "path": "Dimensions > Azimuth", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "105"}, {"id": 148713, "name": "Nearest Neighbour", "path": "Dimensions > Distance > Nearest Neighbour", "unit": "m", "value": "1.53"}], "maintype": {"id": 26205, "name": "Single Grave", "parent_id": 26204, "path": "Feature > Grave > Single Grave", "systemtype": "feature"}, "name": "Grave 035", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "236", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"id": 22309, "name": "Flat grave", "path": "Grave Characteristics > Grave Construction > Flat grave"}, {"id": 22302, "name": "Stone placement", "path": "Grave Characteristics > Grave Construction > Stone placement"}]}, "type": "Feature"}, {"burials": [{"id": 77931, "properties": {"description": "Child of unknown age (1-13 years). Only three skull fragments present. No grave goods.\r\n\r\n", "maintype": {"id": 26519, "name": "Skeleton", "parent_id": 26516, "path": "Stratigraphic unit > Burial (strat Unit) > Skeleton", "systemtype": "stratigraphic_unit"}, "name": "G037_S1", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "236", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"description": "years", "id": 117200, "name": "maximum age", "path": "Absolute Age > maximum age", "value": "13.0"}, {"description": "years", "id": 117199, "name": "minimum age", "path": "Absolute Age > minimum age", "value": "1.0"}, {"description": "[0,6.9]", "id": 22279, "name": "Infans I", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Age > Child > Infans I-II > Infans I"}, {"description": "Possible result of anthropological sex determination. In this context, undetermined means that not enough bone material or specific features were preserved to carry out a sex determination (unlike indifferent, where the preserved features were neither clearly male nor female).", "id": 22375, "name": "undetermined", "path": "Sex and Gender > Sex > undetermined"}]}}], "files": [{"file_name": "42452.jpg", "id": 42452, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_37655", "reference": "Taf. 9", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "geometry": {"coordinates": [[[15.643381588, 48.586766142], [15.643381274, 48.586765989], [15.643380939, 48.586765698], [15.643380876, 48.586765449], [15.64338096, 48.586765088], [15.643381525, 48.58676495], [15.643382007, 48.586764936], [15.643382301, 48.586765005], [15.643382594, 48.586765241], [15.643382699, 48.586765587], [15.643382636, 48.586765948], [15.643382238, 48.586766142], [15.643381588, 48.586766142]]], "type": "Polygon"}, "id": 58889, "parent": 50505, "properties": {"description": "Bone fragments are partly scattered over a post-hole with stone-overlay as well as in between two post-holes.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 148713, "name": "Nearest Neighbour", "path": "Dimensions > Distance > Nearest Neighbour", "unit": "m", "value": "1.99"}, {"id": 118730, "name": "Azimuth", "path": "Dimensions > Azimuth", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "90"}], "maintype": {"id": 26207, "name": "Bone deposition (feature)", "parent_id": 26204, "path": "Feature > Grave > Bone deposition (feature)", "systemtype": "feature"}, "name": "Grave 037", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "235", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"id": 22309, "name": "Flat grave", "path": "Grave Characteristics > Grave Construction > Flat grave"}]}, "type": "Feature"}, {"burials": [{"id": 77895, "properties": {"description": "Child approx. 5 years (infans 1). Originally probably in supine position. Oriented: approx. W-E (burial 282\u00b0, grave pit 271\u00b0). Skull badly preserved, laying on its left side. Other than that only tibia shaft preserved.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "282.0"}], "maintype": {"id": 26519, "name": "Skeleton", "parent_id": 26516, "path": "Stratigraphic unit > Burial (strat Unit) > Skeleton", "systemtype": "stratigraphic_unit"}, "name": "G039S1", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "236", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"description": "years", "id": 117200, "name": "maximum age", "path": "Absolute Age > maximum age", "value": "5.0"}, {"description": "years", "id": 117199, "name": "minimum age", "path": "Absolute Age > minimum age", "value": "5.0"}, {"description": "[0,6.9]", "id": 22279, "name": "Infans I", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Age > Child > Infans I-II > Infans I"}, {"id": 128052, "name": "Supine position", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > General > Supine position"}, {"id": 128061, "name": "On the left side", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Head > On the left side"}, {"description": "Possible result of anthropological sex determination. In this context, undetermined means that not enough bone material or specific features were preserved to carry out a sex determination (unlike indifferent, where the preserved features were neither clearly male nor female).", "id": 22375, "name": "undetermined", "path": "Sex and Gender > Sex > undetermined"}]}}, {"finds": [{"files": [{"file_name": "42454.jpg", "id": 42454, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_37662", "reference": "Taf. 9/2", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "id": 117274, "properties": {"description": "Earring made out of silver wire. Decorated with multiple wire windings in opposite position. Pendant: cylindrical wire winding. Cross-section of wire: round.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26189, "name": "Length", "path": "Dimensions > Length", "unit": "cm", "value": "2.9"}, {"id": 15680, "name": "Weight", "path": "Dimensions > Weight", "unit": "g", "value": "12.2"}], "maintype": {"id": 26420, "name": "Open Wire Ring", "parent_id": 26408, "path": "Artifact > Cultural Object > Accessories > Jewellery > EarringsTemple Rings > Wire Rings > Open Wire Ring", "systemtype": "artifact"}, "material": [{"id": 26545, "name": "Silver", "path": "Material > Metal > Non-Ferrous Metal > Precious Metal > Silver", "value": "0.0"}], "name": "G039S2F01", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "236", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}]}}], "id": 117272, "properties": {"description": "Trench's profile grave 39.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "282.0"}], "maintype": {"id": 26513, "name": "None/Unknown/Strayfind", "parent_id": 13365, "path": "Stratigraphic unit > None/Unknown/Strayfind", "systemtype": "stratigraphic_unit"}, "name": "G039S2", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "236", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}}}], "files": [{"file_name": "42453.jpg", "id": 42453, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_37659", "reference": "Taf. 9", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "geometry": {"coordinates": [[[15.643382971, 48.586819715], [15.643383851, 48.586818218], [15.643384522, 48.586816389], [15.643385528, 48.586815114], [15.643386031, 48.58681431], [15.643387204, 48.586813561], [15.64338888, 48.586812979], [15.643390934, 48.586812452], [15.643392568, 48.586811981], [15.643394035, 48.586811593], [15.643395712, 48.58681151], [15.643397304, 48.586811787], [15.643398226, 48.586812258], [15.643399148, 48.586813062], [15.643399064, 48.586814032], [15.64339831, 48.586815169], [15.643397556, 48.586815862], [15.643396466, 48.586816361], [15.643394706, 48.586816971], [15.643393323, 48.586817414], [15.643391856, 48.586817664], [15.643391185, 48.586818329], [15.643390683, 48.586818939], [15.643389844, 48.586819549], [15.643388629, 48.586819743], [15.643386366, 48.586819743], [15.643384941, 48.586819272], [15.643383977, 48.586819549], [15.643382971, 48.586819715]]], "type": "Polygon"}, "id": 59243, "parent": 50505, "properties": {"description": "Oval, on the bottom rectangular shaped grave pit, cut into the stone. Western end undocumented due to trench\u2018s profile. \r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 148713, "name": "Nearest Neighbour", "path": "Dimensions > Distance > Nearest Neighbour", "unit": "m", "value": "0.77"}, {"id": 118730, "name": "Azimuth", "path": "Dimensions > Azimuth", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "109"}, {"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "282.0"}, {"id": 15679, "name": "Height", "path": "Dimensions > Height", "unit": "cm", "value": "13.0"}, {"id": 26189, "name": "Length", "path": "Dimensions > Length", "unit": "cm", "value": "110.0"}, {"id": 26188, "name": "Width", "path": "Dimensions > Width", "unit": "cm", "value": "61.0"}], "maintype": {"id": 26205, "name": "Single Grave", "parent_id": 26204, "path": "Feature > Grave > Single Grave", "systemtype": "feature"}, "name": "Grave 039", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "236", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"id": 22300, "name": "Earth pit", "path": "Grave Characteristics > Grave Construction > Earth pit"}, {"id": 22309, "name": "Flat grave", "path": "Grave Characteristics > Grave Construction > Flat grave"}]}, "type": "Feature"}, {"burials": [{"finds": [{"id": 117280, "properties": {"description": "Wooden remains, found in the soil around the skeleton. Might belong to a coffin.\r\n\r\n", "maintype": {"id": 26285, "name": "Coffin", "parent_id": 26281, "path": "Artifact > Cultural Object > Grave Component > Coffin", "systemtype": "artifact"}, "material": [{"id": 26523, "name": "Wood", "path": "Material > Organic > Plant > Wood", "value": "0.0"}], "name": "G040S1F01", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "236", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}}}], "id": 74891, "properties": {"description": "Juvenile male (?) (17-19 years). Oriented: NW-SE. Moderately well preserved. Entirely (slightly) disturbed, especially the upper body.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "292.0"}], "maintype": {"id": 26519, "name": "Skeleton", "parent_id": 26516, "path": "Stratigraphic unit > Burial (strat Unit) > Skeleton", "systemtype": "stratigraphic_unit"}, "name": "G040S1", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "236", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"description": "years", "id": 117200, "name": "maximum age", "path": "Absolute Age > maximum age", "value": "19.0"}, {"description": "years", "id": 117199, "name": "minimum age", "path": "Absolute Age > minimum age", "value": "17.0"}, {"description": "[14,19.9]", "id": 22289, "name": "Juvenil", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Age > Juvenil"}, {"id": 128068, "name": "Right arm stretched", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Arms > Right arm stretched"}, {"id": 128052, "name": "Supine position", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > General > Supine position"}, {"id": 128059, "name": "Head straight", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Head > Head straight"}, {"id": 128062, "name": "Left leg stretched", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Legs > Left leg stretched"}, {"id": 128103, "name": "Right leg stretched", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Legs > Right leg stretched"}, {"id": 22374, "name": "Male?", "path": "Sex and Gender > Sex > Male > Male?"}]}}, {"finds": [{"files": [{"file_name": "41898.jpg", "id": 41898, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_37667", "reference": "236", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "id": 117278, "properties": {"description": "Plate fragment (baking plate). Made out of Graphite clay. Ceramic group A. Shallow with a curved bottom and a rounded rim. Lost without a trace. Found as wedging in the stone placement.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26191, "name": "Diameter", "path": "Dimensions > Diameter", "unit": "cm", "value": "19.0"}, {"id": 15679, "name": "Height", "path": "Dimensions > Height", "unit": "cm", "value": "38.0"}], "maintype": {"id": 26294, "name": "Pottery", "parent_id": 187110, "path": "Artifact > Cultural Object > Container > Pottery", "systemtype": "artifact"}, "material": [{"id": 26561, "name": "Ceramic", "path": "Material > Geological > Clay > Ceramic", "value": "0.0"}], "name": "G040S2F01", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "236", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}}}], "id": 117276, "properties": {"description": "Stone placement of grave 40.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "292.0"}], "maintype": {"id": 26513, "name": "None/Unknown/Strayfind", "parent_id": 13365, "path": "Stratigraphic unit > None/Unknown/Strayfind", "systemtype": "stratigraphic_unit"}, "name": "G040S2", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "236", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}}}], "files": [{"file_name": "39379.jpg", "id": 39379, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_37664", "reference": "Taf. 10", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "geometry": {"coordinates": [[[15.643339385, 48.586760944], [15.643338882, 48.586761665], [15.643338589, 48.586762413], [15.643338379, 48.586763189], [15.643338338, 48.586764215], [15.643338547, 48.586765241], [15.643338715, 48.586765989], [15.64333905, 48.586766488], [15.643339972, 48.586767015], [15.643341229, 48.586767348], [15.643342696, 48.586767791], [15.643343912, 48.586768041], [15.643345085, 48.586768096], [15.643345839, 48.586767708], [15.643347348, 48.586766904], [15.643348396, 48.586766599], [15.643349653, 48.586765934], [15.64335179, 48.586765435], [15.643354012, 48.586764603], [15.643355898, 48.586764354], [15.643358077, 48.586764104], [15.643359963, 48.586763633], [15.643362855, 48.58676294], [15.643364741, 48.586762441], [15.643366668, 48.586761914], [15.643367423, 48.586761332], [15.64336692, 48.586760556], [15.643366333, 48.586759835], [15.643366207, 48.586759308], [15.643366417, 48.586758643], [15.643366417, 48.586757977], [15.643365872, 48.586757118], [15.643365034, 48.58675612], [15.643363441, 48.586755704], [15.643362226, 48.586755898], [15.643361094, 48.586756591], [15.643358957, 48.586757229], [15.643357323, 48.586757922], [15.643354473, 48.586758615], [15.643351623, 48.586759169], [15.643349988, 48.58675953], [15.643349024, 48.586760112], [15.643348061, 48.586760611], [15.643346426, 48.586760999], [15.643345085, 48.586761221], [15.64334366, 48.586761443], [15.643342109, 48.586761443], [15.64334102, 48.586761193], [15.643339385, 48.586760944]]], "type": "Polygon"}, "id": 57181, "parent": 50505, "properties": {"description": "Irregular, rectangular shaped grave pit, slightly cut into the rock. Stone placements in the southeastern corner. Possibly remains of coffin preserved.\r\nIn the eastern corner a post-hole. App. as deep as the grave pit itself. Stratigraphically relation between both is unknown.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "292.0"}, {"id": 15679, "name": "Height", "path": "Dimensions > Height", "unit": "cm", "value": "11.0"}, {"id": 26189, "name": "Length", "path": "Dimensions > Length", "unit": "cm", "value": "224.0"}, {"id": 26188, "name": "Width", "path": "Dimensions > Width", "unit": "cm", "value": "71.0"}, {"id": 118730, "name": "Azimuth", "path": "Dimensions > Azimuth", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "102"}, {"id": 148713, "name": "Nearest Neighbour", "path": "Dimensions > Distance > Nearest Neighbour", "unit": "m", "value": "2"}], "maintype": {"id": 26205, "name": "Single Grave", "parent_id": 26204, "path": "Feature > Grave > Single Grave", "systemtype": "feature"}, "name": "Grave 040", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "236", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"id": 22309, "name": "Flat grave", "path": "Grave Characteristics > Grave Construction > Flat grave"}, {"id": 22304, "name": "Wood and Stone", "path": "Grave Characteristics > Grave Construction > Wood and Stone"}]}, "type": "Feature"}, {"burials": [{"id": 74977, "properties": {"description": "Mature female (40-60 years). Oriented: NW-SO. Upper body and pelvis disturbed heavily. Some of the long bones are still in situ. Skull laying on the occiput. Lower yaw tipped to the front and down. No grave goods.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "295.0"}], "maintype": {"id": 26519, "name": "Skeleton", "parent_id": 26516, "path": "Stratigraphic unit > Burial (strat Unit) > Skeleton", "systemtype": "stratigraphic_unit"}, "name": "G041S1", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "236", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"description": "years", "id": 117200, "name": "maximum age", "path": "Absolute Age > maximum age", "value": "60.0"}, {"description": "years", "id": 117199, "name": "minimum age", "path": "Absolute Age > minimum age", "value": "40.0"}, {"description": "[40,59.9]", "id": 22286, "name": "Matur", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Age > Grown up > Matur"}, {"id": 128072, "name": "Left arm not in situ", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Arms > Left arm not in situ"}, {"id": 128068, "name": "Right arm stretched", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Arms > Right arm stretched"}, {"id": 128052, "name": "Supine position", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > General > Supine position"}, {"id": 128061, "name": "On the left side", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Head > On the left side"}, {"id": 128082, "name": "Left leg not in situ", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Legs > Left leg not in situ"}, {"id": 128103, "name": "Right leg stretched", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Legs > Right leg stretched"}, {"id": 24, "name": "Female", "path": "Sex and Gender > Sex > Female"}]}}], "files": [{"file_name": "44028.jpg", "id": 44028, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_37881", "reference": "Taf. 8", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "geometry": {"coordinates": [[[15.643361367, 48.586752738], [15.64336055, 48.586753084], [15.643360005, 48.586753209], [15.643359439, 48.586753071], [15.643358768, 48.586752641], [15.643358266, 48.586751892], [15.643357595, 48.586751102], [15.643357008, 48.586750201], [15.643356673, 48.586749716], [15.643356233, 48.586749203], [15.643356149, 48.586748552], [15.643356631, 48.586748178], [15.643357742, 48.586747886], [15.643358789, 48.586747637], [15.643360298, 48.586747221], [15.643361912, 48.58674675], [15.643364929, 48.586745599], [15.643366291, 48.586745211], [15.643367381, 48.586744962], [15.643369309, 48.586744643], [15.64337065, 48.586743978], [15.643372263, 48.586743659], [15.64337394, 48.58674309], [15.64337702, 48.586742259], [15.643378592, 48.586741954], [15.643379178, 48.586742522], [15.643379996, 48.586743576], [15.643380834, 48.58674456], [15.643381421, 48.586745378], [15.643381295, 48.586745599], [15.643379954, 48.586746209], [15.64337679, 48.586747055], [15.643375365, 48.586747207], [15.643372661, 48.586747956], [15.643370922, 48.586748496], [15.643368429, 48.586749411], [15.643366501, 48.586750395], [15.643364238, 48.586751296], [15.643361367, 48.586752738]]], "type": "Polygon"}, "id": 56703, "parent": 50505, "properties": {"description": "Almost retangular grave pit.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 118730, "name": "Azimuth", "path": "Dimensions > Azimuth", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "107"}, {"id": 148713, "name": "Nearest Neighbour", "path": "Dimensions > Distance > Nearest Neighbour", "unit": "m", "value": "0.88"}, {"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "295.0"}, {"id": 15679, "name": "Height", "path": "Dimensions > Height", "unit": "cm", "value": "11.0"}, {"id": 26189, "name": "Length", "path": "Dimensions > Length", "unit": "cm", "value": "187.0"}, {"id": 26188, "name": "Width", "path": "Dimensions > Width", "unit": "cm", "value": "60.0"}], "maintype": {"id": 26205, "name": "Single Grave", "parent_id": 26204, "path": "Feature > Grave > Single Grave", "systemtype": "feature"}, "name": "Grave 041", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "236", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"id": 22300, "name": "Earth pit", "path": "Grave Characteristics > Grave Construction > Earth pit"}, {"id": 22309, "name": "Flat grave", "path": "Grave Characteristics > Grave Construction > Flat grave"}]}, "type": "Feature"}, {"burials": [{"finds": [{"id": 117282, "properties": {"description": "Animal bones, found next to the right foot.\r\n\r\n", "maintype": {"id": 26500, "name": "Food Offering", "parent_id": 26499, "path": "Artifact > Cultural Object > Cult Object > Food Offering", "systemtype": "artifact"}, "material": [{"id": 26529, "name": "Bone", "path": "Material > Organic > Animal > Bone", "value": "0.0"}], "name": "G042S1F01", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "236", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"id": 23446, "name": "Lower Body", "path": "Position of Find in Grave > Lower Body"}]}}], "id": 74971, "properties": {"description": "Child, aged 2 to 3 years (infans 1). Probably supine position. Oriented: almost NW-SE (Orientation of grave pit: 301\u00b0). Badly preserved. Crushed skull tipped slightly to the front and right side. Few vertebrae and long bones present. Left lower limbs in situ.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "301.0"}], "maintype": {"id": 26519, "name": "Skeleton", "parent_id": 26516, "path": "Stratigraphic unit > Burial (strat Unit) > Skeleton", "systemtype": "stratigraphic_unit"}, "name": "G042S1", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "236", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"description": "years", "id": 117200, "name": "maximum age", "path": "Absolute Age > maximum age", "value": "3.0"}, {"description": "years", "id": 117199, "name": "minimum age", "path": "Absolute Age > minimum age", "value": "2.0"}, {"description": "[0,6.9]", "id": 22279, "name": "Infans I", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Age > Child > Infans I-II > Infans I"}, {"id": 128052, "name": "Supine position", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > General > Supine position"}, {"description": "Possible result of anthropological sex determination. In this context, undetermined means that not enough bone material or specific features were preserved to carry out a sex determination (unlike indifferent, where the preserved features were neither clearly male nor female).", "id": 22375, "name": "undetermined", "path": "Sex and Gender > Sex > undetermined"}]}}], "files": [{"file_name": "41899.jpg", "id": 41899, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_37671", "reference": "Taf. 10", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "geometry": {"coordinates": [[[15.643468886, 48.586730865], [15.643468068, 48.58673038], [15.643467021, 48.586729742], [15.643466203, 48.586729201], [15.643465847, 48.586728855], [15.643465617, 48.586728481], [15.643465784, 48.586728037], [15.643467105, 48.586727483], [15.643468383, 48.586726887], [15.643469514, 48.586726457], [15.643470436, 48.586726401], [15.643471023, 48.586726582], [15.643471966, 48.586727108], [15.643472595, 48.58672758], [15.643472762, 48.586728065], [15.643472783, 48.586728495], [15.643472427, 48.586729174], [15.64347117, 48.586729881], [15.643469745, 48.586730601], [15.643468886, 48.586730865]]], "type": "Polygon"}, "id": 56715, "parent": 50505, "properties": {"description": "Grave pit hardly visible. Elongated shape. Stones placed at the lower end of the pit.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "301.0"}, {"id": 118730, "name": "Azimuth", "path": "Dimensions > Azimuth", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "114"}, {"id": 148713, "name": "Nearest Neighbour", "path": "Dimensions > Distance > Nearest Neighbour", "unit": "m", "value": "1.13"}], "maintype": {"id": 26205, "name": "Single Grave", "parent_id": 26204, "path": "Feature > Grave > Single Grave", "systemtype": "feature"}, "name": "Grave 042", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "236", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"id": 22309, "name": "Flat grave", "path": "Grave Characteristics > Grave Construction > Flat grave"}, {"id": 22302, "name": "Stone placement", "path": "Grave Characteristics > Grave Construction > Stone placement"}]}, "type": "Feature"}, {"burials": [{"finds": [{"files": [{"file_name": "41903.jpg", "id": 41903, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_37682", "reference": "Taf. 10/4", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "id": 117286, "properties": {"description": "Earring with a spherical metal bead, made out of copper alloy. Fragmented. Metal bead made out of two halves made out of sheet metal, horizontally fused. A piece of wire was bend and used as loop. (length: 1,2 cm, length metal bead: 0,9 cm, dia. Bead: 0,75 cm). Cross-section of earring is round.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26189, "name": "Length", "path": "Dimensions > Length", "unit": "cm", "value": "1.2"}], "maintype": {"id": 26396, "name": "Earrings with spherical Metalbeads", "parent_id": 26395, "path": "Artifact > Cultural Object > Accessories > Jewellery > EarringsTemple Rings > Earrings with spherical Metalbeads", "systemtype": "artifact"}, "material": [{"id": 26546, "name": "Copper Alloy", "path": "Material > Metal > Non-Ferrous Metal > Copper Alloy", "value": "0.0"}], "name": "G043S2F01", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "237", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}]}}], "id": 117284, "properties": {"description": "Backfilling of grave 42.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "300.0"}], "maintype": {"id": 117202, "name": "Backfilling", "parent_id": 26514, "path": "Stratigraphic unit > Deposit > Backfilling", "systemtype": "stratigraphic_unit"}, "name": "G043S2", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "236-237", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}}}, {"finds": [{"files": [{"file_name": "41901.jpg", "id": 41901, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_37677", "reference": "Taf. 10/2", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "id": 102373, "properties": {"description": "Hoop finger-ring made out of copper alloy. Fractured once. Cross-section slightly D-shaped.\r\n\r\nBandf\u00f6rmiger Fingerring aus Bronze; an einer Stelle gebrochen; Dm. 1,9 cm, B. 0,25 cm, D. 0,1 cm, Qu. sehr leicht d-f\u00f6rmig.", "dimensions": [{"id": 26191, "name": "Diameter", "path": "Dimensions > Diameter", "unit": "cm", "value": "1.9"}, {"id": 26190, "name": "Thickness", "path": "Dimensions > Thickness", "unit": "cm", "value": "0.1"}, {"id": 26188, "name": "Width", "path": "Dimensions > Width", "unit": "cm", "value": "0.25"}], "maintype": {"id": 26357, "name": "Hoop Finger-Ring", "parent_id": 26356, "path": "Artifact > Cultural Object > Accessories > Jewellery > Finger-Ring > Hoop Finger-Ring", "systemtype": "artifact"}, "material": [{"id": 26546, "name": "Copper Alloy", "path": "Material > Metal > Non-Ferrous Metal > Copper Alloy", "value": "0.0"}], "name": "G043S1F01", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "237", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"id": 23461, "name": "Pelvis", "path": "Position of Find in Grave > Pelvis"}]}}, {"id": 88917, "properties": {"description": "Several sherds. Found next to the proximal end of the left femur.\r\n\r\n", "maintype": {"id": 26294, "name": "Pottery", "parent_id": 187110, "path": "Artifact > Cultural Object > Container > Pottery", "systemtype": "artifact"}, "material": [{"id": 26561, "name": "Ceramic", "path": "Material > Geological > Clay > Ceramic", "value": "0.0"}], "name": "G043S1F02", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "237", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"id": 23451, "name": "Thigh left", "path": "Position of Find in Grave > Lower Body > Leg Left > Thigh left"}]}}, {"files": [{"file_name": "41902.jpg", "id": 41902, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_37680", "reference": "10/3", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "id": 102379, "properties": {"description": "Wire ring made out of copper alloy. Fragmented. Bent in an oval shape. Some small pieces of shed metal were present as well. They might be the remains of a metal bead. This ring and find G043S2F01 might have been a pair.\r\nFound in the soil around the skeleton.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26189, "name": "Length", "path": "Dimensions > Length", "unit": "cm", "value": "2.8"}, {"id": 26190, "name": "Thickness", "path": "Dimensions > Thickness", "unit": "cm", "value": "0.1"}, {"id": 26188, "name": "Width", "path": "Dimensions > Width", "unit": "cm", "value": "1.8"}], "maintype": {"id": 26408, "name": "Wire Rings", "parent_id": 26395, "path": "Artifact > Cultural Object > Accessories > Jewellery > EarringsTemple Rings > Wire Rings", "systemtype": "artifact"}, "material": [{"id": 26546, "name": "Copper Alloy", "path": "Material > Metal > Non-Ferrous Metal > Copper Alloy", "value": "0.0"}], "name": "G043S1F03", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "237", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}}}], "id": 77949, "properties": {"description": "Adult female (25-35 years). Possibly supine position. Oriented: app. NW-SE. Disturbed. Only crushed pelvis and lower limbs partly present.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "300.0"}], "maintype": {"id": 26519, "name": "Skeleton", "parent_id": 26516, "path": "Stratigraphic unit > Burial (strat Unit) > Skeleton", "systemtype": "stratigraphic_unit"}, "name": "G043S1", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "237", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"description": "years", "id": 117200, "name": "maximum age", "path": "Absolute Age > maximum age", "value": "35.0"}, {"description": "years", "id": 117199, "name": "minimum age", "path": "Absolute Age > minimum age", "value": "25.0"}, {"description": "[20,39.9]", "id": 22284, "name": "Adult", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Age > Grown up > Adult"}, {"id": 128052, "name": "Supine position", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > General > Supine position"}, {"id": 24, "name": "Female", "path": "Sex and Gender > Sex > Female"}]}}], "files": [{"file_name": "41900.jpg", "id": 41900, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_37674", "reference": "Taf. 10", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "geometry": {"coordinates": [[[15.643402627, 48.586786282], [15.643403088, 48.586786864], [15.643403465, 48.586787502], [15.643403716, 48.586788056], [15.643404052, 48.586788722], [15.643404429, 48.586789387], [15.643404722, 48.586789886], [15.643404638, 48.586790357], [15.643403172, 48.586790995], [15.643401118, 48.586791965], [15.643398017, 48.58679313], [15.643395376, 48.586794433], [15.643393532, 48.586795292], [15.643391563, 48.586796068], [15.643389006, 48.586796817], [15.643386659, 48.586797371], [15.643384899, 48.586797815], [15.643383558, 48.586798314], [15.643382594, 48.586798535], [15.643382049, 48.58679848], [15.643381295, 48.586798175], [15.643380457, 48.586797233], [15.643380247, 48.586796595], [15.64337966, 48.586795652], [15.643379409, 48.586795126], [15.643379283, 48.586794516], [15.643379702, 48.586793961], [15.643380876, 48.586793684], [15.643381965, 48.586793518], [15.643383139, 48.586792852], [15.643384899, 48.58679227], [15.643386492, 48.586791605], [15.643388503, 48.586790967], [15.643390138, 48.586790413], [15.643392778, 48.586789498], [15.643394706, 48.586788749], [15.643396508, 48.58678814], [15.643398268, 48.586787474], [15.643399819, 48.58678692], [15.643401244, 48.586786559], [15.643402627, 48.586786282]]], "type": "Polygon"}, "id": 59285, "parent": 50505, "properties": {"description": "Almost rectangular grave pit, partly cut into the rock. Northwestern part undocumented due to trench's profile.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 148713, "name": "Nearest Neighbour", "path": "Dimensions > Distance > Nearest Neighbour", "unit": "m", "value": "1.92"}, {"id": 118730, "name": "Azimuth", "path": "Dimensions > Azimuth", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "109"}, {"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "300.0"}, {"id": 26189, "name": "Length", "path": "Dimensions > Length", "unit": "cm", "value": "196.0"}, {"id": 26188, "name": "Width", "path": "Dimensions > Width", "unit": "cm", "value": "57.0"}], "maintype": {"id": 26205, "name": "Single Grave", "parent_id": 26204, "path": "Feature > Grave > Single Grave", "systemtype": "feature"}, "name": "Grave 043", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "236", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"id": 22300, "name": "Earth pit", "path": "Grave Characteristics > Grave Construction > Earth pit"}, {"id": 22309, "name": "Flat grave", "path": "Grave Characteristics > Grave Construction > Flat grave"}]}, "type": "Feature"}, {"burials": [{"id": 77967, "properties": {"description": "Child aged 5 to 6 years (infans 1). Oriented: approx. E-W. Heavily disturbed. Skull positioned on its calvaria. Left humerus laying across the skull-base. Lower yaw found isolated from the other bones. Only a few long bones present. No grave goods.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "296.0"}], "maintype": {"id": 26519, "name": "Skeleton", "parent_id": 26516, "path": "Stratigraphic unit > Burial (strat Unit) > Skeleton", "systemtype": "stratigraphic_unit"}, "name": "G044S1", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "237", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"description": "[0,6.9]", "id": 22279, "name": "Infans I", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Age > Child > Infans I-II > Infans I"}, {"id": 128052, "name": "Supine position", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > General > Supine position"}, {"description": "Possible result of anthropological sex determination. In this context, undetermined means that not enough bone material or specific features were preserved to carry out a sex determination (unlike indifferent, where the preserved features were neither clearly male nor female).", "id": 22375, "name": "undetermined", "path": "Sex and Gender > Sex > undetermined"}]}}], "files": [{"file_name": "41904.jpg", "id": 41904, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_37684", "reference": "Taf. 10", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "geometry": {"coordinates": [[[15.643443321, 48.586741815], [15.643442273, 48.586742065], [15.643441435, 48.586742037], [15.643440639, 48.586741566], [15.643439591, 48.586740873], [15.643438878, 48.58674029], [15.643438208, 48.586739237], [15.643437621, 48.586738627], [15.643436993, 48.586737823], [15.643436825, 48.586737296], [15.643436909, 48.586736964], [15.643437579, 48.58673677], [15.643439088, 48.586736271], [15.643441686, 48.58673555], [15.643443195, 48.586734885], [15.643444913, 48.586734164], [15.643446967, 48.586733443], [15.643449356, 48.586732584], [15.643450529, 48.58673214], [15.643451661, 48.586731863], [15.643452751, 48.586731696], [15.64345384, 48.58673178], [15.643455265, 48.586732057], [15.643456103, 48.586732972], [15.6434569, 48.58673397], [15.643457696, 48.586734968], [15.643457696, 48.58673616], [15.643457193, 48.586737019], [15.643455642, 48.586737657], [15.643454888, 48.586738378], [15.643453798, 48.586739071], [15.643452331, 48.586739597], [15.643449901, 48.586740263], [15.643447805, 48.586740789], [15.643444872, 48.586741288], [15.643443321, 48.586741815]]], "type": "Polygon"}, "id": 59291, "parent": 50505, "properties": {"description": "Irregular, rectangular grave pit, slightly cut into the stone. Possible stone placement along one of the long sides of the pit.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "296.0"}, {"id": 15679, "name": "Height", "path": "Dimensions > Height", "unit": "cm", "value": "24.0"}, {"id": 26189, "name": "Length", "path": "Dimensions > Length", "unit": "cm", "value": "151.0"}, {"id": 26188, "name": "Width", "path": "Dimensions > Width", "unit": "cm", "value": "76.0"}, {"id": 118730, "name": "Azimuth", "path": "Dimensions > Azimuth", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "110"}, {"id": 148713, "name": "Nearest Neighbour", "path": "Dimensions > Distance > Nearest Neighbour", "unit": "m", "value": "1.98"}], "maintype": {"id": 26205, "name": "Single Grave", "parent_id": 26204, "path": "Feature > Grave > Single Grave", "systemtype": "feature"}, "name": "Grave 044", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "237", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"id": 22309, "name": "Flat grave", "path": "Grave Characteristics > Grave Construction > Flat grave"}, {"id": 22302, "name": "Stone placement", "path": "Grave Characteristics > Grave Construction > Stone placement"}]}, "type": "Feature"}, {"burials": [{"finds": [{"id": 117290, "properties": {"description": "Fragments of two loom weights. One of them disc-shaped (5,5 x 5 cm, thickness: 1,6 cm, reconstructed dia.: app. 9 cm), one ring-shaped (length: 3,2 cm, thickness: 1,9 cm). Found in the backfilling of grave 45.\r\n\r\n", "maintype": {"id": 26506, "name": "Varia", "parent_id": 205561, "path": "Artifact > Cultural Object > Varia", "systemtype": "artifact"}, "name": "G045S2F01", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "237", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}}}], "id": 117288, "properties": {"description": "Backfilling of grave 45.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "303.0"}], "maintype": {"id": 117202, "name": "Backfilling", "parent_id": 26514, "path": "Stratigraphic unit > Deposit > Backfilling", "systemtype": "stratigraphic_unit"}, "name": "G045S2", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "237", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}}}, {"finds": [{"files": [{"file_name": "117292.jpg", "id": 117292, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "NB_11112", "reference": "Taf. 9/1", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "id": 102391, "properties": {"description": "Belt buckle made out of iron. Heavily corroded. D-shaped with irregular cross-section. Position in grave unknown.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26189, "name": "Length", "path": "Dimensions > Length", "unit": "cm", "value": "2.1"}, {"id": 26190, "name": "Thickness", "path": "Dimensions > Thickness", "unit": "cm", "value": "0.2"}, {"id": 26188, "name": "Width", "path": "Dimensions > Width", "unit": "cm", "value": "1.6"}], "maintype": {"id": 26383, "name": "Belt Buckle", "parent_id": 26373, "path": "Artifact > Cultural Object > Accessories > Belts > Belt Buckle", "systemtype": "artifact"}, "material": [{"id": 26540, "name": "Iron", "path": "Material > Metal > Iron", "value": "0.0"}], "name": "G045S1F01", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "237", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}}}], "id": 74897, "properties": {"description": "Early adult male (18-22 years). Oriented (grave pit): NW-SE (303\u00b0). Heavily disturbed. Skull is missing. Most of the long bones, some vertebrae and ribs present. Partly fragmented.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "303.0"}], "maintype": {"id": 26519, "name": "Skeleton", "parent_id": 26516, "path": "Stratigraphic unit > Burial (strat Unit) > Skeleton", "systemtype": "stratigraphic_unit"}, "name": "G045S1", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "237", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"description": "years", "id": 117200, "name": "maximum age", "path": "Absolute Age > maximum age", "value": "22.0"}, {"description": "years", "id": 117199, "name": "minimum age", "path": "Absolute Age > minimum age", "value": "18.0"}, {"description": "[20,39.9]", "id": 22284, "name": "Adult", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Age > Grown up > Adult"}, {"id": 128052, "name": "Supine position", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > General > Supine position"}, {"id": 25, "name": "Male", "path": "Sex and Gender > Sex > Male"}]}}], "files": [{"file_name": "41849.bmp", "id": 41849, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_37687", "reference": "Taf. 9", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "geometry": {"coordinates": [[[15.643348354, 48.586779185], [15.643347725, 48.586779684], [15.643347474, 48.586780266], [15.643347558, 48.586780987], [15.643347683, 48.586781819], [15.643348228, 48.586783066], [15.643348563, 48.58678387], [15.64334915, 48.586784896], [15.643349905, 48.586785229], [15.64335091, 48.586785534], [15.643352377, 48.586785783], [15.643353844, 48.586785783], [15.643355562, 48.586785506], [15.64335858, 48.586784425], [15.643360633, 48.58678326], [15.643364824, 48.586782096], [15.643368554, 48.586780599], [15.643377188, 48.586777355], [15.643380708, 48.58677633], [15.643381504, 48.586775748], [15.643381588, 48.58677511], [15.643381085, 48.586774278], [15.643380415, 48.58677328], [15.643379493, 48.586772532], [15.643378654, 48.586772088], [15.643377816, 48.586771977], [15.643375763, 48.586772449], [15.643369183, 48.586774112], [15.643361555, 48.586776108], [15.643357113, 48.586777355], [15.643353844, 48.586778049], [15.643349946, 48.586778908], [15.643348354, 48.586779185]]], "type": "Polygon"}, "id": 59315, "parent": 50505, "properties": {"description": "Slightly trapezoid grave pit, slightly cut into the rock. Standing stones and flagstones on the edges. At the southwestern end traces of a modern illicit excavation (dia.: 138 respectively 150 cm). The funnel doesn\u2018t reach the bottom of the grave.\r\nCuts into grave pit of grave 35. Grave 45 is located app. 65 cm further to the south-east.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "303.0"}, {"id": 15679, "name": "Height", "path": "Dimensions > Height", "unit": "cm", "value": "25.0"}, {"id": 26189, "name": "Length", "path": "Dimensions > Length", "unit": "cm", "value": "248.0"}, {"id": 26188, "name": "Width", "path": "Dimensions > Width", "unit": "cm", "value": "78.0"}, {"id": 118730, "name": "Azimuth", "path": "Dimensions > Azimuth", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "104"}, {"id": 148713, "name": "Nearest Neighbour", "path": "Dimensions > Distance > Nearest Neighbour", "unit": "m", "value": "2"}], "maintype": {"id": 26205, "name": "Single Grave", "parent_id": 26204, "path": "Feature > Grave > Single Grave", "systemtype": "feature"}, "name": "Grave 045", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "237", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"id": 22309, "name": "Flat grave", "path": "Grave Characteristics > Grave Construction > Flat grave"}, {"id": 22301, "name": "Stone Coffin", "path": "Grave Characteristics > Grave Construction > Stone Coffin"}]}, "type": "Feature"}, {"burials": [{"finds": [{"files": [{"file_name": "41850.jpg", "id": 41850, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_37695", "reference": "Taf. 10/5", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "id": 102403, "properties": {"description": "Rod-tanged knife made out of iron. Only a small part of the tang is preserved. (length 13,2 cm, length tang 1 cm, width blade: 1,9 cm, width back 0,35 cm). Cross-section of blade triangular. Tang and back divided by a tilted step. Back of knife without buckling but after app. 7 cm slightly tilted towards the tip. Tip in a superior position. Remains of fabric or leather in three spots (2,2 x 1,7 x 1,0 cm/2x 1,35 x 0,3 cm/1,7 x 1,2 x 0,3 cm).\r\nFound on the left side next to or on the pelvis.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26189, "name": "Length", "path": "Dimensions > Length", "unit": "cm", "value": "13.2"}, {"id": 26190, "name": "Thickness", "path": "Dimensions > Thickness", "unit": "cm", "value": "0.35"}, {"id": 26188, "name": "Width", "path": "Dimensions > Width", "unit": "cm", "value": "1.9"}], "maintype": {"id": 26245, "name": "Rod-Tanged Knife", "parent_id": 26244, "path": "Artifact > Cultural Object > Equipment > Knife > Rod-Tanged Knife", "systemtype": "artifact"}, "material": [{"id": 26540, "name": "Iron", "path": "Material > Metal > Iron", "value": "0.0"}], "name": "G046S1F01", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "237", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}, {"abbreviation": "Gr\u00f6mer and Nowotny 2018", "id": 117293, "title": "Karina Gr\u00f6mer und Elisabeth Nowotny, Die Textilreste aus dem Gr\u00e4berfeld Thunau, Obere Holzwiese. In: Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der oberen Holzwiese. Mitteilungen der pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87, Wien, 2018."}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"id": 23462, "name": "Pelvis left", "path": "Position of Find in Grave > Pelvis > Pelvis left"}]}}], "id": 78003, "properties": {"description": "Mature male (40-60 years). Oriented: NW-SE. Badly preserved. Skull positioned on its occiput, claviculae not in situ.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "295.0"}], "maintype": {"id": 26519, "name": "Skeleton", "parent_id": 26516, "path": "Stratigraphic unit > Burial (strat Unit) > Skeleton", "systemtype": "stratigraphic_unit"}, "name": "G046S1", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "237", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"description": "years", "id": 117200, "name": "maximum age", "path": "Absolute Age > maximum age", "value": "60.0"}, {"description": "years", "id": 117199, "name": "minimum age", "path": "Absolute Age > minimum age", "value": "40.0"}, {"description": "[40,59.9]", "id": 22286, "name": "Matur", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Age > Grown up > Matur"}, {"id": 128067, "name": "Left arm stretched", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Arms > Left arm stretched"}, {"id": 128068, "name": "Right arm stretched", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Arms > Right arm stretched"}, {"id": 128052, "name": "Supine position", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > General > Supine position"}, {"id": 128059, "name": "Head straight", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Head > Head straight"}, {"id": 128062, "name": "Left leg stretched", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Legs > Left leg stretched"}, {"id": 128103, "name": "Right leg stretched", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Legs > Right leg stretched"}, {"id": 25, "name": "Male", "path": "Sex and Gender > Sex > Male"}]}}], "files": [{"file_name": "41861.jpg", "id": 41861, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_37692", "reference": "Taf. 10", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "geometry": {"coordinates": [[[15.6434455, 48.586729534], [15.643447135, 48.586729285], [15.643449901, 48.586728287], [15.643453212, 48.586727205], [15.643457402, 48.586725792], [15.643461929, 48.586724211], [15.643466455, 48.586722714], [15.643468676, 48.586721827], [15.643470772, 48.586721245], [15.643471903, 48.586720774], [15.643473035, 48.586720219], [15.64347358, 48.586719277], [15.643473538, 48.586718196], [15.643472993, 48.586717114], [15.643471568, 48.586715978], [15.643470017, 48.586714619], [15.64346876, 48.586713289], [15.643466874, 48.586712485], [15.643465994, 48.586712402], [15.64346482, 48.58671254], [15.643463815, 48.586712845], [15.643462599, 48.586713621], [15.643461007, 48.586714398], [15.643459875, 48.586714758], [15.643459372, 48.586715645], [15.643459163, 48.586716283], [15.643458492, 48.586716865], [15.64345493, 48.586718168], [15.643452373, 48.586719083], [15.643448811, 48.586720524], [15.643446171, 48.586721134], [15.643443614, 48.586722077], [15.643441351, 48.586722992], [15.643440136, 48.586724239], [15.643440052, 48.586725348], [15.643440345, 48.586726429], [15.643442986, 48.586728009], [15.6434455, 48.586729534]]], "type": "Polygon"}, "id": 59327, "parent": 50505, "properties": {"description": "Irregular, rectangular grave pit, slightly cut into the stone. Stone placement along the sides.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "295.0"}, {"id": 15679, "name": "Height", "path": "Dimensions > Height", "unit": "cm", "value": "55.0"}, {"id": 26189, "name": "Length", "path": "Dimensions > Length", "unit": "cm", "value": "253.0"}, {"id": 26188, "name": "Width", "path": "Dimensions > Width", "unit": "cm", "value": "107.0"}, {"id": 148713, "name": "Nearest Neighbour", "path": "Dimensions > Distance > Nearest Neighbour", "unit": "m", "value": "1.13"}, {"id": 118730, "name": "Azimuth", "path": "Dimensions > Azimuth", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "109"}], "maintype": {"id": 26205, "name": "Single Grave", "parent_id": 26204, "path": "Feature > Grave > Single Grave", "systemtype": "feature"}, "name": "Grave 046", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "237", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"id": 22309, "name": "Flat grave", "path": "Grave Characteristics > Grave Construction > Flat grave"}, {"id": 22302, "name": "Stone placement", "path": "Grave Characteristics > Grave Construction > Stone placement"}]}, "type": "Feature"}, {"burials": [{"finds": [{"files": [{"file_name": "41886.jpg", "id": 41886, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_37700", "reference": "Taf. 11/1", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "id": 102415, "properties": {"description": "Rod-tanged knife made out of iron. Back part of the blade bent (length 10,3 cm, length tang 2,8 cm, width blade: 1,3 cm, width back 0,15 cm). Cross-section of blade triangular, cross-section of tang rectangular. Transition between tang and back continuously. Back of knife slightly arched and slightly tilted towards the tip. Tip in a superior position. Blade and tang divided by a tilted step.\r\nFound app. 10 cm above the lower leg.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26189, "name": "Length", "path": "Dimensions > Length", "unit": "cm", "value": "1.0"}, {"id": 26190, "name": "Thickness", "path": "Dimensions > Thickness", "unit": "cm", "value": "0.0"}, {"id": 26188, "name": "Width", "path": "Dimensions > Width", "unit": "cm", "value": "0.1"}], "maintype": {"id": 26245, "name": "Rod-Tanged Knife", "parent_id": 26244, "path": "Artifact > Cultural Object > Equipment > Knife > Rod-Tanged Knife", "systemtype": "artifact"}, "material": [{"id": 26540, "name": "Iron", "path": "Material > Metal > Iron", "value": "0.0"}], "name": "G047S1F01", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "237", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"id": 23446, "name": "Lower Body", "path": "Position of Find in Grave > Lower Body"}]}}], "id": 74985, "properties": {"description": "Child aged 12 to 14 years (infans 2). Oriented: NW-SE. Skull positioned on its occiput. Left fibula dislocated and found in the foot area. Ribcage and pelvis not in situ. A few stones were present underneath the leg bones.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "307.0"}], "maintype": {"id": 26519, "name": "Skeleton", "parent_id": 26516, "path": "Stratigraphic unit > Burial (strat Unit) > Skeleton", "systemtype": "stratigraphic_unit"}, "name": "G047S1", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "237", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"description": "years", "id": 117200, "name": "maximum age", "path": "Absolute Age > maximum age", "value": "14.0"}, {"description": "years", "id": 117199, "name": "minimum age", "path": "Absolute Age > minimum age", "value": "12.0"}, {"description": "[7,13.9]", "id": 22280, "name": "Infans II", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Age > Child > Infans I-II > Infans II"}, {"id": 128067, "name": "Left arm stretched", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Arms > Left arm stretched"}, {"id": 128068, "name": "Right arm stretched", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Arms > Right arm stretched"}, {"id": 128052, "name": "Supine position", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > General > Supine position"}, {"id": 128059, "name": "Head straight", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Head > Head straight"}, {"id": 128062, "name": "Left leg stretched", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Legs > Left leg stretched"}, {"id": 128103, "name": "Right leg stretched", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Legs > Right leg stretched"}, {"description": "Possible result of anthropological sex determination. In this context, undetermined means that not enough bone material or specific features were preserved to carry out a sex determination (unlike indifferent, where the preserved features were neither clearly male nor female).", "id": 22375, "name": "undetermined", "path": "Sex and Gender > Sex > undetermined"}]}}], "files": [{"file_name": "41885.jpg", "id": 41885, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_37697", "reference": "Taf. 11", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "geometry": {"coordinates": [[[15.643383223, 48.586846412], [15.643386743, 48.586845192], [15.643391269, 48.586843723], [15.64339458, 48.58684267], [15.643397137, 48.586841672], [15.643399148, 48.586840646], [15.643400489, 48.586840036], [15.643401328, 48.58683987], [15.64340225, 48.586840064], [15.64340313, 48.586840064], [15.643404052, 48.586839703], [15.643404638, 48.586839093], [15.643404932, 48.586838456], [15.643405057, 48.586837818], [15.643404764, 48.58683682], [15.643403674, 48.586835573], [15.643402166, 48.586833882], [15.643401328, 48.586833133], [15.643400322, 48.586832856], [15.643399442, 48.586832717], [15.643398268, 48.586833105], [15.643396634, 48.586833355], [15.643395879, 48.58683366], [15.643395041, 48.586834325], [15.643393532, 48.586835101], [15.643392527, 48.58683549], [15.643390766, 48.586835933], [15.643389677, 48.586836571], [15.643388839, 48.586837097], [15.643388, 48.586837652], [15.643386869, 48.586837818], [15.643386156, 48.58683804], [15.643385528, 48.586838345], [15.643384773, 48.5868384], [15.643383809, 48.586839038], [15.643382552, 48.586839454], [15.643381085, 48.586840064], [15.643379912, 48.586840535], [15.643379744, 48.586841173], [15.643379241, 48.586842143], [15.643378948, 48.58684339], [15.643379157, 48.586844416], [15.64337987, 48.58684522], [15.643380792, 48.586846052], [15.643382259, 48.586846329], [15.643383223, 48.586846412]]], "type": "Polygon"}, "id": 59333, "parent": 50505, "properties": {"description": "Irregular, rectangular grave pit, slightly cut into the stone. Few stone placed along the edges. Northeastern part undocumented due to trench\u2018s profile.\r\n\r\nBefund: Unregelm\u00e4\u00dfig rechteckige, in den Fels eingetiefte Grabgrube, L. 204 cm, B. 77 cm, T. 38 cm, abs.H. 392,85 m; mit wenigen Steinen begrenzt; NO-Ecke durch Profilriegel undokumentiert.", "dimensions": [{"id": 148713, "name": "Nearest Neighbour", "path": "Dimensions > Distance > Nearest Neighbour", "unit": "m", "value": "1.91"}, {"id": 118730, "name": "Azimuth", "path": "Dimensions > Azimuth", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "108"}, {"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "307.0"}, {"id": 15679, "name": "Height", "path": "Dimensions > Height", "unit": "cm", "value": "38.0"}, {"id": 26189, "name": "Length", "path": "Dimensions > Length", "unit": "cm", "value": "204.0"}, {"id": 26188, "name": "Width", "path": "Dimensions > Width", "unit": "cm", "value": "77.0"}], "maintype": {"id": 26205, "name": "Single Grave", "parent_id": 26204, "path": "Feature > Grave > Single Grave", "systemtype": "feature"}, "name": "Grave 047", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "237", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"id": 22309, "name": "Flat grave", "path": "Grave Characteristics > Grave Construction > Flat grave"}, {"id": 22302, "name": "Stone placement", "path": "Grave Characteristics > Grave Construction > Stone placement"}]}, "type": "Feature"}, {"burials": [{"finds": [{"files": [{"file_name": "41888.jpg", "id": 41888, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_37705", "reference": "Taf. 11/2", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "id": 101821, "properties": {"description": "Rod-tanged knife made out of iron. Fragmented (length 13,2 cm, length tang 2,5 cm, width blade: 1,3 cm, width back 0,25 cm). Cross-section of blade triangular, cross-section of tang almost rectangular. Transition between tang and back continuously. Back of knife slightly tilted towards the tip. Blade and tang divided by a tilted step. Tip in a superior position.\r\nFound on the left side of the skull.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26189, "name": "Length", "path": "Dimensions > Length", "unit": "cm", "value": "13.2"}, {"id": 26190, "name": "Thickness", "path": "Dimensions > Thickness", "unit": "cm", "value": "0.25"}, {"id": 26188, "name": "Width", "path": "Dimensions > Width", "unit": "cm", "value": "1.3"}], "maintype": {"id": 26245, "name": "Rod-Tanged Knife", "parent_id": 26244, "path": "Artifact > Cultural Object > Equipment > Knife > Rod-Tanged Knife", "systemtype": "artifact"}, "material": [{"id": 26540, "name": "Iron", "path": "Material > Metal > Iron", "value": "0.0"}], "name": "G048S1F01", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "238", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"id": 23442, "name": "Head left side", "path": "Position of Find in Grave > Head > Head left side"}]}}, {"files": [{"file_name": "42486.jpg", "id": 42486, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_37707", "reference": "Taf. 11/3", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "id": 102429, "properties": {"description": "Earing with spherical metal bead made out of copper alloy (length: 3,7 cm, width: 1,7 cm, thickness: 0,1 cm). Bead (1,0 x 0,85 cm) made out of two halves, attached horizontally to each other. Upper loop made out of wire (double). Second loop at the lower end. Ring made out of wire with open ends. Singular wire coils on both sides. Cross-section of wire round. Found in proximity to the left ear.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26189, "name": "Length", "path": "Dimensions > Length", "unit": "cm", "value": "3.7"}, {"id": 26190, "name": "Thickness", "path": "Dimensions > Thickness", "unit": "cm", "value": "0.1"}, {"id": 26188, "name": "Width", "path": "Dimensions > Width", "unit": "cm", "value": "1.7"}], "maintype": {"id": 26396, "name": "Earrings with spherical Metalbeads", "parent_id": 26395, "path": "Artifact > Cultural Object > Accessories > Jewellery > EarringsTemple Rings > Earrings with spherical Metalbeads", "systemtype": "artifact"}, "material": [{"id": 26546, "name": "Copper Alloy", "path": "Material > Metal > Non-Ferrous Metal > Copper Alloy", "value": "0.0"}], "name": "G048S1F02", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "238", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"id": 23442, "name": "Head left side", "path": "Position of Find in Grave > Head > Head left side"}]}}, {"files": [{"file_name": "42487.jpg", "id": 42487, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_37709", "reference": "Taf. 11/5", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "id": 102435, "properties": {"description": "Spindle whorl made out of stone. Disc-shaped, asymmetric and biconical profile ( Dia.: 2,5 cm, height: 1,1 cm, thickness: 0,65\u20130,8 cm, dia. hole: 0,9 cm). Upper and lower sides show circular line ornament. Cross-section slightly D-shaped. Found at the wall of the grave pit, app. same level as skeleton.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26191, "name": "Diameter", "path": "Dimensions > Diameter", "unit": "cm", "value": "2.5"}, {"id": 15679, "name": "Height", "path": "Dimensions > Height", "unit": "cm", "value": "1.1"}], "maintype": {"id": 26262, "name": "Spindle Whorl", "parent_id": 26223, "path": "Artifact > Cultural Object > Equipment > Spindle Whorl", "systemtype": "artifact"}, "material": [{"id": 26553, "name": "Stone", "path": "Material > Geological > Stone", "value": "0.0"}], "name": "G048S1F03", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "238", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}}}, {"id": 117294, "properties": {"description": "Wooden remains, probably coffin.\r\n\r\n", "maintype": {"id": 26286, "name": "Coffin Board", "parent_id": 26285, "path": "Artifact > Cultural Object > Grave Component > Coffin > Coffin Board", "systemtype": "artifact"}, "name": "G048S1F04", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "238", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "types": [{"id": 23446, "name": "Lower Body", "path": "Position of Find in Grave > Lower Body"}]}}, {"files": [{"file_name": "42488.jpg", "id": 42488, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_37711", "reference": "Taf. 11/4", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "id": 102441, "properties": {"description": "Spherical metal bead made out of copper alloy sheet, probably part of a second earring (see G048S1F02). Made out of two halves, attached horizontally to each other. Lower loop is missing in this piece. Perforated. Found in the soil around the skeleton.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26189, "name": "Length", "path": "Dimensions > Length", "unit": "cm", "value": "3.0"}], "maintype": {"id": 26396, "name": "Earrings with spherical Metalbeads", "parent_id": 26395, "path": "Artifact > Cultural Object > Accessories > Jewellery > EarringsTemple Rings > Earrings with spherical Metalbeads", "systemtype": "artifact"}, "material": [{"id": 26546, "name": "Copper Alloy", "path": "Material > Metal > Non-Ferrous Metal > Copper Alloy", "value": "0.0"}], "name": "G048S1F05", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "238", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}}}], "id": 78021, "properties": {"description": "Adult female. Oriented: NW-SO. Skull slightly tipped to the front and right. Upper body heavily, lower limbs slightly disturbed.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "297.0"}], "maintype": {"id": 26519, "name": "Skeleton", "parent_id": 26516, "path": "Stratigraphic unit > Burial (strat Unit) > Skeleton", "systemtype": "stratigraphic_unit"}, "name": "G048S1", "radiocarbon": {"sample": "VERA4610 : 1092 \u00b1 36"}, "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "238", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"description": "years", "id": 117200, "name": "maximum age", "path": "Absolute Age > maximum age", "value": "25.0"}, {"description": "years", "id": 117199, "name": "minimum age", "path": "Absolute Age > minimum age", "value": "20.0"}, {"description": "[20,39.9]", "id": 22284, "name": "Adult", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Age > Grown up > Adult"}, {"id": 128067, "name": "Left arm stretched", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Arms > Left arm stretched"}, {"id": 128068, "name": "Right arm stretched", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Arms > Right arm stretched"}, {"id": 128052, "name": "Supine position", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > General > Supine position"}, {"id": 128059, "name": "Head straight", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Head > Head straight"}, {"id": 128062, "name": "Left leg stretched", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Legs > Left leg stretched"}, {"id": 128103, "name": "Right leg stretched", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Legs > Right leg stretched"}, {"id": 24, "name": "Female", "path": "Sex and Gender > Sex > Female"}]}}], "files": [{"file_name": "41887.jpg", "id": 41887, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_37702", "reference": "Taf. 11", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "geometry": {"coordinates": [[[15.643439759, 48.586733554], [15.643425928, 48.586740512], [15.64342421, 48.586741316], [15.643422198, 48.586742037], [15.643420564, 48.586742037], [15.643418259, 48.586741926], [15.643417002, 48.586741372], [15.643415996, 48.586740457], [15.643415493, 48.586739819], [15.643415242, 48.586738904], [15.643415535, 48.586738017], [15.643418008, 48.586736825], [15.64342048, 48.586735855], [15.643423581, 48.586734524], [15.64342685, 48.586733304], [15.643428988, 48.586732057], [15.643431251, 48.586730948], [15.643433221, 48.586730089], [15.643434059, 48.586729728], [15.643435442, 48.586730033], [15.643437412, 48.586731364], [15.643439759, 48.586733554]]], "type": "Polygon"}, "id": 59345, "parent": 50505, "properties": {"description": "Irregular rectangular grave pit, slightly cut into the stone. Stone placement at the lower end. In line with right thigh remains of a wooden coffin (32 cm).\r\nIn the northwestern corner a round post-hole, stratigraphical relations to the grave unknown.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 148713, "name": "Nearest Neighbour", "path": "Dimensions > Distance > Nearest Neighbour", "unit": "m", "value": "2.02"}, {"id": 118730, "name": "Azimuth", "path": "Dimensions > Azimuth", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "114"}, {"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "297.0"}, {"id": 15679, "name": "Height", "path": "Dimensions > Height", "unit": "cm", "value": "18.0"}, {"id": 26189, "name": "Length", "path": "Dimensions > Length", "unit": "cm", "value": "192.0"}, {"id": 26188, "name": "Width", "path": "Dimensions > Width", "unit": "cm", "value": "61.0"}], "maintype": {"id": 26205, "name": "Single Grave", "parent_id": 26204, "path": "Feature > Grave > Single Grave", "systemtype": "feature"}, "name": "Grave 048", "radiocarbon": {"child_sample": ["VERA4610 : 1092 \u00b1 36"]}, "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "238", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"id": 22309, "name": "Flat grave", "path": "Grave Characteristics > Grave Construction > Flat grave"}, {"id": 22304, "name": "Wood and Stone", "path": "Grave Characteristics > Grave Construction > Wood and Stone"}]}, "type": "Feature"}, {"burials": [{"finds": [{"files": [{"file_name": "42490.jpg", "id": 42490, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_37716", "reference": "Taf. 11/12", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "id": 102459, "properties": {"description": "Pot, preserved completely. Rim dia.: 10,7 cm, max. dia.: 12,6 cm, bottom dia.: 6,5 cm, height: 11,8 cm. Enriched with golden mica (grain size up to 1 mm, evenly distributed). Ceramic group B. Slowly turned. Bottom mark: four-spoke wheel cross (dia.: 2,7 cm). A couple of vertical traces of fingers on the lower inside. Horizontal traces of the smoothening. On the shoulder signs of scratches as a result of the manufacturing progress. Protruding diagonally cut off rim. Decorated with a horizontal single waveband ornament on the cot off rim and a horizontal double waveband ornament on the inside of the rim, shoulder and lower part. Color: red-brown on the outside, on the inside dark grey. Mixed fire. Found next to the feet.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26191, "name": "Diameter", "path": "Dimensions > Diameter", "unit": "cm", "value": "12.6"}, {"id": 15679, "name": "Height", "path": "Dimensions > Height", "unit": "cm", "value": "11.8"}], "maintype": {"id": 26301, "name": "Pot", "parent_id": 26294, "path": "Artifact > Cultural Object > Container > Pottery > Pot", "systemtype": "artifact"}, "material": [{"id": 26561, "name": "Ceramic", "path": "Material > Geological > Clay > Ceramic", "value": "0.0"}], "name": "G049S1F01", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "238", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"id": 23458, "name": "Feet", "path": "Position of Find in Grave > Lower Body > Legs - between > Feet"}]}}, {"files": [{"file_name": "42491.jpg", "id": 42491, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_37718", "reference": "Taf. 11/10", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "id": 102465, "properties": {"description": "Earring with a spherical metal bead made out of copper alloy. Earring made out of wire (length: 2,6 cm, width: 2,1 cm, dia. wire: 0,1 cm) with open ends, bent. Singular wire coils on both sides. Cross-section of the wire round. Bead (0,7 x 0,9 cm) made out of two halves, fused horizontally. Connected to the earring by a loop. A second loop on the lower end is missing. Position in grave unknown.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26189, "name": "Length", "path": "Dimensions > Length", "unit": "cm", "value": "2.6"}, {"id": 26190, "name": "Thickness", "path": "Dimensions > Thickness", "unit": "cm", "value": "0.1"}, {"id": 26188, "name": "Width", "path": "Dimensions > Width", "unit": "cm", "value": "2.1"}], "maintype": {"id": 26396, "name": "Earrings with spherical Metalbeads", "parent_id": 26395, "path": "Artifact > Cultural Object > Accessories > Jewellery > EarringsTemple Rings > Earrings with spherical Metalbeads", "systemtype": "artifact"}, "material": [{"id": 26546, "name": "Copper Alloy", "path": "Material > Metal > Non-Ferrous Metal > Copper Alloy", "value": "0.0"}], "name": "G049S1F02", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "238", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}}}, {"id": 98779, "properties": {"description": "Awl, lost without a trace. Position in grave unknown.\r\n\r\n", "maintype": {"id": 26224, "name": "Awl", "parent_id": 26223, "path": "Artifact > Cultural Object > Equipment > Awl", "systemtype": "artifact"}, "name": "G049S1F03", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "238", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}}}, {"files": [{"file_name": "42494.jpg", "id": 42494, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_37723", "reference": "Taf. 11/9", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "id": 101833, "properties": {"description": "Segmented bead with two pressed, spherical segments. One of the segments is fragmented. A little copper alloy roll was found in the threat hole. White coating, underneath pale turquoise translucent glass. Height: 1,35 cm, height segment: 0,65, dia.: 1 cm, dia. threat hole: 0,3 cm. Cross-section: slightly oval. Furthermore, three bead fragments made out of black glass.\r\nPosition in grave unknown.\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26191, "name": "Diameter", "path": "Dimensions > Diameter", "unit": "cm", "value": "1.0"}, {"id": 15679, "name": "Height", "path": "Dimensions > Height", "unit": "cm", "value": "1.35"}], "maintype": {"id": 26439, "name": "Segmented Bead", "parent_id": 26431, "path": "Artifact > Cultural Object > Accessories > Jewellery > Necklace > Beaded Necklace > Beads > Segmented Bead", "systemtype": "artifact"}, "material": [{"id": 26565, "name": "Glass", "path": "Material > Artificial > Glass", "value": "0.0"}, {"id": 26546, "name": "Copper Alloy", "path": "Material > Metal > Non-Ferrous Metal > Copper Alloy", "value": "0.0"}], "name": "G049S1F04", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "238", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}}}, {"files": [{"file_name": "42492.jpg", "id": 42492, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_37721", "reference": "Taf. 11/7", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "id": 117308, "properties": {"description": "Segmented bead with three pressed spherical segments. Brown coating, underneath middle blue, slightly translucent glass. Height: 1,35 cm, dia.: 0,65 x 0,7 cm, dia. threat hole: 0,2 cm. Cross-section: slightly oval. Position in grave unknown.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26191, "name": "Diameter", "path": "Dimensions > Diameter", "unit": "cm", "value": "0.65"}, {"id": 15679, "name": "Height", "path": "Dimensions > Height", "unit": "cm", "value": "1.35"}], "maintype": {"id": 26439, "name": "Segmented Bead", "parent_id": 26431, "path": "Artifact > Cultural Object > Accessories > Jewellery > Necklace > Beaded Necklace > Beads > Segmented Bead", "systemtype": "artifact"}, "material": [{"id": 26565, "name": "Glass", "path": "Material > Artificial > Glass", "value": "0.0"}], "name": "G049S1F05", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "238", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}}}, {"files": [{"file_name": "117307.jpg", "id": 117307, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "NB_11114", "reference": "Taf. 11/6", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "id": 117305, "properties": {"description": "Several glass fragments, shaped like a round bar. Color: translucid, between colorless and pale turquoise. Broad and long sides fragmented. One of them shows traces of copper alloy on one of its long sides. Length: 0,9-1,3 cm, dia. 0,65 cm; several small glass and copper alloy fragments. Position in grave unknown.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26191, "name": "Diameter", "path": "Dimensions > Diameter", "unit": "cm", "value": "0.65"}], "maintype": {"id": 26506, "name": "Varia", "parent_id": 205561, "path": "Artifact > Cultural Object > Varia", "systemtype": "artifact"}, "material": [{"id": 26565, "name": "Glass", "path": "Material > Artificial > Glass", "value": "0.0"}, {"id": 26546, "name": "Copper Alloy", "path": "Material > Metal > Non-Ferrous Metal > Copper Alloy", "value": "0.0"}], "name": "G049S1F06", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "238", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}}}], "id": 77487, "properties": {"description": "Undocumented burial of a child (5-6 years). Grave pit oriented: NW-SE. Fragments of teeth preserved.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "281.0"}], "maintype": {"id": 26519, "name": "Skeleton", "parent_id": 26516, "path": "Stratigraphic unit > Burial (strat Unit) > Skeleton", "systemtype": "stratigraphic_unit"}, "name": "G049S1", "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"description": "[0,6.9]", "id": 22279, "name": "Infans I", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Age > Child > Infans I-II > Infans I"}, {"description": "Possible result of anthropological sex determination. In this context, undetermined means that not enough bone material or specific features were preserved to carry out a sex determination (unlike indifferent, where the preserved features were neither clearly male nor female).", "id": 22375, "name": "undetermined", "path": "Sex and Gender > Sex > undetermined"}]}}, {"finds": [{"id": 117303, "properties": {"description": "Wooden remains, probably belonging to a coffin. Found in the backfilling of grave 49.\r\n\r\n", "maintype": {"id": 26285, "name": "Coffin", "parent_id": 26281, "path": "Artifact > Cultural Object > Grave Component > Coffin", "systemtype": "artifact"}, "material": [{"id": 26523, "name": "Wood", "path": "Material > Organic > Plant > Wood", "value": "0.0"}], "name": "G049S1F03", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "239", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}}}, {"files": [{"file_name": "117300.jpg", "id": 117300, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "NB_11113", "reference": "Taf. 11/8", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "id": 117298, "properties": {"description": "Sustained, barrel-shaped glass bead (height: 1,4 cm, dia.: 0,7 cm, dia. thread hole: 0,3 cm). Cross-section round. Slightly fragmented. Color: opaque turquoise. Found during cleaning of the profile.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26191, "name": "Diameter", "path": "Dimensions > Diameter", "unit": "cm", "value": "0.7"}, {"id": 15679, "name": "Height", "path": "Dimensions > Height", "unit": "cm", "value": "1.4"}], "maintype": {"id": 26431, "name": "Beads", "parent_id": 26442, "path": "Artifact > Cultural Object > Accessories > Jewellery > Necklace > Beaded Necklace > Beads", "systemtype": "artifact"}, "material": [{"id": 26565, "name": "Glass", "path": "Material > Artificial > Glass", "value": "0.0"}], "name": "G049S2F01", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "238", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}}}, {"files": [{"file_name": "42496.jpg", "id": 42496, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_37726", "reference": "239", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "id": 117301, "properties": {"description": "Earring with spherical metalbead (0,8 x 0,8 cm) made out of copper alloy. Ring made out of wire (thickness: 0,1 cm), cross-section round. Found in backfilling of grave 49.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26189, "name": "Length", "path": "Dimensions > Length", "unit": "cm", "value": "2.8"}, {"id": 26190, "name": "Thickness", "path": "Dimensions > Thickness", "unit": "cm", "value": "0.1"}, {"id": 26188, "name": "Width", "path": "Dimensions > Width", "unit": "cm", "value": "2.0"}], "maintype": {"id": 26396, "name": "Earrings with spherical Metalbeads", "parent_id": 26395, "path": "Artifact > Cultural Object > Accessories > Jewellery > EarringsTemple Rings > Earrings with spherical Metalbeads", "systemtype": "artifact"}, "material": [{"id": 26546, "name": "Copper Alloy", "path": "Material > Metal > Non-Ferrous Metal > Copper Alloy", "value": "0.0"}], "name": "G049S2F02", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "239", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}}}], "id": 117296, "properties": {"description": "Backfilling of grave 49.\r\n\r\n##Grabverf\u00fcllung Grabb 49.", "dimensions": [{"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "281.0"}], "maintype": {"id": 117202, "name": "Backfilling", "parent_id": 26514, "path": "Stratigraphic unit > Deposit > Backfilling", "systemtype": "stratigraphic_unit"}, "name": "G049S2", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "238", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}}}], "files": [{"file_name": "42489.jpg", "id": 42489, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_37713", "reference": "Taf. 11", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "geometry": {"coordinates": [[[15.643415325, 48.586717807], [15.64341851, 48.58671717], [15.643420774, 48.586716532], [15.643423372, 48.586716061], [15.643426054, 48.586715562], [15.643428359, 48.586715202], [15.643430455, 48.586714897], [15.643432424, 48.586714841], [15.643434227, 48.586714786], [15.643435358, 48.586714897], [15.643436322, 48.586715368], [15.64343649, 48.586716449], [15.643436154, 48.586717724], [15.643435651, 48.586718639], [15.643434436, 48.58671911], [15.643431293, 48.586719693], [15.643427311, 48.586720025], [15.643422324, 48.586720691], [15.643418762, 48.586721273], [15.643417421, 48.586721578], [15.643416331, 48.586720912], [15.643415786, 48.586719415], [15.643415325, 48.586717807]]], "type": "Polygon"}, "id": 59351, "parent": 50505, "properties": {"description": "Almost rectangular grave pit, slightly cut into the rock. Probably remains of a coffin. Oriented (grave pit): NW-SE (281\u00b0).\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "281.0"}, {"id": 15679, "name": "Height", "path": "Dimensions > Height", "unit": "cm", "value": "31.0"}, {"id": 26189, "name": "Length", "path": "Dimensions > Length", "unit": "cm", "value": "168.0"}, {"id": 26188, "name": "Width", "path": "Dimensions > Width", "unit": "cm", "value": "53.0"}, {"id": 148713, "name": "Nearest Neighbour", "path": "Dimensions > Distance > Nearest Neighbour", "unit": "m", "value": "2.02"}, {"id": 118730, "name": "Azimuth", "path": "Dimensions > Azimuth", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "98"}], "maintype": {"id": 26205, "name": "Single Grave", "parent_id": 26204, "path": "Feature > Grave > Single Grave", "systemtype": "feature"}, "name": "Grave 049", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "238", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"id": 22309, "name": "Flat grave", "path": "Grave Characteristics > Grave Construction > Flat grave"}, {"id": 22307, "name": "wooden structure", "path": "Grave Characteristics > Grave Construction > wooden structure"}]}, "type": "Feature"}, {"burials": [{"id": 77505, "properties": {"description": "Child aged 2 to 3 years (Infans 1). Oriented: W-E. Slightly disturbed entirely. Skull crushed and on its right side. Lower yaw found with the pelvis bones.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "275.0"}], "maintype": {"id": 26519, "name": "Skeleton", "parent_id": 26516, "path": "Stratigraphic unit > Burial (strat Unit) > Skeleton", "systemtype": "stratigraphic_unit"}, "name": "G050S1", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "239", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"description": "years", "id": 117200, "name": "maximum age", "path": "Absolute Age > maximum age", "value": "2.0"}, {"description": "years", "id": 117199, "name": "minimum age", "path": "Absolute Age > minimum age", "value": "3.0"}, {"description": "[0,6.9]", "id": 22279, "name": "Infans I", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Age > Child > Infans I-II > Infans I"}, {"id": 128069, "name": "Left arm slightly bent", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Arms > Left arm slightly bent"}, {"id": 128052, "name": "Supine position", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > General > Supine position"}, {"id": 128060, "name": "On the right side", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Head > On the right side"}, {"id": 128062, "name": "Left leg stretched", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Legs > Left leg stretched"}, {"id": 128103, "name": "Right leg stretched", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Legs > Right leg stretched"}, {"description": "Possible result of anthropological sex determination. In this context, undetermined means that not enough bone material or specific features were preserved to carry out a sex determination (unlike indifferent, where the preserved features were neither clearly male nor female).", "id": 22375, "name": "undetermined", "path": "Sex and Gender > Sex > undetermined"}]}}, {"finds": [{"files": [{"file_name": "41099.jpg", "id": 41099, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_37731", "reference": "239", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "id": 117318, "properties": {"description": "Beadlet made out of copper alloy. Hollow, broken in halves. Found while cleaning the grave's shaft.\r\n\r\nGerman\r\nBronzek\u00fcgelchen, hohl, in zwei H\u00e4lften gebrochen; Dm. 0,4 cm. Beim Putzen des Grabschachts gefunden.", "dimensions": [{"id": 26191, "name": "Diameter", "path": "Dimensions > Diameter", "unit": "cm", "value": "0.4"}], "maintype": {"id": 26506, "name": "Varia", "parent_id": 205561, "path": "Artifact > Cultural Object > Varia", "systemtype": "artifact"}, "material": [{"id": 26546, "name": "Copper Alloy", "path": "Material > Metal > Non-Ferrous Metal > Copper Alloy", "value": "0.0"}], "name": "G050S2F01", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "239", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}]}}], "id": 117316, "properties": {"description": "Backfilling of grave 50.", "dimensions": [{"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "275.0"}], "maintype": {"id": 117202, "name": "Backfilling", "parent_id": 26514, "path": "Stratigraphic unit > Deposit > Backfilling", "systemtype": "stratigraphic_unit"}, "name": "G050S2", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "239", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}}}], "files": [{"file_name": "42484.jpg", "id": 42484, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_37728", "reference": "Taf. 12", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "geometry": {"coordinates": [[[15.64346021, 48.586826507], [15.643458995, 48.586824706], [15.643456229, 48.586824789], [15.643453044, 48.586825454], [15.643449943, 48.58682648], [15.64344814, 48.586826812], [15.643446967, 48.586827145], [15.643445542, 48.58682745], [15.643444662, 48.586827866], [15.64344462, 48.586828559], [15.643445416, 48.586829391], [15.643446632, 48.58683], [15.643447428, 48.586830222], [15.643448476, 48.586830111], [15.643449984, 48.586829806], [15.643452164, 48.586829834], [15.643453212, 48.586829862], [15.643454343, 48.586829779], [15.643455475, 48.586829501], [15.643456522, 48.586828808], [15.643457654, 48.586828309], [15.643458911, 48.586827949], [15.643459875, 48.58682745], [15.64346021, 48.586826507]]], "type": "Polygon"}, "id": 58949, "parent": 50505, "properties": {"description": "Shallow, irregular rectangular indentation cut into the rock.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "275.0"}, {"id": 15679, "name": "Height", "path": "Dimensions > Height", "unit": "cm", "value": "5.0"}, {"id": 26189, "name": "Length", "path": "Dimensions > Length", "unit": "cm", "value": "111.0"}, {"id": 26188, "name": "Width", "path": "Dimensions > Width", "unit": "cm", "value": "43.0"}, {"id": 148713, "name": "Nearest Neighbour", "path": "Dimensions > Distance > Nearest Neighbour", "unit": "m", "value": "1.89"}, {"id": 118730, "name": "Azimuth", "path": "Dimensions > Azimuth", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "102"}], "maintype": {"id": 26205, "name": "Single Grave", "parent_id": 26204, "path": "Feature > Grave > Single Grave", "systemtype": "feature"}, "name": "Grave 050", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "239", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"id": 22300, "name": "Earth pit", "path": "Grave Characteristics > Grave Construction > Earth pit"}, {"id": 22309, "name": "Flat grave", "path": "Grave Characteristics > Grave Construction > Flat grave"}]}, "type": "Feature"}, {"burials": [{"id": 74933, "properties": {"description": "Secondary burial. Adult-mature male (35-50 years). Bones pooled up and oriented app. NW-SE. Badly preserved. Skull fragments in the north, pelvis found in the south of the pit. Long bones stagged, ribs, vertebrae, and phalanges in-between. No grave goods.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "306.0"}], "maintype": {"id": 26517, "name": "Bone deposition (strat. Unit)", "parent_id": 26516, "path": "Stratigraphic unit > Burial (strat Unit) > Bone deposition (strat. Unit)", "systemtype": "stratigraphic_unit"}, "name": "G051S1", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "239", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"description": "years", "id": 117200, "name": "maximum age", "path": "Absolute Age > maximum age", "value": "50.0"}, {"description": "years", "id": 117199, "name": "minimum age", "path": "Absolute Age > minimum age", "value": "35.0"}, {"description": "[20,59.9]", "id": 22285, "name": "Adult-Matur", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Age > Grown up > Adult-Matur"}, {"id": 128055, "name": "Other", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > General > Other"}, {"id": 25, "name": "Male", "path": "Sex and Gender > Sex > Male"}]}}], "files": [{"file_name": "41100.jpg", "id": 41100, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_37733", "reference": "Taf. 12", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "geometry": {"coordinates": [[[15.643504928, 48.586807157], [15.643515196, 48.586800531], [15.643514609, 48.586799977], [15.643514358, 48.586799395], [15.64351419, 48.586798896], [15.643513938, 48.586798341], [15.6435131, 48.586798646], [15.643512974, 48.586799034], [15.643512304, 48.586799145], [15.643511843, 48.586799811], [15.64351155, 48.586800781], [15.643511382, 48.586801335], [15.643510334, 48.586801141], [15.643509328, 48.586800809], [15.643508071, 48.586800726], [15.643507065, 48.586800421], [15.643506437, 48.586800476], [15.643505766, 48.586800947], [15.643505179, 48.586801363], [15.643504299, 48.586801585], [15.643503, 48.586801973], [15.643502371, 48.586802638], [15.643502162, 48.58680347], [15.643502036, 48.586804413], [15.64350212, 48.586805189], [15.643502707, 48.586805965], [15.643503754, 48.586806658], [15.643504928, 48.586807157]]], "type": "Polygon"}, "id": 56679, "parent": 50505, "properties": {"description": "Irregular swale, cut into the rock. Northeastern end undocumented due to profile\u2018s trench.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 118730, "name": "Azimuth", "path": "Dimensions > Azimuth", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "123"}, {"id": 148713, "name": "Nearest Neighbour", "path": "Dimensions > Distance > Nearest Neighbour", "unit": "m", "value": "2.08"}, {"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "306.0"}, {"id": 15679, "name": "Height", "path": "Dimensions > Height", "unit": "cm", "value": "6.0"}, {"id": 26189, "name": "Length", "path": "Dimensions > Length", "unit": "cm", "value": "120.0"}, {"id": 26188, "name": "Width", "path": "Dimensions > Width", "unit": "cm", "value": "57.0"}], "maintype": {"id": 26207, "name": "Bone deposition (feature)", "parent_id": 26204, "path": "Feature > Grave > Bone deposition (feature)", "systemtype": "feature"}, "name": "Grave 051", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "239", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"id": 22300, "name": "Earth pit", "path": "Grave Characteristics > Grave Construction > Earth pit"}, {"id": 22309, "name": "Flat grave", "path": "Grave Characteristics > Grave Construction > Flat grave"}]}, "type": "Feature"}, {"burials": [{"id": 77523, "properties": {"description": "Senile female (?) (60-80 years. Oriented: app. NW-SE. Heavily disturbed, only a few bones were present. Tibiae found on to of skull fragments at the NE end. Femur found in the SE of the pit. No grave goods.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "297.0"}], "maintype": {"id": 26519, "name": "Skeleton", "parent_id": 26516, "path": "Stratigraphic unit > Burial (strat Unit) > Skeleton", "systemtype": "stratigraphic_unit"}, "name": "G052S1", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "239", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"description": "years", "id": 117200, "name": "maximum age", "path": "Absolute Age > maximum age", "value": "60.0"}, {"description": "years", "id": 117199, "name": "minimum age", "path": "Absolute Age > minimum age", "value": "80.0"}, {"description": "[60,100]", "id": 22288, "name": "Senil", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Age > Grown up > Senil"}, {"id": 22373, "name": "Female?", "path": "Sex and Gender > Sex > Female > Female?"}]}}], "files": [{"file_name": "41101.jpg", "id": 41101, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_37736", "reference": "Taf. 12", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "geometry": {"coordinates": [[[15.643433682, 48.586846911], [15.643440178, 48.58684863], [15.643454092, 48.586839537], [15.643453212, 48.586838789], [15.643452331, 48.58683804], [15.643451787, 48.586837347], [15.643451284, 48.586836598], [15.643449691, 48.586836321], [15.64344814, 48.586836377], [15.643446255, 48.586836571], [15.643444117, 48.586837236], [15.643442022, 48.586837763], [15.643440681, 48.58683829], [15.643439214, 48.586838816], [15.643437998, 48.586839204], [15.64343716, 48.586839565], [15.643433682, 48.586846911]]], "type": "Polygon"}, "id": 58955, "parent": 50505, "properties": {"description": "As far as the grave pit is preserved, it has an almost rectangular shape. Cut into the rock. Northwestern and northeastern part undocumented due to trench\u2018s profile.\r\n\r\nNearby the grave a groschen fragment minted 1927 was found. It might be connected to the disturbance of grave 52.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 148713, "name": "Nearest Neighbour", "path": "Dimensions > Distance > Nearest Neighbour", "unit": "m", "value": "1.89"}, {"id": 118730, "name": "Azimuth", "path": "Dimensions > Azimuth", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "123"}, {"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "297.0"}, {"id": 15679, "name": "Height", "path": "Dimensions > Height", "unit": "cm", "value": "26.0"}, {"id": 26189, "name": "Length", "path": "Dimensions > Length", "unit": "cm", "value": "149.0"}, {"id": 26188, "name": "Width", "path": "Dimensions > Width", "unit": "cm", "value": "81.0"}], "maintype": {"id": 26205, "name": "Single Grave", "parent_id": 26204, "path": "Feature > Grave > Single Grave", "systemtype": "feature"}, "name": "Grave 052", "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"id": 22300, "name": "Earth pit", "path": "Grave Characteristics > Grave Construction > Earth pit"}, {"id": 22309, "name": "Flat grave", "path": "Grave Characteristics > Grave Construction > Flat grave"}]}, "type": "Feature"}, {"burials": [{"id": 77529, "properties": {"description": "Adult female (30-35 years). Oriented: NW-SE. Skull tilted slightly forward. Upper body and pelvis disturbed. No grave goods.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "300.0"}], "maintype": {"id": 26519, "name": "Skeleton", "parent_id": 26516, "path": "Stratigraphic unit > Burial (strat Unit) > Skeleton", "systemtype": "stratigraphic_unit"}, "name": "G053S1", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "239", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"description": "years", "id": 117200, "name": "maximum age", "path": "Absolute Age > maximum age", "value": "35.0"}, {"description": "years", "id": 117199, "name": "minimum age", "path": "Absolute Age > minimum age", "value": "30.0"}, {"description": "[20,39.9]", "id": 22284, "name": "Adult", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Age > Grown up > Adult"}, {"id": 128067, "name": "Left arm stretched", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Arms > Left arm stretched"}, {"id": 128068, "name": "Right arm stretched", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Arms > Right arm stretched"}, {"id": 128052, "name": "Supine position", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > General > Supine position"}, {"id": 128061, "name": "On the left side", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Head > On the left side"}, {"id": 128062, "name": "Left leg stretched", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Legs > Left leg stretched"}, {"id": 128103, "name": "Right leg stretched", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Legs > Right leg stretched"}, {"id": 24, "name": "Female", "path": "Sex and Gender > Sex > Female"}]}}], "files": [{"file_name": "42497.jpg", "id": 42497, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_37739", "reference": "Taf. 12", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "geometry": {"coordinates": [[[15.643478986, 48.586823735], [15.643499312, 48.586810733], [15.643498767, 48.586810234], [15.643498222, 48.586809708], [15.643497803, 48.586809098], [15.643496714, 48.586808377], [15.643496043, 48.586807712], [15.643495331, 48.586807823], [15.643494199, 48.586808294], [15.64349357, 48.586808987], [15.643492187, 48.586809514], [15.643490427, 48.58681065], [15.643489128, 48.58681126], [15.643488164, 48.58681151], [15.643487074, 48.586811787], [15.64348544, 48.586812563], [15.64348456, 48.586812618], [15.643483512, 48.586813173], [15.643483261, 48.586813533], [15.643482716, 48.586813783], [15.643482087, 48.58681406], [15.643481668, 48.586814698], [15.643480956, 48.586815224], [15.643479279, 48.586816139], [15.643477603, 48.586817137], [15.643476262, 48.586817359], [15.643475465, 48.586817858], [15.64347446, 48.586818468], [15.643474082, 48.586819161], [15.643474502, 48.586819937], [15.643475424, 48.586821046], [15.643476262, 48.586821933], [15.643477393, 48.586822848], [15.643478986, 48.586823735]]], "type": "Polygon"}, "id": 56647, "parent": 50505, "properties": {"description": "Rectangular grave pit cut into the rock. Standing stones were positioned all along the sides, smaller stones in-between. Northwestern side undocumented due to trench\u2018s profile.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "300.0"}, {"id": 15679, "name": "Height", "path": "Dimensions > Height", "unit": "cm", "value": "20.0"}, {"id": 26189, "name": "Length", "path": "Dimensions > Length", "unit": "cm", "value": "222.0"}, {"id": 26188, "name": "Width", "path": "Dimensions > Width", "unit": "cm", "value": "67.0"}, {"id": 148713, "name": "Nearest Neighbour", "path": "Dimensions > Distance > Nearest Neighbour", "unit": "m", "value": "2.08"}, {"id": 118730, "name": "Azimuth", "path": "Dimensions > Azimuth", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "122"}], "maintype": {"id": 26205, "name": "Single Grave", "parent_id": 26204, "path": "Feature > Grave > Single Grave", "systemtype": "feature"}, "name": "Grave 053", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "239", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"id": 22309, "name": "Flat grave", "path": "Grave Characteristics > Grave Construction > Flat grave"}, {"id": 22302, "name": "Stone placement", "path": "Grave Characteristics > Grave Construction > Stone placement"}]}, "type": "Feature"}, {"burials": [{"finds": [{"files": [{"file_name": "40008.jpg", "id": 40008, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_37748", "reference": "Taf. 12/3", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "id": 101863, "properties": {"description": "Rod-tanged knife made out of iron. Blade fragmented, tip missing. (length 21,5 cm, length tang 11,9 cm, width blade: 1,3 cm, width back 0,35 cm). Wooden remains and parts of a bony handle preserved on the tang. The handle shows a rounded rectangular shape. Tang prolonged extremely. Cross-section of tang rectangular-squared. Tang and back divided by a very slight step. Back of knife without buckling but after app. 5 cm slightly tilted towards the tip. Blade and tang divided by a step. Tip in a superior position.\r\nFound on the right pelvis bone.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26189, "name": "Length", "path": "Dimensions > Length", "unit": "cm", "value": "11.9"}, {"id": 26190, "name": "Thickness", "path": "Dimensions > Thickness", "unit": "cm", "value": "0.35"}, {"id": 26188, "name": "Width", "path": "Dimensions > Width", "unit": "cm", "value": "1.3"}], "maintype": {"id": 26245, "name": "Rod-Tanged Knife", "parent_id": 26244, "path": "Artifact > Cultural Object > Equipment > Knife > Rod-Tanged Knife", "systemtype": "artifact"}, "material": [{"id": 26540, "name": "Iron", "path": "Material > Metal > Iron", "value": "0.0"}], "name": "G054F01", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "239", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"id": 23463, "name": "Pelvis right", "path": "Position of Find in Grave > Pelvis > Pelvis right"}]}}], "id": 74873, "properties": {"description": "Mature female (40-60 years). Oriented: NW-SE. Skull slightly tilted to the right. Lower yaw straight and fell down. Entirely slightly disturbed, especially the right side of the rib cage.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "292.0"}], "maintype": {"id": 26519, "name": "Skeleton", "parent_id": 26516, "path": "Stratigraphic unit > Burial (strat Unit) > Skeleton", "systemtype": "stratigraphic_unit"}, "name": "G054S1", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "239", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"description": "[40,59.9]", "id": 22286, "name": "Matur", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Age > Grown up > Matur"}, {"id": 128067, "name": "Left arm stretched", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Arms > Left arm stretched"}, {"id": 128068, "name": "Right arm stretched", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Arms > Right arm stretched"}, {"id": 128052, "name": "Supine position", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > General > Supine position"}, {"id": 128059, "name": "Head straight", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Head > Head straight"}, {"id": 128062, "name": "Left leg stretched", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Legs > Left leg stretched"}, {"id": 128103, "name": "Right leg stretched", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Legs > Right leg stretched"}, {"id": 24, "name": "Female", "path": "Sex and Gender > Sex > Female"}]}}], "files": [{"file_name": "40000.jpg", "id": 40000, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_37743", "reference": "Taf. 12", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "geometry": {"coordinates": [[[15.643530367, 48.58679349], [15.643553333, 48.586782928], [15.643553711, 48.586782429], [15.643553166, 48.586781597], [15.64355195, 48.586780266], [15.643550777, 48.586779185], [15.643549813, 48.586778381], [15.643549059, 48.586777938], [15.64354755, 48.586777965], [15.643545873, 48.586778049], [15.643543275, 48.586779462], [15.643540844, 48.586780738], [15.643538288, 48.586781874], [15.643535606, 48.586783039], [15.643533133, 48.586784064], [15.643531079, 48.586785312], [15.643529403, 48.586786338], [15.643527308, 48.586787446], [15.643525883, 48.586788001], [15.643524458, 48.586788666], [15.643524039, 48.586789304], [15.643524625, 48.586790579], [15.643526344, 48.586792298], [15.643528313, 48.586793601], [15.643530367, 48.58679349]]], "type": "Polygon"}, "id": 58967, "parent": 50505, "properties": {"description": "Almost rectangular grave pit.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 118730, "name": "Azimuth", "path": "Dimensions > Azimuth", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "115"}, {"id": 148713, "name": "Nearest Neighbour", "path": "Dimensions > Distance > Nearest Neighbour", "unit": "m", "value": "3.03"}, {"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "292.0"}, {"id": 15679, "name": "Height", "path": "Dimensions > Height", "unit": "cm", "value": "78.0"}, {"id": 26189, "name": "Length", "path": "Dimensions > Length", "unit": "cm", "value": "230.0"}, {"id": 26188, "name": "Width", "path": "Dimensions > Width", "unit": "cm", "value": "78.0"}], "maintype": {"id": 26205, "name": "Single Grave", "parent_id": 26204, "path": "Feature > Grave > Single Grave", "systemtype": "feature"}, "name": "Grave 054", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "239", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"id": 22300, "name": "Earth pit", "path": "Grave Characteristics > Grave Construction > Earth pit"}, {"id": 22309, "name": "Flat grave", "path": "Grave Characteristics > Grave Construction > Flat grave"}]}, "type": "Feature"}, {"burials": [{"finds": [{"files": [{"file_name": "42501.jpg", "id": 42501, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_37753", "reference": "Taf. 12/2", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "id": 101905, "properties": {"description": "Two bells made out of copper alloy, well preserved. Round shape, upper part slightly conical. Made from two halves, fused vertically. The loop was cast with each half. Decorated with a horizontal, notched decorative strip. Crosswise cuts in the lower end. Beadlet still in the bell. Bells can still ring. Position in grave unknown.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26191, "name": "Diameter", "path": "Dimensions > Diameter", "unit": "cm", "value": "1.7"}, {"id": 26189, "name": "Length", "path": "Dimensions > Length", "unit": "cm", "value": "2.3"}], "maintype": {"id": 26443, "name": "Bells", "parent_id": 26324, "path": "Artifact > Cultural Object > Accessories > Bells", "systemtype": "artifact"}, "material": [{"id": 26546, "name": "Copper Alloy", "path": "Material > Metal > Non-Ferrous Metal > Copper Alloy", "value": "0.0"}], "name": "G055S1F01", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "239", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}}}], "id": 77553, "properties": {"description": "Child aged app. 6 months. Undocumented.\r\n\r\n", "maintype": {"id": 26519, "name": "Skeleton", "parent_id": 26516, "path": "Stratigraphic unit > Burial (strat Unit) > Skeleton", "systemtype": "stratigraphic_unit"}, "name": "G055S1", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "239", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"description": "years", "id": 117200, "name": "maximum age", "path": "Absolute Age > maximum age", "value": "0.5"}, {"description": "years", "id": 117199, "name": "minimum age", "path": "Absolute Age > minimum age", "value": "0.5"}, {"description": "[0,6.9]", "id": 22279, "name": "Infans I", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Age > Child > Infans I-II > Infans I"}, {"description": "Possible result of anthropological sex determination. In this context, undetermined means that not enough bone material or specific features were preserved to carry out a sex determination (unlike indifferent, where the preserved features were neither clearly male nor female).", "id": 22375, "name": "undetermined", "path": "Sex and Gender > Sex > undetermined"}]}}], "files": [{"file_name": "42499.jpg", "id": 42499, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_37750", "reference": "Taf. 12", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "geometry": {"coordinates": [[[15.643195636, 48.586679994], [15.6431966, 48.586678164], [15.643197522, 48.586676113], [15.643198318, 48.586674339], [15.643198779, 48.586673645], [15.643203766, 48.586671843], [15.643204772, 48.586671899], [15.643205987, 48.586672398], [15.643207706, 48.586673729], [15.643208669, 48.586674782], [15.643208795, 48.586675392], [15.643208418, 48.58667614], [15.643203557, 48.586677776], [15.643198988, 48.586679661], [15.643196809, 48.586680327], [15.643195636, 48.586679994]]], "type": "Polygon"}, "id": 58973, "parent": 50505, "properties": {"description": "Almost rectangular grave pit. Western part undocumented due to trench's profile.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26188, "name": "Width", "path": "Dimensions > Width", "unit": "cm", "value": "56.0"}, {"id": 118730, "name": "Azimuth", "path": "Dimensions > Azimuth", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "110"}, {"id": 148713, "name": "Nearest Neighbour", "path": "Dimensions > Distance > Nearest Neighbour", "unit": "m", "value": "0.7"}], "maintype": {"id": 26205, "name": "Single Grave", "parent_id": 26204, "path": "Feature > Grave > Single Grave", "systemtype": "feature"}, "name": "Grave 055", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "239", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"id": 22300, "name": "Earth pit", "path": "Grave Characteristics > Grave Construction > Earth pit"}, {"id": 22309, "name": "Flat grave", "path": "Grave Characteristics > Grave Construction > Flat grave"}]}, "type": "Feature"}, {"burials": [{"finds": [{"id": 117321, "properties": {"description": "Iron fragment. Severely corroded. Found next to the proximal end of the right femur.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 15679, "name": "Height", "path": "Dimensions > Height", "unit": "cm", "value": "1.3"}, {"id": 26189, "name": "Length", "path": "Dimensions > Length", "unit": "cm", "value": "1.2"}, {"id": 26188, "name": "Width", "path": "Dimensions > Width", "unit": "cm", "value": "0.5"}], "maintype": {"id": 26506, "name": "Varia", "parent_id": 205561, "path": "Artifact > Cultural Object > Varia", "systemtype": "artifact"}, "name": "G056S1F06", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "240", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "types": [{"id": 23456, "name": "Thigh right", "path": "Position of Find in Grave > Lower Body > Leg right > Thigh right"}]}}, {"files": [{"file_name": "117320.jpg", "id": 117320, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_37765", "reference": "Taf. 13/1", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "id": 103015, "properties": {"description": "Slightly rectangular flint. Found next to the proximal end of the right femur. \r\n\r\n", "maintype": {"id": 26237, "name": "Flint", "parent_id": 26235, "path": "Artifact > Cultural Object > Equipment > Firemaking Equipment > Flint", "systemtype": "artifact"}, "material": [{"id": 26553, "name": "Stone", "path": "Material > Geological > Stone", "value": "0.0"}], "name": "G056S1F05", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "Taf. 13/1", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"id": 23456, "name": "Thigh right", "path": "Position of Find in Grave > Lower Body > Leg right > Thigh right"}]}}, {"files": [{"file_name": "42500.jpg", "id": 42500, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_37758", "reference": "Taf. 13/4", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "id": 102471, "properties": {"description": "Oval belt buckle with chape made out of iron. Fragmented. Neck of the chape preserved. Cross-section almost rectangular, next to the bridge squared. Chape made out of sheet iron. Heavily corroded. One of the chape fragments shows two rivet holes. Found at the right side of the pelvis\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26189, "name": "Length", "path": "Dimensions > Length", "unit": "cm", "value": "4.0"}, {"id": 26190, "name": "Thickness", "path": "Dimensions > Thickness", "unit": "cm", "value": "0.5"}, {"id": 26188, "name": "Width", "path": "Dimensions > Width", "unit": "cm", "value": "2.3"}], "maintype": {"id": 26384, "name": "Belt Buckle with Chape", "parent_id": 26383, "path": "Artifact > Cultural Object > Accessories > Belts > Belt Buckle > Belt Buckle with Chape", "systemtype": "artifact"}, "material": [{"id": 26540, "name": "Iron", "path": "Material > Metal > Iron", "value": "0.0"}], "name": "G056S1F01", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "240", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"id": 23463, "name": "Pelvis right", "path": "Position of Find in Grave > Pelvis > Pelvis right"}]}}, {"files": [{"file_name": "42322.jpg", "id": 42322, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_37760", "reference": "Taf. 13/2", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "id": 95683, "properties": {"description": "Rod-tanged knife made out of iron. Tang fragmented (length 11,4 cm, length tang 1,4 cm, width blade 1,1 cm, width back 0,25 cm). Cross-section of blade triangular, cross-section of tang almost rectangular. Tang and back divided by a step. Back of knife without buckling but after app. 4,5 cm slightly tilted towards the tip. Blade and tang divided by a step. Tip in a superior position.\r\nFound next to the right forearm.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26189, "name": "Length", "path": "Dimensions > Length", "unit": "cm", "value": "11.4"}, {"id": 26190, "name": "Thickness", "path": "Dimensions > Thickness", "unit": "cm", "value": "0.25"}, {"id": 26188, "name": "Width", "path": "Dimensions > Width", "unit": "cm", "value": "1.1"}], "maintype": {"id": 26245, "name": "Rod-Tanged Knife", "parent_id": 26244, "path": "Artifact > Cultural Object > Equipment > Knife > Rod-Tanged Knife", "systemtype": "artifact"}, "material": [{"id": 26540, "name": "Iron", "path": "Material > Metal > Iron", "value": "0.0"}], "name": "G056S1F02", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "240", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"id": 23463, "name": "Pelvis right", "path": "Position of Find in Grave > Pelvis > Pelvis right"}]}}, {"files": [{"file_name": "42502.jpg", "id": 42502, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_37762", "reference": "Taf. 13/3", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "id": 95661, "properties": {"description": "Awl, bony handle preserved. Iron part highly corroded and fragmented. Handle truncated conical and decorated with radial eye-pattern.\r\nFound next to the proximal part of the right femur.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26191, "name": "Diameter", "path": "Dimensions > Diameter", "unit": "cm", "value": "2.0"}, {"id": 26189, "name": "Length", "path": "Dimensions > Length", "unit": "cm", "value": "8.3"}], "maintype": {"id": 26224, "name": "Awl", "parent_id": 26223, "path": "Artifact > Cultural Object > Equipment > Awl", "systemtype": "artifact"}, "material": [{"id": 26540, "name": "Iron", "path": "Material > Metal > Iron", "value": "0.0"}, {"id": 26529, "name": "Bone", "path": "Material > Organic > Animal > Bone", "value": "0.0"}], "name": "G056S1F03", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "240", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"id": 23456, "name": "Thigh right", "path": "Position of Find in Grave > Lower Body > Leg right > Thigh right"}]}}, {"files": [{"file_name": "42290.jpg", "id": 42290, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_37764", "reference": "Taf. 13/6", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}, {"file_name": "42504.jpg", "id": 42504, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_37766", "reference": "Taf. 13/5", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "id": 102513, "properties": {"description": "Lyre-shaped fire steel made out of iron. Fragmented. Cross-section slightly rectangular. Leather preserved on the metal. Delicate grain pattern suggests calf leather.\r\nFound next to the proximal end of the right femur.\r\n\r\n", "maintype": {"id": 26236, "name": "Fire Steel", "parent_id": 26235, "path": "Artifact > Cultural Object > Equipment > Firemaking Equipment > Fire Steel", "systemtype": "artifact"}, "material": [{"id": 26553, "name": "Stone", "path": "Material > Geological > Stone", "value": "0.0"}, {"id": 26540, "name": "Iron", "path": "Material > Metal > Iron", "value": "0.0"}, {"id": 26534, "name": "Leather", "path": "Material > Organic > Animal > Skin > Leather", "value": "0.0"}], "name": "G056S1F04", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "240", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"id": 23456, "name": "Thigh right", "path": "Position of Find in Grave > Lower Body > Leg right > Thigh right"}]}}], "id": 78039, "properties": {"description": "Adult male (20-25 years). Supine position with slightly bent arms, so forearms are positioned in the pelvis area. Oriented: W-E. Skull is laying on its right side. Skull and upper body disturbed.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "276.0"}], "maintype": {"id": 26519, "name": "Skeleton", "parent_id": 26516, "path": "Stratigraphic unit > Burial (strat Unit) > Skeleton", "systemtype": "stratigraphic_unit"}, "name": "G056S1", "radiocarbon": {"sample": "VERA-4607 : 1093 \u00b1 40"}, "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "239", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"description": "years", "id": 117200, "name": "maximum age", "path": "Absolute Age > maximum age", "value": "25.0"}, {"description": "years", "id": 117199, "name": "minimum age", "path": "Absolute Age > minimum age", "value": "20.0"}, {"description": "[20,39.9]", "id": 22284, "name": "Adult", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Age > Grown up > Adult"}, {"id": 128069, "name": "Left arm slightly bent", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Arms > Left arm slightly bent"}, {"id": 128080, "name": "Right arm slightly bent", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Arms > Right arm slightly bent"}, {"id": 128052, "name": "Supine position", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > General > Supine position"}, {"id": 128060, "name": "On the right side", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Head > On the right side"}, {"id": 128062, "name": "Left leg stretched", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Legs > Left leg stretched"}, {"id": 128103, "name": "Right leg stretched", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Legs > Right leg stretched"}, {"id": 25, "name": "Male", "path": "Sex and Gender > Sex > Male"}]}}], "files": [{"file_name": "42244.jpg", "id": 42244, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_37755", "reference": "Taf. 13", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}, {"file_name": "40012.jpg", "id": 40012, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_37768", "reference": "Taf. 13", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "geometry": {"coordinates": [[[15.643253722, 48.586765379], [15.643252297, 48.586764575], [15.64325104, 48.586763411], [15.643249867, 48.586762358], [15.643248777, 48.586760168], [15.643249406, 48.586759641], [15.643267427, 48.586753043], [15.643270276, 48.586752045], [15.643271492, 48.58675174], [15.643272498, 48.586752183], [15.643273336, 48.586753098], [15.643274426, 48.586754457], [15.643275306, 48.58675576], [15.64327518, 48.586756702], [15.643275054, 48.586757534], [15.643273001, 48.586758227], [15.643256614, 48.586764492], [15.643253722, 48.586765379]]], "type": "Polygon"}, "id": 59363, "parent": 50505, "properties": {"description": "Grave pit undocumented.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "276.0"}, {"id": 15679, "name": "Height", "path": "Dimensions > Height", "unit": "cm", "value": "46.0"}, {"id": 118730, "name": "Azimuth", "path": "Dimensions > Azimuth", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "110"}, {"id": 148713, "name": "Nearest Neighbour", "path": "Dimensions > Distance > Nearest Neighbour", "unit": "m", "value": "1.46"}], "maintype": {"id": 26205, "name": "Single Grave", "parent_id": 26204, "path": "Feature > Grave > Single Grave", "systemtype": "feature"}, "name": "Grave 056", "radiocarbon": {"child_sample": ["VERA-4607 : 1093 \u00b1 40"]}, "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "239", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"id": 22309, "name": "Flat grave", "path": "Grave Characteristics > Grave Construction > Flat grave"}]}, "type": "Feature"}, {"burials": [{"id": 77829, "properties": {"description": "Juvenile individual (16 to 20 years). Only the calvaria is present. No grave goods.\r\n\r\n", "maintype": {"id": 26519, "name": "Skeleton", "parent_id": 26516, "path": "Stratigraphic unit > Burial (strat Unit) > Skeleton", "systemtype": "stratigraphic_unit"}, "name": "G057S1", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "240", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"description": "years", "id": 117200, "name": "maximum age", "path": "Absolute Age > maximum age", "value": "20.0"}, {"description": "years", "id": 117199, "name": "minimum age", "path": "Absolute Age > minimum age", "value": "16.0"}, {"description": "[14,19.9]", "id": 22289, "name": "Juvenil", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Age > Juvenil"}, {"description": "Possible result of anthropological sex determination. In this context, undetermined means that not enough bone material or specific features were preserved to carry out a sex determination (unlike indifferent, where the preserved features were neither clearly male nor female).", "id": 22375, "name": "undetermined", "path": "Sex and Gender > Sex > undetermined"}]}}], "files": [{"file_name": "40013.jpg", "id": 40013, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_37770", "reference": "Taf. 13", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "geometry": {"coordinates": [[[15.643238677, 48.586773391], [15.643238425, 48.586767403], [15.643245131, 48.586765684], [15.64324555, 48.586771561], [15.643239515, 48.58677328], [15.643238677, 48.586773391]]], "type": "Polygon"}, "id": 57413, "parent": 50505, "properties": {"description": "Grave pit hardly visible.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 118730, "name": "Azimuth", "path": "Dimensions > Azimuth", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "106"}, {"id": 148713, "name": "Nearest Neighbour", "path": "Dimensions > Distance > Nearest Neighbour", "unit": "m", "value": "1.84"}, {"id": 15679, "name": "Height", "path": "Dimensions > Height", "unit": "cm", "value": "20.0"}], "maintype": {"id": 26205, "name": "Single Grave", "parent_id": 26204, "path": "Feature > Grave > Single Grave", "systemtype": "feature"}, "name": "Grave 057", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "240", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"id": 22300, "name": "Earth pit", "path": "Grave Characteristics > Grave Construction > Earth pit"}, {"id": 22309, "name": "Flat grave", "path": "Grave Characteristics > Grave Construction > Flat grave"}]}, "type": "Feature"}, {"burials": [{"id": 74879, "properties": {"description": "Child aged 18 to 30 months (infans 1). Position in grave not documented. No grave goods.\r\n\r\n", "maintype": {"id": 26519, "name": "Skeleton", "parent_id": 26516, "path": "Stratigraphic unit > Burial (strat Unit) > Skeleton", "systemtype": "stratigraphic_unit"}, "name": "G058_S1", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "240", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"description": "years", "id": 117200, "name": "maximum age", "path": "Absolute Age > maximum age", "value": "2.5"}, {"description": "years", "id": 117199, "name": "minimum age", "path": "Absolute Age > minimum age", "value": "1.5"}, {"description": "[0,6.9]", "id": 22279, "name": "Infans I", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Age > Child > Infans I-II > Infans I"}, {"description": "Possible result of anthropological sex determination. In this context, undetermined means that not enough bone material or specific features were preserved to carry out a sex determination (unlike indifferent, where the preserved features were neither clearly male nor female).", "id": 22375, "name": "undetermined", "path": "Sex and Gender > Sex > undetermined"}]}}], "files": [{"file_name": "40164.jpg", "id": 40164, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_37774", "reference": "Taf. 13", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}, {"file_name": "40227.jpg", "id": 40227, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_37775", "reference": "Taf. 13", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "geometry": {"coordinates": [[[15.64335661, 48.586743118], [15.643358873, 48.586743174], [15.643361807, 48.586742924], [15.643363232, 48.58674273], [15.643363651, 48.586742231], [15.643363693, 48.586741344], [15.643363693, 48.586740235], [15.643363525, 48.586739431], [15.643363022, 48.58673896], [15.643361765, 48.586738793], [15.643358286, 48.586739071], [15.64335661, 48.586743118]]], "type": "Polygon"}, "id": 57419, "parent": 50505, "properties": {"description": "The grave pit probably belonging to the burial is almost rectangular. Northwestern part of the pit undocumented due to trench's profile.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 15679, "name": "Height", "path": "Dimensions > Height", "unit": "cm", "value": "36.0"}, {"id": 26188, "name": "Width", "path": "Dimensions > Width", "unit": "cm", "value": "46.0"}, {"id": 148713, "name": "Nearest Neighbour", "path": "Dimensions > Distance > Nearest Neighbour", "unit": "m", "value": "0.88"}, {"id": 118730, "name": "Azimuth", "path": "Dimensions > Azimuth", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "95"}], "maintype": {"id": 26205, "name": "Single Grave", "parent_id": 26204, "path": "Feature > Grave > Single Grave", "systemtype": "feature"}, "name": "Grave 058", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "240", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"id": 22300, "name": "Earth pit", "path": "Grave Characteristics > Grave Construction > Earth pit"}, {"id": 22309, "name": "Flat grave", "path": "Grave Characteristics > Grave Construction > Flat grave"}]}, "type": "Feature"}, {"burials": [{"finds": [{"files": [{"file_name": "42506.jpg", "id": 42506, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_37781", "reference": "Taf. 13/7", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "id": 95721, "properties": {"description": "Pot, lost without a trace. Only two body sherds are preserved. Ceramic group B or D. Protruding almost vertically cut off rim. Shoulder decorated with a horizontal multiple-waveband ornament. Color: red-brown and grey on the outside. Mixed fire.\r\nCoordinates suggest that the pot belongs to grave 59.\r\n\r\n", "maintype": {"id": 26301, "name": "Pot", "parent_id": 26294, "path": "Artifact > Cultural Object > Container > Pottery > Pot", "systemtype": "artifact"}, "material": [{"id": 26561, "name": "Ceramic", "path": "Material > Geological > Clay > Ceramic", "value": "0.0"}], "name": "G059F01", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "240", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}}}], "id": 77583, "properties": {"description": "Child aged app. 6 months (infans 1). Position in grave undocumented.\r\n\r\n", "maintype": {"id": 26519, "name": "Skeleton", "parent_id": 26516, "path": "Stratigraphic unit > Burial (strat Unit) > Skeleton", "systemtype": "stratigraphic_unit"}, "name": "G059S1", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "240", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"description": "years", "id": 117200, "name": "maximum age", "path": "Absolute Age > maximum age", "value": "0.5"}, {"description": "years", "id": 117199, "name": "minimum age", "path": "Absolute Age > minimum age", "value": "0.5"}, {"description": "[0,6.9]", "id": 22279, "name": "Infans I", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Age > Child > Infans I-II > Infans I"}, {"description": "Possible result of anthropological sex determination. In this context, undetermined means that not enough bone material or specific features were preserved to carry out a sex determination (unlike indifferent, where the preserved features were neither clearly male nor female).", "id": 22375, "name": "undetermined", "path": "Sex and Gender > Sex > undetermined"}]}}], "files": [{"file_name": "41102.jpg", "id": 41102, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_37778", "reference": "Taf. 13", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "geometry": {"coordinates": [[[15.643362394, 48.586731253], [15.643364866, 48.586726401], [15.643365663, 48.586726097], [15.643367381, 48.586726651], [15.643369225, 48.586727399], [15.643369853, 48.586728259], [15.643369476, 48.586729063], [15.643366501, 48.586730172], [15.643363944, 48.586731087], [15.643362394, 48.586731253]]], "type": "Polygon"}, "id": 58997, "parent": 50505, "properties": {"description": "The grave pit probably belonging to the burial is almost rectangular where preserved. Northwestern part undocumented due to trench's profile.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 15679, "name": "Height", "path": "Dimensions > Height", "unit": "cm", "value": "30.0"}, {"id": 26188, "name": "Width", "path": "Dimensions > Width", "unit": "cm", "value": "43.0"}, {"id": 148713, "name": "Nearest Neighbour", "path": "Dimensions > Distance > Nearest Neighbour", "unit": "m", "value": "1.42"}, {"id": 118730, "name": "Azimuth", "path": "Dimensions > Azimuth", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "110"}], "maintype": {"id": 26205, "name": "Single Grave", "parent_id": 26204, "path": "Feature > Grave > Single Grave", "systemtype": "feature"}, "name": "Grave 059", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "240", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"id": 22300, "name": "Earth pit", "path": "Grave Characteristics > Grave Construction > Earth pit"}, {"id": 22309, "name": "Flat grave", "path": "Grave Characteristics > Grave Construction > Flat grave"}]}, "type": "Feature"}, {"burials": [{"id": 75013, "properties": {"description": "Child aged 2 to 3 years (infans 1). Position in grave not documented.\r\n\r\n", "maintype": {"id": 26519, "name": "Skeleton", "parent_id": 26516, "path": "Stratigraphic unit > Burial (strat Unit) > Skeleton", "systemtype": "stratigraphic_unit"}, "name": "G060S1", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "240", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"description": "years", "id": 117200, "name": "maximum age", "path": "Absolute Age > maximum age", "value": "3.0"}, {"description": "years", "id": 117199, "name": "minimum age", "path": "Absolute Age > minimum age", "value": "2.0"}, {"description": "[0,6.9]", "id": 22279, "name": "Infans I", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Age > Child > Infans I-II > Infans I"}, {"description": "Possible result of anthropological sex determination. In this context, undetermined means that not enough bone material or specific features were preserved to carry out a sex determination (unlike indifferent, where the preserved features were neither clearly male nor female).", "id": 22375, "name": "undetermined", "path": "Sex and Gender > Sex > undetermined"}]}}, {"finds": [{"files": [{"file_name": "117327.jpg", "id": 117327, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "NB_11114", "reference": "Taf. 14/1", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "id": 117325, "properties": {"description": "Nail made out of iron. Cross-section of shaft rounded.\r\nFound during excavation of trench's profile.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26189, "name": "Length", "path": "Dimensions > Length", "unit": "cm", "value": "9.0"}, {"id": 26188, "name": "Width", "path": "Dimensions > Width", "unit": "cm", "value": "0.8"}], "maintype": {"id": 26219, "name": "Nail", "parent_id": 26212, "path": "Artifact > Cultural Object > Building Component > Nail", "systemtype": "artifact"}, "material": [{"id": 26540, "name": "Iron", "path": "Material > Metal > Iron", "value": "0.0"}], "name": "G060S2F01", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "240", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}}}], "id": 117323, "properties": {"description": "Strayfind.\r\n\r\n", "maintype": {"id": 26513, "name": "None/Unknown/Strayfind", "parent_id": 13365, "path": "Stratigraphic unit > None/Unknown/Strayfind", "systemtype": "stratigraphic_unit"}, "name": "G060S2", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "240", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}]}}], "files": [{"file_name": "42507.jpg", "id": 42507, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_37783", "reference": "Taf. 14", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "geometry": {"coordinates": [[[15.643378906, 48.586813228], [15.643381085, 48.586808516], [15.643388922, 48.586805993], [15.643389844, 48.586805854], [15.64339085, 48.586805882], [15.643391521, 48.586806492], [15.643392275, 48.586807906], [15.643392568, 48.586809209], [15.643391982, 48.586809735], [15.643390641, 48.586810151], [15.643386282, 48.586811177], [15.643378906, 48.586813228]]], "type": "Polygon"}, "id": 56749, "parent": 50505, "properties": {"description": "The grave pit probably belonging to the burial is almost rectangular where preserved. Northwestern part undocumented due to trench's profile\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 118730, "name": "Azimuth", "path": "Dimensions > Azimuth", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "105"}, {"id": 148713, "name": "Nearest Neighbour", "path": "Dimensions > Distance > Nearest Neighbour", "unit": "m", "value": "0.77"}, {"id": 15679, "name": "Height", "path": "Dimensions > Height", "unit": "cm", "value": "10.0"}, {"id": 26188, "name": "Width", "path": "Dimensions > Width", "unit": "cm", "value": "60.0"}], "maintype": {"id": 26205, "name": "Single Grave", "parent_id": 26204, "path": "Feature > Grave > Single Grave", "systemtype": "feature"}, "name": "Grave 060", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "240", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"id": 22300, "name": "Earth pit", "path": "Grave Characteristics > Grave Construction > Earth pit"}, {"id": 22309, "name": "Flat grave", "path": "Grave Characteristics > Grave Construction > Flat grave"}]}, "type": "Feature"}, {"burials": [{"finds": [{"files": [{"file_name": "42509.jpg", "id": 42509, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_37791", "reference": "Taf. 14/2", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "id": 101923, "properties": {"description": "Three iron pads. Fragmented and heavily corroded. Fabric is preserved on the metal.\r\nFound next to the os sacrum.\r\n\r\n", "maintype": {"id": 26506, "name": "Varia", "parent_id": 205561, "path": "Artifact > Cultural Object > Varia", "systemtype": "artifact"}, "material": [{"id": 26540, "name": "Iron", "path": "Material > Metal > Iron", "value": "0.0"}], "name": "G062F01", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "240", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"id": 23461, "name": "Pelvis", "path": "Position of Find in Grave > Pelvis"}]}}], "id": 77589, "properties": {"description": "Juvenile individual (15-17 years). Oriented: WNW-ESE. Skull laying on its left side. Lower yaw displaced forwardly. Neck disturbed.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "288.0"}], "maintype": {"id": 26519, "name": "Skeleton", "parent_id": 26516, "path": "Stratigraphic unit > Burial (strat Unit) > Skeleton", "systemtype": "stratigraphic_unit"}, "name": "G062S1", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "240", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"description": "years", "id": 117200, "name": "maximum age", "path": "Absolute Age > maximum age", "value": "17.0"}, {"description": "years", "id": 117199, "name": "minimum age", "path": "Absolute Age > minimum age", "value": "15.0"}, {"description": "[14,19.9]", "id": 22289, "name": "Juvenil", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Age > Juvenil"}, {"id": 128067, "name": "Left arm stretched", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Arms > Left arm stretched"}, {"id": 128068, "name": "Right arm stretched", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Arms > Right arm stretched"}, {"id": 128052, "name": "Supine position", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > General > Supine position"}, {"id": 128084, "name": "Left hand next to the body", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Hands > Left hand next to the body"}, {"id": 128085, "name": "Right hand next to the body", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Hands > Right hand next to the body"}, {"id": 128061, "name": "On the left side", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Head > On the left side"}, {"id": 128062, "name": "Left leg stretched", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Legs > Left leg stretched"}, {"id": 128103, "name": "Right leg stretched", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Legs > Right leg stretched"}, {"description": "Possible result of anthropological sex determination. In this context, undetermined means that not enough bone material or specific features were preserved to carry out a sex determination (unlike indifferent, where the preserved features were neither clearly male nor female).", "id": 22375, "name": "undetermined", "path": "Sex and Gender > Sex > undetermined"}]}}], "files": [{"file_name": "42510.jpg", "id": 42510, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_37788", "reference": "Taf. 14", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "geometry": {"coordinates": [[[15.643166131, 48.586841838], [15.643168562, 48.586840951], [15.643173591, 48.586838761], [15.643177279, 48.586837347], [15.643180758, 48.586835989], [15.643183859, 48.586834575], [15.643186625, 48.586833355], [15.64318717, 48.586832773], [15.643187212, 48.586831997], [15.643186583, 48.586831054], [15.64318541, 48.586829834], [15.643184697, 48.58682928], [15.643183691, 48.586829113], [15.64318235, 48.586829169], [15.64318059, 48.586829557], [15.643178369, 48.586830333], [15.643176944, 48.586830832], [15.643175812, 48.586831137], [15.6431751, 48.586831802], [15.64317401, 48.586832773], [15.643172082, 48.586833383], [15.643165126, 48.586835351], [15.643163156, 48.586835933], [15.643161982, 48.586836155], [15.643161354, 48.586836709], [15.643161437, 48.586837901], [15.643162276, 48.586839204], [15.643163701, 48.586840341], [15.643164329, 48.586841089], [15.643165, 48.586841561], [15.643166131, 48.586841838]]], "type": "Polygon"}, "id": 56755, "parent": 50505, "properties": {"description": "Slightly trapezoid-shaped grave pit. Some stones positioned along the edges of the pit.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "288.0"}, {"id": 15679, "name": "Height", "path": "Dimensions > Height", "unit": "cm", "value": "24.0"}, {"id": 26189, "name": "Length", "path": "Dimensions > Length", "unit": "cm", "value": "211.0"}, {"id": 26188, "name": "Width", "path": "Dimensions > Width", "unit": "cm", "value": "75.0"}, {"id": 148713, "name": "Nearest Neighbour", "path": "Dimensions > Distance > Nearest Neighbour", "unit": "m", "value": "2.23"}, {"id": 118730, "name": "Azimuth", "path": "Dimensions > Azimuth", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "110"}], "maintype": {"id": 26205, "name": "Single Grave", "parent_id": 26204, "path": "Feature > Grave > Single Grave", "systemtype": "feature"}, "name": "Grave 062", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "240", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"id": 22300, "name": "Earth pit", "path": "Grave Characteristics > Grave Construction > Earth pit"}, {"id": 22309, "name": "Flat grave", "path": "Grave Characteristics > Grave Construction > Flat grave"}]}, "type": "Feature"}, {"burials": [{"id": 78045, "properties": {"description": "Child aged 2 to 3 years (infans 1). Oriented: NW-SE. Skull is laying on the bedrock, disturbed by plough.\r\nNo grave goods.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "298.0"}], "maintype": {"id": 26519, "name": "Skeleton", "parent_id": 26516, "path": "Stratigraphic unit > Burial (strat Unit) > Skeleton", "systemtype": "stratigraphic_unit"}, "name": "G063S1", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "240", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"description": "years", "id": 117200, "name": "maximum age", "path": "Absolute Age > maximum age", "value": "3.0"}, {"description": "years", "id": 117199, "name": "minimum age", "path": "Absolute Age > minimum age", "value": "2.0"}, {"description": "[0,6.9]", "id": 22279, "name": "Infans I", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Age > Child > Infans I-II > Infans I"}, {"id": 128067, "name": "Left arm stretched", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Arms > Left arm stretched"}, {"id": 128068, "name": "Right arm stretched", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Arms > Right arm stretched"}, {"id": 128052, "name": "Supine position", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > General > Supine position"}, {"id": 128084, "name": "Left hand next to the body", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Hands > Left hand next to the body"}, {"id": 128059, "name": "Head straight", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Head > Head straight"}, {"id": 128062, "name": "Left leg stretched", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Legs > Left leg stretched"}, {"id": 128103, "name": "Right leg stretched", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Legs > Right leg stretched"}, {"description": "Possible result of anthropological sex determination. In this context, undetermined means that not enough bone material or specific features were preserved to carry out a sex determination (unlike indifferent, where the preserved features were neither clearly male nor female).", "id": 22375, "name": "undetermined", "path": "Sex and Gender > Sex > undetermined"}]}}], "files": [{"file_name": "42511.jpg", "id": 42511, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_37793", "reference": "Taf. 15", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "geometry": {"coordinates": [[[15.643142075, 48.586842226], [15.643141237, 48.586841672], [15.643140273, 48.586840951], [15.643139896, 48.586840424], [15.643139645, 48.586839731], [15.643140944, 48.586839371], [15.643143207, 48.58683865], [15.643144716, 48.586837929], [15.643146434, 48.586837292], [15.643147775, 48.586836848], [15.643148823, 48.586836626], [15.643149661, 48.586837125], [15.643150541, 48.586838068], [15.643150792, 48.58683865], [15.64315029, 48.58683926], [15.643147356, 48.586840258], [15.643144213, 48.586841478], [15.643142075, 48.586842226]]], "type": "Polygon"}, "id": 59369, "parent": 50505, "properties": {"description": "Almost rectangular grave pit.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 148713, "name": "Nearest Neighbour", "path": "Dimensions > Distance > Nearest Neighbour", "unit": "m", "value": "1.06"}, {"id": 118730, "name": "Azimuth", "path": "Dimensions > Azimuth", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "110"}, {"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "298.0"}, {"id": 26189, "name": "Length", "path": "Dimensions > Length", "unit": "cm", "value": "84.0"}, {"id": 26188, "name": "Width", "path": "Dimensions > Width", "unit": "cm", "value": "33.0"}], "maintype": {"id": 26205, "name": "Single Grave", "parent_id": 26204, "path": "Feature > Grave > Single Grave", "systemtype": "feature"}, "name": "Grave 063", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "240", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"id": 22300, "name": "Earth pit", "path": "Grave Characteristics > Grave Construction > Earth pit"}, {"id": 22309, "name": "Flat grave", "path": "Grave Characteristics > Grave Construction > Flat grave"}]}, "type": "Feature"}, {"burials": [{"id": 76483, "properties": {"description": "Child aged 9 to 10 years (infans 2). Oriented: NW-SE. Skull not in situ. Long bones and ribs mostly present.\r\nNo grave goods. \r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "309.0"}], "maintype": {"id": 26519, "name": "Skeleton", "parent_id": 26516, "path": "Stratigraphic unit > Burial (strat Unit) > Skeleton", "systemtype": "stratigraphic_unit"}, "name": "G064S1", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "241", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"description": "years", "id": 117200, "name": "maximum age", "path": "Absolute Age > maximum age", "value": "10.0"}, {"description": "years", "id": 117199, "name": "minimum age", "path": "Absolute Age > minimum age", "value": "9.0"}, {"description": "[7,13.9]", "id": 22280, "name": "Infans II", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Age > Child > Infans I-II > Infans II"}, {"id": 128080, "name": "Right arm slightly bent", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Arms > Right arm slightly bent"}, {"id": 128052, "name": "Supine position", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > General > Supine position"}, {"id": 128059, "name": "Head straight", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Head > Head straight"}, {"id": 128062, "name": "Left leg stretched", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Legs > Left leg stretched"}, {"id": 128103, "name": "Right leg stretched", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Legs > Right leg stretched"}, {"description": "Possible result of anthropological sex determination. In this context, undetermined means that not enough bone material or specific features were preserved to carry out a sex determination (unlike indifferent, where the preserved features were neither clearly male nor female).", "id": 22375, "name": "undetermined", "path": "Sex and Gender > Sex > undetermined"}]}}], "files": [{"file_name": "42323.jpg", "id": 42323, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_37797", "reference": "Taf. 15", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "geometry": {"coordinates": [[[15.643128287, 48.586851319], [15.643126275, 48.58685021], [15.643124976, 48.586849212], [15.643124012, 48.586848741], [15.643123887, 48.586848214], [15.643124054, 48.586847687], [15.643126192, 48.586846384], [15.64312858, 48.586845414], [15.64313055, 48.586844444], [15.643132562, 48.586843252], [15.643134573, 48.586842309], [15.64313604, 48.586841505], [15.643137465, 48.58684084], [15.643138429, 48.586840757], [15.643138974, 48.586841478], [15.643139896, 48.586842254], [15.643141069, 48.586842919], [15.643141405, 48.586843585], [15.643141237, 48.586844139], [15.643129335, 48.586850848], [15.643128287, 48.586851319]]], "type": "Polygon"}, "id": 58157, "parent": 50505, "properties": {"description": "Almost rectangular grave pit, slightly cut into the rock. Some bigger stones are positioned along the pit's sides.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "309.0"}, {"id": 15679, "name": "Height", "path": "Dimensions > Height", "unit": "cm", "value": "11.0"}, {"id": 26189, "name": "Length", "path": "Dimensions > Length", "unit": "cm", "value": "139.0"}, {"id": 26188, "name": "Width", "path": "Dimensions > Width", "unit": "cm", "value": "52.0"}, {"id": 148713, "name": "Nearest Neighbour", "path": "Dimensions > Distance > Nearest Neighbour", "unit": "m", "value": "0.64"}, {"id": 118730, "name": "Azimuth", "path": "Dimensions > Azimuth", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "116"}], "maintype": {"id": 26205, "name": "Single Grave", "parent_id": 26204, "path": "Feature > Grave > Single Grave", "systemtype": "feature"}, "name": "Grave 064", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "241", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"id": 22309, "name": "Flat grave", "path": "Grave Characteristics > Grave Construction > Flat grave"}, {"id": 22302, "name": "Stone placement", "path": "Grave Characteristics > Grave Construction > Stone placement"}]}, "type": "Feature"}, {"burials": [{"finds": [{"files": [{"file_name": "42513.jpg", "id": 42513, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_37804", "reference": "Taf. 15/1", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "id": 95523, "properties": {"description": "Sheath mount: bent, band-shaped iron sheet. Fragmented. Carved triangles line decoration on one side. Band-shaped fragment with partly preserved, similar decoration.\r\n\r\n", "maintype": {"id": 26247, "name": "Knife Sheath", "parent_id": 26244, "path": "Artifact > Cultural Object > Equipment > Knife > Knife Sheath", "systemtype": "artifact"}, "material": [{"id": 26540, "name": "Iron", "path": "Material > Metal > Iron", "value": "0.0"}], "name": "G065S1F01", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "241", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}}}, {"files": [{"file_name": "42514.jpg", "id": 42514, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_37805", "reference": "Taf. 15/2", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "id": 95529, "properties": {"description": "Rod-tanged knife made out of iron. Fragmented (length 9 cm, length tang 0,3 cm, width blade 1,6 cm, width back 0,15 cm). Cross-section of blade triangular, cross-section of tang rectangular. Tang and back divided by a step. Back of knife without buckling but after app. 5,9 cm slightly tilted towards the tip. Blade and tang divided by a step. Blade is slightly tilted towards the tip form app. 5,9 cm on. Blade decorated with two tiny zigzag lines.\r\nFound next to the left leg.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26189, "name": "Length", "path": "Dimensions > Length", "unit": "cm", "value": "9.0"}, {"id": 26190, "name": "Thickness", "path": "Dimensions > Thickness", "unit": "cm", "value": "0.15"}, {"id": 26188, "name": "Width", "path": "Dimensions > Width", "unit": "cm", "value": "1.6"}], "maintype": {"id": 26245, "name": "Rod-Tanged Knife", "parent_id": 26244, "path": "Artifact > Cultural Object > Equipment > Knife > Rod-Tanged Knife", "systemtype": "artifact"}, "material": [{"id": 26540, "name": "Iron", "path": "Material > Metal > Iron", "value": "0.0"}], "name": "G065S1F02", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "241", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}}}, {"id": 117328, "properties": {"description": "Three band-shaped iron fragments. One of them might be the knife's tang. Dimensions: 2,3 x 0,7 x 0,25 cm, 2,35 x 0,7 x 0,2 cm and 4,5 x 1 x 0,1 cm.\r\n\r\n", "maintype": {"id": 26506, "name": "Varia", "parent_id": 205561, "path": "Artifact > Cultural Object > Varia", "systemtype": "artifact"}, "material": [{"id": 26540, "name": "Iron", "path": "Material > Metal > Iron", "value": "0.0"}], "name": "G065S1F03", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "241", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "types": [{"id": 23447, "name": "Leg Left", "path": "Position of Find in Grave > Lower Body > Leg Left"}]}}], "id": 77559, "properties": {"description": "Child aged 2 to 3 years (infans 1). Oriented: NW-SE. Only skull and leg bones present.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "297.0"}], "maintype": {"id": 26519, "name": "Skeleton", "parent_id": 26516, "path": "Stratigraphic unit > Burial (strat Unit) > Skeleton", "systemtype": "stratigraphic_unit"}, "name": "G065S1", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "241", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"description": "years", "id": 117200, "name": "maximum age", "path": "Absolute Age > maximum age", "value": "3.0"}, {"description": "years", "id": 117199, "name": "minimum age", "path": "Absolute Age > minimum age", "value": "2.0"}, {"description": "[0,6.9]", "id": 22279, "name": "Infans I", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Age > Child > Infans I-II > Infans I"}, {"id": 128052, "name": "Supine position", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > General > Supine position"}, {"id": 128059, "name": "Head straight", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Head > Head straight"}, {"id": 128062, "name": "Left leg stretched", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Legs > Left leg stretched"}, {"id": 128103, "name": "Right leg stretched", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Legs > Right leg stretched"}, {"description": "Possible result of anthropological sex determination. In this context, undetermined means that not enough bone material or specific features were preserved to carry out a sex determination (unlike indifferent, where the preserved features were neither clearly male nor female).", "id": 22375, "name": "undetermined", "path": "Sex and Gender > Sex > undetermined"}]}}], "files": [{"file_name": "42512.jpg", "id": 42512, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_37800", "reference": "Taf. 15", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "geometry": {"coordinates": [[[15.643129963, 48.586851153], [15.643130718, 48.58685204], [15.643131451, 48.586852858], [15.643131493, 48.586853315], [15.643131786, 48.586853578], [15.643146916, 48.586849933], [15.643147503, 48.586849573], [15.643147649, 48.586849046], [15.643146958, 48.586848242], [15.643145805, 48.586847216], [15.643144653, 48.586846038], [15.643143416, 48.586845206], [15.643142348, 48.586844555], [15.64314109, 48.586844319], [15.64313998, 48.586844763], [15.643130257, 48.586850668], [15.643129963, 48.586851153]]], "type": "Polygon"}, "id": 59021, "parent": 50505, "properties": {"description": "Irregular rectangular shaped grave pit, slightly cut into the rock. Few large stones along the edges.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "297.0"}, {"id": 15679, "name": "Height", "path": "Dimensions > Height", "unit": "cm", "value": "18.0"}, {"id": 26189, "name": "Length", "path": "Dimensions > Length", "unit": "cm", "value": "121.0"}, {"id": 26188, "name": "Width", "path": "Dimensions > Width", "unit": "cm", "value": "81.0"}, {"id": 148713, "name": "Nearest Neighbour", "path": "Dimensions > Distance > Nearest Neighbour", "unit": "m", "value": "0.59"}, {"id": 118730, "name": "Azimuth", "path": "Dimensions > Azimuth", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "104"}], "maintype": {"id": 26205, "name": "Single Grave", "parent_id": 26204, "path": "Feature > Grave > Single Grave", "systemtype": "feature"}, "name": "Grave 065", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "241", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"id": 22309, "name": "Flat grave", "path": "Grave Characteristics > Grave Construction > Flat grave"}, {"id": 22302, "name": "Stone placement", "path": "Grave Characteristics > Grave Construction > Stone placement"}]}, "type": "Feature"}, {"burials": [{"finds": [{"files": [{"file_name": "42517.jpg", "id": 42517, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_37810", "reference": "Taf. 15/3", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "id": 102001, "properties": {"description": "Button made out of glass. Loop made out of iron, heavily corroded. Found on the right chest side.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26191, "name": "Diameter", "path": "Dimensions > Diameter", "unit": "cm", "value": "1.2"}, {"id": 26189, "name": "Length", "path": "Dimensions > Length", "unit": "cm", "value": "1.6"}], "maintype": {"id": 26391, "name": "Garment Accessories", "parent_id": 26390, "path": "Artifact > Cultural Object > Accessories > Garment > Garment Accessories", "systemtype": "artifact"}, "material": [{"id": 26565, "name": "Glass", "path": "Material > Artificial > Glass", "value": "0.0"}, {"id": 26540, "name": "Iron", "path": "Material > Metal > Iron", "value": "0.0"}], "name": "G066S1F01", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "241", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"id": 23480, "name": "Chest right", "path": "Position of Find in Grave > Upper Body > Chest > Chest right"}]}}, {"files": [{"file_name": "42518.jpg", "id": 42518, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_37812", "reference": "Taf. 15/4", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "id": 102007, "properties": {"description": "Finger-ring with lozenge shaped bezel made out of copper alloy sheet. Decoration bossed from the inside. Partly irregular star-shaped dot decoration.\r\nFound on the right hand.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26191, "name": "Diameter", "path": "Dimensions > Diameter", "unit": "cm", "value": "2.05"}, {"id": 26188, "name": "Width", "path": "Dimensions > Width", "unit": "cm", "value": "1.5"}], "maintype": {"id": 26368, "name": "Finger-Ring with bossed Decoration", "parent_id": 26367, "path": "Artifact > Cultural Object > Accessories > Jewellery > Finger-Ring > Finger-Ring with Lozenge shaped Bezel > Finger-Ring with bossed Decoration", "systemtype": "artifact"}, "material": [{"id": 26546, "name": "Copper Alloy", "path": "Material > Metal > Non-Ferrous Metal > Copper Alloy", "value": "0.0"}], "name": "G066S1F02", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "241", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"id": 23475, "name": "Hand right", "path": "Position of Find in Grave > Upper Body > Upper Extremities > Hands > Hand right"}]}}, {"files": [{"file_name": "42519.jpg", "id": 42519, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_37814", "reference": "Taf. 15/5", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "id": 102013, "properties": {"description": "Rod-tanged knife made out of iron. Heavily corroded. Tang and tip lost (length 7,8 cm, length tang 0,65 cm, width blade 0,75 cm, width back 0,2 cm). Cross-section of blade triangular. Tang and back divided by a step. Back of knife tilted towards the tip. Blade and tang divided by a step.\r\nFound next to the hip (left side).\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26189, "name": "Length", "path": "Dimensions > Length", "unit": "cm", "value": "7.8"}, {"id": 26190, "name": "Thickness", "path": "Dimensions > Thickness", "unit": "cm", "value": "0.2"}, {"id": 26188, "name": "Width", "path": "Dimensions > Width", "unit": "cm", "value": "0.75"}], "maintype": {"id": 26245, "name": "Rod-Tanged Knife", "parent_id": 26244, "path": "Artifact > Cultural Object > Equipment > Knife > Rod-Tanged Knife", "systemtype": "artifact"}, "material": [{"id": 26540, "name": "Iron", "path": "Material > Metal > Iron", "value": "0.0"}], "name": "G066S1F03", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "241", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"id": 23462, "name": "Pelvis left", "path": "Position of Find in Grave > Pelvis > Pelvis left"}]}}], "id": 78075, "properties": {"description": "Child aged 6 to 7 years (infans 1-2). Oriented: WNW-ESE. Lower yaw is missing. Pelvis and upper body disturbed. Ribs dislocated. \r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "290.0"}], "maintype": {"id": 26519, "name": "Skeleton", "parent_id": 26516, "path": "Stratigraphic unit > Burial (strat Unit) > Skeleton", "systemtype": "stratigraphic_unit"}, "name": "G066S1", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "241", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"description": "years", "id": 117200, "name": "maximum age", "path": "Absolute Age > maximum age", "value": "7.0"}, {"description": "years", "id": 117199, "name": "minimum age", "path": "Absolute Age > minimum age", "value": "6.0"}, {"description": "[0,13.9]", "id": 22281, "name": "Infans I-II", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Age > Child > Infans I-II"}, {"id": 128067, "name": "Left arm stretched", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Arms > Left arm stretched"}, {"id": 128068, "name": "Right arm stretched", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Arms > Right arm stretched"}, {"id": 128052, "name": "Supine position", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > General > Supine position"}, {"id": 128084, "name": "Left hand next to the body", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Hands > Left hand next to the body"}, {"id": 128059, "name": "Head straight", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Head > Head straight"}, {"id": 128062, "name": "Left leg stretched", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Legs > Left leg stretched"}, {"id": 128103, "name": "Right leg stretched", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Legs > Right leg stretched"}, {"description": "Possible result of anthropological sex determination. In this context, undetermined means that not enough bone material or specific features were preserved to carry out a sex determination (unlike indifferent, where the preserved features were neither clearly male nor female).", "id": 22375, "name": "undetermined", "path": "Sex and Gender > Sex > undetermined"}]}}], "files": [{"file_name": "42515.jpg", "id": 42515, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_37807", "reference": "Taf. 15", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "geometry": {"coordinates": [[[15.643131556, 48.586853759], [15.643147083, 48.586850016], [15.643148005, 48.586850002], [15.643148697, 48.586850072], [15.643149284, 48.586850557], [15.643149682, 48.586851111], [15.643150415, 48.586851652], [15.643150709, 48.586852303], [15.643150688, 48.586852858], [15.643150541, 48.586853551], [15.643149074, 48.586854105], [15.643145449, 48.586854992], [15.643140399, 48.586856157], [15.643138387, 48.5868566], [15.643136543, 48.586856933], [15.643134825, 48.586857515], [15.643133421, 48.586857875], [15.643132939, 48.586857196], [15.643132227, 48.586856157], [15.643131786, 48.586855547], [15.643131179, 48.586854978], [15.643130948, 48.586854313], [15.643131556, 48.586853759]]], "type": "Polygon"}, "id": 59375, "parent": 50505, "properties": {"description": "Irregular, rectangular grave pit, slightly cut into the rock. Massive stones were positioned along one of the long sides of the pit. \r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "290.0"}, {"id": 15679, "name": "Height", "path": "Dimensions > Height", "unit": "cm", "value": "20.0"}, {"id": 26189, "name": "Length", "path": "Dimensions > Length", "unit": "cm", "value": "143.0"}, {"id": 26188, "name": "Width", "path": "Dimensions > Width", "unit": "cm", "value": "49.0"}, {"id": 118730, "name": "Azimuth", "path": "Dimensions > Azimuth", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "104"}, {"id": 148713, "name": "Nearest Neighbour", "path": "Dimensions > Distance > Nearest Neighbour", "unit": "m", "value": "0.59"}], "maintype": {"id": 26205, "name": "Single Grave", "parent_id": 26204, "path": "Feature > Grave > Single Grave", "systemtype": "feature"}, "name": "Grave 066", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "241", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"id": 22309, "name": "Flat grave", "path": "Grave Characteristics > Grave Construction > Flat grave"}, {"id": 22302, "name": "Stone placement", "path": "Grave Characteristics > Grave Construction > Stone placement"}]}, "type": "Feature"}, {"burials": [{"id": 78063, "properties": {"description": "Juvenile male (18-20 years). Oriented: NW-SE. Skull tilted slightly to the front. Upper body heavily disturbed. Knee caps dislocated.\r\nNo grave goods.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "292.0"}], "maintype": {"id": 26519, "name": "Skeleton", "parent_id": 26516, "path": "Stratigraphic unit > Burial (strat Unit) > Skeleton", "systemtype": "stratigraphic_unit"}, "name": "G067S1", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "241", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"description": "[14,19.9]", "id": 22289, "name": "Juvenil", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Age > Juvenil"}, {"id": 128067, "name": "Left arm stretched", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Arms > Left arm stretched"}, {"id": 128068, "name": "Right arm stretched", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Arms > Right arm stretched"}, {"id": 128052, "name": "Supine position", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > General > Supine position"}, {"id": 128059, "name": "Head straight", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Head > Head straight"}, {"id": 128062, "name": "Left leg stretched", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Legs > Left leg stretched"}, {"id": 128103, "name": "Right leg stretched", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Legs > Right leg stretched"}, {"id": 25, "name": "Male", "path": "Sex and Gender > Sex > Male"}]}}], "files": [{"file_name": "42516.jpg", "id": 42516, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_37816", "reference": "Taf. 15", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "geometry": {"coordinates": [[[15.643126443, 48.586854618], [15.643123928, 48.58685545], [15.643120827, 48.586856392], [15.643118732, 48.586857002], [15.643116259, 48.586857612], [15.643113577, 48.586858527], [15.643110308, 48.58685983], [15.64310641, 48.586861188], [15.643103896, 48.586861937], [15.643101842, 48.586862297], [15.643099789, 48.586862353], [15.643098615, 48.586862159], [15.643097484, 48.586861188], [15.643096436, 48.586860634], [15.643095346, 48.586859691], [15.643094927, 48.586858499], [15.643094885, 48.586857363], [15.643096352, 48.586856226], [15.643098699, 48.586854923], [15.643101423, 48.586853648], [15.643104985, 48.586851957], [15.643108715, 48.586850931], [15.643110517, 48.586850432], [15.643111984, 48.586850293], [15.643113367, 48.586849933], [15.643114918, 48.586849545], [15.643117516, 48.586849018], [15.643119486, 48.586848713], [15.643121623, 48.586848491], [15.643123635, 48.586848325], [15.643124264, 48.586848297], [15.643124934, 48.58684924], [15.643125563, 48.586850349], [15.643125898, 48.586851707], [15.643125856, 48.586852262], [15.643126066, 48.586852955], [15.64312682, 48.586853842], [15.643126443, 48.586854618]]], "type": "Polygon"}, "id": 59063, "parent": 50505, "properties": {"description": "Irregular, rectangular grave pit, slightly cut into the rock. Small stones positioned along the edges. \r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 118730, "name": "Azimuth", "path": "Dimensions > Azimuth", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "108"}, {"id": 148713, "name": "Nearest Neighbour", "path": "Dimensions > Distance > Nearest Neighbour", "unit": "m", "value": "1.7"}, {"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "292.0"}, {"id": 15679, "name": "Height", "path": "Dimensions > Height", "unit": "cm", "value": "25.0"}, {"id": 26189, "name": "Length", "path": "Dimensions > Length", "unit": "cm", "value": "238.0"}, {"id": 26188, "name": "Width", "path": "Dimensions > Width", "unit": "cm", "value": "93.0"}], "maintype": {"id": 26205, "name": "Single Grave", "parent_id": 26204, "path": "Feature > Grave > Single Grave", "systemtype": "feature"}, "name": "Grave 067", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "241", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"id": 22309, "name": "Flat grave", "path": "Grave Characteristics > Grave Construction > Flat grave"}, {"id": 22302, "name": "Stone placement", "path": "Grave Characteristics > Grave Construction > Stone placement"}]}, "type": "Feature"}, {"burials": [{"id": 74951, "properties": {"description": "Child aged 6 to 12 months (infans 1). Oriented: NW-SE. Only two of the long bones were present.\r\nNo grave goods. \r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "290.0"}], "maintype": {"id": 26519, "name": "Skeleton", "parent_id": 26516, "path": "Stratigraphic unit > Burial (strat Unit) > Skeleton", "systemtype": "stratigraphic_unit"}, "name": "G068S1", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "241", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"description": "years", "id": 117200, "name": "maximum age", "path": "Absolute Age > maximum age", "value": "1.0"}, {"description": "years", "id": 117199, "name": "minimum age", "path": "Absolute Age > minimum age", "value": "0.5"}, {"description": "[0,6.9]", "id": 22279, "name": "Infans I", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Age > Child > Infans I-II > Infans I"}, {"description": "Possible result of anthropological sex determination. In this context, undetermined means that not enough bone material or specific features were preserved to carry out a sex determination (unlike indifferent, where the preserved features were neither clearly male nor female).", "id": 22375, "name": "undetermined", "path": "Sex and Gender > Sex > undetermined"}]}}], "files": [{"file_name": "42521.jpg", "id": 42521, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_37819", "reference": "Taf. 14", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "geometry": {"coordinates": [[[15.643165754, 48.586866927], [15.643165188, 48.586866428], [15.643164434, 48.58686561], [15.643163868, 48.586864681], [15.643163323, 48.586863891], [15.643162841, 48.586863309], [15.64316282, 48.586862907], [15.643163135, 48.586862408], [15.643164036, 48.586862103], [15.643165964, 48.586861576], [15.643167577, 48.586861008], [15.643169715, 48.586860384], [15.643171412, 48.586859802], [15.643173172, 48.586859359], [15.643174807, 48.58685886], [15.643175645, 48.586858818], [15.643176357, 48.586859178], [15.643176755, 48.586859733], [15.643177468, 48.586860759], [15.643178013, 48.586861895], [15.643178097, 48.586862796], [15.643177677, 48.586863323], [15.643176567, 48.586863794], [15.643173109, 48.586864986], [15.643170301, 48.58686586], [15.643168248, 48.586866428], [15.643166634, 48.586866871], [15.643165754, 48.586866927]]], "type": "Polygon"}, "id": 59381, "parent": 50505, "properties": {"description": "Almost rectangular grave pit. Partly cut into the rock.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 148713, "name": "Nearest Neighbour", "path": "Dimensions > Distance > Nearest Neighbour", "unit": "m", "value": "1.54"}, {"id": 118730, "name": "Azimuth", "path": "Dimensions > Azimuth", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "107"}, {"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "290.0"}, {"id": 15679, "name": "Height", "path": "Dimensions > Height", "unit": "cm", "value": "22.0"}, {"id": 26189, "name": "Length", "path": "Dimensions > Length", "unit": "cm", "value": "107.0"}, {"id": 26188, "name": "Width", "path": "Dimensions > Width", "unit": "cm", "value": "55.0"}], "maintype": {"id": 26205, "name": "Single Grave", "parent_id": 26204, "path": "Feature > Grave > Single Grave", "systemtype": "feature"}, "name": "Grave 068", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "241", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"id": 22299, "name": "Cut in rock", "path": "Grave Characteristics > Grave Construction > Cut in rock"}, {"id": 22309, "name": "Flat grave", "path": "Grave Characteristics > Grave Construction > Flat grave"}]}, "type": "Feature"}, {"burials": [{"id": 78069, "properties": {"description": "Mature female (45-60 years). Oriented: NW-SE. Skull is positioned on its right side and directly on the bedrock. Lower yaw fell down. Left forearm under pelvis. Bones of the feet disturbed.\r\nNo grave goods.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "287.0"}], "maintype": {"id": 26519, "name": "Skeleton", "parent_id": 26516, "path": "Stratigraphic unit > Burial (strat Unit) > Skeleton", "systemtype": "stratigraphic_unit"}, "name": "G069S1", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "241", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"description": "years", "id": 117200, "name": "maximum age", "path": "Absolute Age > maximum age", "value": "60.0"}, {"description": "years", "id": 117199, "name": "minimum age", "path": "Absolute Age > minimum age", "value": "45.0"}, {"description": "[40,59.9]", "id": 22286, "name": "Matur", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Age > Grown up > Matur"}, {"id": 128067, "name": "Left arm stretched", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Arms > Left arm stretched"}, {"id": 128068, "name": "Right arm stretched", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Arms > Right arm stretched"}, {"id": 128052, "name": "Supine position", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > General > Supine position"}, {"id": 128060, "name": "On the right side", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Head > On the right side"}, {"id": 128062, "name": "Left leg stretched", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Legs > Left leg stretched"}, {"id": 128103, "name": "Right leg stretched", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Legs > Right leg stretched"}, {"id": 24, "name": "Female", "path": "Sex and Gender > Sex > Female"}]}}], "files": [{"file_name": "42520.jpg", "id": 42520, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_37822", "reference": "Taf. 15", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "geometry": {"coordinates": [[[15.643074559, 48.5868384], [15.643077744, 48.586838012], [15.643079546, 48.586837901], [15.643081684, 48.586837319], [15.643084659, 48.586836793], [15.643086964, 48.586836404], [15.643089605, 48.586836072], [15.64309258, 48.586835545], [15.643094718, 48.586835212], [15.643096562, 48.586834852], [15.643098028, 48.586834436], [15.643098573, 48.586833715], [15.643098196, 48.586832579], [15.643097777, 48.586831608], [15.643096813, 48.586830416], [15.643096142, 48.586829501], [15.64309522, 48.586829391], [15.643093837, 48.58682928], [15.643091155, 48.58683], [15.643088012, 48.586830721], [15.643085372, 48.586831109], [15.643083025, 48.586831581], [15.643080971, 48.586831802], [15.643080217, 48.586832329], [15.643079462, 48.586832939], [15.643078457, 48.586833272], [15.643076822, 48.586833494], [15.643074769, 48.586833549], [15.643072589, 48.586833438], [15.643070913, 48.586833771], [15.643069656, 48.586833965], [15.643069111, 48.586834547], [15.643069111, 48.586835462], [15.643069362, 48.586836737], [15.64306953, 48.586837541], [15.643069656, 48.586838456], [15.643069781, 48.58683901], [15.643070242, 48.586839398], [15.643071206, 48.586839648], [15.643072464, 48.586839676], [15.643073176, 48.586839592], [15.643074391, 48.586839315], [15.643074601, 48.586838872], [15.643074559, 48.5868384]]], "type": "Polygon"}, "id": 59387, "parent": 50505, "properties": {"description": "Almost rectangular grave pit, cut into the rock.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "287.0"}, {"id": 15679, "name": "Height", "path": "Dimensions > Height", "unit": "cm", "value": "18.0"}, {"id": 26189, "name": "Length", "path": "Dimensions > Length", "unit": "cm", "value": "220.0"}, {"id": 26188, "name": "Width", "path": "Dimensions > Width", "unit": "cm", "value": "59.0"}, {"id": 118730, "name": "Azimuth", "path": "Dimensions > Azimuth", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "101"}, {"id": 148713, "name": "Nearest Neighbour", "path": "Dimensions > Distance > Nearest Neighbour", "unit": "m", "value": "1.83"}], "maintype": {"id": 26205, "name": "Single Grave", "parent_id": 26204, "path": "Feature > Grave > Single Grave", "systemtype": "feature"}, "name": "Grave 069", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "241", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"id": 22309, "name": "Flat grave", "path": "Grave Characteristics > Grave Construction > Flat grave"}, {"id": 22302, "name": "Stone placement", "path": "Grave Characteristics > Grave Construction > Stone placement"}]}, "type": "Feature"}, {"burials": [{"id": 77667, "properties": {"description": "Mature individual (40-55 years). Oriented: W-E. Preserved well. Lower yaw fell down. Hands positioned next to the pelvis/femur.\r\nNo grave goods.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "275.0"}], "maintype": {"id": 26519, "name": "Skeleton", "parent_id": 26516, "path": "Stratigraphic unit > Burial (strat Unit) > Skeleton", "systemtype": "stratigraphic_unit"}, "name": "G070S1", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "242", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"description": "years", "id": 117200, "name": "maximum age", "path": "Absolute Age > maximum age", "value": "55.0"}, {"description": "years", "id": 117199, "name": "minimum age", "path": "Absolute Age > minimum age", "value": "40.0"}, {"description": "[40,59.9]", "id": 22286, "name": "Matur", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Age > Grown up > Matur"}, {"id": 128067, "name": "Left arm stretched", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Arms > Left arm stretched"}, {"id": 128068, "name": "Right arm stretched", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Arms > Right arm stretched"}, {"id": 128052, "name": "Supine position", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > General > Supine position"}, {"id": 128084, "name": "Left hand next to the body", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Hands > Left hand next to the body"}, {"id": 128085, "name": "Right hand next to the body", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Hands > Right hand next to the body"}, {"id": 128059, "name": "Head straight", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Head > Head straight"}, {"id": 128062, "name": "Left leg stretched", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Legs > Left leg stretched"}, {"id": 128103, "name": "Right leg stretched", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Legs > Right leg stretched"}]}}], "files": [{"file_name": "42522.jpg", "id": 42522, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_37825", "reference": "Taf. 14", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "geometry": {"coordinates": [[[15.643046941, 48.586834991], [15.643046689, 48.586834436], [15.643046522, 48.586833771], [15.643046396, 48.586833244], [15.643045725, 48.586832606], [15.643045055, 48.586831997], [15.643044803, 48.586831165], [15.643044552, 48.586830638], [15.643044552, 48.58682989], [15.643044552, 48.586829197], [15.643045222, 48.586828448], [15.643046354, 48.586827894], [15.643048114, 48.586827505], [15.643050419, 48.586826923], [15.643052389, 48.586826369], [15.643053646, 48.586826036], [15.643054652, 48.586825482], [15.64305637, 48.58682526], [15.643058843, 48.586825315], [15.643061399, 48.586825454], [15.64306316, 48.586825482], [15.643064543, 48.58682562], [15.643066177, 48.586825676], [15.643067393, 48.586825648], [15.643068734, 48.586825787], [15.643070284, 48.586825704], [15.643071332, 48.586825704], [15.643072254, 48.58682587], [15.643072757, 48.586826646], [15.643074685, 48.58683086], [15.643074643, 48.586831303], [15.643074056, 48.586831553], [15.643072086, 48.586832107], [15.643069614, 48.58683269], [15.643068985, 48.586833244], [15.643068063, 48.586833272], [15.643067476, 48.586833604], [15.643065968, 48.586833355], [15.643064249, 48.586833355], [15.643062531, 48.58683341], [15.643059555, 48.586833854], [15.643058969, 48.58683341], [15.643057963, 48.586833272], [15.643056831, 48.586833327], [15.643056203, 48.586833577], [15.643055448, 48.586833993], [15.643054652, 48.586833993], [15.643053479, 48.586834381], [15.643052263, 48.586834769], [15.643050587, 48.586835074], [15.643048659, 48.586835157], [15.643046941, 48.586834991]]], "type": "Polygon"}, "id": 59075, "parent": 50505, "properties": {"description": "Irregular grave pit cut into the rock. A lot of stones positioned on the southern side respectively filled up with them. A bigger amount of stones was positioned on the western part of pit respectively the western part of the pit was filled up with stones as well. \r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 118730, "name": "Azimuth", "path": "Dimensions > Azimuth", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "95"}, {"id": 148713, "name": "Nearest Neighbour", "path": "Dimensions > Distance > Nearest Neighbour", "unit": "m", "value": "1.9"}, {"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "275.0"}, {"id": 15679, "name": "Height", "path": "Dimensions > Height", "unit": "cm", "value": "19.0"}, {"id": 26189, "name": "Length", "path": "Dimensions > Length", "unit": "cm", "value": "215.0"}, {"id": 26188, "name": "Width", "path": "Dimensions > Width", "unit": "cm", "value": "105.0"}], "maintype": {"id": 26205, "name": "Single Grave", "parent_id": 26204, "path": "Feature > Grave > Single Grave", "systemtype": "feature"}, "name": "Grave 070", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "242", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"id": 22309, "name": "Flat grave", "path": "Grave Characteristics > Grave Construction > Flat grave"}, {"id": 22302, "name": "Stone placement", "path": "Grave Characteristics > Grave Construction > Stone placement"}]}, "type": "Feature"}, {"burials": [{"id": 77673, "properties": {"description": "Adult individual (25-35 years). Oriented: WNW-ESE. Badly and only partly preserved skeleton. Ribs and right radius not in situ. Skull is laying on its right side. Legs positioned next to each other.\r\nNo grave goods.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "292.0"}], "maintype": {"id": 26519, "name": "Skeleton", "parent_id": 26516, "path": "Stratigraphic unit > Burial (strat Unit) > Skeleton", "systemtype": "stratigraphic_unit"}, "name": "G071S1", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "242", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"description": "years", "id": 117200, "name": "maximum age", "path": "Absolute Age > maximum age", "value": "35.0"}, {"description": "years", "id": 117199, "name": "minimum age", "path": "Absolute Age > minimum age", "value": "25.0"}, {"description": "[20,39.9]", "id": 22284, "name": "Adult", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Age > Grown up > Adult"}, {"id": 128067, "name": "Left arm stretched", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Arms > Left arm stretched"}, {"id": 128073, "name": "Right arm not in situ", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Arms > Right arm not in situ"}, {"id": 130220, "name": "Prone position", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > General > Prone position"}, {"id": 128060, "name": "On the right side", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Head > On the right side"}, {"id": 128062, "name": "Left leg stretched", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Legs > Left leg stretched"}, {"id": 128103, "name": "Right leg stretched", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Legs > Right leg stretched"}, {"description": "Possible result of anthropological sex determination. In this context, undetermined means that not enough bone material or specific features were preserved to carry out a sex determination (unlike indifferent, where the preserved features were neither clearly male nor female).", "id": 22375, "name": "undetermined", "path": "Sex and Gender > Sex > undetermined"}]}}], "files": [{"file_name": "42523.jpg", "id": 42523, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_37828", "reference": "Taf. 14", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "geometry": {"coordinates": [[[15.64303969, 48.586820131], [15.643042456, 48.586819605], [15.643046815, 48.586818634], [15.643050964, 48.586817525], [15.643054107, 48.586816888], [15.643056915, 48.586816306], [15.643059472, 48.58681589], [15.64306031, 48.586815474], [15.643061274, 48.586814615], [15.643061944, 48.586813395], [15.64306186, 48.586812508], [15.643061525, 48.586811787], [15.64306098, 48.586811121], [15.643059472, 48.586810512], [15.643057711, 48.586810456], [15.643054987, 48.58681029], [15.64305285, 48.586810401], [15.64305, 48.586810401], [15.643046899, 48.586810512], [15.64304518, 48.586810622], [15.643043714, 48.586811011], [15.643042414, 48.586811565], [15.643040445, 48.586812397], [15.643038559, 48.586812729], [15.643037343, 48.586813117], [15.643036086, 48.586813339], [15.64303529, 48.586813589], [15.643034033, 48.586814226], [15.643033446, 48.586815169], [15.64303353, 48.586816028], [15.643033991, 48.586817498], [15.643034955, 48.586818856], [15.643035751, 48.586819799], [15.643037008, 48.586820325], [15.643038265, 48.586820353], [15.64303969, 48.586820131]]], "type": "Polygon"}, "id": 59081, "parent": 50505, "properties": {"description": "Irregular grave pit, cut into the rock. Stones were position on the edges next to the arms.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "292.0"}, {"id": 15679, "name": "Height", "path": "Dimensions > Height", "unit": "cm", "value": "25.0"}, {"id": 26189, "name": "Length", "path": "Dimensions > Length", "unit": "cm", "value": "207.0"}, {"id": 26188, "name": "Width", "path": "Dimensions > Width", "unit": "cm", "value": "86.0"}, {"id": 148713, "name": "Nearest Neighbour", "path": "Dimensions > Distance > Nearest Neighbour", "unit": "m", "value": "1.9"}, {"id": 118730, "name": "Azimuth", "path": "Dimensions > Azimuth", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "102"}], "maintype": {"id": 26205, "name": "Single Grave", "parent_id": 26204, "path": "Feature > Grave > Single Grave", "systemtype": "feature"}, "name": "Grave 071", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "242", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"id": 22309, "name": "Flat grave", "path": "Grave Characteristics > Grave Construction > Flat grave"}, {"id": 22302, "name": "Stone placement", "path": "Grave Characteristics > Grave Construction > Stone placement"}]}, "type": "Feature"}, {"burials": [{"finds": [{"files": [{"file_name": "42525.jpg", "id": 42525, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_37834", "reference": "Taf. 16/1", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "id": 102019, "properties": {"description": "Pin made out of copper alloy with tapered ends. May be used as an awl. Cross-section: squared, rectangular towards the ends. \r\nFound left of the skull, next to a dislocated rib.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26189, "name": "Length", "path": "Dimensions > Length", "unit": "cm", "value": "3.7"}, {"id": 26190, "name": "Thickness", "path": "Dimensions > Thickness", "unit": "cm", "value": "0.2"}], "maintype": {"id": 26224, "name": "Awl", "parent_id": 26223, "path": "Artifact > Cultural Object > Equipment > Awl", "systemtype": "artifact"}, "material": [{"id": 26546, "name": "Copper Alloy", "path": "Material > Metal > Non-Ferrous Metal > Copper Alloy", "value": "0.0"}], "name": "G072S1F01", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "242", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"id": 23442, "name": "Head left side", "path": "Position of Find in Grave > Head > Head left side"}]}}, {"files": [{"file_name": "42526.jpg", "id": 42526, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_37836", "reference": "Taf. 16/2", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "id": 95565, "properties": {"description": "Ring made out of copper alloy. Broken in one place. Cast. Cross-section lenticular.\r\nFound next to the right tibia. \r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26191, "name": "Diameter", "path": "Dimensions > Diameter", "unit": "cm", "value": "1.6"}, {"id": 26190, "name": "Thickness", "path": "Dimensions > Thickness", "unit": "cm", "value": "0.15"}, {"id": 26188, "name": "Width", "path": "Dimensions > Width", "unit": "cm", "value": "0.25"}], "maintype": {"id": 26506, "name": "Varia", "parent_id": 205561, "path": "Artifact > Cultural Object > Varia", "systemtype": "artifact"}, "material": [{"id": 26546, "name": "Copper Alloy", "path": "Material > Metal > Non-Ferrous Metal > Copper Alloy", "value": "0.0"}], "name": "G072S1F02", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "242", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"id": 23455, "name": "Lower leg right", "path": "Position of Find in Grave > Lower Body > Leg right > Lower leg right"}]}}, {"id": 101929, "properties": {"description": "Several animal bones, found next to the skeleton.\r\n\r\n", "maintype": {"id": 26507, "name": "Animal Remains", "parent_id": 26506, "path": "Artifact > Cultural Object > Varia > Animal Remains", "systemtype": "artifact"}, "name": "G072S1F03", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "242", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}}}], "id": 78087, "properties": {"description": "Juvenile individual (16-17 years). Oriented: almost W-E. Heavily disturbed, especially the upper body. Ribs, yaw, and vertebrae not in situ.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "290.0"}], "maintype": {"id": 26519, "name": "Skeleton", "parent_id": 26516, "path": "Stratigraphic unit > Burial (strat Unit) > Skeleton", "systemtype": "stratigraphic_unit"}, "name": "G072S1", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "242", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"description": "years", "id": 117200, "name": "maximum age", "path": "Absolute Age > maximum age", "value": "17.0"}, {"description": "years", "id": 117199, "name": "minimum age", "path": "Absolute Age > minimum age", "value": "16.0"}, {"description": "[14,19.9]", "id": 22289, "name": "Juvenil", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Age > Juvenil"}, {"id": 128052, "name": "Supine position", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > General > Supine position"}, {"id": 128059, "name": "Head straight", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Head > Head straight"}, {"id": 128062, "name": "Left leg stretched", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Legs > Left leg stretched"}, {"id": 128103, "name": "Right leg stretched", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Legs > Right leg stretched"}, {"description": "Possible result of anthropological sex determination. In this context, undetermined means that not enough bone material or specific features were preserved to carry out a sex determination (unlike indifferent, where the preserved features were neither clearly male nor female).", "id": 22375, "name": "undetermined", "path": "Sex and Gender > Sex > undetermined"}]}}], "files": [{"file_name": "42524.jpg", "id": 42524, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_37831", "reference": "242", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "geometry": {"coordinates": [[[15.643131179, 48.586866816], [15.643132143, 48.586867065], [15.643133065, 48.586867065], [15.643135412, 48.586866705], [15.643137968, 48.5868664], [15.643139896, 48.586866095], [15.643141908, 48.586865846], [15.643143919, 48.586865624], [15.643145428, 48.586865568], [15.643146643, 48.586865624], [15.64314832, 48.586865485], [15.643150331, 48.586865319], [15.643152678, 48.586865042], [15.643154187, 48.586864931], [15.643155235, 48.586864737], [15.643155989, 48.586864182], [15.643156115, 48.586863656], [15.643156408, 48.586862768], [15.643156241, 48.586862075], [15.643155654, 48.586861438], [15.643155277, 48.586860911], [15.64315448, 48.586860578], [15.64315293, 48.58686044], [15.64315117, 48.586860218], [15.643149787, 48.586860163], [15.643148404, 48.586859996], [15.643146895, 48.58685983], [15.643145931, 48.58685983], [15.643144255, 48.586860052], [15.643142033, 48.586860246], [15.643140315, 48.586860467], [15.643138429, 48.586860578], [15.64313625, 48.586860772], [15.643134029, 48.586861161], [15.643131807, 48.586861715], [15.643130676, 48.586862103], [15.643130089, 48.586862602], [15.643129963, 48.586863711], [15.643130424, 48.586865485], [15.643130424, 48.586866234], [15.643131179, 48.586866816]]], "type": "Polygon"}, "id": 59399, "parent": 50505, "properties": {"description": "Almost rectangular grave pit, partly slightly cut into the rock. Some smaller stones positioned along the edges.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "290.0"}, {"id": 15679, "name": "Height", "path": "Dimensions > Height", "unit": "cm", "value": "29.0"}, {"id": 26189, "name": "Length", "path": "Dimensions > Length", "unit": "cm", "value": "205.0"}, {"id": 26188, "name": "Width", "path": "Dimensions > Width", "unit": "cm", "value": "65.0"}, {"id": 148713, "name": "Nearest Neighbour", "path": "Dimensions > Distance > Nearest Neighbour", "unit": "m", "value": "1.05"}, {"id": 118730, "name": "Azimuth", "path": "Dimensions > Azimuth", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "96"}], "maintype": {"id": 26205, "name": "Single Grave", "parent_id": 26204, "path": "Feature > Grave > Single Grave", "systemtype": "feature"}, "name": "Grave 072", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "242", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"id": 22309, "name": "Flat grave", "path": "Grave Characteristics > Grave Construction > Flat grave"}, {"id": 22302, "name": "Stone placement", "path": "Grave Characteristics > Grave Construction > Stone placement"}]}, "type": "Feature"}, {"burials": [{"finds": [{"files": [{"file_name": "42528.jpg", "id": 42528, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_37842", "reference": "Taf. 16/4", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "id": 102031, "properties": {"description": "Disk-shaped object made out of two layers of copper alloy sheet metal (preserved dia. 1,05 cm, gold disc dia. 0,85 and 0,8 cm, width 0,3 cm, rivet hole 0,6 cm). Gold sheet metal attached to both sides. Slightly fragmented. Sheets show chased decorations with lines along the edges. Rivet placed in the middle. Quatrefoil-shaped, gilded rived preserved.\r\nFound next to the right zygomatic bone.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26191, "name": "Diameter", "path": "Dimensions > Diameter", "unit": "cm", "value": "1.05"}], "maintype": {"id": 26506, "name": "Varia", "parent_id": 205561, "path": "Artifact > Cultural Object > Varia", "systemtype": "artifact"}, "material": [{"id": 26546, "name": "Copper Alloy", "path": "Material > Metal > Non-Ferrous Metal > Copper Alloy", "value": "0.0"}, {"id": 26544, "name": "Gilded", "path": "Material > Metal > Non-Ferrous Metal > Precious Metal > Gold > Gilded", "value": "0.0"}], "name": "G043F01", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "242", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"id": 23443, "name": "Head right side", "path": "Position of Find in Grave > Head > Head right side"}]}}], "id": 77703, "properties": {"description": "Adult male (25-35 years). Supine position, slightly turned to the right. Oriented: (N)W-(S)E. The skull is laying on its right side, lower yaw fell down. Phalanges of the left hand found in-between the thighs (on the left side). Upper body slightly disturbed.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "282.0"}], "maintype": {"id": 26519, "name": "Skeleton", "parent_id": 26516, "path": "Stratigraphic unit > Burial (strat Unit) > Skeleton", "systemtype": "stratigraphic_unit"}, "name": "G073S1", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "242", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"description": "years", "id": 117200, "name": "maximum age", "path": "Absolute Age > maximum age", "value": "35.0"}, {"description": "years", "id": 117199, "name": "minimum age", "path": "Absolute Age > minimum age", "value": "25.0"}, {"description": "[20,39.9]", "id": 22284, "name": "Adult", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Age > Grown up > Adult"}, {"id": 128067, "name": "Left arm stretched", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Arms > Left arm stretched"}, {"id": 128068, "name": "Right arm stretched", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Arms > Right arm stretched"}, {"id": 128052, "name": "Supine position", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > General > Supine position"}, {"id": 128087, "name": "Left hand on the pelvis", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Hands > Left hand on the pelvis"}, {"id": 128060, "name": "On the right side", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Head > On the right side"}, {"id": 128062, "name": "Left leg stretched", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Legs > Left leg stretched"}, {"id": 128103, "name": "Right leg stretched", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Legs > Right leg stretched"}, {"id": 25, "name": "Male", "path": "Sex and Gender > Sex > Male"}]}}], "files": [{"file_name": "42527.jpg", "id": 42527, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_37839", "reference": "Taf. 16", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "geometry": {"coordinates": [[[15.64317422, 48.586883394], [15.643176148, 48.586883172], [15.643177866, 48.586882784], [15.643180213, 48.586882063], [15.643182141, 48.586881814], [15.643183985, 48.586881232], [15.643185033, 48.586880816], [15.643186206, 48.586880289], [15.643188343, 48.58687979], [15.643190229, 48.586879541], [15.643191696, 48.58687918], [15.643192702, 48.586878626], [15.643193498, 48.586878071], [15.643195468, 48.586877877], [15.643197857, 48.586877766], [15.643199533, 48.586877295], [15.643201126, 48.586876602], [15.643201587, 48.586876075], [15.643201754, 48.586875216], [15.643201419, 48.586874024], [15.643200749, 48.586872693], [15.643199952, 48.586871917], [15.643198611, 48.586871501], [15.64319836, 48.586870863], [15.643196851, 48.58687042], [15.643194462, 48.586870531], [15.643191487, 48.586870863], [15.643188846, 48.586871362], [15.643186416, 48.586871695], [15.643183901, 48.586872], [15.643181512, 48.586872277], [15.643179794, 48.586872638], [15.643178076, 48.586872943], [15.643176776, 48.586873248], [15.643175519, 48.58687358], [15.64317422, 48.586874162], [15.64317334, 48.586874356], [15.643172124, 48.58687444], [15.643170699, 48.586874551], [15.643169652, 48.586874994], [15.643168855, 48.586876186], [15.643168604, 48.586877156], [15.643168688, 48.586878487], [15.643169736, 48.586879873], [15.643170406, 48.586881259], [15.643171873, 48.586882313], [15.643172837, 48.586883034], [15.64317422, 48.586883394]]], "type": "Polygon"}, "id": 59099, "parent": 50505, "properties": {"description": "Irregular, rectangular grave pt, partly cut into the rock. Few little stones were found along the edges.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 148713, "name": "Nearest Neighbour", "path": "Dimensions > Distance > Nearest Neighbour", "unit": "m", "value": "0.87"}, {"id": 118730, "name": "Azimuth", "path": "Dimensions > Azimuth", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "102"}, {"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "282.0"}, {"id": 15679, "name": "Height", "path": "Dimensions > Height", "unit": "cm", "value": "33.0"}, {"id": 26189, "name": "Length", "path": "Dimensions > Length", "unit": "cm", "value": "230.0"}, {"id": 26188, "name": "Width", "path": "Dimensions > Width", "unit": "cm", "value": "98.0"}], "maintype": {"id": 26205, "name": "Single Grave", "parent_id": 26204, "path": "Feature > Grave > Single Grave", "systemtype": "feature"}, "name": "Grave 073", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "242", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"id": 22309, "name": "Flat grave", "path": "Grave Characteristics > Grave Construction > Flat grave"}, {"id": 22302, "name": "Stone placement", "path": "Grave Characteristics > Grave Construction > Stone placement"}]}, "type": "Feature"}, {"burials": [{"finds": [{"files": [{"file_name": "42530.jpg", "id": 42530, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_37847", "reference": "Taf. 16/3", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "id": 102037, "properties": {"description": "Two temple rings with S-loops and botryoidal decoration. Made out of gilded copper. Cross-section round. One found left of the skull, the other one in the mouth.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26191, "name": "Diameter", "path": "Dimensions > Diameter", "unit": "cm", "value": "1.4"}, {"id": 26189, "name": "Length", "path": "Dimensions > Length", "unit": "cm", "value": "1.9"}, {"id": 26190, "name": "Thickness", "path": "Dimensions > Thickness", "unit": "cm", "value": "0.1"}], "maintype": {"id": 26401, "name": "Earrings with pseudo Granulation", "parent_id": 26395, "path": "Artifact > Cultural Object > Accessories > Jewellery > EarringsTemple Rings > Earrings with pseudo Granulation", "systemtype": "artifact"}, "material": [{"id": 26547, "name": "Copper", "path": "Material > Metal > Non-Ferrous Metal > Copper", "value": "0.0"}, {"id": 26544, "name": "Gilded", "path": "Material > Metal > Non-Ferrous Metal > Precious Metal > Gold > Gilded", "value": "0.0"}], "name": "G074S1F01", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "242", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"id": 23441, "name": "Head", "path": "Position of Find in Grave > Head"}]}}, {"id": 117330, "properties": {"description": "Wooden remains probably belonging to a coffin found alongside the skeleton as well as above it.\r\n\r\n", "maintype": {"id": 26286, "name": "Coffin Board", "parent_id": 26285, "path": "Artifact > Cultural Object > Grave Component > Coffin > Coffin Board", "systemtype": "artifact"}, "name": "G074S1F02", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "242", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}}}], "id": 77679, "properties": {"description": "Senile female (?) (60-70 years). Oriented: NW-SE. Skull crushed, only a few of the long bones are preserved.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "304.0"}], "maintype": {"id": 26519, "name": "Skeleton", "parent_id": 26516, "path": "Stratigraphic unit > Burial (strat Unit) > Skeleton", "systemtype": "stratigraphic_unit"}, "name": "G074S1", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "242", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"description": "years", "id": 117200, "name": "maximum age", "path": "Absolute Age > maximum age", "value": "70.0"}, {"description": "years", "id": 117199, "name": "minimum age", "path": "Absolute Age > minimum age", "value": "60.0"}, {"description": "[60,100]", "id": 22288, "name": "Senil", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Age > Grown up > Senil"}, {"id": 128080, "name": "Right arm slightly bent", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Arms > Right arm slightly bent"}, {"id": 128052, "name": "Supine position", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > General > Supine position"}, {"id": 128060, "name": "On the right side", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Head > On the right side"}, {"id": 128062, "name": "Left leg stretched", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Legs > Left leg stretched"}, {"id": 128103, "name": "Right leg stretched", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Legs > Right leg stretched"}, {"id": 22373, "name": "Female?", "path": "Sex and Gender > Sex > Female > Female?"}]}}], "files": [{"file_name": "42529.jpg", "id": 42529, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_37844", "reference": "Taf. 16", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "geometry": {"coordinates": [[[15.642996146, 48.586903576], [15.642998284, 48.586902827], [15.64299996, 48.586902301], [15.643001846, 48.586901414], [15.643003816, 48.586900776], [15.643006037, 48.586899944], [15.643008593, 48.586899251], [15.643010102, 48.586898336], [15.643012617, 48.586897505], [15.643015509, 48.586896728], [15.643017604, 48.58689573], [15.643020077, 48.586895065], [15.643021083, 48.586894566], [15.643021753, 48.586894123], [15.643021627, 48.586893679], [15.643021041, 48.586892681], [15.643020831, 48.586891711], [15.643019825, 48.586890463], [15.643018903, 48.586889548], [15.643018065, 48.586888855], [15.643016766, 48.586888523], [15.64301555, 48.586888495], [15.643014461, 48.586888911], [15.643012659, 48.58688941], [15.643010647, 48.586890075], [15.643007881, 48.586891239], [15.643005786, 48.586892043], [15.643002936, 48.586893014], [15.643000463, 48.586893956], [15.642997487, 48.586895231], [15.642995141, 48.586896146], [15.642993213, 48.586897117], [15.642991872, 48.586897865], [15.642991369, 48.586898558], [15.642991075, 48.586899362], [15.642991872, 48.586900748], [15.642993045, 48.586901968], [15.642994009, 48.586902911], [15.642994973, 48.586903465], [15.642996146, 48.586903576]]], "type": "Polygon"}, "id": 59405, "parent": 50505, "properties": {"description": "Slightly trapezoid grave pit slightly cut into the rock. Wooden remains, probably belonging to a coffin, parallel to the skeleton - app. 12 to 24 cm on both sides as well app. 10 cm above the human remains. One stone placed with the feet. Parts of a stone edging on higher plana.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 148713, "name": "Nearest Neighbour", "path": "Dimensions > Distance > Nearest Neighbour", "unit": "m", "value": "1.89"}, {"id": 118730, "name": "Azimuth", "path": "Dimensions > Azimuth", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "110"}, {"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "304.0"}, {"id": 15679, "name": "Height", "path": "Dimensions > Height", "unit": "cm", "value": "35.0"}, {"id": 26189, "name": "Length", "path": "Dimensions > Length", "unit": "cm", "value": "238.0"}, {"id": 26188, "name": "Width", "path": "Dimensions > Width", "unit": "cm", "value": "86.0"}], "maintype": {"id": 26205, "name": "Single Grave", "parent_id": 26204, "path": "Feature > Grave > Single Grave", "systemtype": "feature"}, "name": "Grave 074", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "242", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"id": 22309, "name": "Flat grave", "path": "Grave Characteristics > Grave Construction > Flat grave"}, {"id": 22306, "name": "Wooden coffin", "path": "Grave Characteristics > Grave Construction > Wooden coffin"}]}, "type": "Feature"}, {"burials": [{"id": 78669, "properties": {"description": "Adult male (20-22 years). Oriented: WNW-ESE. Skull fragmented. Lower yaw fell down. Upper body and pelvis slightly disturbed.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "287.0"}], "maintype": {"id": 26519, "name": "Skeleton", "parent_id": 26516, "path": "Stratigraphic unit > Burial (strat Unit) > Skeleton", "systemtype": "stratigraphic_unit"}, "name": "G075S01", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "242", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"description": "years", "id": 117200, "name": "maximum age", "path": "Absolute Age > maximum age", "value": "22.0"}, {"description": "years", "id": 117199, "name": "minimum age", "path": "Absolute Age > minimum age", "value": "20.0"}, {"description": "[20,39.9]", "id": 22284, "name": "Adult", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Age > Grown up > Adult"}, {"id": 128067, "name": "Left arm stretched", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Arms > Left arm stretched"}, {"id": 128068, "name": "Right arm stretched", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Arms > Right arm stretched"}, {"id": 128052, "name": "Supine position", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > General > Supine position"}, {"id": 128084, "name": "Left hand next to the body", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Hands > Left hand next to the body"}, {"id": 128085, "name": "Right hand next to the body", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Hands > Right hand next to the body"}, {"id": 128059, "name": "Head straight", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Head > Head straight"}, {"id": 128062, "name": "Left leg stretched", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Legs > Left leg stretched"}, {"id": 128103, "name": "Right leg stretched", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Legs > Right leg stretched"}, {"id": 25, "name": "Male", "path": "Sex and Gender > Sex > Male"}]}}, {"finds": [{"files": [{"file_name": "117336.jpg", "id": 117336, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "NB_11115", "reference": "Taf. 17/1", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "id": 117334, "properties": {"description": "A fragment of copper alloy wire. Cross-section round.\r\nFound in the backfilling of grave 75.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26189, "name": "Length", "path": "Dimensions > Length", "unit": "cm", "value": "1.25"}, {"id": 26188, "name": "Width", "path": "Dimensions > Width", "unit": "cm", "value": "0.1"}], "maintype": {"id": 26506, "name": "Varia", "parent_id": 205561, "path": "Artifact > Cultural Object > Varia", "systemtype": "artifact"}, "material": [{"id": 26546, "name": "Copper Alloy", "path": "Material > Metal > Non-Ferrous Metal > Copper Alloy", "value": "0.0"}], "name": "G075S2F01", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "242", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}}}], "id": 117332, "properties": {"description": "Backfilling of grave 75.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "287.0"}], "maintype": {"id": 117202, "name": "Backfilling", "parent_id": 26514, "path": "Stratigraphic unit > Deposit > Backfilling", "systemtype": "stratigraphic_unit"}, "name": "G075S02", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "242", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}}}], "files": [{"file_name": "42532.jpg", "id": 42532, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_37850", "reference": "Taf. 17", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}, {"file_name": "42531.jpg", "id": 42531, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_37849", "reference": "Taf. 17", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "geometry": {"coordinates": [[[15.643006456, 48.58688381], [15.643006163, 48.586883228], [15.643006037, 48.586882618], [15.643006163, 48.586882202], [15.643006833, 48.586881731], [15.643009432, 48.586881093], [15.643014964, 48.586879901], [15.643019867, 48.586879125], [15.643024645, 48.586878044], [15.643027788, 48.586877434], [15.643029842, 48.586876879], [15.643031308, 48.58687663], [15.643032608, 48.586877046], [15.643033069, 48.586877905], [15.643033404, 48.586878875], [15.643033655, 48.586879845], [15.643033739, 48.586880511], [15.643033152, 48.586881315], [15.64303156, 48.586881952], [15.643028961, 48.586882618], [15.643025525, 48.586883449], [15.643022591, 48.586884087], [15.643020077, 48.586884808], [15.643017269, 48.586885362], [15.643014, 48.586885861], [15.643011695, 48.586886249], [15.643010605, 48.586886499], [15.643009641, 48.586886582], [15.643008929, 48.586886721], [15.643008216, 48.586886582], [15.64300742, 48.586885501], [15.643006456, 48.58688381]]], "type": "Polygon"}, "id": 59417, "parent": 50505, "properties": {"description": "Almost rectangular grave pit with a step (10 cm) at the southeastern end. App. 10 cm above the burial level in the head region a stone enclosure is preserved as well as a dark discoloration (47 x 192 cm). Maybe remains of a wooden installation.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 118730, "name": "Azimuth", "path": "Dimensions > Azimuth", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "101"}, {"id": 148713, "name": "Nearest Neighbour", "path": "Dimensions > Distance > Nearest Neighbour", "unit": "m", "value": "1.89"}, {"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "287.0"}, {"id": 15679, "name": "Height", "path": "Dimensions > Height", "unit": "cm", "value": "57.0"}, {"id": 26189, "name": "Length", "path": "Dimensions > Length", "unit": "cm", "value": "261.0"}, {"id": 26188, "name": "Width", "path": "Dimensions > Width", "unit": "cm", "value": "82.0"}], "maintype": {"id": 26205, "name": "Single Grave", "parent_id": 26204, "path": "Feature > Grave > Single Grave", "systemtype": "feature"}, "name": "Grave 075", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "242", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"id": 22309, "name": "Flat grave", "path": "Grave Characteristics > Grave Construction > Flat grave"}, {"id": 22304, "name": "Wood and Stone", "path": "Grave Characteristics > Grave Construction > Wood and Stone"}]}, "type": "Feature"}, {"burials": [{"finds": [{"files": [{"file_name": "41907.jpg", "id": 41907, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_37900", "reference": "", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "id": 89031, "properties": {"description": "8. Fingerring aus Bronze mit sich leicht \u00fcberlappenden Enden; Dm. 2,2\u20132,3 cm, B. 0,25 cm, D. 0,2 cm, Qu. d- bis linsenf\u00f6rmig", "dimensions": [{"id": 26191, "name": "Diameter", "path": "Dimensions > Diameter", "unit": "cm", "value": "2.3"}, {"id": 26190, "name": "Thickness", "path": "Dimensions > Thickness", "unit": "cm", "value": "0.2"}, {"id": 26188, "name": "Width", "path": "Dimensions > Width", "unit": "cm", "value": "0.25"}], "maintype": {"id": 26356, "name": "Finger-Ring", "parent_id": 112815, "path": "Artifact > Cultural Object > Accessories > Jewellery > Finger-Ring", "systemtype": "artifact"}, "material": [{"id": 26546, "name": "Copper Alloy", "path": "Material > Metal > Non-Ferrous Metal > Copper Alloy", "value": "0"}], "name": "G076F08", "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"id": 23475, "name": "Hand right", "path": "Position of Find in Grave > Upper Body > Upper Extremities > Hands > Hand right"}]}}, {"files": [{"file_name": "41908.jpg", "id": 41908, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_37902", "reference": "", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "id": 102561, "properties": {"description": "9. Griffangelmesser aus Eisen; Schneide korrodiert, Spitze bei Auffindung noch vorhanden; L. 17,5 cm (bei Auffindung 18,4 cm), davon GriffangelL. 4,9 cm, KlingenB. 1,4 cm, R\u00fcckenB. 0,3 cm, KlingenQu. Dreieckig, GriffangelQu. Rechteckig; R\u00fccken und Schneide schr\u00e4g abgesetzt, R\u00fccken gerade, f\u00e4llt nach etwa 5,8 cm leicht ab und zieht nach etwa 10,9 cm mit Knick zur mittelst\u00e4ndigen Spitze hinunter; bei Auffindung noch Holzreste am Griffteil, auf der Klinge Verzierung wie 10.", "dimensions": [{"id": 26189, "name": "Length", "path": "Dimensions > Length", "unit": "cm", "value": "18.4"}, {"id": 26190, "name": "Thickness", "path": "Dimensions > Thickness", "unit": "cm", "value": "0.3"}, {"id": 26188, "name": "Width", "path": "Dimensions > Width", "unit": "cm", "value": "1.4"}], "maintype": {"id": 26245, "name": "Rod-Tanged Knife", "parent_id": 26244, "path": "Artifact > Cultural Object > Equipment > Knife > Rod-Tanged Knife", "systemtype": "artifact"}, "material": [{"id": 26540, "name": "Iron", "path": "Material > Metal > Iron", "value": "0"}], "name": "G076F09", "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"id": 23451, "name": "Thigh left", "path": "Position of Find in Grave > Lower Body > Leg Left > Thigh left"}]}}, {"files": [{"file_name": "41909.jpg", "id": 41909, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_37904", "reference": "", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "id": 102573, "properties": {"description": "10. Griffangelmesser aus Eisen; L. 17,7 cm, davon GriffangelL. 5,2 cm, KlingenB. 1,6 cm, R\u00fcckenB. 0,3\u20130,4 cm, KlingenQu. Dreieckig. GriffangelQu. Oval; R\u00fccken und Schneide leicht abgesetzt, R\u00fccken f\u00e4llt nach 10 cm steil zur fast unterst\u00e4ndigen Spitze ab; auf der Klinge ein vertieftes, mit Buntmetall gef\u00fclltes Kreuz und eine Kehlung mit ebensolchem \u00dcberzug und einer Zier aus gegenst\u00e4ndigen, punzierten Halbkreisen.", "dimensions": [{"id": 26189, "name": "Length", "path": "Dimensions > Length", "unit": "cm", "value": "17.7"}, {"id": 26190, "name": "Thickness", "path": "Dimensions > Thickness", "unit": "cm", "value": "0.4"}, {"id": 26188, "name": "Width", "path": "Dimensions > Width", "unit": "cm", "value": "1.6"}], "maintype": {"id": 26245, "name": "Rod-Tanged Knife", "parent_id": 26244, "path": "Artifact > Cultural Object > Equipment > Knife > Rod-Tanged Knife", "systemtype": "artifact"}, "material": [{"id": 26540, "name": "Iron", "path": "Material > Metal > Iron", "value": "0"}, {"id": 26546, "name": "Copper Alloy", "path": "Material > Metal > Non-Ferrous Metal > Copper Alloy", "value": "0"}], "name": "G076F10", "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"id": 23451, "name": "Thigh left", "path": "Position of Find in Grave > Lower Body > Leg Left > Thigh left"}]}}, {"files": [{"file_name": "41906.jpg", "id": 41906, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_37909", "reference": "", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}, {"file_name": "41910.jpg", "id": 41910, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_37908", "reference": "", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "id": 102567, "properties": {"description": "11. Holzscheide; eine L\u00e4ngsseite fragmentarisch erhalten; mit Resten von Metallkorrosion; L. 20,2 cm, B. 2,8\u20134,0 cm, max.D 0,6 cm. Dabei zwei Gewebereste, einer davon sehr fein.\nInv. Nr. 34987, Taf. 18/7.\nGriffh\u00fclse aus Bronzeblech mit Zinn (Blei)-Veredelung; der Lage nach in Funktion eines Ortbandes der Scheide, L. 1,7 cm, Dm. 1,7 x 1,5 cm, Faltung an L\u00e4ngsseite erkennbar, auf der R\u00fcckseite ein kleines Loch. Taf. 18/4.", "dimensions": [{"id": 26189, "name": "Length", "path": "Dimensions > Length", "unit": "cm", "value": "20.2"}, {"id": 26190, "name": "Thickness", "path": "Dimensions > Thickness", "unit": "cm", "value": "0.6"}, {"id": 26188, "name": "Width", "path": "Dimensions > Width", "unit": "cm", "value": "4.0"}], "maintype": {"id": 26247, "name": "Knife Sheath", "parent_id": 26244, "path": "Artifact > Cultural Object > Equipment > Knife > Knife Sheath", "systemtype": "artifact"}, "material": [{"id": 26546, "name": "Copper Alloy", "path": "Material > Metal > Non-Ferrous Metal > Copper Alloy", "value": "0"}, {"id": 26525, "name": "Textiles", "path": "Material > Organic > Plant > Textiles", "value": "0"}, {"id": 26523, "name": "Wood", "path": "Material > Organic > Plant > Wood", "value": "0"}], "name": "G076F11", "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"id": 23451, "name": "Thigh left", "path": "Position of Find in Grave > Lower Body > Leg Left > Thigh left"}]}}, {"files": [{"file_name": "41912.jpg", "id": 41912, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_37911", "reference": "", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "id": 102579, "properties": {"description": "12. Reste eines Kugelknopfes aus Silberblech; mit Granulation in dreieckiger Form und aufgelegten Filigrandr\u00e4hten verziert, dabei eine \u00d6se und ein K\u00fcgelchen. Gr\u00f6\u00dftes Fragment 0,8 x 0,8 cm.\nInv. Nr. 35196, Taf. 18/2.", "dimensions": [{"id": 26189, "name": "Length", "path": "Dimensions > Length", "unit": "cm", "value": "0.8"}, {"id": 26188, "name": "Width", "path": "Dimensions > Width", "unit": "cm", "value": "0.8"}], "maintype": {"id": 26392, "name": "Spherical Button", "parent_id": 128350, "path": "Artifact > Cultural Object > Accessories > Garment > Garment Accessories > Button > Spherical Button", "systemtype": "artifact"}, "material": [{"id": 26545, "name": "Silver", "path": "Material > Metal > Non-Ferrous Metal > Precious Metal > Silver", "value": "0"}], "name": "G076F12", "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}}}, {"files": [{"file_name": "41913.jpg", "id": 41913, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_37915", "reference": "", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "id": 89143, "properties": {"description": "13. Gegenst\u00fcck zu 12.; ebenfalls nur fragmentarisch erhalten.\nInv. Nr. 35195, Taf. 18/1.", "maintype": {"id": 26392, "name": "Spherical Button", "parent_id": 128350, "path": "Artifact > Cultural Object > Accessories > Garment > Garment Accessories > Button > Spherical Button", "systemtype": "artifact"}, "material": [{"id": 26545, "name": "Silver", "path": "Material > Metal > Non-Ferrous Metal > Precious Metal > Silver", "value": "0"}], "name": "G076F13", "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}}}, {"files": [{"file_name": "33817.jpg", "id": 33817, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_37890", "reference": "Taf. 18/11", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "id": 102043, "properties": {"description": "Axe made out of iron. Shaft hole and blades heavily corroded. Semicircle-shaped remains of the shaft hole lobes are preserved. Prolonged, cylindric, thickened to the end neck with round cross-section. Slightly asymmetric, trapezoid leaf. Broad and swung blade. On both sides pronounced cut out collar opening (dia. Shaft hole 2,4 x 1,7 cm). Leaf shows a round hole (\u201eWangenloch\u201c) (dia. 0,4-0,5).\r\nFound next to the right lower leg. Partially laying on top of it.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26189, "name": "Length", "path": "Dimensions > Length", "unit": "cm", "value": "14.2"}, {"id": 26188, "name": "Width", "path": "Dimensions > Width", "unit": "cm", "value": "5.9"}], "maintype": {"id": 26475, "name": "Battleaxe", "parent_id": 26450, "path": "Artifact > Cultural Object > WeaponsArmourRiding > Attack Weapons > Battleaxe", "systemtype": "artifact"}, "material": [{"id": 26540, "name": "Iron", "path": "Material > Metal > Iron", "value": "0.0"}], "name": "G076S1F01", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "243", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"id": 23455, "name": "Lower leg right", "path": "Position of Find in Grave > Lower Body > Leg right > Lower leg right"}]}}, {"files": [{"file_name": "33830.jpg", "id": 33830, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_37893", "reference": "Taf. 18/9", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "id": 102073, "properties": {"description": "Spur with riveted plate made out of iron. Broken into two pieces. Yoke almost U-shaped (width 6,8 cm, height 13,4 cm, width: 0,8 cm, dia 0,55 cm). Cross-section of yoke D-shaped. riveted plate rectangular where preserved. (width 1,7 cm, height 2,2 cm). Surface structured by three vertical strips. Three rivets. Counter fitting and organic material in between preserved. Shank slightly clubbed (length 3,4 cm, dia. 0,75 cm), cross-section rectangular/squared. The second riveted plate is not as good preserved. But shows remains of fabrics as well as leather. Some small iron fragments \u2013 some of them with remains of fabrics.\r\nFound next to the right foot together with a buckle, loop, and strap end for spur straps.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 15679, "name": "Height", "path": "Dimensions > Height", "unit": "cm", "value": "13.4"}, {"id": 26189, "name": "Length", "path": "Dimensions > Length", "unit": "cm", "value": "3.4"}, {"id": 26188, "name": "Width", "path": "Dimensions > Width", "unit": "cm", "value": "6.8"}], "maintype": {"id": 26481, "name": "Spurs", "parent_id": 26478, "path": "Artifact > Cultural Object > WeaponsArmourRiding > Horse and Rider Equipment > Spurs", "systemtype": "artifact"}, "material": [{"id": 26540, "name": "Iron", "path": "Material > Metal > Iron", "value": "0.0"}, {"id": 26534, "name": "Leather", "path": "Material > Organic > Animal > Skin > Leather", "value": "0.0"}, {"id": 26525, "name": "Textiles", "path": "Material > Organic > Plant > Textiles", "value": "0.0"}], "name": "G076S1F02", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "243", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"id": 23453, "name": "Foot right", "path": "Position of Find in Grave > Lower Body > Leg right > Foot right"}]}}, {"files": [{"file_name": "117343.jpg", "id": 117343, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_37894", "reference": "Taf. 18/13", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "id": 117341, "properties": {"description": "Buckle for spurs, loop and strap end for spur straps. Buckle: Made out of iron. Fragmented and heavily corroded. Bent. Pinfragment present. Oval shape, cross-section almost rectangular. Chape rectangular (length total 4,0 cm, length buckle 2,9 cm, width 2,3 cm, dia. 0,4 x 0,6 cm, length chape 1,9 cm, width chape 2,3 cm, dia. chape 1,0 cm) \r\nLoop: very heavily corroded. Two rivets or imprints of them. Fabrics preserved on the finds.\r\nFound next to the right foot.\r\n\r\n", "maintype": {"id": 26485, "name": "Buckle for Spurs", "parent_id": 26481, "path": "Artifact > Cultural Object > WeaponsArmourRiding > Horse and Rider Equipment > Spurs > Buckle for Spurs", "systemtype": "artifact"}, "name": "G076S1F03", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "234", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"id": 23448, "name": "Foot left", "path": "Position of Find in Grave > Lower Body > Leg Left > Foot left"}]}}, {"id": 102079, "properties": {"description": "Possibly spur fragment. Lost without a trace. Found at the right edge of the pit, app. at the level of the knee. \r\n\r\n", "maintype": {"id": 26481, "name": "Spurs", "parent_id": 26478, "path": "Artifact > Cultural Object > WeaponsArmourRiding > Horse and Rider Equipment > Spurs", "systemtype": "artifact"}, "name": "G076S1F04", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "243", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}}}, {"files": [{"file_name": "33299.jpg", "id": 33299, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_37897", "reference": "", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "id": 102549, "properties": {"description": "", "maintype": {"id": 26481, "name": "Spurs", "parent_id": 26478, "path": "Artifact > Cultural Object > WeaponsArmourRiding > Horse and Rider Equipment > Spurs", "systemtype": "artifact"}, "material": [{"id": 26540, "name": "Iron", "path": "Material > Metal > Iron", "value": "0.0"}], "name": "G076S1F06", "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"id": 23448, "name": "Foot left", "path": "Position of Find in Grave > Lower Body > Leg Left > Foot left"}]}}, {"files": [{"file_name": "117346.jpg", "id": 117346, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_37898", "reference": "Taf. 18/8", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "id": 117344, "properties": {"description": "Yoke fragment of a spur made out of iron. Heavily corroded. D-Shaped. Wooden remains on the surface.\r\nFound next to the left knee.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26191, "name": "Diameter", "path": "Dimensions > Diameter", "unit": "cm", "value": "0.7"}, {"id": 26189, "name": "Length", "path": "Dimensions > Length", "unit": "cm", "value": "3.7"}, {"id": 26188, "name": "Width", "path": "Dimensions > Width", "unit": "cm", "value": "0.7"}], "maintype": {"id": 26481, "name": "Spurs", "parent_id": 26478, "path": "Artifact > Cultural Object > WeaponsArmourRiding > Horse and Rider Equipment > Spurs", "systemtype": "artifact"}, "name": "G076S1F07", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "243", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "types": [{"id": 23449, "name": "Knee left", "path": "Position of Find in Grave > Lower Body > Leg Left > Knee left"}]}}], "id": 74909, "properties": {"description": "Juvenile individual (18-20 years). Oriented: NW-SE. Skeleton very badly preserved. Skull disturbed. Long bones and ribs slightly dislocated. Legs in X-position.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "295.0"}], "maintype": {"id": 26519, "name": "Skeleton", "parent_id": 26516, "path": "Stratigraphic unit > Burial (strat Unit) > Skeleton", "systemtype": "stratigraphic_unit"}, "name": "G076S1", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "243", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"description": "years", "id": 117200, "name": "maximum age", "path": "Absolute Age > maximum age", "value": "20.0"}, {"description": "years", "id": 117199, "name": "minimum age", "path": "Absolute Age > minimum age", "value": "18.0"}, {"description": "[14,19.9]", "id": 22289, "name": "Juvenil", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Age > Juvenil"}, {"id": 128067, "name": "Left arm stretched", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Arms > Left arm stretched"}, {"id": 128068, "name": "Right arm stretched", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Arms > Right arm stretched"}, {"id": 128052, "name": "Supine position", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > General > Supine position"}, {"id": 128059, "name": "Head straight", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Head > Head straight"}, {"id": 128062, "name": "Left leg stretched", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Legs > Left leg stretched"}, {"id": 128103, "name": "Right leg stretched", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Legs > Right leg stretched"}, {"description": "Possible result of anthropological sex determination. In this context, undetermined means that not enough bone material or specific features were preserved to carry out a sex determination (unlike indifferent, where the preserved features were neither clearly male nor female).", "id": 22375, "name": "undetermined", "path": "Sex and Gender > Sex > undetermined"}]}}, {"finds": [{"files": [{"file_name": "41911.jpg", "id": 41911, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_37917", "reference": "Taf. 18/12", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "id": 117339, "properties": {"description": "Testing stone made from fine grained Arkose sandstone. Fragmented on one or both sides. Almost rectangular with an almost squared cross-section (width: 1,95 x 2,15 to 2,4 x 2,5 cm). Slightly broadening. \r\nFound in the backfilling of grave 76.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26189, "name": "Length", "path": "Dimensions > Length", "unit": "cm", "value": "6.2"}], "maintype": {"id": 26223, "name": "Equipment", "parent_id": 205561, "path": "Artifact > Cultural Object > Equipment", "systemtype": "artifact"}, "material": [{"id": 26557, "name": "Sandstone", "path": "Material > Geological > Stone > Sandstone", "value": "100.0"}], "name": "G076S2F01", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "244", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}}}], "id": 117337, "properties": {"description": "Backfilling of grave 76.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "295.0"}], "maintype": {"id": 117202, "name": "Backfilling", "parent_id": 26514, "path": "Stratigraphic unit > Deposit > Backfilling", "systemtype": "stratigraphic_unit"}, "name": "G076S2", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "243", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}}}], "files": [{"file_name": "42533.jpg", "id": 42533, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_37884", "reference": "Taf. 18", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "geometry": {"coordinates": [[[15.643019825, 48.586871113], [15.643021711, 48.586871057], [15.643024142, 48.586870475], [15.643026698, 48.586869921], [15.643029506, 48.586869283], [15.643032691, 48.586868507], [15.64303529, 48.586867842], [15.643038559, 48.586867149], [15.643041451, 48.586866317], [15.64304539, 48.586865374], [15.64304912, 48.586864099], [15.643051006, 48.586863489], [15.643052724, 48.586862685], [15.643053311, 48.586861715], [15.64305352, 48.586860662], [15.64305352, 48.586859608], [15.643053269, 48.586858638], [15.643052808, 48.586857806], [15.643051635, 48.58685703], [15.643050545, 48.586856226], [15.643049204, 48.586855838], [15.643047947, 48.586855588], [15.64304627, 48.586855477], [15.643045139, 48.586855477], [15.643043043, 48.586855505], [15.643040906, 48.586855866], [15.643039439, 48.586856143], [15.643037762, 48.586856559], [15.643036128, 48.586856974], [15.643034577, 48.586857196], [15.643032272, 48.586857584], [15.64302892, 48.586858361], [15.643026573, 48.586859026], [15.643024393, 48.58685983], [15.643022633, 48.586860384], [15.643020496, 48.586861271], [15.643017688, 48.586862103], [15.64301597, 48.586863212], [15.643015089, 48.586863933], [15.643014628, 48.586864681], [15.64301488, 48.586865624], [15.643015509, 48.586866677], [15.643016472, 48.586867759], [15.643017436, 48.586869283], [15.643017814, 48.586870254], [15.643018694, 48.586870836], [15.643019825, 48.586871113]]], "type": "Polygon"}, "id": 56655, "parent": 50505, "properties": {"description": "Almost rectangular grave pit, partly cut into the stone. Pit walls almost entirely lined with stones.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 118730, "name": "Azimuth", "path": "Dimensions > Azimuth", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "103"}, {"id": 148713, "name": "Nearest Neighbour", "path": "Dimensions > Distance > Nearest Neighbour", "unit": "m", "value": "2.25"}, {"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "295.0"}, {"id": 15679, "name": "Height", "path": "Dimensions > Height", "unit": "cm", "value": "67.0"}, {"id": 26189, "name": "Length", "path": "Dimensions > Length", "unit": "cm", "value": "288.0"}, {"id": 26188, "name": "Width", "path": "Dimensions > Width", "unit": "cm", "value": "111.0"}], "maintype": {"id": 26205, "name": "Single Grave", "parent_id": 26204, "path": "Feature > Grave > Single Grave", "systemtype": "feature"}, "name": "Grave 076", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "242", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"id": 22309, "name": "Flat grave", "path": "Grave Characteristics > Grave Construction > Flat grave"}, {"id": 22302, "name": "Stone placement", "path": "Grave Characteristics > Grave Construction > Stone placement"}]}, "type": "Feature"}, {"burials": [{"id": 78105, "properties": {"description": "Child aged 2-3 years (infans 1). Oriented: WNW-ESE. Disturbed entirely, vertebrae and some long bones missing.\r\nSecondary burial positioned in the backfilling of grave 79.\r\nNo grave goods.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "287.0"}], "maintype": {"id": 26519, "name": "Skeleton", "parent_id": 26516, "path": "Stratigraphic unit > Burial (strat Unit) > Skeleton", "systemtype": "stratigraphic_unit"}, "name": "G077S1", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "244", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"description": "years", "id": 117200, "name": "maximum age", "path": "Absolute Age > maximum age", "value": "3.0"}, {"description": "years", "id": 117199, "name": "minimum age", "path": "Absolute Age > minimum age", "value": "2.0"}, {"description": "[0,6.9]", "id": 22279, "name": "Infans I", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Age > Child > Infans I-II > Infans I"}, {"id": 128052, "name": "Supine position", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > General > Supine position"}, {"id": 128059, "name": "Head straight", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Head > Head straight"}, {"id": 128062, "name": "Left leg stretched", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Legs > Left leg stretched"}, {"id": 128103, "name": "Right leg stretched", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Legs > Right leg stretched"}, {"description": "Possible result of anthropological sex determination. In this context, undetermined means that not enough bone material or specific features were preserved to carry out a sex determination (unlike indifferent, where the preserved features were neither clearly male nor female).", "id": 22375, "name": "undetermined", "path": "Sex and Gender > Sex > undetermined"}]}}], "files": [{"file_name": "41914.jpg", "id": 41914, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_37919", "reference": "Taf. 19", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "geometry": {"coordinates": [[[15.643064668, 48.586869782], [15.643065884, 48.586869671], [15.643067057, 48.586869588], [15.643068524, 48.586869172], [15.643069907, 48.586868923], [15.643070798, 48.586868715], [15.64307173, 48.586868493], [15.643072558, 48.58686823], [15.643073658, 48.586867869], [15.643074192, 48.58686744], [15.643074653, 48.586866844], [15.643074811, 48.5868664], [15.643074769, 48.586865624], [15.643074433, 48.586865125], [15.643073595, 48.586864612], [15.643072694, 48.586864557], [15.643071625, 48.586864806], [15.643070431, 48.586865139], [15.643068985, 48.586865596], [15.64306733, 48.586866123], [15.64306603, 48.586866553], [15.643064647, 48.58686701], [15.643063558, 48.58686726], [15.64306316, 48.586867675], [15.643063097, 48.586868258], [15.64306339, 48.586868992], [15.643063977, 48.586869547], [15.643064668, 48.586869782]]], "type": "Polygon"}, "id": 57101, "parent": 50505, "properties": {"description": "Rounded, rectangular grave pit. Grave 77 is a secondary burial positioned in the backfilling of grave 79. Oriented in the same way as grave 79.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 148713, "name": "Nearest Neighbour", "path": "Dimensions > Distance > Nearest Neighbour", "unit": "m", "value": "0.53"}, {"id": 118730, "name": "Azimuth", "path": "Dimensions > Azimuth", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "106"}, {"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "287.0"}, {"id": 26189, "name": "Length", "path": "Dimensions > Length", "unit": "cm", "value": "90.0"}, {"id": 26188, "name": "Width", "path": "Dimensions > Width", "unit": "cm", "value": "37.0"}], "maintype": {"id": 26205, "name": "Single Grave", "parent_id": 26204, "path": "Feature > Grave > Single Grave", "systemtype": "feature"}, "name": "Grave 077", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "244", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"id": 22309, "name": "Flat grave", "path": "Grave Characteristics > Grave Construction > Flat grave"}]}, "type": "Feature"}, {"burials": [{"finds": [{"id": 117349, "properties": {"description": "Metal pin made out of iron. Lost without trace.\r\nFound in the backfilling of the grave.\r\n\r\n", "maintype": {"id": 26506, "name": "Varia", "parent_id": 205561, "path": "Artifact > Cultural Object > Varia", "systemtype": "artifact"}, "material": [{"id": 26540, "name": "Iron", "path": "Material > Metal > Iron", "value": "0.0"}], "name": "G078S2F01", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "244", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}]}}], "id": 117347, "properties": {"description": "Backfilling of grave 78.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "300.0"}], "maintype": {"id": 117202, "name": "Backfilling", "parent_id": 26514, "path": "Stratigraphic unit > Deposit > Backfilling", "systemtype": "stratigraphic_unit"}, "name": "G078S2", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "244", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}}}, {"finds": [{"files": [{"file_name": "42539.jpg", "id": 42539, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_37926", "reference": "Taf. 17/2", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "id": 97625, "properties": {"description": "Knife made out of iron, fabric remains preserved. Tip lost, blade heavily corroded (length 14,1 cm, width blade 1,5 cm, width back 0,2 cm). Cross-section of blade triangular. Back of knife straight. Tip probably in a superior position. Wooden remains preserved on the handle. Handle sleeve made out of copper alloy and with a rectangular cross-section. Two tiny holes on the traverse side.\r\nFound next to the left pelvic bone and under the forearm.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 15679, "name": "Height", "path": "Dimensions > Height", "unit": "cm", "value": "0.2"}, {"id": 26189, "name": "Length", "path": "Dimensions > Length", "unit": "cm", "value": "14.1"}, {"id": 26188, "name": "Width", "path": "Dimensions > Width", "unit": "cm", "value": "1.5"}], "maintype": {"id": 26244, "name": "Knife", "parent_id": 26223, "path": "Artifact > Cultural Object > Equipment > Knife", "systemtype": "artifact"}, "material": [{"id": 26540, "name": "Iron", "path": "Material > Metal > Iron", "value": "0.0"}, {"id": 26546, "name": "Copper Alloy", "path": "Material > Metal > Non-Ferrous Metal > Copper Alloy", "value": "0.0"}, {"id": 26525, "name": "Textiles", "path": "Material > Organic > Plant > Textiles", "value": "0.0"}, {"id": 26523, "name": "Wood", "path": "Material > Organic > Plant > Wood", "value": "0.0"}], "name": "G078S1F01", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "244", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"id": 23462, "name": "Pelvis left", "path": "Position of Find in Grave > Pelvis > Pelvis left"}]}}, {"id": 103487, "properties": {"description": "Animal bones. Found on the burial level.\r\n\r\n", "maintype": {"id": 26507, "name": "Animal Remains", "parent_id": 26506, "path": "Artifact > Cultural Object > Varia > Animal Remains", "systemtype": "artifact"}, "material": [{"id": 26529, "name": "Bone", "path": "Material > Organic > Animal > Bone", "value": "0.0"}], "name": "G078S1F02", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "244", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}}}], "id": 78111, "properties": {"description": "Mature (probably) male (40-60 years). Oriented: NW-SE. Skull laying on its right side, lower yaw fell down. Right hand underneath the pelvis, shoulder pulled up. Thoracic spine curved downwards.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "300.0"}], "maintype": {"id": 26519, "name": "Skeleton", "parent_id": 26516, "path": "Stratigraphic unit > Burial (strat Unit) > Skeleton", "systemtype": "stratigraphic_unit"}, "name": "G078S1", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "244", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"description": "years", "id": 117200, "name": "maximum age", "path": "Absolute Age > maximum age", "value": "60.0"}, {"description": "years", "id": 117199, "name": "minimum age", "path": "Absolute Age > minimum age", "value": "40.0"}, {"description": "[40,59.9]", "id": 22286, "name": "Matur", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Age > Grown up > Matur"}, {"id": 128067, "name": "Left arm stretched", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Arms > Left arm stretched"}, {"id": 128068, "name": "Right arm stretched", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Arms > Right arm stretched"}, {"id": 128052, "name": "Supine position", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > General > Supine position"}, {"id": 128084, "name": "Left hand next to the body", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Hands > Left hand next to the body"}, {"id": 128085, "name": "Right hand next to the body", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Hands > Right hand next to the body"}, {"id": 128060, "name": "On the right side", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Head > On the right side"}, {"id": 128062, "name": "Left leg stretched", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Legs > Left leg stretched"}, {"id": 128103, "name": "Right leg stretched", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Legs > Right leg stretched"}, {"id": 22374, "name": "Male?", "path": "Sex and Gender > Sex > Male > Male?"}]}}], "files": [{"file_name": "41915.jpg", "id": 41915, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_37922", "reference": "Taf. 17", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "geometry": {"coordinates": [[[15.643046689, 48.58689354], [15.643050964, 48.586892043], [15.643054484, 48.586890824], [15.643058717, 48.586889299], [15.643062992, 48.586887719], [15.643063704, 48.586887358], [15.643063998, 48.586886832], [15.643064082, 48.586886083], [15.643063704, 48.586885335], [15.643062489, 48.586884697], [15.643061358, 48.586884087], [15.643060184, 48.586883727], [15.643058885, 48.586883754], [15.643057292, 48.586884142], [15.643055448, 48.586884863], [15.643053604, 48.586885529], [15.643052431, 48.586885889], [15.643051299, 48.586886277], [15.643049581, 48.586887192], [15.64304824, 48.586887608], [15.64304715, 48.586887885], [15.643045558, 48.58688819], [15.643043965, 48.586888717], [15.643042289, 48.586889354], [15.643041451, 48.586889604], [15.643041283, 48.586890269], [15.643041953, 48.586891184], [15.643042708, 48.586892265], [15.64304363, 48.586893041], [15.643044594, 48.586893568], [15.643045641, 48.586893568], [15.643046689, 48.58689354]]], "type": "Polygon"}, "id": 59141, "parent": 50505, "properties": {"description": "Almost rectangular grave pit, slightly cut into the stone. One stone placed to the right upper arm. Wooden remains, probably belonging to a coffin, found app. 40 cm above the human remains. The wooden remains form an irregular rectangle.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "300.0"}, {"id": 15679, "name": "Height", "path": "Dimensions > Height", "unit": "cm", "value": "64.0"}, {"id": 26189, "name": "Length", "path": "Dimensions > Length", "unit": "cm", "value": "208.0"}, {"id": 26188, "name": "Width", "path": "Dimensions > Width", "unit": "cm", "value": "68.0"}, {"id": 148713, "name": "Nearest Neighbour", "path": "Dimensions > Distance > Nearest Neighbour", "unit": "m", "value": "1.38"}, {"id": 118730, "name": "Azimuth", "path": "Dimensions > Azimuth", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "109"}], "maintype": {"id": 26205, "name": "Single Grave", "parent_id": 26204, "path": "Feature > Grave > Single Grave", "systemtype": "feature"}, "name": "Grave 078", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "244", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"id": 22309, "name": "Flat grave", "path": "Grave Characteristics > Grave Construction > Flat grave"}]}, "type": "Feature"}, {"burials": [{"finds": [{"files": [{"file_name": "42543.jpg", "id": 42543, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_37933", "reference": "Taf. 19/2", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "id": 117353, "properties": {"description": "Band made out of iron, bent into a loop. Purpose unknown, might be a handle attachment. Slightly fragmented.\r\nFound in the backfilling of the grave, slightly above the burial level.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26189, "name": "Length", "path": "Dimensions > Length", "unit": "cm", "value": "4.4"}, {"id": 26190, "name": "Thickness", "path": "Dimensions > Thickness", "unit": "cm", "value": "0.25"}, {"id": 26188, "name": "Width", "path": "Dimensions > Width", "unit": "cm", "value": "1.9"}], "maintype": {"id": 26506, "name": "Varia", "parent_id": 205561, "path": "Artifact > Cultural Object > Varia", "systemtype": "artifact"}, "material": [{"id": 26540, "name": "Iron", "path": "Material > Metal > Iron", "value": "0.0"}], "name": "G079S2F01", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "244", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}}}, {"files": [{"file_name": "42544.jpg", "id": 42544, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_37935", "reference": "Taf. 19/1", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "id": 117355, "properties": {"description": "Rock crystal. Found in the backfilling of the grave slightly above the burial level.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 15679, "name": "Height", "path": "Dimensions > Height", "unit": "cm", "value": "0.8"}, {"id": 26189, "name": "Length", "path": "Dimensions > Length", "unit": "cm", "value": "1.5"}, {"id": 26188, "name": "Width", "path": "Dimensions > Width", "unit": "cm", "value": "1.3"}], "maintype": {"id": 26506, "name": "Varia", "parent_id": 205561, "path": "Artifact > Cultural Object > Varia", "systemtype": "artifact"}, "material": [{"id": 26556, "name": "Quartz", "path": "Material > Geological > Stone > Quartz", "value": "0.0"}], "name": "G079S2F02", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "244", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}]}}], "id": 117351, "properties": {"description": "Backfilling of grave 79.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "282.0"}], "maintype": {"id": 117202, "name": "Backfilling", "parent_id": 26514, "path": "Stratigraphic unit > Deposit > Backfilling", "systemtype": "stratigraphic_unit"}, "name": "G079S2", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "244", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}}}, {"id": 75031, "properties": {"description": "Adult male (30-40 years). Oriented: almost W-E. Skull tilted to the front, lower yaw laying on the spine. Right upper extremity is laying above the upperbody as well as under the right femur. Left elbow positioned on a stone.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "282.0"}], "maintype": {"id": 26519, "name": "Skeleton", "parent_id": 26516, "path": "Stratigraphic unit > Burial (strat Unit) > Skeleton", "systemtype": "stratigraphic_unit"}, "name": "G079S1", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "244", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"description": "years", "id": 117200, "name": "maximum age", "path": "Absolute Age > maximum age", "value": "40.0"}, {"description": "years", "id": 117199, "name": "minimum age", "path": "Absolute Age > minimum age", "value": "30.0"}, {"description": "[20,39.9]", "id": 22284, "name": "Adult", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Age > Grown up > Adult"}, {"id": 128067, "name": "Left arm stretched", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Arms > Left arm stretched"}, {"id": 128068, "name": "Right arm stretched", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Arms > Right arm stretched"}, {"id": 128052, "name": "Supine position", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > General > Supine position"}, {"id": 128084, "name": "Left hand next to the body", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Hands > Left hand next to the body"}, {"id": 128085, "name": "Right hand next to the body", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Hands > Right hand next to the body"}, {"id": 128059, "name": "Head straight", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Head > Head straight"}, {"id": 128062, "name": "Left leg stretched", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Legs > Left leg stretched"}, {"id": 128103, "name": "Right leg stretched", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Legs > Right leg stretched"}, {"id": 25, "name": "Male", "path": "Sex and Gender > Sex > Male"}]}}], "files": [{"file_name": "42540.jpg", "id": 42540, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_37929", "reference": "Taf. 19", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}, {"file_name": "42541.jpg", "id": 42541, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_37930", "reference": "Taf. 19", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "geometry": {"coordinates": [[[15.643059388, 48.586874606], [15.643061483, 48.586874329], [15.643064543, 48.586873913], [15.643066973, 48.586873608], [15.643070242, 48.586872804], [15.64307414, 48.586871861], [15.643078834, 48.586870753], [15.643082396, 48.586869671], [15.643085791, 48.586868729], [15.643088599, 48.586867925], [15.643090233, 48.586867537], [15.643090946, 48.586867065], [15.643091071, 48.586866234], [15.643091029, 48.58686518], [15.64309061, 48.586864127], [15.643089982, 48.586863129], [15.643088934, 48.586862464], [15.643088934, 48.586861549], [15.643089437, 48.586860772], [15.643088096, 48.586860357], [15.64308445, 48.586859664], [15.643081767, 48.586859081], [15.643080217, 48.586859248], [15.643077954, 48.586859968], [15.643076361, 48.586860745], [15.643074978, 48.586861299], [15.643072966, 48.586861576], [15.643071374, 48.586862186], [15.643068901, 48.586862824], [15.643067476, 48.586863517], [15.643065507, 48.586864654], [15.643063872, 48.586865679], [15.643062238, 48.586866677], [15.643060436, 48.586868008], [15.643058675, 48.586868784], [15.643056622, 48.586869006], [15.643055742, 48.586869117], [15.643055155, 48.586869339], [15.643055364, 48.586870004], [15.643055742, 48.586870753], [15.643056035, 48.586871723], [15.64305637, 48.586872915], [15.64305725, 48.58687383], [15.643058172, 48.586874329], [15.643059388, 48.586874606]]], "type": "Polygon"}, "id": 59447, "parent": 50505, "properties": {"description": "Trapezoidal grave pit, slightly cut into the rock. Eastern part surrounded by small stones. Wooden remains in the pit might belong to a coffin.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 148713, "name": "Nearest Neighbour", "path": "Dimensions > Distance > Nearest Neighbour", "unit": "m", "value": "0.53"}, {"id": 118730, "name": "Azimuth", "path": "Dimensions > Azimuth", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "106"}, {"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "282.0"}, {"id": 15679, "name": "Height", "path": "Dimensions > Height", "unit": "cm", "value": "35.0"}, {"id": 26189, "name": "Length", "path": "Dimensions > Length", "unit": "cm", "value": "290.0"}, {"id": 26188, "name": "Width", "path": "Dimensions > Width", "unit": "cm", "value": "111.0"}], "maintype": {"id": 26205, "name": "Single Grave", "parent_id": 26204, "path": "Feature > Grave > Single Grave", "systemtype": "feature"}, "name": "Grave 079", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "244", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"id": 22309, "name": "Flat grave", "path": "Grave Characteristics > Grave Construction > Flat grave"}]}, "type": "Feature"}, {"burials": [{"finds": [{"files": [{"file_name": "41917.jpg", "id": 41917, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_37947", "reference": "Taf. 17/4", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "id": 117359, "properties": {"description": "Earring with berry-shaped ornament, made out of silver. Lower part of the earring decorated with four lines of beaded wire. On the right side of the ring and standing in the ring metal beads decorated with tiny diamond-shaped granulation. Cross-section of wire round.\r\nA similiar earring was found in the grave (G080S1F02).\r\nFound nearby grave 80 \u2013 app. 30 m north (journal) respectively 80 northwest (coordinates) of it.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26191, "name": "Diameter", "path": "Dimensions > Diameter", "unit": "cm", "value": "0.15"}, {"id": 26189, "name": "Length", "path": "Dimensions > Length", "unit": "cm", "value": "3.6"}, {"id": 26188, "name": "Width", "path": "Dimensions > Width", "unit": "cm", "value": "2.35"}], "maintype": {"id": 26400, "name": "Earrings with Granulation", "parent_id": 26395, "path": "Artifact > Cultural Object > Accessories > Jewellery > EarringsTemple Rings > Earrings with Granulation", "systemtype": "artifact"}, "material": [{"id": 26545, "name": "Silver", "path": "Material > Metal > Non-Ferrous Metal > Precious Metal > Silver", "value": "0.0"}], "name": "G080S2F01", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "245", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}]}}], "id": 117357, "properties": {"description": "Strayfind found nearby grave 80.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "299.0"}], "maintype": {"id": 26513, "name": "None/Unknown/Strayfind", "parent_id": 13365, "path": "Stratigraphic unit > None/Unknown/Strayfind", "systemtype": "stratigraphic_unit"}, "name": "G080S2", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "245", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}]}}, {"finds": [{"files": [{"file_name": "41736.jpg", "id": 41736, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_37941", "reference": "Taf. 17/3", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "id": 95577, "properties": {"description": "Earring with berry-shaped ornament, made out of gilded silver. Four beads positioned in a triangular shape. Beads decorated with granulation and beaded wire. Wire of the earring decorated with four lines of beaded wire and pellets in between.\r\nFound on the left side of the skull. Together with find G80S1F02.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26189, "name": "Length", "path": "Dimensions > Length", "unit": "cm", "value": "4.6"}, {"id": 26188, "name": "Width", "path": "Dimensions > Width", "unit": "cm", "value": "2.2"}], "maintype": {"id": 26400, "name": "Earrings with Granulation", "parent_id": 26395, "path": "Artifact > Cultural Object > Accessories > Jewellery > EarringsTemple Rings > Earrings with Granulation", "systemtype": "artifact"}, "material": [{"id": 26544, "name": "Gilded", "path": "Material > Metal > Non-Ferrous Metal > Precious Metal > Gold > Gilded", "value": "0.0"}, {"id": 26545, "name": "Silver", "path": "Material > Metal > Non-Ferrous Metal > Precious Metal > Silver", "value": "0.0"}], "name": "G080S1F01", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "245", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"id": 23442, "name": "Head left side", "path": "Position of Find in Grave > Head > Head left side"}]}}, {"files": [{"file_name": "41889.jpg", "id": 41889, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_37943", "reference": "Taf. 17/6", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "id": 103479, "properties": {"description": "Earring with berry-shaped ornament, made out of silver. Heavily fragmented. Lower part of the earring decorated with four lines of beaded wire. On the right side of the ring and standing in the ring metal beads decorated with tiny diamond-shaped granulation. \r\nA similar earring was found nearby the grave (G080S2F01).\r\nFound on the left side of the skull, together with find G080S1F01.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26189, "name": "Length", "path": "Dimensions > Length", "unit": "cm", "value": "2.3"}], "maintype": {"id": 26400, "name": "Earrings with Granulation", "parent_id": 26395, "path": "Artifact > Cultural Object > Accessories > Jewellery > EarringsTemple Rings > Earrings with Granulation", "systemtype": "artifact"}, "material": [{"id": 26545, "name": "Silver", "path": "Material > Metal > Non-Ferrous Metal > Precious Metal > Silver", "value": "0.0"}], "name": "G080S1F02", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "245", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"id": 23442, "name": "Head left side", "path": "Position of Find in Grave > Head > Head left side"}]}}, {"files": [{"file_name": "41916.jpg", "id": 41916, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_37945", "reference": "Taf. 17/5", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "id": 102591, "properties": {"description": "Earing with berry-shaped decoration, made out of gilded silver. Four metal beads decorated with imitation of beaded wire. Lower part of the earring wire decorated with beaded wire.\r\nFound on the right side of the lower jaw.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26189, "name": "Length", "path": "Dimensions > Length", "unit": "cm", "value": "4.0"}, {"id": 26188, "name": "Width", "path": "Dimensions > Width", "unit": "cm", "value": "2.6"}], "maintype": {"id": 26400, "name": "Earrings with Granulation", "parent_id": 26395, "path": "Artifact > Cultural Object > Accessories > Jewellery > EarringsTemple Rings > Earrings with Granulation", "systemtype": "artifact"}, "material": [{"id": 26544, "name": "Gilded", "path": "Material > Metal > Non-Ferrous Metal > Precious Metal > Gold > Gilded", "value": "0.0"}, {"id": 26545, "name": "Silver", "path": "Material > Metal > Non-Ferrous Metal > Precious Metal > Silver", "value": "0.0"}], "name": "G080S1F03", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "245", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"id": 23443, "name": "Head right side", "path": "Position of Find in Grave > Head > Head right side"}]}}], "id": 77769, "properties": {"description": "Juvenile individual (17-20 years). Oriented: NW-SE. Disturbed, only skull, spine, and left extremities in situ. Lower yaw is laying on the spine. \r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "299.0"}], "maintype": {"id": 26519, "name": "Skeleton", "parent_id": 26516, "path": "Stratigraphic unit > Burial (strat Unit) > Skeleton", "systemtype": "stratigraphic_unit"}, "name": "G080S1", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "244", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"description": "years", "id": 117200, "name": "maximum age", "path": "Absolute Age > maximum age", "value": "20.0"}, {"description": "years", "id": 117199, "name": "minimum age", "path": "Absolute Age > minimum age", "value": "17.0"}, {"description": "[14,19.9]", "id": 22289, "name": "Juvenil", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Age > Juvenil"}, {"id": 128052, "name": "Supine position", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > General > Supine position"}, {"id": 128059, "name": "Head straight", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Head > Head straight"}, {"id": 128062, "name": "Left leg stretched", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Legs > Left leg stretched"}, {"id": 128103, "name": "Right leg stretched", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Legs > Right leg stretched"}, {"description": "Possible result of anthropological sex determination. In this context, undetermined means that not enough bone material or specific features were preserved to carry out a sex determination (unlike indifferent, where the preserved features were neither clearly male nor female).", "id": 22375, "name": "undetermined", "path": "Sex and Gender > Sex > undetermined"}]}}], "files": [{"file_name": "33838.jpg", "id": 33838, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_37938", "reference": "Taf. 17", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "geometry": {"coordinates": [[[15.643185033, 48.586913695], [15.643185955, 48.586913306], [15.643187002, 48.586912586], [15.643187715, 48.58691192], [15.643188092, 48.586911338], [15.64318826, 48.58691059], [15.643188595, 48.58690998], [15.643189517, 48.586909425], [15.6431909, 48.586908954], [15.643192786, 48.586908677], [15.643194169, 48.586908067], [15.643196348, 48.586907124], [15.643197983, 48.586906237], [15.643199659, 48.586905433], [15.643201126, 48.586904629], [15.643202886, 48.586903687], [15.643204269, 48.5869028], [15.643204437, 48.586902134], [15.643204018, 48.586901358], [15.64320297, 48.586900721], [15.643202132, 48.586900166], [15.64320121, 48.586899722], [15.643200246, 48.586899695], [15.643198485, 48.586900305], [15.643196725, 48.586901275], [15.643194881, 48.586902522], [15.643193373, 48.586903299], [15.643192073, 48.586904241], [15.64319002, 48.586905073], [15.643188679, 48.586905544], [15.64318717, 48.586906015], [15.64318629, 48.586906404], [15.643184823, 48.586907291], [15.643183733, 48.586908012], [15.643182728, 48.586908455], [15.643181764, 48.586908815], [15.643181177, 48.586909204], [15.643180925, 48.586909813], [15.643180883, 48.586910978], [15.643181344, 48.586911809], [15.643181973, 48.586912724], [15.643182686, 48.58691339], [15.643183733, 48.586913833], [15.643185033, 48.586913695]]], "type": "Polygon"}, "id": 59453, "parent": 50505, "properties": {"description": "Almost rectangular grave pit, partly cut into the rock.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "299.0"}, {"id": 15679, "name": "Height", "path": "Dimensions > Height", "unit": "cm", "value": "7.0"}, {"id": 26189, "name": "Length", "path": "Dimensions > Length", "unit": "cm", "value": "202.0"}, {"id": 26188, "name": "Width", "path": "Dimensions > Width", "unit": "cm", "value": "69.0"}, {"id": 148713, "name": "Nearest Neighbour", "path": "Dimensions > Distance > Nearest Neighbour", "unit": "m", "value": "2.86"}, {"id": 118730, "name": "Azimuth", "path": "Dimensions > Azimuth", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "118"}], "maintype": {"id": 26205, "name": "Single Grave", "parent_id": 26204, "path": "Feature > Grave > Single Grave", "systemtype": "feature"}, "name": "Grave 080", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "244", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"id": 22309, "name": "Flat grave", "path": "Grave Characteristics > Grave Construction > Flat grave"}]}, "type": "Feature"}, {"burials": [{"id": 78147, "properties": {"description": "Adult male (30-40 years). Oriented: NW-SE. Disturbed, especially skull and upper body. Pelvic bones tilted to the sides.\r\nNo grave goods.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "303.0"}], "maintype": {"id": 26519, "name": "Skeleton", "parent_id": 26516, "path": "Stratigraphic unit > Burial (strat Unit) > Skeleton", "systemtype": "stratigraphic_unit"}, "name": "G081S1", "radiocarbon": {"sample": "VERA4608 : 1127 \u00b1 35"}, "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "245", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"description": "years", "id": 117200, "name": "maximum age", "path": "Absolute Age > maximum age", "value": "40.0"}, {"description": "years", "id": 117199, "name": "minimum age", "path": "Absolute Age > minimum age", "value": "30.0"}, {"description": "[20,39.9]", "id": 22284, "name": "Adult", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Age > Grown up > Adult"}, {"id": 128068, "name": "Right arm stretched", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Arms > Right arm stretched"}, {"id": 128052, "name": "Supine position", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > General > Supine position"}, {"id": 130397, "name": "Left hand on the thigh", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Hands > Left hand on the thigh"}, {"id": 130398, "name": "Right hand on the thigh", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Hands > Right hand on the thigh"}, {"id": 128097, "name": "Head not in situ", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Head > Head not in situ"}, {"id": 128062, "name": "Left leg stretched", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Legs > Left leg stretched"}, {"id": 128103, "name": "Right leg stretched", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Legs > Right leg stretched"}, {"id": 25, "name": "Male", "path": "Sex and Gender > Sex > Male"}]}}], "files": [{"file_name": "42547.jpg", "id": 42547, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_37949", "reference": "Taf. 19", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "geometry": {"coordinates": [[[15.643147691, 48.586931881], [15.643148487, 48.586931326], [15.643149577, 48.586930716], [15.643151379, 48.586930273], [15.643153475, 48.586929607], [15.643155025, 48.586929108], [15.64315666, 48.586928138], [15.643158378, 48.586927251], [15.643160264, 48.586926391], [15.643161479, 48.586925698], [15.643162862, 48.586925033], [15.643164162, 48.586924285], [15.643164874, 48.58692398], [15.643165503, 48.586923952], [15.643165964, 48.586923647], [15.643166509, 48.586923231], [15.643167431, 48.586922926], [15.643168227, 48.586922566], [15.643168897, 48.586921984], [15.643168646, 48.586921429], [15.64316785, 48.586920625], [15.643166634, 48.586919683], [15.643165335, 48.58691874], [15.643163994, 48.586917825], [15.643162946, 48.586917465], [15.643162066, 48.586917465], [15.643160893, 48.586917687], [15.643159426, 48.58691838], [15.64315733, 48.586919322], [15.643156115, 48.586919849], [15.643154732, 48.586920403], [15.643154103, 48.586921069], [15.643153139, 48.586921401], [15.643151924, 48.586921956], [15.643150834, 48.586922372], [15.643149158, 48.586923176], [15.643148194, 48.586923952], [15.643147524, 48.58692459], [15.643146224, 48.586924922], [15.643144841, 48.58692531], [15.643142411, 48.586930716], [15.643143039, 48.586931548], [15.643143919, 48.586931853], [15.643145554, 48.586932158], [15.643146643, 48.586932075], [15.643147691, 48.586931881]]], "type": "Polygon"}, "id": 59459, "parent": 50505, "properties": {"description": "Almost rectangular grave pit, slightly cut into the rock. One stone found at the edge of the pit. Western corner undocumented due to trench's profile.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 118730, "name": "Azimuth", "path": "Dimensions > Azimuth", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "116"}, {"id": 148713, "name": "Nearest Neighbour", "path": "Dimensions > Distance > Nearest Neighbour", "unit": "m", "value": "1.01"}, {"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "303.0"}, {"id": 26189, "name": "Length", "path": "Dimensions > Length", "unit": "cm", "value": "213.0"}, {"id": 26188, "name": "Width", "path": "Dimensions > Width", "unit": "cm", "value": "75.0"}], "maintype": {"id": 26205, "name": "Single Grave", "parent_id": 26204, "path": "Feature > Grave > Single Grave", "systemtype": "feature"}, "name": "Grave 081", "radiocarbon": {"child_sample": ["VERA4608 : 1127 \u00b1 35"]}, "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "245", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"id": 22309, "name": "Flat grave", "path": "Grave Characteristics > Grave Construction > Flat grave"}]}, "type": "Feature"}, {"burials": [{"id": 75037, "properties": {"description": "Adult male (30-40 years). Oriented: NW-SE. Upper body heavily disturbed. Skull laying on its right side. Right forearm positioned underneath the pelvic bone.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "303.0"}], "maintype": {"id": 26519, "name": "Skeleton", "parent_id": 26516, "path": "Stratigraphic unit > Burial (strat Unit) > Skeleton", "systemtype": "stratigraphic_unit"}, "name": "G082S1", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "245", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"description": "years", "id": 117200, "name": "maximum age", "path": "Absolute Age > maximum age", "value": "40.0"}, {"description": "years", "id": 117199, "name": "minimum age", "path": "Absolute Age > minimum age", "value": "30.0"}, {"description": "[20,39.9]", "id": 22284, "name": "Adult", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Age > Grown up > Adult"}, {"id": 128052, "name": "Supine position", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > General > Supine position"}, {"id": 128059, "name": "Head straight", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Head > Head straight"}, {"id": 128062, "name": "Left leg stretched", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Legs > Left leg stretched"}, {"id": 128103, "name": "Right leg stretched", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Legs > Right leg stretched"}, {"id": 25, "name": "Male", "path": "Sex and Gender > Sex > Male"}]}}, {"finds": [{"id": 117363, "properties": {"description": "A ceramic pot, probably dating to the urnfield period. Positioned outside of the grave, next to one of the standing stones. Might belong to the grave or the urnfield period pit disturbed by the grave pit.\r\n\r\n", "maintype": {"id": 26294, "name": "Pottery", "parent_id": 187110, "path": "Artifact > Cultural Object > Container > Pottery", "systemtype": "artifact"}, "name": "G082S2F01", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "245", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}]}}], "id": 117361, "properties": {"description": "Strayfind at the edge of grave 82.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "303.0"}], "maintype": {"id": 26513, "name": "None/Unknown/Strayfind", "parent_id": 13365, "path": "Stratigraphic unit > None/Unknown/Strayfind", "systemtype": "stratigraphic_unit"}, "name": "G082S2", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "245", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}}}], "files": [{"file_name": "42548.jpg", "id": 42548, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_37952", "reference": "245", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "geometry": {"coordinates": [[[15.643180506, 48.586935623], [15.643182602, 48.586934459], [15.64318453, 48.586933211], [15.643187715, 48.586931659], [15.643190145, 48.586930162], [15.643192576, 48.586928942], [15.643194714, 48.586927778], [15.643197186, 48.586926336], [15.643199198, 48.586925504], [15.64320012, 48.586925283], [15.643201084, 48.586925615], [15.643202132, 48.586926391], [15.643203054, 48.586926974], [15.64320385, 48.58692775], [15.643204269, 48.586928249], [15.643204395, 48.586928803], [15.64320276, 48.586929829], [15.643198988, 48.586931742], [15.643195803, 48.586933738], [15.643192744, 48.586935152], [15.643191277, 48.586936122], [15.643189475, 48.586937342], [15.64318805, 48.586938063], [15.643186751, 48.586938811], [15.643185535, 48.586939393], [15.643184697, 48.586939643], [15.64318344, 48.586939698], [15.64318235, 48.586939282], [15.643181596, 48.586938783], [15.643180883, 48.586938257], [15.643180213, 48.586937619], [15.643179836, 48.586936981], [15.643179836, 48.586936261], [15.643180506, 48.586935623]]], "type": "Polygon"}, "id": 59471, "parent": 50505, "properties": {"description": "Rectangular grave pit. Some standing stones along the edges. Eastern corner undocumented.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 148713, "name": "Nearest Neighbour", "path": "Dimensions > Distance > Nearest Neighbour", "unit": "m", "value": "2.1"}, {"id": 118730, "name": "Azimuth", "path": "Dimensions > Azimuth", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "119"}, {"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "303.0"}, {"id": 26189, "name": "Length", "path": "Dimensions > Length", "unit": "cm", "value": "197.0"}, {"id": 26188, "name": "Width", "path": "Dimensions > Width", "unit": "cm", "value": "58.0"}], "maintype": {"id": 26205, "name": "Single Grave", "parent_id": 26204, "path": "Feature > Grave > Single Grave", "systemtype": "feature"}, "name": "Grave 082", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "245", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"id": 22309, "name": "Flat grave", "path": "Grave Characteristics > Grave Construction > Flat grave"}]}, "type": "Feature"}, {"burials": [{"id": 78153, "properties": {"description": "Secondary burial of a child aged 4 to 5 (infans 1) years as well as few bones of an individual aged 20 to 60 years (grown-up). Bones scattered over an area of 83 x 33 cm. Oriented: approx. NW-SE respectively SE-NW. Heavily disturbed, no bone in situ.\r\nNo grave goods.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "301.0"}], "maintype": {"id": 26519, "name": "Skeleton", "parent_id": 26516, "path": "Stratigraphic unit > Burial (strat Unit) > Skeleton", "systemtype": "stratigraphic_unit"}, "name": "G083S1", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "245", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"description": "years", "id": 117200, "name": "maximum age", "path": "Absolute Age > maximum age", "value": "5.0"}, {"description": "years", "id": 117199, "name": "minimum age", "path": "Absolute Age > minimum age", "value": "4.0"}, {"description": "[0,6.9]", "id": 22279, "name": "Infans I", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Age > Child > Infans I-II > Infans I"}, {"id": 128055, "name": "Other", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > General > Other"}, {"description": "Possible result of anthropological sex determination. In this context, undetermined means that not enough bone material or specific features were preserved to carry out a sex determination (unlike indifferent, where the preserved features were neither clearly male nor female).", "id": 22375, "name": "undetermined", "path": "Sex and Gender > Sex > undetermined"}]}}], "files": [{"file_name": "42549.jpg", "id": 42549, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_37955", "reference": "Taf. 16", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "geometry": {"coordinates": [[[15.643077409, 48.586938839], [15.643074517, 48.586936593], [15.643084324, 48.586931354], [15.643087048, 48.586933461], [15.643077409, 48.586938839]]], "type": "Polygon"}, "id": 59465, "parent": 50505, "properties": {"description": "Grave pit undetectable. Secondary burial. Skeleton was buried in the backfilling of grave 128, app. 23 above the first burial (G128S1).\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "301.0"}, {"id": 15679, "name": "Height", "path": "Dimensions > Height", "unit": "cm", "value": "5.0"}, {"id": 118730, "name": "Azimuth", "path": "Dimensions > Azimuth", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "118"}, {"id": 148713, "name": "Nearest Neighbour", "path": "Dimensions > Distance > Nearest Neighbour", "unit": "m", "value": "0.08"}], "maintype": {"id": 26205, "name": "Single Grave", "parent_id": 26204, "path": "Feature > Grave > Single Grave", "systemtype": "feature"}, "name": "Grave 083", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "245", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"id": 22309, "name": "Flat grave", "path": "Grave Characteristics > Grave Construction > Flat grave"}]}, "type": "Feature"}, {"burials": [{"finds": [{"files": [{"file_name": "42552.jpg", "id": 42552, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_37961", "reference": "16/5", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "id": 117372, "properties": {"description": "Disc-shaped metal object made out of iron and copper alloy sheet metal. Bar-shaped extension.\r\nFound in the backfilling of grave 84.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26191, "name": "Diameter", "path": "Dimensions > Diameter", "unit": "cm", "value": "1.0"}, {"id": 15679, "name": "Height", "path": "Dimensions > Height", "unit": "cm", "value": "0.2"}, {"id": 26189, "name": "Length", "path": "Dimensions > Length", "unit": "cm", "value": "1.15"}], "maintype": {"id": 26506, "name": "Varia", "parent_id": 205561, "path": "Artifact > Cultural Object > Varia", "systemtype": "artifact"}, "material": [{"id": 26540, "name": "Iron", "path": "Material > Metal > Iron", "value": "0.0"}, {"id": 26546, "name": "Copper Alloy", "path": "Material > Metal > Non-Ferrous Metal > Copper Alloy", "value": "0.0"}], "name": "G084S2F01", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "245", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}}}], "id": 117366, "properties": {"description": "Backfilling of grave 84.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "300.0"}], "maintype": {"id": 117202, "name": "Backfilling", "parent_id": 26514, "path": "Stratigraphic unit > Deposit > Backfilling", "systemtype": "stratigraphic_unit"}, "name": "G084S2", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "245", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}}}, {"id": 78141, "properties": {"description": "Child aged 9 to 12 months (infans 1). Probably supine position. Oriented: NW-SE. Only skull fragments and ribs preserved. Most of them not in situ.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "300.0"}], "maintype": {"id": 26519, "name": "Skeleton", "parent_id": 26516, "path": "Stratigraphic unit > Burial (strat Unit) > Skeleton", "systemtype": "stratigraphic_unit"}, "name": "G084S1", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "245", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"description": "years", "id": 117200, "name": "maximum age", "path": "Absolute Age > maximum age", "value": "1.0"}, {"description": "years", "id": 117199, "name": "minimum age", "path": "Absolute Age > minimum age", "value": "0.75"}, {"description": "[0,6.9]", "id": 22279, "name": "Infans I", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Age > Child > Infans I-II > Infans I"}, {"id": 128052, "name": "Supine position", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > General > Supine position"}, {"description": "Possible result of anthropological sex determination. In this context, undetermined means that not enough bone material or specific features were preserved to carry out a sex determination (unlike indifferent, where the preserved features were neither clearly male nor female).", "id": 22375, "name": "undetermined", "path": "Sex and Gender > Sex > undetermined"}]}}], "files": [{"file_name": "42551.jpg", "id": 42551, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_37958", "reference": "Taf. 16", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "geometry": {"coordinates": [[[15.643072212, 48.586950538], [15.643072694, 48.58695094], [15.643073302, 48.586951522], [15.643073721, 48.586951855], [15.643074433, 48.586951924], [15.643075334, 48.586951688], [15.64307655, 48.58695112], [15.643078331, 48.586950274], [15.643080447, 48.586949484], [15.643081516, 48.586948958], [15.643082354, 48.586948583], [15.643082857, 48.586948223], [15.643082983, 48.586947821], [15.643082941, 48.586947225], [15.643082501, 48.586946615], [15.643081956, 48.586946158], [15.643081223, 48.586946102], [15.643080196, 48.586946407], [15.643077912, 48.586947433], [15.643076801, 48.586947918], [15.643075251, 48.586948486], [15.64307435, 48.586948888], [15.643073239, 48.586949443], [15.643072464, 48.586949997], [15.643072212, 48.586950538]]], "type": "Polygon"}, "id": 56777, "parent": 50505, "properties": {"description": "Almost rectangular grave pit.\r\nGrave positioned parallel to grave 145, cuts into its edge slightly.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "300.0"}, {"id": 15679, "name": "Height", "path": "Dimensions > Height", "unit": "cm", "value": "15.0"}, {"id": 26189, "name": "Length", "path": "Dimensions > Length", "unit": "cm", "value": "85.0"}, {"id": 26188, "name": "Width", "path": "Dimensions > Width", "unit": "cm", "value": "29.0"}, {"id": 148713, "name": "Nearest Neighbour", "path": "Dimensions > Distance > Nearest Neighbour", "unit": "m", "value": "0.56"}, {"id": 118730, "name": "Azimuth", "path": "Dimensions > Azimuth", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "113"}], "maintype": {"id": 26205, "name": "Single Grave", "parent_id": 26204, "path": "Feature > Grave > Single Grave", "systemtype": "feature"}, "name": "Grave 084", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "245", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"id": 22309, "name": "Flat grave", "path": "Grave Characteristics > Grave Construction > Flat grave"}]}, "type": "Feature"}, {"burials": [{"finds": [{"files": [{"file_name": "42555.jpg", "id": 42555, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_37966", "reference": "Taf. 19/3", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "id": 97685, "properties": {"description": "Rod-tanged knife made out of iron (length 11 cm, length tang 2,3 cm, width blade 1,1 cm, width back 0,3 cm). Blade and end of tang corroded. Tip missing. Cross-section of blade triangular, cross-section of tang triangular. Tang and back divided by a step. Back of knife without buckling but after 5 cm slightly tilted towards the tip. Blade and tang divided by a slight step. Blade tilted towards the tip.\r\nFound next to the leg, close to the knee.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 15679, "name": "Height", "path": "Dimensions > Height", "unit": "cm", "value": "0.3"}, {"id": 26189, "name": "Length", "path": "Dimensions > Length", "unit": "cm", "value": "11.0"}, {"id": 26188, "name": "Width", "path": "Dimensions > Width", "unit": "cm", "value": "1.1"}], "maintype": {"id": 26245, "name": "Rod-Tanged Knife", "parent_id": 26244, "path": "Artifact > Cultural Object > Equipment > Knife > Rod-Tanged Knife", "systemtype": "artifact"}, "material": [{"id": 26540, "name": "Iron", "path": "Material > Metal > Iron", "value": "0.0"}], "name": "G085S1F01", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "245", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"id": 23449, "name": "Knee left", "path": "Position of Find in Grave > Lower Body > Leg Left > Knee left"}]}}], "id": 78171, "properties": {"description": "Child aged 5 to 7 years (infans 1). Oriented: NW-SE. Skullcap turned to the left, lower jaw straight. Entirely disturbed, some long bones in situ. \r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "307.0"}], "maintype": {"id": 26519, "name": "Skeleton", "parent_id": 26516, "path": "Stratigraphic unit > Burial (strat Unit) > Skeleton", "systemtype": "stratigraphic_unit"}, "name": "G085S1", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "245", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"description": "years", "id": 117200, "name": "maximum age", "path": "Absolute Age > maximum age", "value": "7.0"}, {"description": "years", "id": 117199, "name": "minimum age", "path": "Absolute Age > minimum age", "value": "5.0"}, {"description": "[0,6.9]", "id": 22279, "name": "Infans I", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Age > Child > Infans I-II > Infans I"}, {"id": 128052, "name": "Supine position", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > General > Supine position"}, {"id": 128097, "name": "Head not in situ", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Head > Head not in situ"}, {"id": 128062, "name": "Left leg stretched", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Legs > Left leg stretched"}, {"description": "Possible result of anthropological sex determination. In this context, undetermined means that not enough bone material or specific features were preserved to carry out a sex determination (unlike indifferent, where the preserved features were neither clearly male nor female).", "id": 22375, "name": "undetermined", "path": "Sex and Gender > Sex > undetermined"}]}}], "files": [{"file_name": "42550.jpg", "id": 42550, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_37963", "reference": "Taf. 19", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "geometry": {"coordinates": [[[15.643076319, 48.586962098], [15.643075774, 48.586962403], [15.643075376, 48.586962472], [15.643074936, 48.586962361], [15.643073574, 48.586961211], [15.643072589, 48.586960324], [15.643072401, 48.586960047], [15.643072505, 48.586959755], [15.643073469, 48.586959215], [15.643075209, 48.586958342], [15.64307655, 48.586957732], [15.643078163, 48.586956817], [15.643079588, 48.586956068], [15.643080929, 48.586955306], [15.643082082, 48.586954849], [15.643082962, 48.58695428], [15.6430838, 48.586953878], [15.643084387, 48.586953712], [15.643084932, 48.586953726], [15.643085518, 48.586954155], [15.643086336, 48.586954807], [15.64308709, 48.586955417], [15.643087467, 48.586955791], [15.643087614, 48.58695611], [15.64308688, 48.586956553], [15.643083025, 48.586958647], [15.643079882, 48.586960282], [15.643076319, 48.586962098]]], "type": "Polygon"}, "id": 56771, "parent": 50505, "properties": {"description": "Almost rectangular grave pit.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 148713, "name": "Nearest Neighbour", "path": "Dimensions > Distance > Nearest Neighbour", "unit": "m", "value": "0.6"}, {"id": 118730, "name": "Azimuth", "path": "Dimensions > Azimuth", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "117"}, {"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "307.0"}, {"id": 15679, "name": "Height", "path": "Dimensions > Height", "unit": "cm", "value": "5.0"}, {"id": 26189, "name": "Length", "path": "Dimensions > Length", "unit": "cm", "value": "116.0"}, {"id": 26188, "name": "Width", "path": "Dimensions > Width", "unit": "cm", "value": "37.0"}], "maintype": {"id": 26205, "name": "Single Grave", "parent_id": 26204, "path": "Feature > Grave > Single Grave", "systemtype": "feature"}, "name": "Grave 085", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "245", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"id": 22309, "name": "Flat grave", "path": "Grave Characteristics > Grave Construction > Flat grave"}]}, "type": "Feature"}, {"burials": [{"finds": [{"files": [{"file_name": "42559.jpg", "id": 42559, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_37972", "reference": "Taf. 20/4, 20/6, 20/7", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "id": 97697, "properties": {"description": "Four glassbeads:\r\nPolyhedral bead (height 1,05 cm, dia. 0,8 cm, dia. thread hole 0,4 cm), slightliy fragmented. Partly with silver gleaming coating. Underneath dark blue, translucid glass.\r\nPolyhedral bead (height 1,15 cm, dia. 0,7 cm, dia. thread hole 0,35 cm), fragmented. Partly with darkbrown und white gleaming coating. Underneath darkbrown, translucid glass.\r\nSegmented bead with four spherical segments (height 1,75 cm, dia. 0,6 x 0,7 cm, dia. thread hole 0,2 cm, cross-section slightly oval), one longside fragmented. Porous, irregular shape. Partly with darkbrown and green gleamming coating. Underneath two layers of silvery opaque glass.\r\nSpherical bead (height 0,75 cm, dia. 0,9 cm, dia. thread hole 0,45 cm, cross-section round), badly preserved. Partly with dark brown coating. Underneath white porous material.\r\nFound in the left thoracic region.\r\n\r\n", "maintype": {"id": 26431, "name": "Beads", "parent_id": 26442, "path": "Artifact > Cultural Object > Accessories > Jewellery > Necklace > Beaded Necklace > Beads", "systemtype": "artifact"}, "material": [{"id": 26565, "name": "Glass", "path": "Material > Artificial > Glass", "value": "0.0"}], "name": "G086S1F01", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "246", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"id": 23479, "name": "Chest left", "path": "Position of Find in Grave > Upper Body > Chest > Chest left"}]}}, {"files": [{"file_name": "42560.jpg", "id": 42560, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_37974", "reference": "Taf. 20/1", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "id": 102639, "properties": {"description": "Two small iron rings, both broken into two fragments. Heavily corroded.\r\nFound next to the left elbow.\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26191, "name": "Diameter", "path": "Dimensions > Diameter", "unit": "cm", "value": "1.2"}, {"id": 26190, "name": "Thickness", "path": "Dimensions > Thickness", "unit": "cm", "value": "0.1"}], "maintype": {"id": 26506, "name": "Varia", "parent_id": 205561, "path": "Artifact > Cultural Object > Varia", "systemtype": "artifact"}, "material": [{"id": 26540, "name": "Iron", "path": "Material > Metal > Iron", "value": "0.0"}], "name": "G086S1F02", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "246", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"id": 23472, "name": "Forearm left", "path": "Position of Find in Grave > Upper Body > Upper Extremities > Arm left > Forearm left"}]}}, {"files": [{"file_name": "42561.jpg", "id": 42561, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_37976", "reference": "Taf. 20/2", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "id": 97703, "properties": {"description": "Scalpel with a long, rodlike handle with ends rolled-up in a heart-shape (length 15,1 cm, length blade 5,7 cm, width handle 0,65 cm, hight handle 0,35 cm, width blade 0,7 cm, hight blade 0,2 cm). Slender blade. Handle shows a couple of grooves, originating from the rim. Blade slightly corroded. Cross-section of handle rectangular, cross-section of blade triangular. Back of knife slightly tilted upwards and after 3,2 cm tilted towards the tip. Blade tilted towards the tip as well.\r\nFound between the left forearm and the upper body.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26189, "name": "Length", "path": "Dimensions > Length", "unit": "cm", "value": "15.1"}, {"id": 26188, "name": "Width", "path": "Dimensions > Width", "unit": "cm", "value": "0.7"}], "maintype": {"id": 26248, "name": "Scalpel", "parent_id": 26244, "path": "Artifact > Cultural Object > Equipment > Knife > Scalpel", "systemtype": "artifact"}, "material": [{"id": 26540, "name": "Iron", "path": "Material > Metal > Iron", "value": "0.0"}], "name": "G086S1F03", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "246", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"id": 23472, "name": "Forearm left", "path": "Position of Find in Grave > Upper Body > Upper Extremities > Arm left > Forearm left"}]}}], "id": 78201, "properties": {"description": "Child aged 6 to 7 years (infans1/2). Oriented: WNW-ESE. Disturbed. Skull tilted to the front. Lower jaw dislocated. Some of the long bones in situ.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "293.0"}], "maintype": {"id": 26519, "name": "Skeleton", "parent_id": 26516, "path": "Stratigraphic unit > Burial (strat Unit) > Skeleton", "systemtype": "stratigraphic_unit"}, "name": "G086S1", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "246", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"description": "years", "id": 117200, "name": "maximum age", "path": "Absolute Age > maximum age", "value": "7.0"}, {"description": "years", "id": 117199, "name": "minimum age", "path": "Absolute Age > minimum age", "value": "6.0"}, {"description": "[7,13.9]", "id": 22280, "name": "Infans II", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Age > Child > Infans I-II > Infans II"}, {"id": 128067, "name": "Left arm stretched", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Arms > Left arm stretched"}, {"id": 128052, "name": "Supine position", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > General > Supine position"}, {"id": 128059, "name": "Head straight", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Head > Head straight"}, {"id": 128103, "name": "Right leg stretched", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Legs > Right leg stretched"}, {"description": "Possible result of anthropological sex determination. In this context, undetermined means that not enough bone material or specific features were preserved to carry out a sex determination (unlike indifferent, where the preserved features were neither clearly male nor female).", "id": 22375, "name": "undetermined", "path": "Sex and Gender > Sex > undetermined"}]}}, {"finds": [{"files": [{"file_name": "117417.jpg", "id": 117417, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "NB_11116", "reference": "Taf. 20/3", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "id": 117415, "properties": {"description": "Iron hoops belonging to a bucket, fragmented.\r\n3 pieces: length 7 cm/8,9 cm/14,5 cm, width 0,4 cm, hight 0,1 cm, dia. 14/15 cm\r\n6 pieces: length 3,85-14,7 cm, width 0,4-0,5 cm, hight 0,1-0,2 cm, dia. approx. 17-18 cm\r\n3 pieces: length 6,7-11,6 cm, width 0,4-0,5 cm, hight 0,1-0,2 cm\r\nFound as a stra found next to the grave. Might belong to grave 178.\r\n\r\n", "maintype": {"id": 26229, "name": "Bucket", "parent_id": 187110, "path": "Artifact > Cultural Object > Container > Bucket", "systemtype": "artifact"}, "material": [{"id": 26540, "name": "Iron", "path": "Material > Metal > Iron", "value": "0.0"}], "name": "G086S2F01", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "246", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}]}}, {"id": 117422, "properties": {"description": "Iron object with unknown function. Might be a fragment of the bucket's iron loops (G086S2F01) as well.\r\n\r\n", "maintype": {"id": 26506, "name": "Varia", "parent_id": 205561, "path": "Artifact > Cultural Object > Varia", "systemtype": "artifact"}, "name": "G086S2F02", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "246", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}}}], "id": 117413, "properties": {"description": "Strayfind found few cm next to the grave pit on its right side. Found approx. on the level of the knees/femur. Coherence with grave 86 uncertain. Might belong to grave 178 as well.\r\n\r\nStreufund, rechts der Grabgrube im Abstand\r\nvon wenigen Zentimetern auf Oberschenkel-/Knieh\u00f6he gefunden. Zusammenhang mit der Bestattung unklar. K\u00f6nnten auch zu Bestattung 178 geh\u00f6ren.", "dimensions": [{"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "293.0"}], "maintype": {"id": 26513, "name": "None/Unknown/Strayfind", "parent_id": 13365, "path": "Stratigraphic unit > None/Unknown/Strayfind", "systemtype": "stratigraphic_unit"}, "name": "G086S2", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "246", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}}}, {"finds": [{"id": 117420, "properties": {"description": "Fragmented loom weight. Prehistoric. Found in the backfilling of the grave.\r\n\r\n", "maintype": {"id": 26238, "name": "Weights", "parent_id": 26223, "path": "Artifact > Cultural Object > Equipment > Weights", "systemtype": "artifact"}, "name": "G086S3F01", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "246", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}}}], "id": 117418, "properties": {"description": "Backfilling of grave 68.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "293.0"}], "maintype": {"id": 117202, "name": "Backfilling", "parent_id": 26514, "path": "Stratigraphic unit > Deposit > Backfilling", "systemtype": "stratigraphic_unit"}, "name": "G068S3", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "246", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}}}], "files": [{"file_name": "42556.jpg", "id": 42556, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_37968", "reference": "Taf. 20", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "geometry": {"coordinates": [[[15.643057083, 48.586973187], [15.643072547, 48.586969001], [15.643071416, 48.586967033], [15.643070284, 48.586965702], [15.643069698, 48.586964981], [15.64306932, 48.586964288], [15.643068859, 48.586963706], [15.64306689, 48.586963429], [15.643064962, 48.586963179], [15.643063411, 48.586963151], [15.643062154, 48.586963429], [15.643061399, 48.586963928], [15.643057083, 48.586973187]]], "type": "Polygon"}, "id": 59153, "parent": 50505, "properties": {"description": "Almost rectangular grave pit. Some stones positioned along the edges. South-Eastern corner undocumented due to trench's profile.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "293.0"}, {"id": 15679, "name": "Height", "path": "Dimensions > Height", "unit": "cm", "value": "11.0"}, {"id": 26189, "name": "Length", "path": "Dimensions > Length", "unit": "cm", "value": "131.0"}, {"id": 26188, "name": "Width", "path": "Dimensions > Width", "unit": "cm", "value": "60.0"}, {"id": 148713, "name": "Nearest Neighbour", "path": "Dimensions > Distance > Nearest Neighbour", "unit": "m", "value": "1.04"}, {"id": 118730, "name": "Azimuth", "path": "Dimensions > Azimuth", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "105"}], "maintype": {"id": 26205, "name": "Single Grave", "parent_id": 26204, "path": "Feature > Grave > Single Grave", "systemtype": "feature"}, "name": "Grave 086", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "246", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"id": 22309, "name": "Flat grave", "path": "Grave Characteristics > Grave Construction > Flat grave"}]}, "type": "Feature"}, {"burials": [{"finds": [{"id": 103507, "properties": {"description": "Ceramic sherds. four pieces. Lost without a trace.\r\nFound on the level of the burial.\r\n\r\n", "maintype": {"id": 26506, "name": "Varia", "parent_id": 205561, "path": "Artifact > Cultural Object > Varia", "systemtype": "artifact"}, "name": "G087S1F01", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "246", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}}}], "id": 78183, "properties": {"description": "Secondary burial. Child aged 18 to 24 months (infans 1). Probably supine position. Oriented: NW-SE. Heavily disturbed. Skull, some ribs, and upper arm bones preserved. Humeri slightly dislocated.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "297.0"}], "maintype": {"id": 26519, "name": "Skeleton", "parent_id": 26516, "path": "Stratigraphic unit > Burial (strat Unit) > Skeleton", "systemtype": "stratigraphic_unit"}, "name": "G087S1", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "246", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"description": "years", "id": 117200, "name": "maximum age", "path": "Absolute Age > maximum age", "value": "2.0"}, {"description": "years", "id": 117199, "name": "minimum age", "path": "Absolute Age > minimum age", "value": "1.5"}, {"description": "[0,6.9]", "id": 22279, "name": "Infans I", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Age > Child > Infans I-II > Infans I"}, {"id": 128052, "name": "Supine position", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > General > Supine position"}, {"id": 128059, "name": "Head straight", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Head > Head straight"}, {"description": "Possible result of anthropological sex determination. In this context, undetermined means that not enough bone material or specific features were preserved to carry out a sex determination (unlike indifferent, where the preserved features were neither clearly male nor female).", "id": 22375, "name": "undetermined", "path": "Sex and Gender > Sex > undetermined"}]}}], "files": [{"file_name": "42557.jpg", "id": 42557, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_37982", "reference": "Taf. 19", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "geometry": {"coordinates": [[[15.643068482, 48.586972632], [15.643070452, 48.586974102], [15.643071374, 48.586975294], [15.643071583, 48.586976292], [15.643067393, 48.586979036], [15.643064543, 48.586980256], [15.643061944, 48.586981642], [15.643059597, 48.586982807], [15.643057711, 48.586983139], [15.643056286, 48.586982779], [15.643054903, 48.586981698], [15.643053814, 48.586980949], [15.64305352, 48.58698009], [15.643055406, 48.586978288], [15.643059514, 48.586976209], [15.643061944, 48.58697485], [15.643065129, 48.586973464], [15.643066806, 48.586972827], [15.643068482, 48.586972632]]], "type": "Polygon"}, "id": 59159, "parent": 50505, "properties": {"description": "Burial found in the Backfilling of grave 152, approx. 14 cm above burial 152. Grave pit is rectangular on this level. Some stones between the human remains and the wall of the grave pit.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 148713, "name": "Nearest Neighbour", "path": "Dimensions > Distance > Nearest Neighbour", "unit": "m", "value": "0.09"}, {"id": 118730, "name": "Azimuth", "path": "Dimensions > Azimuth", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "116"}, {"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "297.0"}, {"id": 15679, "name": "Height", "path": "Dimensions > Height", "unit": "cm", "value": "10.0"}, {"id": 26189, "name": "Length", "path": "Dimensions > Length", "unit": "cm", "value": "144.0"}, {"id": 26188, "name": "Width", "path": "Dimensions > Width", "unit": "cm", "value": "86.0"}], "maintype": {"id": 26205, "name": "Single Grave", "parent_id": 26204, "path": "Feature > Grave > Single Grave", "systemtype": "feature"}, "name": "Grave 087", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "246", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"id": 22309, "name": "Flat grave", "path": "Grave Characteristics > Grave Construction > Flat grave"}]}, "type": "Feature"}, {"burials": [{"finds": [{"files": [{"file_name": "42563.jpg", "id": 42563, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_37988", "reference": "Taf. 20/8", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "id": 97709, "properties": {"description": "Pot, preserved almost entirely. Rim dia. (=max. dia.) 13,9 cm, body dia. 13,8 cm, bottom dia.: 8,4 cm, height: 11,0 cm. Enriched with a lot of golden mica (grain size up to 0,5 mm, evenly distributed). Ceramic group B. Slowly turned. Small, annular imprint of the pivet. Horizontal traces of the smoothening on the inside. Protruding, almost vertically cut off rim. Decorated with multiple horizontal linear ornaments on the shoulder and body. On the body two multi-line wavebands. Color: red-brown and sparsely grey on the outside, on the inside mostly grey und grey-brown. Mixed fire.\r\nFound next to the left foot of the buried female individual.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26191, "name": "Diameter", "path": "Dimensions > Diameter", "unit": "cm", "value": "13.9"}, {"id": 15679, "name": "Height", "path": "Dimensions > Height", "unit": "cm", "value": "11.0"}], "maintype": {"id": 26301, "name": "Pot", "parent_id": 26294, "path": "Artifact > Cultural Object > Container > Pottery > Pot", "systemtype": "artifact"}, "material": [{"id": 26561, "name": "Ceramic", "path": "Material > Geological > Clay > Ceramic", "value": "0.0"}], "name": "G088S1F01", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "246-247", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"id": 23448, "name": "Foot left", "path": "Position of Find in Grave > Lower Body > Leg Left > Foot left"}]}}], "id": 75043, "properties": {"description": "Multiple burial consisting of an adult female and a newborn child. Adult female (25-30 years). Oriented: NW-SE. Skull laying on its right side. Upper jaw is missing. The few preserved cervical vertebrae and the collarbones are not in situ. Pelvic region slightly disturbed. Right leg slightly prolated outside. Left leg slightly tucked up.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "306.0"}], "maintype": {"id": 26519, "name": "Skeleton", "parent_id": 26516, "path": "Stratigraphic unit > Burial (strat Unit) > Skeleton", "systemtype": "stratigraphic_unit"}, "name": "G088S1", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "246", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"description": "years", "id": 117200, "name": "maximum age", "path": "Absolute Age > maximum age", "value": "30.0"}, {"description": "years", "id": 117199, "name": "minimum age", "path": "Absolute Age > minimum age", "value": "25.0"}, {"description": "[20,39.9]", "id": 22284, "name": "Adult", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Age > Grown up > Adult"}, {"id": 128067, "name": "Left arm stretched", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Arms > Left arm stretched"}, {"id": 128068, "name": "Right arm stretched", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Arms > Right arm stretched"}, {"id": 128052, "name": "Supine position", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > General > Supine position"}, {"id": 128060, "name": "On the right side", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Head > On the right side"}, {"id": 128065, "name": "Left leg bent at 90 degrees", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Legs > Left leg bent at 90 degrees"}, {"id": 128103, "name": "Right leg stretched", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Legs > Right leg stretched"}, {"id": 24, "name": "Female", "path": "Sex and Gender > Sex > Female"}]}}, {"id": 77763, "properties": {"description": "Multiple burial consisting of an adult female and a newborn child. Child aged 0 to 6 months. Position of the few preserved bones in the grave unknown.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "306.0"}], "maintype": {"id": 26519, "name": "Skeleton", "parent_id": 26516, "path": "Stratigraphic unit > Burial (strat Unit) > Skeleton", "systemtype": "stratigraphic_unit"}, "name": "G088S2", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "246", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"description": "years", "id": 117200, "name": "maximum age", "path": "Absolute Age > maximum age", "value": "0.5"}, {"description": "years", "id": 117199, "name": "minimum age", "path": "Absolute Age > minimum age", "value": "0.0"}, {"description": "[0,0.25]", "id": 22282, "name": "Neonatus", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Age > Child > Neonatus"}, {"description": "Possible result of anthropological sex determination. In this context, undetermined means that not enough bone material or specific features were preserved to carry out a sex determination (unlike indifferent, where the preserved features were neither clearly male nor female).", "id": 22375, "name": "undetermined", "path": "Sex and Gender > Sex > undetermined"}]}}], "files": [{"file_name": "42562.jpg", "id": 42562, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_37984", "reference": "Taf. 20", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "geometry": {"coordinates": [[[15.643071919, 48.586989876], [15.643073302, 48.586989044], [15.643075439, 48.586988074], [15.643077157, 48.586987298], [15.643079337, 48.586986078], [15.643081726, 48.586984498], [15.643083905, 48.586983056], [15.643085833, 48.586981781], [15.64308709, 48.586980949], [15.643087802, 48.586980284], [15.643088012, 48.586979646], [15.643087551, 48.586978981], [15.643086545, 48.586978316], [15.643085581, 48.586977733], [15.643084743, 48.586977567], [15.64308357, 48.586977733], [15.643081432, 48.586978925], [15.643078499, 48.586980949], [15.643073176, 48.586984137], [15.64307062, 48.586985662], [15.643068692, 48.586986771], [15.643067979, 48.586987325], [15.643067812, 48.586987991], [15.64306865, 48.586988795], [15.643070117, 48.586989515], [15.643071081, 48.586989931], [15.643071919, 48.586989876]]], "type": "Polygon"}, "id": 56789, "parent": 50505, "properties": {"description": "Almost rectangular grave pit, slightly cut into the rock.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "306.0"}, {"id": 15679, "name": "Height", "path": "Dimensions > Height", "unit": "cm", "value": "14.0"}, {"id": 26189, "name": "Length", "path": "Dimensions > Length", "unit": "cm", "value": "243.0"}, {"id": 26188, "name": "Width", "path": "Dimensions > Width", "unit": "cm", "value": "65.0"}, {"id": 118730, "name": "Azimuth", "path": "Dimensions > Azimuth", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "122"}, {"id": 148713, "name": "Nearest Neighbour", "path": "Dimensions > Distance > Nearest Neighbour", "unit": "m", "value": "0.53"}], "maintype": {"id": 26206, "name": "Grave with multiple burials", "parent_id": 26204, "path": "Feature > Grave > Grave with multiple burials", "systemtype": "feature"}, "name": "Grave 088", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "246", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"id": 22309, "name": "Flat grave", "path": "Grave Characteristics > Grave Construction > Flat grave"}]}, "type": "Feature"}, {"burials": [{"finds": [{"files": [{"file_name": "42565.jpg", "id": 42565, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_37994", "reference": "Taf. 20/9", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "id": 102645, "properties": {"description": "Earrings with chain pendants made out of silver (length 10,1 cm, dia. Ring 3,9 x 3,1 cm). Slightly fragmented. Nine chain pendents (partly) preserved. Lower part of the earring show ten wire windings. This suggests ten foxtail pendant chains originally. Wire bent to a loop at the ends of the chains. Lower part of the inside of the earring decorated with braided respectively wounded around itself. Hook and loop fastening.\r\nFound on the left side of the skull together with another earring (G089S1F01b).\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26191, "name": "Diameter", "path": "Dimensions > Diameter", "unit": "cm", "value": "3.9"}, {"id": 26189, "name": "Length", "path": "Dimensions > Length", "unit": "cm", "value": "10.1"}], "maintype": {"id": 26405, "name": "Earring with Chain Pendants", "parent_id": 26395, "path": "Artifact > Cultural Object > Accessories > Jewellery > EarringsTemple Rings > Earring with Chain Pendants", "systemtype": "artifact"}, "material": [{"id": 26545, "name": "Silver", "path": "Material > Metal > Non-Ferrous Metal > Precious Metal > Silver", "value": "0.0"}], "name": "G089S1F01a", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "247", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"id": 23442, "name": "Head left side", "path": "Position of Find in Grave > Head > Head left side"}]}}, {"files": [{"file_name": "42566.jpg", "id": 42566, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_37996", "reference": "Taf. 20/11", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "id": 97715, "properties": {"description": "Temple ring made out of copper alloy (length 2,1 cm, width 2 cm, dia. wire 0,1 cm), fragmented and bent. Wire ring decorated with single wrap wire on opposite sides as well as cylindrical, contoured ornament. This ornament is made out of copper alloy sheet metal that was bent around a vertical wire above and below the wire ring. Cross-section of wire round. \r\nFound on the left side of the skull together with another earring (G089S1F01a).\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26189, "name": "Length", "path": "Dimensions > Length", "unit": "cm", "value": "2.1"}, {"id": 26190, "name": "Thickness", "path": "Dimensions > Thickness", "unit": "cm", "value": "0.1"}, {"id": 26188, "name": "Width", "path": "Dimensions > Width", "unit": "cm", "value": "2.0"}], "maintype": {"id": 26401, "name": "Earrings with pseudo Granulation", "parent_id": 26395, "path": "Artifact > Cultural Object > Accessories > Jewellery > EarringsTemple Rings > Earrings with pseudo Granulation", "systemtype": "artifact"}, "material": [{"id": 26546, "name": "Copper Alloy", "path": "Material > Metal > Non-Ferrous Metal > Copper Alloy", "value": "0.0"}], "name": "G089S1F01b", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "247", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"id": 23442, "name": "Head left side", "path": "Position of Find in Grave > Head > Head left side"}]}}, {"files": [{"file_name": "42567.jpg", "id": 42567, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_37998", "reference": "Taf. 20/10", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "id": 102247, "properties": {"description": "Earrings with chain pendants made out of silver (length 8,7 cm, dia. ring 3,5 x 3,2 cm). Slightly fragmented. Five chain pendents (partly) preserved. Wire bent to a loop at the ends of the chains. Lower part of the inside of the earring decorated with braided rezpectively wounded around itself. Hook and loop fastening.\r\nFound on the right side of the skull, together with another earring (G089S1F02b).\r\n\r\n", "maintype": {"id": 26405, "name": "Earring with Chain Pendants", "parent_id": 26395, "path": "Artifact > Cultural Object > Accessories > Jewellery > EarringsTemple Rings > Earring with Chain Pendants", "systemtype": "artifact"}, "material": [{"id": 26545, "name": "Silver", "path": "Material > Metal > Non-Ferrous Metal > Precious Metal > Silver", "value": "0.0"}], "name": "G089S1F02a", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "247", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"id": 23443, "name": "Head right side", "path": "Position of Find in Grave > Head > Head right side"}]}}, {"files": [{"file_name": "42568.jpg", "id": 42568, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_38000", "reference": "247", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "id": 97721, "properties": {"description": "Temple ring made out of copper alloy (length 2,3 cm, width 1,6 cm), fragmented. Wire ring decorated with single wrap wire on opposite sides as well as cylindrical, contoured ornament. This ornament is made out of copper alloy sheet metal that was bent around a vertical wire above and below the wire ring. Cross-section of wire round. \r\nFound on the right side of the skull together with another earring (G089S1F02a).\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26189, "name": "Length", "path": "Dimensions > Length", "unit": "cm", "value": "2.3"}, {"id": 26188, "name": "Width", "path": "Dimensions > Width", "unit": "cm", "value": "1.6"}], "maintype": {"id": 26408, "name": "Wire Rings", "parent_id": 26395, "path": "Artifact > Cultural Object > Accessories > Jewellery > EarringsTemple Rings > Wire Rings", "systemtype": "artifact"}, "material": [{"id": 26546, "name": "Copper Alloy", "path": "Material > Metal > Non-Ferrous Metal > Copper Alloy", "value": "0.0"}], "name": "G089S1F02b", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "247", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"id": 23443, "name": "Head right side", "path": "Position of Find in Grave > Head > Head right side"}]}}, {"files": [{"file_name": "43978.jpg", "id": 43978, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_38003", "reference": "Taf. 20/13, Taf. 20/14, Taf. 20/15, Taf. 20/16", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "id": 102651, "properties": {"description": "Four glass beads:\r\nMillefiori glass bead, drawn-out and barrel-shaped (height 2,5 cm, dia. 0,7 cm, dia. thread hole 0,2 cm). Partly with dark-brown and white coating, red, dark blue and blue glass underneath. Cross-section round.\r\nBarrel-shaped bead, badly preserved (height 0,8 cm, dia. 0,85 cm, dia. thread hole 0,3/0,4 cm). Broadens slightly. Grey-blue glass decorated with zigzag pattern made with yellow glass. Cross-section round.\r\nDisk-shaped bead, badly preserved. Slightly flattened on one side. Dark grey-brown, opaque glass (height 0,7 cm, dia. 1,2 cm, dia. thread hole 0,4 cm). Cross-section round\r\nDisk-shaped bead, fragmented and badly preserved. Slightly flattened on one side. Dark grey-brown, opaque glass (height 0,7 cm, dia. 1,2 cm, dia. thread hole 0,4 cm). Cross-section round.\r\nFound around the skull and neck.\r\n\r\n", "maintype": {"id": 26431, "name": "Beads", "parent_id": 26442, "path": "Artifact > Cultural Object > Accessories > Jewellery > Necklace > Beaded Necklace > Beads", "systemtype": "artifact"}, "material": [{"id": 26565, "name": "Glass", "path": "Material > Artificial > Glass", "value": "0.0"}], "name": "G089S1F03", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "247", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"id": 23441, "name": "Head", "path": "Position of Find in Grave > Head"}]}}, {"id": 102115, "properties": {"description": "Object with unknown function made out of copper alloy. Lost without a trace.\r\nFound in the chest area.\r\n\r\n", "maintype": {"id": 26506, "name": "Varia", "parent_id": 205561, "path": "Artifact > Cultural Object > Varia", "systemtype": "artifact"}, "material": [{"id": 26546, "name": "Copper Alloy", "path": "Material > Metal > Non-Ferrous Metal > Copper Alloy", "value": "0.0"}], "name": "G089S1F04", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "247", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"id": 23465, "name": "Chest", "path": "Position of Find in Grave > Upper Body > Chest"}]}}], "id": 78207, "properties": {"description": "Child aged approx. 3 years. (infans 1). Oriented: NW-SE. Skull crushed and laying on its right side. Lower jaw straight. Upper body disturbed.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "292.0"}], "maintype": {"id": 26519, "name": "Skeleton", "parent_id": 26516, "path": "Stratigraphic unit > Burial (strat Unit) > Skeleton", "systemtype": "stratigraphic_unit"}, "name": "G089S1", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "247", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"description": "years", "id": 117200, "name": "maximum age", "path": "Absolute Age > maximum age", "value": "3.0"}, {"description": "years", "id": 117199, "name": "minimum age", "path": "Absolute Age > minimum age", "value": "3.0"}, {"description": "[0,6.9]", "id": 22279, "name": "Infans I", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Age > Child > Infans I-II > Infans I"}, {"id": 128067, "name": "Left arm stretched", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Arms > Left arm stretched"}, {"id": 128068, "name": "Right arm stretched", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Arms > Right arm stretched"}, {"id": 128052, "name": "Supine position", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > General > Supine position"}, {"id": 128062, "name": "Left leg stretched", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Legs > Left leg stretched"}, {"description": "Possible result of anthropological sex determination. In this context, undetermined means that not enough bone material or specific features were preserved to carry out a sex determination (unlike indifferent, where the preserved features were neither clearly male nor female).", "id": 22375, "name": "undetermined", "path": "Sex and Gender > Sex > undetermined"}]}}], "files": [{"file_name": "42564.jpg", "id": 42564, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_37991", "reference": "Taf. 20", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "geometry": {"coordinates": [[[15.643071227, 48.586984484], [15.643072149, 48.586983999], [15.643073008, 48.586983375], [15.643074475, 48.586982516], [15.643075628, 48.586981698], [15.643076675, 48.586980852], [15.64307743, 48.58698027], [15.643077996, 48.586979799], [15.643078373, 48.586979341], [15.643078457, 48.586978925], [15.643078289, 48.586978482], [15.643077597, 48.586978302], [15.643076277, 48.586978246], [15.643074601, 48.586978551], [15.643073595, 48.58697869], [15.643072254, 48.586978925], [15.643071353, 48.586979203], [15.643070808, 48.586979646], [15.64306997, 48.586980242], [15.643068943, 48.586980935], [15.643068021, 48.586981781], [15.643067225, 48.586982294], [15.643067288, 48.586982682], [15.643067749, 48.586983153], [15.643068482, 48.586983624], [15.643068943, 48.586984054], [15.643069551, 48.586984442], [15.643070242, 48.586984595], [15.643070808, 48.586984539], [15.643071227, 48.586984484]]], "type": "Polygon"}, "id": 59171, "parent": 50505, "properties": {"description": "Grave pit not visible.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 118730, "name": "Azimuth", "path": "Dimensions > Azimuth", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "123"}, {"id": 148713, "name": "Nearest Neighbour", "path": "Dimensions > Distance > Nearest Neighbour", "unit": "m", "value": "0.53"}, {"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "292.0"}], "maintype": {"id": 26205, "name": "Single Grave", "parent_id": 26204, "path": "Feature > Grave > Single Grave", "systemtype": "feature"}, "name": "Grave 089", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "247", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"id": 22309, "name": "Flat grave", "path": "Grave Characteristics > Grave Construction > Flat grave"}]}, "type": "Feature"}, {"burials": [{"id": 74915, "properties": {"description": "Adult female (18 to 20 years). Oriented: NW-SE. Skull laying on its right side. Lower jaw dislocated. Upper body and right leg disturbed. Right arm dislocated while tendons were still present. Small stones underneath the left lower leg.\r\nNo grave goods.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "291.0"}], "maintype": {"id": 26519, "name": "Skeleton", "parent_id": 26516, "path": "Stratigraphic unit > Burial (strat Unit) > Skeleton", "systemtype": "stratigraphic_unit"}, "name": "G090S1", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "247", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"description": "years", "id": 117200, "name": "maximum age", "path": "Absolute Age > maximum age", "value": "20.0"}, {"description": "years", "id": 117199, "name": "minimum age", "path": "Absolute Age > minimum age", "value": "18.0"}, {"description": "[20,39.9]", "id": 22284, "name": "Adult", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Age > Grown up > Adult"}, {"id": 128067, "name": "Left arm stretched", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Arms > Left arm stretched"}, {"id": 128068, "name": "Right arm stretched", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Arms > Right arm stretched"}, {"id": 128052, "name": "Supine position", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > General > Supine position"}, {"id": 128060, "name": "On the right side", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Head > On the right side"}, {"id": 128062, "name": "Left leg stretched", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Legs > Left leg stretched"}, {"id": 128103, "name": "Right leg stretched", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Legs > Right leg stretched"}, {"id": 24, "name": "Female", "path": "Sex and Gender > Sex > Female"}]}}], "files": [{"file_name": "41920.jpg", "id": 41920, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_38006", "reference": "Taf. 21", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "geometry": {"coordinates": [[[15.643091742, 48.58697607], [15.643094466, 48.586975155], [15.643095681, 48.586974434], [15.643096813, 48.586974129], [15.643099076, 48.586973215], [15.64310289, 48.586971773], [15.643105949, 48.586970636], [15.643108757, 48.5869695], [15.643111272, 48.586968308], [15.643112781, 48.586967642], [15.643113661, 48.586967088], [15.643114122, 48.586966589], [15.643114164, 48.586966007], [15.643112655, 48.586964759], [15.643111146, 48.586963096], [15.643110098, 48.586962098], [15.643109134, 48.58696171], [15.643107668, 48.586962098], [15.643102722, 48.5869639], [15.643097023, 48.586966534], [15.643091868, 48.58696864], [15.643088557, 48.586969943], [15.643087551, 48.586970387], [15.643087258, 48.586971191], [15.643087593, 48.5869723], [15.64308797, 48.586973298], [15.643088473, 48.586974379], [15.643088976, 48.586975266], [15.643089688, 48.586975904], [15.643090652, 48.586976236], [15.643091742, 48.58697607]]], "type": "Polygon"}, "id": 59489, "parent": 50505, "properties": {"description": "Almost rectangular grave pit. Few stones along the edges.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "291.0"}, {"id": 15679, "name": "Height", "path": "Dimensions > Height", "unit": "cm", "value": "8.0"}, {"id": 26189, "name": "Length", "path": "Dimensions > Length", "unit": "cm", "value": "209.0"}, {"id": 26188, "name": "Width", "path": "Dimensions > Width", "unit": "cm", "value": "73.0"}, {"id": 148713, "name": "Nearest Neighbour", "path": "Dimensions > Distance > Nearest Neighbour", "unit": "m", "value": "0.8"}, {"id": 118730, "name": "Azimuth", "path": "Dimensions > Azimuth", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "111"}], "maintype": {"id": 26205, "name": "Single Grave", "parent_id": 26204, "path": "Feature > Grave > Single Grave", "systemtype": "feature"}, "name": "Grave 090", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "247", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"id": 22309, "name": "Flat grave", "path": "Grave Characteristics > Grave Construction > Flat grave"}]}, "type": "Feature"}, {"burials": [{"id": 78229, "properties": {"description": "Adult male (20 to 22 years). Oriented: NW-SE. Skull and pelvic bones fragmented. Lower jaw laying on spine. Both arms are positioned close to the body and hoisted. Forearms positioned underneath the pelvis. Slightly disturbed entirely.\r\nNo grave goods.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "304.0"}], "maintype": {"id": 26519, "name": "Skeleton", "parent_id": 26516, "path": "Stratigraphic unit > Burial (strat Unit) > Skeleton", "systemtype": "stratigraphic_unit"}, "name": "G091S1", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "247", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"description": "years", "id": 117200, "name": "maximum age", "path": "Absolute Age > maximum age", "value": "22.0"}, {"description": "years", "id": 117199, "name": "minimum age", "path": "Absolute Age > minimum age", "value": "20.0"}, {"description": "[20,39.9]", "id": 22284, "name": "Adult", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Age > Grown up > Adult"}, {"id": 128067, "name": "Left arm stretched", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Arms > Left arm stretched"}, {"id": 128068, "name": "Right arm stretched", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Arms > Right arm stretched"}, {"id": 128052, "name": "Supine position", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > General > Supine position"}, {"id": 25, "name": "Male", "path": "Sex and Gender > Sex > Male"}]}}], "files": [{"file_name": "43786.jpg", "id": 43786, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JBX_41548", "reference": "Taf. 21", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "geometry": {"coordinates": [[[15.643104734, 48.586977567], [15.643113472, 48.586974545], [15.643115987, 48.586969417], [15.643108736, 48.586971565], [15.643104566, 48.586973062], [15.64310268, 48.586973852], [15.643101695, 48.586974476], [15.643101276, 48.586974947], [15.643101318, 48.586975391], [15.64310157, 48.586975904], [15.643102261, 48.586976597], [15.643102743, 48.586977151], [15.64310333, 48.586977484], [15.643103896, 48.586977733], [15.643104734, 48.586977567]]], "type": "Polygon"}, "id": 59495, "parent": 50505, "properties": {"description": "Almost rectangular grave pit. Eastern part undocumented due to trench's profile.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 118730, "name": "Azimuth", "path": "Dimensions > Azimuth", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "109"}, {"id": 148713, "name": "Nearest Neighbour", "path": "Dimensions > Distance > Nearest Neighbour", "unit": "m", "value": "0.8"}, {"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "304.0"}, {"id": 15679, "name": "Height", "path": "Dimensions > Height", "unit": "cm", "value": "5.0"}, {"id": 26188, "name": "Width", "path": "Dimensions > Width", "unit": "cm", "value": "52.0"}], "maintype": {"id": 26205, "name": "Single Grave", "parent_id": 26204, "path": "Feature > Grave > Single Grave", "systemtype": "feature"}, "name": "Grave 091", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "247", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"id": 22309, "name": "Flat grave", "path": "Grave Characteristics > Grave Construction > Flat grave"}]}, "type": "Feature"}, {"burials": [{"id": 75055, "properties": {"description": "Adult or Mature male (30 to 45 years). Oriented: NW-SE. Facial bones removed recently. Lower jaw upside down and laying on the cervical and thoracic vertebrae. Right forearm laying underneath the pelvic bone. Few bones dislocated or not present. Skull positioned on a bedrock step.\r\nNo grave goods.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "310.0"}], "maintype": {"id": 26519, "name": "Skeleton", "parent_id": 26516, "path": "Stratigraphic unit > Burial (strat Unit) > Skeleton", "systemtype": "stratigraphic_unit"}, "name": "G092S1", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "247", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"description": "years", "id": 117200, "name": "maximum age", "path": "Absolute Age > maximum age", "value": "45.0"}, {"description": "years", "id": 117199, "name": "minimum age", "path": "Absolute Age > minimum age", "value": "30.0"}, {"description": "[20,59.9]", "id": 22285, "name": "Adult-Matur", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Age > Grown up > Adult-Matur"}, {"id": 128067, "name": "Left arm stretched", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Arms > Left arm stretched"}, {"id": 128068, "name": "Right arm stretched", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Arms > Right arm stretched"}, {"id": 128052, "name": "Supine position", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > General > Supine position"}, {"id": 128084, "name": "Left hand next to the body", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Hands > Left hand next to the body"}, {"id": 128085, "name": "Right hand next to the body", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Hands > Right hand next to the body"}, {"id": 128059, "name": "Head straight", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Head > Head straight"}, {"id": 128062, "name": "Left leg stretched", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Legs > Left leg stretched"}, {"id": 128103, "name": "Right leg stretched", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Legs > Right leg stretched"}, {"id": 25, "name": "Male", "path": "Sex and Gender > Sex > Male"}]}}], "files": [{"file_name": "41922.jpg", "id": 41922, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_38011", "reference": "Taf. 21", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "geometry": {"coordinates": [[[15.643116469, 48.586945021], [15.643118648, 48.586943968], [15.643121372, 48.586942803], [15.643123426, 48.586941777], [15.643126988, 48.586940142], [15.643129209, 48.586938645], [15.643131179, 48.586937564], [15.643132646, 48.586936427], [15.643134951, 48.586934875], [15.643136627, 48.586933821], [15.643137926, 48.586932435], [15.643138262, 48.586931576], [15.643138303, 48.586930494], [15.643137549, 48.58692994], [15.643136795, 48.586929496], [15.64313537, 48.586929191], [15.643134112, 48.586929247], [15.643132268, 48.586929496], [15.64313076, 48.586930051], [15.643128539, 48.586931326], [15.643126108, 48.586932795], [15.643124683, 48.586933599], [15.643122336, 48.586934902], [15.643120408, 48.586936039], [15.643117558, 48.586937979], [15.643114373, 48.586940031], [15.643112781, 48.58694089], [15.643111607, 48.586941389], [15.643111691, 48.586941999], [15.643112361, 48.586942692], [15.643113535, 48.586943912], [15.643114457, 48.586944661], [15.643115379, 48.586945049], [15.643116469, 48.586945021]]], "type": "Polygon"}, "id": 56807, "parent": 50505, "properties": {"description": "Almost rectangular grave pit, cut into the rock. Flagstones alongside the edges on both sides of the torso. Empty room between grave pit wall and standing stones filled up with stones and soil. Eastern part undocumented due to trench's profile.\r\nBackfilling of the grave shows a discoloration nearby the human remains. The soil here is more lucid than the soil at the south-eastern edge. Discoloration is band with a width of 10 to 15 cm and clear constraints. \r\n\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 118730, "name": "Azimuth", "path": "Dimensions > Azimuth", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "120"}, {"id": 148713, "name": "Nearest Neighbour", "path": "Dimensions > Distance > Nearest Neighbour", "unit": "m", "value": "0.66"}, {"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "310.0"}, {"id": 15679, "name": "Height", "path": "Dimensions > Height", "unit": "cm", "value": "23.0"}, {"id": 26189, "name": "Length", "path": "Dimensions > Length", "unit": "cm", "value": "235.0"}, {"id": 26188, "name": "Width", "path": "Dimensions > Width", "unit": "cm", "value": "77.0"}], "maintype": {"id": 26205, "name": "Single Grave", "parent_id": 26204, "path": "Feature > Grave > Single Grave", "systemtype": "feature"}, "name": "Grave 092", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "247", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"id": 22309, "name": "Flat grave", "path": "Grave Characteristics > Grave Construction > Flat grave"}]}, "type": "Feature"}, {"burials": [{"id": 75061, "properties": {"description": "Mature/senile male (50 to 80 years). Grave pit oriented approx. NW-SE. Halved skull and few dislocated bones preserved.\r\nNo grave goods.\r\n\r\n", "maintype": {"id": 26519, "name": "Skeleton", "parent_id": 26516, "path": "Stratigraphic unit > Burial (strat Unit) > Skeleton", "systemtype": "stratigraphic_unit"}, "name": "G093S1", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "248", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"description": "years", "id": 117200, "name": "maximum age", "path": "Absolute Age > maximum age", "value": "80.0"}, {"description": "years", "id": 117199, "name": "minimum age", "path": "Absolute Age > minimum age", "value": "50.0"}, {"description": "[40,100]", "id": 22287, "name": "Matur-Senil", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Age > Grown up > Matur-Senil"}, {"id": 25, "name": "Male", "path": "Sex and Gender > Sex > Male"}]}}], "files": [{"file_name": "41928.jpg", "id": 41928, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_38014", "reference": "Taf. 23", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "geometry": {"coordinates": [[[15.643125814, 48.586949554], [15.643127784, 48.586945769], [15.643126778, 48.586945575], [15.643126171, 48.586945534], [15.643125437, 48.586945728], [15.643124557, 48.586945977], [15.643123887, 48.586946144], [15.64312309, 48.586946296], [15.643122168, 48.586946657], [15.643121728, 48.586947031], [15.643121749, 48.586947544], [15.643122147, 48.586948251], [15.643122902, 48.586948722], [15.643123928, 48.586949138], [15.64312462, 48.58694936], [15.643125814, 48.586949554]]], "type": "Polygon"}, "id": 56813, "parent": 50505, "properties": {"description": "Probably rectangular grave pit, slightly cut into the rock. Only the south-western corner is documented due to the trench's profile.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 15679, "name": "Height", "path": "Dimensions > Height", "unit": "cm", "value": "6.0"}, {"id": 26188, "name": "Width", "path": "Dimensions > Width", "unit": "cm", "value": "39.0"}, {"id": 118730, "name": "Azimuth", "path": "Dimensions > Azimuth", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "104"}, {"id": 148713, "name": "Nearest Neighbour", "path": "Dimensions > Distance > Nearest Neighbour", "unit": "m", "value": "0.97"}], "maintype": {"id": 26205, "name": "Single Grave", "parent_id": 26204, "path": "Feature > Grave > Single Grave", "systemtype": "feature"}, "name": "Grave 093", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "248", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"id": 22309, "name": "Flat grave", "path": "Grave Characteristics > Grave Construction > Flat grave"}]}, "type": "Feature"}, {"burials": [{"id": 78279, "properties": {"description": "Child aged 4 to 5 years. Grave pit oriented WNW-ESE. Heavily disturbed. Skull crushed and fragmented. Bones of the upper body and upper extremities preserved in the north(-eastern) corner of the pit. Partly positioned on top of two flat stones. In the (south) eastern part few bones.\r\nNo grave goods.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "292.0"}], "maintype": {"id": 26519, "name": "Skeleton", "parent_id": 26516, "path": "Stratigraphic unit > Burial (strat Unit) > Skeleton", "systemtype": "stratigraphic_unit"}, "name": "G094S1", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "248", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"description": "[0,6.9]", "id": 22279, "name": "Infans I", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Age > Child > Infans I-II > Infans I"}, {"description": "Possible result of anthropological sex determination. In this context, undetermined means that not enough bone material or specific features were preserved to carry out a sex determination (unlike indifferent, where the preserved features were neither clearly male nor female).", "id": 22375, "name": "undetermined", "path": "Sex and Gender > Sex > undetermined"}]}}], "files": [{"file_name": "41930.jpg", "id": 41930, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_38017", "reference": "Taf. 22", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "geometry": {"coordinates": [[[15.64307502, 48.586991608], [15.64307567, 48.586992191], [15.643076403, 48.586992787], [15.643076843, 48.586993036], [15.643077262, 48.586993105], [15.643077975, 48.586993119], [15.643078624, 48.586993036], [15.643080112, 48.58699262], [15.643081914, 48.586992218], [15.643084261, 48.586991511], [15.643087174, 48.586990707], [15.6430895, 48.586990125], [15.643093104, 48.586989127], [15.643096415, 48.586988296], [15.643098594, 48.586987741], [15.643099914, 48.586987284], [15.643100669, 48.586986951], [15.643101486, 48.586986549], [15.643101905, 48.586986175], [15.643102219, 48.586985731], [15.643101947, 48.586985024], [15.643101067, 48.586983846], [15.64310048, 48.586983084], [15.643099726, 48.58698271], [15.643098804, 48.586982571], [15.643097819, 48.586982737], [15.643093837, 48.586983985], [15.643088075, 48.586985801], [15.64308489, 48.586986605], [15.64308292, 48.586987159], [15.64308095, 48.586987713], [15.643079337, 48.586988143], [15.643078121, 48.586988462], [15.643076592, 48.586989197], [15.643075837, 48.586989668], [15.643074915, 48.586990028], [15.64307458, 48.5869905], [15.643074769, 48.586991026], [15.64307502, 48.586991608]]], "type": "Polygon"}, "id": 56825, "parent": 50505, "properties": {"description": "Almost prolonged-rectangular grave pit. Grave pit cuts those of grave 135 and 195.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 118730, "name": "Azimuth", "path": "Dimensions > Azimuth", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "106"}, {"id": 148713, "name": "Nearest Neighbour", "path": "Dimensions > Distance > Nearest Neighbour", "unit": "m", "value": "0.47"}, {"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "292.0"}, {"id": 15679, "name": "Height", "path": "Dimensions > Height", "unit": "cm", "value": "8.0"}, {"id": 26189, "name": "Length", "path": "Dimensions > Length", "unit": "cm", "value": "211.0"}, {"id": 26188, "name": "Width", "path": "Dimensions > Width", "unit": "cm", "value": "49.0"}], "maintype": {"id": 26205, "name": "Single Grave", "parent_id": 26204, "path": "Feature > Grave > Single Grave", "systemtype": "feature"}, "name": "Grave 094", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "248", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"id": 22309, "name": "Flat grave", "path": "Grave Characteristics > Grave Construction > Flat grave"}]}, "type": "Feature"}, {"burials": [{"finds": [{"id": 102283, "properties": {"description": "Animal bones, found with the human remains.\r\n\r\n", "maintype": {"id": 26507, "name": "Animal Remains", "parent_id": 26506, "path": "Artifact > Cultural Object > Varia > Animal Remains", "systemtype": "artifact"}, "name": "G095S1F02", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "248", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}}}, {"id": 95547, "properties": {"description": "Ceramic sherds found with the bones. Lost without a trace.\r\n\r\n", "maintype": {"id": 26294, "name": "Pottery", "parent_id": 187110, "path": "Artifact > Cultural Object > Container > Pottery", "systemtype": "artifact"}, "material": [{"id": 26561, "name": "Ceramic", "path": "Material > Geological > Clay > Ceramic", "value": "0.0"}], "name": "G095S1F01", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "248", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}}}], "id": 78285, "properties": {"description": "Grave with multiple burials. Child aged approx. 2 years (infans 1) as well as bones of a neonate. Bones found scattered over an area of 83 x 40 cm of dark-grey soil. Oriented NW-SE or NE-SW. Few fragmented long bones and ribs. \r\n\r\n", "maintype": {"id": 26519, "name": "Skeleton", "parent_id": 26516, "path": "Stratigraphic unit > Burial (strat Unit) > Skeleton", "systemtype": "stratigraphic_unit"}, "name": "G095S1", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "248", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"description": "years", "id": 117200, "name": "maximum age", "path": "Absolute Age > maximum age", "value": "2.0"}, {"description": "years", "id": 117199, "name": "minimum age", "path": "Absolute Age > minimum age", "value": "2.0"}, {"description": "[0,6.9]", "id": 22279, "name": "Infans I", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Age > Child > Infans I-II > Infans I"}, {"description": "Possible result of anthropological sex determination. In this context, undetermined means that not enough bone material or specific features were preserved to carry out a sex determination (unlike indifferent, where the preserved features were neither clearly male nor female).", "id": 22375, "name": "undetermined", "path": "Sex and Gender > Sex > undetermined"}]}}, {"id": 117479, "properties": {"description": "Grave with multiple burials. Child aged approx. 2 years (infans 1) as well as bones of a neonate. Bones found scattered over an area of 83 x 40 cm of dark-grey soil. Oriented NW-SE or NE-SW. Few fragmented long bones and ribs.\r\n\r\n", "maintype": {"id": 26519, "name": "Skeleton", "parent_id": 26516, "path": "Stratigraphic unit > Burial (strat Unit) > Skeleton", "systemtype": "stratigraphic_unit"}, "name": "G095S2", "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"description": "[0,0.25]", "id": 22282, "name": "Neonatus", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Age > Child > Neonatus"}, {"description": "Possible result of anthropological sex determination. In this context, undetermined means that not enough bone material or specific features were preserved to carry out a sex determination (unlike indifferent, where the preserved features were neither clearly male nor female).", "id": 22375, "name": "undetermined", "path": "Sex and Gender > Sex > undetermined"}]}}], "files": [{"file_name": "41929.jpg", "id": 41929, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_38021", "reference": "248", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "geometry": {"coordinates": [[[15.643114918, 48.586997749], [15.643113661, 48.58699822], [15.643112278, 48.586998913], [15.643111146, 48.586999495], [15.643110014, 48.586999523], [15.643109092, 48.586999191], [15.643108925, 48.586998442], [15.64310926, 48.586997804], [15.643110014, 48.586997111], [15.643110937, 48.586996557], [15.643112487, 48.586996224], [15.643113493, 48.586996224], [15.643114625, 48.586996307], [15.643115379, 48.586996391], [15.643115547, 48.586996973], [15.643114918, 48.586997749]]], "type": "Polygon"}, "id": 56819, "parent": 50505, "properties": {"description": "Destroyed grave. No grave pit visible. Grave with multiple burials.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 118730, "name": "Azimuth", "path": "Dimensions > Azimuth", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "115"}, {"id": 148713, "name": "Nearest Neighbour", "path": "Dimensions > Distance > Nearest Neighbour", "unit": "m", "value": "0.87"}], "maintype": {"id": 26206, "name": "Grave with multiple burials", "parent_id": 26204, "path": "Feature > Grave > Grave with multiple burials", "systemtype": "feature"}, "name": "Grave 095", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "248", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"id": 22309, "name": "Flat grave", "path": "Grave Characteristics > Grave Construction > Flat grave"}]}, "type": "Feature"}, {"burials": [{"finds": [{"files": [{"file_name": "41932.jpg", "id": 41932, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_38029", "reference": "Taf. 21/1", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "id": 102685, "properties": {"description": "Iron object, might be a knife fragment. Cross-section ribbon-like or triangular.\r\nFound on the inner side of the left lower leg.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26189, "name": "Length", "path": "Dimensions > Length", "unit": "cm", "value": "4.4"}, {"id": 26190, "name": "Thickness", "path": "Dimensions > Thickness", "unit": "cm", "value": "0.4"}, {"id": 26188, "name": "Width", "path": "Dimensions > Width", "unit": "cm", "value": "2.0"}], "maintype": {"id": 26506, "name": "Varia", "parent_id": 205561, "path": "Artifact > Cultural Object > Varia", "systemtype": "artifact"}, "material": [{"id": 26540, "name": "Iron", "path": "Material > Metal > Iron", "value": "0.0"}], "name": "G096F01", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "248", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"id": 23460, "name": "Lower leg", "path": "Position of Find in Grave > Lower Body > Legs - between > Lower leg"}]}}], "id": 75067, "properties": {"description": "Adult male (30-40 years). Oriented: NW-SE. Skull tilted to the right side. Legs close together, elbows close to the body. Upper body disturbed.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "301.0"}], "maintype": {"id": 26519, "name": "Skeleton", "parent_id": 26516, "path": "Stratigraphic unit > Burial (strat Unit) > Skeleton", "systemtype": "stratigraphic_unit"}, "name": "G096S1", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "248", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"description": "years", "id": 117200, "name": "maximum age", "path": "Absolute Age > maximum age", "value": "40.0"}, {"description": "years", "id": 117199, "name": "minimum age", "path": "Absolute Age > minimum age", "value": "30.0"}, {"description": "[20,39.9]", "id": 22284, "name": "Adult", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Age > Grown up > Adult"}, {"id": 128067, "name": "Left arm stretched", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Arms > Left arm stretched"}, {"id": 128068, "name": "Right arm stretched", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Arms > Right arm stretched"}, {"id": 128052, "name": "Supine position", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > General > Supine position"}, {"id": 128084, "name": "Left hand next to the body", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Hands > Left hand next to the body"}, {"id": 128085, "name": "Right hand next to the body", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Hands > Right hand next to the body"}, {"id": 128060, "name": "On the right side", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Head > On the right side"}, {"id": 128062, "name": "Left leg stretched", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Legs > Left leg stretched"}, {"id": 128103, "name": "Right leg stretched", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Legs > Right leg stretched"}, {"id": 25, "name": "Male", "path": "Sex and Gender > Sex > Male"}]}}], "files": [{"file_name": "41931.jpg", "id": 41931, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_38026", "reference": "Taf. 21", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "geometry": {"coordinates": [[[15.643156073, 48.586939615], [15.64315754, 48.586939116], [15.643160599, 48.586937619], [15.643163114, 48.586936067], [15.64316588, 48.586934459], [15.643169861, 48.586932435], [15.643173424, 48.586930356], [15.64317422, 48.586929663], [15.643174555, 48.586929219], [15.643174094, 48.586928498], [15.643172208, 48.586926558], [15.643170406, 48.586925116], [15.643169316, 48.586924257], [15.643168185, 48.586923592], [15.643167472, 48.586923481], [15.643166467, 48.586924312], [15.643165461, 48.586925948], [15.643164329, 48.586927611], [15.643164078, 48.586928443], [15.643163617, 48.586929108], [15.643162569, 48.586929607], [15.64316127, 48.586930384], [15.643158504, 48.586931271], [15.643155403, 48.586932185], [15.643152888, 48.586932934], [15.643151505, 48.58693371], [15.643150709, 48.58693457], [15.643150122, 48.586935401], [15.643150541, 48.586936288], [15.64315184, 48.586937286], [15.64315381, 48.586938395], [15.643154941, 48.586939116], [15.643156073, 48.586939615]]], "type": "Polygon"}, "id": 56831, "parent": 50505, "properties": {"description": "Irregular rectangular grave pit, slightly cut into the rock.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "301.0"}, {"id": 15679, "name": "Height", "path": "Dimensions > Height", "unit": "cm", "value": "5.0"}, {"id": 26188, "name": "Width", "path": "Dimensions > Width", "unit": "cm", "value": "86.0"}, {"id": 148713, "name": "Nearest Neighbour", "path": "Dimensions > Distance > Nearest Neighbour", "unit": "m", "value": "1.01"}, {"id": 118730, "name": "Azimuth", "path": "Dimensions > Azimuth", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "120"}], "maintype": {"id": 26205, "name": "Single Grave", "parent_id": 26204, "path": "Feature > Grave > Single Grave", "systemtype": "feature"}, "name": "Grave 096", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "248", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"id": 22309, "name": "Flat grave", "path": "Grave Characteristics > Grave Construction > Flat grave"}]}, "type": "Feature"}, {"burials": [{"id": 78255, "properties": {"description": "Neonate (9,5th to 10th lunar months). Position in grave unknown. Grave pit oriented NW-SE. Some long bones and bone fragments preserved.\r\nNo grave goods.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "291.0"}], "maintype": {"id": 26519, "name": "Skeleton", "parent_id": 26516, "path": "Stratigraphic unit > Burial (strat Unit) > Skeleton", "systemtype": "stratigraphic_unit"}, "name": "G097S1", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "248", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"description": "[0,0.25]", "id": 22282, "name": "Neonatus", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Age > Child > Neonatus"}, {"description": "Possible result of anthropological sex determination. In this context, undetermined means that not enough bone material or specific features were preserved to carry out a sex determination (unlike indifferent, where the preserved features were neither clearly male nor female).", "id": 22375, "name": "undetermined", "path": "Sex and Gender > Sex > undetermined"}]}}], "files": [{"file_name": "41933.jpg", "id": 41933, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_38031", "reference": "Taf. 21", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "geometry": {"coordinates": [[[15.643069278, 48.58688076], [15.643070284, 48.586880566], [15.643071416, 48.586880372], [15.643073134, 48.586879651], [15.643074517, 48.586879319], [15.643076487, 48.586878598], [15.643077577, 48.586878154], [15.643077702, 48.586877655], [15.643078373, 48.586877295], [15.643079253, 48.586876907], [15.643079546, 48.586876325], [15.643079379, 48.586875715], [15.643079001, 48.586875244], [15.643078331, 48.586875077], [15.643077702, 48.586874966], [15.643077074, 48.586874412], [15.643076361, 48.586874024], [15.643075272, 48.586873968], [15.643073427, 48.586874162], [15.643072254, 48.586874356], [15.643071248, 48.586874855], [15.643069823, 48.586875327], [15.643068943, 48.586875743], [15.643067937, 48.586876158], [15.643067393, 48.586876657], [15.643066638, 48.586877683], [15.643066345, 48.586878543], [15.643066135, 48.586879346], [15.643066973, 48.586880012], [15.643067937, 48.586880622], [15.643068482, 48.586880844], [15.643069278, 48.58688076]]], "type": "Polygon"}, "id": 56837, "parent": 50505, "properties": {"description": "Ovale grave pit, cut into the rock. Some stones placed along the sides. \r\nOne of the long sides borders the side of grave 98. Level of burial is deeper for grave 98.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 148713, "name": "Nearest Neighbour", "path": "Dimensions > Distance > Nearest Neighbour", "unit": "m", "value": "0.54"}, {"id": 118730, "name": "Azimuth", "path": "Dimensions > Azimuth", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "109"}, {"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "291.0"}, {"id": 15679, "name": "Height", "path": "Dimensions > Height", "unit": "cm", "value": "21.0"}, {"id": 26189, "name": "Length", "path": "Dimensions > Length", "unit": "cm", "value": "109.0"}, {"id": 26188, "name": "Width", "path": "Dimensions > Width", "unit": "cm", "value": "60.0"}], "maintype": {"id": 26205, "name": "Single Grave", "parent_id": 26204, "path": "Feature > Grave > Single Grave", "systemtype": "feature"}, "name": "Grave 097", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "248", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"id": 22309, "name": "Flat grave", "path": "Grave Characteristics > Grave Construction > Flat grave"}]}, "type": "Feature"}, {"burials": [{"finds": [{"id": 102657, "properties": {"description": "A piece of wood. Found next to the long bones. Might be the remains of a wooden coffin.\r\n\r\n", "maintype": {"id": 26506, "name": "Varia", "parent_id": 205561, "path": "Artifact > Cultural Object > Varia", "systemtype": "artifact"}, "name": "G098S1F01", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "248", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}}}], "id": 78237, "properties": {"description": "Child aged 2 to 3 years (infans 1). Position in grave unknown. Orientation of grave pit: NW-SE. Skull found in the north-western corner of the pit, laying on its left side. Other than that, only two long bones were preserved.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "291.0"}], "maintype": {"id": 26519, "name": "Skeleton", "parent_id": 26516, "path": "Stratigraphic unit > Burial (strat Unit) > Skeleton", "systemtype": "stratigraphic_unit"}, "name": "G098S1", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "248", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"description": "years", "id": 117200, "name": "maximum age", "path": "Absolute Age > maximum age", "value": "3.0"}, {"description": "years", "id": 117199, "name": "minimum age", "path": "Absolute Age > minimum age", "value": "2.0"}, {"description": "[0,6.9]", "id": 22279, "name": "Infans I", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Age > Child > Infans I-II > Infans I"}, {"description": "Possible result of anthropological sex determination. In this context, undetermined means that not enough bone material or specific features were preserved to carry out a sex determination (unlike indifferent, where the preserved features were neither clearly male nor female).", "id": 22375, "name": "undetermined", "path": "Sex and Gender > Sex > undetermined"}]}}], "files": [{"file_name": "41921.jpg", "id": 41921, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_38034", "reference": "Taf. 21", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "geometry": {"coordinates": [[[15.643081013, 48.586877184], [15.643073721, 48.586879762], [15.643071667, 48.586880345], [15.643069656, 48.586881065], [15.643067351, 48.586882008], [15.643066722, 48.586882673], [15.643066764, 48.586883616], [15.643067267, 48.586884392], [15.643068021, 48.586884919], [15.643069111, 48.58688514], [15.64307062, 48.586885279], [15.643073386, 48.586884641], [15.643076277, 48.586883699], [15.643078373, 48.586883339], [15.643080552, 48.586882978], [15.643082187, 48.58688284], [15.643083612, 48.586882396], [15.64308445, 48.586881814], [15.643085078, 48.586881204], [15.643085749, 48.586880539], [15.643085917, 48.58687979], [15.643085623, 48.586879042], [15.643084575, 48.586878099], [15.643083234, 48.586877461], [15.643082312, 48.586877101], [15.643081013, 48.586877184]]], "type": "Polygon"}, "id": 56795, "parent": 50505, "properties": {"description": "Rounded, slightly trapezoid grave pit, cut into the rock. Probably remains of a wooden coffin preserved.\r\nOne side of grave 97 borders grave 98. The burial level is deeper in grave 98.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 118730, "name": "Azimuth", "path": "Dimensions > Azimuth", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "107"}, {"id": 148713, "name": "Nearest Neighbour", "path": "Dimensions > Distance > Nearest Neighbour", "unit": "m", "value": "0.54"}, {"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "291.0"}, {"id": 15679, "name": "Height", "path": "Dimensions > Height", "unit": "cm", "value": "29.0"}, {"id": 26189, "name": "Length", "path": "Dimensions > Length", "unit": "cm", "value": "156.0"}, {"id": 26188, "name": "Width", "path": "Dimensions > Width", "unit": "cm", "value": "65.0"}], "maintype": {"id": 26205, "name": "Single Grave", "parent_id": 26204, "path": "Feature > Grave > Single Grave", "systemtype": "feature"}, "name": "Grave 098", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "248", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"id": 22309, "name": "Flat grave", "path": "Grave Characteristics > Grave Construction > Flat grave"}]}, "type": "Feature"}, {"burials": [{"id": 77727, "properties": {"description": "Child aged 3 to 4 years (infans 1). Oriented: NW-SE. Skull laying on its right side. Left leg in a slightly angular position and strutted. Opper body and pelvis slightly disturbed. Shoulder and neck, as well as upper extremities, are missing.\r\nNo grave goods.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "298.0"}], "maintype": {"id": 26519, "name": "Skeleton", "parent_id": 26516, "path": "Stratigraphic unit > Burial (strat Unit) > Skeleton", "systemtype": "stratigraphic_unit"}, "name": "G099S1", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "248", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"description": "years", "id": 117200, "name": "maximum age", "path": "Absolute Age > maximum age", "value": "4.0"}, {"description": "years", "id": 117199, "name": "minimum age", "path": "Absolute Age > minimum age", "value": "3.0"}, {"description": "[0,6.9]", "id": 22279, "name": "Infans I", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Age > Child > Infans I-II > Infans I"}, {"id": 128052, "name": "Supine position", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > General > Supine position"}, {"id": 128060, "name": "On the right side", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Head > On the right side"}, {"id": 128064, "name": "Left leg slightly bent", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Legs > Left leg slightly bent"}, {"id": 128104, "name": "Right leg slightly bent", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Legs > Right leg slightly bent"}, {"description": "Possible result of anthropological sex determination. In this context, undetermined means that not enough bone material or specific features were preserved to carry out a sex determination (unlike indifferent, where the preserved features were neither clearly male nor female).", "id": 22375, "name": "undetermined", "path": "Sex and Gender > Sex > undetermined"}]}}], "files": [{"file_name": "42588.jpg", "id": 42588, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_38038", "reference": "Taf. 22", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "geometry": {"coordinates": [[[15.64312594, 48.586958938], [15.643125018, 48.586958134], [15.643124348, 48.586957413], [15.643123593, 48.586956637], [15.643122797, 48.586956082], [15.643123635, 48.586955555], [15.64312506, 48.586954946], [15.643126653, 48.586954031], [15.643127239, 48.586953421], [15.643128539, 48.586952839], [15.643130005, 48.586952312], [15.643131095, 48.586951841], [15.643132394, 48.586951647], [15.643133358, 48.586951231], [15.643134532, 48.586951009], [15.643135202, 48.58695112], [15.643135831, 48.586951702], [15.643136292, 48.586952561], [15.643137172, 48.586953809], [15.643137256, 48.58695453], [15.643137088, 48.586955112], [15.643136166, 48.586955694], [15.6431334, 48.586956415], [15.643130341, 48.586957413], [15.643127952, 48.5869583], [15.64312594, 48.586958938]]], "type": "Polygon"}, "id": 59183, "parent": 50505, "properties": {"description": "Almost rectangular grave pit, cut into the rock. Northwestern part undocumented due to trench's profile. \r\nIt seems like burial 99 und 202 were buried in the same grave pit, positioned directly above each other. Burial 99 is positioned 10 cm underneath. The grave is located in an irregular rectangular shaped (natural?) deepening of the bedrock. Eastern part of that deepening is documented (approx. 230 x 200 cm).\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 118730, "name": "Azimuth", "path": "Dimensions > Azimuth", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "108"}, {"id": 148713, "name": "Nearest Neighbour", "path": "Dimensions > Distance > Nearest Neighbour", "unit": "m", "value": "0.13"}, {"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "298.0"}, {"id": 15679, "name": "Height", "path": "Dimensions > Height", "unit": "cm", "value": "14.0"}, {"id": 26189, "name": "Length", "path": "Dimensions > Length", "unit": "cm", "value": "102.0"}, {"id": 26188, "name": "Width", "path": "Dimensions > Width", "unit": "cm", "value": "33.0"}], "maintype": {"id": 26205, "name": "Single Grave", "parent_id": 26204, "path": "Feature > Grave > Single Grave", "systemtype": "feature"}, "name": "Grave 099", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "248", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"id": 22309, "name": "Flat grave", "path": "Grave Characteristics > Grave Construction > Flat grave"}]}, "type": "Feature"}, {"burials": [{"finds": [{"files": [{"file_name": "41924.jpg", "id": 41924, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_38044", "reference": "Taf. 22/1", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "id": 102669, "properties": {"description": "Copper alloy wire, bent to an s-shaped hook. One end might be fragmented. Cross-section round.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26191, "name": "Diameter", "path": "Dimensions > Diameter", "unit": "cm", "value": "0.2"}, {"id": 26189, "name": "Length", "path": "Dimensions > Length", "unit": "cm", "value": "2.0"}], "maintype": {"id": 26506, "name": "Varia", "parent_id": 205561, "path": "Artifact > Cultural Object > Varia", "systemtype": "artifact"}, "material": [{"id": 26546, "name": "Copper Alloy", "path": "Material > Metal > Non-Ferrous Metal > Copper Alloy", "value": "0.0"}], "name": "G100F01", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "249", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"id": 23461, "name": "Pelvis", "path": "Position of Find in Grave > Pelvis"}]}}], "id": 78249, "properties": {"description": "Adult female (25 to 35 years). Oriented. NW-SE. Skull fragmented and laying on top of the spine. Both forearms partly underneath the pelvis.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "299.0"}], "maintype": {"id": 26519, "name": "Skeleton", "parent_id": 26516, "path": "Stratigraphic unit > Burial (strat Unit) > Skeleton", "systemtype": "stratigraphic_unit"}, "name": "G100S1", "radiocarbon": {"sample": "VERA4613 : 1180 \u00b1 35"}, "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"description": "[20,39.9]", "id": 22284, "name": "Adult", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Age > Grown up > Adult"}, {"id": 128067, "name": "Left arm stretched", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Arms > Left arm stretched"}, {"id": 128068, "name": "Right arm stretched", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Arms > Right arm stretched"}, {"id": 128052, "name": "Supine position", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > General > Supine position"}, {"id": 128084, "name": "Left hand next to the body", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Hands > Left hand next to the body"}, {"id": 128085, "name": "Right hand next to the body", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Hands > Right hand next to the body"}, {"id": 128059, "name": "Head straight", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Head > Head straight"}, {"id": 128062, "name": "Left leg stretched", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Legs > Left leg stretched"}, {"id": 128103, "name": "Right leg stretched", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Legs > Right leg stretched"}, {"id": 24, "name": "Female", "path": "Sex and Gender > Sex > Female"}]}}, {"finds": [{"files": [{"file_name": "41926.jpg", "id": 41926, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_38046", "reference": "Taf. 22/2", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "id": 117484, "properties": {"description": "Needle made out of copper alloy. Tip missing, eye of the needle partly preserved. Cross-section tetragonal but heavily rounded.\r\nFound in the backfilling of the grave.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26191, "name": "Diameter", "path": "Dimensions > Diameter", "unit": "cm", "value": "0.15"}, {"id": 26189, "name": "Length", "path": "Dimensions > Length", "unit": "cm", "value": "7.0"}], "maintype": {"id": 26250, "name": "Needle", "parent_id": 26223, "path": "Artifact > Cultural Object > Equipment > Needle", "systemtype": "artifact"}, "material": [{"id": 26546, "name": "Copper Alloy", "path": "Material > Metal > Non-Ferrous Metal > Copper Alloy", "value": "0.0"}], "name": "G100S2F01", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "249", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}]}}], "id": 117482, "properties": {"description": "Backfilling of the grave.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "299.0"}], "maintype": {"id": 117202, "name": "Backfilling", "parent_id": 26514, "path": "Stratigraphic unit > Deposit > Backfilling", "systemtype": "stratigraphic_unit"}, "name": "G100S2", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "249", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}}}], "files": [{"file_name": "41923.jpg", "id": 41923, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_38041", "reference": "Taf. 22", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "geometry": {"coordinates": [[[15.643242574, 48.586907596], [15.64324182, 48.586907402], [15.643240688, 48.586906071], [15.64323918, 48.586904408], [15.643238383, 48.586903659], [15.643238509, 48.586903132], [15.643239808, 48.586902578], [15.643241778, 48.586901829], [15.643244083, 48.586901053], [15.643246011, 48.586900138], [15.643248735, 48.586899334], [15.643250621, 48.586898253], [15.643252381, 48.586897532], [15.643253638, 48.586897144], [15.643254644, 48.586896534], [15.643255566, 48.586896063], [15.643256363, 48.586895453], [15.643256782, 48.586894705], [15.643257536, 48.586894206], [15.6432585, 48.586894289], [15.643259631, 48.586894428], [15.64326114, 48.586895093], [15.64326332, 48.586896424], [15.643264535, 48.586897172], [15.643265038, 48.586897782], [15.64326487, 48.586898225], [15.643263403, 48.586898724], [15.643261895, 48.586899528], [15.643260637, 48.586900443], [15.643258961, 48.586901358], [15.643257787, 48.586901857], [15.643252716, 48.586903631], [15.64324995, 48.586904879], [15.643246933, 48.586906043], [15.643244628, 48.586907014], [15.643243664, 48.586907235], [15.643242574, 48.586907596]]], "type": "Polygon"}, "id": 59507, "parent": 50505, "properties": {"description": "Almost rectangular grave pit. Stones alongside the edges.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 148713, "name": "Nearest Neighbour", "path": "Dimensions > Distance > Nearest Neighbour", "unit": "m", "value": "2.15"}, {"id": 118730, "name": "Azimuth", "path": "Dimensions > Azimuth", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "115"}, {"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "299.0"}, {"id": 15679, "name": "Height", "path": "Dimensions > Height", "unit": "cm", "value": "16.0"}, {"id": 26189, "name": "Length", "path": "Dimensions > Length", "unit": "cm", "value": "207.0"}, {"id": 26188, "name": "Width", "path": "Dimensions > Width", "unit": "cm", "value": "65.0"}], "maintype": {"id": 26205, "name": "Single Grave", "parent_id": 26204, "path": "Feature > Grave > Single Grave", "systemtype": "feature"}, "name": "Grave 100", "radiocarbon": {"child_sample": ["VERA4613 : 1180 \u00b1 35"]}, "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "249", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"id": 22309, "name": "Flat grave", "path": "Grave Characteristics > Grave Construction > Flat grave"}]}, "type": "Feature"}, {"burials": [{"finds": [{"files": [{"file_name": "42591.jpg", "id": 42591, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_38057", "reference": "Taf. 23/4", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "id": 117488, "properties": {"description": "Pellet made out of copper alloy as well as copper alloy sheet metal belonging probably to a spherical button. Found in the backfilling of the grave\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26191, "name": "Diameter", "path": "Dimensions > Diameter", "unit": "cm", "value": "0.5"}, {"id": 26189, "name": "Length", "path": "Dimensions > Length", "unit": "cm", "value": "0.7"}], "maintype": {"id": 26392, "name": "Spherical Button", "parent_id": 128350, "path": "Artifact > Cultural Object > Accessories > Garment > Garment Accessories > Button > Spherical Button", "systemtype": "artifact"}, "name": "G101S2F01", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "249", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}}}], "id": 117486, "properties": {"description": "Backfilling of the grave.\r\n\r\n##\r\nVerf\u00fcllung des Grabs.", "dimensions": [{"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "276.0"}], "maintype": {"id": 117202, "name": "Backfilling", "parent_id": 26514, "path": "Stratigraphic unit > Deposit > Backfilling", "systemtype": "stratigraphic_unit"}, "name": "G101S2", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "249", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}}}, {"finds": [{"files": [{"file_name": "41927.jpg", "id": 41927, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_38051", "reference": "Taf. 23/3", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "id": 102679, "properties": {"description": "Two fragments of copper alloy wire. Probably fragments of a ring. Slightly bent. Cross-section round.\r\nFound in the skull.\r\n\r\nZwei St\u00fcckchen Bronzedraht, m\u00f6gliche Ringfragmente; leicht gebogen; L. 0,7 und 0,35 cm, St. 0,1 cm, Qu. rund.\r\nIm Sch\u00e4del gefunden.", "dimensions": [{"id": 26191, "name": "Diameter", "path": "Dimensions > Diameter", "unit": "cm", "value": "0.1"}, {"id": 26189, "name": "Length", "path": "Dimensions > Length", "unit": "cm", "value": "0.7"}], "maintype": {"id": 26506, "name": "Varia", "parent_id": 205561, "path": "Artifact > Cultural Object > Varia", "systemtype": "artifact"}, "material": [{"id": 26546, "name": "Copper Alloy", "path": "Material > Metal > Non-Ferrous Metal > Copper Alloy", "value": "0.0"}], "name": "G101S1F01", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "249", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"id": 23441, "name": "Head", "path": "Position of Find in Grave > Head"}]}}, {"files": [{"file_name": "42589.jpg", "id": 42589, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_38053", "reference": "Taf. 23/2", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "id": 102049, "properties": {"description": "Ribbonlike finger ring made out of copper. Decorated with a piece of folded sheet metal, fragmented. rivet hole and traces of gilding preserved. Zigzag pattern decorates the ring.\r\nFound on one finger of the right hand.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26191, "name": "Diameter", "path": "Dimensions > Diameter", "unit": "cm", "value": "2.0"}, {"id": 26190, "name": "Thickness", "path": "Dimensions > Thickness", "unit": "cm", "value": "0.05"}, {"id": 26188, "name": "Width", "path": "Dimensions > Width", "unit": "cm", "value": "0.45"}], "maintype": {"id": 26357, "name": "Hoop Finger-Ring", "parent_id": 26356, "path": "Artifact > Cultural Object > Accessories > Jewellery > Finger-Ring > Hoop Finger-Ring", "systemtype": "artifact"}, "material": [{"id": 26547, "name": "Copper", "path": "Material > Metal > Non-Ferrous Metal > Copper", "value": "0.0"}, {"id": 26544, "name": "Gilded", "path": "Material > Metal > Non-Ferrous Metal > Precious Metal > Gold > Gilded", "value": "0.0"}], "name": "G101S1F02", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "249", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"id": 23475, "name": "Hand right", "path": "Position of Find in Grave > Upper Body > Upper Extremities > Hands > Hand right"}]}}, {"files": [{"file_name": "42590.jpg", "id": 42590, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_38055", "reference": "Taf. 23/1", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "id": 102055, "properties": {"description": "Scraper made out of flint. Light grey chert (Krumlovsky les).\r\n\r\nSilex; Kratzer, hellgrauer Hornstein (Krumlovsky les); 0,8 x 2 x 0,55 cm.", "dimensions": [{"id": 15679, "name": "Height", "path": "Dimensions > Height", "unit": "cm", "value": "0.55"}, {"id": 26189, "name": "Length", "path": "Dimensions > Length", "unit": "cm", "value": "2.0"}, {"id": 26188, "name": "Width", "path": "Dimensions > Width", "unit": "cm", "value": "0.8"}], "maintype": {"id": 26237, "name": "Flint", "parent_id": 26235, "path": "Artifact > Cultural Object > Equipment > Firemaking Equipment > Flint", "systemtype": "artifact"}, "material": [{"id": 26553, "name": "Stone", "path": "Material > Geological > Stone", "value": "0.0"}], "name": "G101S1F03", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "249", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"id": 23460, "name": "Lower leg", "path": "Position of Find in Grave > Lower Body > Legs - between > Lower leg"}]}}], "id": 75049, "properties": {"description": "Burial of an early adult female (18-20 years). Oriented. W-E. Skull laying on its left side. Mandible is almost straight. Shoulders slightly pulled upwards. Arms slightly bent. Some bones slightly dislocated. Upper body and pelvis slightly sunken into the feature underneath the grave. Due to that legs lightly bent outwards.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "276.0"}], "maintype": {"id": 26519, "name": "Skeleton", "parent_id": 26516, "path": "Stratigraphic unit > Burial (strat Unit) > Skeleton", "systemtype": "stratigraphic_unit"}, "name": "G101S1", "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"description": "[20,39.9]", "id": 22284, "name": "Adult", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Age > Grown up > Adult"}, {"id": 128069, "name": "Left arm slightly bent", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Arms > Left arm slightly bent"}, {"id": 128080, "name": "Right arm slightly bent", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Arms > Right arm slightly bent"}, {"id": 128052, "name": "Supine position", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > General > Supine position"}, {"id": 128061, "name": "On the left side", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Head > On the left side"}, {"id": 128062, "name": "Left leg stretched", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Legs > Left leg stretched"}, {"id": 128103, "name": "Right leg stretched", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Legs > Right leg stretched"}, {"id": 24, "name": "Female", "path": "Sex and Gender > Sex > Female"}]}}], "files": [{"file_name": "41925.jpg", "id": 41925, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_38048", "reference": "Taf. 23", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "geometry": {"coordinates": [[[15.643143165, 48.586989959], [15.643142159, 48.586989349], [15.643141572, 48.586988573], [15.643140902, 48.586987603], [15.643140567, 48.5869863], [15.643140441, 48.586985551], [15.643140525, 48.586984914], [15.643141069, 48.586984248], [15.643142452, 48.586983916], [15.643143626, 48.586983527], [15.643145679, 48.586983167], [15.643147188, 48.586982779], [15.643149074, 48.586982446], [15.643151798, 48.586982252], [15.643154187, 48.586982141], [15.643156241, 48.586982058], [15.643157624, 48.586982114], [15.643158713, 48.58698228], [15.643159216, 48.586982779], [15.643160054, 48.586983056], [15.643160725, 48.586983056], [15.643160976, 48.586983805], [15.643161144, 48.586984525], [15.643161312, 48.586985108], [15.643161018, 48.58698569], [15.643160264, 48.586986189], [15.64315951, 48.586986632], [15.64315645, 48.586987214], [15.643152636, 48.586987852], [15.643148823, 48.586988822], [15.643145051, 48.586989626], [15.643143165, 48.586989959]]], "type": "Polygon"}, "id": 56801, "parent": 50505, "properties": {"description": "Almost rectangular grave pit, slightly cut into the rock. Few stones and flagstones along the sides.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "276.0"}, {"id": 15679, "name": "Height", "path": "Dimensions > Height", "unit": "cm", "value": "29.0"}, {"id": 26189, "name": "Length", "path": "Dimensions > Length", "unit": "cm", "value": "156.0"}, {"id": 26188, "name": "Width", "path": "Dimensions > Width", "unit": "cm", "value": "68.0"}, {"id": 148713, "name": "Nearest Neighbour", "path": "Dimensions > Distance > Nearest Neighbour", "unit": "m", "value": "1.57"}, {"id": 118730, "name": "Azimuth", "path": "Dimensions > Azimuth", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "102"}], "maintype": {"id": 26205, "name": "Single Grave", "parent_id": 26204, "path": "Feature > Grave > Single Grave", "systemtype": "feature"}, "name": "Grave 101", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "249", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"id": 22309, "name": "Flat grave", "path": "Grave Characteristics > Grave Construction > Flat grave"}]}, "type": "Feature"}, {"burials": [{"id": 77823, "properties": {"description": "Child aged 3 to 4 years (infans 1). Few bones slightly dislocated. To the right side of the upper body, few scattered bones. \r\nNo grave goods.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "305.0"}], "maintype": {"id": 26519, "name": "Skeleton", "parent_id": 26516, "path": "Stratigraphic unit > Burial (strat Unit) > Skeleton", "systemtype": "stratigraphic_unit"}, "name": "G102S2", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "249", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"description": "years", "id": 117200, "name": "maximum age", "path": "Absolute Age > maximum age", "value": "4.0"}, {"description": "years", "id": 117199, "name": "minimum age", "path": "Absolute Age > minimum age", "value": "3.0"}, {"description": "[0,6.9]", "id": 22279, "name": "Infans I", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Age > Child > Infans I-II > Infans I"}, {"description": "Possible result of anthropological sex determination. In this context, undetermined means that not enough bone material or specific features were preserved to carry out a sex determination (unlike indifferent, where the preserved features were neither clearly male nor female).", "id": 22375, "name": "undetermined", "path": "Sex and Gender > Sex > undetermined"}]}}, {"id": 74867, "properties": {"description": "Mature female (40-60 years). Oriented: NW-SE. Skull is laying on its right side. Shoulders slightly hoisted. Few bones slightly dislocated.\r\nNo grave goods.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "305.0"}], "maintype": {"id": 26519, "name": "Skeleton", "parent_id": 26516, "path": "Stratigraphic unit > Burial (strat Unit) > Skeleton", "systemtype": "stratigraphic_unit"}, "name": "G102S1", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "249", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"description": "years", "id": 117200, "name": "maximum age", "path": "Absolute Age > maximum age", "value": "60.0"}, {"description": "years", "id": 117199, "name": "minimum age", "path": "Absolute Age > minimum age", "value": "40.0"}, {"description": "[40,59.9]", "id": 22286, "name": "Matur", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Age > Grown up > Matur"}, {"id": 128067, "name": "Left arm stretched", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Arms > Left arm stretched"}, {"id": 128068, "name": "Right arm stretched", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Arms > Right arm stretched"}, {"id": 128052, "name": "Supine position", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > General > Supine position"}, {"id": 128084, "name": "Left hand next to the body", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Hands > Left hand next to the body"}, {"id": 128085, "name": "Right hand next to the body", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Hands > Right hand next to the body"}, {"id": 128060, "name": "On the right side", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Head > On the right side"}, {"id": 128062, "name": "Left leg stretched", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Legs > Left leg stretched"}, {"id": 128103, "name": "Right leg stretched", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Legs > Right leg stretched"}, {"id": 24, "name": "Female", "path": "Sex and Gender > Sex > Female"}]}}], "files": [{"file_name": "42592.jpg", "id": 42592, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_38059", "reference": "Taf. 23", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "geometry": {"coordinates": [[[15.643157121, 48.586981254], [15.643158671, 48.586980921], [15.643160013, 48.586980339], [15.643161228, 48.586979369], [15.643162653, 48.586978288], [15.643164413, 48.586977179], [15.643166509, 48.586975959], [15.643167598, 48.5869751], [15.643168897, 48.586974185], [15.643170155, 48.586973381], [15.643171328, 48.586972716], [15.643172585, 48.586972827], [15.643173549, 48.586972993], [15.643174555, 48.586972383], [15.643175477, 48.586971718], [15.643175519, 48.586971052], [15.643174346, 48.586970193], [15.643172376, 48.586968668], [15.64317116, 48.586967726], [15.643169736, 48.586967199], [15.643168394, 48.586966922], [15.643167053, 48.586966644], [15.643166215, 48.586966811], [15.643164287, 48.586967587], [15.643162527, 48.586968252], [15.643160348, 48.586969278], [15.643158797, 48.586970165], [15.643157708, 48.586970886], [15.643156995, 48.58697144], [15.643155654, 48.58697205], [15.64315448, 48.58697266], [15.643153642, 48.58697327], [15.643152511, 48.586974434], [15.643151505, 48.586975737], [15.643150457, 48.586976957], [15.643150122, 48.586977567], [15.643149535, 48.586978177], [15.643150499, 48.586978898], [15.64315205, 48.586979813], [15.643153726, 48.586980506], [15.643155444, 48.586980921], [15.643156199, 48.586981226], [15.643157121, 48.586981254]]], "type": "Polygon"}, "id": 56673, "parent": 50505, "properties": {"description": "Almost rectangular grave pit, slightly cut into the rock. Few stones and boulders placed along the edges.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "305.0"}, {"id": 15679, "name": "Height", "path": "Dimensions > Height", "unit": "cm", "value": "15.0"}, {"id": 26189, "name": "Length", "path": "Dimensions > Length", "unit": "cm", "value": "193.0"}, {"id": 26188, "name": "Width", "path": "Dimensions > Width", "unit": "cm", "value": "80.0"}, {"id": 118730, "name": "Azimuth", "path": "Dimensions > Azimuth", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "118"}, {"id": 148713, "name": "Nearest Neighbour", "path": "Dimensions > Distance > Nearest Neighbour", "unit": "m", "value": "0.75"}], "maintype": {"id": 26206, "name": "Grave with multiple burials", "parent_id": 26204, "path": "Feature > Grave > Grave with multiple burials", "systemtype": "feature"}, "name": "Grave 102", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "249", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"id": 22309, "name": "Flat grave", "path": "Grave Characteristics > Grave Construction > Flat grave"}]}, "type": "Feature"}, {"burials": [{"id": 117511, "properties": {"description": "Child aged 3 to 4 years. Found at the northwestern long side of the grave pit. Only the skull cap is preserved.\r\nMight belong to the same grave as G103S1.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "315.0"}], "maintype": {"id": 26519, "name": "Skeleton", "parent_id": 26516, "path": "Stratigraphic unit > Burial (strat Unit) > Skeleton", "systemtype": "stratigraphic_unit"}, "name": "G103S2", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "249", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "types": [{"description": "years", "id": 117200, "name": "maximum age", "path": "Absolute Age > maximum age", "value": "4.0"}, {"description": "years", "id": 117199, "name": "minimum age", "path": "Absolute Age > minimum age", "value": "3.0"}, {"description": "[0,6.9]", "id": 22279, "name": "Infans I", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Age > Child > Infans I-II > Infans I"}, {"description": "Possible result of anthropological sex determination. In this context, undetermined means that not enough bone material or specific features were preserved to carry out a sex determination (unlike indifferent, where the preserved features were neither clearly male nor female).", "id": 22375, "name": "undetermined", "path": "Sex and Gender > Sex > undetermined"}]}}, {"finds": [{"id": 117509, "properties": {"description": "Cattle bone found at the northeastern long side of the grave pit.\r\n\r\n", "maintype": {"id": 26500, "name": "Food Offering", "parent_id": 26499, "path": "Artifact > Cultural Object > Cult Object > Food Offering", "systemtype": "artifact"}, "material": [{"id": 26529, "name": "Bone", "path": "Material > Organic > Animal > Bone", "value": "100.0"}], "name": "G103S1F01", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "249", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}]}}], "id": 77733, "properties": {"description": "Child aged 7 to 8 years (infans 2). Oriented: NW-SE. Skeleton disturbed entirely, all of the bones slightly dislocated.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "315.0"}], "maintype": {"id": 26519, "name": "Skeleton", "parent_id": 26516, "path": "Stratigraphic unit > Burial (strat Unit) > Skeleton", "systemtype": "stratigraphic_unit"}, "name": "G103S1", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "249", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"description": "years", "id": 117200, "name": "maximum age", "path": "Absolute Age > maximum age", "value": "8.0"}, {"description": "years", "id": 117199, "name": "minimum age", "path": "Absolute Age > minimum age", "value": "7.0"}, {"description": "[7,13.9]", "id": 22280, "name": "Infans II", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Age > Child > Infans I-II > Infans II"}, {"description": "Possible result of anthropological sex determination. In this context, undetermined means that not enough bone material or specific features were preserved to carry out a sex determination (unlike indifferent, where the preserved features were neither clearly male nor female).", "id": 22375, "name": "undetermined", "path": "Sex and Gender > Sex > undetermined"}]}}], "files": [{"file_name": "42593.jpg", "id": 42593, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_38063", "reference": "Taf. 23", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "geometry": {"coordinates": [[[15.643162024, 48.586982917], [15.64316303, 48.586983306], [15.643163868, 48.586983306], [15.643165335, 48.586983139], [15.64316655, 48.586982696], [15.643167892, 48.586981642], [15.643169233, 48.586980921], [15.643169777, 48.586979896], [15.643171538, 48.586979064], [15.64317334, 48.586977955], [15.643174681, 48.586977124], [15.643175687, 48.586976541], [15.643175812, 48.586975848], [15.643175351, 48.586974933], [15.643174304, 48.586974434], [15.643173424, 48.58697424], [15.643172376, 48.586974074], [15.643171496, 48.58697424], [15.643170574, 48.586974712], [15.643169945, 48.586975543], [15.643169526, 48.58697632], [15.64316852, 48.586976985], [15.643167263, 48.586977373], [15.643165587, 48.586978011], [15.643164036, 48.586979009], [15.643162904, 48.586979729], [15.643161605, 48.5869807], [15.643161018, 48.586981365], [15.643160893, 48.586982058], [15.643162024, 48.586982917]]], "type": "Polygon"}, "id": 59135, "parent": 50505, "properties": {"description": "Rounded rectangular grave pit, slightly cut into the rock. Some small stones were found with the human remains.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 148713, "name": "Nearest Neighbour", "path": "Dimensions > Distance > Nearest Neighbour", "unit": "m", "value": "0.75"}, {"id": 118730, "name": "Azimuth", "path": "Dimensions > Azimuth", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "123"}, {"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "315.0"}, {"id": 15679, "name": "Height", "path": "Dimensions > Height", "unit": "cm", "value": "5.0"}, {"id": 26189, "name": "Length", "path": "Dimensions > Length", "unit": "cm", "value": "135.0"}, {"id": 26188, "name": "Width", "path": "Dimensions > Width", "unit": "cm", "value": "42.0"}], "maintype": {"id": 26206, "name": "Grave with multiple burials", "parent_id": 26204, "path": "Feature > Grave > Grave with multiple burials", "systemtype": "feature"}, "name": "Grave 103", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "249", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"id": 22309, "name": "Flat grave", "path": "Grave Characteristics > Grave Construction > Flat grave"}]}, "type": "Feature"}, {"burials": [{"id": 77871, "properties": {"description": "Adult male (25-30 years). Oriented: NW-SE. Skull and few of the long bones are missing. Bones partly fragmented and dislocated. Lower jaw found next to the cervical spine. Right arm pointed towards the hip.\r\nNo grave goods.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "297.0"}], "maintype": {"id": 26519, "name": "Skeleton", "parent_id": 26516, "path": "Stratigraphic unit > Burial (strat Unit) > Skeleton", "systemtype": "stratigraphic_unit"}, "name": "G104S1", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "249", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"description": "years", "id": 117200, "name": "maximum age", "path": "Absolute Age > maximum age", "value": "30.0"}, {"description": "years", "id": 117199, "name": "minimum age", "path": "Absolute Age > minimum age", "value": "25.0"}, {"description": "[20,39.9]", "id": 22284, "name": "Adult", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Age > Grown up > Adult"}, {"id": 128080, "name": "Right arm slightly bent", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Arms > Right arm slightly bent"}, {"id": 128052, "name": "Supine position", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > General > Supine position"}, {"id": 128062, "name": "Left leg stretched", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Legs > Left leg stretched"}, {"id": 128103, "name": "Right leg stretched", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Legs > Right leg stretched"}, {"id": 25, "name": "Male", "path": "Sex and Gender > Sex > Male"}]}}], "files": [{"file_name": "42595.jpg", "id": 42595, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_38067", "reference": "Taf. 23", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "geometry": {"coordinates": [[[15.643178872, 48.586961654], [15.643179081, 48.586962237], [15.64317971, 48.586962736], [15.643180632, 48.586963124], [15.643182141, 48.586963373], [15.643183859, 48.586963678], [15.643185494, 48.586963789], [15.643186332, 48.586963262], [15.643187715, 48.58696232], [15.643189936, 48.586961045], [15.643191193, 48.586960351], [15.643193331, 48.586959409], [15.643194211, 48.586958688], [15.643195217, 48.586957718], [15.64319618, 48.586956748], [15.64319748, 48.586955999], [15.643198863, 48.586955112], [15.643200455, 48.58695392], [15.643193875, 48.586952561], [15.643192912, 48.586952645], [15.643190229, 48.586954169], [15.64318784, 48.586955583], [15.643185619, 48.586956858], [15.643184572, 48.586957496], [15.643182937, 48.586958106], [15.643182225, 48.586958411], [15.643181764, 48.586958799], [15.643180381, 48.586959769], [15.643179249, 48.586960629], [15.643178872, 48.586961654]]], "type": "Polygon"}, "id": 56661, "parent": 50505, "properties": {"description": "Almost rectangular grave pit, slightly cut into the rock. Few stones close to and under the skeleton. Placed on the bedrock. South-Eastern end undocumented due to trench's profile.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "297.0"}, {"id": 15679, "name": "Height", "path": "Dimensions > Height", "unit": "cm", "value": "10.0"}, {"id": 26188, "name": "Width", "path": "Dimensions > Width", "unit": "cm", "value": "57.0"}, {"id": 148713, "name": "Nearest Neighbour", "path": "Dimensions > Distance > Nearest Neighbour", "unit": "m", "value": "1.3"}, {"id": 118730, "name": "Azimuth", "path": "Dimensions > Azimuth", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "118"}], "maintype": {"id": 26205, "name": "Single Grave", "parent_id": 26204, "path": "Feature > Grave > Single Grave", "systemtype": "feature"}, "name": "Grave 104", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "249", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"id": 22309, "name": "Flat grave", "path": "Grave Characteristics > Grave Construction > Flat grave"}]}, "type": "Feature"}, {"burials": [{"id": 74921, "properties": {"description": "Child aged 18 to 24 months (infans 1). Bones scattered over a 55 x 18 cm area. Oriented: NW-SE. Some of the long bones and pelvis fragments, vertebrae and rib fragments preserved.\r\nNo grave goods. \r\n\r\n", "maintype": {"id": 26517, "name": "Bone deposition (strat. Unit)", "parent_id": 26516, "path": "Stratigraphic unit > Burial (strat Unit) > Bone deposition (strat. Unit)", "systemtype": "stratigraphic_unit"}, "name": "G105S1", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "249", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"description": "years", "id": 117200, "name": "maximum age", "path": "Absolute Age > maximum age", "value": "2.0"}, {"description": "years", "id": 117199, "name": "minimum age", "path": "Absolute Age > minimum age", "value": "1.5"}, {"description": "[0,6.9]", "id": 22279, "name": "Infans I", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Age > Child > Infans I-II > Infans I"}, {"description": "Possible result of anthropological sex determination. In this context, undetermined means that not enough bone material or specific features were preserved to carry out a sex determination (unlike indifferent, where the preserved features were neither clearly male nor female).", "id": 22375, "name": "undetermined", "path": "Sex and Gender > Sex > undetermined"}]}}], "files": [{"file_name": "42596.jpg", "id": 42596, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_38070", "reference": "Taf. 24", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "geometry": {"coordinates": [[[15.64305285, 48.586988656], [15.643057083, 48.586989515], [15.643058759, 48.586988531], [15.643059534, 48.586988102], [15.643060373, 48.586987644], [15.64306142, 48.586987076], [15.643061777, 48.586986535], [15.643061672, 48.586985953], [15.643061379, 48.586985315], [15.643060959, 48.586984941], [15.643060226, 48.586984664], [15.643058948, 48.586984678], [15.643057502, 48.586984969], [15.643056203, 48.586985468], [15.643054862, 48.58698623], [15.643053416, 48.586987422], [15.643052305, 48.586988476], [15.64305285, 48.586988656]]], "type": "Polygon"}, "id": 59225, "parent": 50505, "properties": {"description": "Destroyed grave. Grave pit not visible. Northern end undocumented due to trench's profile.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 15679, "name": "Height", "path": "Dimensions > Height", "unit": "cm", "value": "3.0"}, {"id": 148713, "name": "Nearest Neighbour", "path": "Dimensions > Distance > Nearest Neighbour", "unit": "m", "value": "0.49"}, {"id": 118730, "name": "Azimuth", "path": "Dimensions > Azimuth", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "119"}], "maintype": {"id": 26205, "name": "Single Grave", "parent_id": 26204, "path": "Feature > Grave > Single Grave", "systemtype": "feature"}, "name": "Grave 105", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "249", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"id": 22309, "name": "Flat grave", "path": "Grave Characteristics > Grave Construction > Flat grave"}]}, "type": "Feature"}, {"burials": [{"id": 77865, "properties": {"description": "Child aged 4 to 5 years (infans 1). Oriented: NW-SE. Skull fragmented, upper body deranged.\r\nNo grave goods.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "300.0"}], "maintype": {"id": 26519, "name": "Skeleton", "parent_id": 26516, "path": "Stratigraphic unit > Burial (strat Unit) > Skeleton", "systemtype": "stratigraphic_unit"}, "name": "G106S1", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "250", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"description": "years", "id": 117200, "name": "maximum age", "path": "Absolute Age > maximum age", "value": "5.0"}, {"description": "years", "id": 117199, "name": "minimum age", "path": "Absolute Age > minimum age", "value": "4.0"}, {"description": "[0,6.9]", "id": 22279, "name": "Infans I", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Age > Child > Infans I-II > Infans I"}, {"id": 128052, "name": "Supine position", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > General > Supine position"}, {"id": 128061, "name": "On the left side", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Head > On the left side"}, {"id": 128062, "name": "Left leg stretched", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Legs > Left leg stretched"}, {"id": 128103, "name": "Right leg stretched", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Legs > Right leg stretched"}, {"description": "Possible result of anthropological sex determination. In this context, undetermined means that not enough bone material or specific features were preserved to carry out a sex determination (unlike indifferent, where the preserved features were neither clearly male nor female).", "id": 22375, "name": "undetermined", "path": "Sex and Gender > Sex > undetermined"}]}}], "files": [{"file_name": "42597.jpg", "id": 42597, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_38073", "reference": "Taf. 24", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "geometry": {"coordinates": [[[15.64311651, 48.58701739], [15.643115882, 48.587017834], [15.643114625, 48.58701861], [15.643113053, 48.587019317], [15.643110811, 48.587020662], [15.64310926, 48.587021549], [15.643108548, 48.587021964], [15.643107689, 48.587021992], [15.643106599, 48.587021909], [15.643105635, 48.587021715], [15.643104985, 48.587021715], [15.643104273, 48.587021299], [15.643103749, 48.587020648], [15.643103749, 48.587019913], [15.643104063, 48.587019275], [15.643104734, 48.587018901], [15.643105551, 48.587018652], [15.643106641, 48.587018624], [15.6431075, 48.587018471], [15.64310794, 48.587018125], [15.643108799, 48.587017543], [15.643109323, 48.587017266], [15.643110392, 48.587017127], [15.643111377, 48.587017099], [15.643111859, 48.587016905], [15.643112215, 48.587016462], [15.643112529, 48.587016004], [15.643113137, 48.587015769], [15.643113765, 48.587015769], [15.643114645, 48.587016046], [15.643115819, 48.587016697], [15.643116448, 48.587017016], [15.64311651, 48.58701739]]], "type": "Polygon"}, "id": 56077, "parent": 50505, "properties": {"description": "Almost rectangular grave pit, slightly cut into the rock.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "300.0"}, {"id": 15679, "name": "Height", "path": "Dimensions > Height", "unit": "cm", "value": "8.0"}, {"id": 26189, "name": "Length", "path": "Dimensions > Length", "unit": "cm", "value": "115.0"}, {"id": 26188, "name": "Width", "path": "Dimensions > Width", "unit": "cm", "value": "38.0"}, {"id": 148713, "name": "Nearest Neighbour", "path": "Dimensions > Distance > Nearest Neighbour", "unit": "m", "value": "1.44"}, {"id": 118730, "name": "Azimuth", "path": "Dimensions > Azimuth", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "110"}], "maintype": {"id": 26205, "name": "Single Grave", "parent_id": 26204, "path": "Feature > Grave > Single Grave", "systemtype": "feature"}, "name": "Grave 106", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "250", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"id": 22309, "name": "Flat grave", "path": "Grave Characteristics > Grave Construction > Flat grave"}]}, "type": "Feature"}, {"burials": [{"id": 78327, "properties": {"description": "Potential secondary burial. Child aged 2 to 3 years years (infans 1). Position in grave unknown. Found with the bones of burial G107S1.\r\nNo grave goods.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "299.0"}], "maintype": {"id": 26519, "name": "Skeleton", "parent_id": 26516, "path": "Stratigraphic unit > Burial (strat Unit) > Skeleton", "systemtype": "stratigraphic_unit"}, "name": "G107S2", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "250", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"description": "years", "id": 117200, "name": "maximum age", "path": "Absolute Age > maximum age", "value": "3.0"}, {"description": "years", "id": 117199, "name": "minimum age", "path": "Absolute Age > minimum age", "value": "2.0"}, {"description": "[0,6.9]", "id": 22279, "name": "Infans I", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Age > Child > Infans I-II > Infans I"}, {"description": "Possible result of anthropological sex determination. In this context, undetermined means that not enough bone material or specific features were preserved to carry out a sex determination (unlike indifferent, where the preserved features were neither clearly male nor female).", "id": 22375, "name": "undetermined", "path": "Sex and Gender > Sex > undetermined"}]}}, {"id": 78321, "properties": {"description": "Potential secondary burial. Child aged approx. 7 years (infans 2). Oriented: NW-SO. Heavily deranged. Bones scattered over a total length of 70 cm. Found with the bones of burial G107S2.\r\nNo grave goods.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "299.0"}], "maintype": {"id": 26519, "name": "Skeleton", "parent_id": 26516, "path": "Stratigraphic unit > Burial (strat Unit) > Skeleton", "systemtype": "stratigraphic_unit"}, "name": "G107S1", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "250", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"description": "years", "id": 117200, "name": "maximum age", "path": "Absolute Age > maximum age", "value": "7.0"}, {"description": "years", "id": 117199, "name": "minimum age", "path": "Absolute Age > minimum age", "value": "7.0"}, {"description": "[7,13.9]", "id": 22280, "name": "Infans II", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Age > Child > Infans I-II > Infans II"}, {"id": 128052, "name": "Supine position", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > General > Supine position"}, {"description": "Possible result of anthropological sex determination. In this context, undetermined means that not enough bone material or specific features were preserved to carry out a sex determination (unlike indifferent, where the preserved features were neither clearly male nor female).", "id": 22375, "name": "undetermined", "path": "Sex and Gender > Sex > undetermined"}]}}], "files": [{"file_name": "41936.jpg", "id": 41936, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_38076", "reference": "Taf. 24", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "geometry": {"coordinates": [[[15.643050231, 48.587008588], [15.643053018, 48.587007244], [15.643055344, 48.587006287], [15.643056915, 48.587005289], [15.643058738, 48.587004472], [15.643060331, 48.587003446], [15.643061672, 48.58700267], [15.643062573, 48.587001963], [15.643063097, 48.587001367], [15.643063306, 48.587000757], [15.643063306, 48.587000133], [15.643062845, 48.586999634], [15.643061693, 48.586998983], [15.643060687, 48.586998553], [15.643059388, 48.58699847], [15.643058235, 48.586998608], [15.643056643, 48.586999177], [15.643054652, 48.587000383], [15.643052913, 48.587001242], [15.64305153, 48.58700224], [15.643050314, 48.587002781], [15.643048596, 48.58700364], [15.643047381, 48.587004278], [15.643045516, 48.587005026], [15.643044552, 48.587005705], [15.643044426, 48.587006274], [15.643044782, 48.587006967], [15.643045201, 48.587007604], [15.643046165, 48.587008311], [15.643047066, 48.587008644], [15.643048093, 48.587008838], [15.643049162, 48.587008824], [15.643050231, 48.587008588]]], "type": "Polygon"}, "id": 56843, "parent": 50505, "properties": {"description": "Grave pit hardly visible, almost rectangular. Grave pit bordered few standing stones.\r\nBurials 107 and 111 are positioned on the same axis but oriented in opposite ways - upper body against each other. Body's core and lower body of burial 111 might have been deranged or taken out of the grave during the burial/secondary burial of burial 107. \r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "299.0"}, {"id": 26189, "name": "Length", "path": "Dimensions > Length", "unit": "cm", "value": "157.0"}, {"id": 26188, "name": "Width", "path": "Dimensions > Width", "unit": "cm", "value": "50.0"}, {"id": 118730, "name": "Azimuth", "path": "Dimensions > Azimuth", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "118"}, {"id": 148713, "name": "Nearest Neighbour", "path": "Dimensions > Distance > Nearest Neighbour", "unit": "m", "value": "0.07"}], "maintype": {"id": 26206, "name": "Grave with multiple burials", "parent_id": 26204, "path": "Feature > Grave > Grave with multiple burials", "systemtype": "feature"}, "name": "Grave 107", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "250", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"id": 22309, "name": "Flat grave", "path": "Grave Characteristics > Grave Construction > Flat grave"}]}, "type": "Feature"}, {"burials": [{"id": 77901, "properties": {"description": "Child aged 10 to 13 years. Oriented: NW-SE. Skull tilted to the left side. Neck and chest deranged.\r\nNo grave goods.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "311.0"}], "maintype": {"id": 26519, "name": "Skeleton", "parent_id": 26516, "path": "Stratigraphic unit > Burial (strat Unit) > Skeleton", "systemtype": "stratigraphic_unit"}, "name": "G108S1", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "250", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"description": "years", "id": 117200, "name": "maximum age", "path": "Absolute Age > maximum age", "value": "13.0"}, {"description": "years", "id": 117199, "name": "minimum age", "path": "Absolute Age > minimum age", "value": "10.0"}, {"description": "[7,13.9]", "id": 22280, "name": "Infans II", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Age > Child > Infans I-II > Infans II"}, {"id": 128067, "name": "Left arm stretched", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Arms > Left arm stretched"}, {"id": 128068, "name": "Right arm stretched", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Arms > Right arm stretched"}, {"id": 128052, "name": "Supine position", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > General > Supine position"}, {"id": 128084, "name": "Left hand next to the body", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Hands > Left hand next to the body"}, {"id": 128061, "name": "On the left side", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Head > On the left side"}, {"id": 128062, "name": "Left leg stretched", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Legs > Left leg stretched"}, {"id": 128103, "name": "Right leg stretched", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Legs > Right leg stretched"}, {"description": "Possible result of anthropological sex determination. In this context, undetermined means that not enough bone material or specific features were preserved to carry out a sex determination (unlike indifferent, where the preserved features were neither clearly male nor female).", "id": 22375, "name": "undetermined", "path": "Sex and Gender > Sex > undetermined"}]}}], "files": [{"file_name": "41937.jpg", "id": 41937, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_38080", "reference": "Taf. 22", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "geometry": {"coordinates": [[[15.64303596, 48.587022533], [15.643036379, 48.58702317], [15.643037595, 48.587024113], [15.643038768, 48.587024917], [15.643039858, 48.587025721], [15.64304057, 48.587026109], [15.643041325, 48.587026331], [15.643042624, 48.587025943], [15.643043965, 48.587025277], [15.643045264, 48.587024473], [15.643046815, 48.587023669], [15.643048659, 48.587022838], [15.643050168, 48.587022034], [15.643052054, 48.587020925], [15.64305352, 48.587020093], [15.643055113, 48.587019178], [15.643056119, 48.587018652], [15.643056748, 48.587017654], [15.643056664, 48.587016905], [15.643056077, 48.58701599], [15.643055197, 48.587014854], [15.643054442, 48.587014272], [15.643053101, 48.587013967], [15.64305197, 48.587014188], [15.643048324, 48.587015658], [15.64304648, 48.587016434], [15.6430443, 48.587017404], [15.643040948, 48.587019733], [15.643037888, 48.587021147], [15.643036715, 48.58702184], [15.64303596, 48.587022533]]], "type": "Polygon"}, "id": 59543, "parent": 50505, "properties": {"description": "Rectangular grave pit, hardly visible. Burial placed in humic soil.\r\nGrave positioned partly above grave 136.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "311.0"}, {"id": 26189, "name": "Length", "path": "Dimensions > Length", "unit": "cm", "value": "165.0"}, {"id": 26188, "name": "Width", "path": "Dimensions > Width", "unit": "cm", "value": "68.0"}, {"id": 118730, "name": "Azimuth", "path": "Dimensions > Azimuth", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "117"}, {"id": 148713, "name": "Nearest Neighbour", "path": "Dimensions > Distance > Nearest Neighbour", "unit": "m", "value": "0.6"}], "maintype": {"id": 26205, "name": "Single Grave", "parent_id": 26204, "path": "Feature > Grave > Single Grave", "systemtype": "feature"}, "name": "Grave 108", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "250", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"id": 22309, "name": "Flat grave", "path": "Grave Characteristics > Grave Construction > Flat grave"}]}, "type": "Feature"}, {"burials": [{"id": 75073, "properties": {"description": "Child aged approx. 4 years (infans 1). Only one part of the grave, containing the upper body, was documented. Heavily deranged. Bones partly preserved, skull missing.\r\nNo grave goods.\r\n\r\n", "maintype": {"id": 26519, "name": "Skeleton", "parent_id": 26516, "path": "Stratigraphic unit > Burial (strat Unit) > Skeleton", "systemtype": "stratigraphic_unit"}, "name": "G109S1", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "250", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"description": "years", "id": 117200, "name": "maximum age", "path": "Absolute Age > maximum age", "value": "4.0"}, {"description": "years", "id": 117199, "name": "minimum age", "path": "Absolute Age > minimum age", "value": "4.0"}, {"description": "[0,6.9]", "id": 22279, "name": "Infans I", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Age > Child > Infans I-II > Infans I"}, {"description": "Possible result of anthropological sex determination. In this context, undetermined means that not enough bone material or specific features were preserved to carry out a sex determination (unlike indifferent, where the preserved features were neither clearly male nor female).", "id": 22375, "name": "undetermined", "path": "Sex and Gender > Sex > undetermined"}]}}], "files": [{"file_name": "41939.jpg", "id": 41939, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_38083", "reference": "Taf. 24", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "geometry": {"coordinates": [[[15.643047423, 48.586996626], [15.643051174, 48.586997791], [15.643054317, 48.586993757], [15.643050042, 48.586992773], [15.643047423, 48.586996626]]], "type": "Polygon"}, "id": 56849, "parent": 50505, "properties": {"description": "No grave pit visible. South-Western part undocumented due to trench's profile.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 118730, "name": "Azimuth", "path": "Dimensions > Azimuth", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "142"}, {"id": 148713, "name": "Nearest Neighbour", "path": "Dimensions > Distance > Nearest Neighbour", "unit": "m", "value": "0.88"}], "maintype": {"id": 26205, "name": "Single Grave", "parent_id": 26204, "path": "Feature > Grave > Single Grave", "systemtype": "feature"}, "name": "Grave 109", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "250", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"id": 22309, "name": "Flat grave", "path": "Grave Characteristics > Grave Construction > Flat grave"}]}, "type": "Feature"}, {"burials": [{"id": 75079, "properties": {"description": "Child aged 2 to 3 years (infans 1). Oriented: WNW-ESE. Skull fragmented. Upper body deranged, lower body heavily deranged.\r\nNo grave goods.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "310.0"}], "maintype": {"id": 26519, "name": "Skeleton", "parent_id": 26516, "path": "Stratigraphic unit > Burial (strat Unit) > Skeleton", "systemtype": "stratigraphic_unit"}, "name": "G110S1", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "250", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"description": "years", "id": 117200, "name": "maximum age", "path": "Absolute Age > maximum age", "value": "3.0"}, {"description": "years", "id": 117199, "name": "minimum age", "path": "Absolute Age > minimum age", "value": "2.0"}, {"description": "[0,6.9]", "id": 22279, "name": "Infans I", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Age > Child > Infans I-II > Infans I"}, {"id": 128052, "name": "Supine position", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > General > Supine position"}, {"description": "Possible result of anthropological sex determination. In this context, undetermined means that not enough bone material or specific features were preserved to carry out a sex determination (unlike indifferent, where the preserved features were neither clearly male nor female).", "id": 22375, "name": "undetermined", "path": "Sex and Gender > Sex > undetermined"}]}}], "files": [{"file_name": "41938.jpg", "id": 41938, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_38086", "reference": "Taf. 24", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "geometry": {"coordinates": [[[15.643168709, 48.586966339], [15.643170008, 48.586965993], [15.643171642, 48.586965425], [15.643173025, 48.586964829], [15.643174367, 48.586964496], [15.643174974, 48.586964011], [15.643176001, 48.586963553], [15.64317707, 48.586963068], [15.643177552, 48.586962542], [15.643177971, 48.586961959], [15.643178159, 48.586961225], [15.643177971, 48.586960698], [15.643177112, 48.586960171], [15.643176232, 48.586959617], [15.643175121, 48.586959076], [15.643174136, 48.586959076], [15.643172334, 48.586959769], [15.643170574, 48.586960809], [15.643169275, 48.58696153], [15.643168248, 48.586962126], [15.643166865, 48.586963221], [15.643165943, 48.586963817], [15.643165628, 48.586964427], [15.643165754, 48.586964953], [15.643166215, 48.586965619], [15.64316697, 48.586966021], [15.643167829, 48.586966381], [15.643168709, 48.586966339]]], "type": "Polygon"}, "id": 59549, "parent": 50505, "properties": {"description": "Slightly trapezoid grave pit, slightly cut into the stone.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 118730, "name": "Azimuth", "path": "Dimensions > Azimuth", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "118"}, {"id": 148713, "name": "Nearest Neighbour", "path": "Dimensions > Distance > Nearest Neighbour", "unit": "m", "value": "1.47"}, {"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "310.0"}, {"id": 15679, "name": "Height", "path": "Dimensions > Height", "unit": "cm", "value": "7.0"}, {"id": 26189, "name": "Length", "path": "Dimensions > Length", "unit": "cm", "value": "94.0"}, {"id": 26188, "name": "Width", "path": "Dimensions > Width", "unit": "cm", "value": "50.0"}], "maintype": {"id": 26205, "name": "Single Grave", "parent_id": 26204, "path": "Feature > Grave > Single Grave", "systemtype": "feature"}, "name": "Grave 110", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "250", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"id": 22309, "name": "Flat grave", "path": "Grave Characteristics > Grave Construction > Flat grave"}]}, "type": "Feature"}, {"burials": [{"id": 78333, "properties": {"description": "Child aged 3 to 4 years. Originally probably supine position. Oriented: ESE-WNW. Heavily deranged. Only the fragmented skull and bones of the upper body preserved.\r\nNo grave goods.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "61.0"}], "maintype": {"id": 26519, "name": "Skeleton", "parent_id": 26516, "path": "Stratigraphic unit > Burial (strat Unit) > Skeleton", "systemtype": "stratigraphic_unit"}, "name": "G111S1", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "250", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"description": "years", "id": 117200, "name": "maximum age", "path": "Absolute Age > maximum age", "value": "4.0"}, {"description": "years", "id": 117199, "name": "minimum age", "path": "Absolute Age > minimum age", "value": "3.0"}, {"description": "[0,6.9]", "id": 22279, "name": "Infans I", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Age > Child > Infans I-II > Infans I"}, {"id": 128052, "name": "Supine position", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > General > Supine position"}, {"description": "Possible result of anthropological sex determination. In this context, undetermined means that not enough bone material or specific features were preserved to carry out a sex determination (unlike indifferent, where the preserved features were neither clearly male nor female).", "id": 22375, "name": "undetermined", "path": "Sex and Gender > Sex > undetermined"}]}}], "files": [{"file_name": "41940.jpg", "id": 41940, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_38089", "reference": "Taf. 24", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "geometry": {"coordinates": [[[15.643062552, 48.587001297], [15.643060415, 48.587002947], [15.643057167, 48.587004832], [15.643054526, 48.587006177], [15.643052934, 48.587007022], [15.643050985, 48.587007854], [15.643049811, 48.587008464], [15.643048575, 48.587008616], [15.643047548, 48.587008491], [15.643046186, 48.587007854], [15.643045306, 48.587006981], [15.643045118, 48.587006371], [15.643045118, 48.587005927], [15.643045704, 48.587005345], [15.643047821, 48.587004388], [15.643048659, 48.587003903], [15.643050189, 48.587003155], [15.64305153, 48.587002406], [15.643053562, 48.587001214], [15.643056014, 48.586999911], [15.643057292, 48.586999246], [15.643058822, 48.586998789], [15.64305966, 48.586998692], [15.643060938, 48.586998844], [15.643061735, 48.586999329], [15.643062489, 48.58699987], [15.643062887, 48.587000452], [15.643062866, 48.587000882], [15.643062678, 48.587001187], [15.643062552, 48.587001297]]], "type": "Polygon"}, "id": 56861, "parent": 50505, "properties": {"description": "Grave pit hardly visible. Grave pit indistinguishable from grave pit 107.\r\nGrave cuts into grave 135.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "61.0"}, {"id": 118730, "name": "Azimuth", "path": "Dimensions > Azimuth", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "118"}, {"id": 148713, "name": "Nearest Neighbour", "path": "Dimensions > Distance > Nearest Neighbour", "unit": "m", "value": "0.07"}], "maintype": {"id": 26205, "name": "Single Grave", "parent_id": 26204, "path": "Feature > Grave > Single Grave", "systemtype": "feature"}, "name": "Grave 111", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "250", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}}, "type": "Feature"}, {"burials": [{"id": 78243, "properties": {"description": "Secondary burial. Neonate (10th lunar month). Bones scattered. Only skull fragments and clavicle preserved.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "315.0"}], "maintype": {"id": 26519, "name": "Skeleton", "parent_id": 26516, "path": "Stratigraphic unit > Burial (strat Unit) > Skeleton", "systemtype": "stratigraphic_unit"}, "name": "G112S1", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "250", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"description": "years", "id": 117200, "name": "maximum age", "path": "Absolute Age > maximum age", "value": "0.0"}, {"description": "years", "id": 117199, "name": "minimum age", "path": "Absolute Age > minimum age", "value": "0.0"}, {"description": "[0,0.25]", "id": 22282, "name": "Neonatus", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Age > Child > Neonatus"}, {"description": "Possible result of anthropological sex determination. In this context, undetermined means that not enough bone material or specific features were preserved to carry out a sex determination (unlike indifferent, where the preserved features were neither clearly male nor female).", "id": 22375, "name": "undetermined", "path": "Sex and Gender > Sex > undetermined"}]}}, {"finds": [{"id": 117515, "properties": {"description": "Pyramidal loom weight found in a distance of 10 cm to the grave.", "dimensions": [{"id": 26189, "name": "Length", "path": "Dimensions > Length", "unit": "cm", "value": "5.9"}], "maintype": {"id": 26506, "name": "Varia", "parent_id": 205561, "path": "Artifact > Cultural Object > Varia", "systemtype": "artifact"}, "name": "G112S2F01", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "250", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}}}], "id": 117513, "properties": {"description": "Strayfind, found in a distance of 10 cm to the grave.", "dimensions": [{"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "315.0"}], "maintype": {"id": 26513, "name": "None/Unknown/Strayfind", "parent_id": 13365, "path": "Stratigraphic unit > None/Unknown/Strayfind", "systemtype": "stratigraphic_unit"}, "name": "G112S2", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "250", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}}}], "files": [{"file_name": "42715.jpg", "id": 42715, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_38472", "reference": "Taf. 22", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "geometry": {"coordinates": [[[15.643046983, 48.587015796], [15.643046061, 48.587015547], [15.6430456, 48.58701502], [15.643045264, 48.587014576], [15.643045139, 48.587014133], [15.643045264, 48.587013717], [15.643046061, 48.587013384], [15.643047066, 48.58701283], [15.643048952, 48.587011998], [15.643051215, 48.587010751], [15.643052389, 48.587010335], [15.643053269, 48.587010279], [15.643053981, 48.587010584], [15.643054652, 48.58701125], [15.643055071, 48.587011887], [15.643054862, 48.587012608], [15.64305352, 48.587013578], [15.64305088, 48.587014327], [15.643048617, 48.587015297], [15.643046983, 48.587015796]]], "type": "Polygon"}, "id": 56855, "parent": 50505, "properties": {"description": "Rectangular grave pit, hardly visible. Burial positioned in humic soil. Grave found approx. 15 cm next to the right lower leg of burial 108. Grave pit positioned in the backfilling of grave 136.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 148713, "name": "Nearest Neighbour", "path": "Dimensions > Distance > Nearest Neighbour", "unit": "m", "value": "0.67"}, {"id": 118730, "name": "Azimuth", "path": "Dimensions > Azimuth", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "110"}, {"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "315.0"}, {"id": 26189, "name": "Length", "path": "Dimensions > Length", "unit": "cm", "value": "80.0"}, {"id": 26188, "name": "Width", "path": "Dimensions > Width", "unit": "cm", "value": "35.0"}], "maintype": {"id": 26205, "name": "Single Grave", "parent_id": 26204, "path": "Feature > Grave > Single Grave", "systemtype": "feature"}, "name": "Grave 112", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "250", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"id": 22309, "name": "Flat grave", "path": "Grave Characteristics > Grave Construction > Flat grave"}]}, "type": "Feature"}, {"burials": [{"finds": [{"files": [{"file_name": "41941.jpg", "id": 41941, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_38098", "reference": "Taf. 24/2", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "id": 97757, "properties": {"description": "Earring with spherical metal bead. Gilded copper alloy. Bobble (dia. 1,1 cm) was attached to a wire loop. Bobble made out of two horizontal sheet metal halves. Chainlet made out of wire wound around a wire. Attached to it another bobble (dia. 0,85 cm), made in the same way as the first but dented.\r\nFound underneath the skull.\r\n\r\n\r\n", "maintype": {"id": 26396, "name": "Earrings with spherical Metalbeads", "parent_id": 26395, "path": "Artifact > Cultural Object > Accessories > Jewellery > EarringsTemple Rings > Earrings with spherical Metalbeads", "systemtype": "artifact"}, "material": [{"id": 26547, "name": "Copper", "path": "Material > Metal > Non-Ferrous Metal > Copper", "value": "0.0"}, {"id": 26544, "name": "Gilded", "path": "Material > Metal > Non-Ferrous Metal > Precious Metal > Gold > Gilded", "value": "0.0"}], "name": "G113S1F01", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "250", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"id": 23441, "name": "Head", "path": "Position of Find in Grave > Head"}]}}], "id": 75085, "properties": {"description": "Child aged approx. 2 years and 8 months (infans 1). Oriented (grave pit): NW-SE. Fragmented skull and some ribs were found in the North-Western corner of the grave pit. \r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "323.0"}], "maintype": {"id": 26519, "name": "Skeleton", "parent_id": 26516, "path": "Stratigraphic unit > Burial (strat Unit) > Skeleton", "systemtype": "stratigraphic_unit"}, "name": "G113S1", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "250", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"description": "years", "id": 117200, "name": "maximum age", "path": "Absolute Age > maximum age", "value": "2.75"}, {"description": "years", "id": 117199, "name": "minimum age", "path": "Absolute Age > minimum age", "value": "2.75"}, {"description": "[0,6.9]", "id": 22279, "name": "Infans I", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Age > Child > Infans I-II > Infans I"}, {"description": "Possible result of anthropological sex determination. In this context, undetermined means that not enough bone material or specific features were preserved to carry out a sex determination (unlike indifferent, where the preserved features were neither clearly male nor female).", "id": 22375, "name": "undetermined", "path": "Sex and Gender > Sex > undetermined"}]}}, {"finds": [{"files": [{"file_name": "41942.jpg", "id": 41942, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_38100", "reference": "Taf. 24/1", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "id": 117519, "properties": {"description": "A pair of earrings with spherical metal beads made out of gilded copper alloy. Metal beads were attached to a wire (dia. 0,1). Coronal position spheres (3 spheres), protracted bobble with a loop (dia. 0,9 cm). solidly cast.\r\n\r\nEven though the pair of earrings were found in the overlapping area, it most certainly belonged the grave 113. It was found 15 cm from the right femur of burial 114 and 30 cm from the skull of burial 113 and on the same level of it. Due to the other earring found in grave 113 and the male sex of burial 114 the earring most certainly belonged to grave 113. \r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26191, "name": "Diameter", "path": "Dimensions > Diameter", "unit": "cm", "value": "1.4"}, {"id": 26189, "name": "Length", "path": "Dimensions > Length", "unit": "cm", "value": "3.5"}], "maintype": {"id": 26396, "name": "Earrings with spherical Metalbeads", "parent_id": 26395, "path": "Artifact > Cultural Object > Accessories > Jewellery > EarringsTemple Rings > Earrings with spherical Metalbeads", "systemtype": "artifact"}, "material": [{"id": 26546, "name": "Copper Alloy", "path": "Material > Metal > Non-Ferrous Metal > Copper Alloy", "value": "0.0"}, {"id": 26544, "name": "Gilded", "path": "Material > Metal > Non-Ferrous Metal > Precious Metal > Gold > Gilded", "value": "0.0"}], "name": "G113S2F01", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "251", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}}}], "id": 117517, "properties": {"description": "Strayfind, found in the overlapping area of grave 113 and 114.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "323.0"}], "maintype": {"id": 26513, "name": "None/Unknown/Strayfind", "parent_id": 13365, "path": "Stratigraphic unit > None/Unknown/Strayfind", "systemtype": "stratigraphic_unit"}, "name": "G113S2", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "250", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}}}], "files": [{"file_name": "40540.jpg", "id": 40540, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_38095", "reference": "Taf. 24", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "geometry": {"coordinates": [[[15.643120953, 48.586878071], [15.643120408, 48.586877018], [15.643119989, 48.586876297], [15.643119612, 48.586875798], [15.643119025, 48.586874855], [15.643118396, 48.586874384], [15.643118648, 48.58687383], [15.643120785, 48.586872527], [15.643122671, 48.586870947], [15.643125731, 48.586868285], [15.643134071, 48.586869949], [15.64313076, 48.586872582], [15.643128161, 48.586875438], [15.643120953, 48.586878071]]], "type": "Polygon"}, "id": 59147, "parent": 50505, "properties": {"description": "almost rectangular grave pit. A stone was placed in the North-Western corner. South-Eastern end undocumented due to trench's profile.\r\n\r\nGrave pit of grave 114 cuts into the grave pit of grave 113 in the Northern corner.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 148713, "name": "Nearest Neighbour", "path": "Dimensions > Distance > Nearest Neighbour", "unit": "m", "value": "1.12"}, {"id": 118730, "name": "Azimuth", "path": "Dimensions > Azimuth", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "128"}, {"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "323.0"}, {"id": 26188, "name": "Width", "path": "Dimensions > Width", "unit": "cm", "value": "59.0"}], "maintype": {"id": 26205, "name": "Single Grave", "parent_id": 26204, "path": "Feature > Grave > Single Grave", "systemtype": "feature"}, "name": "Grave 113", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "250", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"id": 22309, "name": "Flat grave", "path": "Grave Characteristics > Grave Construction > Flat grave"}]}, "type": "Feature"}, {"burials": [{"finds": [{"files": [{"file_name": "42600.jpg", "id": 42600, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_38106", "reference": "Taf. 25/1", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "id": 102349, "properties": {"description": "Ribbon-like finger ring made out of copper alloy sheet metal. fragmented. Partly light blue coloring.\r\nFound close to the left hand.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26191, "name": "Diameter", "path": "Dimensions > Diameter", "unit": "cm", "value": "2.1"}, {"id": 26190, "name": "Thickness", "path": "Dimensions > Thickness", "unit": "cm", "value": "0.05"}, {"id": 26188, "name": "Width", "path": "Dimensions > Width", "unit": "cm", "value": "0.35"}], "maintype": {"id": 26357, "name": "Hoop Finger-Ring", "parent_id": 26356, "path": "Artifact > Cultural Object > Accessories > Jewellery > Finger-Ring > Hoop Finger-Ring", "systemtype": "artifact"}, "material": [{"id": 26546, "name": "Copper Alloy", "path": "Material > Metal > Non-Ferrous Metal > Copper Alloy", "value": "0.0"}], "name": "G114S1F01", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "251", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"id": 23474, "name": "Hand left", "path": "Position of Find in Grave > Upper Body > Upper Extremities > Hands > Hand left"}]}}, {"id": 102355, "properties": {"description": "Knife, made out of iron. Lost without a trace.\r\nFound next to left hand and close to the finger ring (G114S1F01).\r\n\r\n", "maintype": {"id": 26244, "name": "Knife", "parent_id": 26223, "path": "Artifact > Cultural Object > Equipment > Knife", "systemtype": "artifact"}, "material": [{"id": 26540, "name": "Iron", "path": "Material > Metal > Iron", "value": "0.0"}], "name": "G114S1F02", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "251", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"id": 23451, "name": "Thigh left", "path": "Position of Find in Grave > Lower Body > Leg Left > Thigh left"}]}}], "id": 77751, "properties": {"description": "Juvenile, (probably) male (18 to 20 years). Oriented: NW-SE. Skull and pelvis heavily deranged.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "295.0"}], "maintype": {"id": 26519, "name": "Skeleton", "parent_id": 26516, "path": "Stratigraphic unit > Burial (strat Unit) > Skeleton", "systemtype": "stratigraphic_unit"}, "name": "G114S1", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "251", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"description": "years", "id": 117200, "name": "maximum age", "path": "Absolute Age > maximum age", "value": "20.0"}, {"description": "years", "id": 117199, "name": "minimum age", "path": "Absolute Age > minimum age", "value": "18.0"}, {"description": "[14,19.9]", "id": 22289, "name": "Juvenil", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Age > Juvenil"}, {"id": 128067, "name": "Left arm stretched", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Arms > Left arm stretched"}, {"id": 128068, "name": "Right arm stretched", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Arms > Right arm stretched"}, {"id": 128052, "name": "Supine position", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > General > Supine position"}, {"id": 128061, "name": "On the left side", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Head > On the left side"}, {"id": 128062, "name": "Left leg stretched", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Legs > Left leg stretched"}, {"id": 128103, "name": "Right leg stretched", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Legs > Right leg stretched"}, {"id": 22374, "name": "Male?", "path": "Sex and Gender > Sex > Male > Male?"}]}}], "files": [{"file_name": "44032.jpg", "id": 44032, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_38103", "reference": "Taf. 25", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "geometry": {"coordinates": [[[15.643120911, 48.586878432], [15.643120869, 48.586879125], [15.643120115, 48.586880095], [15.643118354, 48.586881065], [15.643114625, 48.586881842], [15.643110224, 48.58688356], [15.64310817, 48.586884364], [15.643106326, 48.586885473], [15.643105195, 48.586886249], [15.643104399, 48.586887081], [15.643104482, 48.586888079], [15.643105279, 48.586889022], [15.64310662, 48.586890047], [15.643107416, 48.586890546], [15.643108338, 48.586890824], [15.643109512, 48.586890713], [15.643111272, 48.586890463], [15.643113954, 48.586889493], [15.643117307, 48.58688855], [15.643120492, 48.586887469], [15.643122126, 48.586886776], [15.64312594, 48.586885556], [15.643129838, 48.586884253], [15.64313143, 48.586883533], [15.643133651, 48.586882645], [15.643135663, 48.586881786], [15.643136585, 48.586881204], [15.643136962, 48.586880428], [15.643137088, 48.586879485], [15.643136501, 48.586878376], [15.643135956, 48.586877434], [15.643134951, 48.586876075], [15.643134573, 48.586875271], [15.643132646, 48.586874523], [15.643131556, 48.586874551], [15.643128497, 48.586875382], [15.643124012, 48.586876935], [15.643120911, 48.586878432]]], "type": "Polygon"}, "id": 59261, "parent": 50505, "properties": {"description": "Almost rectangular grave pit. Some stones placed along the edges. Pit was potentially dug in a stepped manner. In 5 cm depth, there is a light step in the wall of the pit. Stones were placed on that step. Might be an artifact due to the excavation method (planum).\r\nGrave pit cuts into the one of grave 113. Might cut slightly into the long side of grave 129 as well.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 148713, "name": "Nearest Neighbour", "path": "Dimensions > Distance > Nearest Neighbour", "unit": "m", "value": "1.12"}, {"id": 118730, "name": "Azimuth", "path": "Dimensions > Azimuth", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "109"}, {"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "295.0"}, {"id": 15679, "name": "Height", "path": "Dimensions > Height", "unit": "cm", "value": "7.0"}, {"id": 26189, "name": "Length", "path": "Dimensions > Length", "unit": "cm", "value": "214.0"}, {"id": 26188, "name": "Width", "path": "Dimensions > Width", "unit": "cm", "value": "69.0"}], "maintype": {"id": 26205, "name": "Single Grave", "parent_id": 26204, "path": "Feature > Grave > Single Grave", "systemtype": "feature"}, "name": "Grave 114", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "251", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"id": 22309, "name": "Flat grave", "path": "Grave Characteristics > Grave Construction > Flat grave"}]}, "type": "Feature"}, {"burials": [{"finds": [{"id": 102121, "properties": {"description": "Bell made out of iron. Lost without a trace.\r\nFound between right pelvic bone and forearm.\r\n\r\n", "maintype": {"id": 26443, "name": "Bells", "parent_id": 26324, "path": "Artifact > Cultural Object > Accessories > Bells", "systemtype": "artifact"}, "material": [{"id": 26540, "name": "Iron", "path": "Material > Metal > Iron", "value": "0.0"}], "name": "G115S1F01", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "251", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"id": 23463, "name": "Pelvis right", "path": "Position of Find in Grave > Pelvis > Pelvis right"}]}}], "id": 77715, "properties": {"description": "Child aged 7 to 8 years (infans 2). Oriented NW-SE. Skull tilted to the right and downwards. Shoulders slightly scrunched. Feed close together.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "304.0"}], "maintype": {"id": 26519, "name": "Skeleton", "parent_id": 26516, "path": "Stratigraphic unit > Burial (strat Unit) > Skeleton", "systemtype": "stratigraphic_unit"}, "name": "G115S1", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "251", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"description": "years", "id": 117200, "name": "maximum age", "path": "Absolute Age > maximum age", "value": "8.0"}, {"description": "years", "id": 117199, "name": "minimum age", "path": "Absolute Age > minimum age", "value": "7.0"}, {"description": "[7,13.9]", "id": 22280, "name": "Infans II", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Age > Child > Infans I-II > Infans II"}, {"id": 128067, "name": "Left arm stretched", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Arms > Left arm stretched"}, {"id": 128068, "name": "Right arm stretched", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Arms > Right arm stretched"}, {"id": 128052, "name": "Supine position", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > General > Supine position"}, {"id": 128084, "name": "Left hand next to the body", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Hands > Left hand next to the body"}, {"id": 128085, "name": "Right hand next to the body", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Hands > Right hand next to the body"}, {"id": 128060, "name": "On the right side", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Head > On the right side"}, {"id": 128062, "name": "Left leg stretched", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Legs > Left leg stretched"}, {"id": 128103, "name": "Right leg stretched", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Legs > Right leg stretched"}, {"description": "Possible result of anthropological sex determination. In this context, undetermined means that not enough bone material or specific features were preserved to carry out a sex determination (unlike indifferent, where the preserved features were neither clearly male nor female).", "id": 22375, "name": "undetermined", "path": "Sex and Gender > Sex > undetermined"}]}}], "files": [{"file_name": "42601.jpg", "id": 42601, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_38109", "reference": "Taf. 24", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "geometry": {"coordinates": [[[15.643074706, 48.586894816], [15.643072946, 48.586895315], [15.643071604, 48.586895453], [15.643070599, 48.586895633], [15.64306953, 48.586895717], [15.643068461, 48.586895758], [15.643067791, 48.586895467], [15.643066785, 48.586894483], [15.64306601, 48.586893527], [15.643065255, 48.586892695], [15.643064836, 48.586891946], [15.643064815, 48.586891517], [15.643065067, 48.586890962], [15.643065863, 48.586890297], [15.643067434, 48.586889604], [15.643069132, 48.586889077], [15.643070703, 48.586888634], [15.643072715, 48.586888218], [15.64307435, 48.58688776], [15.643076089, 48.5868874], [15.643077472, 48.586887123], [15.643079001, 48.586886984], [15.643080049, 48.586886887], [15.643080825, 48.586886956], [15.6430816, 48.586887428], [15.643082794, 48.586888426], [15.643083632, 48.586889437], [15.643082606, 48.586889673], [15.643080049, 48.586890311], [15.643077786, 48.586891115], [15.64307611, 48.586891766], [15.643074852, 48.586892487], [15.64307414, 48.586893125], [15.64307414, 48.586893734], [15.643074308, 48.586894275], [15.643074706, 48.586894816]]], "type": "Polygon"}, "id": 56083, "parent": 50505, "properties": {"description": "Almost rectangular grave pit. Enlargement at the Eastern end, 12 cm deep - maybe another, older grave. A narrow-rectangular discoloration points at the former presence of a wooden coffin. The pit of grave 116 cuts into the one of this grave in the North-Eastern corner. \r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 148713, "name": "Nearest Neighbour", "path": "Dimensions > Distance > Nearest Neighbour", "unit": "m", "value": "0.71"}, {"id": 118730, "name": "Azimuth", "path": "Dimensions > Azimuth", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "103"}, {"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "304.0"}, {"id": 15679, "name": "Height", "path": "Dimensions > Height", "unit": "cm", "value": "45.0"}, {"id": 26189, "name": "Length", "path": "Dimensions > Length", "unit": "cm", "value": "135.0"}, {"id": 26188, "name": "Width", "path": "Dimensions > Width", "unit": "cm", "value": "77.0"}], "maintype": {"id": 26205, "name": "Single Grave", "parent_id": 26204, "path": "Feature > Grave > Single Grave", "systemtype": "feature"}, "name": "Grave 115", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "251", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"id": 22309, "name": "Flat grave", "path": "Grave Characteristics > Grave Construction > Flat grave"}]}, "type": "Feature"}, {"burials": [{"id": 74991, "properties": {"description": "Possibly secondary burial. Child aged 6 to 9 months (infans 1). Probably supine position. Oriented: NW-SE. Skull crushed. Only few long bones in situ. Some dislocated ribs preserved.\r\nNo grave goods.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "286.0"}], "maintype": {"id": 26519, "name": "Skeleton", "parent_id": 26516, "path": "Stratigraphic unit > Burial (strat Unit) > Skeleton", "systemtype": "stratigraphic_unit"}, "name": "G116S1", "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"description": "years", "id": 117200, "name": "maximum age", "path": "Absolute Age > maximum age", "value": "0.75"}, {"description": "years", "id": 117199, "name": "minimum age", "path": "Absolute Age > minimum age", "value": "0.5"}, {"description": "[0,6.9]", "id": 22279, "name": "Infans I", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Age > Child > Infans I-II > Infans I"}, {"id": 128052, "name": "Supine position", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > General > Supine position"}, {"description": "Possible result of anthropological sex determination. In this context, undetermined means that not enough bone material or specific features were preserved to carry out a sex determination (unlike indifferent, where the preserved features were neither clearly male nor female).", "id": 22375, "name": "undetermined", "path": "Sex and Gender > Sex > undetermined"}]}}], "files": [{"file_name": "33819.jpg", "id": 33819, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_38113", "reference": "Taf. 25", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "geometry": {"coordinates": [[[15.643076445, 48.586895786], [15.643078457, 48.586895162], [15.643079714, 48.586894774], [15.643081306, 48.5868944], [15.643082291, 48.586894095], [15.643082899, 48.586893845], [15.643083339, 48.58689343], [15.643083863, 48.586893138], [15.643085225, 48.586892847], [15.643085686, 48.586892612], [15.643086252, 48.586892334], [15.643086755, 48.586891988], [15.643086859, 48.586891475], [15.643086608, 48.586890865], [15.643086294, 48.586890269], [15.643085854, 48.586889687], [15.643085414, 48.58688941], [15.643084617, 48.586889424], [15.643083276, 48.586889521], [15.643081327, 48.58688995], [15.6430794, 48.586890546], [15.643077702, 48.586891239], [15.64307655, 48.586891697], [15.643075607, 48.58689214], [15.643074831, 48.586892612], [15.643074496, 48.586893235], [15.643074433, 48.586893748], [15.643074475, 48.586894358], [15.643074559, 48.586894802], [15.643075062, 48.586895467], [15.643075628, 48.586895717], [15.643076445, 48.586895786]]], "type": "Polygon"}, "id": 56721, "parent": 50505, "properties": {"description": "Rounded rectangular grave pit. Few stones along the edges.\r\nThe grave ist positioned between grave 115 and 161. Cuts slightly into their backfilling.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 148713, "name": "Nearest Neighbour", "path": "Dimensions > Distance > Nearest Neighbour", "unit": "m", "value": "0.55"}, {"id": 118730, "name": "Azimuth", "path": "Dimensions > Azimuth", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "107"}, {"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "286.0"}, {"id": 15679, "name": "Height", "path": "Dimensions > Height", "unit": "cm", "value": "11.0"}, {"id": 26189, "name": "Length", "path": "Dimensions > Length", "unit": "cm", "value": "99.0"}, {"id": 26188, "name": "Width", "path": "Dimensions > Width", "unit": "cm", "value": "55.0"}], "maintype": {"id": 26205, "name": "Single Grave", "parent_id": 26204, "path": "Feature > Grave > Single Grave", "systemtype": "feature"}, "name": "Grave 116", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "251", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"id": 22309, "name": "Flat grave", "path": "Grave Characteristics > Grave Construction > Flat grave"}]}, "type": "Feature"}, {"burials": [{"id": 78303, "properties": {"description": "Child aged 10 to 12 years (infans 2). Oriented: NW-SE. Only lower body preserved. Legs relatively close together. Potential fragments of the skull found next to the legs of burial 118 (G118S1).\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "315.0"}], "maintype": {"id": 26519, "name": "Skeleton", "parent_id": 26516, "path": "Stratigraphic unit > Burial (strat Unit) > Skeleton", "systemtype": "stratigraphic_unit"}, "name": "G117S1", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "251", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"description": "years", "id": 117200, "name": "maximum age", "path": "Absolute Age > maximum age", "value": "12.0"}, {"description": "years", "id": 117199, "name": "minimum age", "path": "Absolute Age > minimum age", "value": "10.0"}, {"description": "[7,13.9]", "id": 22280, "name": "Infans II", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Age > Child > Infans I-II > Infans II"}, {"id": 128052, "name": "Supine position", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > General > Supine position"}, {"id": 128084, "name": "Left hand next to the body", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Hands > Left hand next to the body"}, {"id": 128085, "name": "Right hand next to the body", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Hands > Right hand next to the body"}, {"id": 128062, "name": "Left leg stretched", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Legs > Left leg stretched"}, {"id": 128103, "name": "Right leg stretched", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Legs > Right leg stretched"}, {"description": "Possible result of anthropological sex determination. In this context, undetermined means that not enough bone material or specific features were preserved to carry out a sex determination (unlike indifferent, where the preserved features were neither clearly male nor female).", "id": 22375, "name": "undetermined", "path": "Sex and Gender > Sex > undetermined"}]}}, {"finds": [{"id": 117523, "properties": {"description": "Slag, found in the backfilling of the grave, close to the burial level.\r\n\r\n", "maintype": {"id": 26506, "name": "Varia", "parent_id": 205561, "path": "Artifact > Cultural Object > Varia", "systemtype": "artifact"}, "name": "G117S2F01", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "251", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}}}], "id": 117521, "properties": {"description": "Backfilling of grave 117.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "315.0"}], "maintype": {"id": 117202, "name": "Backfilling", "parent_id": 26514, "path": "Stratigraphic unit > Deposit > Backfilling", "systemtype": "stratigraphic_unit"}, "name": "G117S2", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "251", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}}}], "files": [{"file_name": "42602.jpg", "id": 42602, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_38116", "reference": "Taf. 25", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "geometry": {"coordinates": [[[15.643130182, 48.58699405], [15.643129009, 48.586993107], [15.643127584, 48.586992885], [15.643125404, 48.586993551], [15.643121465, 48.586995713], [15.643118028, 48.586997765], [15.643116184, 48.586999095], [15.643114173, 48.587000426], [15.643119034, 48.587003087], [15.643120711, 48.587002644], [15.643123812, 48.58700159], [15.643127081, 48.586999982], [15.643128422, 48.586999206], [15.643130685, 48.586998153], [15.643132026, 48.586997155], [15.643131859, 48.58699599], [15.643130182, 48.58699405]]], "type": "Polygon"}, "id": 59555, "parent": 50505, "properties": {"description": "Irregular rectangular grave pit, slightly cut into the rock. No entirely distinguishable from grave pit 118. Some small stones along the edges.\r\nGrave 117 is positioned few cm above grave 183. Both graves are oriented almost in the same direction, but grave 183 is shifted a little further to the East, resulting in the head of burial 183 being positioned under the thights of burial 117.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "315.0"}, {"id": 15679, "name": "Height", "path": "Dimensions > Height", "unit": "cm", "value": "25.0"}, {"id": 26189, "name": "Length", "path": "Dimensions > Length", "unit": "cm", "value": "90.0"}, {"id": 26188, "name": "Width", "path": "Dimensions > Width", "unit": "cm", "value": "50.0"}, {"id": 148713, "name": "Nearest Neighbour", "path": "Dimensions > Distance > Nearest Neighbour", "unit": "m", "value": "0.39"}, {"id": 118730, "name": "Azimuth", "path": "Dimensions > Azimuth", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "117"}], "maintype": {"id": 26205, "name": "Single Grave", "parent_id": 26204, "path": "Feature > Grave > Single Grave", "systemtype": "feature"}, "name": "Grave 117", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "251", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"id": 22309, "name": "Flat grave", "path": "Grave Characteristics > Grave Construction > Flat grave"}]}, "type": "Feature"}, {"burials": [{"id": 75091, "properties": {"description": "Mature female (50-60 years). Oriented NW-SE. Skull missing or fragments positioned next to the legs. Those fragments might belong to burial 117 (G117S1) as well. Left forearm underneath the pelvic bone. Bones partly fragmented.\r\nNo grave goods.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "315.0"}], "maintype": {"id": 26519, "name": "Skeleton", "parent_id": 26516, "path": "Stratigraphic unit > Burial (strat Unit) > Skeleton", "systemtype": "stratigraphic_unit"}, "name": "G118S1", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "251", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"description": "years", "id": 117200, "name": "maximum age", "path": "Absolute Age > maximum age", "value": "60.0"}, {"description": "years", "id": 117199, "name": "minimum age", "path": "Absolute Age > minimum age", "value": "50.0"}, {"description": "[40,59.9]", "id": 22286, "name": "Matur", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Age > Grown up > Matur"}, {"id": 128067, "name": "Left arm stretched", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Arms > Left arm stretched"}, {"id": 128068, "name": "Right arm stretched", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Arms > Right arm stretched"}, {"id": 128052, "name": "Supine position", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > General > Supine position"}, {"id": 128062, "name": "Left leg stretched", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Legs > Left leg stretched"}, {"id": 128103, "name": "Right leg stretched", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Legs > Right leg stretched"}, {"id": 24, "name": "Female", "path": "Sex and Gender > Sex > Female"}]}}], "files": [{"file_name": "42603.jpg", "id": 42603, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_38119", "reference": "Taf. 25", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "geometry": {"coordinates": [[[15.643119528, 48.587003155], [15.643114164, 48.587000244], [15.643112655, 48.587001408], [15.643110224, 48.587001796], [15.643109344, 48.587002434], [15.643108673, 48.587003183], [15.643108673, 48.587004097], [15.643107081, 48.587004402], [15.643105991, 48.587004846], [15.643104818, 48.587006759], [15.643103686, 48.587009115], [15.643103099, 48.587010113], [15.643103435, 48.587010862], [15.643104021, 48.587011305], [15.643104566, 48.587012081], [15.643105237, 48.587012359], [15.64310662, 48.587012386], [15.643108003, 48.587011943], [15.643109134, 48.587011416], [15.643111775, 48.58700942], [15.643113828, 48.587008422], [15.643115756, 48.587006343], [15.643116888, 48.587005373], [15.64311781, 48.587004402], [15.643119528, 48.587003155]]], "type": "Polygon"}, "id": 59561, "parent": 50505, "properties": {"description": "Almost rectangular grave pit. Few stones positioned along the edges.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 148713, "name": "Nearest Neighbour", "path": "Dimensions > Distance > Nearest Neighbour", "unit": "m", "value": "0.87"}, {"id": 118730, "name": "Azimuth", "path": "Dimensions > Azimuth", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "126"}, {"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "315.0"}, {"id": 15679, "name": "Height", "path": "Dimensions > Height", "unit": "cm", "value": "28.0"}, {"id": 26189, "name": "Length", "path": "Dimensions > Length", "unit": "cm", "value": "265.0"}, {"id": 26188, "name": "Width", "path": "Dimensions > Width", "unit": "cm", "value": "63.0"}], "maintype": {"id": 26205, "name": "Single Grave", "parent_id": 26204, "path": "Feature > Grave > Single Grave", "systemtype": "feature"}, "name": "Grave 118", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "251", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"id": 22309, "name": "Flat grave", "path": "Grave Characteristics > Grave Construction > Flat grave"}]}, "type": "Feature"}, {"burials": [{"id": 78351, "properties": {"description": "Child aged 12 to 18 months (infans 1). Oriented: NW-SE. Preserved moderately. Skull fragmented, some bones dislocated. \r\nNo grave goods.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "305.0"}], "maintype": {"id": 26519, "name": "Skeleton", "parent_id": 26516, "path": "Stratigraphic unit > Burial (strat Unit) > Skeleton", "systemtype": "stratigraphic_unit"}, "name": "G119S1", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "251", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"description": "years", "id": 117200, "name": "maximum age", "path": "Absolute Age > maximum age", "value": "1.5"}, {"description": "years", "id": 117199, "name": "minimum age", "path": "Absolute Age > minimum age", "value": "1.0"}, {"description": "[0,6.9]", "id": 22279, "name": "Infans I", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Age > Child > Infans I-II > Infans I"}, {"id": 128068, "name": "Right arm stretched", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Arms > Right arm stretched"}, {"id": 128052, "name": "Supine position", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > General > Supine position"}, {"id": 128061, "name": "On the left side", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Head > On the left side"}, {"id": 128062, "name": "Left leg stretched", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Legs > Left leg stretched"}, {"id": 128103, "name": "Right leg stretched", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Legs > Right leg stretched"}, {"description": "Possible result of anthropological sex determination. In this context, undetermined means that not enough bone material or specific features were preserved to carry out a sex determination (unlike indifferent, where the preserved features were neither clearly male nor female).", "id": 22375, "name": "undetermined", "path": "Sex and Gender > Sex > undetermined"}]}}], "files": [{"file_name": "42604.jpg", "id": 42604, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_38122", "reference": "Taf. 26", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "geometry": {"coordinates": [[[15.643115127, 48.586978731], [15.64311672, 48.586978371], [15.643118396, 48.586977733], [15.64312024, 48.586976929], [15.643122713, 48.586975654], [15.643123761, 48.586975155], [15.643124683, 48.58697485], [15.643124054, 48.586974296], [15.643122755, 48.586973409], [15.643121749, 48.586972965], [15.643120701, 48.586972771], [15.64311936, 48.586973381], [15.643117684, 48.586974019], [15.643116762, 48.58697449], [15.643115463, 48.586975848], [15.64311496, 48.586976458], [15.643114289, 48.586977013], [15.643114205, 48.586977789], [15.643114205, 48.586978232], [15.643115127, 48.586978731]]], "type": "Polygon"}, "id": 56873, "parent": 50505, "properties": {"description": "Almost rectangular grave pit. Pit's border almost undetectable in the North-Western part due to trench's profile. In close proximity to the grave some small stones.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "305.0"}, {"id": 15679, "name": "Height", "path": "Dimensions > Height", "unit": "cm", "value": "4.0"}, {"id": 26188, "name": "Width", "path": "Dimensions > Width", "unit": "cm", "value": "32.0"}, {"id": 118730, "name": "Azimuth", "path": "Dimensions > Azimuth", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "114"}, {"id": 148713, "name": "Nearest Neighbour", "path": "Dimensions > Distance > Nearest Neighbour", "unit": "m", "value": "0.79"}], "maintype": {"id": 26205, "name": "Single Grave", "parent_id": 26204, "path": "Feature > Grave > Single Grave", "systemtype": "feature"}, "name": "Grave 119", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "251", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"id": 22309, "name": "Flat grave", "path": "Grave Characteristics > Grave Construction > Flat grave"}]}, "type": "Feature"}, {"burials": [{"id": 78537, "properties": {"description": "Adult female (20-40 years). Oriented: NW-SE (310\u00b0). Disturbed. Few skull fragments, extremity bones, pelvic bones, and few vertebrae preserved fragmented.\r\nNo grave goods.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "310.0"}], "maintype": {"id": 26519, "name": "Skeleton", "parent_id": 26516, "path": "Stratigraphic unit > Burial (strat Unit) > Skeleton", "systemtype": "stratigraphic_unit"}, "name": "G001_1986S1", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "269", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"description": "years", "id": 117200, "name": "maximum age", "path": "Absolute Age > maximum age", "value": "40.0"}, {"description": "years", "id": 117199, "name": "minimum age", "path": "Absolute Age > minimum age", "value": "20.0"}, {"description": "[20,39.9]", "id": 22284, "name": "Adult", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Age > Grown up > Adult"}, {"id": 128068, "name": "Right arm stretched", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Arms > Right arm stretched"}, {"id": 128052, "name": "Supine position", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > General > Supine position"}, {"id": 128062, "name": "Left leg stretched", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Legs > Left leg stretched"}, {"id": 128103, "name": "Right leg stretched", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Legs > Right leg stretched"}, {"id": 24, "name": "Female", "path": "Sex and Gender > Sex > Female"}]}}], "files": [{"file_name": "42747.jpg", "id": 42747, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_38571", "reference": "Taf. 42", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "geometry": {"coordinates": [[[15.643254393, 48.586544347], [15.643258207, 48.586536585], [15.643256907, 48.58653689], [15.643255524, 48.58653786], [15.643253974, 48.586538775], [15.643252549, 48.586539246], [15.643251291, 48.586539302], [15.643250118, 48.586539329], [15.643249196, 48.586540106], [15.643248777, 48.586541131], [15.643248316, 48.586541991], [15.643248651, 48.586542518], [15.643249447, 48.586543155], [15.64325083, 48.586543571], [15.643251794, 48.586543876], [15.643253219, 48.586544153], [15.643254393, 48.586544347]]], "type": "Polygon"}, "id": 59733, "parent": 50505, "properties": {"description": "Grave pit only partly visible. Northeastern end undocumented due to trench's profile.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "310.0"}, {"id": 26188, "name": "Width", "path": "Dimensions > Width", "unit": "cm", "value": "65.0"}, {"id": 118730, "name": "Azimuth", "path": "Dimensions > Azimuth", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "110"}, {"id": 148713, "name": "Nearest Neighbour", "path": "Dimensions > Distance > Nearest Neighbour", "unit": "m", "value": "7.01"}], "maintype": {"id": 26205, "name": "Single Grave", "parent_id": 26204, "path": "Feature > Grave > Single Grave", "systemtype": "feature"}, "name": "Grave 1_1986", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "269", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"id": 22309, "name": "Flat grave", "path": "Grave Characteristics > Grave Construction > Flat grave"}]}, "type": "Feature"}, {"burials": [{"id": 74927, "properties": {"description": "Child aged approx. 3 years. Oriented: NW-SE. Skull fragments in the North-Western part of the pit. Long bones dislocated and found in the South-Eastern part of the pit.\r\nNo grave goods.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "293.0"}], "maintype": {"id": 26519, "name": "Skeleton", "parent_id": 26516, "path": "Stratigraphic unit > Burial (strat Unit) > Skeleton", "systemtype": "stratigraphic_unit"}, "name": "G120S1", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "252", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"description": "years", "id": 117200, "name": "maximum age", "path": "Absolute Age > maximum age", "value": "3.0"}, {"description": "years", "id": 117199, "name": "minimum age", "path": "Absolute Age > minimum age", "value": "3.0"}, {"description": "[0,6.9]", "id": 22279, "name": "Infans I", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Age > Child > Infans I-II > Infans I"}, {"description": "Possible result of anthropological sex determination. In this context, undetermined means that not enough bone material or specific features were preserved to carry out a sex determination (unlike indifferent, where the preserved features were neither clearly male nor female).", "id": 22375, "name": "undetermined", "path": "Sex and Gender > Sex > undetermined"}]}}], "files": [{"file_name": "33839.jpg", "id": 33839, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_38125", "reference": "Taf. 25", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "geometry": {"coordinates": [[[15.643147482, 48.58689293], [15.643147063, 48.586891711], [15.643146224, 48.586890713], [15.643144464, 48.586888994], [15.643142955, 48.58688794], [15.643141698, 48.58688722], [15.643140567, 48.586887331], [15.643137633, 48.586888356], [15.643134029, 48.586889632], [15.643131514, 48.586890934], [15.643130131, 48.586891572], [15.643128077, 48.586892293], [15.643126569, 48.586892903], [15.643124976, 48.586893596], [15.64312418, 48.586894012], [15.643124306, 48.586894705], [15.643125186, 48.586895564], [15.643125772, 48.586896313], [15.643126946, 48.586897061], [15.643128413, 48.586897726], [15.643129796, 48.586898059], [15.64313164, 48.586898225], [15.64313319, 48.586898004], [15.643134825, 48.586897865], [15.643136753, 48.5868972], [15.643138345, 48.586896895], [15.643140734, 48.586896146], [15.643142327, 48.586895453], [15.643144464, 48.586894954], [15.643146057, 48.586894039], [15.643146853, 48.586893651], [15.643147482, 48.58689293]]], "type": "Polygon"}, "id": 56733, "parent": 50505, "properties": {"description": "Rectangular grave pit. Stones positioned on the edge of the South-Eastern end of the pit.\r\nGrey, almost rectangular discolouration on the burial level (maybe remains if a wooden coffin or other wooden installations). Bones positioned in discolouration.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "293.0"}, {"id": 15679, "name": "Height", "path": "Dimensions > Height", "unit": "cm", "value": "16.0"}, {"id": 26189, "name": "Length", "path": "Dimensions > Length", "unit": "cm", "value": "138.0"}, {"id": 26188, "name": "Width", "path": "Dimensions > Width", "unit": "cm", "value": "80.0"}, {"id": 148713, "name": "Nearest Neighbour", "path": "Dimensions > Distance > Nearest Neighbour", "unit": "m", "value": "1.55"}, {"id": 118730, "name": "Azimuth", "path": "Dimensions > Azimuth", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "108"}], "maintype": {"id": 26205, "name": "Single Grave", "parent_id": 26204, "path": "Feature > Grave > Single Grave", "systemtype": "feature"}, "name": "Grave 120", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "252", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"id": 22309, "name": "Flat grave", "path": "Grave Characteristics > Grave Construction > Flat grave"}]}, "type": "Feature"}, {"burials": [{"id": 77973, "properties": {"description": "Child aged 18 to 24 months (infans 1). Skull fragments, long bones, and fragments of the pelvis preserved.\r\nNo grave goods.\r\n\r\n", "maintype": {"id": 26519, "name": "Skeleton", "parent_id": 26516, "path": "Stratigraphic unit > Burial (strat Unit) > Skeleton", "systemtype": "stratigraphic_unit"}, "name": "G121S1", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "252", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"description": "years", "id": 117200, "name": "maximum age", "path": "Absolute Age > maximum age", "value": "2.0"}, {"description": "years", "id": 117199, "name": "minimum age", "path": "Absolute Age > minimum age", "value": "1.5"}, {"description": "[0,6.9]", "id": 22279, "name": "Infans I", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Age > Child > Infans I-II > Infans I"}, {"description": "Possible result of anthropological sex determination. In this context, undetermined means that not enough bone material or specific features were preserved to carry out a sex determination (unlike indifferent, where the preserved features were neither clearly male nor female).", "id": 22375, "name": "undetermined", "path": "Sex and Gender > Sex > undetermined"}]}}], "files": [{"file_name": "42605.jpg", "id": 42605, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_38128", "reference": "Taf. 25", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "geometry": {"coordinates": [[[15.643118438, 48.586932061], [15.64311957, 48.586932352], [15.643120513, 48.586932587], [15.643121016, 48.586932643], [15.643121791, 48.586932574], [15.64312309, 48.586932213], [15.643123991, 48.586931936], [15.643124955, 48.586931714], [15.643126213, 48.586931354], [15.643127072, 48.586931049], [15.64312747, 48.586930591], [15.643127596, 48.586930065], [15.643127365, 48.586929593], [15.643126841, 48.586929469], [15.64312571, 48.586929843], [15.643123195, 48.586930647], [15.64312068, 48.586931271], [15.643119465, 48.586931603], [15.643118438, 48.586932061]]], "type": "Polygon"}, "id": 59297, "parent": 50505, "properties": {"description": "Grave pit hardly visible. North-Western part undocumented due to trench's profile.\r\nThe deranged burial ist positioned directly next to edge of grave pit 125.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 148713, "name": "Nearest Neighbour", "path": "Dimensions > Distance > Nearest Neighbour", "unit": "m", "value": "0.37"}, {"id": 118730, "name": "Azimuth", "path": "Dimensions > Azimuth", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "106"}, {"id": 26188, "name": "Width", "path": "Dimensions > Width", "unit": "cm", "value": "45.0"}], "maintype": {"id": 26205, "name": "Single Grave", "parent_id": 26204, "path": "Feature > Grave > Single Grave", "systemtype": "feature"}, "name": "Grave 121", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "252", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"id": 22309, "name": "Flat grave", "path": "Grave Characteristics > Grave Construction > Flat grave"}]}, "type": "Feature"}, {"burials": [{"id": 77979, "properties": {"description": "Child aged 9 to 18 months. Probably supine position. Oriented: NW-SE. Lower extremities in situ, rest of the skeleton deranged and fragmented.\r\nNo grave goods.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "296.0"}], "maintype": {"id": 26519, "name": "Skeleton", "parent_id": 26516, "path": "Stratigraphic unit > Burial (strat Unit) > Skeleton", "systemtype": "stratigraphic_unit"}, "name": "G122S1", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "252", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"description": "years", "id": 117200, "name": "maximum age", "path": "Absolute Age > maximum age", "value": "1.5"}, {"description": "years", "id": 117199, "name": "minimum age", "path": "Absolute Age > minimum age", "value": "0.75"}, {"description": "[0,6.9]", "id": 22279, "name": "Infans I", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Age > Child > Infans I-II > Infans I"}, {"id": 128052, "name": "Supine position", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > General > Supine position"}, {"id": 128062, "name": "Left leg stretched", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Legs > Left leg stretched"}, {"id": 128103, "name": "Right leg stretched", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Legs > Right leg stretched"}, {"description": "Possible result of anthropological sex determination. In this context, undetermined means that not enough bone material or specific features were preserved to carry out a sex determination (unlike indifferent, where the preserved features were neither clearly male nor female).", "id": 22375, "name": "undetermined", "path": "Sex and Gender > Sex > undetermined"}]}}], "files": [{"file_name": "42607.jpg", "id": 42607, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_38131", "reference": "Taf. 26", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "geometry": {"coordinates": [[[15.643085036, 48.586902134], [15.643084995, 48.586902578], [15.643085456, 48.586903493], [15.643086042, 48.586904269], [15.643086577, 48.586904456], [15.643087509, 48.586904532], [15.643088201, 48.586904532], [15.643089028, 48.586904512], [15.64308972, 48.586904498], [15.643090118, 48.58690447], [15.643091197, 48.586904186], [15.643092978, 48.586903562], [15.64309456, 48.586902918], [15.643095943, 48.586902377], [15.643097222, 48.586901871], [15.64309807, 48.58690131], [15.643098332, 48.58690088], [15.643098269, 48.586900312], [15.643097892, 48.586899508], [15.643097389, 48.586898738], [15.643097023, 48.586898433], [15.643096614, 48.58689842], [15.643095744, 48.586898724], [15.643093701, 48.58689948], [15.643089772, 48.586900769], [15.643087499, 48.586901511], [15.643085686, 48.586901892], [15.643085036, 48.586902134]]], "type": "Polygon"}, "id": 59303, "parent": 50505, "properties": {"description": "Rectangular or squared grave pit, slightly cut into the rock. Western part undocumented due to trench's profile. One stone positioned on the edge.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "296.0"}, {"id": 148713, "name": "Nearest Neighbour", "path": "Dimensions > Distance > Nearest Neighbour", "unit": "m", "value": "0.4"}, {"id": 118730, "name": "Azimuth", "path": "Dimensions > Azimuth", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "108"}], "maintype": {"id": 26205, "name": "Single Grave", "parent_id": 26204, "path": "Feature > Grave > Single Grave", "systemtype": "feature"}, "name": "Grave 122", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "252", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"id": 22309, "name": "Flat grave", "path": "Grave Characteristics > Grave Construction > Flat grave"}]}, "type": "Feature"}, {"burials": [{"id": 78357, "properties": {"description": "Skeleton lost without a trace. Oriented: approx. NW-SE or SE-NW. Only one long bone and some bone fragments documented.\r\nNo grave goods.\r\n\r\n", "maintype": {"id": 26519, "name": "Skeleton", "parent_id": 26516, "path": "Stratigraphic unit > Burial (strat Unit) > Skeleton", "systemtype": "stratigraphic_unit"}, "name": "G123S1", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "252", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}}}], "files": [{"file_name": "42608.jpg", "id": 42608, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_38134", "reference": "Taf. 26", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "geometry": {"coordinates": [[[15.643215417, 48.586887109], [15.643214516, 48.586887372], [15.643213259, 48.586887733], [15.643212043, 48.58688801], [15.643211121, 48.586888162], [15.643210493, 48.58688819], [15.643209969, 48.586887996], [15.643209131, 48.586887608], [15.643208481, 48.586887081], [15.643208313, 48.586886693], [15.643208334, 48.586886249], [15.643208607, 48.58688582], [15.643209131, 48.586885598], [15.643210011, 48.586885612], [15.643212106, 48.586885986], [15.643213573, 48.58688643], [15.643214788, 48.586886568], [15.643215375, 48.586886693], [15.643215417, 48.586887109]]], "type": "Polygon"}, "id": 56879, "parent": 50505, "properties": {"description": "Almost rectangular grave pit. Eastern part undocumented due to trench's profile.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 118730, "name": "Azimuth", "path": "Dimensions > Azimuth", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "80"}, {"id": 148713, "name": "Nearest Neighbour", "path": "Dimensions > Distance > Nearest Neighbour", "unit": "m", "value": "1"}, {"id": 26188, "name": "Width", "path": "Dimensions > Width", "unit": "cm", "value": "32.0"}], "maintype": {"id": 26205, "name": "Single Grave", "parent_id": 26204, "path": "Feature > Grave > Single Grave", "systemtype": "feature"}, "name": "Grave 123", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "252", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"id": 22309, "name": "Flat grave", "path": "Grave Characteristics > Grave Construction > Flat grave"}]}, "type": "Feature"}, {"burials": [{"id": 77991, "properties": {"description": "Possibly double burial. Child aged 11 to 13 years (infans 2). Skull, upper body, and lower body preserved. Position in grave unknown.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "295.0"}], "maintype": {"id": 26519, "name": "Skeleton", "parent_id": 26516, "path": "Stratigraphic unit > Burial (strat Unit) > Skeleton", "systemtype": "stratigraphic_unit"}, "name": "G124S2", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "252", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"description": "years", "id": 117200, "name": "maximum age", "path": "Absolute Age > maximum age", "value": "13.0"}, {"description": "years", "id": 117199, "name": "minimum age", "path": "Absolute Age > minimum age", "value": "11.0"}, {"description": "[7,13.9]", "id": 22280, "name": "Infans II", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Age > Child > Infans I-II > Infans II"}, {"description": "Possible result of anthropological sex determination. In this context, undetermined means that not enough bone material or specific features were preserved to carry out a sex determination (unlike indifferent, where the preserved features were neither clearly male nor female).", "id": 22375, "name": "undetermined", "path": "Sex and Gender > Sex > undetermined"}]}}, {"finds": [{"id": 102139, "properties": {"description": "Boar's tusk, found on the outer side of the right thigh.\r\n\r\n", "maintype": {"id": 26507, "name": "Animal Remains", "parent_id": 26506, "path": "Artifact > Cultural Object > Varia > Animal Remains", "systemtype": "artifact"}, "material": [{"id": 26531, "name": "Tooth", "path": "Material > Organic > Animal > Tooth", "value": "0.0"}], "name": "G124S1F01", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "252", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"id": 23456, "name": "Thigh right", "path": "Position of Find in Grave > Lower Body > Leg right > Thigh right"}]}}], "id": 77985, "properties": {"description": "Possibly double burial. Mature to senile woman (50-70 years). Oriented NW-SE. Skull and upper body preserved. \r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "295.0"}], "maintype": {"id": 26519, "name": "Skeleton", "parent_id": 26516, "path": "Stratigraphic unit > Burial (strat Unit) > Skeleton", "systemtype": "stratigraphic_unit"}, "name": "G124S1", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "252", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"description": "years", "id": 117200, "name": "maximum age", "path": "Absolute Age > maximum age", "value": "70.0"}, {"description": "years", "id": 117199, "name": "minimum age", "path": "Absolute Age > minimum age", "value": "50.0"}, {"description": "[40,100]", "id": 22287, "name": "Matur-Senil", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Age > Grown up > Matur-Senil"}, {"id": 128068, "name": "Right arm stretched", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Arms > Right arm stretched"}, {"id": 128052, "name": "Supine position", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > General > Supine position"}, {"id": 128062, "name": "Left leg stretched", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Legs > Left leg stretched"}, {"id": 128103, "name": "Right leg stretched", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Legs > Right leg stretched"}, {"id": 24, "name": "Female", "path": "Sex and Gender > Sex > Female"}]}}], "files": [{"file_name": "42606.jpg", "id": 42606, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_38137", "reference": "Taf. 26", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "geometry": {"coordinates": [[[15.643235114, 48.586890657], [15.643226732, 48.58689293], [15.643222081, 48.586894483], [15.643220823, 48.586894705], [15.643219817, 48.58689476], [15.643219105, 48.586895037], [15.643218812, 48.586895703], [15.643218141, 48.586896229], [15.643216842, 48.586896507], [15.643215459, 48.58689695], [15.643213699, 48.586896839], [15.643212567, 48.586896728], [15.643211519, 48.586896257], [15.643211016, 48.58689562], [15.643210555, 48.586895093], [15.643210053, 48.586894289], [15.643209675, 48.58689354], [15.643209633, 48.586892903], [15.643210807, 48.586892293], [15.64321328, 48.58689135], [15.643215543, 48.586890352], [15.643218015, 48.586889576], [15.643219105, 48.586889354], [15.643220614, 48.586889133], [15.643222206, 48.586889077], [15.643224847, 48.586888966], [15.643226313, 48.586888495], [15.643227738, 48.586887802], [15.643230337, 48.58688697], [15.643232181, 48.586886305], [15.643233103, 48.586885834], [15.643234234, 48.586885723], [15.643235072, 48.586886083], [15.643236036, 48.586886942], [15.64323721, 48.586888245], [15.643237461, 48.586889271], [15.643237461, 48.586889992], [15.643236581, 48.586890491], [15.643235114, 48.586890657]]], "type": "Polygon"}, "id": 59309, "parent": 50505, "properties": {"description": "Irregular rectangular grave pit. Some small stones positioned along the edges.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 148713, "name": "Nearest Neighbour", "path": "Dimensions > Distance > Nearest Neighbour", "unit": "m", "value": "1"}, {"id": 118730, "name": "Azimuth", "path": "Dimensions > Azimuth", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "107"}, {"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "295.0"}, {"id": 15679, "name": "Height", "path": "Dimensions > Height", "unit": "cm", "value": "10.0"}, {"id": 26189, "name": "Length", "path": "Dimensions > Length", "unit": "cm", "value": "207.0"}, {"id": 26188, "name": "Width", "path": "Dimensions > Width", "unit": "cm", "value": "60.0"}], "maintype": {"id": 26206, "name": "Grave with multiple burials", "parent_id": 26204, "path": "Feature > Grave > Grave with multiple burials", "systemtype": "feature"}, "name": "Grave 124", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "252", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"id": 22309, "name": "Flat grave", "path": "Grave Characteristics > Grave Construction > Flat grave"}]}, "type": "Feature"}, {"burials": [{"finds": [{"files": [{"file_name": "42611.jpg", "id": 42611, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_38145", "reference": "Taf. 26/1", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "id": 97773, "properties": {"description": "Temple ring made out of copper alloy. Wire ring with wire wrapping on opposite sites as well as rodlike decoration. A piece of copper alloy sheet metal was bent vertically around the wire. Cross-section: round. Found on the left side of the skull.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26189, "name": "Length", "path": "Dimensions > Length", "unit": "cm", "value": "2.2"}, {"id": 26190, "name": "Thickness", "path": "Dimensions > Thickness", "unit": "cm", "value": "0.1"}, {"id": 26188, "name": "Width", "path": "Dimensions > Width", "unit": "cm", "value": "1.5"}], "maintype": {"id": 26420, "name": "Open Wire Ring", "parent_id": 26408, "path": "Artifact > Cultural Object > Accessories > Jewellery > EarringsTemple Rings > Wire Rings > Open Wire Ring", "systemtype": "artifact"}, "material": [{"id": 26546, "name": "Copper Alloy", "path": "Material > Metal > Non-Ferrous Metal > Copper Alloy", "value": "0.0"}], "name": "G125S1F01", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "252", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"id": 23442, "name": "Head left side", "path": "Position of Find in Grave > Head > Head left side"}]}}, {"files": [{"file_name": "41665.jpg", "id": 41665, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_38148", "reference": "Taf. 26/5-14", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "id": 97779, "properties": {"description": "Ten glass beads, one bead made out of lead, and two glass buttons:\r\nGlass beads:\r\n\r\nMillefoiri bead (height 1,9 cm, dia. 0,75 cm, dia. threat hole 0,3 cm, cross-section round), preserved moderately. Shape irregular cylindrical. Partly with a dark brown coating. Colors: light red, light blue, ochre, yellow. Porous.\r\n\r\nMillefoiri bead (height 1,9 cm, dia 1,75 cm, cross-section round, dia. threat hole 0,3 cm), fragmented. Shape cylindrical. Colors: light red, light blue, ochre, turquois-green, yellow. Porous.\r\n\r\nPolyhedral shaped bead (height 0,65 cm, dia. 0,6 cm, dia. threat hole 0,3 cm). Color: dark blue, slightly translucent with a green, partly silver and dark brown coating.\r\n\r\nDepressed spherical bead (height 0,8 cm, dia. 1,0x1,1 cm, dia. threat hole 0,4x0,5 cm, cross-section oval), slightly fragmented. Partly with a silver coating. Underneath middle to dark blue, slightly translucent glass. Decorated with white lines.\r\n\r\nSpherical bead (height 0,8 cm, dia. 0,9 cm, dia. threat hole 0,2 cm, cross-section round), partly with silver coating. Underneath green, translucent glass. Made out of two halves, fused together.\r\n\r\nSpherical bead (height 0,7 cm, dia. 0,75 cm, dia. threat hole 0,35 cm, cross-section round), partly with a silver and dark brown coating. Underneath middle blue, slightly translucent glass.\r\n\r\nDisc-shaped bead (height 0,5 cm, dia. 0,9 cm, dia. threat hole 0,5 cm, cross-section round) with a whitish-purple coating. Underneath middle blue, slightly translucent glass.\r\n\r\nDisc-shaped bead (height 0,4 cm, dia. 0,7 cm, dia. threat hole 0,2 cm, cross-section round), partly with a dark brown coating. Underneath middle brown, opaque glass.\r\n\r\nDisc shaped bead (height 0,3 cm, dia. 0,6 cm, dia. threat hole 0,2 cm, cross-section round) with light blue coating. Underneath light blue, slightly translucent glass.\r\n\r\nDepressed spherical bead (height 0,45 cm, dia. 0,6 cm, dia. threat hole 0,2 cm, cross-section round); badly preserved, porous, and irregular shaped. Partly dark brown and white coating. Underneath light blue, hardly translucent glass.\r\n\r\nBead made out of lead:\r\n\r\nDepressed spherical bead made out of lead (height 0,9 cm, dia. 1,3x1,4 cm, dia. threat hole 0,4 cm, cross-section slightly oval). Partly with middle to dark brown coating. Underneath greenish-grey glass.\r\n\r\nGlass buttons:\r\nGlass button (height 1,7 cm, dia. 1,2 cm, dia. rode 0,25x0,35 cm), fragmented. Attached to a rod made out of copper alloy. Round indentation. Colorless, translucent glass. Partly dark brown coating, underneath shimmery, silver coating.\r\n\r\nGlass button (height 1,8 cm, dia. 1,2 cm), entirely preserved. Loop made out of iron attached, corroded. Colorless, translucent glass. Partly dark brown coating, underneath shimmery, silver coating.\r\n\r\nFound between right elbow and spine (mostly between right elbow and chest).\r\n\r\n", "maintype": {"id": 26431, "name": "Beads", "parent_id": 26442, "path": "Artifact > Cultural Object > Accessories > Jewellery > Necklace > Beaded Necklace > Beads", "systemtype": "artifact"}, "material": [{"id": 26565, "name": "Glass", "path": "Material > Artificial > Glass", "value": "0.0"}, {"id": 26546, "name": "Copper Alloy", "path": "Material > Metal > Non-Ferrous Metal > Copper Alloy", "value": "0.0"}, {"id": 26549, "name": "Lead", "path": "Material > Metal > Non-Ferrous Metal > Lead", "value": "0.0"}], "name": "G125S1F02", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "252-253", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"id": 23480, "name": "Chest right", "path": "Position of Find in Grave > Upper Body > Chest > Chest right"}]}}, {"files": [{"file_name": "117530.jpg", "id": 117530, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "NB_11118", "reference": "Taf. 26/3", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "id": 102633, "properties": {"description": "Snail shell, one side fragmented. Possible pendant but due to the fragmentation, no possible perforation is found. Found between elbow and spine with glass beads (G125S1F02).\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26189, "name": "Length", "path": "Dimensions > Length", "unit": "cm", "value": "3.7"}], "maintype": {"id": 26327, "name": "Pendant", "parent_id": 112815, "path": "Artifact > Cultural Object > Accessories > Jewellery > Pendant", "systemtype": "artifact"}, "material": [{"id": 26538, "name": "Snail Shell", "path": "Material > Organic > Animal > Snail Shell", "value": "0.0"}], "name": "G125S1F03", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "253", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"id": 23480, "name": "Chest right", "path": "Position of Find in Grave > Upper Body > Chest > Chest right"}]}}], "id": 77997, "properties": {"description": "Child aged 24 to 30 months. Oriented: NW-SE. Skull deranged. Hip slightly bent.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "287.0"}], "maintype": {"id": 26519, "name": "Skeleton", "parent_id": 26516, "path": "Stratigraphic unit > Burial (strat Unit) > Skeleton", "systemtype": "stratigraphic_unit"}, "name": "G125S1", "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"description": "years", "id": 117200, "name": "maximum age", "path": "Absolute Age > maximum age", "value": "2.5"}, {"description": "years", "id": 117199, "name": "minimum age", "path": "Absolute Age > minimum age", "value": "2.0"}, {"description": "[0,6.9]", "id": 22279, "name": "Infans I", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Age > Child > Infans I-II > Infans I"}, {"id": 128068, "name": "Right arm stretched", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Arms > Right arm stretched"}, {"id": 128052, "name": "Supine position", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > General > Supine position"}, {"id": 128059, "name": "Head straight", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Head > Head straight"}, {"id": 128062, "name": "Left leg stretched", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Legs > Left leg stretched"}, {"id": 128103, "name": "Right leg stretched", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Legs > Right leg stretched"}, {"description": "Possible result of anthropological sex determination. In this context, undetermined means that not enough bone material or specific features were preserved to carry out a sex determination (unlike indifferent, where the preserved features were neither clearly male nor female).", "id": 22375, "name": "undetermined", "path": "Sex and Gender > Sex > undetermined"}]}}, {"finds": [{"files": [{"file_name": "117529.jpg", "id": 117529, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "NB_11117", "reference": "Taf. 26/2", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "id": 117527, "properties": {"description": "Rectangular fragment of an iron object. Cross-section rectangular. So probably not a fragment of a knife. Found in the backfilling of the grave.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 15679, "name": "Height", "path": "Dimensions > Height", "unit": "cm", "value": "0.2"}, {"id": 26189, "name": "Length", "path": "Dimensions > Length", "unit": "cm", "value": "4.0"}, {"id": 26188, "name": "Width", "path": "Dimensions > Width", "unit": "cm", "value": "1.25"}], "maintype": {"id": 26506, "name": "Varia", "parent_id": 205561, "path": "Artifact > Cultural Object > Varia", "systemtype": "artifact"}, "material": [{"id": 26540, "name": "Iron", "path": "Material > Metal > Iron", "value": "0.0"}], "name": "G125S2F01", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "253", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}}}], "id": 117525, "properties": {"description": "Backfilling of grave 125.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "287.0"}], "maintype": {"id": 117202, "name": "Backfilling", "parent_id": 26514, "path": "Stratigraphic unit > Deposit > Backfilling", "systemtype": "stratigraphic_unit"}, "name": "G125S2", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "252", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}}}], "files": [{"file_name": "42610.jpg", "id": 42610, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_38142", "reference": "Taf. 26", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "geometry": {"coordinates": [[[15.643117747, 48.58693195], [15.643118396, 48.586931991], [15.643119256, 48.586931811], [15.64312066, 48.586931437], [15.643121665, 48.58693116], [15.6431233, 48.586930675], [15.643124473, 48.586930217], [15.64312571, 48.586929843], [15.643126422, 48.586929483], [15.643126715, 48.586929275], [15.643126841, 48.586928928], [15.643126904, 48.586928485], [15.64312659, 48.586927833], [15.643126213, 48.586926918], [15.643125814, 48.586926225], [15.643125291, 48.586925601], [15.643124746, 48.58692531], [15.643123572, 48.586925588], [15.643121393, 48.586926378], [15.643119444, 48.586927057], [15.643117307, 48.586927584], [15.643115945, 48.586928027], [15.643114205, 48.586928734], [15.643113032, 48.586929081], [15.643112089, 48.586929441], [15.643111817, 48.586929704], [15.643111712, 48.586930148], [15.643111879, 48.586930467], [15.643112718, 48.586930883], [15.643113975, 48.586931215], [15.643114939, 48.586931368], [15.643116175, 48.586931659], [15.643117747, 48.58693195]]], "type": "Polygon"}, "id": 59321, "parent": 50505, "properties": {"description": "Almost rectangular grave pit. North-Western corner undocumented due to trench's profile.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 118730, "name": "Azimuth", "path": "Dimensions > Azimuth", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "108"}, {"id": 148713, "name": "Nearest Neighbour", "path": "Dimensions > Distance > Nearest Neighbour", "unit": "m", "value": "0.37"}, {"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "287.0"}, {"id": 15679, "name": "Height", "path": "Dimensions > Height", "unit": "cm", "value": "11.0"}, {"id": 26189, "name": "Length", "path": "Dimensions > Length", "unit": "cm", "value": "111.0"}, {"id": 26188, "name": "Width", "path": "Dimensions > Width", "unit": "cm", "value": "45.0"}], "maintype": {"id": 26205, "name": "Single Grave", "parent_id": 26204, "path": "Feature > Grave > Single Grave", "systemtype": "feature"}, "name": "Grave 125", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "252", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"id": 22309, "name": "Flat grave", "path": "Grave Characteristics > Grave Construction > Flat grave"}]}, "type": "Feature"}, {"burials": [{"finds": [{"id": 117533, "properties": {"description": "Object made out of bone. Found in the backfilling of the grave.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 15679, "name": "Height", "path": "Dimensions > Height", "unit": "cm", "value": "0.7"}, {"id": 26189, "name": "Length", "path": "Dimensions > Length", "unit": "cm", "value": "7.5"}], "maintype": {"id": 26506, "name": "Varia", "parent_id": 205561, "path": "Artifact > Cultural Object > Varia", "systemtype": "artifact"}, "material": [{"id": 26529, "name": "Bone", "path": "Material > Organic > Animal > Bone", "value": "0.0"}], "name": "G126S2F01", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "253", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}]}}, {"id": 117535, "properties": {"description": "Loom weight. Found in the backfilling of the grave.\r\n\r\n", "maintype": {"id": 26506, "name": "Varia", "parent_id": 205561, "path": "Artifact > Cultural Object > Varia", "systemtype": "artifact"}, "name": "G126S2F02", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "253", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}}}], "id": 117531, "properties": {"description": "Backfilling of grave 126.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "195.0"}], "maintype": {"id": 117202, "name": "Backfilling", "parent_id": 26514, "path": "Stratigraphic unit > Deposit > Backfilling", "systemtype": "stratigraphic_unit"}, "name": "G126S2", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "253", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}}}, {"id": 78015, "properties": {"description": "Adult to mature female (35-45 years). Oriented NW-SE. Skull laying on its right side, lower yaw fell down. On the lower yaw the right shoulder blade. \r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "195.0"}], "maintype": {"id": 26519, "name": "Skeleton", "parent_id": 26516, "path": "Stratigraphic unit > Burial (strat Unit) > Skeleton", "systemtype": "stratigraphic_unit"}, "name": "G126S1", "radiocarbon": {"sample": "VERA4612 : 1208 \u00b1 38"}, "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "253", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"description": "years", "id": 117200, "name": "maximum age", "path": "Absolute Age > maximum age", "value": "45.0"}, {"description": "years", "id": 117199, "name": "minimum age", "path": "Absolute Age > minimum age", "value": "35.0"}, {"description": "[20,59.9]", "id": 22285, "name": "Adult-Matur", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Age > Grown up > Adult-Matur"}, {"id": 128067, "name": "Left arm stretched", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Arms > Left arm stretched"}, {"id": 128068, "name": "Right arm stretched", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Arms > Right arm stretched"}, {"id": 128052, "name": "Supine position", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > General > Supine position"}, {"id": 128084, "name": "Left hand next to the body", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Hands > Left hand next to the body"}, {"id": 128060, "name": "On the right side", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Head > On the right side"}, {"id": 128062, "name": "Left leg stretched", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Legs > Left leg stretched"}, {"id": 128103, "name": "Right leg stretched", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Legs > Right leg stretched"}, {"id": 24, "name": "Female", "path": "Sex and Gender > Sex > Female"}]}}], "files": [{"file_name": "42612.jpg", "id": 42612, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_38153", "reference": "Taf. 27", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "geometry": {"coordinates": [[[15.643093167, 48.586918879], [15.643095849, 48.586921984], [15.643096645, 48.586922926], [15.643096645, 48.586923536], [15.643096059, 48.586924229], [15.643094927, 48.586924645], [15.643088976, 48.586926613], [15.643085288, 48.586927639], [15.6430816, 48.586928637], [15.643079295, 48.586929053], [15.643077283, 48.586929829], [15.643075062, 48.586930772], [15.643073092, 48.586931409], [15.643071039, 48.586932213], [15.643069865, 48.58693249], [15.643068566, 48.586932629], [15.643067644, 48.586932407], [15.643066303, 48.586931631], [15.643065297, 48.586930522], [15.643064878, 48.586929663], [15.643064459, 48.58692872], [15.643064417, 48.586927916], [15.643064375, 48.586927029], [15.643064668, 48.58692653], [15.643066135, 48.586926059], [15.643068189, 48.58692556], [15.643069739, 48.586925144], [15.643071374, 48.586924978], [15.643074098, 48.586924395], [15.643075439, 48.586923786], [15.643077116, 48.586922954], [15.643079379, 48.586922122], [15.643081642, 48.586921401], [15.643083067, 48.586920514], [15.643084659, 48.586919572], [15.643086378, 48.586918768], [15.64308818, 48.586918075], [15.643089898, 48.586917742], [15.643091616, 48.586917687], [15.64309258, 48.58691813], [15.643093167, 48.586918879]]], "type": "Polygon"}, "id": 59339, "parent": 50505, "properties": {"description": "Almost rectangular grave pit, slightly cut into the rock. Few stones along the edges.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "195.0"}, {"id": 15679, "name": "Height", "path": "Dimensions > Height", "unit": "cm", "value": "28.0"}, {"id": 26189, "name": "Length", "path": "Dimensions > Length", "unit": "cm", "value": "239.0"}, {"id": 26188, "name": "Width", "path": "Dimensions > Width", "unit": "cm", "value": "86.0"}, {"id": 148713, "name": "Nearest Neighbour", "path": "Dimensions > Distance > Nearest Neighbour", "unit": "m", "value": "0.96"}, {"id": 118730, "name": "Azimuth", "path": "Dimensions > Azimuth", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "108"}], "maintype": {"id": 26205, "name": "Single Grave", "parent_id": 26204, "path": "Feature > Grave > Single Grave", "systemtype": "feature"}, "name": "Grave 126", "radiocarbon": {"child_sample": ["VERA4612 : 1208 \u00b1 38"]}, "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "253", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"id": 22309, "name": "Flat grave", "path": "Grave Characteristics > Grave Construction > Flat grave"}]}, "type": "Feature"}, {"burials": [{"id": 74071, "properties": {"description": "Child aged 12 to 18 months. Oriented: NW-SE. Skull fragmented and partly dislocated. Upper body hardly preserved. Legs in situ.\r\nNo grave goods.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "292.0"}], "maintype": {"id": 26519, "name": "Skeleton", "parent_id": 26516, "path": "Stratigraphic unit > Burial (strat Unit) > Skeleton", "systemtype": "stratigraphic_unit"}, "name": "G127S1", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "253", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"description": "years", "id": 117200, "name": "maximum age", "path": "Absolute Age > maximum age", "value": "1.5"}, {"description": "years", "id": 117199, "name": "minimum age", "path": "Absolute Age > minimum age", "value": "1.0"}, {"description": "[0,6.9]", "id": 22279, "name": "Infans I", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Age > Child > Infans I-II > Infans I"}, {"id": 128052, "name": "Supine position", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > General > Supine position"}, {"id": 128059, "name": "Head straight", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Head > Head straight"}, {"id": 128062, "name": "Left leg stretched", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Legs > Left leg stretched"}, {"id": 128103, "name": "Right leg stretched", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Legs > Right leg stretched"}, {"description": "Possible result of anthropological sex determination. In this context, undetermined means that not enough bone material or specific features were preserved to carry out a sex determination (unlike indifferent, where the preserved features were neither clearly male nor female).", "id": 22375, "name": "undetermined", "path": "Sex and Gender > Sex > undetermined"}]}}], "files": [{"file_name": "42613.jpg", "id": 42613, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_38156", "reference": "253", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "geometry": {"coordinates": [[[15.643072401, 48.586920403], [15.643074203, 48.586920057], [15.643076319, 48.586919641], [15.643078121, 48.586919322], [15.643080049, 48.586918934], [15.643081244, 48.58691856], [15.643082794, 48.586918089], [15.64308401, 48.586917742], [15.643084638, 48.58691752], [15.643085372, 48.586917257], [15.643085937, 48.586916883], [15.643086063, 48.586916453], [15.643085833, 48.586915802], [15.643085351, 48.586914956], [15.643084785, 48.586914277], [15.643084282, 48.586913736], [15.643083444, 48.586913625], [15.643082291, 48.586913695], [15.643080908, 48.586913875], [15.643079358, 48.586914083], [15.643077765, 48.586914374], [15.643075984, 48.586914928], [15.64307414, 48.586915386], [15.64307194, 48.586915996], [15.643070138, 48.586916536], [15.643069509, 48.586917035], [15.643069299, 48.586917423], [15.643069383, 48.586918047], [15.643069802, 48.586918879], [15.643070494, 48.586919877], [15.643071164, 48.58692032], [15.643072401, 48.586920403]]], "type": "Polygon"}, "id": 56089, "parent": 50505, "properties": {"description": "Almost rectangular grave pit.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "292.0"}, {"id": 26189, "name": "Length", "path": "Dimensions > Length", "unit": "cm", "value": "122.0"}, {"id": 26188, "name": "Width", "path": "Dimensions > Width", "unit": "cm", "value": "51.0"}, {"id": 148713, "name": "Nearest Neighbour", "path": "Dimensions > Distance > Nearest Neighbour", "unit": "m", "value": "0.96"}, {"id": 118730, "name": "Azimuth", "path": "Dimensions > Azimuth", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "101"}], "maintype": {"id": 26205, "name": "Single Grave", "parent_id": 26204, "path": "Feature > Grave > Single Grave", "systemtype": "feature"}, "name": "Grave 127", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "253", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"id": 22309, "name": "Flat grave", "path": "Grave Characteristics > Grave Construction > Flat grave"}]}, "type": "Feature"}, {"burials": [{"finds": [{"id": 117541, "properties": {"description": "Iron clinker.\r\nFound in the backfilling of the grave.\r\n\r\n", "maintype": {"id": 26506, "name": "Varia", "parent_id": 205561, "path": "Artifact > Cultural Object > Varia", "systemtype": "artifact"}, "name": "G128S2F02", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "253", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}}}, {"id": 117539, "properties": {"description": "Bone needle. Fragmented, tip and eye of the needle missing.\r\nFound in the backfilling of the grave.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26189, "name": "Length", "path": "Dimensions > Length", "unit": "cm", "value": "7.4"}], "maintype": {"id": 26250, "name": "Needle", "parent_id": 26223, "path": "Artifact > Cultural Object > Equipment > Needle", "systemtype": "artifact"}, "material": [{"id": 26529, "name": "Bone", "path": "Material > Organic > Animal > Bone", "value": "0.0"}], "name": "G128S2F01", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "253", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}]}}], "id": 117537, "properties": {"description": "Backfilling of the grave.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "297.0"}], "maintype": {"id": 117202, "name": "Backfilling", "parent_id": 26514, "path": "Stratigraphic unit > Deposit > Backfilling", "systemtype": "stratigraphic_unit"}, "name": "G128S2", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "253", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}}}, {"id": 77805, "properties": {"description": "Mature male (40-60 years). Oriented: WNW-ESE. Skull tilted to the left. Right arm slightly tucked away from the body.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "297.0"}], "maintype": {"id": 26519, "name": "Skeleton", "parent_id": 26516, "path": "Stratigraphic unit > Burial (strat Unit) > Skeleton", "systemtype": "stratigraphic_unit"}, "name": "G128S1", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "253", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"description": "years", "id": 117200, "name": "maximum age", "path": "Absolute Age > maximum age", "value": "60.0"}, {"description": "years", "id": 117199, "name": "minimum age", "path": "Absolute Age > minimum age", "value": "40.0"}, {"description": "[40,59.9]", "id": 22286, "name": "Matur", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Age > Grown up > Matur"}, {"id": 128067, "name": "Left arm stretched", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Arms > Left arm stretched"}, {"id": 128068, "name": "Right arm stretched", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Arms > Right arm stretched"}, {"id": 128052, "name": "Supine position", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > General > Supine position"}, {"id": 128061, "name": "On the left side", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Head > On the left side"}, {"id": 128062, "name": "Left leg stretched", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Legs > Left leg stretched"}, {"id": 128103, "name": "Right leg stretched", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Legs > Right leg stretched"}, {"id": 25, "name": "Male", "path": "Sex and Gender > Sex > Male"}]}}], "files": [{"file_name": "42614.jpg", "id": 42614, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_38159", "reference": "Taf. 26", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "geometry": {"coordinates": [[[15.643073469, 48.586941362], [15.643075439, 48.586940863], [15.643077451, 48.586940197], [15.643078792, 48.586939643], [15.643080762, 48.586938894], [15.64308227, 48.58693809], [15.643085497, 48.586936677], [15.643088599, 48.586935124], [15.643092999, 48.586933877], [15.643095262, 48.586933461], [15.643097442, 48.586932768], [15.643097651, 48.58693249], [15.643097693, 48.58693152], [15.643097358, 48.586930494], [15.643096855, 48.586929413], [15.643095933, 48.586928526], [15.643094718, 48.58692811], [15.64309191, 48.586928138], [15.643087174, 48.586929164], [15.643082606, 48.586930162], [15.643078792, 48.586931271], [15.643076529, 48.586932158], [15.643073511, 48.586933128], [15.643070452, 48.586933932], [15.643067979, 48.586934902], [15.64306689, 48.586935734], [15.643066638, 48.586936649], [15.643067225, 48.586937785], [15.643068985, 48.586938922], [15.643070913, 48.586940336], [15.643072086, 48.586941084], [15.643073469, 48.586941362]]], "type": "Polygon"}, "id": 56667, "parent": 50505, "properties": {"description": "Almost rectangular grave pit. Stones placed at the edge of the upper end of the pit. Small stones underneath the arms.\r\n\r\nGrave 156 and 128 are positioned close to each other but grave 128 is displaced to the north (about 40 cm). The two grave pits aren't distinguishable clearly. Grave 83 was dug into the backfilling of grave 128.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 148713, "name": "Nearest Neighbour", "path": "Dimensions > Distance > Nearest Neighbour", "unit": "m", "value": "0.08"}, {"id": 118730, "name": "Azimuth", "path": "Dimensions > Azimuth", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "108"}, {"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "297.0"}, {"id": 15679, "name": "Height", "path": "Dimensions > Height", "unit": "cm", "value": "23.0"}, {"id": 26189, "name": "Length", "path": "Dimensions > Length", "unit": "cm", "value": "235.0"}, {"id": 26188, "name": "Width", "path": "Dimensions > Width", "unit": "cm", "value": "80.0"}], "maintype": {"id": 26205, "name": "Single Grave", "parent_id": 26204, "path": "Feature > Grave > Single Grave", "systemtype": "feature"}, "name": "Grave 128", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "253", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"id": 22309, "name": "Flat grave", "path": "Grave Characteristics > Grave Construction > Flat grave"}]}, "type": "Feature"}, {"burials": [{"finds": [{"files": [{"file_name": "42616.jpg", "id": 42616, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_38167", "reference": "Taf. 28/3", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "id": 97797, "properties": {"description": "Spatha, made out of iron (length 91,9 cm, length of blade 78,1 cm, width of blade 6,2 cm). Both cutting edges merge with a slightly convex swing and form a rather short, rounded tip. The middle part of the edge is clearly grooved (width of groove 2,0 cm, length approx. 69 cm, not tapered).\r\nThe guard\u2019s body is flat and slightly broadened in the middle. The ends are bent down. The cross bushing ends straight (length 14,2 cm, height 0,8 cm, width (max.) 1,9 cm). Tangle between guard and pommel is 9,2 cm long (width (max.) 0,6 cm) and tapers from approx. 3,1 to 1,9 cm. The upper cross bushing and pommel heavily corroded and due to that fused together. The cross bushing is flat and heavily bent upwards (length 7,2 cm, height 0,4 cm, width (max.) 2,6 cm). The pommel is curved and roof shaped (length 6,6 cm, height 2,7 cm, width 2,0 cm). The tangle leads through the upper cross bushing and the bommel crown.\r\nRemains of a wooden sheath are preserved on one side of the blade. On both sides, imprints of fabric are visible in the corrosion.\r\nNear the tangle iron fragments with wooden remains as well as iron sheets were found.\r\nFound on the left side of the upper body, partly positioned under the left hand/forearm.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26189, "name": "Length", "path": "Dimensions > Length", "unit": "cm", "value": "91.9"}], "maintype": {"id": 26472, "name": "Spatha", "parent_id": 26466, "path": "Artifact > Cultural Object > WeaponsArmourRiding > Attack Weapons > Sword > Spatha", "systemtype": "artifact"}, "material": [{"id": 26540, "name": "Iron", "path": "Material > Metal > Iron", "value": "0.0"}, {"id": 26525, "name": "Textiles", "path": "Material > Organic > Plant > Textiles", "value": "0.0"}, {"id": 26523, "name": "Wood", "path": "Material > Organic > Plant > Wood", "value": "0.0"}], "name": "G129S1F01", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "253-254", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"id": 23472, "name": "Forearm left", "path": "Position of Find in Grave > Upper Body > Upper Extremities > Arm left > Forearm left"}]}}, {"id": 117799, "properties": {"description": "Three iron fragments. Found next to the sword (G129S1F01).\r\n\r\nDrei Eisenfragmente, beim Schwert gefunden.", "dimensions": [{"id": 26189, "name": "Length", "path": "Dimensions > Length", "unit": "cm", "value": "0.7"}], "maintype": {"id": 26506, "name": "Varia", "parent_id": 205561, "path": "Artifact > Cultural Object > Varia", "systemtype": "artifact"}, "material": [{"id": 26540, "name": "Iron", "path": "Material > Metal > Iron", "value": "0.0"}], "name": "G129S1F02", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "253-254", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"id": 23472, "name": "Forearm left", "path": "Position of Find in Grave > Upper Body > Upper Extremities > Arm left > Forearm left"}]}}, {"files": [{"file_name": "33820.jpg", "id": 33820, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_38169", "reference": "Taf. 28/4", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "id": 102127, "properties": {"description": "Belt buckle with chape made out of copper alloy with a low amount of zinc, probably due to a coating with a lead-zinc alloy. Prong not preserved. Frame oval, humpy, possibly rudiments of animal heads on the frame. Cross-section of frame almost half-rounded.\r\nFound in the pelvic area.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26189, "name": "Length", "path": "Dimensions > Length", "unit": "cm", "value": "2.65"}, {"id": 26190, "name": "Thickness", "path": "Dimensions > Thickness", "unit": "cm", "value": "0.35"}, {"id": 26188, "name": "Width", "path": "Dimensions > Width", "unit": "cm", "value": "1.95"}], "maintype": {"id": 26384, "name": "Belt Buckle with Chape", "parent_id": 26383, "path": "Artifact > Cultural Object > Accessories > Belts > Belt Buckle > Belt Buckle with Chape", "systemtype": "artifact"}, "material": [{"id": 26546, "name": "Copper Alloy", "path": "Material > Metal > Non-Ferrous Metal > Copper Alloy", "value": "0.0"}], "name": "G129S1F03", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "253-254", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"id": 23461, "name": "Pelvis", "path": "Position of Find in Grave > Pelvis"}]}}, {"files": [{"file_name": "41943.jpg", "id": 41943, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_38171", "reference": "Taf. 28/5", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "id": 95559, "properties": {"description": "Rectangular strap end made out of copper alloy. Ornamental field deepened and with a lead-zinc coating and plastic zigzag pattern as well as quatrefoil. Clamp extension with four rivet holes. Three rivets and a piece of leather preserved. \r\nFound next to the right thigh.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26189, "name": "Length", "path": "Dimensions > Length", "unit": "cm", "value": "3.25"}, {"id": 26190, "name": "Thickness", "path": "Dimensions > Thickness", "unit": "cm", "value": "0.3"}, {"id": 26188, "name": "Width", "path": "Dimensions > Width", "unit": "cm", "value": "1.7"}], "maintype": {"id": 26382, "name": "Strap-End", "parent_id": 26373, "path": "Artifact > Cultural Object > Accessories > Belts > Strap-End", "systemtype": "artifact"}, "material": [{"id": 26546, "name": "Copper Alloy", "path": "Material > Metal > Non-Ferrous Metal > Copper Alloy", "value": "0.0"}, {"id": 26549, "name": "Lead", "path": "Material > Metal > Non-Ferrous Metal > Lead", "value": "0.0"}, {"id": 26548, "name": "Tin", "path": "Material > Metal > Non-Ferrous Metal > Tin", "value": "0.0"}], "name": "G129S1F04", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "253-254", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"id": 25207, "name": "Thigh", "path": "Position of Find in Grave > Lower Body > Legs - between > Thigh"}]}}, {"files": [{"file_name": "41944.jpg", "id": 41944, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_38173", "reference": "28/2", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}, {"file_name": "41946.jpg", "id": 41946, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_38175", "reference": "Taf. 28/7", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}, {"file_name": "41945.jpg", "id": 41945, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_38174", "reference": "Taf. 28/6", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "id": 97803, "properties": {"description": "Spur with rivet plate made out of iron. Fragmented, end of shank preserved separated. Shank slightly protruding (length 5,5 cm, width 4,7 cm, height 6,7 cm, width 0,7 cm, diameter 0,45 cm). Cross-section D-shaped. Rivet plate almost rectangular (0,6 x 0,7 cm). Three rivets and rivet holes respectively in drawn down traverse row and bordered by beaded wire made out of copper. Thorn clubbed (length 3,0 cm, diameter 0,8 x 1 cm). Cross-section rectangular/squared.\r\nOrganic remains as well as fragments of fabric preserved on the corroded iron (length (max.) 1,8, width 1,6 cm, diameter 0,8 cm).\r\nFurther, strap loop with initial oval shaped decorated plate (1,9 x 1,7 cm, length 2,5 cm, diameter 1 x 3 cm). Made out of iron. Fragmented. Cross-section irregular band-shaped.\r\nFurthermore several iron fragments. Organic remains preserved due to corrosion. Two pieces show imprints of rivets.\r\nFound next to the right food.\r\n\r\n", "maintype": {"id": 26481, "name": "Spurs", "parent_id": 26478, "path": "Artifact > Cultural Object > WeaponsArmourRiding > Horse and Rider Equipment > Spurs", "systemtype": "artifact"}, "material": [{"id": 26540, "name": "Iron", "path": "Material > Metal > Iron", "value": "0.0"}], "name": "G129S1F05", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "253-254", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"id": 23453, "name": "Foot right", "path": "Position of Find in Grave > Lower Body > Leg right > Foot right"}]}}, {"files": [{"file_name": "41947.jpg", "id": 41947, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_38177", "reference": "Taf. 28/1", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "id": 102733, "properties": {"description": "Spur with rivet plate made out of iron. Fragmented, end of shank preserved separated. Counterpart of find G129S1F05. Beaded copper wire not preserved. Furthermore, several small iron fragments as well as fabric pieces and imprints.\r\nFound next to the left foot.\r\n\r\n", "maintype": {"id": 26481, "name": "Spurs", "parent_id": 26478, "path": "Artifact > Cultural Object > WeaponsArmourRiding > Horse and Rider Equipment > Spurs", "systemtype": "artifact"}, "material": [{"id": 26540, "name": "Iron", "path": "Material > Metal > Iron", "value": "0.0"}], "name": "G129S1F06", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "253-254", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"id": 23448, "name": "Foot left", "path": "Position of Find in Grave > Lower Body > Leg Left > Foot left"}]}}], "humanremains": [{"id": 159823, "properties": {"description": "", "maintype": {"id": 119335, "name": "Post Cranium", "parent_id": 187645, "path": "Human remains > Skeleton > Post Cranium", "systemtype": "human_remains"}, "name": "G129S1P1", "radiocarbon": {"sample": "VERA2283 : 1225 \u00b1 36"}}}, {"id": 159825, "properties": {"description": "", "maintype": {"id": 119335, "name": "Post Cranium", "parent_id": 187645, "path": "Human remains > Skeleton > Post Cranium", "systemtype": "human_remains"}, "name": "G129S1P2", "radiocarbon": {"sample": "VERA4606 : 1215 \u00b1 37"}}}], "id": 78033, "properties": {"description": "Mature male (40-50 years). Oriented: NW-SE. Beheaded. Shoulders pulled up. Right forearm slightly tucked under the pelvis bone. Phalanges laying on the femur bones. Right ulna dislocated and approx. 10 cm above burial's level.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "306.0"}], "maintype": {"id": 26519, "name": "Skeleton", "parent_id": 26516, "path": "Stratigraphic unit > Burial (strat Unit) > Skeleton", "systemtype": "stratigraphic_unit"}, "name": "G129S1", "radiocarbon": {"combined_children_samples": ["VERA4606 : 1215 \u00b1 37", "VERA2283 : 1225 \u00b1 36"]}, "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "253", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"description": "years", "id": 117200, "name": "maximum age", "path": "Absolute Age > maximum age", "value": "50.0"}, {"description": "years", "id": 117199, "name": "minimum age", "path": "Absolute Age > minimum age", "value": "40.0"}, {"description": "[40,59.9]", "id": 22286, "name": "Matur", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Age > Grown up > Matur"}, {"id": 128067, "name": "Left arm stretched", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Arms > Left arm stretched"}, {"id": 128068, "name": "Right arm stretched", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Arms > Right arm stretched"}, {"id": 128052, "name": "Supine position", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > General > Supine position"}, {"id": 128084, "name": "Left hand next to the body", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Hands > Left hand next to the body"}, {"id": 128085, "name": "Right hand next to the body", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Hands > Right hand next to the body"}, {"id": 128060, "name": "On the right side", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Head > On the right side"}, {"id": 128062, "name": "Left leg stretched", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Legs > Left leg stretched"}, {"id": 128103, "name": "Right leg stretched", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Legs > Right leg stretched"}, {"id": 25, "name": "Male", "path": "Sex and Gender > Sex > Male"}]}}], "files": [{"file_name": "42615.jpg", "id": 42615, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_38162", "reference": "Taf. 28", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "geometry": {"coordinates": [[[15.643099076, 48.586887247], [15.643106243, 48.586884919], [15.643110559, 48.586883366], [15.643112487, 48.58688259], [15.643115044, 48.586881897], [15.643116762, 48.586881204], [15.643117642, 48.586881065], [15.643119067, 48.586880733], [15.643119654, 48.5868804], [15.643120282, 48.586879762], [15.643120743, 48.586879125], [15.64312066, 48.586878348], [15.643120031, 48.586876602], [15.643118732, 48.586875077], [15.643117726, 48.586874218], [15.64311584, 48.586873192], [15.64311387, 48.586872665], [15.643110685, 48.586872693], [15.643108129, 48.586872832], [15.643105949, 48.586873358], [15.643103435, 48.586874772], [15.643100375, 48.586876547], [15.643097442, 48.586877849], [15.643094382, 48.586878986], [15.643091239, 48.586880095], [15.643088138, 48.586881481], [15.643085791, 48.586882978], [15.643084869, 48.586883727], [15.643085036, 48.58688478], [15.643085497, 48.586885778], [15.643086713, 48.586887026], [15.64308818, 48.586887774], [15.643090066, 48.586888079], [15.643092371, 48.58688783], [15.643094592, 48.586887691], [15.643097023, 48.586887608], [15.643099076, 48.586887247]]], "type": "Polygon"}, "id": 59357, "parent": 50505, "properties": {"description": "Almost trapezoid grave pit, slightly cut into the stone. Stones placed along the long sides and one of the short sides.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 148713, "name": "Nearest Neighbour", "path": "Dimensions > Distance > Nearest Neighbour", "unit": "m", "value": "1.16"}, {"id": 118730, "name": "Azimuth", "path": "Dimensions > Azimuth", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "108"}, {"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "306.0"}, {"id": 15679, "name": "Height", "path": "Dimensions > Height", "unit": "cm", "value": "44.0"}, {"id": 26189, "name": "Length", "path": "Dimensions > Length", "unit": "cm", "value": "276.0"}, {"id": 26188, "name": "Width", "path": "Dimensions > Width", "unit": "cm", "value": "119.0"}], "maintype": {"id": 26205, "name": "Single Grave", "parent_id": 26204, "path": "Feature > Grave > Single Grave", "systemtype": "feature"}, "name": "Grave 129", "radiocarbon": {"combined_children_samples": ["VERA4606 : 1215 \u00b1 37", "VERA2283 : 1225 \u00b1 36"]}, "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "253", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"id": 22309, "name": "Flat grave", "path": "Grave Characteristics > Grave Construction > Flat grave"}]}, "type": "Feature"}, {"burials": [{"finds": [{"files": [{"file_name": "42617.jpg", "id": 42617, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_38182", "reference": "Taf. 29/5", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "id": 95653, "properties": {"description": "Spatha, made out of iron (length 90,5 cm, length of blade 77,5 cm, width of blade 5,6 cm). Both cutting edges merge with a slightly convex swing and form a roof-shaped, shed tip with rounded branches. The groove shows a width of groove 2,4 cm and length of 65 cm. Tapered. Blade shows remains of damask.\r\nThe guard\u2019s body is flat and slightly broadened in the middle. The ends are slightly bent downwards (length 15,6 cm, height 0,7 cm, width (max.) 1,8 cm). Tangle is 9,4 cm long (between guard and pommel) and tapers from 2,8 to 1,8 to 1,2 cm. The upper cross bushing as well as the guard is flat and heavily bent upwards (length 0,5 cm, height 0,5 cm, width 1,6 cm)\r\n and pommel heavily corroded and due to that fused together. The cross bushing is flat and heavily bent upwards (length 7,2 cm, height 0,4 cm, width (max.) 2,6 cm). The pommel is curved and roof-shaped (length 7,8 cm, height 2,7 cm, width 1,7 cm). Upper cross bushing and pommel are attached to the tangle.\r\nFound next to the left leg.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26189, "name": "Length", "path": "Dimensions > Length", "unit": "cm", "value": "90.5"}], "maintype": {"id": 26472, "name": "Spatha", "parent_id": 26466, "path": "Artifact > Cultural Object > WeaponsArmourRiding > Attack Weapons > Sword > Spatha", "systemtype": "artifact"}, "material": [{"id": 26540, "name": "Iron", "path": "Material > Metal > Iron", "value": "0.0"}], "name": "G130S1F01", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "254-255", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"id": 23447, "name": "Leg Left", "path": "Position of Find in Grave > Lower Body > Leg Left"}]}}, {"files": [{"file_name": "42619.jpg", "id": 42619, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_38184", "reference": "29/1", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "id": 97809, "properties": {"description": "Strap end made out of tin-plated (lead) bronze. Remains of the leather strap preserved in the sleeve. End structured in tripartite and decorated with profiled pointed ends.\r\nMade out of several parts.\r\nFound next to the pommel of find G130S1F01.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26189, "name": "Length", "path": "Dimensions > Length", "unit": "cm", "value": "3.6"}, {"id": 26190, "name": "Thickness", "path": "Dimensions > Thickness", "unit": "cm", "value": "1.3"}, {"id": 26188, "name": "Width", "path": "Dimensions > Width", "unit": "cm", "value": "3.45"}], "maintype": {"id": 26382, "name": "Strap-End", "parent_id": 26373, "path": "Artifact > Cultural Object > Accessories > Belts > Strap-End", "systemtype": "artifact"}, "material": [{"id": 26546, "name": "Copper Alloy", "path": "Material > Metal > Non-Ferrous Metal > Copper Alloy", "value": "0.0"}, {"id": 26548, "name": "Tin", "path": "Material > Metal > Non-Ferrous Metal > Tin", "value": "0.0"}], "name": "G130S1F02", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "254-255", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"id": 23451, "name": "Thigh left", "path": "Position of Find in Grave > Lower Body > Leg Left > Thigh left"}]}}, {"files": [{"file_name": "42620.jpg", "id": 42620, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_38186", "reference": "Taf. 29/2", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "id": 97815, "properties": {"description": "Belt buckle made out of iron. Prong and bent projection of chape preserved. Frame rounded trapezoid with retracted sides. Cross-section squared. \r\nFound next to the sword (G130S1F01) and strap end (G130S1F02).\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26189, "name": "Length", "path": "Dimensions > Length", "unit": "cm", "value": "4.7"}, {"id": 26190, "name": "Thickness", "path": "Dimensions > Thickness", "unit": "cm", "value": "0.4"}, {"id": 26188, "name": "Width", "path": "Dimensions > Width", "unit": "cm", "value": "3.0"}], "maintype": {"id": 26384, "name": "Belt Buckle with Chape", "parent_id": 26383, "path": "Artifact > Cultural Object > Accessories > Belts > Belt Buckle > Belt Buckle with Chape", "systemtype": "artifact"}, "material": [{"id": 26540, "name": "Iron", "path": "Material > Metal > Iron", "value": "0.0"}], "name": "G130S1F03", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "254-255", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"id": 23451, "name": "Thigh left", "path": "Position of Find in Grave > Lower Body > Leg Left > Thigh left"}]}}, {"files": [{"file_name": "42621.jpg", "id": 42621, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_38188", "reference": "Taf. 29/4", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "id": 97827, "properties": {"description": "Rod-tanged knife made out of iron (length 22,2 cm, length tang 5,4 cm, width blade 1,8 cm, width back 0,25 cm). Cross-section of blade triangular, cross-section of tang rectangular. Heavily corroded. Tang and back divided by a tilted step. Back of knife without buckling but after approx. 9,5 cm slightly tilted towards the tip. Tip in a superior position. Furthermore, three small iron fragments belonging to the knife (length (max.) 1,5 cm).\r\nFound on the left side of the pelvis, next to the left hand.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26189, "name": "Length", "path": "Dimensions > Length", "unit": "cm", "value": "22.2"}, {"id": 26188, "name": "Width", "path": "Dimensions > Width", "unit": "cm", "value": "1.8"}], "maintype": {"id": 26245, "name": "Rod-Tanged Knife", "parent_id": 26244, "path": "Artifact > Cultural Object > Equipment > Knife > Rod-Tanged Knife", "systemtype": "artifact"}, "material": [{"id": 26540, "name": "Iron", "path": "Material > Metal > Iron", "value": "0.0"}], "name": "G130S1F04", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "254-255", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"id": 23462, "name": "Pelvis left", "path": "Position of Find in Grave > Pelvis > Pelvis left"}]}}, {"files": [{"file_name": "42618.jpg", "id": 42618, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_38191", "reference": "Taf. 29/7", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "id": 97821, "properties": {"description": "Jackknife (length (handle) 6,8 cm, length (blade) 7,9 cm, width (handle) 2 cm, width (blade) 1,7 cm) made out of iron. Most of the blade with rivet whole as well as the shell type handle were preserved separately. Reconstructed. Original condition: shell-type handle approx. rectangular. Blade with buckling. Afterwards back of knife heavily tilted towards the inferior positioned tip. Tip lost.\r\nFound between right hip and right forearm.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26189, "name": "Length", "path": "Dimensions > Length", "unit": "cm", "value": "7.9"}, {"id": 26188, "name": "Width", "path": "Dimensions > Width", "unit": "cm", "value": "1.7"}], "maintype": {"id": 26249, "name": "Jackknife", "parent_id": 26244, "path": "Artifact > Cultural Object > Equipment > Knife > Jackknife", "systemtype": "artifact"}, "material": [{"id": 26540, "name": "Iron", "path": "Material > Metal > Iron", "value": "0.0"}], "name": "G130S1F05", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "254-255", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"id": 23463, "name": "Pelvis right", "path": "Position of Find in Grave > Pelvis > Pelvis right"}]}}, {"files": [{"file_name": "42622.jpg", "id": 42622, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_38193", "reference": "Taf. 29/7", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "id": 97833, "properties": {"description": "Iron pin (length 5,8 cm, width 0,3 cm) with tapered ends, probably awl. Cross-section irregular.\r\nFragment of iron sheet and probably organic remains.\r\nFound with the jackknife between right hip and right forearm.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26191, "name": "Diameter", "path": "Dimensions > Diameter", "unit": "cm", "value": "0.3"}, {"id": 26189, "name": "Length", "path": "Dimensions > Length", "unit": "cm", "value": "5.8"}], "maintype": {"id": 26224, "name": "Awl", "parent_id": 26223, "path": "Artifact > Cultural Object > Equipment > Awl", "systemtype": "artifact"}, "material": [{"id": 26540, "name": "Iron", "path": "Material > Metal > Iron", "value": "0.0"}], "name": "G130S1F06", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "254-255", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"id": 23463, "name": "Pelvis right", "path": "Position of Find in Grave > Pelvis > Pelvis right"}]}}, {"files": [{"file_name": "42624.jpg", "id": 42624, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_38195", "reference": "Taf. 29/3", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "id": 97839, "properties": {"description": "Sharpening stone, gray shist (sandy phyllite). Fragmented. Elongated rectangular with slightly concaved sides. Perforated. Cross-section rectangular with slightly rounded edges.\r\nFound between right hip and right forearm.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26189, "name": "Length", "path": "Dimensions > Length", "unit": "cm", "value": "10.4"}, {"id": 26188, "name": "Width", "path": "Dimensions > Width", "unit": "cm", "value": "1.25"}], "maintype": {"id": 26267, "name": "Sharpening Stone", "parent_id": 26223, "path": "Artifact > Cultural Object > Equipment > Sharpening Stone", "systemtype": "artifact"}, "material": [{"id": 26553, "name": "Stone", "path": "Material > Geological > Stone", "value": "0.0"}], "name": "G130S1F07", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "254-255", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"id": 23463, "name": "Pelvis right", "path": "Position of Find in Grave > Pelvis > Pelvis right"}]}}, {"files": [{"file_name": "42625.jpg", "id": 42625, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_38197", "reference": "Taf. 29/6", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "id": 97785, "properties": {"description": "Lyre-shaped fire steel made out of iron. Heavily corroded. Cross-section rectangular.\r\nFound between right hip and right forearm.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26189, "name": "Length", "path": "Dimensions > Length", "unit": "cm", "value": "6.4"}, {"id": 26190, "name": "Thickness", "path": "Dimensions > Thickness", "unit": "cm", "value": "0.2"}, {"id": 26188, "name": "Width", "path": "Dimensions > Width", "unit": "cm", "value": "3.0"}], "maintype": {"id": 26236, "name": "Fire Steel", "parent_id": 26235, "path": "Artifact > Cultural Object > Equipment > Firemaking Equipment > Fire Steel", "systemtype": "artifact"}, "material": [{"id": 26540, "name": "Iron", "path": "Material > Metal > Iron", "value": "0.0"}], "name": "G130S1F08", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "254-255", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"id": 23463, "name": "Pelvis right", "path": "Position of Find in Grave > Pelvis > Pelvis right"}]}}, {"files": [{"file_name": "42626.jpg", "id": 42626, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_38199", "reference": "Taf. 29/8", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "id": 97791, "properties": {"description": "Pin made out of copper alloy. Ends tapered. Probably awl. Cross-section squared.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26191, "name": "Diameter", "path": "Dimensions > Diameter", "unit": "cm", "value": "0.25"}, {"id": 26189, "name": "Length", "path": "Dimensions > Length", "unit": "cm", "value": "3.4"}], "maintype": {"id": 26224, "name": "Awl", "parent_id": 26223, "path": "Artifact > Cultural Object > Equipment > Awl", "systemtype": "artifact"}, "material": [{"id": 26546, "name": "Copper Alloy", "path": "Material > Metal > Non-Ferrous Metal > Copper Alloy", "value": "0.0"}], "name": "G130S1F09", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "254-255", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"id": 23443, "name": "Head right side", "path": "Position of Find in Grave > Head > Head right side"}]}}], "id": 78377, "properties": {"description": "Adult/mature male (35-50 years). Oriented: NW-SE. Upper jaw pushed upwards. Lower jaw positioned on the spine. shoulders slightly raised upwards. Few bones slightly dislocated. Long bones fragmented. Left arm leads towards the pelvic region. Legs in the hip joint slightly tilted to the right.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "306.0"}], "maintype": {"id": 26519, "name": "Skeleton", "parent_id": 26516, "path": "Stratigraphic unit > Burial (strat Unit) > Skeleton", "systemtype": "stratigraphic_unit"}, "name": "G130S1", "radiocarbon": {"sample": "VERA2284 : 1243 \u00b1 37"}, "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "254", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"description": "years", "id": 117200, "name": "maximum age", "path": "Absolute Age > maximum age", "value": "50.0"}, {"description": "years", "id": 117199, "name": "minimum age", "path": "Absolute Age > minimum age", "value": "35.0"}, {"description": "[20,59.9]", "id": 22285, "name": "Adult-Matur", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Age > Grown up > Adult-Matur"}, {"id": 128067, "name": "Left arm stretched", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Arms > Left arm stretched"}, {"id": 128068, "name": "Right arm stretched", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Arms > Right arm stretched"}, {"id": 128052, "name": "Supine position", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > General > Supine position"}, {"id": 128059, "name": "Head straight", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Head > Head straight"}, {"id": 128062, "name": "Left leg stretched", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Legs > Left leg stretched"}, {"id": 128103, "name": "Right leg stretched", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Legs > Right leg stretched"}, {"id": 25, "name": "Male", "path": "Sex and Gender > Sex > Male"}]}}], "files": [{"file_name": "41948.jpg", "id": 41948, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_38179", "reference": "Taf. 29", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "geometry": {"coordinates": [[[15.643092203, 48.586879042], [15.643094005, 48.586879097], [15.643096813, 48.586878238], [15.643100124, 48.586876851], [15.643102638, 48.586875521], [15.643104482, 48.586874356], [15.643106326, 48.586873386], [15.643108254, 48.586872915], [15.643110434, 48.586872832], [15.643112487, 48.586872832], [15.643114457, 48.58687261], [15.643116385, 48.586871723], [15.643119067, 48.58687042], [15.643121288, 48.58686956], [15.643122084, 48.586869145], [15.643122881, 48.586868479], [15.643122294, 48.586867204], [15.643121372, 48.586865652], [15.643120408, 48.586864432], [15.643119151, 48.58686299], [15.643116888, 48.586861382], [15.643116091, 48.586860745], [15.643115002, 48.586860689], [15.643112613, 48.586861244], [15.643103602, 48.586864293], [15.643098573, 48.586865929], [15.643094676, 48.586867426], [15.643091323, 48.586868452], [15.643087886, 48.586870032], [15.643086168, 48.586870947], [15.643085749, 48.586871889], [15.643085833, 48.586872859], [15.64308621, 48.58687383], [15.643087635, 48.586875465], [15.643088431, 48.586876685], [15.643089311, 48.586877739], [15.643090317, 48.58687857], [15.643092203, 48.586879042]]], "type": "Polygon"}, "id": 59585, "parent": 50505, "properties": {"description": "Almost rectangular grave pit, cut into the rock. Partly lined with several layers of stone.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "306.0"}, {"id": 26189, "name": "Length", "path": "Dimensions > Length", "unit": "cm", "value": "266.0"}, {"id": 26188, "name": "Width", "path": "Dimensions > Width", "unit": "cm", "value": "112.0"}, {"id": 118730, "name": "Azimuth", "path": "Dimensions > Azimuth", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "108"}, {"id": 148713, "name": "Nearest Neighbour", "path": "Dimensions > Distance > Nearest Neighbour", "unit": "m", "value": "0.82"}], "maintype": {"id": 26205, "name": "Single Grave", "parent_id": 26204, "path": "Feature > Grave > Single Grave", "systemtype": "feature"}, "name": "Grave 130", "radiocarbon": {"child_sample": ["VERA2284 : 1243 \u00b1 37"]}, "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"id": 22309, "name": "Flat grave", "path": "Grave Characteristics > Grave Construction > Flat grave"}]}, "type": "Feature"}, {"burials": [{"id": 78383, "properties": {"description": "Child aged 2-3 years (infans 1). Initial position and orientation not unascertainable. Orientation (bones): approx. NNW-SSE. Upper body and pelvis region disrupted. Skull lays on its right side. Lower jaw straight.\r\nNo grave goods.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "348.0"}], "maintype": {"id": 26519, "name": "Skeleton", "parent_id": 26516, "path": "Stratigraphic unit > Burial (strat Unit) > Skeleton", "systemtype": "stratigraphic_unit"}, "name": "G131S1", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "255", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"description": "years", "id": 117200, "name": "maximum age", "path": "Absolute Age > maximum age", "value": "3.0"}, {"description": "years", "id": 117199, "name": "minimum age", "path": "Absolute Age > minimum age", "value": "2.0"}, {"description": "[0,6.9]", "id": 22279, "name": "Infans I", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Age > Child > Infans I-II > Infans I"}, {"description": "Possible result of anthropological sex determination. In this context, undetermined means that not enough bone material or specific features were preserved to carry out a sex determination (unlike indifferent, where the preserved features were neither clearly male nor female).", "id": 22375, "name": "undetermined", "path": "Sex and Gender > Sex > undetermined"}]}}], "files": [{"file_name": "42623.jpg", "id": 42623, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_38201", "reference": "255", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "geometry": {"coordinates": [[[15.642960146, 48.587039527], [15.642964756, 48.587040552], [15.642970665, 48.587032347], [15.642964463, 48.587030434], [15.642960146, 48.587039527]]], "type": "Polygon"}, "id": 59573, "parent": 50505, "properties": {"description": "Grave pit undetectable.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 148713, "name": "Nearest Neighbour", "path": "Dimensions > Distance > Nearest Neighbour", "unit": "m", "value": "1.46"}, {"id": 118730, "name": "Azimuth", "path": "Dimensions > Azimuth", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "144"}, {"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "348.0"}, {"id": 15679, "name": "Height", "path": "Dimensions > Height", "unit": "cm", "value": "5.0"}], "maintype": {"id": 26205, "name": "Single Grave", "parent_id": 26204, "path": "Feature > Grave > Single Grave", "systemtype": "feature"}, "name": "Grave 131", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "255", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"id": 22309, "name": "Flat grave", "path": "Grave Characteristics > Grave Construction > Flat grave"}]}, "type": "Feature"}, {"burials": [{"finds": [{"id": 103527, "properties": {"description": "Animal bones. Found on the right hip side.\r\n\r\n", "maintype": {"id": 26507, "name": "Animal Remains", "parent_id": 26506, "path": "Artifact > Cultural Object > Varia > Animal Remains", "systemtype": "artifact"}, "material": [{"id": 26529, "name": "Bone", "path": "Material > Organic > Animal > Bone", "value": "0.0"}], "name": "G132S1F01", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "255", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"id": 23463, "name": "Pelvis right", "path": "Position of Find in Grave > Pelvis > Pelvis right"}]}}], "id": 75121, "properties": {"description": "Mature female (50-60 years). Oriented: NW-SE. Disrupted. Bones of lower limbs with exception of the left humerus (sic!) not preserved.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "307.0"}], "maintype": {"id": 26519, "name": "Skeleton", "parent_id": 26516, "path": "Stratigraphic unit > Burial (strat Unit) > Skeleton", "systemtype": "stratigraphic_unit"}, "name": "G132S1", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "255", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"description": "years", "id": 117200, "name": "maximum age", "path": "Absolute Age > maximum age", "value": "60.0"}, {"description": "years", "id": 117199, "name": "minimum age", "path": "Absolute Age > minimum age", "value": "50.0"}, {"description": "[40,59.9]", "id": 22286, "name": "Matur", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Age > Grown up > Matur"}, {"id": 128068, "name": "Right arm stretched", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Arms > Right arm stretched"}, {"id": 128052, "name": "Supine position", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > General > Supine position"}, {"id": 128060, "name": "On the right side", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Head > On the right side"}, {"id": 24, "name": "Female", "path": "Sex and Gender > Sex > Female"}]}}], "files": [{"file_name": "41949.jpg", "id": 41949, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_38204", "reference": "Taf. 27", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "geometry": {"coordinates": [[[15.643001469, 48.587042576], [15.643005827, 48.5870446], [15.643013078, 48.587039832], [15.643010018, 48.58703778], [15.643001469, 48.587042576]]], "type": "Polygon"}, "id": 56891, "parent": 50505, "properties": {"description": "Grave pit hardly visible. One stone position at the upper end of the pit.\r\nLower end of the pit, as well as the legs, probably disrupted during the construction of pit 135. For strategraphy see grave 205. \r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 148713, "name": "Nearest Neighbour", "path": "Dimensions > Distance > Nearest Neighbour", "unit": "m", "value": "0.43"}, {"id": 118730, "name": "Azimuth", "path": "Dimensions > Azimuth", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "119"}, {"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "307.0"}], "maintype": {"id": 26205, "name": "Single Grave", "parent_id": 26204, "path": "Feature > Grave > Single Grave", "systemtype": "feature"}, "name": "Grave 132", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "255-256", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"id": 22309, "name": "Flat grave", "path": "Grave Characteristics > Grave Construction > Flat grave"}]}, "type": "Feature"}, {"burials": [{"id": 78395, "properties": {"description": "Adult female (?) (20-25 years). Oriented: NW-SE. Skull laying on its right side. Right arm leads towards the pelvis.\r\nNo grave goods.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "310.0"}], "maintype": {"id": 26519, "name": "Skeleton", "parent_id": 26516, "path": "Stratigraphic unit > Burial (strat Unit) > Skeleton", "systemtype": "stratigraphic_unit"}, "name": "G133S1", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "256", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"description": "years", "id": 117200, "name": "maximum age", "path": "Absolute Age > maximum age", "value": "25.0"}, {"description": "years", "id": 117199, "name": "minimum age", "path": "Absolute Age > minimum age", "value": "20.0"}, {"description": "[20,39.9]", "id": 22284, "name": "Adult", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Age > Grown up > Adult"}, {"id": 128067, "name": "Left arm stretched", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Arms > Left arm stretched"}, {"id": 128068, "name": "Right arm stretched", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Arms > Right arm stretched"}, {"id": 128052, "name": "Supine position", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > General > Supine position"}, {"id": 128084, "name": "Left hand next to the body", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Hands > Left hand next to the body"}, {"id": 128085, "name": "Right hand next to the body", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Hands > Right hand next to the body"}, {"id": 128060, "name": "On the right side", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Head > On the right side"}, {"id": 128062, "name": "Left leg stretched", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Legs > Left leg stretched"}, {"id": 128103, "name": "Right leg stretched", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Legs > Right leg stretched"}, {"id": 22373, "name": "Female?", "path": "Sex and Gender > Sex > Female > Female?"}]}}], "files": [{"file_name": "41950.jpg", "id": 41950, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_38208", "reference": "Taf. 27", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "geometry": {"coordinates": [[[15.642993925, 48.587040719], [15.642994889, 48.587040109], [15.643002307, 48.587033483], [15.643009096, 48.587027551], [15.643010898, 48.587026192], [15.643011611, 48.587025582], [15.643011485, 48.587025056], [15.643010186, 48.587023974], [15.643007043, 48.587022089], [15.643006079, 48.587021978], [15.643004612, 48.587022699], [15.642991159, 48.587033566], [15.642988728, 48.587035701], [15.642988142, 48.587036449], [15.642987681, 48.587037309], [15.642987932, 48.587037919], [15.642990321, 48.587038944], [15.642993129, 48.587040469], [15.642993925, 48.587040719]]], "type": "Polygon"}, "id": 56897, "parent": 50505, "properties": {"description": "Almost rectangular grave pit. Pit partly lined with big, standing stones.\r\nVisible discoloration on the burial level. Discoloration dark brown, rounded rectangular. Possibly remains of a coffin or part of wooden grave installations.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "310.0"}, {"id": 15679, "name": "Height", "path": "Dimensions > Height", "unit": "cm", "value": "27.0"}, {"id": 26189, "name": "Length", "path": "Dimensions > Length", "unit": "cm", "value": "170.0"}, {"id": 26188, "name": "Width", "path": "Dimensions > Width", "unit": "cm", "value": "60.0"}, {"id": 118730, "name": "Azimuth", "path": "Dimensions > Azimuth", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "131"}, {"id": 148713, "name": "Nearest Neighbour", "path": "Dimensions > Distance > Nearest Neighbour", "unit": "m", "value": "1.1"}], "maintype": {"id": 26205, "name": "Single Grave", "parent_id": 26204, "path": "Feature > Grave > Single Grave", "systemtype": "feature"}, "name": "Grave 133", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "256", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"id": 22309, "name": "Flat grave", "path": "Grave Characteristics > Grave Construction > Flat grave"}]}, "type": "Feature"}, {"burials": [{"finds": [{"id": 117815, "properties": {"description": "Fragment of a pyramidal loom weight.\r\nFound in the grave's backfilling.\r\n\r\n", "maintype": {"id": 26238, "name": "Weights", "parent_id": 26223, "path": "Artifact > Cultural Object > Equipment > Weights", "systemtype": "artifact"}, "name": "G134S2F05", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "256", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}}}, {"files": [{"file_name": "117806.jpg", "id": 117806, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "NB_11119", "reference": "Taf. 27/2", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "id": 117804, "properties": {"description": "Earring made out of copper alloy wire. Decorated by wire wounding. Only the wire loop of a pendant is preserved. Cross-section round.\r\nFound in the grave's backfilling.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26191, "name": "Diameter", "path": "Dimensions > Diameter", "unit": "cm", "value": "0.1"}, {"id": 26189, "name": "Length", "path": "Dimensions > Length", "unit": "cm", "value": "2.3"}, {"id": 26188, "name": "Width", "path": "Dimensions > Width", "unit": "cm", "value": "1.3"}], "maintype": {"id": 26395, "name": "EarringsTemple Rings", "parent_id": 112815, "path": "Artifact > Cultural Object > Accessories > Jewellery > EarringsTemple Rings", "systemtype": "artifact"}, "material": [{"id": 26546, "name": "Copper Alloy", "path": "Material > Metal > Non-Ferrous Metal > Copper Alloy", "value": "0.0"}], "name": "G134S2F01", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "256", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}}}, {"files": [{"file_name": "42627.jpg", "id": 42627, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_38214", "reference": "Taf. 27/3", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "id": 117807, "properties": {"description": "2 fragments of thin sheet metal made out of copper alloy. Possibly fragments of a rod-shaped earring pendant. Bent around its longitudinal axis.\r\nFound in grave's backfilling.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "0.05"}, {"id": 26189, "name": "Length", "path": "Dimensions > Length", "unit": "cm", "value": "0.3"}, {"id": 26188, "name": "Width", "path": "Dimensions > Width", "unit": "cm", "value": "0.25"}], "maintype": {"id": 26506, "name": "Varia", "parent_id": 205561, "path": "Artifact > Cultural Object > Varia", "systemtype": "artifact"}, "material": [{"id": 26546, "name": "Copper Alloy", "path": "Material > Metal > Non-Ferrous Metal > Copper Alloy", "value": "0.0"}], "name": "G134S2F02", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "256", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}}}, {"files": [{"file_name": "117811.jpg", "id": 117811, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "NB_11120", "reference": "Taf. 27/4", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "id": 117809, "properties": {"description": "Iron rivet or nail, slightly fragmented. Cross-section of shaft rectangular.\r\nFound in the grave's backfilling.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26189, "name": "Length", "path": "Dimensions > Length", "unit": "cm", "value": "1.05"}, {"id": 26188, "name": "Width", "path": "Dimensions > Width", "unit": "cm", "value": "0.4"}], "maintype": {"id": 26506, "name": "Varia", "parent_id": 205561, "path": "Artifact > Cultural Object > Varia", "systemtype": "artifact"}, "material": [{"id": 26540, "name": "Iron", "path": "Material > Metal > Iron", "value": "0.0"}], "name": "G134S2F03", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "256", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}}}, {"id": 117813, "properties": {"description": "Ribbing stone, disc-shaped. Both sides smooth. \r\nFound in the grave's backfilling.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26191, "name": "Diameter", "path": "Dimensions > Diameter", "unit": "cm", "value": "7.5"}, {"id": 15679, "name": "Height", "path": "Dimensions > Height", "unit": "cm", "value": "4.5"}], "maintype": {"id": 26223, "name": "Equipment", "parent_id": 205561, "path": "Artifact > Cultural Object > Equipment", "systemtype": "artifact"}, "material": [{"id": 26553, "name": "Stone", "path": "Material > Geological > Stone", "value": "0.0"}], "name": "G134S2F04", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "256", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}}}], "id": 117802, "properties": {"description": "Backfilling of grave 134.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "313.0"}], "maintype": {"id": 117202, "name": "Backfilling", "parent_id": 26514, "path": "Stratigraphic unit > Deposit > Backfilling", "systemtype": "stratigraphic_unit"}, "name": "G134S2", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "256", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}}}, {"id": 75025, "properties": {"description": "Child aged 3-4 years (infans 1). Oriented: NW-SE. Heavily disrupted, all of the bones dispersed. Skull fragmented.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "313.0"}], "maintype": {"id": 26519, "name": "Skeleton", "parent_id": 26516, "path": "Stratigraphic unit > Burial (strat Unit) > Skeleton", "systemtype": "stratigraphic_unit"}, "name": "G134S1", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "256", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"description": "years", "id": 117200, "name": "maximum age", "path": "Absolute Age > maximum age", "value": "4.0"}, {"description": "years", "id": 117199, "name": "minimum age", "path": "Absolute Age > minimum age", "value": "3.0"}, {"description": "[0,6.9]", "id": 22279, "name": "Infans I", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Age > Child > Infans I-II > Infans I"}, {"id": 128052, "name": "Supine position", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > General > Supine position"}, {"description": "Possible result of anthropological sex determination. In this context, undetermined means that not enough bone material or specific features were preserved to carry out a sex determination (unlike indifferent, where the preserved features were neither clearly male nor female).", "id": 22375, "name": "undetermined", "path": "Sex and Gender > Sex > undetermined"}]}}], "files": [{"file_name": "41951.jpg", "id": 41951, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_38211", "reference": "Taf. 27", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "geometry": {"coordinates": [[[15.642979047, 48.587019664], [15.642979424, 48.587020107], [15.642982337, 48.587022089], [15.642990803, 48.587017557], [15.642987136, 48.587014493], [15.642979173, 48.587019262], [15.642979047, 48.587019664]]], "type": "Polygon"}, "id": 56761, "parent": 50505, "properties": {"description": "Almost rectangular grave pit. Few stones positioned along the grave pit walls.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 148713, "name": "Nearest Neighbour", "path": "Dimensions > Distance > Nearest Neighbour", "unit": "m", "value": "0.67"}, {"id": 118730, "name": "Azimuth", "path": "Dimensions > Azimuth", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "118"}, {"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "313.0"}, {"id": 15679, "name": "Height", "path": "Dimensions > Height", "unit": "cm", "value": "5.0"}, {"id": 26189, "name": "Length", "path": "Dimensions > Length", "unit": "cm", "value": "88.0"}, {"id": 26188, "name": "Width", "path": "Dimensions > Width", "unit": "cm", "value": "45.0"}], "maintype": {"id": 26205, "name": "Single Grave", "parent_id": 26204, "path": "Feature > Grave > Single Grave", "systemtype": "feature"}, "name": "Grave 134", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "256", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"id": 22309, "name": "Flat grave", "path": "Grave Characteristics > Grave Construction > Flat grave"}]}, "type": "Feature"}, {"burials": [{"finds": [{"id": 102205, "properties": {"description": "Animal bones found next to the right humerus.\r\n\r\n", "maintype": {"id": 26507, "name": "Animal Remains", "parent_id": 26506, "path": "Artifact > Cultural Object > Varia > Animal Remains", "systemtype": "artifact"}, "material": [{"id": 26529, "name": "Bone", "path": "Material > Organic > Animal > Bone", "value": "0.0"}], "name": "G135S1F01", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "256", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"id": 23477, "name": "Upper Arm right", "path": "Position of Find in Grave > Upper Body > Upper Extremities > Arm right > Upper Arm right"}]}}], "id": 78401, "properties": {"description": "Mature male (40-60 years). Oriented: NW-SE. Skull and mandible laying on their right side. Right forearm and few other bones dispersed. Hand bones and phalanges found between the thighs. Shoulders slightly hoisted. Left elbow positioned on a flat stone.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "302.0"}], "maintype": {"id": 26519, "name": "Skeleton", "parent_id": 26516, "path": "Stratigraphic unit > Burial (strat Unit) > Skeleton", "systemtype": "stratigraphic_unit"}, "name": "G135S1", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "256", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"description": "years", "id": 117200, "name": "maximum age", "path": "Absolute Age > maximum age", "value": "60.0"}, {"description": "years", "id": 117199, "name": "minimum age", "path": "Absolute Age > minimum age", "value": "40.0"}, {"description": "[40,59.9]", "id": 22286, "name": "Matur", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Age > Grown up > Matur"}, {"id": 128067, "name": "Left arm stretched", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Arms > Left arm stretched"}, {"id": 128080, "name": "Right arm slightly bent", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Arms > Right arm slightly bent"}, {"id": 128052, "name": "Supine position", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > General > Supine position"}, {"id": 128087, "name": "Left hand on the pelvis", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Hands > Left hand on the pelvis"}, {"id": 128086, "name": "Right hand on the pelvis", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Hands > Right hand on the pelvis"}, {"id": 128060, "name": "On the right side", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Head > On the right side"}, {"id": 128062, "name": "Left leg stretched", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Legs > Left leg stretched"}, {"id": 128103, "name": "Right leg stretched", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Legs > Right leg stretched"}, {"id": 25, "name": "Male", "path": "Sex and Gender > Sex > Male"}]}}], "files": [{"file_name": "42629.jpg", "id": 42629, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_38217", "reference": "Taf. 30", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "geometry": {"coordinates": [[[15.643061609, 48.58700285], [15.64306383, 48.587004652], [15.643064585, 48.587005123], [15.643065758, 48.587004957], [15.643069404, 48.587003238], [15.6430715, 48.587001935], [15.643074014, 48.587000743], [15.643076696, 48.586999163], [15.643080133, 48.586997389], [15.643083486, 48.586995753], [15.643085958, 48.586994367], [15.643086126, 48.586993674], [15.643083737, 48.586991373], [15.643081642, 48.586989876], [15.643080804, 48.586989654], [15.643078289, 48.586990818], [15.643073888, 48.586993341], [15.643070033, 48.586994866], [15.643064878, 48.586996862], [15.643061358, 48.586998719], [15.643062238, 48.586999468], [15.643063034, 48.587000161], [15.643063202, 48.587001048], [15.643062363, 48.587001991], [15.643061609, 48.58700285]]], "type": "Polygon"}, "id": 56903, "parent": 50505, "properties": {"description": "Almost rectangular grave pit, cut into the rock. Small stones positioned along one of the sides.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 148713, "name": "Nearest Neighbour", "path": "Dimensions > Distance > Nearest Neighbour", "unit": "m", "value": "1.57"}, {"id": 118730, "name": "Azimuth", "path": "Dimensions > Azimuth", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "115"}, {"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "302.0"}, {"id": 15679, "name": "Height", "path": "Dimensions > Height", "unit": "cm", "value": "36.0"}, {"id": 26189, "name": "Length", "path": "Dimensions > Length", "unit": "cm", "value": "115.0"}, {"id": 26188, "name": "Width", "path": "Dimensions > Width", "unit": "cm", "value": "78.0"}], "maintype": {"id": 26205, "name": "Single Grave", "parent_id": 26204, "path": "Feature > Grave > Single Grave", "systemtype": "feature"}, "name": "Grave 135", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "256", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"id": 22309, "name": "Flat grave", "path": "Grave Characteristics > Grave Construction > Flat grave"}]}, "type": "Feature"}, {"burials": [{"id": 75133, "properties": {"description": "Adult male (20-25 years). Oriented: NW-SE. Skull tilted down and to the right. Right arm leads to the pelvic.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "315.0"}], "maintype": {"id": 26519, "name": "Skeleton", "parent_id": 26516, "path": "Stratigraphic unit > Burial (strat Unit) > Skeleton", "systemtype": "stratigraphic_unit"}, "name": "G136S1", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "256", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"description": "years", "id": 117200, "name": "maximum age", "path": "Absolute Age > maximum age", "value": "25.0"}, {"description": "years", "id": 117199, "name": "minimum age", "path": "Absolute Age > minimum age", "value": "20.0"}, {"description": "[20,39.9]", "id": 22284, "name": "Adult", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Age > Grown up > Adult"}, {"id": 128067, "name": "Left arm stretched", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Arms > Left arm stretched"}, {"id": 128068, "name": "Right arm stretched", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Arms > Right arm stretched"}, {"id": 128052, "name": "Supine position", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > General > Supine position"}, {"id": 130398, "name": "Right hand on the thigh", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Hands > Right hand on the thigh"}, {"id": 128060, "name": "On the right side", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Head > On the right side"}, {"id": 128062, "name": "Left leg stretched", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Legs > Left leg stretched"}, {"id": 128103, "name": "Right leg stretched", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Legs > Right leg stretched"}, {"id": 25, "name": "Male", "path": "Sex and Gender > Sex > Male"}]}}, {"finds": [{"id": 117820, "properties": {"description": "Annular loom weight. Fragmented. Found in the backfilling.\r\n\r\n", "maintype": {"id": 26223, "name": "Equipment", "parent_id": 205561, "path": "Artifact > Cultural Object > Equipment", "systemtype": "artifact"}, "name": "G136S2F01", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "256", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}}}], "id": 117818, "properties": {"description": "Backfilling fo grave 136.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "315.0"}], "maintype": {"id": 117202, "name": "Backfilling", "parent_id": 26514, "path": "Stratigraphic unit > Deposit > Backfilling", "systemtype": "stratigraphic_unit"}, "name": "G136S2", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "256", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}}}], "files": [{"file_name": "42630.jpg", "id": 42630, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_38221", "reference": "Taf. 30", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "geometry": {"coordinates": [[[15.643036505, 48.587023309], [15.643035625, 48.587023614], [15.643034703, 48.587023614], [15.64303353, 48.587023281], [15.643032985, 48.587022755], [15.643032859, 48.587022117], [15.643033949, 48.58702037], [15.643034996, 48.587018236], [15.643035793, 48.587016822], [15.643036254, 48.58701599], [15.643037218, 48.587015242], [15.643038349, 48.587014521], [15.64303969, 48.587013717], [15.64304078, 48.587012553], [15.643042414, 48.587011194], [15.643044175, 48.587010252], [15.643045977, 48.587009476], [15.643047444, 48.587008893], [15.643048533, 48.58700881], [15.643050671, 48.587008533], [15.643051551, 48.587008145], [15.643053185, 48.587008755], [15.643053898, 48.587009503], [15.643055029, 48.587010584], [15.643055239, 48.587011499], [15.643055071, 48.587012442], [15.643054191, 48.587013357], [15.643050796, 48.587014466], [15.643048491, 48.587015436], [15.643045767, 48.5870166], [15.643043336, 48.587018042], [15.643040193, 48.587019899], [15.643037427, 48.587021258], [15.643036421, 48.587022006], [15.643036128, 48.587022644], [15.643036505, 48.587023309]]], "type": "Polygon"}, "id": 59597, "parent": 50505, "properties": {"description": "Rectangular grave pit with rounded corners. Few stones positioned along the edges. Western corner undocumented due to trench's profile.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "315.0"}, {"id": 15679, "name": "Height", "path": "Dimensions > Height", "unit": "cm", "value": "13.0"}, {"id": 26189, "name": "Length", "path": "Dimensions > Length", "unit": "cm", "value": "197.0"}, {"id": 26188, "name": "Width", "path": "Dimensions > Width", "unit": "cm", "value": "76.0"}, {"id": 148713, "name": "Nearest Neighbour", "path": "Dimensions > Distance > Nearest Neighbour", "unit": "m", "value": "0.6"}, {"id": 118730, "name": "Azimuth", "path": "Dimensions > Azimuth", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "119"}], "maintype": {"id": 26205, "name": "Single Grave", "parent_id": 26204, "path": "Feature > Grave > Single Grave", "systemtype": "feature"}, "name": "Grave 136", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "256", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"id": 22309, "name": "Flat grave", "path": "Grave Characteristics > Grave Construction > Flat grave"}]}, "type": "Feature"}, {"burials": [{"finds": [{"files": [{"file_name": "117826.jpg", "id": 117826, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "NB_11121", "reference": "Taf. 30/1", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "id": 117824, "properties": {"description": "Iron band, fragmented. One end furled into a loop. At loop's end tapered.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26191, "name": "Diameter", "path": "Dimensions > Diameter", "unit": "cm", "value": "0.35"}, {"id": 26189, "name": "Length", "path": "Dimensions > Length", "unit": "cm", "value": "3.3"}, {"id": 26188, "name": "Width", "path": "Dimensions > Width", "unit": "cm", "value": "0.6"}], "maintype": {"id": 26506, "name": "Varia", "parent_id": 205561, "path": "Artifact > Cultural Object > Varia", "systemtype": "artifact"}, "material": [{"id": 26540, "name": "Iron", "path": "Material > Metal > Iron", "value": "0.0"}], "name": "G137S2F01", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "256", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}}}], "id": 117822, "properties": {"description": "Backfilling of grave 137.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "306.0"}], "maintype": {"id": 117202, "name": "Backfilling", "parent_id": 26514, "path": "Stratigraphic unit > Deposit > Backfilling", "systemtype": "stratigraphic_unit"}, "name": "G137S2", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "256", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}}}, {"id": 78081, "properties": {"description": "Mature-senile male (50-65 years). Crouched burial, laying on the left side. Oriented: NW-SE. Skull slightly dispersed. Arms positioned in front of the body and angled. Neck and chest slightly disrupted.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "306.0"}], "maintype": {"id": 26519, "name": "Skeleton", "parent_id": 26516, "path": "Stratigraphic unit > Burial (strat Unit) > Skeleton", "systemtype": "stratigraphic_unit"}, "name": "G137S1", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "256", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"description": "years", "id": 117200, "name": "maximum age", "path": "Absolute Age > maximum age", "value": "65.0"}, {"description": "years", "id": 117199, "name": "minimum age", "path": "Absolute Age > minimum age", "value": "50.0"}, {"description": "[40,100]", "id": 22287, "name": "Matur-Senil", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Age > Grown up > Matur-Senil"}, {"id": 128078, "name": "Left arm bent towards the head", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Arms > Left arm bent towards the head"}, {"id": 128079, "name": "Right arm bent towards the head", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Arms > Right arm bent towards the head"}, {"id": 128053, "name": "Crouched position", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > General > Crouched position"}, {"id": 128061, "name": "On the left side", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Head > On the left side"}, {"id": 128065, "name": "Left leg bent at 90 degrees", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Legs > Left leg bent at 90 degrees"}, {"id": 128102, "name": "Right leg bent at 90 degrees", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Legs > Right leg bent at 90 degrees"}, {"id": 25, "name": "Male", "path": "Sex and Gender > Sex > Male"}]}}], "files": [{"file_name": "33610.jpg", "id": 33610, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_38225", "reference": "Taf. 30", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "geometry": {"coordinates": [[[15.643068189, 48.587030184], [15.64306603, 48.587031085], [15.643063872, 48.587032333], [15.643062196, 48.587033358], [15.643060079, 48.587034356], [15.643058361, 48.587035243], [15.643057565, 48.587035826], [15.643057313, 48.5870362], [15.643056831, 48.5870362], [15.643055302, 48.587035548], [15.643054023, 48.587034883], [15.643053458, 48.587034024], [15.643052997, 48.587032929], [15.643053018, 48.587031931], [15.643053479, 48.587031307], [15.643053583, 48.58703103], [15.643053709, 48.587030628], [15.643054484, 48.587030267], [15.643055867, 48.587029713], [15.643058068, 48.587028521], [15.643059115, 48.5870278], [15.643059975, 48.587027343], [15.643061379, 48.587027467], [15.643062824, 48.587026719], [15.643063788, 48.58702622], [15.643068189, 48.587030184]]], "type": "Polygon"}, "id": 56909, "parent": 50505, "properties": {"description": "Grave pit hardly visible. Stone settings in an almost rectangular shape. Skeleton almost entirely surrounded by small stones.\r\nSeparated from grave 164 by big boulders positioned at the upper end of the pit.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "306.0"}, {"id": 15679, "name": "Height", "path": "Dimensions > Height", "unit": "cm", "value": "18.0"}, {"id": 26189, "name": "Length", "path": "Dimensions > Length", "unit": "cm", "value": "182.0"}, {"id": 26188, "name": "Width", "path": "Dimensions > Width", "unit": "cm", "value": "61.0"}, {"id": 118730, "name": "Azimuth", "path": "Dimensions > Azimuth", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "118"}, {"id": 148713, "name": "Nearest Neighbour", "path": "Dimensions > Distance > Nearest Neighbour", "unit": "m", "value": "0.54"}], "maintype": {"id": 26205, "name": "Single Grave", "parent_id": 26204, "path": "Feature > Grave > Single Grave", "systemtype": "feature"}, "name": "Grave 137", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "256", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"id": 22309, "name": "Flat grave", "path": "Grave Characteristics > Grave Construction > Flat grave"}]}, "type": "Feature"}, {"burials": [{"id": 78099, "properties": {"description": "Child aged 6-12 months (infans 1). Skull fragments and long bones of the child were found between the lower legs of the mature female (G138S2).\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "304.0"}], "maintype": {"id": 26519, "name": "Skeleton", "parent_id": 26516, "path": "Stratigraphic unit > Burial (strat Unit) > Skeleton", "systemtype": "stratigraphic_unit"}, "name": "G138S2", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "256-257", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"description": "[0,6.9]", "id": 22279, "name": "Infans I", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Age > Child > Infans I-II > Infans I"}, {"description": "Possible result of anthropological sex determination. In this context, undetermined means that not enough bone material or specific features were preserved to carry out a sex determination (unlike indifferent, where the preserved features were neither clearly male nor female).", "id": 22375, "name": "undetermined", "path": "Sex and Gender > Sex > undetermined"}]}}, {"finds": [{"files": [{"file_name": "42633.jpg", "id": 42633, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_38233", "reference": "Taf. 30/2", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "id": 102489, "properties": {"description": "Ribbon-/rod-shaped fragment made out of iron. Twisted in the middle. Cross-section rectangular.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26189, "name": "Length", "path": "Dimensions > Length", "unit": "cm", "value": "6.0"}, {"id": 26190, "name": "Thickness", "path": "Dimensions > Thickness", "unit": "cm", "value": "0.5"}, {"id": 26188, "name": "Width", "path": "Dimensions > Width", "unit": "cm", "value": "0.55"}], "maintype": {"id": 26506, "name": "Varia", "parent_id": 205561, "path": "Artifact > Cultural Object > Varia", "systemtype": "artifact"}, "material": [{"id": 26540, "name": "Iron", "path": "Material > Metal > Iron", "value": "0.0"}], "name": "G138S1F01", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "257", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}}}], "id": 77847, "properties": {"description": "Mature female (40-60 years). Oriented: NW-SE. Entirely slightly deranged, many bones displaced. Skull tilted down and to the left.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "304.0"}], "maintype": {"id": 26519, "name": "Skeleton", "parent_id": 26516, "path": "Stratigraphic unit > Burial (strat Unit) > Skeleton", "systemtype": "stratigraphic_unit"}, "name": "G138S1", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "256-257", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"description": "years", "id": 117200, "name": "maximum age", "path": "Absolute Age > maximum age", "value": "60.0"}, {"description": "years", "id": 117199, "name": "minimum age", "path": "Absolute Age > minimum age", "value": "40.0"}, {"description": "[40,59.9]", "id": 22286, "name": "Matur", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Age > Grown up > Matur"}, {"id": 128072, "name": "Left arm not in situ", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Arms > Left arm not in situ"}, {"id": 128073, "name": "Right arm not in situ", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Arms > Right arm not in situ"}, {"id": 128052, "name": "Supine position", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > General > Supine position"}, {"id": 128059, "name": "Head straight", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Head > Head straight"}, {"id": 128062, "name": "Left leg stretched", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Legs > Left leg stretched"}, {"id": 128103, "name": "Right leg stretched", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Legs > Right leg stretched"}, {"id": 24, "name": "Female", "path": "Sex and Gender > Sex > Female"}]}}], "files": [{"file_name": "33640.jpg", "id": 33640, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_38229", "reference": "256", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "geometry": {"coordinates": [[[15.642971378, 48.587016628], [15.642975988, 48.587007147], [15.642980346, 48.587004874], [15.64298437, 48.587002933], [15.642986633, 48.587001991], [15.642989315, 48.587001048], [15.642990866, 48.587000798], [15.642992123, 48.587001159], [15.64299338, 48.587002351], [15.642995015, 48.587003709], [15.64299644, 48.587005206], [15.642996398, 48.587006066], [15.642995895, 48.587007008], [15.642994512, 48.58700784], [15.642989944, 48.58700942], [15.642977874, 48.587014466], [15.642971378, 48.587016628]]], "type": "Polygon"}, "id": 59393, "parent": 50505, "properties": {"description": "Almost rectangular grave pit. Pit's walls undocumented due to trench's profile. In/on top of backfilling several bigger stones.\r\nA post-hole (51 x 44 cm) cuts into the lower end of the grave pit.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 148713, "name": "Nearest Neighbour", "path": "Dimensions > Distance > Nearest Neighbour", "unit": "m", "value": "1.09"}, {"id": 118730, "name": "Azimuth", "path": "Dimensions > Azimuth", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "112"}, {"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "304.0"}, {"id": 15679, "name": "Height", "path": "Dimensions > Height", "unit": "cm", "value": "29.0"}, {"id": 26189, "name": "Length", "path": "Dimensions > Length", "unit": "cm", "value": "216.0"}, {"id": 26188, "name": "Width", "path": "Dimensions > Width", "unit": "cm", "value": "79.0"}], "maintype": {"id": 26206, "name": "Grave with multiple burials", "parent_id": 26204, "path": "Feature > Grave > Grave with multiple burials", "systemtype": "feature"}, "name": "Grave 138", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "256", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"id": 22309, "name": "Flat grave", "path": "Grave Characteristics > Grave Construction > Flat grave"}]}, "type": "Feature"}, {"burials": [{"id": 74903, "properties": {"description": "Adult female (25-35 years). Oriented: NW-SE. Bones of upper body disrupted. Especially the bones in a narrow line between arms and thighs heavily displaced. Legs placed next to each other.\r\nNo grave goods.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "307.0"}], "maintype": {"id": 26519, "name": "Skeleton", "parent_id": 26516, "path": "Stratigraphic unit > Burial (strat Unit) > Skeleton", "systemtype": "stratigraphic_unit"}, "name": "G139S1", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "257", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"description": "years", "id": 117200, "name": "maximum age", "path": "Absolute Age > maximum age", "value": "35.0"}, {"description": "years", "id": 117199, "name": "minimum age", "path": "Absolute Age > minimum age", "value": "25.0"}, {"description": "[20,39.9]", "id": 22284, "name": "Adult", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Age > Grown up > Adult"}, {"id": 128072, "name": "Left arm not in situ", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Arms > Left arm not in situ"}, {"id": 128073, "name": "Right arm not in situ", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Arms > Right arm not in situ"}, {"id": 128052, "name": "Supine position", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > General > Supine position"}, {"id": 128061, "name": "On the left side", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Head > On the left side"}, {"id": 128062, "name": "Left leg stretched", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Legs > Left leg stretched"}, {"id": 128103, "name": "Right leg stretched", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Legs > Right leg stretched"}, {"id": 24, "name": "Female", "path": "Sex and Gender > Sex > Female"}]}}, {"finds": [{"files": [{"file_name": "117874.jpg", "id": 117874, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "NB_11122", "reference": "Taf. 30", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "id": 117848, "properties": {"description": "Glass cinder, black, concave. Found in the grave's backfilling.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 15679, "name": "Height", "path": "Dimensions > Height", "unit": "cm", "value": "2.0"}, {"id": 26189, "name": "Length", "path": "Dimensions > Length", "unit": "cm", "value": "1.7"}, {"id": 26188, "name": "Width", "path": "Dimensions > Width", "unit": "cm", "value": "0.8"}], "maintype": {"id": 26506, "name": "Varia", "parent_id": 205561, "path": "Artifact > Cultural Object > Varia", "systemtype": "artifact"}, "material": [{"id": 26565, "name": "Glass", "path": "Material > Artificial > Glass", "value": "0.0"}], "name": "G139S2F01", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "257", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}]}}], "id": 117843, "properties": {"description": "Backfilling of grave 139.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "307.0"}], "maintype": {"id": 117202, "name": "Backfilling", "parent_id": 26514, "path": "Stratigraphic unit > Deposit > Backfilling", "systemtype": "stratigraphic_unit"}, "name": "G139S2", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "257", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}}}], "files": [{"file_name": "42634.jpg", "id": 42634, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_38235", "reference": "Taf. 30", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "geometry": {"coordinates": [[[15.642985208, 48.587028327], [15.642988184, 48.587027218], [15.64299095, 48.587026054], [15.642994721, 48.587024113], [15.642997404, 48.587022644], [15.643000379, 48.587021202], [15.643002181, 48.587020149], [15.64300281, 48.587019622], [15.643003355, 48.587019123], [15.643003355, 48.587018735], [15.643003145, 48.587018319], [15.643002265, 48.587017487], [15.643000589, 48.587016462], [15.642999499, 48.587016268], [15.642998326, 48.587016378], [15.642994973, 48.58701782], [15.642990195, 48.587020121], [15.642985753, 48.587022339], [15.642982861, 48.587023863], [15.642981017, 48.587024778], [15.642980095, 48.587025333], [15.642979969, 48.58702597], [15.642980514, 48.587026941], [15.642981729, 48.587027772], [15.642982651, 48.587028354], [15.642984034, 48.587028493], [15.642985208, 48.587028327]]], "type": "Polygon"}, "id": 59429, "parent": 50505, "properties": {"description": "Almost rectangular, narrow-oblong grave pit.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "307.0"}, {"id": 15679, "name": "Height", "path": "Dimensions > Height", "unit": "cm", "value": "16.0"}, {"id": 26189, "name": "Length", "path": "Dimensions > Length", "unit": "cm", "value": "212.0"}, {"id": 26188, "name": "Width", "path": "Dimensions > Width", "unit": "cm", "value": "48.0"}, {"id": 118730, "name": "Azimuth", "path": "Dimensions > Azimuth", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "117"}, {"id": 148713, "name": "Nearest Neighbour", "path": "Dimensions > Distance > Nearest Neighbour", "unit": "m", "value": "0.67"}], "maintype": {"id": 26205, "name": "Single Grave", "parent_id": 26204, "path": "Feature > Grave > Single Grave", "systemtype": "feature"}, "name": "Grave 139", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "257", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"id": 22309, "name": "Flat grave", "path": "Grave Characteristics > Grave Construction > Flat grave"}]}, "type": "Feature"}, {"burials": [{"finds": [{"files": [{"file_name": "42636.jpg", "id": 42636, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_38241", "reference": "Taf. 30/5", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "id": 97851, "properties": {"description": "Earring made out of copper alloy wire. Decorated with oppositely placed wire windings. Wire tapers on one side into a tip. Cross-section of wire round, in the lower part of the round arch, squared.\r\nFound underneath the skull fragments. \r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26189, "name": "Length", "path": "Dimensions > Length", "unit": "cm", "value": "3.1"}, {"id": 26190, "name": "Thickness", "path": "Dimensions > Thickness", "unit": "cm", "value": "0.2"}, {"id": 26188, "name": "Width", "path": "Dimensions > Width", "unit": "cm", "value": "2.1"}], "maintype": {"id": 26408, "name": "Wire Rings", "parent_id": 26395, "path": "Artifact > Cultural Object > Accessories > Jewellery > EarringsTemple Rings > Wire Rings", "systemtype": "artifact"}, "material": [{"id": 26546, "name": "Copper Alloy", "path": "Material > Metal > Non-Ferrous Metal > Copper Alloy", "value": "0.0"}], "name": "G140S1F01", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "257", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"id": 23441, "name": "Head", "path": "Position of Find in Grave > Head"}]}}, {"files": [{"file_name": "42637.jpg", "id": 42637, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_38243", "reference": "Taf. 30/4", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "id": 102627, "properties": {"description": "Earring made out of copper alloy wire, counterpiece to find G140S1F01. Decorated with oppositely placed wire windings. Wire tapers on one side into a tip. Cross-section of wire round, in the lower part of the round arch, squared.\r\nFound underneath the skull fragments. \r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26189, "name": "Length", "path": "Dimensions > Length", "unit": "cm", "value": "3.1"}, {"id": 26188, "name": "Width", "path": "Dimensions > Width", "unit": "cm", "value": "2.0"}], "maintype": {"id": 26408, "name": "Wire Rings", "parent_id": 26395, "path": "Artifact > Cultural Object > Accessories > Jewellery > EarringsTemple Rings > Wire Rings", "systemtype": "artifact"}, "material": [{"id": 26546, "name": "Copper Alloy", "path": "Material > Metal > Non-Ferrous Metal > Copper Alloy", "value": "0.0"}], "name": "G140S1F02", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "257", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"id": 23441, "name": "Head", "path": "Position of Find in Grave > Head"}]}}, {"files": [{"file_name": "42638.jpg", "id": 42638, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_38245", "reference": "Taf. 30/3", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "id": 102751, "properties": {"description": "Silver wire. Fragmented. Bent to an oval shape. \r\nPosition in grave unknown.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 15679, "name": "Height", "path": "Dimensions > Height", "unit": "cm", "value": "1.4"}, {"id": 26188, "name": "Width", "path": "Dimensions > Width", "unit": "cm", "value": "2.0"}], "maintype": {"id": 26506, "name": "Varia", "parent_id": 205561, "path": "Artifact > Cultural Object > Varia", "systemtype": "artifact"}, "material": [{"id": 26545, "name": "Silver", "path": "Material > Metal > Non-Ferrous Metal > Precious Metal > Silver", "value": "0.0"}], "name": "G140S1F03", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "257", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}}}], "id": 78159, "properties": {"description": "Child aged 3-4 years (infans 1). Position in grave not certifiable due to disturbance. Oriented: approx. 255\u00b0. Skull fragmented. Few ribs and one humerus preserved but displaced.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "255.0"}], "maintype": {"id": 26519, "name": "Skeleton", "parent_id": 26516, "path": "Stratigraphic unit > Burial (strat Unit) > Skeleton", "systemtype": "stratigraphic_unit"}, "name": "G140S1", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "257", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"description": "years", "id": 117200, "name": "maximum age", "path": "Absolute Age > maximum age", "value": "4.0"}, {"description": "years", "id": 117199, "name": "minimum age", "path": "Absolute Age > minimum age", "value": "3.0"}, {"description": "[0,6.9]", "id": 22279, "name": "Infans I", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Age > Child > Infans I-II > Infans I"}, {"description": "Possible result of anthropological sex determination. In this context, undetermined means that not enough bone material or specific features were preserved to carry out a sex determination (unlike indifferent, where the preserved features were neither clearly male nor female).", "id": 22375, "name": "undetermined", "path": "Sex and Gender > Sex > undetermined"}]}}], "files": [{"file_name": "42635.jpg", "id": 42635, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_38238", "reference": "Taf. 30", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "geometry": {"coordinates": [[[15.643021659, 48.587028022], [15.643021072, 48.587028001], [15.643020433, 48.587027758], [15.643019867, 48.587027447], [15.643019595, 48.587027266], [15.643019574, 48.587026934], [15.643019825, 48.587026546], [15.643020318, 48.587025991], [15.643020789, 48.587025506], [15.643021114, 48.587025277], [15.643021554, 48.587025284], [15.643021858, 48.587025388], [15.643022507, 48.587025513], [15.643023398, 48.587025839], [15.643023786, 48.587026047], [15.643023712, 48.5870264], [15.643023262, 48.587026719], [15.643022811, 48.587027197], [15.64302278, 48.587027682], [15.643022277, 48.587027966], [15.643021659, 48.587028022]]], "type": "Polygon"}, "id": 59441, "parent": 50505, "properties": {"description": "Grave pit undetectable but confined by stone placements. Grave pit is adjacent to the pit of grave 204. \r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "255.0"}, {"id": 15679, "name": "Height", "path": "Dimensions > Height", "unit": "cm", "value": "5.0"}, {"id": 148713, "name": "Nearest Neighbour", "path": "Dimensions > Distance > Nearest Neighbour", "unit": "m", "value": "0.56"}, {"id": 118730, "name": "Azimuth", "path": "Dimensions > Azimuth", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "88"}], "maintype": {"id": 26205, "name": "Single Grave", "parent_id": 26204, "path": "Feature > Grave > Single Grave", "systemtype": "feature"}, "name": "Grave 140", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "257", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"id": 22309, "name": "Flat grave", "path": "Grave Characteristics > Grave Construction > Flat grave"}]}, "type": "Feature"}, {"burials": [{"id": 75145, "properties": {"description": "Child aged 6-8 years (infans 2). Oriented: NW-SE. Lower jaw rests on the spine. Shoulders pulled up. Right hand is positioned underneath the pelvis. Left side of the body only partially preserved.\r\nNo grave goods.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "306.0"}], "maintype": {"id": 26519, "name": "Skeleton", "parent_id": 26516, "path": "Stratigraphic unit > Burial (strat Unit) > Skeleton", "systemtype": "stratigraphic_unit"}, "name": "G141S1", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "257", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"description": "years", "id": 117200, "name": "maximum age", "path": "Absolute Age > maximum age", "value": "8.0"}, {"description": "years", "id": 117199, "name": "minimum age", "path": "Absolute Age > minimum age", "value": "6.0"}, {"description": "[7,13.9]", "id": 22280, "name": "Infans II", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Age > Child > Infans I-II > Infans II"}, {"id": 128068, "name": "Right arm stretched", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Arms > Right arm stretched"}, {"id": 128052, "name": "Supine position", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > General > Supine position"}, {"id": 128059, "name": "Head straight", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Head > Head straight"}, {"id": 128062, "name": "Left leg stretched", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Legs > Left leg stretched"}, {"id": 128103, "name": "Right leg stretched", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Legs > Right leg stretched"}, {"description": "Possible result of anthropological sex determination. In this context, undetermined means that not enough bone material or specific features were preserved to carry out a sex determination (unlike indifferent, where the preserved features were neither clearly male nor female).", "id": 22375, "name": "undetermined", "path": "Sex and Gender > Sex > undetermined"}]}}], "files": [{"file_name": "42639.jpg", "id": 42639, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_38247", "reference": "Taf. 31", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "geometry": {"coordinates": [[[15.643073134, 48.587019677], [15.643072338, 48.587019594], [15.643070997, 48.587018264], [15.643070242, 48.587017515], [15.643069949, 48.587017044], [15.643070159, 48.587016545], [15.643071416, 48.587016101], [15.643073218, 48.587015519], [15.643075146, 48.587014687], [15.643076361, 48.587013967], [15.643077409, 48.58701319], [15.64307896, 48.587012303], [15.643080091, 48.587011167], [15.643082061, 48.58700967], [15.643084156, 48.587008755], [15.643085372, 48.587008283], [15.643086252, 48.587008034], [15.643087006, 48.587008089], [15.643087467, 48.587008588], [15.643088012, 48.587009171], [15.643088389, 48.587009836], [15.643088222, 48.587010474], [15.643086461, 48.587011139], [15.643084492, 48.587012276], [15.643078666, 48.587016018], [15.643076277, 48.587017543], [15.64307435, 48.587018873], [15.643073134, 48.587019677]]], "type": "Polygon"}, "id": 56915, "parent": 50505, "properties": {"description": "Irregular grave pit, cut into the rock. Standing stones along the edges.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 148713, "name": "Nearest Neighbour", "path": "Dimensions > Distance > Nearest Neighbour", "unit": "m", "value": "1.25"}, {"id": 118730, "name": "Azimuth", "path": "Dimensions > Azimuth", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "120"}, {"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "306.0"}, {"id": 15679, "name": "Height", "path": "Dimensions > Height", "unit": "cm", "value": "15.0"}, {"id": 26189, "name": "Length", "path": "Dimensions > Length", "unit": "cm", "value": "129.0"}, {"id": 26188, "name": "Width", "path": "Dimensions > Width", "unit": "cm", "value": "40.0"}], "maintype": {"id": 26205, "name": "Single Grave", "parent_id": 26204, "path": "Feature > Grave > Single Grave", "systemtype": "feature"}, "name": "Grave 141", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "257", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"id": 22309, "name": "Flat grave", "path": "Grave Characteristics > Grave Construction > Flat grave"}]}, "type": "Feature"}, {"burials": [{"finds": [{"id": 117856, "properties": {"description": "Botanical remains, found in the backfilling of grave 142.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 15679, "name": "Height", "path": "Dimensions > Height", "unit": "cm", "value": "0.8"}, {"id": 26189, "name": "Length", "path": "Dimensions > Length", "unit": "cm", "value": "0.4"}], "maintype": {"id": 26506, "name": "Varia", "parent_id": 205561, "path": "Artifact > Cultural Object > Varia", "systemtype": "artifact"}, "material": [{"id": 26521, "name": "Organic", "path": "Material > Organic", "value": "0.0"}], "name": "G142S2F01", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "257", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}}}], "id": 117853, "properties": {"description": "Backfilling of grave 142.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "294.0"}], "maintype": {"id": 117202, "name": "Backfilling", "parent_id": 26514, "path": "Stratigraphic unit > Deposit > Backfilling", "systemtype": "stratigraphic_unit"}, "name": "G142S2", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "257", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}}}, {"id": 75139, "properties": {"description": "Child aged 1-2 years (infans 1). Oriented: NW-SE. Skull laying on its right side. Some bones dislocated.\r\nNo grave goods.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "294.0"}], "maintype": {"id": 26519, "name": "Skeleton", "parent_id": 26516, "path": "Stratigraphic unit > Burial (strat Unit) > Skeleton", "systemtype": "stratigraphic_unit"}, "name": "G142S1", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "257", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"description": "[0,6.9]", "id": 22279, "name": "Infans I", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Age > Child > Infans I-II > Infans I"}, {"id": 128067, "name": "Left arm stretched", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Arms > Left arm stretched"}, {"id": 128068, "name": "Right arm stretched", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Arms > Right arm stretched"}, {"id": 128052, "name": "Supine position", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > General > Supine position"}, {"id": 128060, "name": "On the right side", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Head > On the right side"}, {"id": 128062, "name": "Left leg stretched", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Legs > Left leg stretched"}, {"id": 128103, "name": "Right leg stretched", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Legs > Right leg stretched"}, {"description": "Possible result of anthropological sex determination. In this context, undetermined means that not enough bone material or specific features were preserved to carry out a sex determination (unlike indifferent, where the preserved features were neither clearly male nor female).", "id": 22375, "name": "undetermined", "path": "Sex and Gender > Sex > undetermined"}]}}], "files": [{"file_name": "42641.jpg", "id": 42641, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_38250", "reference": "Taf. 31", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "geometry": {"coordinates": [[[15.64308688, 48.587007119], [15.643087341, 48.587007784], [15.643088431, 48.587008644], [15.643089437, 48.587009309], [15.643089814, 48.587009489], [15.643090443, 48.587009323], [15.643091344, 48.58700888], [15.643092098, 48.587008422], [15.643093104, 48.587007826], [15.643094173, 48.587007299], [15.643095304, 48.587006662], [15.643095954, 48.587006329], [15.643096101, 48.587005955], [15.643096142, 48.587005567], [15.643096436, 48.587005386], [15.643096478, 48.587005137], [15.643096205, 48.587004624], [15.643095535, 48.587004014], [15.643094927, 48.587003363], [15.643094487, 48.587003072], [15.643093754, 48.587003377], [15.643090925, 48.587004735], [15.64308929, 48.587005761], [15.643088054, 48.587006482], [15.643087174, 48.587006689], [15.64308688, 48.587007119]]], "type": "Polygon"}, "id": 59603, "parent": 50505, "properties": {"description": "Rectangular grave pit, slightly cut into the rock. Stones positioned along the edges.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 118730, "name": "Azimuth", "path": "Dimensions > Azimuth", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "118"}, {"id": 148713, "name": "Nearest Neighbour", "path": "Dimensions > Distance > Nearest Neighbour", "unit": "m", "value": "1.25"}, {"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "294.0"}, {"id": 15679, "name": "Height", "path": "Dimensions > Height", "unit": "cm", "value": "8.0"}, {"id": 26189, "name": "Length", "path": "Dimensions > Length", "unit": "cm", "value": "77.0"}, {"id": 26188, "name": "Width", "path": "Dimensions > Width", "unit": "cm", "value": "37.0"}], "maintype": {"id": 26205, "name": "Single Grave", "parent_id": 26204, "path": "Feature > Grave > Single Grave", "systemtype": "feature"}, "name": "Grave 142", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "257", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"id": 22309, "name": "Flat grave", "path": "Grave Characteristics > Grave Construction > Flat grave"}]}, "type": "Feature"}, {"burials": [{"finds": [{"files": [{"file_name": "42640.jpg", "id": 42640, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_38256", "reference": "Taf. 31/3", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "id": 117864, "properties": {"description": "Rod-tanged knife made out of iron (length 13,7 cm, length tang 4,4 cm, width blade 1,25 cm, width back 0,15 cm). Blade heavily corroded. Cross-section of blade triangular, cross-section of tang rectangular. Tang and back divided by a step. Back of knife without buckling but after 3,2 cm slightly tilted towards the tip. Blade slightly s-shaped and tilted towards the tip.\r\nFound in the backfilling of the grave.\r\n\r\n", "maintype": {"id": 26245, "name": "Rod-Tanged Knife", "parent_id": 26244, "path": "Artifact > Cultural Object > Equipment > Knife > Rod-Tanged Knife", "systemtype": "artifact"}, "name": "G143S2F01", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "257", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}}}], "id": 117859, "properties": {"description": "Backfilling of grave 143.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "317.0"}], "maintype": {"id": 117202, "name": "Backfilling", "parent_id": 26514, "path": "Stratigraphic unit > Deposit > Backfilling", "systemtype": "stratigraphic_unit"}, "name": "G143S2", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "257", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}}}, {"id": 78407, "properties": {"description": "Child aged 4-5 years (infans 1). Oriented: NW-SE. Skull fragmented and turned. Lower jaw in situ. Upper body and pelvic region heavily disturbed.\r\nNo grave goods.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "317.0"}], "maintype": {"id": 26519, "name": "Skeleton", "parent_id": 26516, "path": "Stratigraphic unit > Burial (strat Unit) > Skeleton", "systemtype": "stratigraphic_unit"}, "name": "G143S1", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "257", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"description": "[0,6.9]", "id": 22279, "name": "Infans I", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Age > Child > Infans I-II > Infans I"}, {"id": 128052, "name": "Supine position", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > General > Supine position"}, {"id": 128097, "name": "Head not in situ", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Head > Head not in situ"}, {"id": 128062, "name": "Left leg stretched", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Legs > Left leg stretched"}, {"id": 128103, "name": "Right leg stretched", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Legs > Right leg stretched"}, {"description": "Possible result of anthropological sex determination. In this context, undetermined means that not enough bone material or specific features were preserved to carry out a sex determination (unlike indifferent, where the preserved features were neither clearly male nor female).", "id": 22375, "name": "undetermined", "path": "Sex and Gender > Sex > undetermined"}]}}], "files": [{"file_name": "42642.jpg", "id": 42642, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_38253", "reference": "Taf. 31", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "geometry": {"coordinates": [[[15.643028836, 48.58701064], [15.643030428, 48.587012941], [15.643040906, 48.587010806], [15.643040445, 48.587007923], [15.643033404, 48.587009004], [15.643030428, 48.587009808], [15.643029213, 48.587010474], [15.643028836, 48.58701064]]], "type": "Polygon"}, "id": 59609, "parent": 50505, "properties": {"description": "Grave pit undetectable. Burial positioned in humous soil.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "317.0"}, {"id": 15679, "name": "Height", "path": "Dimensions > Height", "unit": "cm", "value": "7.0"}, {"id": 148713, "name": "Nearest Neighbour", "path": "Dimensions > Distance > Nearest Neighbour", "unit": "m", "value": "0.8"}, {"id": 118730, "name": "Azimuth", "path": "Dimensions > Azimuth", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "102"}], "maintype": {"id": 26205, "name": "Single Grave", "parent_id": 26204, "path": "Feature > Grave > Single Grave", "systemtype": "feature"}, "name": "Grave 143", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "257", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"id": 22309, "name": "Flat grave", "path": "Grave Characteristics > Grave Construction > Flat grave"}]}, "type": "Feature"}, {"burials": [{"finds": [{"files": [{"file_name": "42644.jpg", "id": 42644, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_38261", "reference": "257", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "id": 102769, "properties": {"description": "Bell made out of iron, heavily corroded. Lower part fragmented. Round shape. Rim pulls outwards at the joint and forms a perforated triangle. Organic remains were preserved here. Bead not preserved.\r\nFound on the right, dislocated humerus.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26191, "name": "Diameter", "path": "Dimensions > Diameter", "unit": "cm", "value": "2.1"}, {"id": 26189, "name": "Length", "path": "Dimensions > Length", "unit": "cm", "value": "3.4"}], "maintype": {"id": 26443, "name": "Bells", "parent_id": 26324, "path": "Artifact > Cultural Object > Accessories > Bells", "systemtype": "artifact"}, "material": [{"id": 26540, "name": "Iron", "path": "Material > Metal > Iron", "value": "0.0"}], "name": "G144S1F01", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "257", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"id": 23477, "name": "Upper Arm right", "path": "Position of Find in Grave > Upper Body > Upper Extremities > Arm right > Upper Arm right"}]}}, {"id": 102775, "properties": {"description": "Bell made out of iron. Lost without a trace.\r\nFound in the area of the left arm.\r\n\r\n", "maintype": {"id": 26443, "name": "Bells", "parent_id": 26324, "path": "Artifact > Cultural Object > Accessories > Bells", "systemtype": "artifact"}, "material": [{"id": 26540, "name": "Iron", "path": "Material > Metal > Iron", "value": "0.0"}], "name": "G144S1F02", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "257-258", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"id": 23476, "name": "Upper Arm left", "path": "Position of Find in Grave > Upper Body > Upper Extremities > Arm left > Upper Arm left"}]}}], "id": 75157, "properties": {"description": "Child aged 18 to 24 months (infans 1). Oriented: NW-SE. Skull crushed, preserved bones mostly dislocated.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "317.0"}], "maintype": {"id": 26519, "name": "Skeleton", "parent_id": 26516, "path": "Stratigraphic unit > Burial (strat Unit) > Skeleton", "systemtype": "stratigraphic_unit"}, "name": "G144S1", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "257", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"description": "years", "id": 117200, "name": "maximum age", "path": "Absolute Age > maximum age", "value": "2.0"}, {"description": "years", "id": 117199, "name": "minimum age", "path": "Absolute Age > minimum age", "value": "1.5"}, {"description": "[0,6.9]", "id": 22279, "name": "Infans I", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Age > Child > Infans I-II > Infans I"}, {"id": 128052, "name": "Supine position", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > General > Supine position"}, {"description": "Possible result of anthropological sex determination. In this context, undetermined means that not enough bone material or specific features were preserved to carry out a sex determination (unlike indifferent, where the preserved features were neither clearly male nor female).", "id": 22375, "name": "undetermined", "path": "Sex and Gender > Sex > undetermined"}]}}, {"finds": [{"id": 117871, "properties": {"description": "Ferrous cinder. Found in the backfilling of grave 144.\r\n\r\n", "maintype": {"id": 26506, "name": "Varia", "parent_id": 205561, "path": "Artifact > Cultural Object > Varia", "systemtype": "artifact"}, "name": "G144S2F01", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "258", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}}}], "id": 117868, "properties": {"description": "Backfilling of grave 144.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "317.0"}], "maintype": {"id": 117202, "name": "Backfilling", "parent_id": 26514, "path": "Stratigraphic unit > Deposit > Backfilling", "systemtype": "stratigraphic_unit"}, "name": "G144S2", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "257", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}}}], "files": [{"file_name": "42643.jpg", "id": 42643, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_38258", "reference": "Taf. 31", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "geometry": {"coordinates": [[[15.642951345, 48.587018125], [15.642951932, 48.587018499], [15.642952938, 48.587018832], [15.64295386, 48.58701904], [15.642955075, 48.587019275], [15.642955808, 48.587019345], [15.642956709, 48.587019386], [15.642957401, 48.587019095], [15.642958449, 48.587018444], [15.642960062, 48.587017681], [15.642961466, 48.587017127], [15.642962283, 48.587016572], [15.642963394, 48.587016087], [15.642964086, 48.587015491], [15.642964127, 48.587015103], [15.642963289, 48.587014493], [15.642961969, 48.587013551], [15.642961068, 48.587012816], [15.642960398, 48.58701258], [15.642958994, 48.587012913], [15.642956186, 48.587014313], [15.642954132, 48.587015588], [15.642952267, 48.587016586], [15.642951177, 48.587017543], [15.642951345, 48.587018125]]], "type": "Polygon"}, "id": 59615, "parent": 50505, "properties": {"description": "Grave pit not detectable.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 118730, "name": "Azimuth", "path": "Dimensions > Azimuth", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "116"}, {"id": 148713, "name": "Nearest Neighbour", "path": "Dimensions > Distance > Nearest Neighbour", "unit": "m", "value": "0.84"}, {"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "317.0"}, {"id": 15679, "name": "Height", "path": "Dimensions > Height", "unit": "cm", "value": "3.0"}], "maintype": {"id": 26205, "name": "Single Grave", "parent_id": 26204, "path": "Feature > Grave > Single Grave", "systemtype": "feature"}, "name": "Grave 144", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "257", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"id": 22309, "name": "Flat grave", "path": "Grave Characteristics > Grave Construction > Flat grave"}]}, "type": "Feature"}, {"burials": [{"finds": [{"id": 117880, "properties": {"description": "Botanical remains found in the foot are. Probably food offerings.\r\n\r\n", "maintype": {"id": 26506, "name": "Varia", "parent_id": 205561, "path": "Artifact > Cultural Object > Varia", "systemtype": "artifact"}, "name": "G145S1F02", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "258", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}}}, {"id": 102259, "properties": {"description": "Animal remains found between the feet and lower legs. Probably food offerings.\r\n\r\n", "maintype": {"id": 26507, "name": "Animal Remains", "parent_id": 26506, "path": "Artifact > Cultural Object > Varia > Animal Remains", "systemtype": "artifact"}, "material": [{"id": 26529, "name": "Bone", "path": "Material > Organic > Animal > Bone", "value": "0.0"}], "name": "G145S1F01", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "258", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"id": 23460, "name": "Lower leg", "path": "Position of Find in Grave > Lower Body > Legs - between > Lower leg"}]}}], "id": 78221, "properties": {"description": "Child aged 2-3 months (Neonat). Oriented WNW-SES. The child suffered from hydrocephaly. Heavily disturbed, only a few bones in situ.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "295.0"}], "maintype": {"id": 26519, "name": "Skeleton", "parent_id": 26516, "path": "Stratigraphic unit > Burial (strat Unit) > Skeleton", "systemtype": "stratigraphic_unit"}, "name": "G145S1", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "258", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"description": "[0,0.25]", "id": 22282, "name": "Neonatus", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Age > Child > Neonatus"}, {"id": 128052, "name": "Supine position", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > General > Supine position"}, {"id": 128062, "name": "Left leg stretched", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Legs > Left leg stretched"}, {"id": 128103, "name": "Right leg stretched", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Legs > Right leg stretched"}, {"description": "Possible result of anthropological sex determination. In this context, undetermined means that not enough bone material or specific features were preserved to carry out a sex determination (unlike indifferent, where the preserved features were neither clearly male nor female).", "id": 22375, "name": "undetermined", "path": "Sex and Gender > Sex > undetermined"}]}}], "files": [{"file_name": "42645.jpg", "id": 42645, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_38264", "reference": "Taf. 31", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "geometry": {"coordinates": [[[15.643067644, 48.586953809], [15.643067015, 48.586954003], [15.643065968, 48.586954114], [15.643065129, 48.586954419], [15.643065129, 48.586955056], [15.643065297, 48.586956054], [15.643065507, 48.586956609], [15.6430658, 48.586957413], [15.643066261, 48.5869583], [15.643066973, 48.58695866], [15.643067937, 48.586958522], [15.643070075, 48.586958189], [15.643072673, 48.586957524], [15.643074433, 48.58695647], [15.643076152, 48.586955611], [15.643078624, 48.586954973], [15.643080384, 48.586954474], [15.643081851, 48.586954031], [15.643082899, 48.586953504], [15.64308336, 48.586953005], [15.64308357, 48.586952173], [15.643083863, 48.586950926], [15.643083821, 48.586950039], [15.643082731, 48.586949595], [15.643081809, 48.586949096], [15.643080301, 48.586949567], [15.643077283, 48.586950732], [15.643075062, 48.586951619], [15.643074266, 48.586951841], [15.643073469, 48.586951647], [15.643072673, 48.586951702], [15.643070284, 48.5869527], [15.643067895, 48.586953559], [15.643067644, 48.586953809]]], "type": "Polygon"}, "id": 56783, "parent": 50505, "properties": {"description": "Irregular rectangular grave pit. Stones placed along the sides. Found a little bit higher than the burial.\r\nGrave 145 and 190 might overlap slightly in one corner.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 148713, "name": "Nearest Neighbour", "path": "Dimensions > Distance > Nearest Neighbour", "unit": "m", "value": "0.56"}, {"id": 118730, "name": "Azimuth", "path": "Dimensions > Azimuth", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "110"}, {"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "295.0"}, {"id": 15679, "name": "Height", "path": "Dimensions > Height", "unit": "cm", "value": "17.0"}, {"id": 26189, "name": "Length", "path": "Dimensions > Length", "unit": "cm", "value": "145.0"}, {"id": 26188, "name": "Width", "path": "Dimensions > Width", "unit": "cm", "value": "43.0"}], "maintype": {"id": 26205, "name": "Single Grave", "parent_id": 26204, "path": "Feature > Grave > Single Grave", "systemtype": "feature"}, "name": "Grave 145", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "258", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"id": 22309, "name": "Flat grave", "path": "Grave Characteristics > Grave Construction > Flat grave"}]}, "type": "Feature"}, {"burials": [{"id": 78261, "properties": {"description": "Adult male (25-35 years). Oriented: NW-SE. Skull tilted to the front and right. Shoulders slightly pulled up. Slash trauma on the left side of the frontal bone just over the eye socket. Between the thighs a stone. \r\nNo grave goods\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "284.0"}], "maintype": {"id": 26519, "name": "Skeleton", "parent_id": 26516, "path": "Stratigraphic unit > Burial (strat Unit) > Skeleton", "systemtype": "stratigraphic_unit"}, "name": "G146S1", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "258", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"description": "years", "id": 117200, "name": "maximum age", "path": "Absolute Age > maximum age", "value": "35.0"}, {"description": "years", "id": 117199, "name": "minimum age", "path": "Absolute Age > minimum age", "value": "25.0"}, {"description": "[20,39.9]", "id": 22284, "name": "Adult", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Age > Grown up > Adult"}, {"id": 128067, "name": "Left arm stretched", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Arms > Left arm stretched"}, {"id": 128068, "name": "Right arm stretched", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Arms > Right arm stretched"}, {"id": 128052, "name": "Supine position", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > General > Supine position"}, {"id": 128084, "name": "Left hand next to the body", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Hands > Left hand next to the body"}, {"id": 128085, "name": "Right hand next to the body", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Hands > Right hand next to the body"}, {"id": 128060, "name": "On the right side", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Head > On the right side"}, {"id": 128062, "name": "Left leg stretched", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Legs > Left leg stretched"}, {"id": 128103, "name": "Right leg stretched", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Legs > Right leg stretched"}, {"id": 25, "name": "Male", "path": "Sex and Gender > Sex > Male"}]}}, {"finds": [{"id": 117903, "properties": {"description": "Fragment of a loom weight. Found in the grave's backfilling.\r\n\r\n", "maintype": {"id": 26223, "name": "Equipment", "parent_id": 205561, "path": "Artifact > Cultural Object > Equipment", "systemtype": "artifact"}, "name": "G146S2F01", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "258", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}}}], "id": 117901, "properties": {"description": "Backfilling of grave 146.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "284.0"}], "maintype": {"id": 117202, "name": "Backfilling", "parent_id": 26514, "path": "Stratigraphic unit > Deposit > Backfilling", "systemtype": "stratigraphic_unit"}, "name": "G146S2", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "258", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}}}], "files": [{"file_name": "42647.jpg", "id": 42647, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_38271", "reference": "Taf. 31", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "geometry": {"coordinates": [[[15.642991578, 48.586995725], [15.642994554, 48.586995088], [15.642996691, 48.586994478], [15.64299929, 48.586993674], [15.643002391, 48.586992648], [15.643005618, 48.586991595], [15.643007755, 48.586990818], [15.643009557, 48.586990208], [15.643011108, 48.586989682], [15.643011737, 48.586989155], [15.643012114, 48.586988656], [15.643011904, 48.586987713], [15.643011401, 48.586986577], [15.643011024, 48.586985634], [15.643010396, 48.58698483], [15.643009599, 48.58698447], [15.643008593, 48.586984581], [15.643004235, 48.586985828], [15.643001259, 48.586986521], [15.642996565, 48.586987298], [15.642993422, 48.586988102], [15.642990824, 48.586988795], [15.642989189, 48.586989127], [15.642987387, 48.586989349], [15.642986088, 48.586989765], [15.642985711, 48.586990347], [15.642985627, 48.586991484], [15.642985837, 48.586992676], [15.642986801, 48.58699409], [15.642987429, 48.586994921], [15.642988267, 48.586995725], [15.64298986, 48.586995975], [15.642991578, 48.586995725]]], "type": "Polygon"}, "id": 59501, "parent": 50505, "properties": {"description": "Rectangular-oval grave pit, slightly cut into the rock. Few standing stones positioned between burial and walls of the grave.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "284.0"}, {"id": 15679, "name": "Height", "path": "Dimensions > Height", "unit": "cm", "value": "15.0"}, {"id": 26189, "name": "Length", "path": "Dimensions > Length", "unit": "cm", "value": "199.0"}, {"id": 26188, "name": "Width", "path": "Dimensions > Width", "unit": "cm", "value": "91.0"}, {"id": 118730, "name": "Azimuth", "path": "Dimensions > Azimuth", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "103"}, {"id": 148713, "name": "Nearest Neighbour", "path": "Dimensions > Distance > Nearest Neighbour", "unit": "m", "value": "0.99"}], "maintype": {"id": 26205, "name": "Single Grave", "parent_id": 26204, "path": "Feature > Grave > Single Grave", "systemtype": "feature"}, "name": "Grave 146", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "258", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"id": 22309, "name": "Flat grave", "path": "Grave Characteristics > Grave Construction > Flat grave"}]}, "type": "Feature"}, {"burials": [{"id": 77787, "properties": {"description": "Mature individual (40-60 years). Oriented: NW-SE. Skull tilted slightly to the left. Lower jaw laying on the spine. No bones preserved in the chest and pelvis area. Long bones fragmented.\r\nNo grave goods.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "313.0"}], "maintype": {"id": 26519, "name": "Skeleton", "parent_id": 26516, "path": "Stratigraphic unit > Burial (strat Unit) > Skeleton", "systemtype": "stratigraphic_unit"}, "name": "G147S1", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "258", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"description": "[40,59.9]", "id": 22286, "name": "Matur", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Age > Grown up > Matur"}, {"id": 128052, "name": "Supine position", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > General > Supine position"}, {"id": 128059, "name": "Head straight", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Head > Head straight"}, {"id": 128062, "name": "Left leg stretched", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Legs > Left leg stretched"}, {"id": 128103, "name": "Right leg stretched", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Legs > Right leg stretched"}, {"description": "Possible result of anthropological sex determination. In this context, undetermined means that not enough bone material or specific features were preserved to carry out a sex determination (unlike indifferent, where the preserved features were neither clearly male nor female).", "id": 22375, "name": "undetermined", "path": "Sex and Gender > Sex > undetermined"}]}}, {"finds": [{"files": [{"file_name": "117913.jpg", "id": 117913, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "NB_11123", "reference": "Taf. 31/2", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "id": 117911, "properties": {"description": "Iron rod. One end bent into a loop, other end fragmented. Might have been looped as well. Cross-section of middle part rectangular, cross-section of ends ribbon-shaped.\r\nFound in the backfilling of grave 147.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 15679, "name": "Height", "path": "Dimensions > Height", "unit": "cm", "value": "0.1"}, {"id": 26189, "name": "Length", "path": "Dimensions > Length", "unit": "cm", "value": "6.5"}, {"id": 26188, "name": "Width", "path": "Dimensions > Width", "unit": "cm", "value": "0.3"}], "maintype": {"id": 26506, "name": "Varia", "parent_id": 205561, "path": "Artifact > Cultural Object > Varia", "systemtype": "artifact"}, "material": [{"id": 26540, "name": "Iron", "path": "Material > Metal > Iron", "value": "0.0"}], "name": "G147S2F01", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "258", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}}}], "id": 117908, "properties": {"description": "Backfilling of grave 147.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "313.0"}], "maintype": {"id": 117202, "name": "Backfilling", "parent_id": 26514, "path": "Stratigraphic unit > Deposit > Backfilling", "systemtype": "stratigraphic_unit"}, "name": "G147S2", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "258", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}}}], "files": [{"file_name": "42646.jpg", "id": 42646, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_38270", "reference": "Taf. 31", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "geometry": {"coordinates": [[[15.643008761, 48.587005428], [15.643007881, 48.587004818], [15.643006079, 48.587004181], [15.64300457, 48.587003654], [15.6430039, 48.587003183], [15.643003397, 48.587002545], [15.643003271, 48.58700163], [15.643003397, 48.587000992], [15.643003858, 48.586999939], [15.643004528, 48.586998747], [15.64300566, 48.58699822], [15.643006749, 48.586997638], [15.643007965, 48.586996806], [15.643009138, 48.586996058], [15.643010018, 48.586995919], [15.643010731, 48.586995503], [15.643011401, 48.586995309], [15.643012114, 48.586994616], [15.643012701, 48.586994228], [15.643014922, 48.586993785], [15.643016598, 48.586993341], [15.643017227, 48.586993036], [15.643018023, 48.586992343], [15.643019322, 48.586991789], [15.643020957, 48.586991262], [15.643022005, 48.586991012], [15.643023136, 48.586990735], [15.64302431, 48.586990624], [15.643024896, 48.586990791], [15.643025944, 48.586991123], [15.643026573, 48.586991511], [15.643027746, 48.586991511], [15.643029925, 48.586992232], [15.643031183, 48.586992787], [15.64303223, 48.586993397], [15.643032691, 48.586993923], [15.643032859, 48.586994478], [15.643031979, 48.586995032], [15.643031183, 48.586995698], [15.643030345, 48.586996391], [15.643029758, 48.58699725], [15.643028584, 48.586997749], [15.64302783, 48.586997915], [15.643026698, 48.58699761], [15.643025818, 48.586998109], [15.643025064, 48.586998137], [15.643022675, 48.586998248], [15.643020915, 48.586999329], [15.643017688, 48.587001325], [15.643014796, 48.58700346], [15.643013371, 48.587004208], [15.64301224, 48.587004042], [15.643011234, 48.587004097], [15.643011192, 48.587004569], [15.643011108, 48.587005012], [15.643010144, 48.587005206], [15.643008761, 48.587005428]]], "type": "Polygon"}, "id": 59513, "parent": 50505, "properties": {"description": "Irregular rectangular grave pit, cut into the rock. Surrounded by some stones, backfilled with sediment. In respectively on top of the backfilling several bigger stones.\r\nGrave is positioned directly next to grave 148, longitudinal side next to longitudinal side. The graves are separated by stone settings as well as a difference in how deep they are cut into the bedrock. Where the graves are cut into the rock, they are not positioned right next to each other anymore - probably to avoid extra work.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "313.0"}, {"id": 15679, "name": "Height", "path": "Dimensions > Height", "unit": "cm", "value": "18.0"}, {"id": 26189, "name": "Length", "path": "Dimensions > Length", "unit": "cm", "value": "195.0"}, {"id": 26188, "name": "Width", "path": "Dimensions > Width", "unit": "cm", "value": "93.0"}, {"id": 118730, "name": "Azimuth", "path": "Dimensions > Azimuth", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "113"}, {"id": 148713, "name": "Nearest Neighbour", "path": "Dimensions > Distance > Nearest Neighbour", "unit": "m", "value": "0.77"}], "maintype": {"id": 26205, "name": "Single Grave", "parent_id": 26204, "path": "Feature > Grave > Single Grave", "systemtype": "feature"}, "name": "Grave 147", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "258", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"id": 22309, "name": "Flat grave", "path": "Grave Characteristics > Grave Construction > Flat grave"}]}, "type": "Feature"}, {"burials": [{"finds": [{"files": [{"file_name": "42648.jpg", "id": 42648, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_38279", "reference": "Taf. 32/2", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "id": 102277, "properties": {"description": "Earring with granulation made out of silver. Two fragments of the lower round arch, decorated with beaded wire and granulated nodular ornament preserved (length 1,3 cm and 0,9 cm, width 0,25 cm). A botryoid, granulated ornament (length 0,9 cm, width 0,4 cm) is preserved as well.\r\nFound in the soil next to the skeleton.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26189, "name": "Length", "path": "Dimensions > Length", "unit": "cm", "value": "1.3"}, {"id": 26188, "name": "Width", "path": "Dimensions > Width", "unit": "cm", "value": "0.25"}], "maintype": {"id": 26400, "name": "Earrings with Granulation", "parent_id": 26395, "path": "Artifact > Cultural Object > Accessories > Jewellery > EarringsTemple Rings > Earrings with Granulation", "systemtype": "artifact"}, "material": [{"id": 26545, "name": "Silver", "path": "Material > Metal > Non-Ferrous Metal > Precious Metal > Silver", "value": "0.0"}], "name": "G148S1F01", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "258", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}}}, {"files": [{"file_name": "42652.jpg", "id": 42652, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_38281", "reference": "Taf. 32/1", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "id": 97733, "properties": {"description": "A piece of silver wire, fragmented. Cross-section round.\r\nFound in the soil next to the grave.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26189, "name": "Length", "path": "Dimensions > Length", "unit": "cm", "value": "0.1"}], "maintype": {"id": 26506, "name": "Varia", "parent_id": 205561, "path": "Artifact > Cultural Object > Varia", "systemtype": "artifact"}, "material": [{"id": 26545, "name": "Silver", "path": "Material > Metal > Non-Ferrous Metal > Precious Metal > Silver", "value": "0.0"}], "name": "G148S1F02", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "258", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}}}, {"files": [{"file_name": "42653.jpg", "id": 42653, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_38283", "reference": "Taf. 32/3", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "id": 97739, "properties": {"description": "Iron flakes, heavily fragmented. Found in the soil next to the skeleton.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 15679, "name": "Height", "path": "Dimensions > Height", "unit": "cm", "value": "0.1"}, {"id": 26189, "name": "Length", "path": "Dimensions > Length", "unit": "cm", "value": "1.55"}, {"id": 26188, "name": "Width", "path": "Dimensions > Width", "unit": "cm", "value": "1.15"}], "maintype": {"id": 26506, "name": "Varia", "parent_id": 205561, "path": "Artifact > Cultural Object > Varia", "systemtype": "artifact"}, "material": [{"id": 26540, "name": "Iron", "path": "Material > Metal > Iron", "value": "0.0"}], "name": "G148S1F03", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "258", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}}}, {"id": 117924, "properties": {"description": "Ferrous cinder. Found in the soil next to the skeleton.\r\n\r\n", "maintype": {"id": 26506, "name": "Varia", "parent_id": 205561, "path": "Artifact > Cultural Object > Varia", "systemtype": "artifact"}, "material": [{"id": 26540, "name": "Iron", "path": "Material > Metal > Iron", "value": "0.0"}], "name": "G148S1F04", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "258", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}}}], "id": 77793, "properties": {"description": "Adult- mature female (30-60 years). Oriented: NW-SE. Legs well preserved, upper body heavily disturbed.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "300.0"}], "maintype": {"id": 26519, "name": "Skeleton", "parent_id": 26516, "path": "Stratigraphic unit > Burial (strat Unit) > Skeleton", "systemtype": "stratigraphic_unit"}, "name": "G148S1", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "258", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"description": "[20,59.9]", "id": 22285, "name": "Adult-Matur", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Age > Grown up > Adult-Matur"}, {"id": 128068, "name": "Right arm stretched", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Arms > Right arm stretched"}, {"id": 128052, "name": "Supine position", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > General > Supine position"}, {"id": 128062, "name": "Left leg stretched", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Legs > Left leg stretched"}, {"id": 128103, "name": "Right leg stretched", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Legs > Right leg stretched"}, {"id": 24, "name": "Female", "path": "Sex and Gender > Sex > Female"}]}}, {"finds": [{"id": 117922, "properties": {"description": "Fragment of a disk-shaped loom weight. Found in the backfilling of the grave.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26191, "name": "Diameter", "path": "Dimensions > Diameter", "unit": "cm", "value": "11.0"}, {"id": 26188, "name": "Width", "path": "Dimensions > Width", "unit": "cm", "value": "1.9"}], "maintype": {"id": 26506, "name": "Varia", "parent_id": 205561, "path": "Artifact > Cultural Object > Varia", "systemtype": "artifact"}, "name": "G148S2F01", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "258", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}}}], "id": 117919, "properties": {"description": "Backfilling of grave 148.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "300.0"}], "maintype": {"id": 117202, "name": "Backfilling", "parent_id": 26514, "path": "Stratigraphic unit > Deposit > Backfilling", "systemtype": "stratigraphic_unit"}, "name": "G148S2", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "258", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}}}], "files": [{"file_name": "33905.jpg", "id": 33905, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_38276", "reference": "Taf. 32", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "geometry": {"coordinates": [[[15.643030345, 48.586996529], [15.643030009, 48.586997084], [15.643028961, 48.586997499], [15.643028165, 48.586997804], [15.643027285, 48.58699786], [15.643026489, 48.586997583], [15.643025902, 48.586998082], [15.643025148, 48.586998137], [15.64302322, 48.58699822], [15.643022088, 48.586998747], [15.643019951, 48.586999662], [15.643017604, 48.587001103], [15.643015592, 48.587002517], [15.643014042, 48.587003848], [15.643013036, 48.587004181], [15.643011988, 48.587004125], [15.643011234, 48.587004125], [15.643010982, 48.587004707], [15.643010521, 48.587005289], [15.643009515, 48.5870054], [15.643008719, 48.587005678], [15.643008552, 48.587006121], [15.64300918, 48.587006676], [15.643011234, 48.587008173], [15.643012491, 48.587009476], [15.643014126, 48.587010307], [15.643014922, 48.587010778], [15.643015592, 48.587010806], [15.643016431, 48.587010557], [15.643017939, 48.58700942], [15.643018736, 48.587008782], [15.643020496, 48.587007729], [15.643021376, 48.587007091], [15.643023178, 48.587006398], [15.643024854, 48.58700626], [15.643026154, 48.587006315], [15.643027034, 48.587006232], [15.64302783, 48.587005761], [15.643028961, 48.5870054], [15.643029297, 48.587004818], [15.643029381, 48.587004375], [15.643029925, 48.587003876], [15.64303047, 48.587003321], [15.643031476, 48.587003016], [15.643033613, 48.58700249], [15.643034996, 48.58700163], [15.64303596, 48.587000909], [15.643036631, 48.58700005], [15.643036421, 48.586999412], [15.64303529, 48.586998608], [15.643033823, 48.586997943], [15.643032398, 48.586997111], [15.643031476, 48.586996585], [15.643030345, 48.586996529]]], "type": "Polygon"}, "id": 59177, "parent": 50505, "properties": {"description": "Almost rectangular grave pit. Few stones placed along the sides. In/on top of the backfilling some bigger stones. North-eastern corner undocumented due to trench's profile.\r\nGrave is positioned directly next to grave 147, longitudinal side next to longitudinal side. The graves are separated by stone settings as well as a difference in how deep they are cut into the bedrock. Where the graves are cut into the rock, they are not positioned right next to each other anymore - probably to avoid extra work.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "300.0"}, {"id": 15679, "name": "Height", "path": "Dimensions > Height", "unit": "cm", "value": "17.0"}, {"id": 26189, "name": "Length", "path": "Dimensions > Length", "unit": "cm", "value": "197.0"}, {"id": 26188, "name": "Width", "path": "Dimensions > Width", "unit": "cm", "value": "71.0"}, {"id": 118730, "name": "Azimuth", "path": "Dimensions > Azimuth", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "112"}, {"id": 148713, "name": "Nearest Neighbour", "path": "Dimensions > Distance > Nearest Neighbour", "unit": "m", "value": "0.62"}], "maintype": {"id": 26205, "name": "Single Grave", "parent_id": 26204, "path": "Feature > Grave > Single Grave", "systemtype": "feature"}, "name": "Grave 148", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "258", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"id": 22309, "name": "Flat grave", "path": "Grave Characteristics > Grave Construction > Flat grave"}]}, "type": "Feature"}, {"burials": [{"id": 78413, "properties": {"description": "Child aged 18-24 months. Oriented: NW-SE. Disturbed. Skull fragmented. Most of the bones dislocated.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "305.0"}], "maintype": {"id": 26519, "name": "Skeleton", "parent_id": 26516, "path": "Stratigraphic unit > Burial (strat Unit) > Skeleton", "systemtype": "stratigraphic_unit"}, "name": "G149S1", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "258", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"description": "years", "id": 117200, "name": "maximum age", "path": "Absolute Age > maximum age", "value": "2.0"}, {"description": "years", "id": 117199, "name": "minimum age", "path": "Absolute Age > minimum age", "value": "1.5"}, {"description": "[0,6.9]", "id": 22279, "name": "Infans I", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Age > Child > Infans I-II > Infans I"}, {"id": 128052, "name": "Supine position", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > General > Supine position"}, {"id": 128062, "name": "Left leg stretched", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Legs > Left leg stretched"}, {"id": 128103, "name": "Right leg stretched", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Legs > Right leg stretched"}, {"description": "Possible result of anthropological sex determination. In this context, undetermined means that not enough bone material or specific features were preserved to carry out a sex determination (unlike indifferent, where the preserved features were neither clearly male nor female).", "id": 22375, "name": "undetermined", "path": "Sex and Gender > Sex > undetermined"}]}}, {"finds": [{"id": 117933, "properties": {"description": "Fragments of a disc-shaped loom weight. Found in the backfilling of grave 149.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26191, "name": "Diameter", "path": "Dimensions > Diameter", "unit": "cm", "value": "10.0"}, {"id": 26188, "name": "Width", "path": "Dimensions > Width", "unit": "cm", "value": "2.3"}], "maintype": {"id": 26223, "name": "Equipment", "parent_id": 205561, "path": "Artifact > Cultural Object > Equipment", "systemtype": "artifact"}, "name": "G149S2F01", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "258", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}}}], "id": 117931, "properties": {"description": "Backfilling of grave 149.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "305.0"}], "maintype": {"id": 117202, "name": "Backfilling", "parent_id": 26514, "path": "Stratigraphic unit > Deposit > Backfilling", "systemtype": "stratigraphic_unit"}, "name": "G149S2", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "258", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}}}], "files": [{"file_name": "42654.jpg", "id": 42654, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_38285", "reference": "Taf. 32", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "geometry": {"coordinates": [[[15.643022654, 48.587011582], [15.643020098, 48.587009129], [15.643028165, 48.587006357], [15.643030051, 48.587008464], [15.643022654, 48.587011582]]], "type": "Polygon"}, "id": 59525, "parent": 50505, "properties": {"description": "Grave pit hardly visible.\r\nSituated right next to grave 148, but burial was found on a higher level.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "305.0"}, {"id": 15679, "name": "Height", "path": "Dimensions > Height", "unit": "cm", "value": "8.0"}, {"id": 118730, "name": "Azimuth", "path": "Dimensions > Azimuth", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "109"}, {"id": 148713, "name": "Nearest Neighbour", "path": "Dimensions > Distance > Nearest Neighbour", "unit": "m", "value": "0.62"}], "maintype": {"id": 26205, "name": "Single Grave", "parent_id": 26204, "path": "Feature > Grave > Single Grave", "systemtype": "feature"}, "name": "Grave 149", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "258-259", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"id": 22309, "name": "Flat grave", "path": "Grave Characteristics > Grave Construction > Flat grave"}]}, "type": "Feature"}, {"burials": [{"finds": [{"files": [{"file_name": "42657.jpg", "id": 42657, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_38291", "reference": "Taf. 32/4", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "id": 102787, "properties": {"description": "Wire made out of copper alloy bent into a loop. Possibly bent earring/templering. Cross-section round. \r\nFound on the right side of the skull.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26189, "name": "Length", "path": "Dimensions > Length", "unit": "cm", "value": "1.4"}, {"id": 26190, "name": "Thickness", "path": "Dimensions > Thickness", "unit": "cm", "value": "0.1"}], "maintype": {"id": 26395, "name": "EarringsTemple Rings", "parent_id": 112815, "path": "Artifact > Cultural Object > Accessories > Jewellery > EarringsTemple Rings", "systemtype": "artifact"}, "material": [{"id": 26546, "name": "Copper Alloy", "path": "Material > Metal > Non-Ferrous Metal > Copper Alloy", "value": "0.0"}], "name": "G150S1F01", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "259", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"id": 23443, "name": "Head right side", "path": "Position of Find in Grave > Head > Head right side"}]}}, {"files": [{"file_name": "42655.jpg", "id": 42655, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_38293", "reference": "Taf. 32/5", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "id": 102799, "properties": {"description": "Segmented glass bead with three disc-shaped segments (height 1,35 cm, height (segment) 0,4 cm, diam. 0,7 x 0,8 cm, diam. (threat hole) 0,3 cm). Ends badly preserved. Middle to dark blue glass, slightly translucent. Glass fibrous. Cross-section slightly oval.\r\nPosition in grave pit unknown.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26191, "name": "Diameter", "path": "Dimensions > Diameter", "unit": "cm", "value": "0.7"}, {"id": 15679, "name": "Height", "path": "Dimensions > Height", "unit": "cm", "value": "1.35"}], "maintype": {"id": 26439, "name": "Segmented Bead", "parent_id": 26431, "path": "Artifact > Cultural Object > Accessories > Jewellery > Necklace > Beaded Necklace > Beads > Segmented Bead", "systemtype": "artifact"}, "material": [{"id": 26565, "name": "Glass", "path": "Material > Artificial > Glass", "value": "0.0"}], "name": "G150S1F02", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "259", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}}}, {"id": 102781, "properties": {"description": "Animal bones, found on the same level as the burial.\r\n\r\n", "maintype": {"id": 26507, "name": "Animal Remains", "parent_id": 26506, "path": "Artifact > Cultural Object > Varia > Animal Remains", "systemtype": "artifact"}, "name": "G150S1F03", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "259", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}}}], "id": 78419, "properties": {"description": "Child aged approx. 18 months (infans 1). Oriented: NW-SE. Disturbed. Skull fragmented and bones of the upper body - partly dislocated - presvered.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "305.0"}], "maintype": {"id": 26519, "name": "Skeleton", "parent_id": 26516, "path": "Stratigraphic unit > Burial (strat Unit) > Skeleton", "systemtype": "stratigraphic_unit"}, "name": "G150S1", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "259", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"description": "years", "id": 117200, "name": "maximum age", "path": "Absolute Age > maximum age", "value": "1.5"}, {"description": "years", "id": 117199, "name": "minimum age", "path": "Absolute Age > minimum age", "value": "1.5"}, {"description": "[0,6.9]", "id": 22279, "name": "Infans I", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Age > Child > Infans I-II > Infans I"}, {"id": 128052, "name": "Supine position", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > General > Supine position"}, {"description": "Possible result of anthropological sex determination. In this context, undetermined means that not enough bone material or specific features were preserved to carry out a sex determination (unlike indifferent, where the preserved features were neither clearly male nor female).", "id": 22375, "name": "undetermined", "path": "Sex and Gender > Sex > undetermined"}]}}], "files": [{"file_name": "42656.jpg", "id": 42656, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_38288", "reference": "Taf. 32", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "geometry": {"coordinates": [[[15.643011506, 48.587019608], [15.643009809, 48.587018291], [15.643014733, 48.587014563], [15.64301708, 48.587015796], [15.643011506, 48.587019608]]], "type": "Polygon"}, "id": 59621, "parent": 50505, "properties": {"description": "Grave pit hardly visible. Some stones placed along the edges.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "305.0"}, {"id": 148713, "name": "Nearest Neighbour", "path": "Dimensions > Distance > Nearest Neighbour", "unit": "m", "value": "1.23"}, {"id": 118730, "name": "Azimuth", "path": "Dimensions > Azimuth", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "124"}], "maintype": {"id": 26205, "name": "Single Grave", "parent_id": 26204, "path": "Feature > Grave > Single Grave", "systemtype": "feature"}, "name": "Grave 150", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "259", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"id": 22309, "name": "Flat grave", "path": "Grave Characteristics > Grave Construction > Flat grave"}]}, "type": "Feature"}, {"burials": [{"id": 77799, "properties": {"description": "Mature female (40-60 years). Oriented: NW-SE. Only the lower limbs were documented.\r\nNo grave goods.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "300.0"}], "maintype": {"id": 26519, "name": "Skeleton", "parent_id": 26516, "path": "Stratigraphic unit > Burial (strat Unit) > Skeleton", "systemtype": "stratigraphic_unit"}, "name": "G151S1", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "259", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"description": "years", "id": 117200, "name": "maximum age", "path": "Absolute Age > maximum age", "value": "60.0"}, {"description": "years", "id": 117199, "name": "minimum age", "path": "Absolute Age > minimum age", "value": "40.0"}, {"description": "[40,59.9]", "id": 22286, "name": "Matur", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Age > Grown up > Matur"}, {"id": 128052, "name": "Supine position", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > General > Supine position"}, {"id": 128062, "name": "Left leg stretched", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Legs > Left leg stretched"}, {"id": 128103, "name": "Right leg stretched", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Legs > Right leg stretched"}, {"id": 24, "name": "Female", "path": "Sex and Gender > Sex > Female"}]}}], "files": [{"file_name": "42658.jpg", "id": 42658, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_38296", "reference": "Taf. 32", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "geometry": {"coordinates": [[[15.643179165, 48.586874772], [15.643172543, 48.586878543], [15.64316961, 48.586879707], [15.643167682, 48.586880788], [15.643166844, 48.586881315], [15.643165587, 48.586881481], [15.643164539, 48.586881287], [15.643163952, 48.586880705], [15.643163826, 48.586879984], [15.643164329, 48.586879208], [15.643165251, 48.586878681], [15.643167724, 48.586877545], [15.643171286, 48.586875715], [15.643173298, 48.586874745], [15.643175477, 48.586873719], [15.643176902, 48.586873109], [15.643179165, 48.586874772]]], "type": "Polygon"}, "id": 56921, "parent": 50505, "properties": {"description": "Rectangular grave pit (where preserved). North-western corner undocumented due to trench's profile.\r\nThe lower part of the grave pit was dug into the pit of grave 73 without disturbing the burial. The burial level of grave 151 is approx. 30 cm higher than that of grave 73. \r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "300.0"}, {"id": 15679, "name": "Height", "path": "Dimensions > Height", "unit": "cm", "value": "3.0"}, {"id": 26188, "name": "Width", "path": "Dimensions > Width", "unit": "cm", "value": "30.0"}, {"id": 118730, "name": "Azimuth", "path": "Dimensions > Azimuth", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "116"}, {"id": 148713, "name": "Nearest Neighbour", "path": "Dimensions > Distance > Nearest Neighbour", "unit": "m", "value": "0.87"}], "maintype": {"id": 26205, "name": "Single Grave", "parent_id": 26204, "path": "Feature > Grave > Single Grave", "systemtype": "feature"}, "name": "Grave 151", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "259", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"id": 22309, "name": "Flat grave", "path": "Grave Characteristics > Grave Construction > Flat grave"}]}, "type": "Feature"}, {"burials": [{"finds": [{"files": [{"file_name": "42659.jpg", "id": 42659, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_38303", "reference": "Taf. 32/6", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "id": 102697, "properties": {"description": "Spherical button made out of copper alloy sheet. Decorated with lots of wire support.\r\nFound in the chest/abdomen area.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26191, "name": "Diameter", "path": "Dimensions > Diameter", "unit": "cm", "value": "1.4"}, {"id": 26189, "name": "Length", "path": "Dimensions > Length", "unit": "cm", "value": "1.7"}], "maintype": {"id": 26392, "name": "Spherical Button", "parent_id": 128350, "path": "Artifact > Cultural Object > Accessories > Garment > Garment Accessories > Button > Spherical Button", "systemtype": "artifact"}, "material": [{"id": 26546, "name": "Copper Alloy", "path": "Material > Metal > Non-Ferrous Metal > Copper Alloy", "value": "0.0"}], "name": "G152S1F01", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "259", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"id": 23464, "name": "Upper Body", "path": "Position of Find in Grave > Upper Body"}]}}, {"files": [{"file_name": "42660.jpg", "id": 42660, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_38305", "reference": "Taf. 32/10", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "id": 97745, "properties": {"description": "Earring with a rounded, cone-shaped pendant made out of almost black glass mass (length 1,4 cm, thickness (wire) 0,05 cm, pendant 1,0 x 1,1 cm, diam. (ring) 1,9 x 1,4 cm). Ring made out of copper alloy wire, probably with a lead-tin alloy coating. Bent. Lower side of pendant shows slightly deepened circular pattern. Ring shows several windings of flat wire as well as attached corroded iron and fabric imprints.\r\nFound in the chest/abdomen area.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26191, "name": "Diameter", "path": "Dimensions > Diameter", "unit": "cm", "value": "1.9"}, {"id": 26189, "name": "Length", "path": "Dimensions > Length", "unit": "cm", "value": "1.4"}, {"id": 26190, "name": "Thickness", "path": "Dimensions > Thickness", "unit": "cm", "value": "0.05"}], "maintype": {"id": 26395, "name": "EarringsTemple Rings", "parent_id": 112815, "path": "Artifact > Cultural Object > Accessories > Jewellery > EarringsTemple Rings", "systemtype": "artifact"}, "material": [{"id": 26565, "name": "Glass", "path": "Material > Artificial > Glass", "value": "0.0"}, {"id": 26546, "name": "Copper Alloy", "path": "Material > Metal > Non-Ferrous Metal > Copper Alloy", "value": "0.0"}, {"id": 26549, "name": "Lead", "path": "Material > Metal > Non-Ferrous Metal > Lead", "value": "0.0"}, {"id": 26548, "name": "Tin", "path": "Material > Metal > Non-Ferrous Metal > Tin", "value": "0.0"}], "name": "G152S1F02", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "259", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"id": 23464, "name": "Upper Body", "path": "Position of Find in Grave > Upper Body"}]}}, {"files": [{"file_name": "42661.jpg", "id": 42661, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_38307", "reference": "Taf. 32/7", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "id": 102703, "properties": {"description": "Counterpart of earring G152S1F02 (length 1,7 cm). Ring made out of copper alloy wire, probably with a lead-tin alloy coating. Bent. Lower side of pendant shows slightly deepened circular pattern. Ring shows several windings of flat wire. Glass pom-pom shows a heavily corroded iron loop.\r\nFound in the chest/abdomen area.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26189, "name": "Length", "path": "Dimensions > Length", "unit": "cm", "value": "1.7"}], "maintype": {"id": 26395, "name": "EarringsTemple Rings", "parent_id": 112815, "path": "Artifact > Cultural Object > Accessories > Jewellery > EarringsTemple Rings", "systemtype": "artifact"}, "material": [{"id": 26565, "name": "Glass", "path": "Material > Artificial > Glass", "value": "0.0"}], "name": "G152S1F03", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "259", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"id": 23464, "name": "Upper Body", "path": "Position of Find in Grave > Upper Body"}]}}, {"files": [{"file_name": "42662.jpg", "id": 42662, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_38309", "reference": "Taf. 32/9", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "id": 102805, "properties": {"description": "Rod-tanged knife made out of iron (length 10,9 cm, length tang 3,3 cm, width blade 1 cm, width back 0,2 cm). Cross-section of blade triangular, cross-section of tang slightly triangular. Tang and back divided by a step. Back of knife without buckling but after approx. 3 cm slightly tilted towards the tip. Blade and tang divided by a step. Blade tilts after approx. 4,5 cm slightly tilted towards the tip. Tang tapered.\r\nFound in the area of chest/abdomen.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26189, "name": "Length", "path": "Dimensions > Length", "unit": "cm", "value": "10.9"}, {"id": 26188, "name": "Width", "path": "Dimensions > Width", "unit": "cm", "value": "0.2"}], "maintype": {"id": 26245, "name": "Rod-Tanged Knife", "parent_id": 26244, "path": "Artifact > Cultural Object > Equipment > Knife > Rod-Tanged Knife", "systemtype": "artifact"}, "material": [{"id": 26540, "name": "Iron", "path": "Material > Metal > Iron", "value": "0.0"}], "name": "G152S1F04", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "259", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"id": 23464, "name": "Upper Body", "path": "Position of Find in Grave > Upper Body"}]}}, {"files": [{"file_name": "42663.jpg", "id": 42663, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_38311", "reference": "Taf. 32/8", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "id": 97857, "properties": {"description": "Earring made out of silver wire. On end wrought flat and rolled up. On one side wire winding with notched wire. Cylindrical ornament as pendant. Cross-section tetragonal.\r\nFound next to the right lower leg\r\n\r\n", "maintype": {"id": 26395, "name": "EarringsTemple Rings", "parent_id": 112815, "path": "Artifact > Cultural Object > Accessories > Jewellery > EarringsTemple Rings", "systemtype": "artifact"}, "material": [{"id": 26545, "name": "Silver", "path": "Material > Metal > Non-Ferrous Metal > Precious Metal > Silver", "value": "0.0"}], "name": "G152S1F05", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "259", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"id": 23455, "name": "Lower leg right", "path": "Position of Find in Grave > Lower Body > Leg right > Lower leg right"}]}}, {"id": 97751, "properties": {"description": "Animal bones, found on one side of the grave pit.\r\n\r\n", "maintype": {"id": 26507, "name": "Animal Remains", "parent_id": 26506, "path": "Artifact > Cultural Object > Varia > Animal Remains", "systemtype": "artifact"}, "material": [{"id": 26529, "name": "Bone", "path": "Material > Organic > Animal > Bone", "value": "0.0"}], "name": "G152S1F06", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "259", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}}}], "id": 78309, "properties": {"description": "Child aged 3-4 years (infans 1). Oriented: NW-SE. Skull laying on its right side. Lower jaw dislocated. Heavily disturbed due to burrows. Stones placed alongside the left leg.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "301.0"}], "maintype": {"id": 26519, "name": "Skeleton", "parent_id": 26516, "path": "Stratigraphic unit > Burial (strat Unit) > Skeleton", "systemtype": "stratigraphic_unit"}, "name": "G152S1", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "259", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"description": "years", "id": 117200, "name": "maximum age", "path": "Absolute Age > maximum age", "value": "4.0"}, {"description": "years", "id": 117199, "name": "minimum age", "path": "Absolute Age > minimum age", "value": "3.0"}, {"description": "[0,6.9]", "id": 22279, "name": "Infans I", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Age > Child > Infans I-II > Infans I"}, {"id": 128052, "name": "Supine position", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > General > Supine position"}, {"id": 128097, "name": "Head not in situ", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Head > Head not in situ"}, {"id": 128062, "name": "Left leg stretched", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Legs > Left leg stretched"}, {"id": 128103, "name": "Right leg stretched", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Legs > Right leg stretched"}, {"description": "Possible result of anthropological sex determination. In this context, undetermined means that not enough bone material or specific features were preserved to carry out a sex determination (unlike indifferent, where the preserved features were neither clearly male nor female).", "id": 22375, "name": "undetermined", "path": "Sex and Gender > Sex > undetermined"}]}}], "files": [{"file_name": "33907.jpg", "id": 33907, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_38300", "reference": "Taf. 32", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "geometry": {"coordinates": [[[15.643051728, 48.586981353], [15.643054107, 48.586982862], [15.643056622, 48.586984442], [15.643057586, 48.586984553], [15.643058927, 48.586983805], [15.643059933, 48.586983472], [15.643061274, 48.586983167], [15.643062238, 48.586982224], [15.643064333, 48.58698131], [15.643066051, 48.586980422], [15.643067895, 48.586979314], [15.643070075, 48.586978316], [15.643071416, 48.586977373], [15.643072547, 48.586976763], [15.643072925, 48.58697632], [15.643072966, 48.586975627], [15.643072464, 48.586974573], [15.643071751, 48.586973825], [15.643070494, 48.586972937], [15.643069572, 48.586972078], [15.643068482, 48.586971856], [15.643065674, 48.5869723], [15.643062992, 48.586973021], [15.64306119, 48.586974074], [15.643058675, 48.586975405], [15.643056664, 48.586976652], [15.643053814, 48.58697851], [15.643052096, 48.586979923], [15.643051802, 48.586980727], [15.643051728, 48.586981353]]], "type": "Polygon"}, "id": 56927, "parent": 50505, "properties": {"description": "Almost rectangular grave pit, partly cut into the rock. Some stones placed along the edges. West-corner undocumented due to trench's profile.\r\nGrave contains a secondary burial (grave 87).\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 118730, "name": "Azimuth", "path": "Dimensions > Azimuth", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "119"}, {"id": 148713, "name": "Nearest Neighbour", "path": "Dimensions > Distance > Nearest Neighbour", "unit": "m", "value": "0.09"}, {"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "301.0"}, {"id": 15679, "name": "Height", "path": "Dimensions > Height", "unit": "cm", "value": "23.0"}, {"id": 26189, "name": "Length", "path": "Dimensions > Length", "unit": "cm", "value": "165.0"}, {"id": 26188, "name": "Width", "path": "Dimensions > Width", "unit": "cm", "value": "77.0"}], "maintype": {"id": 26205, "name": "Single Grave", "parent_id": 26204, "path": "Feature > Grave > Single Grave", "systemtype": "feature"}, "name": "Grave 152", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "259", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"id": 22309, "name": "Flat grave", "path": "Grave Characteristics > Grave Construction > Flat grave"}]}, "type": "Feature"}, {"burials": [{"id": 75127, "properties": {"description": "Child aged 30-36 months. Small bones and bone fragments found scattered between the lower legs of burial 153 (G153S1). On the left side of the pelvis of burial G153S1 more bones, inter alia a clavicula and ribs, belonging to the child. Few small stones were found with the bones.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "327.0"}], "maintype": {"id": 26519, "name": "Skeleton", "parent_id": 26516, "path": "Stratigraphic unit > Burial (strat Unit) > Skeleton", "systemtype": "stratigraphic_unit"}, "name": "G153S2", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "259", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"description": "years", "id": 117200, "name": "maximum age", "path": "Absolute Age > maximum age", "value": "3.5"}, {"description": "years", "id": 117199, "name": "minimum age", "path": "Absolute Age > minimum age", "value": "3.0"}, {"description": "[0,6.9]", "id": 22279, "name": "Infans I", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Age > Child > Infans I-II > Infans I"}, {"description": "Possible result of anthropological sex determination. In this context, undetermined means that not enough bone material or specific features were preserved to carry out a sex determination (unlike indifferent, where the preserved features were neither clearly male nor female).", "id": 22375, "name": "undetermined", "path": "Sex and Gender > Sex > undetermined"}]}}, {"finds": [{"files": [{"file_name": "42669.jpg", "id": 42669, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_38324", "reference": "Taf. 40/5", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}, {"file_name": "42668.jpg", "id": 42668, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_38323", "reference": "Taf. 40/4", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}, {"file_name": "42667.jpg", "id": 42667, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_38322", "reference": "Taf. 40/3", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "id": 102301, "properties": {"description": "3 iron bands, fragmented (length 8,6 cm, width 0,6 cm, thickness 0,2 cm). Cross-section rounded on the outside, flat in the middle. One end slightly bent inwards.Bent iron band (length 5,5 cm, width 1,1 cm, thickness 0,1 cm). Band with involuted ends (length 3,3 cm, width 1,35 cm, thickness 0,2 cm). Possibly fitting. Three sites decorated with notched lines. Cross-section rectangular. On end with fabric imprints.\r\nFound left to the pelvis, together with the scattered bones (G153S2). \r\n\r\n", "maintype": {"id": 26506, "name": "Varia", "parent_id": 205561, "path": "Artifact > Cultural Object > Varia", "systemtype": "artifact"}, "material": [{"id": 26540, "name": "Iron", "path": "Material > Metal > Iron", "value": "0.0"}], "name": "G153S1F01", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "260", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"id": 23462, "name": "Pelvis left", "path": "Position of Find in Grave > Pelvis > Pelvis left"}]}}], "id": 77739, "properties": {"description": "Adult-mature female (35-55 years). Oriented: NW-SE. Skull fragmented. Disturbed in the pelvic area. Between the legs and left of the pelvis scattered bones of a child (G153S2).\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "327.0"}], "maintype": {"id": 26519, "name": "Skeleton", "parent_id": 26516, "path": "Stratigraphic unit > Burial (strat Unit) > Skeleton", "systemtype": "stratigraphic_unit"}, "name": "G153S1", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "259", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"description": "years", "id": 117200, "name": "maximum age", "path": "Absolute Age > maximum age", "value": "55.0"}, {"description": "years", "id": 117199, "name": "minimum age", "path": "Absolute Age > minimum age", "value": "35.0"}, {"description": "[20,59.9]", "id": 22285, "name": "Adult-Matur", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Age > Grown up > Adult-Matur"}, {"id": 128068, "name": "Right arm stretched", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Arms > Right arm stretched"}, {"id": 128052, "name": "Supine position", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > General > Supine position"}, {"id": 128061, "name": "On the left side", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Head > On the left side"}, {"id": 128062, "name": "Left leg stretched", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Legs > Left leg stretched"}, {"id": 128103, "name": "Right leg stretched", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Legs > Right leg stretched"}, {"id": 24, "name": "Female", "path": "Sex and Gender > Sex > Female"}]}}], "files": [{"file_name": "42665.jpg", "id": 42665, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_38315", "reference": "Taf. 40", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "geometry": {"coordinates": [[[15.643013539, 48.587037697], [15.643014796, 48.587038362], [15.643016472, 48.587038639], [15.643018065, 48.587038251], [15.64301949, 48.587036976], [15.643021334, 48.587035535], [15.643023849, 48.587033594], [15.643025273, 48.587032319], [15.643027872, 48.587030877], [15.643030554, 48.587029491], [15.643031811, 48.587028216], [15.643031644, 48.587026885], [15.643030554, 48.587025499], [15.643028375, 48.587025166], [15.643026279, 48.587024723], [15.643025273, 48.587024945], [15.643023681, 48.587026719], [15.643022088, 48.587028327], [15.643019825, 48.587029602], [15.643019155, 48.5870306], [15.643016389, 48.587033927], [15.643014796, 48.587035313], [15.643013874, 48.587036255], [15.643013623, 48.587036976], [15.643013539, 48.587037697]]], "type": "Polygon"}, "id": 56933, "parent": 50505, "properties": {"description": "Irregular rectangular grave pit (due to the trench's profile, falsely identified as two different graves (No. 153 and 204)). Few stones placed along the edges. Middle section undocumented due to trench's profile.\r\nThe grave pit disturbs the upper body of burial 132 massively.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "327.0"}, {"id": 15679, "name": "Height", "path": "Dimensions > Height", "unit": "cm", "value": "27.0"}, {"id": 26188, "name": "Width", "path": "Dimensions > Width", "unit": "cm", "value": "70.0"}, {"id": 118730, "name": "Azimuth", "path": "Dimensions > Azimuth", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "125"}, {"id": 148713, "name": "Nearest Neighbour", "path": "Dimensions > Distance > Nearest Neighbour", "unit": "m", "value": "0.56"}], "maintype": {"id": 26206, "name": "Grave with multiple burials", "parent_id": 26204, "path": "Feature > Grave > Grave with multiple burials", "systemtype": "feature"}, "name": "Grave 153 = Grave 204", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "259", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"id": 22309, "name": "Flat grave", "path": "Grave Characteristics > Grave Construction > Flat grave"}]}, "type": "Feature"}, {"burials": [{"id": 78431, "properties": {"description": "Child aged approx. 2 years (infans 1). Only skull fragments preserved.\r\nNo grave goods.\r\n\r\n", "maintype": {"id": 26519, "name": "Skeleton", "parent_id": 26516, "path": "Stratigraphic unit > Burial (strat Unit) > Skeleton", "systemtype": "stratigraphic_unit"}, "name": "G154S1", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "260", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"description": "years", "id": 117200, "name": "maximum age", "path": "Absolute Age > maximum age", "value": "2.0"}, {"description": "years", "id": 117199, "name": "minimum age", "path": "Absolute Age > minimum age", "value": "2.0"}, {"description": "[0,6.9]", "id": 22279, "name": "Infans I", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Age > Child > Infans I-II > Infans I"}, {"description": "Possible result of anthropological sex determination. In this context, undetermined means that not enough bone material or specific features were preserved to carry out a sex determination (unlike indifferent, where the preserved features were neither clearly male nor female).", "id": 22375, "name": "undetermined", "path": "Sex and Gender > Sex > undetermined"}]}}], "geometry": {"coordinates": [[[15.643006414, 48.587045695], [15.643005974, 48.587045695], [15.643005408, 48.587045736], [15.643005115, 48.587045806], [15.643004989, 48.587046152], [15.643005199, 48.587046527], [15.643005262, 48.587047067], [15.643005052, 48.58704758], [15.643004905, 48.587048121], [15.643005471, 48.587048384], [15.643005911, 48.58704837], [15.64300633, 48.587048093], [15.643006666, 48.587047746], [15.643006833, 48.587047317], [15.643007001, 48.587046845], [15.643007064, 48.587046429], [15.643007043, 48.587046041], [15.643006917, 48.587045764], [15.643006414, 48.587045695]]], "type": "Polygon"}, "id": 59627, "parent": 50505, "properties": {"description": "Grave pit not visible.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 118730, "name": "Azimuth", "path": "Dimensions > Azimuth", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "178"}, {"id": 148713, "name": "Nearest Neighbour", "path": "Dimensions > Distance > Nearest Neighbour", "unit": "m", "value": "0.52"}], "maintype": {"id": 26205, "name": "Single Grave", "parent_id": 26204, "path": "Feature > Grave > Single Grave", "systemtype": "feature"}, "name": "Grave 154", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "260", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"id": 22309, "name": "Flat grave", "path": "Grave Characteristics > Grave Construction > Flat grave"}]}, "type": "Feature"}, {"burials": [{"id": 75169, "properties": {"description": "Mature-senile female (50-70 years). Oriented NW-SE. Badly preserved. Area between skull and pelvis slightly disturbed. Only fragments of the skull preserved.\r\nNo grave goods.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "308.0"}], "maintype": {"id": 26519, "name": "Skeleton", "parent_id": 26516, "path": "Stratigraphic unit > Burial (strat Unit) > Skeleton", "systemtype": "stratigraphic_unit"}, "name": "G156S1", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "260", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"description": "years", "id": 117200, "name": "maximum age", "path": "Absolute Age > maximum age", "value": "70.0"}, {"description": "years", "id": 117199, "name": "minimum age", "path": "Absolute Age > minimum age", "value": "50.0"}, {"description": "[40,100]", "id": 22287, "name": "Matur-Senil", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Age > Grown up > Matur-Senil"}, {"id": 128067, "name": "Left arm stretched", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Arms > Left arm stretched"}, {"id": 128071, "name": "Right arm bent 90\u00b0", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Arms > Right arm bent 90\u00b0"}, {"id": 128052, "name": "Supine position", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > General > Supine position"}, {"id": 128062, "name": "Left leg stretched", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Legs > Left leg stretched"}, {"id": 128103, "name": "Right leg stretched", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Legs > Right leg stretched"}, {"id": 24, "name": "Female", "path": "Sex and Gender > Sex > Female"}]}}], "files": [{"file_name": "42671.jpg", "id": 42671, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_38328", "reference": "Taf. 33", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "geometry": {"coordinates": [[[15.643079337, 48.586940419], [15.643079421, 48.58694114], [15.643080217, 48.586942138], [15.643080929, 48.586942886], [15.643081893, 48.586943773], [15.643082731, 48.586944217], [15.643084156, 48.586944134], [15.643087048, 48.586943164], [15.643092999, 48.586940946], [15.643098573, 48.586938589], [15.643102597, 48.586936871], [15.643104273, 48.586936178], [15.643105153, 48.586935762], [15.643105321, 48.586935263], [15.643105111, 48.586934542], [15.64310398, 48.586933488], [15.643102555, 48.58693213], [15.643101172, 48.586930993], [15.643099495, 48.586930827], [15.643097609, 48.586931437], [15.643087509, 48.586935762], [15.643085414, 48.586936787], [15.643083318, 48.586937508], [15.643081935, 48.586938368], [15.643081055, 48.586939172], [15.643080133, 48.586939754], [15.643079337, 48.586940419]]], "type": "Polygon"}, "id": 56939, "parent": 50505, "properties": {"description": "Almost rectangular grave pit. Stone placements along the two broadsides of the grave.\r\nGrave situated directly next to grave 128. Grave 128 is shifted to the north by approx. 40 cm. Grave pits are not separable entirely.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 148713, "name": "Nearest Neighbour", "path": "Dimensions > Distance > Nearest Neighbour", "unit": "m", "value": "0.77"}, {"id": 118730, "name": "Azimuth", "path": "Dimensions > Azimuth", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "113"}, {"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "308.0"}, {"id": 15679, "name": "Height", "path": "Dimensions > Height", "unit": "cm", "value": "23.0"}, {"id": 26189, "name": "Length", "path": "Dimensions > Length", "unit": "cm", "value": "186.0"}, {"id": 26188, "name": "Width", "path": "Dimensions > Width", "unit": "cm", "value": "51.0"}], "maintype": {"id": 26205, "name": "Single Grave", "parent_id": 26204, "path": "Feature > Grave > Single Grave", "systemtype": "feature"}, "name": "Grave 156", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "260", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"id": 22309, "name": "Flat grave", "path": "Grave Characteristics > Grave Construction > Flat grave"}]}, "type": "Feature"}, {"burials": [{"finds": [{"files": [{"file_name": "117976.jpg", "id": 117976, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "NB_11124", "reference": "Taf. 33/1", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "id": 117974, "properties": {"description": "Iron wire, bent and fragmented. Cross-section angular/round. Found in the backfilling of the grave.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26189, "name": "Length", "path": "Dimensions > Length", "unit": "cm", "value": "11.0"}, {"id": 26190, "name": "Thickness", "path": "Dimensions > Thickness", "unit": "cm", "value": "0.15"}], "maintype": {"id": 26506, "name": "Varia", "parent_id": 205561, "path": "Artifact > Cultural Object > Varia", "systemtype": "artifact"}, "material": [{"id": 26540, "name": "Iron", "path": "Material > Metal > Iron", "value": "0.0"}], "name": "G157S2F01", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "260", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}}}, {"files": [{"file_name": "117979.jpg", "id": 117979, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "NB_11125", "reference": "Taf. 33/2", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "id": 117977, "properties": {"description": "Chisel fragment made out of copper alloy. Found in the grave's backfilling.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26189, "name": "Length", "path": "Dimensions > Length", "unit": "cm", "value": "2.0"}, {"id": 26190, "name": "Thickness", "path": "Dimensions > Thickness", "unit": "cm", "value": "0.8"}, {"id": 15680, "name": "Weight", "path": "Dimensions > Weight", "unit": "g", "value": "1.2"}], "maintype": {"id": 26243, "name": "Chisel", "parent_id": 26223, "path": "Artifact > Cultural Object > Equipment > Chisel", "systemtype": "artifact"}, "material": [{"id": 26546, "name": "Copper Alloy", "path": "Material > Metal > Non-Ferrous Metal > Copper Alloy", "value": "0.0"}], "name": "G157S2F02", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "260", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}}}], "id": 117972, "properties": {"description": "Backfilling of grave 157.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "291.0"}], "maintype": {"id": 117202, "name": "Backfilling", "parent_id": 26514, "path": "Stratigraphic unit > Deposit > Backfilling", "systemtype": "stratigraphic_unit"}, "name": "G157S2", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "260", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}}}, {"id": 75175, "properties": {"description": "Adult-mature male (30-60 years). Oriented: WNW-ESE. Heavily disturbed. Only leg bones in situ. Few dislocated long bones and a jaw fragment preserved.\r\nNo grave goods.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "291.0"}], "maintype": {"id": 26519, "name": "Skeleton", "parent_id": 26516, "path": "Stratigraphic unit > Burial (strat Unit) > Skeleton", "systemtype": "stratigraphic_unit"}, "name": "G157S1", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "260", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"description": "years", "id": 117200, "name": "maximum age", "path": "Absolute Age > maximum age", "value": "60.0"}, {"description": "years", "id": 117199, "name": "minimum age", "path": "Absolute Age > minimum age", "value": "30.0"}, {"description": "[20,59.9]", "id": 22285, "name": "Adult-Matur", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Age > Grown up > Adult-Matur"}, {"id": 128052, "name": "Supine position", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > General > Supine position"}, {"id": 128062, "name": "Left leg stretched", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Legs > Left leg stretched"}, {"id": 128103, "name": "Right leg stretched", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Legs > Right leg stretched"}, {"id": 25, "name": "Male", "path": "Sex and Gender > Sex > Male"}]}}], "files": [{"file_name": "42670.jpg", "id": 42670, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_38331", "reference": "Taf. 33", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "geometry": {"coordinates": [[[15.643108967, 48.586935041], [15.643102722, 48.586937508], [15.643090904, 48.586942415], [15.643088473, 48.586943441], [15.643086713, 48.586944328], [15.643086042, 48.586944827], [15.643086126, 48.586945742], [15.643087719, 48.586946989], [15.643089605, 48.586948431], [15.643090736, 48.586948874], [15.643091951, 48.586949068], [15.643093628, 48.586948736], [15.64309631, 48.586947377], [15.643098322, 48.586946463], [15.643099034, 48.586945964], [15.643099621, 48.586945354], [15.643101004, 48.586944938], [15.643103812, 48.586943663], [15.643108338, 48.586942027], [15.643111146, 48.586941223], [15.643112822, 48.58694053], [15.64311408, 48.586939449], [15.643114666, 48.586939088], [15.643115002, 48.586938645], [15.64311475, 48.586938146], [15.64311387, 48.586937314], [15.6431132, 48.586936538], [15.6431119, 48.586935512], [15.643110434, 48.586935013], [15.643108967, 48.586935041]]], "type": "Polygon"}, "id": 59633, "parent": 50505, "properties": {"description": "Almost rectangular grave pit, slightly cut into the rock. Stone placed alongside the edges of the upper half of the pit (area of head and chest). The stones might belong to grave 172 as well. In the north-eastern corner, close to the skull, a stone pile, placed on the bottom of the pit. South-eastern corner undocumented due to trench's profile.\r\nGrave pit cuts into the pit of grave 172.\r\nA bright line-shaped discoloration was found in a parallel position to the left leg bones. Might suggest the presence of a coffin. \r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 148713, "name": "Nearest Neighbour", "path": "Dimensions > Distance > Nearest Neighbour", "unit": "m", "value": "0.5"}, {"id": 118730, "name": "Azimuth", "path": "Dimensions > Azimuth", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "113"}, {"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "291.0"}, {"id": 15679, "name": "Height", "path": "Dimensions > Height", "unit": "cm", "value": "19.0"}, {"id": 26189, "name": "Length", "path": "Dimensions > Length", "unit": "cm", "value": "245.0"}, {"id": 26188, "name": "Width", "path": "Dimensions > Width", "unit": "cm", "value": "70.0"}], "maintype": {"id": 26205, "name": "Single Grave", "parent_id": 26204, "path": "Feature > Grave > Single Grave", "systemtype": "feature"}, "name": "Grave 157", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "260", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"id": 22309, "name": "Flat grave", "path": "Grave Characteristics > Grave Construction > Flat grave"}]}, "type": "Feature"}, {"burials": [{"id": 75181, "properties": {"description": "Child aged 4-5 years. Grave pit oriented: NW-SE respectively SE-NW. In the north-western corner an accumulation of long bones as well as scattered bone fragments.\r\nNo grave goods.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "302.0"}], "maintype": {"id": 26519, "name": "Skeleton", "parent_id": 26516, "path": "Stratigraphic unit > Burial (strat Unit) > Skeleton", "systemtype": "stratigraphic_unit"}, "name": "G158S1", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "260", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"description": "[0,6.9]", "id": 22279, "name": "Infans I", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Age > Child > Infans I-II > Infans I"}, {"id": 128052, "name": "Supine position", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > General > Supine position"}, {"description": "Possible result of anthropological sex determination. In this context, undetermined means that not enough bone material or specific features were preserved to carry out a sex determination (unlike indifferent, where the preserved features were neither clearly male nor female).", "id": 22375, "name": "undetermined", "path": "Sex and Gender > Sex > undetermined"}]}}], "files": [{"file_name": "42672.jpg", "id": 42672, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_38334", "reference": "Taf. 33", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "geometry": {"coordinates": [[[15.643092915, 48.586954308], [15.64309191, 48.586954058], [15.643091407, 48.586953587], [15.643090988, 48.586953227], [15.643090191, 48.58695306], [15.643089646, 48.586952645], [15.643089353, 48.586952062], [15.643089646, 48.586951342], [15.643090736, 48.586950593], [15.643092077, 48.586950288], [15.643092999, 48.586950288], [15.643093586, 48.586950233], [15.643093754, 48.586949983], [15.643094634, 48.586949457], [15.643095975, 48.586949041], [15.643096268, 48.586949041], [15.643096897, 48.586949262], [15.6430974, 48.586949817], [15.643098447, 48.58694954], [15.643098908, 48.586948847], [15.643099579, 48.586948292], [15.643099537, 48.586947655], [15.643100082, 48.586947516], [15.643100627, 48.586947571], [15.64310113, 48.586947128], [15.643102429, 48.586947239], [15.643103351, 48.586947045], [15.643104189, 48.586947211], [15.643105321, 48.586947627], [15.643105782, 48.586948292], [15.643106075, 48.586948874], [15.643106117, 48.586949429], [15.643105404, 48.586950039], [15.643101675, 48.586951148], [15.643098699, 48.586952395], [15.64309522, 48.58695367], [15.643092915, 48.586954308]]], "type": "Polygon"}, "id": 56945, "parent": 50505, "properties": {"description": "Almost rectangular grave pit. Bigger stones placed alongside the edges, especially at the upper end of the pit. The pit or a grave installation is visible as a gray discoloration in a broader, dark-grey discoloration.\r\nGrave pit cuts into the pit of grave 172.\r\n\r\nBefund: Ann\u00e4hernd rechteckige Grabgrube, L. 126 cm, B. 46 cm, T. 11 cm, abs.H. 393,71 m; vor allem im Kopfbereich mit gro\u00dfen Steinen begrenzt; die Grabgrube bzw. ein Einbau(?) zeichnet sich gr\u00e4ulich in einer breiteren dunkelbraunen Verf\u00e4rbung ab.\r\nDas Grab schneidet Grab 172.", "dimensions": [{"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "302.0"}, {"id": 15679, "name": "Height", "path": "Dimensions > Height", "unit": "cm", "value": "11.0"}, {"id": 26189, "name": "Length", "path": "Dimensions > Length", "unit": "cm", "value": "126.0"}, {"id": 26188, "name": "Width", "path": "Dimensions > Width", "unit": "cm", "value": "46.0"}, {"id": 148713, "name": "Nearest Neighbour", "path": "Dimensions > Distance > Nearest Neighbour", "unit": "m", "value": "0.57"}, {"id": 118730, "name": "Azimuth", "path": "Dimensions > Azimuth", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "108"}], "maintype": {"id": 26205, "name": "Single Grave", "parent_id": 26204, "path": "Feature > Grave > Single Grave", "systemtype": "feature"}, "name": "Grave 158", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "260", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"id": 22309, "name": "Flat grave", "path": "Grave Characteristics > Grave Construction > Flat grave"}]}, "type": "Feature"}, {"burials": [{"id": 77961, "properties": {"description": "Child aged 7-10 years (infans 2). Oriented: NW-SE. Disturbed. Skull crushed. Long bones mostly in situ. Two lower jaws were found in the grave pit. One might belong to grave 177 or 178.\r\nNo grave goods.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "294.0"}], "maintype": {"id": 26519, "name": "Skeleton", "parent_id": 26516, "path": "Stratigraphic unit > Burial (strat Unit) > Skeleton", "systemtype": "stratigraphic_unit"}, "name": "G159S1", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "260", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"description": "years", "id": 117200, "name": "maximum age", "path": "Absolute Age > maximum age", "value": "10.0"}, {"description": "years", "id": 117199, "name": "minimum age", "path": "Absolute Age > minimum age", "value": "7.0"}, {"description": "[7,13.9]", "id": 22280, "name": "Infans II", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Age > Child > Infans I-II > Infans II"}, {"id": 128052, "name": "Supine position", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > General > Supine position"}, {"id": 128062, "name": "Left leg stretched", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Legs > Left leg stretched"}, {"id": 128103, "name": "Right leg stretched", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Legs > Right leg stretched"}, {"description": "Possible result of anthropological sex determination. In this context, undetermined means that not enough bone material or specific features were preserved to carry out a sex determination (unlike indifferent, where the preserved features were neither clearly male nor female).", "id": 22375, "name": "undetermined", "path": "Sex and Gender > Sex > undetermined"}]}}], "files": [{"file_name": "42673.jpg", "id": 42673, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_38337", "reference": "Taf. 33", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "geometry": {"coordinates": [[[15.643031392, 48.586980561], [15.643032021, 48.58698106], [15.643032566, 48.586980617], [15.643033278, 48.586980312], [15.643034326, 48.586980312], [15.643035583, 48.586980506], [15.643036505, 48.586980672], [15.643038223, 48.586980173], [15.643041073, 48.586979175], [15.643045097, 48.586977817], [15.643046689, 48.586977262], [15.643048533, 48.58697668], [15.643049371, 48.586976236], [15.64305021, 48.586975405], [15.643050377, 48.586974628], [15.643050419, 48.586973991], [15.643050335, 48.586973242], [15.64305, 48.586972383], [15.64304912, 48.58697144], [15.64304803, 48.58697072], [15.643046983, 48.58697072], [15.64304078, 48.586972771], [15.643036212, 48.586974157], [15.643033362, 48.586975155], [15.643031267, 48.586975931], [15.64303068, 48.586976597], [15.643030261, 48.586977456], [15.643030345, 48.586978621], [15.643030596, 48.586979646], [15.643031392, 48.586980561]]], "type": "Polygon"}, "id": 56957, "parent": 50505, "properties": {"description": "Almost rectangular grave pit. Few stones positioned alongside the edges. In the north-eastern corner a post-hole surrounded/wedged with a big stone. Post-hole and grave pit show the same height. Strategraphic relation of post-hole and grave pit unknown.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "294.0"}, {"id": 15679, "name": "Height", "path": "Dimensions > Height", "unit": "cm", "value": "13.0"}, {"id": 26189, "name": "Length", "path": "Dimensions > Length", "unit": "cm", "value": "182.0"}, {"id": 26188, "name": "Width", "path": "Dimensions > Width", "unit": "cm", "value": "58.0"}, {"id": 118730, "name": "Azimuth", "path": "Dimensions > Azimuth", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "108"}, {"id": 148713, "name": "Nearest Neighbour", "path": "Dimensions > Distance > Nearest Neighbour", "unit": "m", "value": "1.32"}], "maintype": {"id": 26205, "name": "Single Grave", "parent_id": 26204, "path": "Feature > Grave > Single Grave", "systemtype": "feature"}, "name": "Grave 159", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "260", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"id": 22309, "name": "Flat grave", "path": "Grave Characteristics > Grave Construction > Flat grave"}]}, "type": "Feature"}, {"burials": [{"id": 75097, "properties": {"description": "Child aged 18-30 months (infans 1). Oriented WNW-ESE. Slightly disturbed. Skull tilted to the left and downwards. On top respectively next to the lower legs additional ribs and long bones were found. They most probably belong to burial 178 and were discarded there during the construction of the small ditch. Next to the right thigh of burial 160 an additional lower jaw was found that probably belongs to burial 177 or 178.\r\nNo grave goods.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "287.0"}], "maintype": {"id": 26519, "name": "Skeleton", "parent_id": 26516, "path": "Stratigraphic unit > Burial (strat Unit) > Skeleton", "systemtype": "stratigraphic_unit"}, "name": "G160S1", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "260-261", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"description": "[0,6.9]", "id": 22279, "name": "Infans I", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Age > Child > Infans I-II > Infans I"}, {"id": 128067, "name": "Left arm stretched", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Arms > Left arm stretched"}, {"id": 128068, "name": "Right arm stretched", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Arms > Right arm stretched"}, {"id": 128052, "name": "Supine position", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > General > Supine position"}, {"id": 128061, "name": "On the left side", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Head > On the left side"}, {"id": 128062, "name": "Left leg stretched", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Legs > Left leg stretched"}, {"id": 128103, "name": "Right leg stretched", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Legs > Right leg stretched"}, {"description": "Possible result of anthropological sex determination. In this context, undetermined means that not enough bone material or specific features were preserved to carry out a sex determination (unlike indifferent, where the preserved features were neither clearly male nor female).", "id": 22375, "name": "undetermined", "path": "Sex and Gender > Sex > undetermined"}]}}], "files": [{"file_name": "42674.jpg", "id": 42674, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_38340", "reference": "Taf. 34", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "geometry": {"coordinates": [[[15.643047779, 48.586969375], [15.643049979, 48.586968751], [15.643052054, 48.586968211], [15.643053185, 48.586967975], [15.643054107, 48.586967726], [15.643055532, 48.586967393], [15.643056601, 48.586967185], [15.643057816, 48.58696688], [15.643058508, 48.586966547], [15.643059032, 48.586966256], [15.643059325, 48.586965785], [15.643059409, 48.586965175], [15.64305922, 48.586964427], [15.643058927, 48.586963872], [15.643057942, 48.586963401], [15.643056873, 48.586962916], [15.643055364, 48.586962819], [15.643053353, 48.586962957], [15.643051341, 48.586963373], [15.643049371, 48.586963886], [15.643047381, 48.586964413], [15.643045914, 48.586964773], [15.643044971, 48.586965203], [15.643044154, 48.586965882], [15.643043881, 48.586966381], [15.643043756, 48.586967254], [15.643043818, 48.586968044], [15.643044342, 48.586968696], [15.643044866, 48.58696925], [15.6430456, 48.586969417], [15.643046689, 48.586969361], [15.643047779, 48.586969375]]], "type": "Polygon"}, "id": 56867, "parent": 50505, "properties": {"description": "Rectangular-oval shaped grave pit. Small stones positioned underneath the skull.\r\nAt the eastern end, a small ditch cuts the grave pit (see grave 190 as well). Above burial 160 burial 177 was found. Both burials might share a grave pit. \r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 148713, "name": "Nearest Neighbour", "path": "Dimensions > Distance > Nearest Neighbour", "unit": "m", "value": "0.17"}, {"id": 118730, "name": "Azimuth", "path": "Dimensions > Azimuth", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "104"}, {"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "287.0"}, {"id": 15679, "name": "Height", "path": "Dimensions > Height", "unit": "cm", "value": "7.0"}, {"id": 26189, "name": "Length", "path": "Dimensions > Length", "unit": "cm", "value": "131.0"}, {"id": 26188, "name": "Width", "path": "Dimensions > Width", "unit": "cm", "value": "68.0"}], "maintype": {"id": 26205, "name": "Single Grave", "parent_id": 26204, "path": "Feature > Grave > Single Grave", "systemtype": "feature"}, "name": "Grave 160", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "260", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"id": 22309, "name": "Flat grave", "path": "Grave Characteristics > Grave Construction > Flat grave"}]}, "type": "Feature"}, {"burials": [{"finds": [{"files": [{"file_name": "42676.jpg", "id": 42676, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_38346", "reference": "Taf. 34/1", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "id": 102715, "properties": {"description": "Pot; preserved almost entirely; rim dia.: 9,1 cm; max. dia.: 9,3 cm; bottom dia.: 7,4 cm; height: 10,1 cm; Graphite clay. Ceramic group A; slowly turned, traces of a smoothening on the inside, bulges partly still visible; star-shaped bottom mark. horizontal protruding, rounded rim; on the shoulder circumferential multiline waveband ornaments interrupted by several oblique/vertical notched lines. Body decorated with a multiline linear ornament as well as a singular wave band. Lower part decorated with vertical comb impression and two multiline linear ornaments; color light grey and light brown, reduced firing. Upper part burnt secondary. Found standing next to the right lower leg.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26191, "name": "Diameter", "path": "Dimensions > Diameter", "unit": "cm", "value": "9.3"}, {"id": 15679, "name": "Height", "path": "Dimensions > Height", "unit": "cm", "value": "10.1"}], "maintype": {"id": 26301, "name": "Pot", "parent_id": 26294, "path": "Artifact > Cultural Object > Container > Pottery > Pot", "systemtype": "artifact"}, "material": [{"id": 26561, "name": "Ceramic", "path": "Material > Geological > Clay > Ceramic", "value": "0.0"}], "name": "G161S1F01", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "261", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"id": 23455, "name": "Lower leg right", "path": "Position of Find in Grave > Lower Body > Leg right > Lower leg right"}]}}, {"files": [{"file_name": "42666.jpg", "id": 42666, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_38348", "reference": "Taf. 34/2", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "id": 102721, "properties": {"description": "Bell made out of iron (diam. 2,2 cm, diam. (with rim) 2,5 cm, height 3,0 cm). Corroded and slightly fragmented. Round shape. Rim is pulled outwards and forms a perforated tringle at the upper side. Irregular slits on the lower side. Bead not preserved. Found left to the abdomen.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26191, "name": "Diameter", "path": "Dimensions > Diameter", "unit": "cm", "value": "2.2"}, {"id": 26189, "name": "Length", "path": "Dimensions > Length", "unit": "cm", "value": "3.0"}], "maintype": {"id": 26443, "name": "Bells", "parent_id": 26324, "path": "Artifact > Cultural Object > Accessories > Bells", "systemtype": "artifact"}, "material": [{"id": 26540, "name": "Iron", "path": "Material > Metal > Iron", "value": "0.0"}], "name": "G161S1F02", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "261", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"id": 23462, "name": "Pelvis left", "path": "Position of Find in Grave > Pelvis > Pelvis left"}]}}], "id": 75109, "properties": {"description": "Child aged 2-3 years (infans 1). Oriented: NW-SE. Skull crushed and laying on its right side. Upper extremities mostly dislocated. Other bones badly preserved and fragmented.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "293.0"}], "maintype": {"id": 26519, "name": "Skeleton", "parent_id": 26516, "path": "Stratigraphic unit > Burial (strat Unit) > Skeleton", "systemtype": "stratigraphic_unit"}, "name": "G161S1", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "261", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"description": "years", "id": 117200, "name": "maximum age", "path": "Absolute Age > maximum age", "value": "3.0"}, {"description": "years", "id": 117199, "name": "minimum age", "path": "Absolute Age > minimum age", "value": "2.0"}, {"description": "[0,6.9]", "id": 22279, "name": "Infans I", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Age > Child > Infans I-II > Infans I"}, {"id": 128052, "name": "Supine position", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > General > Supine position"}, {"id": 128060, "name": "On the right side", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Head > On the right side"}, {"id": 128062, "name": "Left leg stretched", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Legs > Left leg stretched"}, {"id": 128103, "name": "Right leg stretched", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Legs > Right leg stretched"}, {"description": "Possible result of anthropological sex determination. In this context, undetermined means that not enough bone material or specific features were preserved to carry out a sex determination (unlike indifferent, where the preserved features were neither clearly male nor female).", "id": 22375, "name": "undetermined", "path": "Sex and Gender > Sex > undetermined"}]}}], "files": [{"file_name": "42675.jpg", "id": 42675, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_38343", "reference": "Taf. 34", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "geometry": {"coordinates": [[[15.643078918, 48.586895176], [15.643079965, 48.586896451], [15.643080887, 48.586897532], [15.64308139, 48.586898115], [15.643081977, 48.586898392], [15.643083234, 48.586898115], [15.643084282, 48.586897366], [15.643086545, 48.586896368], [15.643088431, 48.586895869], [15.643089982, 48.586894843], [15.643091826, 48.58689415], [15.643093376, 48.58689318], [15.64309455, 48.586892598], [15.643095891, 48.586892043], [15.64309652, 48.586891655], [15.643096729, 48.586891101], [15.643096394, 48.58689038], [15.643095346, 48.586889493], [15.643094382, 48.5868888], [15.64309346, 48.586888301], [15.643092496, 48.586888273], [15.643090359, 48.586889022], [15.64308885, 48.586889909], [15.643088766, 48.586890463], [15.643088263, 48.586891045], [15.6430873, 48.586891877], [15.643086126, 48.58689257], [15.643083947, 48.586893041], [15.643083234, 48.586893291], [15.643082648, 48.586893901], [15.643080929, 48.586894483], [15.643080091, 48.586894677], [15.643078918, 48.586895176]]], "type": "Polygon"}, "id": 56885, "parent": 50505, "properties": {"description": "Almost rectangular grave pit. Standing stones positioned along the edges.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "293.0"}, {"id": 26189, "name": "Length", "path": "Dimensions > Length", "unit": "cm", "value": "129.0"}, {"id": 26188, "name": "Width", "path": "Dimensions > Width", "unit": "cm", "value": "47.0"}, {"id": 148713, "name": "Nearest Neighbour", "path": "Dimensions > Distance > Nearest Neighbour", "unit": "m", "value": "0.59"}, {"id": 118730, "name": "Azimuth", "path": "Dimensions > Azimuth", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "117"}], "maintype": {"id": 26205, "name": "Single Grave", "parent_id": 26204, "path": "Feature > Grave > Single Grave", "systemtype": "feature"}, "name": "Grave 161", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "261", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"id": 22309, "name": "Flat grave", "path": "Grave Characteristics > Grave Construction > Flat grave"}]}, "type": "Feature"}, {"burials": [{"id": 75103, "properties": {"description": "Child aged 10-12 years. Few bones scattered in the grave pit and the backfilling.\r\nNo grave goods.\r\n\r\n", "maintype": {"id": 26519, "name": "Skeleton", "parent_id": 26516, "path": "Stratigraphic unit > Burial (strat Unit) > Skeleton", "systemtype": "stratigraphic_unit"}, "name": "G162S1", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "261", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"description": "years", "id": 117200, "name": "maximum age", "path": "Absolute Age > maximum age", "value": "12.0"}, {"description": "years", "id": 117199, "name": "minimum age", "path": "Absolute Age > minimum age", "value": "10.0"}, {"description": "[7,13.9]", "id": 22280, "name": "Infans II", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Age > Child > Infans I-II > Infans II"}, {"description": "Possible result of anthropological sex determination. In this context, undetermined means that not enough bone material or specific features were preserved to carry out a sex determination (unlike indifferent, where the preserved features were neither clearly male nor female).", "id": 22375, "name": "undetermined", "path": "Sex and Gender > Sex > undetermined"}]}}], "geometry": {"coordinates": [15.643055293, 48.586921934], "type": "Point"}, "id": 56963, "parent": 50505, "properties": {"description": "Almost D-shaped grave pit, cut into the rock. Walls vertical first, then contracting.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 15679, "name": "Height", "path": "Dimensions > Height", "unit": "cm", "value": "55.0"}, {"id": 26189, "name": "Length", "path": "Dimensions > Length", "unit": "cm", "value": "100.0"}, {"id": 26188, "name": "Width", "path": "Dimensions > Width", "unit": "cm", "value": "114.0"}], "maintype": {"id": 26205, "name": "Single Grave", "parent_id": 26204, "path": "Feature > Grave > Single Grave", "systemtype": "feature"}, "name": "Grave 162", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "261", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"id": 22309, "name": "Flat grave", "path": "Grave Characteristics > Grave Construction > Flat grave"}]}, "type": "Feature"}, {"burials": [{"id": 77745, "properties": {"description": "Juvenile individual aged 14-15 years. Oriented NW-SE.Skull tilted downwards and to the left. Cervical vertebrae slightly dislocated. Bones of the abdomen slightly disturbed. \r\nNo grave goods.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "307.0"}], "maintype": {"id": 26519, "name": "Skeleton", "parent_id": 26516, "path": "Stratigraphic unit > Burial (strat Unit) > Skeleton", "systemtype": "stratigraphic_unit"}, "name": "G163S1", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "261", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"description": "[14,19.9]", "id": 22289, "name": "Juvenil", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Age > Juvenil"}, {"id": 128067, "name": "Left arm stretched", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Arms > Left arm stretched"}, {"id": 128068, "name": "Right arm stretched", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Arms > Right arm stretched"}, {"id": 128052, "name": "Supine position", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > General > Supine position"}, {"id": 128084, "name": "Left hand next to the body", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Hands > Left hand next to the body"}, {"id": 128085, "name": "Right hand next to the body", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Hands > Right hand next to the body"}, {"id": 128061, "name": "On the left side", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Head > On the left side"}, {"id": 128062, "name": "Left leg stretched", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Legs > Left leg stretched"}, {"id": 128103, "name": "Right leg stretched", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Legs > Right leg stretched"}, {"description": "Possible result of anthropological sex determination. In this context, undetermined means that not enough bone material or specific features were preserved to carry out a sex determination (unlike indifferent, where the preserved features were neither clearly male nor female).", "id": 22375, "name": "undetermined", "path": "Sex and Gender > Sex > undetermined"}]}}], "files": [{"file_name": "42678.jpg", "id": 42678, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_38352", "reference": "Taf. 33", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "geometry": {"coordinates": [[[15.643048072, 48.587050283], [15.643043881, 48.587046845], [15.643043714, 48.587046402], [15.643044258, 48.587045986], [15.643048952, 48.587043768], [15.643051425, 48.587042521], [15.64305352, 48.587041356], [15.643055406, 48.587040469], [15.643056789, 48.587039832], [15.643057628, 48.587039693], [15.643058927, 48.587039138], [15.643060058, 48.587039388], [15.643060771, 48.587040192], [15.64306207, 48.587041051], [15.643063243, 48.587041938], [15.643063788, 48.587042437], [15.643062447, 48.587043435], [15.643057544, 48.587045903], [15.643052431, 48.587048453], [15.64304912, 48.587049867], [15.643048072, 48.587050283]]], "type": "Polygon"}, "id": 59567, "parent": 50505, "properties": {"description": "Almost rectangular grave pit, slightly cut into the rock. Leg area surrounded by stones (due to their height the bordering stones probably belong to grave 164 rather than grave 163 - they are positioned higher than the burial level of grave 163. Both grave pits are positioned in an exact line and are located exactly next to each other). \r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "307.0"}, {"id": 15679, "name": "Height", "path": "Dimensions > Height", "unit": "cm", "value": "29.0"}, {"id": 26189, "name": "Length", "path": "Dimensions > Length", "unit": "cm", "value": "154.0"}, {"id": 26188, "name": "Width", "path": "Dimensions > Width", "unit": "cm", "value": "53.0"}, {"id": 118730, "name": "Azimuth", "path": "Dimensions > Azimuth", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "117"}, {"id": 148713, "name": "Nearest Neighbour", "path": "Dimensions > Distance > Nearest Neighbour", "unit": "m", "value": "1.59"}], "maintype": {"id": 26205, "name": "Single Grave", "parent_id": 26204, "path": "Feature > Grave > Single Grave", "systemtype": "feature"}, "name": "Grave 163", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "261", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"id": 22309, "name": "Flat grave", "path": "Grave Characteristics > Grave Construction > Flat grave"}]}, "type": "Feature"}, {"burials": [{"id": 78389, "properties": {"description": "Child aged 6-8 years (infans 2). Oriented NW-SE. Skull laying on its right side. Upper body slightly disturbed.\r\nNo grave goods.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "207.0"}], "maintype": {"id": 26519, "name": "Skeleton", "parent_id": 26516, "path": "Stratigraphic unit > Burial (strat Unit) > Skeleton", "systemtype": "stratigraphic_unit"}, "name": "G164S1", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "261", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"description": "years", "id": 117200, "name": "maximum age", "path": "Absolute Age > maximum age", "value": "8.0"}, {"description": "years", "id": 117199, "name": "minimum age", "path": "Absolute Age > minimum age", "value": "6.0"}, {"description": "[7,13.9]", "id": 22280, "name": "Infans II", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Age > Child > Infans I-II > Infans II"}, {"id": 128052, "name": "Supine position", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > General > Supine position"}, {"id": 128060, "name": "On the right side", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Head > On the right side"}, {"id": 128064, "name": "Left leg slightly bent", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Legs > Left leg slightly bent"}, {"id": 128104, "name": "Right leg slightly bent", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Legs > Right leg slightly bent"}, {"description": "Possible result of anthropological sex determination. In this context, undetermined means that not enough bone material or specific features were preserved to carry out a sex determination (unlike indifferent, where the preserved features were neither clearly male nor female).", "id": 22375, "name": "undetermined", "path": "Sex and Gender > Sex > undetermined"}]}}], "files": [{"file_name": "42679.jpg", "id": 42679, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_38355", "reference": "Taf. 34", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "geometry": {"coordinates": [[[15.643061232, 48.587038778], [15.643061735, 48.587039637], [15.64306228, 48.587040497], [15.643062992, 48.587041135], [15.643064165, 48.587042105], [15.643065129, 48.587042354], [15.643066512, 48.58704216], [15.643067183, 48.587041938], [15.643067937, 48.587041994], [15.643070159, 48.587040968], [15.643071625, 48.587040053], [15.643072505, 48.587039637], [15.643074308, 48.587038917], [15.643075942, 48.587037891], [15.643077367, 48.587037226], [15.64307787, 48.587036616], [15.643078331, 48.587035867], [15.64307854, 48.587035036], [15.64307854, 48.587034398], [15.643078121, 48.587033927], [15.643077074, 48.587033788], [15.643075858, 48.587033733], [15.643075523, 48.587033234], [15.643074769, 48.587032568], [15.643073805, 48.587032208], [15.643072673, 48.587032485], [15.643070913, 48.587033788], [15.643066135, 48.587035701], [15.643063076, 48.58703742], [15.643061651, 48.587037974], [15.643061232, 48.587038778]]], "type": "Polygon"}, "id": 59273, "parent": 50505, "properties": {"description": "Almost rectangular grave pit. Bordered with large standing stones. A flag stones is standing leaned against the skull. \r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 148713, "name": "Nearest Neighbour", "path": "Dimensions > Distance > Nearest Neighbour", "unit": "m", "value": "0.56"}, {"id": 118730, "name": "Azimuth", "path": "Dimensions > Azimuth", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "116"}, {"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "207.0"}, {"id": 15679, "name": "Height", "path": "Dimensions > Height", "unit": "cm", "value": "21.0"}, {"id": 26189, "name": "Length", "path": "Dimensions > Length", "unit": "cm", "value": "135.0"}, {"id": 26188, "name": "Width", "path": "Dimensions > Width", "unit": "cm", "value": "70.0"}], "maintype": {"id": 26205, "name": "Single Grave", "parent_id": 26204, "path": "Feature > Grave > Single Grave", "systemtype": "feature"}, "name": "Grave 164", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "261", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"id": 22309, "name": "Flat grave", "path": "Grave Characteristics > Grave Construction > Flat grave"}]}, "type": "Feature"}, {"burials": [{"id": 75279, "properties": {"description": "Child aged 0-6 months. Only few skull fragments and bone remains preserved.\r\nNo grave goods.\r\n\r\n", "maintype": {"id": 26519, "name": "Skeleton", "parent_id": 26516, "path": "Stratigraphic unit > Burial (strat Unit) > Skeleton", "systemtype": "stratigraphic_unit"}, "name": "G165S1", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "261", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"description": "years", "id": 117200, "name": "maximum age", "path": "Absolute Age > maximum age", "value": "0.5"}, {"description": "years", "id": 117199, "name": "minimum age", "path": "Absolute Age > minimum age", "value": "0.0"}, {"description": "[0,6.9]", "id": 22279, "name": "Infans I", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Age > Child > Infans I-II > Infans I"}, {"description": "Possible result of anthropological sex determination. In this context, undetermined means that not enough bone material or specific features were preserved to carry out a sex determination (unlike indifferent, where the preserved features were neither clearly male nor female).", "id": 22375, "name": "undetermined", "path": "Sex and Gender > Sex > undetermined"}]}}], "files": [{"file_name": "42716.jpg", "id": 42716, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_38476", "reference": "Taf. 35", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "geometry": {"coordinates": [[[15.643092706, 48.586965175], [15.643090359, 48.586966312], [15.643088515, 48.58696706], [15.643087132, 48.586967504], [15.643086419, 48.586967421], [15.643085246, 48.586966534], [15.643084114, 48.586965369], [15.643083486, 48.586964593], [15.643083528, 48.586963872], [15.643085539, 48.586962542], [15.643088892, 48.586961516], [15.643091155, 48.586960906], [15.643092329, 48.586961155], [15.643093335, 48.586961932], [15.643094718, 48.58696329], [15.643095179, 48.586964039], [15.643092706, 48.586965175]]], "type": "Polygon"}, "id": 57107, "parent": 50505, "properties": {"description": "Burial found in grave pit of burial 167, positioned in the northern corner within the stone packing.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 118730, "name": "Azimuth", "path": "Dimensions > Azimuth", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "107"}, {"id": 148713, "name": "Nearest Neighbour", "path": "Dimensions > Distance > Nearest Neighbour", "unit": "m", "value": "0.79"}], "maintype": {"id": 26205, "name": "Single Grave", "parent_id": 26204, "path": "Feature > Grave > Single Grave", "systemtype": "feature"}, "name": "Grave 165", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "262", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"id": 22309, "name": "Flat grave", "path": "Grave Characteristics > Grave Construction > Flat grave"}]}, "type": "Feature"}, {"burials": [{"finds": [{"id": 117980, "properties": {"description": "Botanical remains. Found in the grave pit, next to the burial. Exact position in grave unknown.\r\n\r\n", "maintype": {"id": 26506, "name": "Varia", "parent_id": 205561, "path": "Artifact > Cultural Object > Varia", "systemtype": "artifact"}, "name": "G166S1F01", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "262", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}}}], "id": 75291, "properties": {"description": "Child aged 8-10 years (infans 2). Oriented: NW-SE. Lower jaw laying on the spine. Left forearm leads underneath the pelvic bone. Right thigh positioned on top of a stone.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "298.0"}], "maintype": {"id": 26519, "name": "Skeleton", "parent_id": 26516, "path": "Stratigraphic unit > Burial (strat Unit) > Skeleton", "systemtype": "stratigraphic_unit"}, "name": "G166S1", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "261", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"description": "years", "id": 117200, "name": "maximum age", "path": "Absolute Age > maximum age", "value": "10.0"}, {"description": "years", "id": 117199, "name": "minimum age", "path": "Absolute Age > minimum age", "value": "8.0"}, {"description": "[7,13.9]", "id": 22280, "name": "Infans II", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Age > Child > Infans I-II > Infans II"}, {"id": 128067, "name": "Left arm stretched", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Arms > Left arm stretched"}, {"id": 128068, "name": "Right arm stretched", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Arms > Right arm stretched"}, {"id": 128052, "name": "Supine position", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > General > Supine position"}, {"id": 128059, "name": "Head straight", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Head > Head straight"}, {"id": 128062, "name": "Left leg stretched", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Legs > Left leg stretched"}, {"id": 128103, "name": "Right leg stretched", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Legs > Right leg stretched"}, {"description": "Possible result of anthropological sex determination. In this context, undetermined means that not enough bone material or specific features were preserved to carry out a sex determination (unlike indifferent, where the preserved features were neither clearly male nor female).", "id": 22375, "name": "undetermined", "path": "Sex and Gender > Sex > undetermined"}]}}], "files": [{"file_name": "42717.jpg", "id": 42717, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_38477", "reference": "Taf. 35", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "geometry": {"coordinates": [[[15.643093185, 48.586964153], [15.643101399, 48.586961159], [15.643105926, 48.586959274], [15.643102908, 48.586954284], [15.643088156, 48.586960272], [15.643093185, 48.586964153]]], "type": "Polygon"}, "id": 57089, "parent": 50505, "properties": {"description": "Burial found in grave pit of burial 167, laying above and parallel to it but slightly shifted to the northeast.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 148713, "name": "Nearest Neighbour", "path": "Dimensions > Distance > Nearest Neighbour", "unit": "m", "value": "0.41"}, {"id": 118730, "name": "Azimuth", "path": "Dimensions > Azimuth", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "112"}, {"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "298.0"}, {"id": 15679, "name": "Height", "path": "Dimensions > Height", "unit": "cm", "value": "25.0"}], "maintype": {"id": 26205, "name": "Single Grave", "parent_id": 26204, "path": "Feature > Grave > Single Grave", "systemtype": "feature"}, "name": "Grave 166", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "261", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"id": 22309, "name": "Flat grave", "path": "Grave Characteristics > Grave Construction > Flat grave"}]}, "type": "Feature"}, {"burials": [{"finds": [{"id": 117984, "properties": {"description": "Grinding stone, brick-shaped. One broad and narrow side flattened.\r\nFound in the backfilling of the grave.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26189, "name": "Length", "path": "Dimensions > Length", "unit": "cm", "value": "16.3"}, {"id": 26190, "name": "Thickness", "path": "Dimensions > Thickness", "unit": "cm", "value": "4.9"}, {"id": 15680, "name": "Weight", "path": "Dimensions > Weight", "unit": "g", "value": "9.0"}], "maintype": {"id": 26223, "name": "Equipment", "parent_id": 205561, "path": "Artifact > Cultural Object > Equipment", "systemtype": "artifact"}, "material": [{"id": 26553, "name": "Stone", "path": "Material > Geological > Stone", "value": "0.0"}], "name": "G167S2F01", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "262", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}]}}, {"id": 117986, "properties": {"description": "Botanical remains. Found in the backfilling of the grave.\r\n\r\n", "maintype": {"id": 26506, "name": "Varia", "parent_id": 205561, "path": "Artifact > Cultural Object > Varia", "systemtype": "artifact"}, "material": [{"id": 26521, "name": "Organic", "path": "Material > Organic", "value": "0.0"}], "name": "G167S2F02", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "262", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}}}], "id": 117982, "properties": {"description": "Backfilling of grave 167.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "299.0"}], "maintype": {"id": 117202, "name": "Backfilling", "parent_id": 26514, "path": "Stratigraphic unit > Deposit > Backfilling", "systemtype": "stratigraphic_unit"}, "name": "G167S2", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "262", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}}}, {"files": [{"file_name": "42680.jpg", "id": 42680, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_38362", "reference": "Taf. 35", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "finds": [{"id": 102157, "properties": {"description": "Belt buckle made out of iron. Lost without a trace. Found laying on top of the right pubic bone.\r\n\r\n", "maintype": {"id": 26383, "name": "Belt Buckle", "parent_id": 26373, "path": "Artifact > Cultural Object > Accessories > Belts > Belt Buckle", "systemtype": "artifact"}, "material": [{"id": 26540, "name": "Iron", "path": "Material > Metal > Iron", "value": "0.0"}], "name": "G167S1F01", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "262", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"id": 23463, "name": "Pelvis right", "path": "Position of Find in Grave > Pelvis > Pelvis right"}]}}, {"files": [{"file_name": "35966.jpg", "id": 35966, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_38365", "reference": "Taf. 35/1", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "id": 102163, "properties": {"description": "Rod-tanged knife made out of iron (length 15,1 cm, length tang 4,3 cm, width blade 1,2 cm, width back 0,25 cm). Cross-section of blade triangular, cross-section of tang slightly triangular-rectangular. Tang and back divided by a slight step. Back of knife without buckling but after approx. 5 cm very slightly tilted towards the tip. Blade and tang divided by a step. Blade tilts towards the tip after approx. 6,5 cm. Tang slightly tapered.\r\nFound on top of the right pubic bone. Tip points towards the feet.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26189, "name": "Length", "path": "Dimensions > Length", "unit": "cm", "value": "15.1"}, {"id": 26190, "name": "Thickness", "path": "Dimensions > Thickness", "unit": "cm", "value": "0.25"}, {"id": 26188, "name": "Width", "path": "Dimensions > Width", "unit": "cm", "value": "1.2"}], "maintype": {"id": 26245, "name": "Rod-Tanged Knife", "parent_id": 26244, "path": "Artifact > Cultural Object > Equipment > Knife > Rod-Tanged Knife", "systemtype": "artifact"}, "material": [{"id": 26540, "name": "Iron", "path": "Material > Metal > Iron", "value": "0.0"}], "name": "G167S1F02", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "262", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"id": 23462, "name": "Pelvis left", "path": "Position of Find in Grave > Pelvis > Pelvis left"}]}}, {"files": [{"file_name": "42682.jpg", "id": 42682, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_38368", "reference": "Taf. 35/3", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}, {"file_name": "42681.jpg", "id": 42681, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_38367", "reference": "Taf. 35/2", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "id": 102829, "properties": {"description": "Yoke fragment of a spur made out of iron (width 3,9 cm, height 7,6 cm, width 0,5 cm, thickness 0,4 cm). Yoke slightly protruding, in a side view straight. Cross-section of yoke D-shaped/triangular. Neck preserved, cross-section triangular/tetragonal, conical-shaped (0,5 x 0,35 cm, length 1,9 cm). Yoke fragment with rivet plate (length 4,1 cm, width 0,3, thickness 0,3 cm). Rivet plate shield-shaped; three rivets preserved in sunken traverse row. Between rivets remains of ornament made out of copper alloy (width 1,4 cm, height 1,6 cm). Possibly second rivet plate shield-shaped (width 1,4 cm, height 1,4 cm) - copper alloy sheet with two rivet holes (1 x 0,3 cm). Possibly rivet plate fragment, heavily corroded, shield-shaped with remains of three rivets in traverse row (width 1,5 cm, height 1,1 cm). Three yoke fragments, well preserved (length 2,2-2,6 cm), cross-section heavily rounded, probably part of a rivet plate. Rivet plate fragment, heavily corroded, shield-shaped. Remains of three rivets in traverse row (width 1,5 cm, height 1,1 cm). \r\nParts of spur strap trimming: strap fitting with strap slider \u2013 end with buckle not preserved. Strap fitting rectangular with preserved rivet (length 1,7 cm, width 1,3 cm). Strap slider with zigzag decoration. Made out of handled sheet metal (1,6 x1,6 cm, thickness 0,3 cm). Another fragment with preserved rivet (length 1,6 cm, width 0,9 cm, thickness 0,1 cm). Two iron fragments with imprints of fabric, one of them conical shaped.\r\nFound next to the right foot.\r\n\r\n", "maintype": {"id": 26481, "name": "Spurs", "parent_id": 26478, "path": "Artifact > Cultural Object > WeaponsArmourRiding > Horse and Rider Equipment > Spurs", "systemtype": "artifact"}, "material": [{"id": 26540, "name": "Iron", "path": "Material > Metal > Iron", "value": "0.0"}, {"id": 26546, "name": "Copper Alloy", "path": "Material > Metal > Non-Ferrous Metal > Copper Alloy", "value": "0.0"}], "name": "G167S1F03", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "262", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"id": 23453, "name": "Foot right", "path": "Position of Find in Grave > Lower Body > Leg right > Foot right"}]}}, {"files": [{"file_name": "42684.jpg", "id": 42684, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_38371", "reference": "Taf. 35/5", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}, {"file_name": "42683.jpg", "id": 42683, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_38370", "reference": "Taf. 35/4", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "id": 97893, "properties": {"description": "Yoke fragment of a spur made out of iron (width 5,5 cm, height 10,2 cm, width 0,5 cm, thickness 0,4 cm). Yoke slightly protruding, in a side view straight. Cross-section of yoke tetragonal. Shape straight/slightly thickening (0,7 x 0,7 cm, length 1,9 cm). Yoke fragment with rivet plate (length 4,9 cm, width 0,5 cm, thickness 0,35 cm). Rivet plate shield-shaped made out of copper alloy sheet. Around one rivet remains of copper alloy decoration (width 1,5 cm, height 1,6 cm).\r\nSheet metal bent into U-shape (1,6 x 1,7 cm). Iron fragment with a (possible) rivet fragment. A lot of small iron fragments, heavily corroded. Partly with organic remains in the corrosion. Fabric remains. A piece of bone.\r\nFound next to the left foot.\r\n\r\n", "maintype": {"id": 26481, "name": "Spurs", "parent_id": 26478, "path": "Artifact > Cultural Object > WeaponsArmourRiding > Horse and Rider Equipment > Spurs", "systemtype": "artifact"}, "material": [{"id": 26540, "name": "Iron", "path": "Material > Metal > Iron", "value": "0.0"}, {"id": 26546, "name": "Copper Alloy", "path": "Material > Metal > Non-Ferrous Metal > Copper Alloy", "value": "0.0"}], "name": "G167S1F04", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "262", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"id": 23448, "name": "Foot left", "path": "Position of Find in Grave > Lower Body > Leg Left > Foot left"}]}}, {"id": 117988, "properties": {"description": "Remains of fabric. Lost without a trace. Position in grave unknown.\r\n\r\n", "maintype": {"id": 26509, "name": "Fabrics", "parent_id": 205561, "path": "Artifact > Cultural Object > Fabrics", "systemtype": "artifact"}, "material": [{"id": 26525, "name": "Textiles", "path": "Material > Organic > Plant > Textiles", "value": "0.0"}], "name": "G167S1F05", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "262", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}}}, {"id": 117990, "properties": {"description": "Botanical remains. Position in grave unknown.\r\n\r\n", "maintype": {"id": 26506, "name": "Varia", "parent_id": 205561, "path": "Artifact > Cultural Object > Varia", "systemtype": "artifact"}, "material": [{"id": 26521, "name": "Organic", "path": "Material > Organic", "value": "0.0"}], "name": "G167S1F06", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "262", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}]}}], "id": 75115, "properties": {"description": "Mature male (40-50 years). Oriented: NW-SE. Forearms lead towards the pelvis. Few upper body and pelvic bones dislocated.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "299.0"}], "maintype": {"id": 26519, "name": "Skeleton", "parent_id": 26516, "path": "Stratigraphic unit > Burial (strat Unit) > Skeleton", "systemtype": "stratigraphic_unit"}, "name": "G167S1", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "262", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"description": "years", "id": 117200, "name": "maximum age", "path": "Absolute Age > maximum age", "value": "50.0"}, {"description": "years", "id": 117199, "name": "minimum age", "path": "Absolute Age > minimum age", "value": "40.0"}, {"description": "[40,59.9]", "id": 22286, "name": "Matur", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Age > Grown up > Matur"}, {"id": 128067, "name": "Left arm stretched", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Arms > Left arm stretched"}, {"id": 128080, "name": "Right arm slightly bent", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Arms > Right arm slightly bent"}, {"id": 128052, "name": "Supine position", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > General > Supine position"}, {"id": 128087, "name": "Left hand on the pelvis", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Hands > Left hand on the pelvis"}, {"id": 130397, "name": "Left hand on the thigh", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Hands > Left hand on the thigh"}, {"id": 128086, "name": "Right hand on the pelvis", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Hands > Right hand on the pelvis"}, {"id": 130398, "name": "Right hand on the thigh", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Hands > Right hand on the thigh"}, {"id": 128059, "name": "Head straight", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Head > Head straight"}, {"id": 128062, "name": "Left leg stretched", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Legs > Left leg stretched"}, {"id": 128103, "name": "Right leg stretched", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Legs > Right leg stretched"}, {"id": 25, "name": "Male", "path": "Sex and Gender > Sex > Male"}]}}], "files": [{"file_name": "33947.jpg", "id": 33947, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_38358", "reference": "Taf. 35", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "geometry": {"coordinates": [[[15.643086336, 48.586968169], [15.6430873, 48.586968058], [15.643089395, 48.586967171], [15.643091281, 48.586966395], [15.643093502, 48.586965591], [15.643095933, 48.586964621], [15.643098657, 48.58696354], [15.64310092, 48.586962846], [15.643104105, 48.586961377], [15.64310641, 48.586960324], [15.643108003, 48.586959686], [15.643109847, 48.586958827], [15.643111188, 48.586958355], [15.643111942, 48.586957635], [15.643112278, 48.586956276], [15.643112236, 48.586955001], [15.643111984, 48.58695428], [15.643110643, 48.586953116], [15.643109847, 48.586952478], [15.643109302, 48.586951619], [15.643108296, 48.58695148], [15.643107458, 48.586950898], [15.643105865, 48.586950759], [15.643104189, 48.586951203], [15.643100124, 48.5869527], [15.64309522, 48.586954419], [15.643092035, 48.58695575], [15.643088473, 48.586957496], [15.643085288, 48.586958993], [15.643082145, 48.586960435], [15.64308072, 48.586961211], [15.643080091, 48.58696171], [15.643080007, 48.586962237], [15.643080468, 48.586963401], [15.64308227, 48.58696487], [15.643083779, 48.586966339], [15.643084953, 48.586967448], [15.643086336, 48.586968169]]], "type": "Polygon"}, "id": 59591, "parent": 50505, "properties": {"description": "Almost rectangular grave pit, slightly cut into the rock. Surrounded by small stones and big rocks. Outside of the grave but close to the lower end of the pit a rock and several stones.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 148713, "name": "Nearest Neighbour", "path": "Dimensions > Distance > Nearest Neighbour", "unit": "m", "value": "0.41"}, {"id": 118730, "name": "Azimuth", "path": "Dimensions > Azimuth", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "111"}, {"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "299.0"}, {"id": 15679, "name": "Height", "path": "Dimensions > Height", "unit": "cm", "value": "52.0"}, {"id": 26189, "name": "Length", "path": "Dimensions > Length", "unit": "cm", "value": "240.0"}, {"id": 26188, "name": "Width", "path": "Dimensions > Width", "unit": "cm", "value": "97.0"}], "maintype": {"id": 26205, "name": "Single Grave", "parent_id": 26204, "path": "Feature > Grave > Single Grave", "systemtype": "feature"}, "name": "Grave 167", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "261", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"id": 22309, "name": "Flat grave", "path": "Grave Characteristics > Grave Construction > Flat grave"}]}, "type": "Feature"}, {"burials": [{"id": 75151, "properties": {"description": "Child aged 0-3 months (Neonate). Bones scattered over a 50 x 24 cm big area. Oriented: approx. NE-SW/SW-NE. Only skull, pelvis and some long bone fragments preserved. Dislocated.\r\nNo grave goods.\r\n\r\n", "maintype": {"id": 26519, "name": "Skeleton", "parent_id": 26516, "path": "Stratigraphic unit > Burial (strat Unit) > Skeleton", "systemtype": "stratigraphic_unit"}, "name": "G168S1", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "262", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"description": "years", "id": 117200, "name": "maximum age", "path": "Absolute Age > maximum age", "value": "0.25"}, {"description": "years", "id": 117199, "name": "minimum age", "path": "Absolute Age > minimum age", "value": "0.0"}, {"description": "[0,0.25]", "id": 22282, "name": "Neonatus", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Age > Child > Neonatus"}, {"description": "Possible result of anthropological sex determination. In this context, undetermined means that not enough bone material or specific features were preserved to carry out a sex determination (unlike indifferent, where the preserved features were neither clearly male nor female).", "id": 22375, "name": "undetermined", "path": "Sex and Gender > Sex > undetermined"}]}}], "files": [{"file_name": "42685.jpg", "id": 42685, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_38373", "reference": "Taf. 36", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "geometry": {"coordinates": [[[15.643022403, 48.586977165], [15.643021774, 48.586977512], [15.643021439, 48.586977886], [15.643021334, 48.586978205], [15.643021523, 48.586978607], [15.643022403, 48.586979355], [15.64302345, 48.58698009], [15.64302431, 48.586980755], [15.643025127, 48.58698131], [15.643025776, 48.586981531], [15.643026531, 48.586981407], [15.643027411, 48.586981032], [15.643027746, 48.58698063], [15.643027495, 48.586980076], [15.643026489, 48.586979147], [15.643025085, 48.586978329], [15.643023953, 48.586977512], [15.643023157, 48.586977165], [15.643022403, 48.586977165]]], "type": "Polygon"}, "id": 56975, "parent": 50505, "properties": {"description": "Grave pit not detectable. Nearby some stones.\r\n\r\nBefund: Keine Grabgrube erkennbar, T. 16 cm, abs.H. 394,01 m; in unmittelbarer N\u00e4he einige Steine.", "dimensions": [{"id": 148713, "name": "Nearest Neighbour", "path": "Dimensions > Distance > Nearest Neighbour", "unit": "m", "value": "0.7"}, {"id": 118730, "name": "Azimuth", "path": "Dimensions > Azimuth", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "56"}, {"id": 15679, "name": "Height", "path": "Dimensions > Height", "unit": "cm", "value": "17.0"}], "maintype": {"id": 26205, "name": "Single Grave", "parent_id": 26204, "path": "Feature > Grave > Single Grave", "systemtype": "feature"}, "name": "Grave 168", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "262", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"id": 22309, "name": "Flat grave", "path": "Grave Characteristics > Grave Construction > Flat grave"}]}, "type": "Feature"}, {"burials": [{"id": 75195, "properties": {"description": "Mature female (40-60 years). Oriented: NW-SE. Skull tilted to the front and left. Shoulders slightly pulled up. Left forearm positioned next to the pelvis.\r\nNo grave goods\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "302.0"}], "maintype": {"id": 26519, "name": "Skeleton", "parent_id": 26516, "path": "Stratigraphic unit > Burial (strat Unit) > Skeleton", "systemtype": "stratigraphic_unit"}, "name": "G169S1", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "262", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"description": "years", "id": 117200, "name": "maximum age", "path": "Absolute Age > maximum age", "value": "60.0"}, {"description": "years", "id": 117199, "name": "minimum age", "path": "Absolute Age > minimum age", "value": "40.0"}, {"description": "[40,59.9]", "id": 22286, "name": "Matur", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Age > Grown up > Matur"}, {"id": 128067, "name": "Left arm stretched", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Arms > Left arm stretched"}, {"id": 128068, "name": "Right arm stretched", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Arms > Right arm stretched"}, {"id": 128052, "name": "Supine position", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > General > Supine position"}, {"id": 128061, "name": "On the left side", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Head > On the left side"}, {"id": 128062, "name": "Left leg stretched", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Legs > Left leg stretched"}, {"id": 128103, "name": "Right leg stretched", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Legs > Right leg stretched"}, {"id": 24, "name": "Female", "path": "Sex and Gender > Sex > Female"}]}}], "files": [{"file_name": "42686.jpg", "id": 42686, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_38376", "reference": "Taf. 34", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "geometry": {"coordinates": [[[15.643053772, 48.58703121], [15.643052808, 48.587031182], [15.643052221, 48.587029907], [15.643051467, 48.587028743], [15.643050587, 48.587027578], [15.643049539, 48.587026857], [15.64304912, 48.58702622], [15.643048617, 48.587025721], [15.643050419, 48.587025028], [15.643054526, 48.587023614], [15.643057041, 48.587022533], [15.643058717, 48.587022089], [15.643060226, 48.587022283], [15.643062363, 48.587022394], [15.643063956, 48.58702184], [15.6430658, 48.58702037], [15.643068273, 48.587018763], [15.64307041, 48.587017737], [15.643071332, 48.58701843], [15.643072254, 48.58701965], [15.643073972, 48.587019955], [15.643076152, 48.587021008], [15.643064501, 48.587025859], [15.643061399, 48.587027384], [15.643060352, 48.587027495], [15.643059011, 48.587027772], [15.64305746, 48.587028964], [15.643055742, 48.587029879], [15.643054107, 48.587030461], [15.643053772, 48.58703121]]], "type": "Polygon"}, "id": 56969, "parent": 50505, "properties": {"description": "Irregular rectangular grave pit. Circumscribed by few stones. The bigger stones in the North-eastern corner most probably belong to grave 137, due to their deepening. They were position on the level of the skeleton but higher than burial G169S1. Burial located directly next to burial 137, separated only by the stone placements. Furthermore, burial 168 is positioned deeper in the ground than burial 137 (Skull 17 cm deeper). \r\nThe grave pit's eastern corner cuts into the small ditch, running next to it.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "302.0"}, {"id": 15679, "name": "Height", "path": "Dimensions > Height", "unit": "cm", "value": "24.0"}, {"id": 26189, "name": "Length", "path": "Dimensions > Length", "unit": "cm", "value": "194.0"}, {"id": 26188, "name": "Width", "path": "Dimensions > Width", "unit": "cm", "value": "67.0"}, {"id": 148713, "name": "Nearest Neighbour", "path": "Dimensions > Distance > Nearest Neighbour", "unit": "m", "value": "0.59"}, {"id": 118730, "name": "Azimuth", "path": "Dimensions > Azimuth", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "111"}], "maintype": {"id": 26205, "name": "Single Grave", "parent_id": 26204, "path": "Feature > Grave > Single Grave", "systemtype": "feature"}, "name": "Grave 169", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "262", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"id": 22309, "name": "Flat grave", "path": "Grave Characteristics > Grave Construction > Flat grave"}]}, "type": "Feature"}, {"burials": [{"id": 75189, "properties": {"description": "Adult-mature female (30-50 years). Oriented NW-SE. Skull positioned with its occiput towards the body and laying on its calvaria. Lower jaw dislocated as well. Skeleton slightly disturbed as a whole.\r\nNo grave goods.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "311.0"}], "maintype": {"id": 26519, "name": "Skeleton", "parent_id": 26516, "path": "Stratigraphic unit > Burial (strat Unit) > Skeleton", "systemtype": "stratigraphic_unit"}, "name": "G170S1", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "263", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"description": "years", "id": 117200, "name": "maximum age", "path": "Absolute Age > maximum age", "value": "50.0"}, {"description": "years", "id": 117199, "name": "minimum age", "path": "Absolute Age > minimum age", "value": "30.0"}, {"description": "[20,59.9]", "id": 22285, "name": "Adult-Matur", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Age > Grown up > Adult-Matur"}, {"id": 128072, "name": "Left arm not in situ", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Arms > Left arm not in situ"}, {"id": 128073, "name": "Right arm not in situ", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Arms > Right arm not in situ"}, {"id": 128052, "name": "Supine position", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > General > Supine position"}, {"id": 128097, "name": "Head not in situ", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Head > Head not in situ"}, {"id": 128064, "name": "Left leg slightly bent", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Legs > Left leg slightly bent"}, {"id": 128104, "name": "Right leg slightly bent", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Legs > Right leg slightly bent"}, {"id": 24, "name": "Female", "path": "Sex and Gender > Sex > Female"}]}}], "files": [{"file_name": "42687.jpg", "id": 42687, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_38379", "reference": "Taf. 36", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "geometry": {"coordinates": [[[15.643038182, 48.587046873], [15.643041073, 48.587048121], [15.643043672, 48.587049479], [15.643044719, 48.587050172], [15.643044217, 48.587050726], [15.643040906, 48.587052972], [15.643038182, 48.58705555], [15.643035751, 48.587057352], [15.643033907, 48.587058821], [15.64303244, 48.587059847], [15.643031099, 48.587060623], [15.643029716, 48.587060651], [15.643028165, 48.587060291], [15.643026908, 48.587059431], [15.64302607, 48.587058766], [15.643025357, 48.587057629], [15.643025064, 48.587056909], [15.643025064, 48.587056299], [15.643025944, 48.587055661], [15.643027872, 48.587054303], [15.643031141, 48.587052168], [15.64303353, 48.587050616], [15.643035541, 48.587048786], [15.643038182, 48.587046873]]], "type": "Polygon"}, "id": 56981, "parent": 50505, "properties": {"description": "Almost rectangular grave pit, slightly cut into the rock.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "311.0"}, {"id": 15679, "name": "Height", "path": "Dimensions > Height", "unit": "cm", "value": "35.0"}, {"id": 26189, "name": "Length", "path": "Dimensions > Length", "unit": "cm", "value": "172.0"}, {"id": 26188, "name": "Width", "path": "Dimensions > Width", "unit": "cm", "value": "69.0"}, {"id": 118730, "name": "Azimuth", "path": "Dimensions > Azimuth", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "126"}, {"id": 148713, "name": "Nearest Neighbour", "path": "Dimensions > Distance > Nearest Neighbour", "unit": "m", "value": "1.05"}], "maintype": {"id": 26205, "name": "Single Grave", "parent_id": 26204, "path": "Feature > Grave > Single Grave", "systemtype": "feature"}, "name": "Grave 170", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "263", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"id": 22309, "name": "Flat grave", "path": "Grave Characteristics > Grave Construction > Flat grave"}]}, "type": "Feature"}, {"burials": [{"id": 75201, "properties": {"description": "Juvenile individual (15-16 years). Oriented: NW-SE. Skull tilted down and to the left. Sholders pulled up. Right hand positioned on the thigh. Few bones of the upper body dislocated.\r\nNo grave goods. \r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "309.0"}], "maintype": {"id": 26519, "name": "Skeleton", "parent_id": 26516, "path": "Stratigraphic unit > Burial (strat Unit) > Skeleton", "systemtype": "stratigraphic_unit"}, "name": "G171S1", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "263", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"description": "[14,19.9]", "id": 22289, "name": "Juvenil", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Age > Juvenil"}, {"id": 128067, "name": "Left arm stretched", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Arms > Left arm stretched"}, {"id": 128068, "name": "Right arm stretched", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Arms > Right arm stretched"}, {"id": 128052, "name": "Supine position", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > General > Supine position"}, {"id": 128084, "name": "Left hand next to the body", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Hands > Left hand next to the body"}, {"id": 128085, "name": "Right hand next to the body", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Hands > Right hand next to the body"}, {"id": 128061, "name": "On the left side", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Head > On the left side"}, {"id": 128062, "name": "Left leg stretched", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Legs > Left leg stretched"}, {"id": 128103, "name": "Right leg stretched", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Legs > Right leg stretched"}, {"description": "Possible result of anthropological sex determination. In this context, undetermined means that not enough bone material or specific features were preserved to carry out a sex determination (unlike indifferent, where the preserved features were neither clearly male nor female).", "id": 22375, "name": "undetermined", "path": "Sex and Gender > Sex > undetermined"}]}}], "files": [{"file_name": "42688.jpg", "id": 42688, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_38382", "reference": "263", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "geometry": {"coordinates": [[[15.643076026, 48.587021091], [15.643077325, 48.587021784], [15.643078331, 48.587022865], [15.64307896, 48.587023863], [15.643078918, 48.587025305], [15.643078708, 48.587026414], [15.643075188, 48.587027606], [15.64306756, 48.587030406], [15.643062782, 48.587033178], [15.643059136, 48.587034814], [15.643058005, 48.587035562], [15.643057544, 48.587036034], [15.64305637, 48.58703595], [15.643054526, 48.587035285], [15.643053185, 48.587034204], [15.643052473, 48.587032929], [15.643053059, 48.587031709], [15.643054275, 48.587030267], [15.643057125, 48.587028937], [15.643059136, 48.587027717], [15.643061399, 48.587027246], [15.643065549, 48.587025166], [15.643070494, 48.587022976], [15.643073679, 48.587021951], [15.643076026, 48.587021091]]], "type": "Polygon"}, "id": 56987, "parent": 50505, "properties": {"description": "Almost rectangular grave pit, slightly cut into the rock. Stones positioned along one of the long sides of the pit. Burial delimited from burial 179 at the northern long side by stones belonging to grave 137 or stone stetting positioned exactly underneath. The burial is positioned approx. 10 cm underneath burial 137. But the grave pit of grave 171 is prolonged to the SE.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 148713, "name": "Nearest Neighbour", "path": "Dimensions > Distance > Nearest Neighbour", "unit": "m", "value": "0.5"}, {"id": 118730, "name": "Azimuth", "path": "Dimensions > Azimuth", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "114"}, {"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "309.0"}, {"id": 15679, "name": "Height", "path": "Dimensions > Height", "unit": "cm", "value": "28.0"}, {"id": 26189, "name": "Length", "path": "Dimensions > Length", "unit": "cm", "value": "205.0"}, {"id": 26188, "name": "Width", "path": "Dimensions > Width", "unit": "cm", "value": "50.0"}], "maintype": {"id": 26205, "name": "Single Grave", "parent_id": 26204, "path": "Feature > Grave > Single Grave", "systemtype": "feature"}, "name": "Grave 171", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "263", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"id": 22309, "name": "Flat grave", "path": "Grave Characteristics > Grave Construction > Flat grave"}]}, "type": "Feature"}, {"burials": [{"finds": [{"files": [{"file_name": "42692.jpg", "id": 42692, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_38388", "reference": "Taf. 36/1", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "id": 97899, "properties": {"description": "Rod-tanged knife made out of iron (length 10,5 cm, length tang 2,9 cm, width blade 1,0 cm, width back 0,15 cm). Cross-section of blade triangular, cross-section of tang rectangular. Tang and back divided by a step. Back of knife without buckling but after 4,3 cm slightly tilted towards the tip. Blade and tang divided by a slight step. Tilted towards the tip after 3,8 cm.\r\nFound next to the left hand with the tip pointing towards the feet.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26189, "name": "Length", "path": "Dimensions > Length", "unit": "cm", "value": "10.5"}, {"id": 26190, "name": "Thickness", "path": "Dimensions > Thickness", "unit": "cm", "value": "0.15"}, {"id": 26188, "name": "Width", "path": "Dimensions > Width", "unit": "cm", "value": "1.0"}], "maintype": {"id": 26245, "name": "Rod-Tanged Knife", "parent_id": 26244, "path": "Artifact > Cultural Object > Equipment > Knife > Rod-Tanged Knife", "systemtype": "artifact"}, "material": [{"id": 26540, "name": "Iron", "path": "Material > Metal > Iron", "value": "0.0"}], "name": "G172S1F01", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "263", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"id": 23451, "name": "Thigh left", "path": "Position of Find in Grave > Lower Body > Leg Left > Thigh left"}]}}], "id": 75213, "properties": {"description": "Child aged 2-3 years (infans 1). Oriented: NW-SE. Skull rolled to the front and left. Lower yaw on top of the spine and straight. Left upper arm dislocated. Burial bent sideways in the hip.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "302.0"}], "maintype": {"id": 26519, "name": "Skeleton", "parent_id": 26516, "path": "Stratigraphic unit > Burial (strat Unit) > Skeleton", "systemtype": "stratigraphic_unit"}, "name": "G172S1", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "263", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"description": "years", "id": 117200, "name": "maximum age", "path": "Absolute Age > maximum age", "value": "3.0"}, {"description": "years", "id": 117199, "name": "minimum age", "path": "Absolute Age > minimum age", "value": "2.0"}, {"description": "[0,6.9]", "id": 22279, "name": "Infans I", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Age > Child > Infans I-II > Infans I"}, {"id": 128068, "name": "Right arm stretched", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Arms > Right arm stretched"}, {"id": 128052, "name": "Supine position", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > General > Supine position"}, {"id": 128061, "name": "On the left side", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Head > On the left side"}, {"id": 128062, "name": "Left leg stretched", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Legs > Left leg stretched"}, {"id": 128103, "name": "Right leg stretched", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Legs > Right leg stretched"}, {"description": "Possible result of anthropological sex determination. In this context, undetermined means that not enough bone material or specific features were preserved to carry out a sex determination (unlike indifferent, where the preserved features were neither clearly male nor female).", "id": 22375, "name": "undetermined", "path": "Sex and Gender > Sex > undetermined"}]}}, {"finds": [{"files": [{"file_name": "118098.jpg", "id": 118098, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "NB_11131", "reference": "Taf. 36/2", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "id": 118096, "properties": {"description": "Needle made out of copper alloy, both ends missing. Bent. One end tapered. Cross-section round.\r\nFound next to the grave pit.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26191, "name": "Diameter", "path": "Dimensions > Diameter", "unit": "cm", "value": "0.1"}, {"id": 26189, "name": "Length", "path": "Dimensions > Length", "unit": "cm", "value": "7.7"}], "maintype": {"id": 26250, "name": "Needle", "parent_id": 26223, "path": "Artifact > Cultural Object > Equipment > Needle", "systemtype": "artifact"}, "material": [{"id": 26546, "name": "Copper Alloy", "path": "Material > Metal > Non-Ferrous Metal > Copper Alloy", "value": "0.0"}], "name": "G172S2F01", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "263", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}}}], "id": 118094, "properties": {"description": "Find, found next to the grave pit.", "dimensions": [{"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "302.0"}], "maintype": {"id": 26513, "name": "None/Unknown/Strayfind", "parent_id": 13365, "path": "Stratigraphic unit > None/Unknown/Strayfind", "systemtype": "stratigraphic_unit"}, "name": "G172S2", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "263", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}}}], "files": [{"file_name": "42691.jpg", "id": 42691, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_38385", "reference": "Taf. 36", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "geometry": {"coordinates": [[[15.643092899, 48.586949007], [15.643093612, 48.586949866], [15.64309424, 48.586949561], [15.643094953, 48.586949284], [15.643096, 48.586948979], [15.643096671, 48.586949007], [15.643097216, 48.586949478], [15.643097677, 48.586949811], [15.643098305, 48.586949423], [15.643099102, 48.586948674], [15.643099437, 48.586948286], [15.643099437, 48.586947732], [15.643099479, 48.586947399], [15.643100233, 48.586947593], [15.643100946, 48.586947732], [15.643100862, 48.586947205], [15.643102203, 48.58694715], [15.643103712, 48.586946955], [15.643104634, 48.586946318], [15.643105514, 48.58694568], [15.643105933, 48.58694532], [15.643106017, 48.58694446], [15.64310543, 48.58694374], [15.643105011, 48.586943324], [15.643100736, 48.586944876], [15.643099479, 48.58694532], [15.643099102, 48.586946068], [15.643096042, 48.586947288], [15.643093947, 48.586948286], [15.643092899, 48.586949007]]], "type": "Polygon"}, "id": 56993, "parent": 50505, "properties": {"description": "Irregular rectangular grave pit, partly cut into the rock. Backfilling in the northwestern corner contains a lot of stones. Rest of the stones surrounded by a couple of stones. In the backfilling above the skull and upper body of the burial more stones were found.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "302.0"}, {"id": 15679, "name": "Height", "path": "Dimensions > Height", "unit": "cm", "value": "31.0"}, {"id": 26189, "name": "Length", "path": "Dimensions > Length", "unit": "cm", "value": "165.0"}, {"id": 26188, "name": "Width", "path": "Dimensions > Width", "unit": "cm", "value": "62.0"}, {"id": 118730, "name": "Azimuth", "path": "Dimensions > Azimuth", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "115"}, {"id": 148713, "name": "Nearest Neighbour", "path": "Dimensions > Distance > Nearest Neighbour", "unit": "m", "value": "0.5"}], "maintype": {"id": 26205, "name": "Single Grave", "parent_id": 26204, "path": "Feature > Grave > Single Grave", "systemtype": "feature"}, "name": "Grave 172", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "263", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"id": 22309, "name": "Flat grave", "path": "Grave Characteristics > Grave Construction > Flat grave"}]}, "type": "Feature"}, {"burials": [{"finds": [{"files": [{"file_name": "42694.jpg", "id": 42694, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_38393", "reference": "Taf. 36/3", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "id": 97863, "properties": {"description": "Rod-tanged knife made out of iron (length 9,2 cm, width blade 1,2 cm, width back 0,15 cm). Cross-section of blade triangular. Tang and back divided by a step. Back of knife without buckling but after 4,5 cm slightly tilted towards the tip. Blade and tang divided by a step. Tilted towards the tip after 7 cm. Possible fragment of the tang found, 1,6 cm.\r\nFound underneath the left thigh.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26190, "name": "Thickness", "path": "Dimensions > Thickness", "unit": "cm", "value": "0.15"}, {"id": 26188, "name": "Width", "path": "Dimensions > Width", "unit": "cm", "value": "1.2"}], "maintype": {"id": 26245, "name": "Rod-Tanged Knife", "parent_id": 26244, "path": "Artifact > Cultural Object > Equipment > Knife > Rod-Tanged Knife", "systemtype": "artifact"}, "material": [{"id": 26540, "name": "Iron", "path": "Material > Metal > Iron", "value": "0.0"}], "name": "G173S1F01", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "263", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"id": 23451, "name": "Thigh left", "path": "Position of Find in Grave > Lower Body > Leg Left > Thigh left"}]}}, {"files": [{"file_name": "42695.jpg", "id": 42695, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_38395", "reference": "Taf. 36/4", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "id": 102835, "properties": {"description": "Few fragments of a thin iron sheet. Wooden remains as well as remains of fabric found in the corrosion layer. Some pieces show a centerfold.\r\nFound underneath the right femur epiphysis.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26189, "name": "Length", "path": "Dimensions > Length", "unit": "cm", "value": "0.7"}, {"id": 26188, "name": "Width", "path": "Dimensions > Width", "unit": "cm", "value": "0.7"}], "maintype": {"id": 26506, "name": "Varia", "parent_id": 205561, "path": "Artifact > Cultural Object > Varia", "systemtype": "artifact"}, "material": [{"id": 26540, "name": "Iron", "path": "Material > Metal > Iron", "value": "0.0"}], "name": "G173S1F02", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "263", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"id": 23456, "name": "Thigh right", "path": "Position of Find in Grave > Lower Body > Leg right > Thigh right"}]}}], "id": 75219, "properties": {"description": "Child aged 9-13 years (infans 2). Oriented: 287\u00b0. Disturbed. Only skull and lower extremities in situ.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "287.0"}], "maintype": {"id": 26519, "name": "Skeleton", "parent_id": 26516, "path": "Stratigraphic unit > Burial (strat Unit) > Skeleton", "systemtype": "stratigraphic_unit"}, "name": "G173S1", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "263", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"description": "years", "id": 117200, "name": "maximum age", "path": "Absolute Age > maximum age", "value": "13.0"}, {"description": "years", "id": 117199, "name": "minimum age", "path": "Absolute Age > minimum age", "value": "9.0"}, {"description": "[7,13.9]", "id": 22280, "name": "Infans II", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Age > Child > Infans I-II > Infans II"}, {"id": 128052, "name": "Supine position", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > General > Supine position"}, {"id": 128062, "name": "Left leg stretched", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Legs > Left leg stretched"}, {"id": 128103, "name": "Right leg stretched", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Legs > Right leg stretched"}, {"description": "Possible result of anthropological sex determination. In this context, undetermined means that not enough bone material or specific features were preserved to carry out a sex determination (unlike indifferent, where the preserved features were neither clearly male nor female).", "id": 22375, "name": "undetermined", "path": "Sex and Gender > Sex > undetermined"}]}}], "files": [{"file_name": "42693.jpg", "id": 42693, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_38390", "reference": "Taf. 36", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "geometry": {"coordinates": [[[15.642996083, 48.586985038], [15.642997739, 48.586984997], [15.642999751, 48.586984816], [15.64300216, 48.586984512], [15.643004025, 48.586984137], [15.643005387, 48.586983985], [15.643006163, 48.586983985], [15.643007294, 48.586984304], [15.643008426, 48.586984345], [15.643009264, 48.58698404], [15.643009599, 48.586983416], [15.643009997, 48.586982224], [15.643010437, 48.586981157], [15.643010794, 48.586980187], [15.643011045, 48.586979424], [15.643010836, 48.586979022], [15.643010165, 48.586978773], [15.643008845, 48.586978565], [15.643008007, 48.586978482], [15.643006812, 48.586978704], [15.643004549, 48.586979314], [15.643001846, 48.586979771], [15.642999876, 48.586980145], [15.642998074, 48.586980741], [15.642996503, 48.586981171], [15.642994994, 48.586981725], [15.642994428, 48.586982391], [15.642994344, 48.586982945], [15.642994365, 48.586983652], [15.642994449, 48.586984304], [15.642994868, 48.586984719], [15.642995476, 48.586984955], [15.642996083, 48.586985038]]], "type": "Polygon"}, "id": 57023, "parent": 50505, "properties": {"description": "Irregular rectangular grave pit.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "287.0"}, {"id": 26189, "name": "Length", "path": "Dimensions > Length", "unit": "cm", "value": "133.0"}, {"id": 26188, "name": "Width", "path": "Dimensions > Width", "unit": "cm", "value": "61.0"}, {"id": 148713, "name": "Nearest Neighbour", "path": "Dimensions > Distance > Nearest Neighbour", "unit": "m", "value": "0.99"}, {"id": 118730, "name": "Azimuth", "path": "Dimensions > Azimuth", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "101"}], "maintype": {"id": 26205, "name": "Single Grave", "parent_id": 26204, "path": "Feature > Grave > Single Grave", "systemtype": "feature"}, "name": "Grave 173", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "263", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"id": 22309, "name": "Flat grave", "path": "Grave Characteristics > Grave Construction > Flat grave"}]}, "type": "Feature"}, {"burials": [{"id": 75231, "properties": {"description": "Child aged 0 to 1 month. Oriented: NW-SE. Especially lower body disturbed. Skull positioned on bedrock.\r\nNo grave goods.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "305.0"}], "maintype": {"id": 26519, "name": "Skeleton", "parent_id": 26516, "path": "Stratigraphic unit > Burial (strat Unit) > Skeleton", "systemtype": "stratigraphic_unit"}, "name": "G174S1", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "263", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"description": "years", "id": 117200, "name": "maximum age", "path": "Absolute Age > maximum age", "value": "0.08"}, {"description": "years", "id": 117199, "name": "minimum age", "path": "Absolute Age > minimum age", "value": "0.0"}, {"description": "[0,0.25]", "id": 22282, "name": "Neonatus", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Age > Child > Neonatus"}, {"id": 128052, "name": "Supine position", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > General > Supine position"}, {"id": 128059, "name": "Head straight", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Head > Head straight"}, {"description": "Possible result of anthropological sex determination. In this context, undetermined means that not enough bone material or specific features were preserved to carry out a sex determination (unlike indifferent, where the preserved features were neither clearly male nor female).", "id": 22375, "name": "undetermined", "path": "Sex and Gender > Sex > undetermined"}]}}], "files": [{"file_name": "42696.jpg", "id": 42696, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_38397", "reference": "Taf. 36", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "geometry": {"coordinates": [[[15.643084869, 48.58690194], [15.643084282, 48.586901275], [15.643083528, 48.586900277], [15.643082857, 48.586899639], [15.643082396, 48.58689914], [15.643082857, 48.586898641], [15.643084031, 48.586898225], [15.643084911, 48.586897865], [15.643085958, 48.586897394], [15.643087048, 48.586897227], [15.643087761, 48.586897172], [15.643088934, 48.586896728], [15.643090485, 48.586896202], [15.643091826, 48.586895841], [15.643093083, 48.58689562], [15.643093963, 48.586895647], [15.643094676, 48.586896174], [15.643095304, 48.586896701], [15.643095849, 48.586897283], [15.643096059, 48.586897921], [15.643095849, 48.586898614], [15.643093754, 48.586899501], [15.643090778, 48.586900499], [15.643088263, 48.586901303], [15.643086336, 48.586901719], [15.643085655, 48.586901975], [15.643084869, 48.58690194]]], "type": "Polygon"}, "id": 57017, "parent": 50505, "properties": {"description": "Rectangular grave pit, slightly cut into the rock. Few stones alongside the edges.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 148713, "name": "Nearest Neighbour", "path": "Dimensions > Distance > Nearest Neighbour", "unit": "m", "value": "0.4"}, {"id": 118730, "name": "Azimuth", "path": "Dimensions > Azimuth", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "105"}, {"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "305.0"}, {"id": 15679, "name": "Height", "path": "Dimensions > Height", "unit": "cm", "value": "11.0"}, {"id": 26189, "name": "Length", "path": "Dimensions > Length", "unit": "cm", "value": "88.0"}, {"id": 26188, "name": "Width", "path": "Dimensions > Width", "unit": "cm", "value": "43.0"}], "maintype": {"id": 26205, "name": "Single Grave", "parent_id": 26204, "path": "Feature > Grave > Single Grave", "systemtype": "feature"}, "name": "Grave 174", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "263", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"id": 22300, "name": "Earth pit", "path": "Grave Characteristics > Grave Construction > Earth pit"}, {"id": 22309, "name": "Flat grave", "path": "Grave Characteristics > Grave Construction > Flat grave"}]}, "type": "Feature"}, {"burials": [{"id": 78437, "properties": {"description": "Mature male (40-60 years). Oriented NW-SE. Skull fragmented and tilted down. Right femur positioned on a stone.\r\nNo grave goods.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "308.0"}], "maintype": {"id": 26519, "name": "Skeleton", "parent_id": 26516, "path": "Stratigraphic unit > Burial (strat Unit) > Skeleton", "systemtype": "stratigraphic_unit"}, "name": "G175S1", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "263", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"description": "[40,59.9]", "id": 22286, "name": "Matur", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Age > Grown up > Matur"}, {"id": 128067, "name": "Left arm stretched", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Arms > Left arm stretched"}, {"id": 128068, "name": "Right arm stretched", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Arms > Right arm stretched"}, {"id": 128052, "name": "Supine position", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > General > Supine position"}, {"id": 128085, "name": "Right hand next to the body", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Hands > Right hand next to the body"}, {"id": 128061, "name": "On the left side", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Head > On the left side"}, {"id": 128062, "name": "Left leg stretched", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Legs > Left leg stretched"}, {"id": 128103, "name": "Right leg stretched", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Legs > Right leg stretched"}, {"id": 25, "name": "Male", "path": "Sex and Gender > Sex > Male"}]}}], "files": [{"file_name": "42697.jpg", "id": 42697, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_38400", "reference": "Taf. 37", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "geometry": {"coordinates": [[[15.643238467, 48.586950233], [15.643258919, 48.586942082], [15.643259631, 48.586941528], [15.643259464, 48.586940807], [15.643257997, 48.586938977], [15.643257285, 48.586938229], [15.643256572, 48.586937508], [15.643255147, 48.586937092], [15.643254141, 48.586937009], [15.643253052, 48.586936954], [15.643250453, 48.586937813], [15.64324555, 48.586940059], [15.643242071, 48.586941556], [15.643238048, 48.586943552], [15.643235953, 48.586944771], [15.643233899, 48.586945908], [15.643233522, 48.586946546], [15.643234109, 48.586947599], [15.643235575, 48.586948847], [15.643236623, 48.586949845], [15.643237419, 48.586950288], [15.643238467, 48.586950233]]], "type": "Polygon"}, "id": 57029, "parent": 50505, "properties": {"description": "Almost rectangular grave pit, slightly cut into the rock. Eastern corner undocumented due to trench's profile.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 118730, "name": "Azimuth", "path": "Dimensions > Azimuth", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "112"}, {"id": 148713, "name": "Nearest Neighbour", "path": "Dimensions > Distance > Nearest Neighbour", "unit": "m", "value": "1.58"}, {"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "308.0"}, {"id": 26189, "name": "Length", "path": "Dimensions > Length", "unit": "cm", "value": "205.0"}, {"id": 26188, "name": "Width", "path": "Dimensions > Width", "unit": "cm", "value": "76.0"}], "maintype": {"id": 26205, "name": "Single Grave", "parent_id": 26204, "path": "Feature > Grave > Single Grave", "systemtype": "feature"}, "name": "Grave 175", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "263", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"id": 22300, "name": "Earth pit", "path": "Grave Characteristics > Grave Construction > Earth pit"}, {"id": 22309, "name": "Flat grave", "path": "Grave Characteristics > Grave Construction > Flat grave"}]}, "type": "Feature"}, {"burials": [{"id": 75237, "properties": {"description": "Juvenial male (16-18 years). Oriented: NW-SE. Skull fragmented, lower jaw laying on the spine. Clavicles dislocated.\r\nNo grave goods.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "304.0"}], "maintype": {"id": 26519, "name": "Skeleton", "parent_id": 26516, "path": "Stratigraphic unit > Burial (strat Unit) > Skeleton", "systemtype": "stratigraphic_unit"}, "name": "G175S1", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "264", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"description": "years", "id": 117200, "name": "maximum age", "path": "Absolute Age > maximum age", "value": "18.0"}, {"description": "years", "id": 117199, "name": "minimum age", "path": "Absolute Age > minimum age", "value": "16.0"}, {"description": "[14,19.9]", "id": 22289, "name": "Juvenil", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Age > Juvenil"}, {"id": 128067, "name": "Left arm stretched", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Arms > Left arm stretched"}, {"id": 128068, "name": "Right arm stretched", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Arms > Right arm stretched"}, {"id": 128052, "name": "Supine position", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > General > Supine position"}, {"id": 128084, "name": "Left hand next to the body", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Hands > Left hand next to the body"}, {"id": 128059, "name": "Head straight", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Head > Head straight"}, {"id": 128062, "name": "Left leg stretched", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Legs > Left leg stretched"}, {"id": 128103, "name": "Right leg stretched", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Legs > Right leg stretched"}, {"id": 25, "name": "Male", "path": "Sex and Gender > Sex > Male"}]}}], "files": [{"file_name": "42698.jpg", "id": 42698, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_38403", "reference": "Taf. 37", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "geometry": {"coordinates": [[[15.64324006, 48.586936926], [15.643241527, 48.586936011], [15.643242868, 48.586935207], [15.64324467, 48.586934126], [15.643245759, 48.586933378], [15.643247059, 48.586933017], [15.643248106, 48.586932712], [15.643248777, 48.586932324], [15.643249992, 48.586931382], [15.643250118, 48.586930827], [15.643250747, 48.586930384], [15.643252088, 48.586929607], [15.643253596, 48.586928443], [15.643255231, 48.586927445], [15.643256698, 48.586926502], [15.643257326, 48.586925782], [15.643257704, 48.586925144], [15.643257117, 48.586924506], [15.643256069, 48.586923758], [15.643255021, 48.586923176], [15.643253806, 48.586922704], [15.643252674, 48.586922871], [15.643251082, 48.586923924], [15.643249112, 48.586925199], [15.643246933, 48.586926807], [15.643244334, 48.586927861], [15.643241359, 48.586929496], [15.64323897, 48.586930772], [15.64323633, 48.586932019], [15.64323436, 48.586932934], [15.64323436, 48.586933987], [15.643234947, 48.58693468], [15.643235827, 48.586935651], [15.643237, 48.586936288], [15.643238467, 48.586936787], [15.643239263, 48.586937065], [15.64324006, 48.586936926]]], "type": "Polygon"}, "id": 57035, "parent": 50505, "properties": {"description": "Almost rectangular grave pit, slightly cut into the rock.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "304.0"}, {"id": 15679, "name": "Height", "path": "Dimensions > Height", "unit": "cm", "value": "12.0"}, {"id": 26189, "name": "Length", "path": "Dimensions > Length", "unit": "cm", "value": "204.0"}, {"id": 26188, "name": "Width", "path": "Dimensions > Width", "unit": "cm", "value": "60.0"}, {"id": 118730, "name": "Azimuth", "path": "Dimensions > Azimuth", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "119"}, {"id": 148713, "name": "Nearest Neighbour", "path": "Dimensions > Distance > Nearest Neighbour", "unit": "m", "value": "1.58"}], "maintype": {"id": 26205, "name": "Single Grave", "parent_id": 26204, "path": "Feature > Grave > Single Grave", "systemtype": "feature"}, "name": "Grave 176", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "263", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"id": 22309, "name": "Flat grave", "path": "Grave Characteristics > Grave Construction > Flat grave"}]}, "type": "Feature"}, {"burials": [{"id": 75243, "properties": {"description": "Child aged 24-30 months (infans 1). Bones scattered over a 52 x 13 cm big area. Oriented: approx. WNW-ESE. Only skull fragments and two fragments of long bones preserved.\r\nNo grave goods.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "289.0"}], "maintype": {"id": 26519, "name": "Skeleton", "parent_id": 26516, "path": "Stratigraphic unit > Burial (strat Unit) > Skeleton", "systemtype": "stratigraphic_unit"}, "name": "G177S1", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "264", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"description": "years", "id": 117200, "name": "maximum age", "path": "Absolute Age > maximum age", "value": "2.5"}, {"description": "years", "id": 117199, "name": "minimum age", "path": "Absolute Age > minimum age", "value": "2.0"}, {"description": "[0,6.9]", "id": 22279, "name": "Infans I", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Age > Child > Infans I-II > Infans I"}, {"description": "Possible result of anthropological sex determination. In this context, undetermined means that not enough bone material or specific features were preserved to carry out a sex determination (unlike indifferent, where the preserved features were neither clearly male nor female).", "id": 22375, "name": "undetermined", "path": "Sex and Gender > Sex > undetermined"}]}}], "files": [{"file_name": "42699.jpg", "id": 42699, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_38406", "reference": "Taf. 34", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "geometry": {"coordinates": [[[15.643055155, 48.58696365], [15.643052137, 48.586964593], [15.643050796, 48.586965092], [15.643049916, 48.586965369], [15.643049497, 48.58696573], [15.643049707, 48.586966256], [15.643050335, 48.586966534], [15.643051551, 48.586966534], [15.643052431, 48.586966478], [15.643053479, 48.586966118], [15.643054862, 48.586965563], [15.643056077, 48.586965203], [15.643056664, 48.58696487], [15.643056873, 48.58696426], [15.643056161, 48.586963817], [15.643055155, 48.58696365]]], "type": "Polygon"}, "id": 57041, "parent": 50505, "properties": {"description": "Grave pit not detectable.\r\nBurial 177 is positioned approx. 7 cm above burial 160 - the skull fragments of burial 177 are positioned above the thighs of burial 160. Both burials are oriented in a resembling manor. Both burials might have been buried in the same grave pit.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 148713, "name": "Nearest Neighbour", "path": "Dimensions > Distance > Nearest Neighbour", "unit": "m", "value": "0.17"}, {"id": 118730, "name": "Azimuth", "path": "Dimensions > Azimuth", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "109"}, {"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "289.0"}], "maintype": {"id": 26205, "name": "Single Grave", "parent_id": 26204, "path": "Feature > Grave > Single Grave", "systemtype": "feature"}, "name": "Grave 177", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "264", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"id": 22309, "name": "Flat grave", "path": "Grave Characteristics > Grave Construction > Flat grave"}]}, "type": "Feature"}, {"burials": [{"id": 78455, "properties": {"description": "Child aged 24-30 months. Grave pit oriented: WNW-ESE. Only skull fragments preserved. The lower jaw found with the human remains probably belongs to the burial in grave 160.\r\nNo grave goods.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "282.0"}], "maintype": {"id": 26519, "name": "Skeleton", "parent_id": 26516, "path": "Stratigraphic unit > Burial (strat Unit) > Skeleton", "systemtype": "stratigraphic_unit"}, "name": "G178S1", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "264", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"description": "[0,6.9]", "id": 22279, "name": "Infans I", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Age > Child > Infans I-II > Infans I"}, {"description": "Possible result of anthropological sex determination. In this context, undetermined means that not enough bone material or specific features were preserved to carry out a sex determination (unlike indifferent, where the preserved features were neither clearly male nor female).", "id": 22375, "name": "undetermined", "path": "Sex and Gender > Sex > undetermined"}]}}], "files": [{"file_name": "41953.jpg", "id": 41953, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_38409", "reference": "Taf. 34", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "geometry": {"coordinates": [[[15.643051928, 48.58697169], [15.643052934, 48.58697169], [15.643054191, 48.586971579], [15.643055742, 48.586971163], [15.643056999, 48.586971135], [15.643058717, 48.586971135], [15.643059555, 48.586970803], [15.643059807, 48.586970137], [15.643060016, 48.586969278], [15.643059891, 48.586968391], [15.643059681, 48.586967892], [15.643058592, 48.586967781], [15.643056664, 48.58696828], [15.643055323, 48.586968502], [15.643053185, 48.586968751], [15.643051676, 48.586969167], [15.643050838, 48.586969777], [15.643050796, 48.586970387], [15.643050796, 48.586971135], [15.64305109, 48.586971579], [15.643051928, 48.58697169]]], "type": "Polygon"}, "id": 59645, "parent": 50505, "properties": {"description": "Almost rectangular grave pit. \r\nGrave seems to superimpose grave 86. The grave is cut in half by a small ditch.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "282.0"}, {"id": 26189, "name": "Length", "path": "Dimensions > Length", "unit": "cm", "value": "70.0"}, {"id": 26188, "name": "Width", "path": "Dimensions > Width", "unit": "cm", "value": "42.0"}, {"id": 118730, "name": "Azimuth", "path": "Dimensions > Azimuth", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "100"}, {"id": 148713, "name": "Nearest Neighbour", "path": "Dimensions > Distance > Nearest Neighbour", "unit": "m", "value": "0.51"}], "maintype": {"id": 26205, "name": "Single Grave", "parent_id": 26204, "path": "Feature > Grave > Single Grave", "systemtype": "feature"}, "name": "Grave 178", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "264", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"id": 22309, "name": "Flat grave", "path": "Grave Characteristics > Grave Construction > Flat grave"}]}, "type": "Feature"}, {"burials": [{"id": 75255, "properties": {"description": "Mature male (40-50 years). Oriented: NW-SE. Upper body and pelvic region slightly disturbed. Arms preserved underneath stones.\r\nNo grave goods.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "314.0"}], "maintype": {"id": 26519, "name": "Skeleton", "parent_id": 26516, "path": "Stratigraphic unit > Burial (strat Unit) > Skeleton", "systemtype": "stratigraphic_unit"}, "name": "G179S1", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "264", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"description": "years", "id": 117200, "name": "maximum age", "path": "Absolute Age > maximum age", "value": "50.0"}, {"description": "years", "id": 117199, "name": "minimum age", "path": "Absolute Age > minimum age", "value": "40.0"}, {"description": "[40,59.9]", "id": 22286, "name": "Matur", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Age > Grown up > Matur"}, {"id": 128052, "name": "Supine position", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > General > Supine position"}, {"id": 128059, "name": "Head straight", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Head > Head straight"}, {"id": 128062, "name": "Left leg stretched", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Legs > Left leg stretched"}, {"id": 128103, "name": "Right leg stretched", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Legs > Right leg stretched"}, {"id": 25, "name": "Male", "path": "Sex and Gender > Sex > Male"}]}}], "files": [{"file_name": "41836.jpg", "id": 41836, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_38412", "reference": "Taf. 36", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "geometry": {"coordinates": [[[15.643061232, 48.587038639], [15.643061902, 48.587037974], [15.643064207, 48.58703681], [15.643066638, 48.587035424], [15.643069488, 48.587034093], [15.643071835, 48.587032901], [15.643073092, 48.587032263], [15.643074056, 48.587032236], [15.643074769, 48.587032735], [15.643075439, 48.587033178], [15.643076277, 48.587033178], [15.64307678, 48.587032735], [15.643078163, 48.58703218], [15.643078582, 48.587031792], [15.643078876, 48.587031321], [15.64307963, 48.587031016], [15.643080301, 48.587030683], [15.643080384, 48.587030267], [15.643080426, 48.587029824], [15.643081097, 48.587029297], [15.643081306, 48.587028604], [15.643080804, 48.587027772], [15.643079337, 48.587026774], [15.643078834, 48.587026469], [15.643072883, 48.587028382], [15.6430702, 48.587029408], [15.643067728, 48.587030351], [15.643065884, 48.587031099], [15.643064752, 48.587031903], [15.643063495, 48.587032624], [15.643061902, 48.587033788], [15.643059514, 48.587034703], [15.64305767, 48.587035645], [15.64305767, 48.587036477], [15.643057795, 48.587037087], [15.64305834, 48.587037614], [15.643059639, 48.587038224], [15.643060394, 48.587038501], [15.643061232, 48.587038639]]], "type": "Polygon"}, "id": 59687, "parent": 50505, "properties": {"description": "Almost rectangular grave pit, slightly cut into the rock. Surrounded by stones. The burial is laying between the bordering stones of burial 164 and 137 but approx. 15 cm deeper than those. The burial is bordered by the stones of grave 164 at the northern long side and at the southern long side by those of grave 137 (respectively by stones stettings running exactly below those stone settings).\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 118730, "name": "Azimuth", "path": "Dimensions > Azimuth", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "110"}, {"id": 148713, "name": "Nearest Neighbour", "path": "Dimensions > Distance > Nearest Neighbour", "unit": "m", "value": "0.5"}, {"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "314.0"}, {"id": 15679, "name": "Height", "path": "Dimensions > Height", "unit": "cm", "value": "36.0"}, {"id": 26189, "name": "Length", "path": "Dimensions > Length", "unit": "cm", "value": "207.0"}, {"id": 26188, "name": "Width", "path": "Dimensions > Width", "unit": "cm", "value": "30.0"}], "maintype": {"id": 26205, "name": "Single Grave", "parent_id": 26204, "path": "Feature > Grave > Single Grave", "systemtype": "feature"}, "name": "Grave 179", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "264", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"id": 22309, "name": "Flat grave", "path": "Grave Characteristics > Grave Construction > Flat grave"}]}, "type": "Feature"}, {"burials": [{"id": 78461, "properties": {"description": "Bones lost without a trace. Grave pit oriented approx. NW-SE. Only some scattered long bones preserved.\r\nNo grave goods.\r\n\r\n", "maintype": {"id": 26519, "name": "Skeleton", "parent_id": 26516, "path": "Stratigraphic unit > Burial (strat Unit) > Skeleton", "systemtype": "stratigraphic_unit"}, "name": "G180S1", "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}}}], "files": [{"file_name": "41954.jpg", "id": 41954, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_38415", "reference": "Taf. 38", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "geometry": {"coordinates": [[[15.643222081, 48.586948181], [15.643223296, 48.586948874], [15.643224595, 48.586949373], [15.643225852, 48.586949761], [15.643226858, 48.586949872], [15.643228241, 48.586949484], [15.643229415, 48.586948542], [15.64323063, 48.586947655], [15.643231804, 48.586946934], [15.643233061, 48.586946268], [15.643234067, 48.586945492], [15.643234821, 48.586944855], [15.643234737, 48.586944162], [15.643234276, 48.586943358], [15.643233396, 48.586942748], [15.643232935, 48.586942249], [15.643231678, 48.586941888], [15.643230295, 48.586942193], [15.643228996, 48.586942692], [15.643227948, 48.586943552], [15.643226481, 48.586944716], [15.643225266, 48.586945659], [15.643224092, 48.586946518], [15.64322338, 48.586946989], [15.643222416, 48.586947571], [15.643222081, 48.586948181]]], "type": "Polygon"}, "id": 59681, "parent": 50505, "properties": {"description": "Irregular rectangular grave pit, cut into the rock. Some stones placed along the edges.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26189, "name": "Length", "path": "Dimensions > Length", "unit": "cm", "value": "106.0"}, {"id": 26188, "name": "Width", "path": "Dimensions > Width", "unit": "cm", "value": "47.0"}, {"id": 118730, "name": "Azimuth", "path": "Dimensions > Azimuth", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "124"}, {"id": 148713, "name": "Nearest Neighbour", "path": "Dimensions > Distance > Nearest Neighbour", "unit": "m", "value": "0.94"}], "maintype": {"id": 26205, "name": "Single Grave", "parent_id": 26204, "path": "Feature > Grave > Single Grave", "systemtype": "feature"}, "name": "Grave 180", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "264", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"id": 22309, "name": "Flat grave", "path": "Grave Characteristics > Grave Construction > Flat grave"}]}, "type": "Feature"}, {"burials": [{"id": 78473, "properties": {"description": "Toddler (infans). Grave pit oriented approx. NW-SE. Documentation of burial lost without a trace. A skull fragment preserved.\r\nNo grave goods.\r\n\r\n", "maintype": {"id": 26519, "name": "Skeleton", "parent_id": 26516, "path": "Stratigraphic unit > Burial (strat Unit) > Skeleton", "systemtype": "stratigraphic_unit"}, "name": "G181S1", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "264", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"description": "[0,13.9]", "id": 22278, "name": "Child", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Age > Child"}, {"description": "Possible result of anthropological sex determination. In this context, undetermined means that not enough bone material or specific features were preserved to carry out a sex determination (unlike indifferent, where the preserved features were neither clearly male nor female).", "id": 22375, "name": "undetermined", "path": "Sex and Gender > Sex > undetermined"}]}}], "geometry": {"coordinates": [[[15.643215606, 48.586943857], [15.643216528, 48.586943566], [15.643217491, 48.586943177], [15.64321856, 48.586942845], [15.643219755, 48.586942457], [15.643221159, 48.586941971], [15.643222479, 48.586941625], [15.643223568, 48.586941237], [15.643224302, 48.586940738], [15.643224742, 48.586940267], [15.643224658, 48.58693974], [15.643224155, 48.586939158], [15.643223505, 48.586938575], [15.643222458, 48.586937813], [15.64322162, 48.586937383], [15.643220446, 48.586937577], [15.643220237, 48.586938132], [15.643219671, 48.58693852], [15.643218183, 48.58693913], [15.643216548, 48.586939615], [15.643214851, 48.586940308], [15.643213866, 48.58694071], [15.643213028, 48.586941029], [15.643212839, 48.586941445], [15.643213028, 48.586941985], [15.643213615, 48.586942762], [15.643214097, 48.586943261], [15.643214642, 48.586943593], [15.64321504, 48.586943815], [15.643215606, 48.586943857]]], "type": "Polygon"}, "id": 59693, "parent": 50505, "properties": {"description": "Almost rectangular grave pit, cut into the rock.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26189, "name": "Length", "path": "Dimensions > Length", "unit": "cm", "value": "88.0"}, {"id": 26188, "name": "Width", "path": "Dimensions > Width", "unit": "cm", "value": "40.0"}, {"id": 148713, "name": "Nearest Neighbour", "path": "Dimensions > Distance > Nearest Neighbour", "unit": "m", "value": "0.94"}, {"id": 118730, "name": "Azimuth", "path": "Dimensions > Azimuth", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "108"}], "maintype": {"id": 26205, "name": "Single Grave", "parent_id": 26204, "path": "Feature > Grave > Single Grave", "systemtype": "feature"}, "name": "Grave 181", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "264", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"id": 22309, "name": "Flat grave", "path": "Grave Characteristics > Grave Construction > Flat grave"}]}, "type": "Feature"}, {"burials": [{"id": 78467, "properties": {"description": "Child aged 8-9 years (infans 2). Skull and pelvis fragments as well as a long bone preserved.\r\nNo grave goods.\r\n\r\n", "maintype": {"id": 26519, "name": "Skeleton", "parent_id": 26516, "path": "Stratigraphic unit > Burial (strat Unit) > Skeleton", "systemtype": "stratigraphic_unit"}, "name": "G182S1", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "264", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"description": "years", "id": 117200, "name": "maximum age", "path": "Absolute Age > maximum age", "value": "9.0"}, {"description": "years", "id": 117199, "name": "minimum age", "path": "Absolute Age > minimum age", "value": "8.0"}, {"description": "[7,13.9]", "id": 22280, "name": "Infans II", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Age > Child > Infans I-II > Infans II"}, {"description": "Possible result of anthropological sex determination. In this context, undetermined means that not enough bone material or specific features were preserved to carry out a sex determination (unlike indifferent, where the preserved features were neither clearly male nor female).", "id": 22375, "name": "undetermined", "path": "Sex and Gender > Sex > undetermined"}]}}], "geometry": {"coordinates": [[[15.643119302, 48.587006032], [15.643121439, 48.58700764], [15.64312651, 48.587005117], [15.643123661, 48.587003481], [15.643119302, 48.587006032]]], "type": "Polygon"}, "id": 57059, "parent": 50505, "properties": {"description": "Undocumented. Known coordinates and level details locate the burial close to the upper end of grave 118 but deeper.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 148713, "name": "Nearest Neighbour", "path": "Dimensions > Distance > Nearest Neighbour", "unit": "m", "value": "0.85"}, {"id": 118730, "name": "Azimuth", "path": "Dimensions > Azimuth", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "116"}], "maintype": {"id": 26205, "name": "Single Grave", "parent_id": 26204, "path": "Feature > Grave > Single Grave", "systemtype": "feature"}, "name": "Grave 182", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "264", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"id": 22309, "name": "Flat grave", "path": "Grave Characteristics > Grave Construction > Flat grave"}]}, "type": "Feature"}, {"burials": [{"id": 78009, "properties": {"description": "Child aged 2-3 years (infans 1). Oriented: NW-SE. Skull preserved, body entirely disturbed. Bones fragmented and dislocated.\r\nNo grave goods.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "306.0"}], "maintype": {"id": 26519, "name": "Skeleton", "parent_id": 26516, "path": "Stratigraphic unit > Burial (strat Unit) > Skeleton", "systemtype": "stratigraphic_unit"}, "name": "G183S1", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "264", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"description": "[0,6.9]", "id": 22279, "name": "Infans I", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Age > Child > Infans I-II > Infans I"}, {"id": 128052, "name": "Supine position", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > General > Supine position"}, {"id": 128059, "name": "Head straight", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Head > Head straight"}, {"description": "Possible result of anthropological sex determination. In this context, undetermined means that not enough bone material or specific features were preserved to carry out a sex determination (unlike indifferent, where the preserved features were neither clearly male nor female).", "id": 22375, "name": "undetermined", "path": "Sex and Gender > Sex > undetermined"}]}}], "files": [{"file_name": "41841.jpg", "id": 41841, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_38422", "reference": "264", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "geometry": {"coordinates": [[[15.643115924, 48.586995725], [15.643116301, 48.586996751], [15.64311672, 48.58699761], [15.643117516, 48.586998359], [15.643118564, 48.586998664], [15.643119863, 48.586998497], [15.643121749, 48.586998109], [15.643123342, 48.586997278], [15.643125563, 48.586996474], [15.643127281, 48.58699567], [15.643128539, 48.586995171], [15.643129335, 48.586994395], [15.643129712, 48.586993424], [15.643129461, 48.586992509], [15.643128329, 48.586991484], [15.643127072, 48.586990624], [15.643126066, 48.586990458], [15.643124264, 48.586990902], [15.643122043, 48.586991705], [15.643119947, 48.586992565], [15.64311781, 48.586993313], [15.643116343, 48.586994117], [15.643115588, 48.586994921], [15.643115924, 48.586995725]]], "type": "Polygon"}, "id": 59669, "parent": 50505, "properties": {"description": "Irregular rectangular grave pit, cut into the rock.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "306.0"}, {"id": 15679, "name": "Height", "path": "Dimensions > Height", "unit": "cm", "value": "33.0"}, {"id": 26189, "name": "Length", "path": "Dimensions > Length", "unit": "cm", "value": "121.0"}, {"id": 26188, "name": "Width", "path": "Dimensions > Width", "unit": "cm", "value": "68.0"}, {"id": 148713, "name": "Nearest Neighbour", "path": "Dimensions > Distance > Nearest Neighbour", "unit": "m", "value": "0.39"}, {"id": 118730, "name": "Azimuth", "path": "Dimensions > Azimuth", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "111"}], "maintype": {"id": 26205, "name": "Single Grave", "parent_id": 26204, "path": "Feature > Grave > Single Grave", "systemtype": "feature"}, "name": "Grave 183", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "264", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"id": 22309, "name": "Flat grave", "path": "Grave Characteristics > Grave Construction > Flat grave"}]}, "type": "Feature"}, {"burials": [{"id": 75261, "properties": {"description": "Child aged 2-3 years (infans 1). Oriented: WNW-ESE. Burial poorly preserved and slightly disturbed. Skull laying on its right side. Long bones mostly dislocated.\r\n\r\n", "maintype": {"id": 26519, "name": "Skeleton", "parent_id": 26516, "path": "Stratigraphic unit > Burial (strat Unit) > Skeleton", "systemtype": "stratigraphic_unit"}, "name": "G184S1", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "264", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"description": "years", "id": 117200, "name": "maximum age", "path": "Absolute Age > maximum age", "value": "3.0"}, {"description": "years", "id": 117199, "name": "minimum age", "path": "Absolute Age > minimum age", "value": "2.0"}, {"description": "[0,6.9]", "id": 22279, "name": "Infans I", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Age > Child > Infans I-II > Infans I"}, {"id": 128052, "name": "Supine position", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > General > Supine position"}, {"id": 128060, "name": "On the right side", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Head > On the right side"}, {"description": "Possible result of anthropological sex determination. In this context, undetermined means that not enough bone material or specific features were preserved to carry out a sex determination (unlike indifferent, where the preserved features were neither clearly male nor female).", "id": 22375, "name": "undetermined", "path": "Sex and Gender > Sex > undetermined"}]}}, {"finds": [{"id": 118108, "properties": {"description": "Several pottery sherds, dating to the urnfield culture found underneath the burial.\r\n\r\n", "maintype": {"id": 26294, "name": "Pottery", "parent_id": 187110, "path": "Artifact > Cultural Object > Container > Pottery", "systemtype": "artifact"}, "name": "G184S2F03", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "264", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}}}, {"files": [{"file_name": "118105.jpg", "id": 118105, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "NB_11132", "reference": "Taf. 38/1", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "id": 118103, "properties": {"description": "Casting nodule made out of copper alloy. Lost without a trace. \r\nFound in the backfilling of the grave.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26189, "name": "Length", "path": "Dimensions > Length", "unit": "cm", "value": "3.2"}], "maintype": {"id": 26506, "name": "Varia", "parent_id": 205561, "path": "Artifact > Cultural Object > Varia", "systemtype": "artifact"}, "name": "G184S2F01", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "264", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}}}, {"id": 118106, "properties": {"description": "Loom weight. Found in the backfilling of the grave.\r\n\r\n", "maintype": {"id": 26223, "name": "Equipment", "parent_id": 205561, "path": "Artifact > Cultural Object > Equipment", "systemtype": "artifact"}, "name": "G184S2F02", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "264", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}}}], "id": 118101, "properties": {"description": "Backfilling of grave 184.\r\n\r\n", "maintype": {"id": 117202, "name": "Backfilling", "parent_id": 26514, "path": "Stratigraphic unit > Deposit > Backfilling", "systemtype": "stratigraphic_unit"}, "name": "G184S2", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "264", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}}}], "files": [{"file_name": "41845.jpg", "id": 41845, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_38425", "reference": "Taf. 38", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "geometry": {"coordinates": [[[15.643260868, 48.586878044], [15.643261622, 48.58687796], [15.643262544, 48.586877739], [15.643263487, 48.586877697], [15.643264346, 48.58687778], [15.643265226, 48.586877822], [15.643267175, 48.58687742], [15.643269501, 48.586877184], [15.643271513, 48.586877115], [15.643273043, 48.586877032], [15.643273189, 48.586876366], [15.643273001, 48.586875604], [15.643272351, 48.586874648], [15.643272037, 48.586874232], [15.643270193, 48.586874315], [15.643267741, 48.58687444], [15.643265059, 48.586874634], [15.643262942, 48.586875036], [15.643261643, 48.586875659], [15.643260176, 48.586876186], [15.643259694, 48.586876754], [15.643259652, 48.586877531], [15.643259799, 48.586878085], [15.643260302, 48.586878141], [15.643260868, 48.586878044]]], "type": "Polygon"}, "id": 59699, "parent": 50505, "properties": {"description": "Grave pit undocumented.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 148713, "name": "Nearest Neighbour", "path": "Dimensions > Distance > Nearest Neighbour", "unit": "m", "value": "1.1"}, {"id": 118730, "name": "Azimuth", "path": "Dimensions > Azimuth", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "96"}], "maintype": {"id": 26205, "name": "Single Grave", "parent_id": 26204, "path": "Feature > Grave > Single Grave", "systemtype": "feature"}, "name": "Grave 184", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "264", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"id": 22309, "name": "Flat grave", "path": "Grave Characteristics > Grave Construction > Flat grave"}]}, "type": "Feature"}, {"burials": [{"id": 75163, "properties": {"description": "Child aged 3-4 years (infans 1). Bones scattered in the northwestern part of the grave pit. Only skull, some long bones, and further bone fragments preserved.\r\n\r\n", "maintype": {"id": 26519, "name": "Skeleton", "parent_id": 26516, "path": "Stratigraphic unit > Burial (strat Unit) > Skeleton", "systemtype": "stratigraphic_unit"}, "name": "G185S1", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "265", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"description": "years", "id": 117200, "name": "maximum age", "path": "Absolute Age > maximum age", "value": "4.0"}, {"description": "years", "id": 117199, "name": "minimum age", "path": "Absolute Age > minimum age", "value": "3.0"}, {"description": "[0,6.9]", "id": 22279, "name": "Infans I", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Age > Child > Infans I-II > Infans I"}, {"description": "Possible result of anthropological sex determination. In this context, undetermined means that not enough bone material or specific features were preserved to carry out a sex determination (unlike indifferent, where the preserved features were neither clearly male nor female).", "id": 22375, "name": "undetermined", "path": "Sex and Gender > Sex > undetermined"}]}}, {"finds": [{"files": [{"file_name": "42704.jpg", "id": 42704, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_38431", "reference": "Taf. 37/1", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "id": 118112, "properties": {"description": "Three fragments of silver wire (length 1,5 and 0,5 cm, thickness 0,1 cm), possibly ring fragments. Cross-section round with slight edges.\r\nFound in the backfilling of the grave.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26189, "name": "Length", "path": "Dimensions > Length", "unit": "cm", "value": "1.5"}, {"id": 26190, "name": "Thickness", "path": "Dimensions > Thickness", "unit": "cm", "value": "0.1"}], "maintype": {"id": 26506, "name": "Varia", "parent_id": 205561, "path": "Artifact > Cultural Object > Varia", "systemtype": "artifact"}, "material": [{"id": 26545, "name": "Silver", "path": "Material > Metal > Non-Ferrous Metal > Precious Metal > Silver", "value": "0.0"}], "name": "G185S2F01", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "265", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}}}, {"files": [{"file_name": "42705.jpg", "id": 42705, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_38433", "reference": "Taf. 37/3", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "id": 118114, "properties": {"description": "Finger-ring with bezel made out of copper alloy sheet. Bent in a tetragonal shape. Ends overlapping, on end shows a tiny hole. Bezel diamond-shaped with punched hump and dot decoration. \r\nFound in the backfilling of the grave.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26191, "name": "Diameter", "path": "Dimensions > Diameter", "unit": "cm", "value": "1.9"}, {"id": 26190, "name": "Thickness", "path": "Dimensions > Thickness", "unit": "cm", "value": "0.05"}, {"id": 26188, "name": "Width", "path": "Dimensions > Width", "unit": "cm", "value": "0.5"}], "maintype": {"id": 26365, "name": "Finger-Ring with Bezel", "parent_id": 26356, "path": "Artifact > Cultural Object > Accessories > Jewellery > Finger-Ring > Finger-Ring with Bezel", "systemtype": "artifact"}, "material": [{"id": 26546, "name": "Copper Alloy", "path": "Material > Metal > Non-Ferrous Metal > Copper Alloy", "value": "0.0"}], "name": "G185S2F02", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "265", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}}}, {"files": [{"file_name": "42706.jpg", "id": 42706, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_38435", "reference": "Taf. 37/2", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "id": 118116, "properties": {"description": "Heavily corroded iron sheet fragment with remains of a possible rivet.\r\nFound in the backfilling of the grave.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26189, "name": "Length", "path": "Dimensions > Length", "unit": "cm", "value": "1.7"}, {"id": 26190, "name": "Thickness", "path": "Dimensions > Thickness", "unit": "cm", "value": "0.3"}, {"id": 15680, "name": "Weight", "path": "Dimensions > Weight", "unit": "g", "value": "1.4"}], "maintype": {"id": 26506, "name": "Varia", "parent_id": 205561, "path": "Artifact > Cultural Object > Varia", "systemtype": "artifact"}, "name": "G185S2F03", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "265", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}}}], "id": 118110, "properties": {"description": "Backfilling of grave 185.\r\n\r\n", "maintype": {"id": 117202, "name": "Backfilling", "parent_id": 26514, "path": "Stratigraphic unit > Deposit > Backfilling", "systemtype": "stratigraphic_unit"}, "name": "G185S2", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "265", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}}}], "files": [{"file_name": "42703.jpg", "id": 42703, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_38428", "reference": "Taf. 37", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "geometry": {"coordinates": [[[15.643094571, 48.586872887], [15.64309631, 48.586872832], [15.643097442, 48.586872832], [15.643098322, 48.586872873], [15.643099076, 48.586873123], [15.6430996, 48.58687358], [15.643099642, 48.586874121], [15.643099453, 48.586874786], [15.643098594, 48.586875535], [15.643097882, 48.586875895], [15.64309631, 48.586875964], [15.643095283, 48.586876103], [15.643094613, 48.586876533], [15.643093418, 48.586876616], [15.643092475, 48.586876269], [15.643092308, 48.58687577], [15.643092329, 48.58687516], [15.643092936, 48.586874675], [15.643093439, 48.586874356], [15.643093481, 48.586873844], [15.643093481, 48.586873414], [15.643093837, 48.586873206], [15.643094026, 48.586872887], [15.643094571, 48.586872887]]], "type": "Polygon"}, "id": 57065, "parent": 50505, "properties": {"description": "Irregular squared/rounded grave pit, slightly cut into the rock. Found in the northern corner of grave pit 130. Sole level not evenly deepened into the ground. The surrounding stones were found slightly higher in the pit than the burial. They are part of grave 130 rather than grave 185.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 148713, "name": "Nearest Neighbour", "path": "Dimensions > Distance > Nearest Neighbour", "unit": "m", "value": "0.82"}, {"id": 118730, "name": "Azimuth", "path": "Dimensions > Azimuth", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "94"}, {"id": 26189, "name": "Length", "path": "Dimensions > Length", "unit": "cm", "value": "40.0"}, {"id": 26188, "name": "Width", "path": "Dimensions > Width", "unit": "cm", "value": "40.0"}], "maintype": {"id": 26207, "name": "Bone deposition (feature)", "parent_id": 26204, "path": "Feature > Grave > Bone deposition (feature)", "systemtype": "feature"}, "name": "Grave 185", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "264-265", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"id": 22309, "name": "Flat grave", "path": "Grave Characteristics > Grave Construction > Flat grave"}]}, "type": "Feature"}, {"burials": [{"id": 77955, "properties": {"description": "Child, aged approx. 3 years (infans 1).\r\nNo grave goods.\r\n\r\n", "maintype": {"id": 26519, "name": "Skeleton", "parent_id": 26516, "path": "Stratigraphic unit > Burial (strat Unit) > Skeleton", "systemtype": "stratigraphic_unit"}, "name": "G186S1", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "265", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"description": "years", "id": 117200, "name": "maximum age", "path": "Absolute Age > maximum age", "value": "3.0"}, {"description": "years", "id": 117199, "name": "minimum age", "path": "Absolute Age > minimum age", "value": "3.0"}, {"description": "[0,6.9]", "id": 22279, "name": "Infans I", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Age > Child > Infans I-II > Infans I"}, {"description": "Possible result of anthropological sex determination. In this context, undetermined means that not enough bone material or specific features were preserved to carry out a sex determination (unlike indifferent, where the preserved features were neither clearly male nor female).", "id": 22375, "name": "undetermined", "path": "Sex and Gender > Sex > undetermined"}]}}], "geometry": {"coordinates": [[[15.643049246, 48.586989654], [15.643050922, 48.586989127], [15.643051718, 48.586988462], [15.643053018, 48.586987547], [15.64305373, 48.586986965], [15.643053981, 48.586986466], [15.643054149, 48.586985634], [15.643053437, 48.586985052], [15.64305176, 48.586984941], [15.643050252, 48.586985302], [15.643049036, 48.586986216], [15.643048156, 48.586987048], [15.643047486, 48.586987908], [15.643047402, 48.586988767], [15.643047779, 48.586989488], [15.643049246, 48.586989654]]], "type": "Polygon"}, "id": 59705, "parent": 50505, "properties": {"description": "Grave pit and burial undocumented. Human remains with the same coordinates and level as burial 105, but different individual.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 118730, "name": "Azimuth", "path": "Dimensions > Azimuth", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "127"}, {"id": 148713, "name": "Nearest Neighbour", "path": "Dimensions > Distance > Nearest Neighbour", "unit": "m", "value": "0.49"}], "maintype": {"id": 26205, "name": "Single Grave", "parent_id": 26204, "path": "Feature > Grave > Single Grave", "systemtype": "feature"}, "name": "Grave 186", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "285", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"id": 22309, "name": "Flat grave", "path": "Grave Characteristics > Grave Construction > Flat grave"}]}, "type": "Feature"}, {"burials": [{"finds": [{"files": [{"file_name": "42707.jpg", "id": 42707, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_38443", "reference": "Taf. 37/4", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "id": 97911, "properties": {"description": "Spur with rivet plates on its ends (width 6,5 cm, height 7,5 cm, width 0,3 cm, diam. 0,45 cm). Iron, corroded. Yoke slightly protruding and slightly asymmetric. Cross-section of yoke triangular. Rivet plates slightly fragmented, probably rectangular originally (width 1 cm, height 1,1 cm, thickness 3,5 cm). Centered, vertically one above the other two rivets (length of thorn 1,6 cm, shape straight, cross-section round, diam. 0,6-0,7 cm).\r\nFound nearby the feet.\r\n\r\n", "maintype": {"id": 26481, "name": "Spurs", "parent_id": 26478, "path": "Artifact > Cultural Object > WeaponsArmourRiding > Horse and Rider Equipment > Spurs", "systemtype": "artifact"}, "material": [{"id": 26540, "name": "Iron", "path": "Material > Metal > Iron", "value": "0.0"}], "name": "G187S1F01", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "265", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"id": 23458, "name": "Feet", "path": "Position of Find in Grave > Lower Body > Legs - between > Feet"}]}}, {"files": [{"file_name": "37592.jpg", "id": 37592, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_38446", "reference": "Taf. 37/6", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "id": 102409, "properties": {"description": "Spur. Counterpart to find G187S1F01 (Spur with rivet plates on its ends. Iron, corroded. Yoke slightly protruding and slightly asymmetric. Cross-section of yoke triangular. Rivet plates slightly fragmented, probably rectangular originally). Broken into two pieces.\r\nFound nearby the feet.\r\n\r\n", "maintype": {"id": 26481, "name": "Spurs", "parent_id": 26478, "path": "Artifact > Cultural Object > WeaponsArmourRiding > Horse and Rider Equipment > Spurs", "systemtype": "artifact"}, "material": [{"id": 26540, "name": "Iron", "path": "Material > Metal > Iron", "value": "0.0"}], "name": "G187S1F02", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "265", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"id": 23458, "name": "Feet", "path": "Position of Find in Grave > Lower Body > Legs - between > Feet"}]}}, {"files": [{"file_name": "37531.jpg", "id": 37531, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_38448", "reference": "Taf. 37/5", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "id": 82121, "properties": {"description": "Knife blade, fragmented and heavily corroded.\r\nFound next to the right thigh.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26189, "name": "Length", "path": "Dimensions > Length", "unit": "cm", "value": "4.2"}, {"id": 26190, "name": "Thickness", "path": "Dimensions > Thickness", "unit": "cm", "value": "0.05"}, {"id": 26188, "name": "Width", "path": "Dimensions > Width", "unit": "cm", "value": "1.35"}], "maintype": {"id": 26244, "name": "Knife", "parent_id": 26223, "path": "Artifact > Cultural Object > Equipment > Knife", "systemtype": "artifact"}, "material": [{"id": 26540, "name": "Iron", "path": "Material > Metal > Iron", "value": "0.0"}], "name": "G187S1F03", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "265", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"id": 23456, "name": "Thigh right", "path": "Position of Find in Grave > Lower Body > Leg right > Thigh right"}]}}], "id": 78485, "properties": {"description": "Child aged 7-8 years. Oriented WNW-ESE. Only skull, clavicles, few ribs, and femurs preserved.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "285.0"}], "maintype": {"id": 26519, "name": "Skeleton", "parent_id": 26516, "path": "Stratigraphic unit > Burial (strat Unit) > Skeleton", "systemtype": "stratigraphic_unit"}, "name": "G187S1", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "265", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"description": "[7,13.9]", "id": 22280, "name": "Infans II", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Age > Child > Infans I-II > Infans II"}, {"id": 128052, "name": "Supine position", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > General > Supine position"}, {"description": "Possible result of anthropological sex determination. In this context, undetermined means that not enough bone material or specific features were preserved to carry out a sex determination (unlike indifferent, where the preserved features were neither clearly male nor female).", "id": 22375, "name": "undetermined", "path": "Sex and Gender > Sex > undetermined"}]}}], "files": [{"file_name": "42708.jpg", "id": 42708, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_38440", "reference": "Taf. 37", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "geometry": {"coordinates": [[[15.643263906, 48.586888966], [15.643265038, 48.586888439], [15.643267385, 48.586887996], [15.643269103, 48.586887525], [15.643271157, 48.586887164], [15.643273084, 48.586887164], [15.643274761, 48.586887303], [15.643275725, 48.586886859], [15.643277694, 48.586885834], [15.643278533, 48.586885168], [15.643278994, 48.586884309], [15.643278742, 48.586883366], [15.643278281, 48.586882867], [15.643277233, 48.586882202], [15.643275348, 48.586882063], [15.643273587, 48.586882174], [15.643270779, 48.586882701], [15.64326881, 48.586883311], [15.643266379, 48.586884004], [15.643263864, 48.58688478], [15.64326223, 48.586885473], [15.643261182, 48.586886055], [15.64326026, 48.586886804], [15.643259799, 48.586887802], [15.643259883, 48.586888356], [15.643261098, 48.586888661], [15.643262356, 48.586888911], [15.643263906, 48.586888966]]], "type": "Polygon"}, "id": 57077, "parent": 50505, "properties": {"description": "Almost rectangular grave pit, on the burial level almost oval and partly cut into the rock. Few standing stones and flag stones along the edges. In the eastern part of the pit big stones in respectively on top of the backfilling.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 148713, "name": "Nearest Neighbour", "path": "Dimensions > Distance > Nearest Neighbour", "unit": "m", "value": "1.1"}, {"id": 118730, "name": "Azimuth", "path": "Dimensions > Azimuth", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "99"}, {"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "285.0"}, {"id": 15679, "name": "Height", "path": "Dimensions > Height", "unit": "cm", "value": "12.0"}, {"id": 26189, "name": "Length", "path": "Dimensions > Length", "unit": "cm", "value": "170.0"}, {"id": 26188, "name": "Width", "path": "Dimensions > Width", "unit": "cm", "value": "62.0"}], "maintype": {"id": 26205, "name": "Single Grave", "parent_id": 26204, "path": "Feature > Grave > Single Grave", "systemtype": "feature"}, "name": "Grave 187", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "265", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"id": 22309, "name": "Flat grave", "path": "Grave Characteristics > Grave Construction > Flat grave"}]}, "type": "Feature"}, {"burials": [{"id": 75267, "properties": {"description": "Mature male (40-50 years). Oriented: NW-SE. Skull fragmented and laying on the left shoulder. Shoulders slightly pulled up. Right forearm on top of the pelvis. Lower body of burial is positioned on top of black soil.\r\nNo grave goods\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "297.0"}], "maintype": {"id": 26519, "name": "Skeleton", "parent_id": 26516, "path": "Stratigraphic unit > Burial (strat Unit) > Skeleton", "systemtype": "stratigraphic_unit"}, "name": "G188S1", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "265", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"description": "years", "id": 117200, "name": "maximum age", "path": "Absolute Age > maximum age", "value": "50.0"}, {"description": "years", "id": 117199, "name": "minimum age", "path": "Absolute Age > minimum age", "value": "40.0"}, {"description": "[40,59.9]", "id": 22286, "name": "Matur", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Age > Grown up > Matur"}, {"id": 128067, "name": "Left arm stretched", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Arms > Left arm stretched"}, {"id": 128080, "name": "Right arm slightly bent", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Arms > Right arm slightly bent"}, {"id": 128052, "name": "Supine position", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > General > Supine position"}, {"id": 128084, "name": "Left hand next to the body", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Hands > Left hand next to the body"}, {"id": 128086, "name": "Right hand on the pelvis", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Hands > Right hand on the pelvis"}, {"id": 128061, "name": "On the left side", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Head > On the left side"}, {"id": 128062, "name": "Left leg stretched", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Legs > Left leg stretched"}, {"id": 128103, "name": "Right leg stretched", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Legs > Right leg stretched"}, {"id": 25, "name": "Male", "path": "Sex and Gender > Sex > Male"}]}}], "files": [{"file_name": "42710.jpg", "id": 42710, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_38450", "reference": "Taf. 37", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "geometry": {"coordinates": [[[15.643213405, 48.586923702], [15.643215291, 48.586922843], [15.643217261, 48.5869219], [15.643219356, 48.58692093], [15.643220739, 48.58692032], [15.643222583, 48.586919239], [15.643223715, 48.586918407], [15.64322426, 48.586918019], [15.643225224, 48.586917992], [15.643226146, 48.586918158], [15.643227361, 48.586918102], [15.643228577, 48.586917687], [15.643229918, 48.586916827], [15.643230462, 48.586916245], [15.643230798, 48.586915663], [15.643230798, 48.586915136], [15.643231343, 48.586914499], [15.643231091, 48.586913833], [15.643230085, 48.586913445], [15.643229415, 48.58691339], [15.643228577, 48.586912918], [15.643227822, 48.586912419], [15.643226732, 48.586911532], [15.64322581, 48.586910673], [15.643225014, 48.586910035], [15.643223715, 48.586910396], [15.643222458, 48.586910645], [15.643221242, 48.586911006], [15.643219901, 48.586912225], [15.643218979, 48.586913279], [15.643219189, 48.586913916], [15.643219734, 48.586914332], [15.643218854, 48.58691497], [15.643216632, 48.586915524], [15.643214285, 48.586916772], [15.643211855, 48.586917437], [15.643210555, 48.586918352], [15.643209298, 48.586919433], [15.643208125, 48.586920459], [15.643208083, 48.58692118], [15.643208669, 48.586921845], [15.643210011, 48.586922815], [15.64321131, 48.586923453], [15.643212316, 48.586923813], [15.643213405, 48.586923702]]], "type": "Polygon"}, "id": 56951, "parent": 50505, "properties": {"description": "Irregular rectangular grave pit. Southwestern side bounded by a pile of stones. Western Corner undocumented due to trench's profile.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 118730, "name": "Azimuth", "path": "Dimensions > Azimuth", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "112"}, {"id": 148713, "name": "Nearest Neighbour", "path": "Dimensions > Distance > Nearest Neighbour", "unit": "m", "value": "2.6"}, {"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "297.0"}, {"id": 26189, "name": "Length", "path": "Dimensions > Length", "unit": "cm", "value": "179.0"}, {"id": 26188, "name": "Width", "path": "Dimensions > Width", "unit": "cm", "value": "51.0"}], "maintype": {"id": 26205, "name": "Single Grave", "parent_id": 26204, "path": "Feature > Grave > Single Grave", "systemtype": "feature"}, "name": "Grave 188", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "265", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"id": 22309, "name": "Flat grave", "path": "Grave Characteristics > Grave Construction > Flat grave"}]}, "type": "Feature"}, {"burials": [{"finds": [{"files": [{"file_name": "42712.jpg", "id": 42712, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_38456", "reference": "Taf. 38/4", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "id": 97919, "properties": {"description": "Earring made out of wire and decorated with three ornamental beads. Copper alloy, slightly bent. Beads made out of sheet metal with a depressed spherical shape. Made out of two halves, fused horizontally and attached to the wire respectively appended by a loop.\r\nFound next to the head.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26189, "name": "Length", "path": "Dimensions > Length", "unit": "cm", "value": "2.7"}, {"id": 26190, "name": "Thickness", "path": "Dimensions > Thickness", "unit": "cm", "value": "0.1"}, {"id": 26188, "name": "Width", "path": "Dimensions > Width", "unit": "cm", "value": "2.3"}], "maintype": {"id": 26395, "name": "EarringsTemple Rings", "parent_id": 112815, "path": "Artifact > Cultural Object > Accessories > Jewellery > EarringsTemple Rings", "systemtype": "artifact"}, "material": [{"id": 26546, "name": "Copper Alloy", "path": "Material > Metal > Non-Ferrous Metal > Copper Alloy", "value": "0.0"}], "name": "G189S1F01", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "265", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"id": 23441, "name": "Head", "path": "Position of Find in Grave > Head"}]}}, {"files": [{"file_name": "37651.jpg", "id": 37651, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_38458", "reference": "Taf. 38/3", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "id": 102169, "properties": {"description": "Head of a decorative needle made out of bronze with a zinc-coating. Bead fused horizontally out of two halves. Fragments of the needle preserved. Rim of the halves constructed wavelike. Possibly remains of tin solder preserved on the rim.\r\nFound next to the head.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26189, "name": "Length", "path": "Dimensions > Length", "unit": "cm", "value": "2.9"}, {"id": 26190, "name": "Thickness", "path": "Dimensions > Thickness", "unit": "cm", "value": "0.1"}, {"id": 26188, "name": "Width", "path": "Dimensions > Width", "unit": "cm", "value": "1.05"}], "maintype": {"id": 26250, "name": "Needle", "parent_id": 26223, "path": "Artifact > Cultural Object > Equipment > Needle", "systemtype": "artifact"}, "material": [{"id": 26546, "name": "Copper Alloy", "path": "Material > Metal > Non-Ferrous Metal > Copper Alloy", "value": "0.0"}, {"id": 118041, "name": "Zinc", "path": "Material > Metal > Non-Ferrous Metal > Zinc", "value": "0.0"}], "name": "G189S1F02", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "265", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"id": 23441, "name": "Head", "path": "Position of Find in Grave > Head"}]}}, {"files": [{"file_name": "33908.jpg", "id": 33908, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_38460", "reference": "Taf. 38/6", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "id": 102085, "properties": {"description": "Two needles made out of copper alloy. Fragmented. Tips preserved in both needles. The upper end of one of the needles is flattened.\r\nFound next to the head. \r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26189, "name": "Length", "path": "Dimensions > Length", "unit": "cm", "value": "3.5"}, {"id": 26190, "name": "Thickness", "path": "Dimensions > Thickness", "unit": "cm", "value": "0.05"}], "maintype": {"id": 26250, "name": "Needle", "parent_id": 26223, "path": "Artifact > Cultural Object > Equipment > Needle", "systemtype": "artifact"}, "material": [{"id": 26546, "name": "Copper Alloy", "path": "Material > Metal > Non-Ferrous Metal > Copper Alloy", "value": "0.0"}], "name": "G189S1F03", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "265", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"id": 23441, "name": "Head", "path": "Position of Find in Grave > Head"}]}}, {"files": [{"file_name": "35858.jpg", "id": 35858, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_38462", "reference": "Taf. 38/5", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "id": 102091, "properties": {"description": "Ring made out of bone. Recess slightly oval. Cross-section almost D-shaped.\r\nFound next to the head.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26191, "name": "Diameter", "path": "Dimensions > Diameter", "unit": "cm", "value": "1.6"}, {"id": 26190, "name": "Thickness", "path": "Dimensions > Thickness", "unit": "cm", "value": "0.4"}], "maintype": {"id": 26327, "name": "Pendant", "parent_id": 112815, "path": "Artifact > Cultural Object > Accessories > Jewellery > Pendant", "systemtype": "artifact"}, "material": [{"id": 26529, "name": "Bone", "path": "Material > Organic > Animal > Bone", "value": "0.0"}], "name": "G189S1F04", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "265", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"id": 23441, "name": "Head", "path": "Position of Find in Grave > Head"}]}}, {"files": [{"file_name": "35859.jpg", "id": 35859, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_38464", "reference": "Taf. 38/2", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "id": 102097, "properties": {"description": "Pair of spherical buttons made out of bronze. One of them is missing its wire loop. Made out of two halves.\r\nFound next to the left clavicle.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26191, "name": "Diameter", "path": "Dimensions > Diameter", "unit": "cm", "value": "1.4"}, {"id": 15679, "name": "Height", "path": "Dimensions > Height", "unit": "cm", "value": "2.1"}], "maintype": {"id": 26392, "name": "Spherical Button", "parent_id": 128350, "path": "Artifact > Cultural Object > Accessories > Garment > Garment Accessories > Button > Spherical Button", "systemtype": "artifact"}, "material": [{"id": 26546, "name": "Copper Alloy", "path": "Material > Metal > Non-Ferrous Metal > Copper Alloy", "value": "0.0"}], "name": "G189S1F05", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "266", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"id": 23464, "name": "Upper Body", "path": "Position of Find in Grave > Upper Body"}]}}, {"files": [{"file_name": "35860.jpg", "id": 35860, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_38466", "reference": "Taf. 38/7", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "id": 97925, "properties": {"description": "Rod-tanged knife made out of iron, tang fragmented (length 9,8 cm, length tang 1,2 cm, width blade 1,15 cm, width back 0,3 cm). Cross-section of blade triangular, cross-section of tang triangular. Tang and back divided by a slight step. Back of knife without buckling but after 7 cm slightly tilted towards the tip. Blade and tang divided by a step. Blade of knife after 5,7 cm tilted towards the tip.\r\nFound above the right Forearm.\r\n\r\nGriffangelmesser aus Eisen; Griffangel fragmentiert. Erh.L. 9,8 cm, davon erh.GriffangelL. 1,2 cm, KlingenB. 1,15 cm, R\u00fcckenB. 0,3 cm, KlingenQu. Dreieckig, GriffangelQu. Dreieckig. R\u00fccken leicht abgesetzt, f\u00e4llt nach 7 cm leicht zur Spitze ab, Schneide abgesetzt, zieht nach 5,7 cm zur Spitze hoch.", "dimensions": [{"id": 26189, "name": "Length", "path": "Dimensions > Length", "unit": "cm", "value": "9.8"}, {"id": 26190, "name": "Thickness", "path": "Dimensions > Thickness", "unit": "cm", "value": "0.3"}, {"id": 26188, "name": "Width", "path": "Dimensions > Width", "unit": "cm", "value": "1.15"}], "maintype": {"id": 26245, "name": "Rod-Tanged Knife", "parent_id": 26244, "path": "Artifact > Cultural Object > Equipment > Knife > Rod-Tanged Knife", "systemtype": "artifact"}, "material": [{"id": 26540, "name": "Iron", "path": "Material > Metal > Iron", "value": "0.0"}], "name": "G189S1F06", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "266", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"id": 23473, "name": "Forearm right", "path": "Position of Find in Grave > Upper Body > Upper Extremities > Arm right > Forearm right"}]}}], "id": 75273, "properties": {"description": "Juvenile individual (15-17 years). Oriented: NW-SE. Only the dislocated jaw is preserved from the skull. Legs close together. Left forearm lays on the pelvis/femur. Right arm positioned on a small stone and slightly disturbed. \r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "304.0"}], "maintype": {"id": 26519, "name": "Skeleton", "parent_id": 26516, "path": "Stratigraphic unit > Burial (strat Unit) > Skeleton", "systemtype": "stratigraphic_unit"}, "name": "G189S1", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "265", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"description": "years", "id": 117200, "name": "maximum age", "path": "Absolute Age > maximum age", "value": "17.0"}, {"description": "years", "id": 117199, "name": "minimum age", "path": "Absolute Age > minimum age", "value": "15.0"}, {"description": "[14,19.9]", "id": 22289, "name": "Juvenil", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Age > Juvenil"}, {"id": 128067, "name": "Left arm stretched", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Arms > Left arm stretched"}, {"id": 128068, "name": "Right arm stretched", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Arms > Right arm stretched"}, {"id": 128052, "name": "Supine position", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > General > Supine position"}, {"id": 128087, "name": "Left hand on the pelvis", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Hands > Left hand on the pelvis"}, {"id": 130397, "name": "Left hand on the thigh", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Hands > Left hand on the thigh"}, {"id": 128062, "name": "Left leg stretched", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Legs > Left leg stretched"}, {"id": 128103, "name": "Right leg stretched", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Legs > Right leg stretched"}, {"description": "Possible result of anthropological sex determination. In this context, undetermined means that not enough bone material or specific features were preserved to carry out a sex determination (unlike indifferent, where the preserved features were neither clearly male nor female).", "id": 22375, "name": "undetermined", "path": "Sex and Gender > Sex > undetermined"}]}}], "files": [{"file_name": "42711.jpg", "id": 42711, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_38453", "reference": "Taf. 38", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "geometry": {"coordinates": [[[15.643262146, 48.586924894], [15.643263361, 48.586924035], [15.643265205, 48.586922704], [15.643267217, 48.586921235], [15.643269606, 48.586920126], [15.643271701, 48.586918823], [15.6432743, 48.586917215], [15.643276102, 48.586916273], [15.64327782, 48.586915192], [15.643278575, 48.586914748], [15.643279036, 48.586914083], [15.64327891, 48.586913473], [15.643278365, 48.586912752], [15.643277275, 48.586911782], [15.643276228, 48.586910895], [15.643275096, 48.586910617], [15.643273713, 48.586910562], [15.643271576, 48.5869112], [15.643268139, 48.586913002], [15.643265499, 48.586914194], [15.64326202, 48.586916023], [15.643259338, 48.586917908], [15.643256907, 48.586919489], [15.643255818, 48.586920403], [15.643255105, 48.586921013], [15.643254938, 48.586921623], [15.643255566, 48.586922316], [15.643257117, 48.586923093], [15.6432585, 48.586923952], [15.643260134, 48.586924811], [15.643261056, 48.586925255], [15.643262146, 48.586924894]]], "type": "Polygon"}, "id": 57083, "parent": 50505, "properties": {"description": "Almost rectangular grave pit, partly cut into the rock.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "304.0"}, {"id": 15679, "name": "Height", "path": "Dimensions > Height", "unit": "cm", "value": "13.0"}, {"id": 26189, "name": "Length", "path": "Dimensions > Length", "unit": "cm", "value": "175.0"}, {"id": 26188, "name": "Width", "path": "Dimensions > Width", "unit": "cm", "value": "72.0"}, {"id": 118730, "name": "Azimuth", "path": "Dimensions > Azimuth", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "122"}, {"id": 148713, "name": "Nearest Neighbour", "path": "Dimensions > Distance > Nearest Neighbour", "unit": "m", "value": "2.15"}], "maintype": {"id": 26205, "name": "Single Grave", "parent_id": 26204, "path": "Feature > Grave > Single Grave", "systemtype": "feature"}, "name": "Grave 189", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "265", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"id": 22309, "name": "Flat grave", "path": "Grave Characteristics > Grave Construction > Flat grave"}]}, "type": "Feature"}, {"burials": [{"id": 79271, "properties": {"description": "Child aged 12-18 months (infans 1). Grave pit oriented: NW-SE. Few dislocated long bones preserved.\r\nNon grave goods.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "298.0"}], "maintype": {"id": 26519, "name": "Skeleton", "parent_id": 26516, "path": "Stratigraphic unit > Burial (strat Unit) > Skeleton", "systemtype": "stratigraphic_unit"}, "name": "G190S1", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "266", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"description": "years", "id": 117200, "name": "maximum age", "path": "Absolute Age > maximum age", "value": "1.5"}, {"description": "years", "id": 117199, "name": "minimum age", "path": "Absolute Age > minimum age", "value": "1.0"}, {"description": "[0,6.9]", "id": 22279, "name": "Infans I", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Age > Child > Infans I-II > Infans I"}, {"description": "Possible result of anthropological sex determination. In this context, undetermined means that not enough bone material or specific features were preserved to carry out a sex determination (unlike indifferent, where the preserved features were neither clearly male nor female).", "id": 22375, "name": "undetermined", "path": "Sex and Gender > Sex > undetermined"}]}}], "files": [{"file_name": "42713.jpg", "id": 42713, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_38468", "reference": "Taf. 38", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "geometry": {"coordinates": [[[15.643067183, 48.586953421], [15.643067602, 48.586954114], [15.643067728, 48.586955001], [15.64306756, 48.586955833], [15.64306756, 48.586956831], [15.643067351, 48.586957468], [15.643067057, 48.586957912], [15.643066387, 48.586958245], [15.643065465, 48.586958522], [15.643064585, 48.586958716], [15.643063076, 48.586958965], [15.643061944, 48.586959243], [15.643060519, 48.586959492], [15.643059472, 48.586959658], [15.643058508, 48.58695988], [15.643057125, 48.586960019], [15.643056245, 48.586960157], [15.643055658, 48.58696013], [15.643055113, 48.586960019], [15.64305394, 48.586959326], [15.643052682, 48.586958272], [15.643052305, 48.586957635], [15.643052389, 48.586957025], [15.643052892, 48.586956609], [15.643053898, 48.586956193], [15.643056077, 48.586955472], [15.643057544, 48.586955056], [15.643058424, 48.586954668], [15.643059723, 48.58695428], [15.643060645, 48.586953726], [15.643062489, 48.58695331], [15.643064207, 48.586953116], [15.643065213, 48.58695306], [15.643066051, 48.586952977], [15.643067183, 48.586953421]]], "type": "Polygon"}, "id": 57095, "parent": 50505, "properties": {"description": "Trapezoid shaped grave pit, partly cut into the rock. Bordering stones along the southwestern end on planum 1. A small ditch cuts the pit in the eastern corner.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "298.0"}, {"id": 15679, "name": "Height", "path": "Dimensions > Height", "unit": "cm", "value": "24.0"}, {"id": 26189, "name": "Length", "path": "Dimensions > Length", "unit": "cm", "value": "112.0"}, {"id": 26188, "name": "Width", "path": "Dimensions > Width", "unit": "cm", "value": "67.0"}, {"id": 118730, "name": "Azimuth", "path": "Dimensions > Azimuth", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "101"}, {"id": 148713, "name": "Nearest Neighbour", "path": "Dimensions > Distance > Nearest Neighbour", "unit": "m", "value": "1.1"}], "maintype": {"id": 26205, "name": "Single Grave", "parent_id": 26204, "path": "Feature > Grave > Single Grave", "systemtype": "feature"}, "name": "Grave 190", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "266", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"id": 22309, "name": "Flat grave", "path": "Grave Characteristics > Grave Construction > Flat grave"}]}, "type": "Feature"}, {"burials": [{"id": 75285, "properties": {"description": "Secondary burial. Child aged 6-12 months (infans 1). Nest of bones, skull, lower jaw, some long bones, vertebrae, and ribs preserved as fragments.\r\nNo grave goods.\r\n\r\n", "maintype": {"id": 26519, "name": "Skeleton", "parent_id": 26516, "path": "Stratigraphic unit > Burial (strat Unit) > Skeleton", "systemtype": "stratigraphic_unit"}, "name": "G193S1", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "266", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"description": "years", "id": 117200, "name": "maximum age", "path": "Absolute Age > maximum age", "value": "1.0"}, {"description": "years", "id": 117199, "name": "minimum age", "path": "Absolute Age > minimum age", "value": "0.5"}, {"description": "[0,6.9]", "id": 22279, "name": "Infans I", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Age > Child > Infans I-II > Infans I"}, {"id": 128055, "name": "Other", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > General > Other"}, {"description": "Possible result of anthropological sex determination. In this context, undetermined means that not enough bone material or specific features were preserved to carry out a sex determination (unlike indifferent, where the preserved features were neither clearly male nor female).", "id": 22375, "name": "undetermined", "path": "Sex and Gender > Sex > undetermined"}]}}], "files": [{"file_name": "42714.jpg", "id": 42714, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_38471", "reference": "Taf. 39", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "geometry": {"coordinates": [[[15.643102638, 48.586988462], [15.643099789, 48.58699007], [15.643098196, 48.58699068], [15.643096352, 48.586990014], [15.643095179, 48.586988961], [15.643094173, 48.586987797], [15.643093502, 48.586986022], [15.643093754, 48.586984803], [15.643095179, 48.586983805], [15.643096855, 48.586983361], [15.643098783, 48.586982751], [15.643101549, 48.586983971], [15.64310398, 48.586985801], [15.643104734, 48.586987131], [15.643103058, 48.586987908], [15.643102638, 48.586988462]]], "type": "Polygon"}, "id": 57119, "parent": 50505, "properties": {"description": "Burial is positioned in the southeastern part of the pit of grave 195 but about 10 cm above burial 195. It is furthermore seperated from burial 195 by two standing stones. Bordered by few small stones.\r\nBurial 193 was found in soil of different color than burial 195 that was dug earlier. One of the standing stones used to seperate the two burial is positioned partly on the bones of burial 195.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 15679, "name": "Height", "path": "Dimensions > Height", "unit": "cm", "value": "16.0"}, {"id": 148713, "name": "Nearest Neighbour", "path": "Dimensions > Distance > Nearest Neighbour", "unit": "m", "value": "0.34"}, {"id": 118730, "name": "Azimuth", "path": "Dimensions > Azimuth", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "106"}], "maintype": {"id": 26205, "name": "Single Grave", "parent_id": 26204, "path": "Feature > Grave > Single Grave", "systemtype": "feature"}, "name": "Grave 193", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "266", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"id": 22309, "name": "Flat grave", "path": "Grave Characteristics > Grave Construction > Flat grave"}]}, "type": "Feature"}, {"burials": [{"finds": [{"files": [{"file_name": "42721.jpg", "id": 42721, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_38488", "reference": "Taf. 39/2", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}, {"file_name": "42720.jpg", "id": 42720, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_38487", "reference": "Taf. 39/1", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}, {"file_name": "36576.jpg", "id": 36576, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_38489", "reference": "Taf. 39/3", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "id": 102823, "properties": {"description": "Iron tyre of a wooden bucket, broken into seven fragments (diam. 11,5-12 cm.length 3,7 cm, 9 cm, 9,6 cm, 10,3 cm, 11,0 cm, width 0,45 cm, thickness 0,1-0,2 cm). Two of them fused together due to corrosion. Fairly good preserved. Two fragments of broader, bent iron tyres (length 5,2 and 9,5 cm, width 2,4 cm and 2,6 cm, thickness 0,1-0,2 cm, diam. 11 cm). Several other small fragments, some with wooden remains, two of them with fabric remains. \r\n\r\n", "maintype": {"id": 26229, "name": "Bucket", "parent_id": 187110, "path": "Artifact > Cultural Object > Container > Bucket", "systemtype": "artifact"}, "material": [{"id": 26540, "name": "Iron", "path": "Material > Metal > Iron", "value": "0.0"}], "name": "G194S1F01", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "266", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"id": 23448, "name": "Foot left", "path": "Position of Find in Grave > Lower Body > Leg Left > Foot left"}]}}], "id": 75303, "properties": {"description": "Child aged 18-24 months (infans 1). Probably supine position. Oriented: NW-SE. Badly preserved. Only ribs, the right hip, and femur preserved.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "300.0"}], "maintype": {"id": 26519, "name": "Skeleton", "parent_id": 26516, "path": "Stratigraphic unit > Burial (strat Unit) > Skeleton", "systemtype": "stratigraphic_unit"}, "name": "G194S1", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "266", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"description": "years", "id": 117200, "name": "maximum age", "path": "Absolute Age > maximum age", "value": "2.0"}, {"description": "years", "id": 117199, "name": "minimum age", "path": "Absolute Age > minimum age", "value": "1.5"}, {"description": "[0,6.9]", "id": 22279, "name": "Infans I", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Age > Child > Infans I-II > Infans I"}, {"id": 128052, "name": "Supine position", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > General > Supine position"}, {"description": "Possible result of anthropological sex determination. In this context, undetermined means that not enough bone material or specific features were preserved to carry out a sex determination (unlike indifferent, where the preserved features were neither clearly male nor female).", "id": 22375, "name": "undetermined", "path": "Sex and Gender > Sex > undetermined"}]}}], "files": [{"file_name": "42719.jpg", "id": 42719, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_38484", "reference": "Taf. 39", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "geometry": {"coordinates": [[[15.643273252, 48.586897449], [15.643273965, 48.586898087], [15.643274803, 48.586898641], [15.64327585, 48.58689878], [15.643276856, 48.586898503], [15.643278575, 48.586897837], [15.643279874, 48.5868972], [15.643281005, 48.586896756], [15.643281676, 48.586896285], [15.643281718, 48.586895897], [15.643281299, 48.586895121], [15.64328046, 48.586894566], [15.643279706, 48.5868944], [15.643277988, 48.586894705], [15.643276353, 48.586895093], [15.643274384, 48.58689562], [15.643273462, 48.586896257], [15.64327321, 48.586896756], [15.643273252, 48.586897449]]], "type": "Polygon"}, "id": 59725, "parent": 50505, "properties": {"description": "No grave pit detectable.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 118730, "name": "Azimuth", "path": "Dimensions > Azimuth", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "105"}, {"id": 148713, "name": "Nearest Neighbour", "path": "Dimensions > Distance > Nearest Neighbour", "unit": "m", "value": "1.33"}, {"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "300.0"}], "maintype": {"id": 26205, "name": "Single Grave", "parent_id": 26204, "path": "Feature > Grave > Single Grave", "systemtype": "feature"}, "name": "Grave 194", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "266", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"id": 22309, "name": "Flat grave", "path": "Grave Characteristics > Grave Construction > Flat grave"}]}, "type": "Feature"}, {"burials": [{"id": 75297, "properties": {"description": "Child aged 5-6 years (infans 1). Nest of bones in the middle and the northwestern part of the grave pit. Grave pit oriented: NW-SE. Entirely disturbed.\r\nNo grave goods.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "311.0"}], "maintype": {"id": 26519, "name": "Skeleton", "parent_id": 26516, "path": "Stratigraphic unit > Burial (strat Unit) > Skeleton", "systemtype": "stratigraphic_unit"}, "name": "G195S1", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "266", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"description": "years", "id": 117200, "name": "maximum age", "path": "Absolute Age > maximum age", "value": "6.0"}, {"description": "years", "id": 117199, "name": "minimum age", "path": "Absolute Age > minimum age", "value": "5.0"}, {"description": "[0,6.9]", "id": 22279, "name": "Infans I", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Age > Child > Infans I-II > Infans I"}, {"id": 128055, "name": "Other", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > General > Other"}, {"description": "Possible result of anthropological sex determination. In this context, undetermined means that not enough bone material or specific features were preserved to carry out a sex determination (unlike indifferent, where the preserved features were neither clearly male nor female).", "id": 22375, "name": "undetermined", "path": "Sex and Gender > Sex > undetermined"}]}}], "files": [{"file_name": "42718.jpg", "id": 42718, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_38481", "reference": "Taf. 39", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "geometry": {"coordinates": [[[15.643099202, 48.586982141], [15.643101591, 48.586983333], [15.643103267, 48.586984609], [15.643104315, 48.586985413], [15.643104902, 48.586986161], [15.643105195, 48.58698691], [15.643104608, 48.586987686], [15.643100585, 48.586990347], [15.643097023, 48.586992898], [15.643095179, 48.586993591], [15.643093796, 48.586993951], [15.64309258, 48.586994034], [15.643091365, 48.586993979], [15.64308973, 48.586993535], [15.643088473, 48.586993119], [15.643087677, 48.586992593], [15.64308709, 48.586991705], [15.643086755, 48.586990985], [15.643086755, 48.586990181], [15.64308688, 48.586989127], [15.643087467, 48.586987575], [15.643088389, 48.586986161], [15.643089563, 48.586985218], [15.643092874, 48.586984248], [15.643095262, 48.586983527], [15.6430974, 48.586982696], [15.643099202, 48.586982141]]], "type": "Polygon"}, "id": 57113, "parent": 50505, "properties": {"description": "Almost short-rectangular grave pit, slightly cut into the rock. Pit contains a secondary burial (burial G193S1).\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 118730, "name": "Azimuth", "path": "Dimensions > Azimuth", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "108"}, {"id": 148713, "name": "Nearest Neighbour", "path": "Dimensions > Distance > Nearest Neighbour", "unit": "m", "value": "0.34"}, {"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "311.0"}, {"id": 15679, "name": "Height", "path": "Dimensions > Height", "unit": "cm", "value": "32.0"}, {"id": 26189, "name": "Length", "path": "Dimensions > Length", "unit": "cm", "value": "141.0"}, {"id": 26188, "name": "Width", "path": "Dimensions > Width", "unit": "cm", "value": "80.0"}], "maintype": {"id": 26205, "name": "Single Grave", "parent_id": 26204, "path": "Feature > Grave > Single Grave", "systemtype": "feature"}, "name": "Grave 195", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "266", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"id": 22309, "name": "Flat grave", "path": "Grave Characteristics > Grave Construction > Flat grave"}]}, "type": "Feature"}, {"burials": [{"id": 75225, "properties": {"description": "Child aged 18-24 months (infans 1). Oriented: NW-SE. Skull fragmented, few arm bones, and some dislocated bones of the upper body preserved.\r\nNo grave goods.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "308.0"}], "maintype": {"id": 26519, "name": "Skeleton", "parent_id": 26516, "path": "Stratigraphic unit > Burial (strat Unit) > Skeleton", "systemtype": "stratigraphic_unit"}, "name": "G196S1", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "266", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"description": "years", "id": 117200, "name": "maximum age", "path": "Absolute Age > maximum age", "value": "2.0"}, {"description": "years", "id": 117199, "name": "minimum age", "path": "Absolute Age > minimum age", "value": "1.5"}, {"id": 128052, "name": "Supine position", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > General > Supine position"}, {"id": 128061, "name": "On the left side", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Head > On the left side"}, {"description": "Possible result of anthropological sex determination. In this context, undetermined means that not enough bone material or specific features were preserved to carry out a sex determination (unlike indifferent, where the preserved features were neither clearly male nor female).", "id": 22375, "name": "undetermined", "path": "Sex and Gender > Sex > undetermined"}]}}], "files": [{"file_name": "35864.jpg", "id": 35864, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_38491", "reference": "Taf. 39", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "geometry": {"coordinates": [[[15.642964232, 48.587069314], [15.642963205, 48.587069148], [15.64296176, 48.587068788], [15.642960921, 48.58706858], [15.642959748, 48.587067997], [15.642959224, 48.587067512], [15.642959203, 48.587067041], [15.642959664, 48.587066348], [15.642960712, 48.587065392], [15.642961676, 48.587064504], [15.642963122, 48.587063617], [15.642963918, 48.587062758], [15.64296463, 48.587061996], [15.64296549, 48.587061275], [15.642966265, 48.587060956], [15.642967271, 48.587060776], [15.642968675, 48.587060942], [15.642969534, 48.587061192], [15.642970141, 48.587061774], [15.642970644, 48.587062356], [15.642970728, 48.587063104], [15.64297054, 48.58706395], [15.642970246, 48.587064906], [15.642969324, 48.587065586], [15.642968423, 48.587065821], [15.642967878, 48.587065835], [15.642966998, 48.587066348], [15.642966181, 48.587067554], [15.642965406, 48.587068427], [15.642964945, 48.587069093], [15.642964463, 48.5870693], [15.642964232, 48.587069314]]], "type": "Polygon"}, "id": 57005, "parent": 50505, "properties": {"description": "Almost rectangular grave pit, cut into the rock.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 118730, "name": "Azimuth", "path": "Dimensions > Azimuth", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "128"}, {"id": 148713, "name": "Nearest Neighbour", "path": "Dimensions > Distance > Nearest Neighbour", "unit": "m", "value": "1.24"}, {"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "308.0"}, {"id": 26189, "name": "Length", "path": "Dimensions > Length", "unit": "cm", "value": "104.0"}, {"id": 26188, "name": "Width", "path": "Dimensions > Width", "unit": "cm", "value": "44.0"}], "maintype": {"id": 26205, "name": "Single Grave", "parent_id": 26204, "path": "Feature > Grave > Single Grave", "systemtype": "feature"}, "name": "Grave 196", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "266", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"id": 22309, "name": "Flat grave", "path": "Grave Characteristics > Grave Construction > Flat grave"}]}, "type": "Feature"}, {"burials": [{"finds": [{"id": 102151, "properties": {"description": "Animal remains, found on the left side of the body's core.\r\n\r\n", "maintype": {"id": 26507, "name": "Animal Remains", "parent_id": 26506, "path": "Artifact > Cultural Object > Varia > Animal Remains", "systemtype": "artifact"}, "material": [{"id": 26529, "name": "Bone", "path": "Material > Organic > Animal > Bone", "value": "0.0"}], "name": "G197S1F01", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "266", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"id": 23464, "name": "Upper Body", "path": "Position of Find in Grave > Upper Body"}]}}], "id": 74861, "properties": {"description": "Child aged approx. 3 years (infans 1). Oriented: NW-SE. Badly preserved, skull fragmented. Legs in situ, otherwise only some dislocated ribs, long bones, and pelvis fragments. \r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "307.0"}], "maintype": {"id": 26519, "name": "Skeleton", "parent_id": 26516, "path": "Stratigraphic unit > Burial (strat Unit) > Skeleton", "systemtype": "stratigraphic_unit"}, "name": "G197S1", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "266", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"description": "years", "id": 117200, "name": "maximum age", "path": "Absolute Age > maximum age", "value": "3.0"}, {"description": "years", "id": 117199, "name": "minimum age", "path": "Absolute Age > minimum age", "value": "3.0"}, {"description": "[0,6.9]", "id": 22279, "name": "Infans I", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Age > Child > Infans I-II > Infans I"}, {"id": 128052, "name": "Supine position", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > General > Supine position"}, {"id": 128060, "name": "On the right side", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Head > On the right side"}, {"id": 128062, "name": "Left leg stretched", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Legs > Left leg stretched"}, {"id": 128103, "name": "Right leg stretched", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Legs > Right leg stretched"}, {"description": "Possible result of anthropological sex determination. In this context, undetermined means that not enough bone material or specific features were preserved to carry out a sex determination (unlike indifferent, where the preserved features were neither clearly male nor female).", "id": 22375, "name": "undetermined", "path": "Sex and Gender > Sex > undetermined"}]}}], "files": [{"file_name": "42722.jpg", "id": 42722, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_38494", "reference": "Taf. 39", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "geometry": {"coordinates": [[[15.642997529, 48.587051641], [15.642989608, 48.587049812], [15.642987513, 48.587050616], [15.642984454, 48.58705214], [15.642981813, 48.587053526], [15.642979969, 48.587054746], [15.642978251, 48.587056243], [15.642977832, 48.587056798], [15.64297779, 48.587057269], [15.642978922, 48.587058101], [15.642980682, 48.587058905], [15.642982484, 48.58705932], [15.642983615, 48.587059487], [15.642984454, 48.587059404], [15.642985082, 48.587058794], [15.642985166, 48.587058156], [15.642986004, 48.587057408], [15.642987555, 48.587056215], [15.642988896, 48.587055328], [15.642991117, 48.587054608], [15.642992919, 48.587053831], [15.642995182, 48.587053], [15.642996314, 48.587052445], [15.642997529, 48.587051641]]], "type": "Polygon"}, "id": 57011, "parent": 50505, "properties": {"description": "Almost rectangular grave pit, cut into the rock. Southeastern corner undocumented due to profile's trench.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "307.0"}, {"id": 15679, "name": "Height", "path": "Dimensions > Height", "unit": "cm", "value": "22.0"}, {"id": 26189, "name": "Length", "path": "Dimensions > Length", "unit": "cm", "value": "146.0"}, {"id": 26188, "name": "Width", "path": "Dimensions > Width", "unit": "cm", "value": "50.0"}, {"id": 118730, "name": "Azimuth", "path": "Dimensions > Azimuth", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "120"}, {"id": 148713, "name": "Nearest Neighbour", "path": "Dimensions > Distance > Nearest Neighbour", "unit": "m", "value": "1.79"}], "maintype": {"id": 26205, "name": "Single Grave", "parent_id": 26204, "path": "Feature > Grave > Single Grave", "systemtype": "feature"}, "name": "Grave 197", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "266", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"id": 22309, "name": "Flat grave", "path": "Grave Characteristics > Grave Construction > Flat grave"}]}, "type": "Feature"}, {"burials": [{"id": 78443, "properties": {"description": "Early adult female (18-23 years). Legs angled to the right. Oriented: NW-SE. Disturbed. Right femur dislocated. Skull laying on its left side. Arm bones dislocated or missing.\r\nNo grave goods.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "313.0"}], "maintype": {"id": 26519, "name": "Skeleton", "parent_id": 26516, "path": "Stratigraphic unit > Burial (strat Unit) > Skeleton", "systemtype": "stratigraphic_unit"}, "name": "G198S1", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "266", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"description": "years", "id": 117200, "name": "maximum age", "path": "Absolute Age > maximum age", "value": "23.0"}, {"description": "years", "id": 117199, "name": "minimum age", "path": "Absolute Age > minimum age", "value": "18.0"}, {"description": "[18,25]", "id": 117201, "name": "Early adult", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Age > Grown up > Adult > Early adult"}, {"id": 128052, "name": "Supine position", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > General > Supine position"}, {"id": 128061, "name": "On the left side", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Head > On the left side"}, {"id": 128064, "name": "Left leg slightly bent", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Legs > Left leg slightly bent"}, {"id": 128104, "name": "Right leg slightly bent", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Legs > Right leg slightly bent"}, {"id": 24, "name": "Female", "path": "Sex and Gender > Sex > Female"}]}}], "files": [{"file_name": "42723.jpg", "id": 42723, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_38498", "reference": "Taf. 40", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "geometry": {"coordinates": [[[15.642969408, 48.587081637], [15.642971294, 48.587080389], [15.642973054, 48.58707917], [15.642974437, 48.587078255], [15.642975736, 48.587077368], [15.642977958, 48.587075704], [15.642979383, 48.587074734], [15.642980305, 48.587073819], [15.642981352, 48.587073431], [15.642982316, 48.587073403], [15.642983238, 48.587073514], [15.642983867, 48.587073154], [15.64298416, 48.58707235], [15.642984244, 48.587071657], [15.642984998, 48.587071213], [15.642985837, 48.587070215], [15.642986004, 48.587069467], [15.642985962, 48.587068441], [15.642985795, 48.587067803], [15.642984957, 48.587067138], [15.642983112, 48.587066889], [15.64298152, 48.587066972], [15.642980305, 48.587067582], [15.642978377, 48.587068968], [15.642975611, 48.58707052], [15.642973725, 48.587071851], [15.642970959, 48.587073708], [15.642968821, 48.587075372], [15.642966349, 48.587076785], [15.64296463, 48.587078116], [15.642964044, 48.587078837], [15.642964463, 48.587079641], [15.642965888, 48.587080694], [15.642967648, 48.587081443], [15.64296857, 48.587081748], [15.642969408, 48.587081637]]], "type": "Polygon"}, "id": 57047, "parent": 50505, "properties": {"description": "Irregular long-rectangular grave pit, slightly cut into the rock.\r\nThe grave was probably disturbed by the small ditch; due to that the stones documented in the backfilling of the grave might belong to the grave or the ditch.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "313.0"}, {"id": 26189, "name": "Length", "path": "Dimensions > Length", "unit": "cm", "value": "155.0"}, {"id": 26188, "name": "Width", "path": "Dimensions > Width", "unit": "cm", "value": "40.0"}, {"id": 118730, "name": "Azimuth", "path": "Dimensions > Azimuth", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "120"}, {"id": 148713, "name": "Nearest Neighbour", "path": "Dimensions > Distance > Nearest Neighbour", "unit": "m", "value": "1.24"}], "maintype": {"id": 26205, "name": "Single Grave", "parent_id": 26204, "path": "Feature > Grave > Single Grave", "systemtype": "feature"}, "name": "Grave 198", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "266-267", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"id": 22309, "name": "Flat grave", "path": "Grave Characteristics > Grave Construction > Flat grave"}]}, "type": "Feature"}, {"burials": [{"finds": [{"files": [{"file_name": "42726.jpg", "id": 42726, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_38504", "reference": "Taf. 40/2", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "id": 102847, "properties": {"description": "A oyster shell found on the right edge of the grave. \r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26189, "name": "Length", "path": "Dimensions > Length", "unit": "cm", "value": "6.7"}, {"id": 26188, "name": "Width", "path": "Dimensions > Width", "unit": "cm", "value": "5.7"}], "maintype": {"id": 26507, "name": "Animal Remains", "parent_id": 26506, "path": "Artifact > Cultural Object > Varia > Animal Remains", "systemtype": "artifact"}, "material": [{"id": 26537, "name": "Shell", "path": "Material > Organic > Animal > Shell", "value": "0.0"}], "name": "G199S1F01", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "267", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"id": 23447, "name": "Leg Left", "path": "Position of Find in Grave > Lower Body > Leg Left"}]}}, {"files": [{"file_name": "42724.jpg", "id": 42724, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_38506", "reference": "Taf. 40/1", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "id": 102841, "properties": {"description": "Pot; slightly fragmented rim; rim dia.: 9,9 cm; body dia.: 11,7 cm; bottom dia.: 6,2 cm, height: 11,2 cm; enriched with silver mica (grain size up to 2 mm, evenly distributed); ceramic group D; slowly turned, subtle, horizontal traces of smoothening on inside, in the lower part of the pot vertical traces of smoothening. Protruding, slightly thickened, and rounded rim; on the shoulder circumferential tilted comb impression; on the body circumferential multiline bands, on the lower part of the pot three to four fine, multi lined wavebands. colour dark grey, sparsely red-brown, mixed fire.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26191, "name": "Diameter", "path": "Dimensions > Diameter", "unit": "cm", "value": "11.7"}, {"id": 15679, "name": "Height", "path": "Dimensions > Height", "unit": "cm", "value": "11.2"}], "maintype": {"id": 26301, "name": "Pot", "parent_id": 26294, "path": "Artifact > Cultural Object > Container > Pottery > Pot", "systemtype": "artifact"}, "material": [{"id": 26561, "name": "Ceramic", "path": "Material > Geological > Clay > Ceramic", "value": "0.0"}], "name": "G199S1F02", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "267", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"id": 23460, "name": "Lower leg", "path": "Position of Find in Grave > Lower Body > Legs - between > Lower leg"}]}}], "id": 78449, "properties": {"description": "Child aged 6-8 years (infans 2). Oriented: NW-SE (286\u00b0). Badly preserved long bones, partly dislocated.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "286.0"}], "maintype": {"id": 26519, "name": "Skeleton", "parent_id": 26516, "path": "Stratigraphic unit > Burial (strat Unit) > Skeleton", "systemtype": "stratigraphic_unit"}, "name": "G199S1", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "267", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"description": "years", "id": 117200, "name": "maximum age", "path": "Absolute Age > maximum age", "value": "8.0"}, {"description": "years", "id": 117199, "name": "minimum age", "path": "Absolute Age > minimum age", "value": "6.0"}, {"description": "[7,13.9]", "id": 22280, "name": "Infans II", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Age > Child > Infans I-II > Infans II"}, {"id": 128052, "name": "Supine position", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > General > Supine position"}, {"description": "Possible result of anthropological sex determination. In this context, undetermined means that not enough bone material or specific features were preserved to carry out a sex determination (unlike indifferent, where the preserved features were neither clearly male nor female).", "id": 22375, "name": "undetermined", "path": "Sex and Gender > Sex > undetermined"}]}}], "files": [{"file_name": "42725.jpg", "id": 42725, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_38501", "reference": "Taf. 40", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "geometry": {"coordinates": [[[15.643200581, 48.586948999], [15.643201587, 48.586948569], [15.643202425, 48.586948001], [15.643203808, 48.586947142], [15.643205086, 48.586946657], [15.6432067, 48.586946061], [15.643208439, 48.58694552], [15.643210262, 48.586945146], [15.643211624, 48.586944799], [15.643213259, 48.586944453], [15.643214516, 48.5869443], [15.643215291, 48.586944369], [15.643215857, 48.586944868], [15.643216444, 48.586945589], [15.643216653, 48.586946227], [15.643216025, 48.586946864], [15.643215186, 48.586947696], [15.643214243, 48.586948237], [15.643213112, 48.58694875], [15.643212358, 48.586948985], [15.643211687, 48.586949276], [15.643211121, 48.58694936], [15.643210555, 48.586949124], [15.643210283, 48.58694875], [15.643209948, 48.586948389], [15.643208879, 48.586948708], [15.643207915, 48.586949027], [15.643207056, 48.586949332], [15.643206323, 48.586949748], [15.643205505, 48.586950025], [15.643204437, 48.586950011], [15.643202697, 48.586949595], [15.643201608, 48.586949387], [15.643200581, 48.586948999]]], "type": "Polygon"}, "id": 57053, "parent": 50505, "properties": {"description": "Almost rectangular grave pit, slightly cut into the rock. surrounded by few stones. Northwestern part undocumented due to trench's profile.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 148713, "name": "Nearest Neighbour", "path": "Dimensions > Distance > Nearest Neighbour", "unit": "m", "value": "1.06"}, {"id": 118730, "name": "Azimuth", "path": "Dimensions > Azimuth", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "103"}, {"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "286.0"}, {"id": 15679, "name": "Height", "path": "Dimensions > Height", "unit": "cm", "value": "13.0"}, {"id": 26189, "name": "Length", "path": "Dimensions > Length", "unit": "cm", "value": "98.0"}, {"id": 26188, "name": "Width", "path": "Dimensions > Width", "unit": "cm", "value": "43.0"}], "maintype": {"id": 26205, "name": "Single Grave", "parent_id": 26204, "path": "Feature > Grave > Single Grave", "systemtype": "feature"}, "name": "Grave 199", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "267", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"id": 22309, "name": "Flat grave", "path": "Grave Characteristics > Grave Construction > Flat grave"}]}, "type": "Feature"}, {"burials": [{"finds": [{"files": [{"file_name": "42729.jpg", "id": 42729, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_38516", "reference": "Taf. 39/5", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "id": 118121, "properties": {"description": "Earring made out of copper alloy. counterpart to find G200S1F02. Slightly fragmented. Wire ring with rod-shaped ornament. A piece of copper alloy sheet metal was pleated vertically around the wire. Cross-section round.\r\nFound in the backfilling of the grave.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26189, "name": "Length", "path": "Dimensions > Length", "unit": "cm", "value": "2.55"}, {"id": 26190, "name": "Thickness", "path": "Dimensions > Thickness", "unit": "cm", "value": "0.1"}, {"id": 26188, "name": "Width", "path": "Dimensions > Width", "unit": "cm", "value": "1.7"}], "maintype": {"id": 26395, "name": "EarringsTemple Rings", "parent_id": 112815, "path": "Artifact > Cultural Object > Accessories > Jewellery > EarringsTemple Rings", "systemtype": "artifact"}, "material": [{"id": 26546, "name": "Copper Alloy", "path": "Material > Metal > Non-Ferrous Metal > Copper Alloy", "value": "0.0"}], "name": "G200S2F01", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "267", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}}}], "id": 118119, "properties": {"description": "Backfilling of grave 200.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "234.0"}], "maintype": {"id": 117202, "name": "Backfilling", "parent_id": 26514, "path": "Stratigraphic unit > Deposit > Backfilling", "systemtype": "stratigraphic_unit"}, "name": "G200S2", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "267", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}}}, {"finds": [{"files": [{"file_name": "35861.jpg", "id": 35861, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_38512", "reference": "Taf. 39/6", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "id": 102103, "properties": {"description": "Temple ring made out of copper alloy wire. One end bent into multiple loops in a meandering pattern. Bent. Cross-section round, in the region of the bent end rectangular.\r\nFound with the scattered bones, where the lower body was originally situated.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26189, "name": "Length", "path": "Dimensions > Length", "unit": "cm", "value": "1.8"}, {"id": 26190, "name": "Thickness", "path": "Dimensions > Thickness", "unit": "cm", "value": "0.1"}], "maintype": {"id": 26395, "name": "EarringsTemple Rings", "parent_id": 112815, "path": "Artifact > Cultural Object > Accessories > Jewellery > EarringsTemple Rings", "systemtype": "artifact"}, "material": [{"id": 26546, "name": "Copper Alloy", "path": "Material > Metal > Non-Ferrous Metal > Copper Alloy", "value": "0.0"}], "name": "G200S1F01", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "267", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"id": 23446, "name": "Lower Body", "path": "Position of Find in Grave > Lower Body"}]}}, {"files": [{"file_name": "35862.jpg", "id": 35862, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_38514", "reference": "Taf. 39/4", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "id": 102145, "properties": {"description": "Templering made out of copper alloy wire. Ornament made out of sheet metal with corrugated decoration. It was pleated around a band that was bent around the ring and fragmented. Cross-section round.\r\nFound with the scattered bones, where the lower body was originally situated.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26189, "name": "Length", "path": "Dimensions > Length", "unit": "cm", "value": "2.8"}, {"id": 26190, "name": "Thickness", "path": "Dimensions > Thickness", "unit": "cm", "value": "0.1"}, {"id": 26188, "name": "Width", "path": "Dimensions > Width", "unit": "cm", "value": "1.8"}], "maintype": {"id": 26395, "name": "EarringsTemple Rings", "parent_id": 112815, "path": "Artifact > Cultural Object > Accessories > Jewellery > EarringsTemple Rings", "systemtype": "artifact"}, "material": [{"id": 26546, "name": "Copper Alloy", "path": "Material > Metal > Non-Ferrous Metal > Copper Alloy", "value": "0.0"}], "name": "G200S1F02", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "267", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"id": 23446, "name": "Lower Body", "path": "Position of Find in Grave > Lower Body"}]}}], "id": 77817, "properties": {"description": "Child aged 2-3 years (infans 1). Probably supine position. Oriented: SW-NE. Skull laying on its left side. The rest of the body is heavily disturbed, bones scattered.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "234.0"}], "maintype": {"id": 26519, "name": "Skeleton", "parent_id": 26516, "path": "Stratigraphic unit > Burial (strat Unit) > Skeleton", "systemtype": "stratigraphic_unit"}, "name": "G200S1", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "267", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"description": "years", "id": 117200, "name": "maximum age", "path": "Absolute Age > maximum age", "value": "3.0"}, {"description": "years", "id": 117199, "name": "minimum age", "path": "Absolute Age > minimum age", "value": "2.0"}, {"description": "[0,6.9]", "id": 22279, "name": "Infans I", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Age > Child > Infans I-II > Infans I"}, {"id": 128052, "name": "Supine position", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > General > Supine position"}, {"id": 128061, "name": "On the left side", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Head > On the left side"}, {"description": "Possible result of anthropological sex determination. In this context, undetermined means that not enough bone material or specific features were preserved to carry out a sex determination (unlike indifferent, where the preserved features were neither clearly male nor female).", "id": 22375, "name": "undetermined", "path": "Sex and Gender > Sex > undetermined"}]}}], "files": [{"file_name": "37458.jpg", "id": 37458, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_38509", "reference": "Taf. 39", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "geometry": {"coordinates": [[[15.643042079, 48.587061871], [15.643042875, 48.587062259], [15.643044091, 48.587062897], [15.6430456, 48.587063728], [15.64304627, 48.587064005], [15.643046731, 48.587064532], [15.643048449, 48.587065586], [15.643049665, 48.587066196], [15.643052096, 48.587067332], [15.643053772, 48.587067914], [15.643053688, 48.587068441], [15.643052682, 48.587069578], [15.643051635, 48.587070797], [15.643050545, 48.587071851], [15.643050335, 48.587072267], [15.643049246, 48.587072267], [15.643047905, 48.587072017], [15.643046731, 48.587071768], [15.643045097, 48.587071296], [15.643043923, 48.587070714], [15.643043378, 48.587070271], [15.643043169, 48.587069799], [15.643043127, 48.587069217], [15.643042414, 48.587068663], [15.643041241, 48.587067887], [15.643039355, 48.587066528], [15.643038265, 48.587066029], [15.643038014, 48.587065475], [15.643038433, 48.587064588], [15.643039565, 48.587063423], [15.643040654, 48.58706237], [15.643042079, 48.587061871]]], "type": "Polygon"}, "id": 59675, "parent": 50505, "properties": {"description": "Almost rectangular grave pit, slightly cut into the rock. End at one end not detectable. Standing stones in the southwestern part on the burial level.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 148713, "name": "Nearest Neighbour", "path": "Dimensions > Distance > Nearest Neighbour", "unit": "m", "value": "1.69"}, {"id": 118730, "name": "Azimuth", "path": "Dimensions > Azimuth", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "62"}, {"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "234.0"}, {"id": 26189, "name": "Length", "path": "Dimensions > Length", "unit": "cm", "value": "130.0"}, {"id": 26188, "name": "Width", "path": "Dimensions > Width", "unit": "cm", "value": "57.0"}], "maintype": {"id": 26205, "name": "Single Grave", "parent_id": 26204, "path": "Feature > Grave > Single Grave", "systemtype": "feature"}, "name": "Grave 200", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "267", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"id": 22309, "name": "Flat grave", "path": "Grave Characteristics > Grave Construction > Flat grave"}]}, "type": "Feature"}, {"burials": [{"id": 75207, "properties": {"description": "Child aged 18-24 months (infans 1). Oriented: WNW-ESE. Badly preserved. Skull fragments, some mostly dislocated ribs and long bones preserved.\r\nNo grave goods.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "286.0"}], "maintype": {"id": 26519, "name": "Skeleton", "parent_id": 26516, "path": "Stratigraphic unit > Burial (strat Unit) > Skeleton", "systemtype": "stratigraphic_unit"}, "name": "G201S1", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "267", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"description": "years", "id": 117200, "name": "maximum age", "path": "Absolute Age > maximum age", "value": "2.0"}, {"description": "years", "id": 117199, "name": "minimum age", "path": "Absolute Age > minimum age", "value": "1.5"}, {"description": "[0,6.9]", "id": 22279, "name": "Infans I", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Age > Child > Infans I-II > Infans I"}, {"description": "Possible result of anthropological sex determination. In this context, undetermined means that not enough bone material or specific features were preserved to carry out a sex determination (unlike indifferent, where the preserved features were neither clearly male nor female).", "id": 22375, "name": "undetermined", "path": "Sex and Gender > Sex > undetermined"}]}}], "files": [{"file_name": "42730.jpg", "id": 42730, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_38518", "reference": "Taf. 39", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "geometry": {"coordinates": [[[15.643016598, 48.586986022], [15.643017541, 48.586985912], [15.643018673, 48.586985579], [15.643019679, 48.586985163], [15.643020517, 48.586984941], [15.643021124, 48.5869849], [15.643021334, 48.586984622], [15.643021397, 48.586983832], [15.643021145, 48.586983347], [15.643020622, 48.586982862], [15.643019825, 48.586982876], [15.643018379, 48.586983306], [15.643017311, 48.586983694], [15.643016766, 48.586984096], [15.643015949, 48.586984595], [15.643015634, 48.586985135], [15.643015488, 48.586985759], [15.64301597, 48.586986161], [15.643016598, 48.586986022]]], "type": "Polygon"}, "id": 59717, "parent": 50505, "properties": {"description": "Pieces of human bones found the backfilling of a oval-rectangular shaped grave pit.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "286.0"}, {"id": 26189, "name": "Length", "path": "Dimensions > Length", "unit": "cm", "value": "53.0"}, {"id": 26188, "name": "Width", "path": "Dimensions > Width", "unit": "cm", "value": "26.0"}, {"id": 118730, "name": "Azimuth", "path": "Dimensions > Azimuth", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "106"}, {"id": 148713, "name": "Nearest Neighbour", "path": "Dimensions > Distance > Nearest Neighbour", "unit": "m", "value": "0.7"}], "maintype": {"id": 26205, "name": "Single Grave", "parent_id": 26204, "path": "Feature > Grave > Single Grave", "systemtype": "feature"}, "name": "Grave 201", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "267", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"id": 22309, "name": "Flat grave", "path": "Grave Characteristics > Grave Construction > Flat grave"}]}, "type": "Feature"}, {"burials": [{"id": 75315, "properties": {"description": "Secondary burial or possibly double burial. Child aged 4-5 years (infans 1). Orientation of grave pit: NW-SE. Only fragmented and slightly dislocated skull, as well as lower jaw, preserved.\r\nNo grave goods.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "304.0"}], "maintype": {"id": 26519, "name": "Skeleton", "parent_id": 26516, "path": "Stratigraphic unit > Burial (strat Unit) > Skeleton", "systemtype": "stratigraphic_unit"}, "name": "G202S1", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "267", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"description": "years", "id": 117200, "name": "maximum age", "path": "Absolute Age > maximum age", "value": "5.0"}, {"description": "years", "id": 117199, "name": "minimum age", "path": "Absolute Age > minimum age", "value": "4.0"}, {"description": "[0,6.9]", "id": 22279, "name": "Infans I", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Age > Child > Infans I-II > Infans I"}, {"description": "Possible result of anthropological sex determination. In this context, undetermined means that not enough bone material or specific features were preserved to carry out a sex determination (unlike indifferent, where the preserved features were neither clearly male nor female).", "id": 22375, "name": "undetermined", "path": "Sex and Gender > Sex > undetermined"}]}}, {"id": 75309, "properties": {"description": "Secondary burial or possibly double burial. Child aged approx. 7 years (infans 2). Orientation of grave pit: NW-SE. \r\nNo grave goods.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "304.0"}], "maintype": {"id": 26519, "name": "Skeleton", "parent_id": 26516, "path": "Stratigraphic unit > Burial (strat Unit) > Skeleton", "systemtype": "stratigraphic_unit"}, "name": "G202S2", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "267", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"description": "years", "id": 117200, "name": "maximum age", "path": "Absolute Age > maximum age", "value": "7.0"}, {"description": "years", "id": 117199, "name": "minimum age", "path": "Absolute Age > minimum age", "value": "7.0"}, {"description": "[7,13.9]", "id": 22280, "name": "Infans II", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Age > Child > Infans I-II > Infans II"}, {"description": "Possible result of anthropological sex determination. In this context, undetermined means that not enough bone material or specific features were preserved to carry out a sex determination (unlike indifferent, where the preserved features were neither clearly male nor female).", "id": 22375, "name": "undetermined", "path": "Sex and Gender > Sex > undetermined"}]}}], "files": [{"file_name": "42731.jpg", "id": 42731, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_38521", "reference": "Taf. 22", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "geometry": {"coordinates": [[[15.643128979, 48.586957593], [15.643127135, 48.586958175], [15.643126213, 48.586958591], [15.643125311, 48.586957967], [15.64312462, 48.586957052], [15.643123761, 48.586956124], [15.643123866, 48.586955833], [15.643124955, 48.586955126], [15.643126694, 48.586954211], [15.643128371, 48.586953338], [15.643130215, 48.586952631], [15.643131535, 48.586951979], [15.643132352, 48.586951758], [15.643132939, 48.586952035], [15.643133651, 48.586953005], [15.643134217, 48.586954391], [15.643134092, 48.586955708], [15.643131493, 48.586956734], [15.643128979, 48.586957593]]], "type": "Polygon"}, "id": 57071, "parent": 50505, "properties": {"description": "Probably same grave pit as for burial 99. On the level of the burial few stones along the edges.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "304.0"}, {"id": 26188, "name": "Width", "path": "Dimensions > Width", "unit": "cm", "value": "45.0"}, {"id": 148713, "name": "Nearest Neighbour", "path": "Dimensions > Distance > Nearest Neighbour", "unit": "m", "value": "0.13"}, {"id": 118730, "name": "Azimuth", "path": "Dimensions > Azimuth", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "112"}], "maintype": {"id": 26206, "name": "Grave with multiple burials", "parent_id": 26204, "path": "Feature > Grave > Grave with multiple burials", "systemtype": "feature"}, "name": "Grave 202", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "267", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"id": 22309, "name": "Flat grave", "path": "Grave Characteristics > Grave Construction > Flat grave"}]}, "type": "Feature"}, {"burials": [{"id": 75249, "properties": {"description": "Possibly double burial. Child aged 6-9 months (infans 1). Orientation of grave pit: NW-SE. Position in grave unknown.\r\nNo grave goods.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "217.0"}], "maintype": {"id": 26519, "name": "Skeleton", "parent_id": 26516, "path": "Stratigraphic unit > Burial (strat Unit) > Skeleton", "systemtype": "stratigraphic_unit"}, "name": "G203S2", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "267", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"description": "years", "id": 117200, "name": "maximum age", "path": "Absolute Age > maximum age", "value": "0.75"}, {"description": "years", "id": 117199, "name": "minimum age", "path": "Absolute Age > minimum age", "value": "0.5"}, {"description": "[0,6.9]", "id": 22279, "name": "Infans I", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Age > Child > Infans I-II > Infans I"}, {"description": "Possible result of anthropological sex determination. In this context, undetermined means that not enough bone material or specific features were preserved to carry out a sex determination (unlike indifferent, where the preserved features were neither clearly male nor female).", "id": 22375, "name": "undetermined", "path": "Sex and Gender > Sex > undetermined"}]}}, {"id": 75321, "properties": {"description": "Possibly double burial. Child aged 4-6 months (infans 1). Originally probably supine position. Orientation of grave pit: NW-SE. Fragments of the skull, ribs, and some dislocated long bones preserved.\r\nNo grave goods.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "217.0"}], "maintype": {"id": 26519, "name": "Skeleton", "parent_id": 26516, "path": "Stratigraphic unit > Burial (strat Unit) > Skeleton", "systemtype": "stratigraphic_unit"}, "name": "G203S1", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "267", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"description": "years", "id": 117200, "name": "maximum age", "path": "Absolute Age > maximum age", "value": "0.5"}, {"description": "years", "id": 117199, "name": "minimum age", "path": "Absolute Age > minimum age", "value": "0.25"}, {"description": "[0,6.9]", "id": 22279, "name": "Infans I", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Age > Child > Infans I-II > Infans I"}, {"id": 128052, "name": "Supine position", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > General > Supine position"}, {"description": "Possible result of anthropological sex determination. In this context, undetermined means that not enough bone material or specific features were preserved to carry out a sex determination (unlike indifferent, where the preserved features were neither clearly male nor female).", "id": 22375, "name": "undetermined", "path": "Sex and Gender > Sex > undetermined"}]}}], "files": [{"file_name": "35865.jpg", "id": 35865, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_38526", "reference": "Taf. 40", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "geometry": {"coordinates": [[[15.643021669, 48.587051794], [15.643022675, 48.58705074], [15.643023555, 48.587049673], [15.643024812, 48.587048633], [15.643025588, 48.587047774], [15.64302586, 48.587047303], [15.643025986, 48.58704679], [15.643025525, 48.587046374], [15.643024582, 48.587045917], [15.643023828, 48.587045626], [15.643023325, 48.587045695], [15.643022424, 48.587046194], [15.643021124, 48.587047233], [15.643020181, 48.587048176], [15.643019679, 48.587049216], [15.643019238, 48.587050158], [15.643018924, 48.587050657], [15.643019155, 48.587051004], [15.643020202, 48.587051558], [15.643020957, 48.587051877], [15.643021669, 48.587051794]]], "type": "Polygon"}, "id": 59711, "parent": 50505, "properties": {"description": "Almost recangular grave pit, slightly cut into the rock. Bordered with stones. Western corner undocumented due to trench's profile.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 148713, "name": "Nearest Neighbour", "path": "Dimensions > Distance > Nearest Neighbour", "unit": "m", "value": "1.05"}, {"id": 118730, "name": "Azimuth", "path": "Dimensions > Azimuth", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "135"}, {"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "217.0"}, {"id": 15679, "name": "Height", "path": "Dimensions > Height", "unit": "cm", "value": "36.0"}, {"id": 26189, "name": "Length", "path": "Dimensions > Length", "unit": "cm", "value": "69.0"}, {"id": 26188, "name": "Width", "path": "Dimensions > Width", "unit": "cm", "value": "29.0"}], "maintype": {"id": 26206, "name": "Grave with multiple burials", "parent_id": 26204, "path": "Feature > Grave > Grave with multiple burials", "systemtype": "feature"}, "name": "Grave 203", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "267", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"id": 22309, "name": "Flat grave", "path": "Grave Characteristics > Grave Construction > Flat grave"}]}, "type": "Feature"}, {"burials": [{"finds": [{"files": [{"file_name": "42734.jpg", "id": 42734, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_38533", "reference": "Taf. 41/3", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "id": 97931, "properties": {"description": "Hoop finger ring made put of copper alloy. Ends overlapping. Cross-section slightly D-shaped.\r\nFound on one finger of the left hand.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26191, "name": "Diameter", "path": "Dimensions > Diameter", "unit": "cm", "value": "2.15"}, {"id": 15679, "name": "Height", "path": "Dimensions > Height", "unit": "cm", "value": "0.15"}], "maintype": {"id": 26357, "name": "Hoop Finger-Ring", "parent_id": 26356, "path": "Artifact > Cultural Object > Accessories > Jewellery > Finger-Ring > Hoop Finger-Ring", "systemtype": "artifact"}, "material": [{"id": 26546, "name": "Copper Alloy", "path": "Material > Metal > Non-Ferrous Metal > Copper Alloy", "value": "0.0"}], "name": "G205S1F01", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "268", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"id": 23474, "name": "Hand left", "path": "Position of Find in Grave > Upper Body > Upper Extremities > Hands > Hand left"}]}}], "id": 75327, "properties": {"description": "Senile woman (60-70 years). Oriented: NW-SE. Skull laying on its left side.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "293.0"}], "maintype": {"id": 26519, "name": "Skeleton", "parent_id": 26516, "path": "Stratigraphic unit > Burial (strat Unit) > Skeleton", "systemtype": "stratigraphic_unit"}, "name": "G205S1", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "268", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"description": "years", "id": 117200, "name": "maximum age", "path": "Absolute Age > maximum age", "value": "70.0"}, {"description": "years", "id": 117199, "name": "minimum age", "path": "Absolute Age > minimum age", "value": "60.0"}, {"description": "[60,100]", "id": 22288, "name": "Senil", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Age > Grown up > Senil"}, {"id": 128067, "name": "Left arm stretched", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Arms > Left arm stretched"}, {"id": 128068, "name": "Right arm stretched", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Arms > Right arm stretched"}, {"id": 128052, "name": "Supine position", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > General > Supine position"}, {"id": 128084, "name": "Left hand next to the body", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Hands > Left hand next to the body"}, {"id": 128085, "name": "Right hand next to the body", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Hands > Right hand next to the body"}, {"id": 128061, "name": "On the left side", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Head > On the left side"}, {"id": 128062, "name": "Left leg stretched", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Legs > Left leg stretched"}, {"id": 128103, "name": "Right leg stretched", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Legs > Right leg stretched"}, {"id": 24, "name": "Female", "path": "Sex and Gender > Sex > Female"}]}}], "files": [{"file_name": "42733.jpg", "id": 42733, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_38530", "reference": "Taf. 41", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "geometry": {"coordinates": [[[15.643006309, 48.587043643], [15.64300478, 48.58704435], [15.643002307, 48.58704521], [15.642999709, 48.58704593], [15.642998074, 48.587046845], [15.642996565, 48.587047511], [15.642996021, 48.587047871], [15.642995099, 48.587047483], [15.642993758, 48.587046402], [15.64299338, 48.587045847], [15.642993129, 48.587045321], [15.642993716, 48.587044794], [15.642995182, 48.587044212], [15.642996943, 48.587043241], [15.642998954, 48.587042243], [15.643001092, 48.587041439], [15.643002768, 48.587040608], [15.643005325, 48.587039471], [15.643007252, 48.587038473], [15.643008258, 48.587038335], [15.643010542, 48.587039901], [15.643010815, 48.587040455], [15.643008782, 48.587042049], [15.643007525, 48.58704277], [15.643006309, 48.587043643]]], "type": "Polygon"}, "id": 57131, "parent": 50505, "properties": {"description": "Almost rectangular grave pit. Some stones bordering the pit above the burial level. Some midsized/big stones in or on top of the backfilling.\r\nGrave is superimposed by grave 132 in the area of the lower body. Graves oriented almost in the same fashion.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "293.0"}, {"id": 15679, "name": "Height", "path": "Dimensions > Height", "unit": "cm", "value": "18.0"}, {"id": 26189, "name": "Length", "path": "Dimensions > Length", "unit": "cm", "value": "190.0"}, {"id": 26188, "name": "Width", "path": "Dimensions > Width", "unit": "cm", "value": "59.0"}, {"id": 148713, "name": "Nearest Neighbour", "path": "Dimensions > Distance > Nearest Neighbour", "unit": "m", "value": "0.43"}, {"id": 118730, "name": "Azimuth", "path": "Dimensions > Azimuth", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "114"}], "maintype": {"id": 26205, "name": "Single Grave", "parent_id": 26204, "path": "Feature > Grave > Single Grave", "systemtype": "feature"}, "name": "Grave 205", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "268", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"id": 22310, "name": "Tumulus", "path": "Grave Characteristics > Grave Construction > Tumulus"}]}, "type": "Feature"}, {"burials": [{"id": 75333, "properties": {"description": "Child aged 4-5 years (infans 1). Oriented: NW-SE. Disturbed. Skull fragmented. Preserved bones mostly dislocated.\r\nNo grave goods.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "293.0"}], "maintype": {"id": 26519, "name": "Skeleton", "parent_id": 26516, "path": "Stratigraphic unit > Burial (strat Unit) > Skeleton", "systemtype": "stratigraphic_unit"}, "name": "G206S1", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "268", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"description": "years", "id": 117200, "name": "maximum age", "path": "Absolute Age > maximum age", "value": "5.0"}, {"description": "years", "id": 117199, "name": "minimum age", "path": "Absolute Age > minimum age", "value": "4.0"}, {"description": "[0,6.9]", "id": 22279, "name": "Infans I", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Age > Child > Infans I-II > Infans I"}, {"id": 128052, "name": "Supine position", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > General > Supine position"}, {"description": "Possible result of anthropological sex determination. In this context, undetermined means that not enough bone material or specific features were preserved to carry out a sex determination (unlike indifferent, where the preserved features were neither clearly male nor female).", "id": 22375, "name": "undetermined", "path": "Sex and Gender > Sex > undetermined"}]}}], "files": [{"file_name": "42736.jpg", "id": 42736, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_38535", "reference": "Taf. 41", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "geometry": {"coordinates": [[[15.642961131, 48.587027176], [15.64296264, 48.587026594], [15.642964148, 48.587025998], [15.642965385, 48.587025416], [15.642966705, 48.58702482], [15.642968277, 48.587024238], [15.642968863, 48.587023628], [15.642969408, 48.587022463], [15.642969953, 48.587021313], [15.642970267, 48.587020675], [15.64297033, 48.587020149], [15.642969743, 48.587019622], [15.642969136, 48.587018957], [15.642968528, 48.587018804], [15.642966558, 48.587019289], [15.642964568, 48.587019871], [15.642961969, 48.587020675], [15.642960335, 48.587021341], [15.642958973, 48.587021895], [15.642957401, 48.587022297], [15.642956102, 48.58702263], [15.642955767, 48.58702324], [15.642955536, 48.587024265], [15.642955557, 48.587025056], [15.642955934, 48.587025555], [15.642956689, 48.587025998], [15.642957862, 48.587026303], [15.64295914, 48.587026553], [15.64295979, 48.587026857], [15.64296023, 48.587027329], [15.642961131, 48.587027176]]], "type": "Polygon"}, "id": 57143, "parent": 50505, "properties": {"description": "Almost rectangular grave pit, slightly cut into the rock partly. Eastern corner undocumented due to trench's profile.\r\nThe human remains labeled with number 155 were afterwards identified as burial from grave 206 (therefore: grave 155 = grave 206).\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "293.0"}, {"id": 15679, "name": "Height", "path": "Dimensions > Height", "unit": "cm", "value": "23.0"}, {"id": 26189, "name": "Length", "path": "Dimensions > Length", "unit": "cm", "value": "104.0"}, {"id": 26188, "name": "Width", "path": "Dimensions > Width", "unit": "cm", "value": "61.0"}, {"id": 118730, "name": "Azimuth", "path": "Dimensions > Azimuth", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "108"}, {"id": 148713, "name": "Nearest Neighbour", "path": "Dimensions > Distance > Nearest Neighbour", "unit": "m", "value": "0.84"}], "maintype": {"id": 26205, "name": "Single Grave", "parent_id": 26204, "path": "Feature > Grave > Single Grave", "systemtype": "feature"}, "name": "Grave 206", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "260 and 268", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"id": 22299, "name": "Cut in rock", "path": "Grave Characteristics > Grave Construction > Cut in rock"}, {"id": 22300, "name": "Earth pit", "path": "Grave Characteristics > Grave Construction > Earth pit"}, {"id": 22309, "name": "Flat grave", "path": "Grave Characteristics > Grave Construction > Flat grave"}]}, "type": "Feature"}, {"burials": [{"id": 78531, "properties": {"description": "Mature male (40-60 years). Oriented: NW-SE. Slightly disturbed. Skull laying on its left side.\r\nNo grave goods.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "298.0"}], "maintype": {"id": 26519, "name": "Skeleton", "parent_id": 26516, "path": "Stratigraphic unit > Burial (strat Unit) > Skeleton", "systemtype": "stratigraphic_unit"}, "name": "G207S1", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "268", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"description": "years", "id": 117200, "name": "maximum age", "path": "Absolute Age > maximum age", "value": "60.0"}, {"description": "years", "id": 117199, "name": "minimum age", "path": "Absolute Age > minimum age", "value": "40.0"}, {"description": "[40,59.9]", "id": 22286, "name": "Matur", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Age > Grown up > Matur"}, {"id": 128067, "name": "Left arm stretched", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Arms > Left arm stretched"}, {"id": 128068, "name": "Right arm stretched", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Arms > Right arm stretched"}, {"id": 128052, "name": "Supine position", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > General > Supine position"}, {"id": 128084, "name": "Left hand next to the body", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Hands > Left hand next to the body"}, {"id": 128061, "name": "On the left side", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Head > On the left side"}, {"id": 128062, "name": "Left leg stretched", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Legs > Left leg stretched"}, {"id": 128103, "name": "Right leg stretched", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Legs > Right leg stretched"}, {"id": 25, "name": "Male", "path": "Sex and Gender > Sex > Male"}]}}], "files": [{"file_name": "42735.jpg", "id": 42735, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_38538", "reference": "Taf. 41", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "geometry": {"coordinates": [[[15.643198779, 48.586870614], [15.643199827, 48.586871501], [15.643200916, 48.586872388], [15.643202048, 48.586873164], [15.643203096, 48.58687358], [15.643204101, 48.586873525], [15.643205862, 48.586873053], [15.643207789, 48.586871945], [15.643209675, 48.586870919], [15.64321219, 48.58686956], [15.64321416, 48.586868091], [15.643216674, 48.586866899], [15.643219189, 48.58686579], [15.643221242, 48.586864681], [15.643222332, 48.586863628], [15.643221955, 48.58686202], [15.6432212, 48.5868608], [15.643219692, 48.586859802], [15.643217512, 48.586859553], [15.643216213, 48.586860163], [15.643212777, 48.586861909], [15.643210681, 48.586862907], [15.643207286, 48.586864404], [15.643204898, 48.586865541], [15.643202509, 48.586866816], [15.643200288, 48.586867897], [15.643198821, 48.586868562], [15.643198024, 48.586869394], [15.643198276, 48.586870059], [15.643198779, 48.586870614]]], "type": "Polygon"}, "id": 57137, "parent": 50505, "properties": {"description": "Formally known as grave 61/1990.\r\nAlmost rectangular grave pit, slightly cut into the rock. \r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 148713, "name": "Nearest Neighbour", "path": "Dimensions > Distance > Nearest Neighbour", "unit": "m", "value": "2.29"}, {"id": 118730, "name": "Azimuth", "path": "Dimensions > Azimuth", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "116"}, {"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "298.0"}, {"id": 15679, "name": "Height", "path": "Dimensions > Height", "unit": "cm", "value": "9.0"}, {"id": 26189, "name": "Length", "path": "Dimensions > Length", "unit": "cm", "value": "193.0"}, {"id": 26188, "name": "Width", "path": "Dimensions > Width", "unit": "cm", "value": "62.0"}], "maintype": {"id": 26205, "name": "Single Grave", "parent_id": 26204, "path": "Feature > Grave > Single Grave", "systemtype": "feature"}, "name": "Grave 207", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "268", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"id": 22309, "name": "Flat grave", "path": "Grave Characteristics > Grave Construction > Flat grave"}]}, "type": "Feature"}, {"burials": [{"finds": [{"files": [{"file_name": "42738.jpg", "id": 42738, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_38544", "reference": "Taf. 41/1", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "id": 97937, "properties": {"description": "Rectangular plate fibula (total length 4,45 cm, length fibula 3,3 cm, width 2,55-2,75 cm, thickness 0,2-0,55 cm). Iron sheet with gilded copper sheet overlay. One corner has broken off. Additional iron and fabric remains corroded to the back. Fibula rectangular with slightly convex long sides. Hump, small star, trefoil, and dot decoration punched in from the lower side. Five bigger humps close are situated close to the corners and in the middle and were (probably) containing glass (half) balls originally. Several small leather fragments and fabric remains.\r\nFound on the left side of the chest.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26189, "name": "Length", "path": "Dimensions > Length", "unit": "cm", "value": "4.45"}, {"id": 26188, "name": "Width", "path": "Dimensions > Width", "unit": "cm", "value": "2.55"}], "maintype": {"id": 26330, "name": "BroochFibula", "parent_id": 112815, "path": "Artifact > Cultural Object > Accessories > Jewellery > BroochFibula", "systemtype": "artifact"}, "material": [{"id": 26565, "name": "Glass", "path": "Material > Artificial > Glass", "value": "0.0"}, {"id": 26540, "name": "Iron", "path": "Material > Metal > Iron", "value": "0.0"}, {"id": 26547, "name": "Copper", "path": "Material > Metal > Non-Ferrous Metal > Copper", "value": "0.0"}, {"id": 26544, "name": "Gilded", "path": "Material > Metal > Non-Ferrous Metal > Precious Metal > Gold > Gilded", "value": "0.0"}], "name": "G208S1F01", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "268", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"id": 23479, "name": "Chest left", "path": "Position of Find in Grave > Upper Body > Chest > Chest left"}]}}, {"files": [{"file_name": "42739.jpg", "id": 42739, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_38546", "reference": "Taf. 41/2", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "id": 97943, "properties": {"description": "Earring with spherical metal beads (length 5,2 cm, diam. pom-pom 1,1 and 0,85 cm, thickness wire 0,1 cm), made out of gilded copper. Ring fragmented. Pom-pom attached to the wire and made out of two sheet metal halves fused together horizontally. Attached to it small chains (wire wrapped around wire) with a sphere crown made out of beaded wire. Cross-section round. Found on the right side of the skull, next to the ear.\r\n\r\n\r\nBommelohrring; Kupfer vergoldet; Ring fragmentiert; auf Drahtschlaufe aufgeschobener Bommel aus horizontal zusammengesetzten Blechh\u00e4lften, daran Kettchen (um Draht gewickelter Draht) mit perldrahtverziertem Kugelkranz; erh.L. 5,2 cm, BommelDm. 1,1 und 0,85 cm, DrahtSt. 0,1 cm, Qu. rund.", "dimensions": [{"id": 26189, "name": "Length", "path": "Dimensions > Length", "unit": "cm", "value": "5.2"}, {"id": 26190, "name": "Thickness", "path": "Dimensions > Thickness", "unit": "cm", "value": "0.1"}], "maintype": {"id": 26396, "name": "Earrings with spherical Metalbeads", "parent_id": 26395, "path": "Artifact > Cultural Object > Accessories > Jewellery > EarringsTemple Rings > Earrings with spherical Metalbeads", "systemtype": "artifact"}, "material": [{"id": 26547, "name": "Copper", "path": "Material > Metal > Non-Ferrous Metal > Copper", "value": "0.0"}, {"id": 26544, "name": "Gilded", "path": "Material > Metal > Non-Ferrous Metal > Precious Metal > Gold > Gilded", "value": "0.0"}], "name": "G208S1F02", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "268", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"id": 23445, "name": "Ear right", "path": "Position of Find in Grave > Head > Head right side > Ear right"}]}}, {"id": 97949, "properties": {"description": "Earring, probably counterpart to find G208S1F02. Lost without a trace.\r\nFound on the left side of the skull, next to the lower jaw.\r\n\r\n", "maintype": {"id": 26395, "name": "EarringsTemple Rings", "parent_id": 112815, "path": "Artifact > Cultural Object > Accessories > Jewellery > EarringsTemple Rings", "systemtype": "artifact"}, "name": "G208S1F03", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "268", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"id": 23442, "name": "Head left side", "path": "Position of Find in Grave > Head > Head left side"}]}}], "id": 75339, "properties": {"description": "Adult female (20-25 years). Oriented: W-E. Badly preserved. Especially upper body and pelvis fragmented. Skull tilted to the front. Right upper arm and right knee positioned on stones.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "266.0"}], "maintype": {"id": 26519, "name": "Skeleton", "parent_id": 26516, "path": "Stratigraphic unit > Burial (strat Unit) > Skeleton", "systemtype": "stratigraphic_unit"}, "name": "G208S1", "radiocarbon": {"sample": "VERA4611 : 1161 \u00b1 39"}, "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "268", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"description": "years", "id": 117200, "name": "maximum age", "path": "Absolute Age > maximum age", "value": "25.0"}, {"description": "years", "id": 117199, "name": "minimum age", "path": "Absolute Age > minimum age", "value": "20.0"}, {"description": "[20,39.9]", "id": 22284, "name": "Adult", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Age > Grown up > Adult"}, {"id": 128067, "name": "Left arm stretched", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Arms > Left arm stretched"}, {"id": 128068, "name": "Right arm stretched", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Arms > Right arm stretched"}, {"id": 128052, "name": "Supine position", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > General > Supine position"}, {"id": 128059, "name": "Head straight", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Head > Head straight"}, {"id": 128062, "name": "Left leg stretched", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Legs > Left leg stretched"}, {"id": 128103, "name": "Right leg stretched", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Legs > Right leg stretched"}, {"id": 24, "name": "Female", "path": "Sex and Gender > Sex > Female"}]}}], "files": [{"file_name": "42737.jpg", "id": 42737, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_38541", "reference": "Taf. 41", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "geometry": {"coordinates": [[[15.643176734, 48.586857196], [15.643178704, 48.586857279], [15.6431808, 48.586857058], [15.643183901, 48.586856586], [15.643186499, 48.586856281], [15.643188762, 48.586855727], [15.643190774, 48.586855561], [15.643193247, 48.586855616], [15.643196013, 48.586855034], [15.643199282, 48.586854008], [15.643201713, 48.586853426], [15.643203976, 48.586853371], [15.643204772, 48.58685326], [15.643205526, 48.586852844], [15.643205652, 48.586852178], [15.643205694, 48.58685107], [15.643205442, 48.586849711], [15.643204814, 48.586849018], [15.643204101, 48.586848408], [15.643203347, 48.586848076], [15.643202048, 48.586847881], [15.643198821, 48.586848297], [15.6431953, 48.586848381], [15.643192367, 48.586848575], [15.643189475, 48.586848519], [15.643185577, 48.586848491], [15.643182141, 48.586848464], [15.64317883, 48.586848796], [15.643176064, 48.586849046], [15.643174346, 48.586849268], [15.643173046, 48.586849517], [15.643172376, 48.586850182], [15.643171663, 48.586850792], [15.643171831, 48.586851596], [15.643172627, 48.586852262], [15.643173172, 48.586853481], [15.643173298, 48.586854701], [15.643173507, 48.586855949], [15.64317422, 48.586856947], [15.643175268, 48.586857363], [15.643176734, 48.586857196]]], "type": "Polygon"}, "id": 57125, "parent": 50505, "properties": {"description": "Formerly known as grave 61_1990.\r\nTrapezoid grave pit, slightly cut into the rock. Bordered with stones.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 118730, "name": "Azimuth", "path": "Dimensions > Azimuth", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "95"}, {"id": 148713, "name": "Nearest Neighbour", "path": "Dimensions > Distance > Nearest Neighbour", "unit": "m", "value": "1.79"}, {"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "266.0"}, {"id": 15679, "name": "Height", "path": "Dimensions > Height", "unit": "cm", "value": "37.0"}, {"id": 26189, "name": "Length", "path": "Dimensions > Length", "unit": "cm", "value": "227.0"}, {"id": 26188, "name": "Width", "path": "Dimensions > Width", "unit": "cm", "value": "87.0"}], "maintype": {"id": 26205, "name": "Single Grave", "parent_id": 26204, "path": "Feature > Grave > Single Grave", "systemtype": "feature"}, "name": "Grave 208", "radiocarbon": {"child_sample": ["VERA4611 : 1161 \u00b1 39"]}, "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "268", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"id": 22299, "name": "Cut in rock", "path": "Grave Characteristics > Grave Construction > Cut in rock"}, {"id": 22300, "name": "Earth pit", "path": "Grave Characteristics > Grave Construction > Earth pit"}, {"id": 22309, "name": "Flat grave", "path": "Grave Characteristics > Grave Construction > Flat grave"}]}, "type": "Feature"}, {"burials": [{"finds": [{"id": 97955, "properties": {"description": "Two ceramic sherds found above/next respectively under the burial. Both lost without a trace.\r\n\r\n", "maintype": {"id": 26294, "name": "Pottery", "parent_id": 187110, "path": "Artifact > Cultural Object > Container > Pottery", "systemtype": "artifact"}, "material": [{"id": 26561, "name": "Ceramic", "path": "Material > Geological > Clay > Ceramic", "value": "0.0"}], "name": "G213S1F01", "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"id": 23446, "name": "Lower Body", "path": "Position of Find in Grave > Lower Body"}]}}], "id": 75345, "properties": {"description": "Child aged 6-24 months (infans 1). Probably supine position. Oriented: NW-SE. Bones mostly fragmented and dislocated. Burial is laying next to a small palisade ditch.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "311.0"}], "maintype": {"id": 26519, "name": "Skeleton", "parent_id": 26516, "path": "Stratigraphic unit > Burial (strat Unit) > Skeleton", "systemtype": "stratigraphic_unit"}, "name": "G213S1", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "268", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"description": "years", "id": 117200, "name": "maximum age", "path": "Absolute Age > maximum age", "value": "2.0"}, {"description": "years", "id": 117199, "name": "minimum age", "path": "Absolute Age > minimum age", "value": "0.5"}, {"description": "[0,6.9]", "id": 22279, "name": "Infans I", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Age > Child > Infans I-II > Infans I"}, {"id": 128052, "name": "Supine position", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > General > Supine position"}, {"description": "Possible result of anthropological sex determination. In this context, undetermined means that not enough bone material or specific features were preserved to carry out a sex determination (unlike indifferent, where the preserved features were neither clearly male nor female).", "id": 22375, "name": "undetermined", "path": "Sex and Gender > Sex > undetermined"}]}}], "files": [{"file_name": "42740.jpg", "id": 42740, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_38549", "reference": "Taf. 42", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "geometry": {"coordinates": [[[15.643388378, 48.586852761], [15.643389844, 48.586853038], [15.643391018, 48.586853315], [15.643391772, 48.586853565], [15.643392024, 48.586854202], [15.643391227, 48.586854923], [15.643389886, 48.586855588], [15.643388671, 48.586856171], [15.643387581, 48.586856919], [15.643385947, 48.586857751], [15.643384396, 48.586858361], [15.643382636, 48.586858887], [15.64338054, 48.586858943], [15.643379283, 48.586858998], [15.643378696, 48.586858749], [15.643378193, 48.586858139], [15.643378235, 48.586857501], [15.643378654, 48.58685678], [15.643379325, 48.586855893], [15.643380289, 48.586854978], [15.643381798, 48.586854424], [15.643383432, 48.586853703], [15.643384815, 48.586853343], [15.643386031, 48.586852927], [15.643387078, 48.586852511], [15.643388378, 48.586852761]]], "type": "Polygon"}, "id": 57149, "parent": 50505, "properties": {"description": "Grave pit hardly visible. Possibly bordered by several stones found in the surrounding of the pit.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 118730, "name": "Azimuth", "path": "Dimensions > Azimuth", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "111"}, {"id": 148713, "name": "Nearest Neighbour", "path": "Dimensions > Distance > Nearest Neighbour", "unit": "m", "value": "1.14"}, {"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "311.0"}], "maintype": {"id": 26205, "name": "Single Grave", "parent_id": 26204, "path": "Feature > Grave > Single Grave", "systemtype": "feature"}, "name": "Grave 213", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "268", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"id": 22309, "name": "Flat grave", "path": "Grave Characteristics > Grave Construction > Flat grave"}]}, "type": "Feature"}, {"burials": [{"id": 79291, "properties": {"description": "Child aged approx. 8 years (infans 2). Oriented: NW-SE. Skull tilted to the right and downwards. Bones slightly dislocated due to the sinking of the pit underneath the burial. Lower extremities not preserved.\r\nNo grave goods.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "306.0"}], "maintype": {"id": 26519, "name": "Skeleton", "parent_id": 26516, "path": "Stratigraphic unit > Burial (strat Unit) > Skeleton", "systemtype": "stratigraphic_unit"}, "name": "G214S1", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "268", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"description": "years", "id": 117200, "name": "maximum age", "path": "Absolute Age > maximum age", "value": "8.0"}, {"description": "years", "id": 117199, "name": "minimum age", "path": "Absolute Age > minimum age", "value": "8.0"}, {"description": "[7,13.9]", "id": 22280, "name": "Infans II", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Age > Child > Infans I-II > Infans II"}, {"id": 128052, "name": "Supine position", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > General > Supine position"}, {"description": "Possible result of anthropological sex determination. In this context, undetermined means that not enough bone material or specific features were preserved to carry out a sex determination (unlike indifferent, where the preserved features were neither clearly male nor female).", "id": 22375, "name": "undetermined", "path": "Sex and Gender > Sex > undetermined"}]}}], "files": [{"file_name": "42741.jpg", "id": 42741, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_38553", "reference": "Taf. 42", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "geometry": {"coordinates": [[[15.643273629, 48.586948022], [15.643275211, 48.58694737], [15.643276154, 48.586947038], [15.643277055, 48.586946788], [15.643277904, 48.586946296], [15.643278407, 48.586945943], [15.64327869, 48.586945471], [15.643278742, 48.586945063], [15.643278679, 48.586944716], [15.643278407, 48.586944404], [15.643277935, 48.586944065], [15.643277296, 48.586943857], [15.643276584, 48.586943808], [15.643275463, 48.58694387], [15.64327474, 48.586944051], [15.64327408, 48.586944584], [15.643273504, 48.586945014], [15.643272906, 48.586945562], [15.643272215, 48.586945991], [15.643271293, 48.586946317], [15.643270507, 48.586946677], [15.643269973, 48.586947169], [15.643269857, 48.586947668], [15.643269815, 48.586948216], [15.643269983, 48.586948562], [15.643270276, 48.58694877], [15.64327079, 48.586948881], [15.64327124, 48.586948784], [15.643272026, 48.586948556], [15.643273629, 48.586948022]]], "type": "Polygon"}, "id": 63131, "parent": 50505, "properties": {"description": "Grave pit hardly visible. Lower body of the burial is disturbed by a small pit (60 c 52 cm) without any assignable finds. Grave pit was deepend into a round deepening filled with small and big stones in the area of the upper body.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 118730, "name": "Azimuth", "path": "Dimensions > Azimuth", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "110"}, {"id": 148713, "name": "Nearest Neighbour", "path": "Dimensions > Distance > Nearest Neighbour", "unit": "m", "value": "2.14"}, {"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "306.0"}, {"id": 26191, "name": "Diameter", "path": "Dimensions > Diameter", "unit": "cm", "value": "23.0"}], "maintype": {"id": 26205, "name": "Single Grave", "parent_id": 26204, "path": "Feature > Grave > Single Grave", "systemtype": "feature"}, "name": "Grave 214", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "268", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"id": 22309, "name": "Flat grave", "path": "Grave Characteristics > Grave Construction > Flat grave"}]}, "type": "Feature"}, {"burials": [{"id": 78503, "properties": {"description": "Child aged 3-6 months. Grave pit oriented: NW-SE/SE-NW. Only two long bones preserved.\r\nNo grave goods.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "302.0"}], "maintype": {"id": 26519, "name": "Skeleton", "parent_id": 26516, "path": "Stratigraphic unit > Burial (strat Unit) > Skeleton", "systemtype": "stratigraphic_unit"}, "name": "G215S1", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "269", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"description": "[0,6.9]", "id": 22279, "name": "Infans I", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Age > Child > Infans I-II > Infans I"}, {"description": "Possible result of anthropological sex determination. In this context, undetermined means that not enough bone material or specific features were preserved to carry out a sex determination (unlike indifferent, where the preserved features were neither clearly male nor female).", "id": 22375, "name": "undetermined", "path": "Sex and Gender > Sex > undetermined"}]}}], "files": [{"file_name": "42742.jpg", "id": 42742, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_38556", "reference": "Taf. 41", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "geometry": {"coordinates": [[[15.64329253, 48.586915192], [15.643292048, 48.586915039], [15.643291587, 48.58691479], [15.643290917, 48.586914277], [15.643290246, 48.586913792], [15.643289702, 48.586913334], [15.643289743, 48.586913099], [15.643290582, 48.586912586], [15.643291965, 48.586911809], [15.643293851, 48.586911227], [15.643295401, 48.586910451], [15.643296365, 48.586910049], [15.643297518, 48.586909633], [15.643298503, 48.586909259], [15.643299026, 48.586909245], [15.643299697, 48.586909328], [15.643300095, 48.586909869], [15.643300787, 48.58691052], [15.643301164, 48.58691095], [15.643300619, 48.586911588], [15.643299173, 48.586912544], [15.64329735, 48.586913112], [15.643295317, 48.586913972], [15.643293725, 48.586914804], [15.643293201, 48.586915053], [15.64329253, 48.586915192]]], "type": "Polygon"}, "id": 57155, "parent": 50505, "properties": {"description": "Almost rectangular grave pit, slightly cut into the rock. Bordered with one stone.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "302.0"}, {"id": 15679, "name": "Height", "path": "Dimensions > Height", "unit": "cm", "value": "6.0"}, {"id": 26189, "name": "Length", "path": "Dimensions > Length", "unit": "cm", "value": "83.0"}, {"id": 26188, "name": "Width", "path": "Dimensions > Width", "unit": "cm", "value": "32.0"}, {"id": 148713, "name": "Nearest Neighbour", "path": "Dimensions > Distance > Nearest Neighbour", "unit": "m", "value": "2.2"}, {"id": 118730, "name": "Azimuth", "path": "Dimensions > Azimuth", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "113"}], "maintype": {"id": 26205, "name": "Single Grave", "parent_id": 26204, "path": "Feature > Grave > Single Grave", "systemtype": "feature"}, "name": "Grave 215", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "269", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"id": 22299, "name": "Cut in rock", "path": "Grave Characteristics > Grave Construction > Cut in rock"}, {"id": 22300, "name": "Earth pit", "path": "Grave Characteristics > Grave Construction > Earth pit"}, {"id": 22309, "name": "Flat grave", "path": "Grave Characteristics > Grave Construction > Flat grave"}]}, "type": "Feature"}, {"burials": [{"finds": [{"files": [{"file_name": "42744.jpg", "id": 42744, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_38562", "reference": "Taf. 42/2", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "id": 97961, "properties": {"description": "Rod-tanged knife made out of iron (length 10,7 cm, length tang 1,8 cm, width 1,4 cm, width blade 1 cm, thickness 0,55 cm, width back 0,25 cm, width tang 0,3 cm). Heavily fragmented. Cross-section of blade triangular, cross-section of tang slightly triangular. Transition between tang and back continuously. Back of knife straight and tilted in a round fashion towards the tip. Transition between tang and blade oblique. Blade rolling very slightly towards the tip. Wooden remains preserved on the blade.\r\nFound on the inside of the left upper arm.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26189, "name": "Length", "path": "Dimensions > Length", "unit": "cm", "value": "10.7"}, {"id": 26190, "name": "Thickness", "path": "Dimensions > Thickness", "unit": "cm", "value": "0.55"}, {"id": 26188, "name": "Width", "path": "Dimensions > Width", "unit": "cm", "value": "1.4"}], "maintype": {"id": 26245, "name": "Rod-Tanged Knife", "parent_id": 26244, "path": "Artifact > Cultural Object > Equipment > Knife > Rod-Tanged Knife", "systemtype": "artifact"}, "material": [{"id": 26540, "name": "Iron", "path": "Material > Metal > Iron", "value": "0.0"}], "name": "G216S1F01", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "269", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"id": 23476, "name": "Upper Arm left", "path": "Position of Find in Grave > Upper Body > Upper Extremities > Arm left > Upper Arm left"}]}}, {"files": [{"file_name": "42745.jpg", "id": 42745, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_38564", "reference": "Taf. 42/1", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "id": 103665, "properties": {"description": "Iron needle, slightly bent and fragmented.\r\nFound next to the right upper arm.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26189, "name": "Length", "path": "Dimensions > Length", "unit": "cm", "value": "3.6"}, {"id": 26190, "name": "Thickness", "path": "Dimensions > Thickness", "unit": "cm", "value": "0.1"}], "maintype": {"id": 26250, "name": "Needle", "parent_id": 26223, "path": "Artifact > Cultural Object > Equipment > Needle", "systemtype": "artifact"}, "material": [{"id": 26540, "name": "Iron", "path": "Material > Metal > Iron", "value": "0.0"}], "name": "G216S1F02", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "269", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"id": 23477, "name": "Upper Arm right", "path": "Position of Find in Grave > Upper Body > Upper Extremities > Arm right > Upper Arm right"}]}}, {"id": 102865, "properties": {"description": "Flint stone. Lost without a trace. Found in the pelvic region.\r\n\r\n", "maintype": {"id": 26237, "name": "Flint", "parent_id": 26235, "path": "Artifact > Cultural Object > Equipment > Firemaking Equipment > Flint", "systemtype": "artifact"}, "material": [{"id": 26553, "name": "Stone", "path": "Material > Geological > Stone", "value": "0.0"}], "name": "G216S1F03", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "269", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"id": 23461, "name": "Pelvis", "path": "Position of Find in Grave > Pelvis"}]}}], "id": 75351, "properties": {"description": "Mature-senile male (50-70 years). Oriented: NW-SE. Skull slightly tipped to its right side, lower jaw fell down. Many bones of the upper body and pelvis fragmented. Burial partly placed directly on the bedrock.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "307.0"}], "maintype": {"id": 26519, "name": "Skeleton", "parent_id": 26516, "path": "Stratigraphic unit > Burial (strat Unit) > Skeleton", "systemtype": "stratigraphic_unit"}, "name": "G216S1", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "269", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"description": "years", "id": 117200, "name": "maximum age", "path": "Absolute Age > maximum age", "value": "70.0"}, {"description": "years", "id": 117199, "name": "minimum age", "path": "Absolute Age > minimum age", "value": "50.0"}, {"description": "[40,100]", "id": 22287, "name": "Matur-Senil", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Age > Grown up > Matur-Senil"}, {"id": 128067, "name": "Left arm stretched", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Arms > Left arm stretched"}, {"id": 128068, "name": "Right arm stretched", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Arms > Right arm stretched"}, {"id": 128052, "name": "Supine position", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > General > Supine position"}, {"id": 128084, "name": "Left hand next to the body", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Hands > Left hand next to the body"}, {"id": 128086, "name": "Right hand on the pelvis", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Hands > Right hand on the pelvis"}, {"id": 130398, "name": "Right hand on the thigh", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Hands > Right hand on the thigh"}, {"id": 128060, "name": "On the right side", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Head > On the right side"}, {"id": 128062, "name": "Left leg stretched", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Legs > Left leg stretched"}, {"id": 128103, "name": "Right leg stretched", "path": "Burial Characteristics > Body Posture > Legs > Right leg stretched"}, {"id": 25, "name": "Male", "path": "Sex and Gender > Sex > Male"}]}}], "files": [{"file_name": "42743.jpg", "id": 42743, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "JB_38559", "reference": "Taf. 42", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "geometry": {"coordinates": [[[15.643392778, 48.586868285], [15.643394077, 48.58686726], [15.643395963, 48.586866511], [15.643397975, 48.586866095], [15.643400657, 48.586864792], [15.643402585, 48.586863905], [15.643404974, 48.586862935], [15.643406692, 48.586862214], [15.643408494, 48.586861327], [15.643410129, 48.586860273], [15.643411512, 48.586859414], [15.643412853, 48.586858582], [15.643413817, 48.586858167], [15.64341147, 48.586857668], [15.643409374, 48.586857252], [15.643407195, 48.586856836], [15.643405686, 48.586856531], [15.643404303, 48.586856171], [15.643403213, 48.586856004], [15.643401705, 48.586856392], [15.643400196, 48.586856891], [15.643398729, 48.586857473], [15.643397514, 48.586858139], [15.643396047, 48.586858721], [15.643394496, 48.586859691], [15.643392988, 48.586860273], [15.643391227, 48.586860689], [15.643389593, 48.586861355], [15.643387623, 48.586861909], [15.64338624, 48.58686263], [15.643385486, 48.586863628], [15.64338536, 48.586865069], [15.643385276, 48.586865846], [15.643385276, 48.586866927], [15.643385528, 48.586867481], [15.643386198, 48.58686798], [15.64338733, 48.586868535], [15.643388336, 48.586868784], [15.643389593, 48.586869256], [15.643390347, 48.586869422], [15.643390976, 48.58686956], [15.64339173, 48.586869533], [15.643392066, 48.586869006], [15.643392778, 48.586868285]]], "type": "Polygon"}, "id": 57161, "parent": 50505, "properties": {"description": "Rectangular grave pit with rounded corners, cut into the rock. few small stones along the edges. Southeastern end undocumented due to trench's profile.\r\n\r\n", "dimensions": [{"id": 148713, "name": "Nearest Neighbour", "path": "Dimensions > Distance > Nearest Neighbour", "unit": "m", "value": "1.14"}, {"id": 118730, "name": "Azimuth", "path": "Dimensions > Azimuth", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "112"}, {"id": 26192, "name": "Degrees", "path": "Dimensions > Degrees", "unit": "\u00b0", "value": "307.0"}, {"id": 15679, "name": "Height", "path": "Dimensions > Height", "unit": "cm", "value": "41.0"}, {"id": 26189, "name": "Length", "path": "Dimensions > Length", "unit": "cm", "value": "205.0"}, {"id": 26188, "name": "Width", "path": "Dimensions > Width", "unit": "cm", "value": "80.0"}], "maintype": {"id": 26205, "name": "Single Grave", "parent_id": 26204, "path": "Feature > Grave > Single Grave", "systemtype": "feature"}, "name": "Grave 216", "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "reference": "269", "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"id": 22299, "name": "Cut in rock", "path": "Grave Characteristics > Grave Construction > Cut in rock"}, {"id": 22300, "name": "Earth pit", "path": "Grave Characteristics > Grave Construction > Earth pit"}, {"id": 22309, "name": "Flat grave", "path": "Grave Characteristics > Grave Construction > Flat grave"}]}, "type": "Feature"}], "name": "Thunau Obere Holzwiese", "properties": {"center": {"coordinates": [15.643271526, 48.586736121], "type": "Point"}, "description": "In the area of Obere Holzwiese 215 inhumation burials were documented in different excavations. The cemetery ranges from the (later) 8th c. to the (early) 10th c.\r\n", "externalreference": [{"description": "Geographical database covering all countries and many places.", "id": 155980, "name": "GeoNames", "url": "https://www.geonames.org/2763660"}, {"id": 116288, "name": "Website EPub", "url": "http://austriaca.at/8066-1inhalt?frames=yes"}, {"id": 116289, "name": "Nowotny 2018 EPub", "url": "https://doi.org/10.2307/j.ctv8xnfjn"}], "files": [{"description": "imageBounds = [[48.58709, 15.64294], [48.58653, 15.64356]]", "file_name": "112760.png", "id": 112760, "license": "Bildzitat", "name": "thunau_modified", "reference": "22", "source": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "maintype": {"id": 22378, "name": "Inhumation Cemetery", "parent_id": 5083, "path": "Place > Burial Site > Cemetery > Inhumation Cemetery", "systemtype": "place"}, "radiocarbon": {"combined_children_samples": ["VERA4610 : 1092 \u00b1 36", "VERA-4607 : 1093 \u00b1 40", "VERA4608 : 1127 \u00b1 35", "VERA4613 : 1180 \u00b1 35", "VERA2284 : 1243 \u00b1 37", "VERA4481 : 1078 \u00b1 38", "VERA4609 : 1196 \u00b1 37", "VERA4612 : 1208 \u00b1 38", "VERA4611 : 1161 \u00b1 39", "VERA4606 : 1215 \u00b1 37", "VERA2283 : 1225 \u00b1 36"]}, "references": [{"abbreviation": "Nowotny 2018", "id": 112759, "title": "Elisabeth Nowotny, Thunau am Kamp - Das fr\u00fchmittelalterliche Gr\u00e4berfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Karina Gr\u00f6mer, Martin Je\u017eek, Mathias Mehofer, Erich Nau, Gabriela Ru\u00df-Popa und Sirin Uzunoglu-Obenaus. Mitteilungen der Pr\u00e4historischen Kommission 87 (Wien 2018).\r\n\r\n"}], "timespan": {"begin_from": 750, "begin_to": 750, "end_from": 950, "end_to": 950}, "types": [{"description": "Medieval Cemeteries at the Periphery of the Carolingian World (MEDCEM) focuses on the currently widely discussed and promising topic of societies on the eastern periphery of the Frankish Empire. Grave finds in the context of West Slavic populations are a key source for addressing related issues. MEDCEM is therefore progressively collecting the available information and publishing it as digital data in a form corresponding to current best practice. Regionally, the project focuses on the Czech Republic and Austria, but gradually it is desirable to involve all regions of the eastern part of Central Europe.\r\n\r\nhttps://thanados.net/about/medcem", "id": 181740, "name": "MEDCEM", "path": "Case Study > MEDCEM"}, {"description": "THANADOS is a Digital Humanities research project on archaeologically and anthropologically investigated burials. The project started in June 2019. The region under study is present day Austria and the period dealt with are the Early Middle Ages (600 until 1100 AD).\r\nNew sites are added continuously. It provides an online repository of all hitherto published Early Medieval cemeteries from the area of present day Austria.\r\n\r\nhttps://thanados.net/about/thanados", "id": 181731, "name": "THANADOS", "path": "Case Study > THANADOS"}, {"description": "AT", "id": 184895, "name": "Austria", "path": "Country > Austria"}, {"id": 5099, "name": "Excavation", "path": "Evidence > Archaeology > Excavation"}]}, "site_id": 50505, "type": "FeatureCollection"}